Lizzy's First Seeding Day by eroticdemotic,eroticdemotic

Well, we’ve got incest of various varieties, impregnation from said incest, loss of virginity, size kink, and an orgy with the resulting exhibitionism/voyeurism.

For reference:

Lizzy, 18

Kate – Lizzy’s mom, 38

Joe – Lizzy’s dad, 38

Martin – Lizzy’s uncle, Kate’s brother, 39

Nancy – Lizzy’s aunt, Martin’s wife, 41

Rob – Lizzy’s grandpa, Kate’s dad, 59

Hope you enjoy!

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“Lizzy, honey– You’ve really got to get out of bed! Your aunt and uncle will be here soon.”

Kate rolled her eyes as Joe — her husband– yelled to their daughter. “She’s such a teenager,” she chuckled.

“Oh, absolutely. But come on, don’t tease her today: it’s a big day for her.”

Footsteps sounded, and Lizzy soon entered the kitchen.

“Geez, stop yelling. I’m awake! I was just getting ready.”

It was clear Lizzy was telling the truth: her blonde hair was damp from a recent shower, tugged over one shoulder. It was long, hanging down below her breast, and usually tied back in a ponytail that swung when she walked.

Lizzy was small in nearly every way — short, nearly flat-chested — except one: she had muscular legs and a round, firm ass courtesy of years as a cheerleader.

“Good,” Kate said. “We’ve got to get ready.”

Joe and Kate had been together since high school; they had Lizzy soon after they graduated.

Kate was just below average height, though still taller than her daughter. Her hair was the same shade of shiny blonde, but it was cropped to her chin. She was just on the edge of overweight, but the curves sat well on her, giving her wide hips and that same round rear.

Joe patted this very ass as he brushed by his wife, earning himself another eye roll. He was a lean man, bordering on scrawny, with ginger curls that he kept gelled into neatness.

“Are you ready for today, Lizzy?” he asked.

The teen bobbed her head in a nod. “Yes, daddy. I’m ready. I’m so happy I’m old enough to join seeding day this year!”

“You’re lucky your birthday is when it is,” her mom agreed. No family member was allowed to participate in seeding day until they were an adult, of course; in fact, any children of the host were sent away for the weekend. Lizzy had turned eighteen a mere week before.

“When will everyone be here?” Lizzy said, impatient. “I want to get started!”

This got her laughs from both parents. “Soon, honey,” Kate said. “I’m sure they’re close. But Lizzy–” Her mother paused.

“What is it, mom?”

“I just want you to remember that most years no one catches, and that’s okay. That’s why we have seeding day every year, okay? So I don’t want you to be disappointed if you don’t have a baby this time around.”

Lizzy shrugged. “Yeah, yeah, fine. But I’m going to get pregnant today. I can just feel it!”

Joe laughed again: “Now that’s the spirit.”

Even Kate was grinning softly at her daughter’s obvious excitement. “I’m proud of you, Lizzy,” she said.

“Me too,” Joe added. “In fact, honey, I kind of hope you pick my paper.”

A third eye roll from Kate at that, this one the biggest.

Martin and Nancy arrived around 15 minutes later, knocking twice in quick succession.

“They’re here!” Lizzy cheered, already up and skidding toward the door.

Kate followed closely behind and immediately pulled her brother into a hug.

“Heya, sis,” Martin said, grinning.

“Hi, Martin. It’s so good to see you.”

Lizzy hugged him next. She saw Uncle Martin a few times a year, but it was always nice; she liked him a lot. He was much taller than everyone else in their family — as they liked to joke: “well, at least we got one” — but otherwise looked a lot like her mom and, therefore, her.

“You’re all grown up, huh, Lizzy?” he said, holding her at arm’s length to look at her.

Lizzy just beamed at him.

“It’s so wonderful to see you here today,” Nancy agreed from behind her husband.

Nancy had dark, rich skin and darker hair, which was braided tightly. She wore glasses, bright red frames that exactly matched the red of her lipstick. But Lizzy found her gaze caught on where Nancy’s chest seemed to be threatening to split her shirt open. Her breasts were huge, and as Nancy reached to pull her niece into an embrace, they got pushed together and up, making them look even bigger.

How had she never noticed those before?, she wondered.

Lizzy turned to see that her dad had walked in from the kitchen. He was standing by the side, awaiting his turn for a reunion, but also very clearly staring at the magnificent tits before him. Lizzy smiled.

Rob arrived a half hour later, apologizing for the traffic as he entered.

“Hey, dad,” Kate greeted. “Glad you made it.”

Rob laughed: “Ha, ‘course I did. You know I wouldn’t miss seeding day. Especially since–” He paused, looking from side to side.

Kate knew exactly who her dad was looking for. “Lizzy!” she called. “Your grandpa’s here!”

The teen appeared around the corner, smiling. “Grandpa!”

She had not seen her grandfather in several years, but he was just as she remembered: an unassuming man, dirty blond hair heavily flecked by grey, with a beard that he kept trimmed short.

“There she is!” Rob whooped.

The commotion drew the rest of the family, and they all exchanged hugs and greetings.

“So how are you feeling? Nervous?” Rob asked his granddaughter.

She shrugged lightly. “I’m ready! But, uh, yeah… I’m a little nervous.”

He nodded in understanding. “That’s very normal, sweetheart. But I can tell you’ve grown into a lovely woman.”

Then something new happened: her grandpa gave her a long, hard look, scanning from the tip of her head down to her feet. Lizzy had never had someone look at her like that, so openly appraising. He licked his lips.

“Are you still a cheerleader, Lizzy?”

“Well, I guess so, but the season’s over, and I graduate kind of soon.”

“I bet all the boys are sad about that, you know. They’re probably going to miss staring at your ass all day.”

Joe, standing nearby, tutted at that, though he grinned. “Hey, Rob, remember: the only guy who can stare at Lizzy’s ass is me!”

“Is that so? That might change soon,” Rob replied.

Lizzy sighed: “Daddy, grandpa, stop it!”

Lizzy wasn’t sure what happened now. She knew plenty about seeding day: her parents sat her down on her recent birthday and explained the tradition. They told her that the goal was pregnancy, that the partners were random, and that it happened yearly to maximize the chances that one of the oft-taboo pairings would successfully create new life.

And they told her that participation was never mandatory, that no one would think differently, that she could leave at any time. That had gotten an audible scoff out of Lizzy: “What? No! I want to go to seeding day.”

None of the conversations contained details about this, though, the awkward in-between. They were all present, but they were all dressed.

As if Rob were reading her mind, he spoke: “Kate, mind if I kick us off?”

Lizzy didn’t remember ever seeing her mom giggle like that, shoulders up and cheeks flushed, almost embarrassed. But that was exactly what she saw then, as her mom nodded.

Rob stepped up to his daughter and reached for the hem of her shirt, quickly pulling it over her head and tossing it to the side. Kate wasn’t wearing anything underneath the tee, so her chest was bare.

Lizzy’s eyes grew wide.

“Lizzy?” she heard, turning to see her dad beside her. “Can I be the first to help you?”

Her heart was pounding. She nodded, and her dad repeated Rob’s gesture, throwing Lizzy’s shirt aside somewhere. He unclipped her bra after.

“Can I–” Lizzy started, but she found she couldn’t speak.

“Would you like to take mine off too?” Joe finished for her.

Lizzy didn’t answer, just reached for her dad’s top button and began working her way down.

When she finished, Joe spoke again: “Would you like to take my pants off too?”

Lizzy looked around: her mom was tugging down Martin’s pants as Rob helped Nancy. She could only see her grandpa’s back, but he appeared to be fully undressed already.

“Okay,” she said.

She tugged down her father’s plaid pajamas without looking. It felt too soon, too much, to see her father’s cock.

What if it was hard? What if it Lizzy — his own daughter — had done that to him, made him stiffen?

Or worse, almost: what if she hadn’t? What if her own family found her unappealing?

So she looked over her dad’s shoulder instead, which meant she didn’t see — but instead felt — her dad’s hands pull down her own shorts. She stepped out of them.

The room suddenly seemed to get quiet.

“Well,” Kate said, the single word echoing through the silence. A beat, then: “It looks like we’re ready to get started.”

It started with the men sitting in a row on the couch. The women kneeled before them.

Lizzy was in front of Martin. He was already fully hard, and his cock pointed downward a bit, so it was sticking straight at her wide eyes, and she licked her lips.

It was nice: average size but veiny with a thick tip. That was where she started: she licked across his slit, tasting a drip of saltiness on her tongue.

Martin groaned.

Lizzy had never done this before, but she found it came naturally: she grasped her uncle with one hand as her lips closed over him.

She glanced to the side to see her mother lick up her daddy’s whole cock. And– Wow. The motion seemed to take forever, because her daddy’s cock was long. Very long.

She was glad she didn’t look earlier. That might have scared her.

It stuck almost to his belly button, with a thick patch of hair at the base. Her mom stacked both hands around his length, and there was still plenty left for her to take into her mouth.

Lizzy moaned around Martin’s cock. She tried to lean forward to see her aunt and grandpa too, but she couldn’t. That would have to wait.

After a minute, there was a beeping sound. Lizzy had forgotten about the timer they had set; she had been thoroughly distracted by the grunts her uncle made each time she stroked him.

The women shifted over a spot, and Lizzy found herself staring directly at her dad’s cock.

Lizzy didn’t hesitate. She copied her mom, licked him from base to tip. Her dad’s hand tangled into her hair and tugged until her eyes rose to meet his.

The angle wasn’t new, nor was the expression she wore: one of want. This position, with Lizzy staring pleadingly up at her dad, was a tableau they had recreated many times throughout her life. It happened any time she wanted something.

“Please, daddy?” she would beg. Lizzy — shorter than her dad, of course — would look up at him with a pout, and Joe would always end up giving in.

The only difference now was that Lizzy couldn’t beg because her mouth was stuffed full of cock, head bobbing up and down.

It was quite nearly too much for the man; Joe almost came right then. But he was saved by the second trill of the timer.

“Fuck,” he sighed. “Wow.”

Lizzy smiled.

Then she shifted over one more spot, and her smile faded. She wished she had leaned forward a bit more earlier, if only to give herself more time to mentally prepare. Because now, staring at her grandpa’s gigantic cock, she wasn’t quite sure what to do. It turned out not knowing was worse after all.

Lizzy heard her mom giggle, and she turned to see Kate shaking her head in amusement.

“Like what you see?” her mom asked.

Lizzy shivered.

“I don’t think I can–” she started, and her grandpa interrupted her with a shh.

“Just try your best, sweetheart. You can do it.”

Lizzy stared at the pole before her for another long moment. She glanced down at her own arm: Rob’s cock was both thicker and longer than her forearm, it seemed.

Her grandpa was not a large man either, so it appeared even more out of place, shooting out from between narrow thighs.

Lizzy swallowed.

She reached for her grandpa’s length with one hand and found that she was not even close to grasping him all the way around. She placed her other hand right above and began stroking with both.

She kissed the tip of him, and he sighed, and then she spread her lips. It was nearly painful, opening her mouth wide enough to simply take in an inch. She moaned, but the sound came out garbled.

The timer sounded again.

The men stood, and their cocks stuck proudly out. Lizzy couldn’t believe she just sucked all three.

She stood woozily — dizzy, almost, with arousal now — and sat where her dad had just been on the couch. Nancy and Kate followed.

“Spread your legs, honey,” Kate whispered to her daughter.

Lizzy did, immediately feeling exposed. Both other women had thick thighs and dark pink pussies thatched with coarse hair, slick and soaking already.

Lizzy felt so small compared to them. Her legs were muscular but youthful. Her pussy was small and bare, her clit peeking out from between her folds. She was wet too, but it seemed different somehow.

A thought occurred to her: both of the other women had kids. Their pussies had spread for cocks, yes, but also babies. No wonder they seemed so much more mature!

That was reassuring: Lizzy would be like them soon. She just needed to be bred.

Her grandpa kneeled in front of her first, and he pushed her knees further apart to lean between them.

His hands were rough, calloused with age, and his grip felt strong on her thighs. She stared at him, unblinking.

She felt his beard first. It tickled. Then his tongue darted out to taste her, and she was squirming for a different reason entirely.

Her favorite thing to do with her grandpa as a kid was always going out for ice cream. He often let her order a scoop in a waffle cone — an extra special treat — as long as she promised to share.

So Lizzy would take the first taste and hand the cone over to her grandpa. That’s what she was imagining now: the way his tongue used to swipe out and lap up the ice cream, the way he’d hum like every flavor was the most delicious one he had ever tasted.

He licked her pussy just like that. He even hummed the same. She felt her body tensing, and then–


Lizzy groaned.

Her uncle Martin kneeled before her next.

She really did like Martin. He had a son, her cousin Danny, who was off at college. Martin used to play with them often during the summer, helping the pair build a treehouse, teaching them how to launch bottle rockets into the air.

Martin sucked her clit, and her back arched instinctively.

“Wh–Whoa,” she gasped.

Kate chuckled again from next to her. “Go easy on her,” she said to her brother.

Lizzy felt Martin smile against her pussy. He didn’t listen: he sucked her again and again.

The timer went off, and Lizzy’s heart pounded. There was only one man left.

Joe — her father — sat slowly in front of her. He didn’t lean in immediately; instead, her daddy reached out with his fingers first.

He rubbed her folds lightly, spreading her ample wetness. Lizzy whimpered: how was it possible that this gentle touch felt better than all the previous licking combined?

A long moan came from next to her. She looked over, breath catching in her throat: her mommy had her head thrown back against the cushion and both hands in her own father’s hair.

Rob kept thrusting his tongue against her, and Kate moaned again, and then she came. Lizzy knew that was what she was seeing: her mommy pushed her hips upward and squeezed her eyes shut, and it was clear she was flooding her own dad’s mouth with her juices.

That was exactly when Joe moved. He took Lizzy’s clit into his mouth and pushed two bent fingers up into her at the same time.

Lizzy squealed: “Daddy!”

Joe didn’t even pause: he sucked and thrust, sucked and thrust, until Lizzy was wiggling to push her pussy harder into his mouth. Her hands gripped the fabric of the couch.

“Oh, Joe, she’s close,” Lizzy heard Kate murmur. Kate reached out to grasp her daughter’s hand.

“Come on, honey. Can you cum for your daddy?”

“Mhmm,” Lizzy managed. She was panting now, whimpering on each inhale. “‘m gonna–”

She came with a cry, squeezing her mom’s hand hard as her thighs shook.

“Such a pretty girl,” Kate cooed.

Joe didn’t pull back fully even when Lizzy stopped shaking. Rather, he rubbed his hands gently up and down her thighs and softly kissed her folds over and over until Nancy came too at last. Her dad’s touch was tender, and it made Lizzy a little dizzy.

Lizzy thought it was a funny sight: the three women, limp after their orgasms, and the three men, cocks sticking straight out.

Rob walked away and returned with a cup.

“The papers,” he said, needlessly. They all knew — even Lizzy — that the choosing had always been done this way. An old-fashioned method for an old tradition.

The eldest woman always picked first: Kate drew a slip. She opened it with an almost nervous laugh.

“Martin,” Kate said. Her brother. Martin smiled, wide eyed and a little disbelieving.

Nancy drew next. “Joe,” she read. Lizzy watched her daddy nod.

But– Wait. Lizzy swallowed.

There was one slip of paper left, but she took it anyway. She needed to read it to confirm what she already knew.

The slip said “Rob,” as Lizzy knew it would. Instead of saying that, however, she whispered, “Grandpa.”

She thought she was ready. She swore she was ready.

She looked at her grandpa’s length. She wasn’t ready.

Lizzy was frozen for a while. She wanted this, she told herself. And it was true: she did.

She had an idea: “Grandpa?” she asked, barely above a whisper. Like voicing this might be wrong, despite what they were about to do. “Can I maybe sit on you? So we can go slow?”

Rob nodded. “Of course, sweetheart. You can take me however you’d like.”

She felt a bit calmer at that: good. Phew. Thank goodness her grandpa was here to take care of her. He was a wonderful man.

She stood and let him sit, and she took another moment to simply stare at the pole that would soon be stuffed inside her.

Joe placed his hand on his daughter’s back. “Are you okay, Lizzy? Do you need help?”

Lizzy amended her thought: she was surrounded by many wonderful men!

It was still hard for her to admit out loud that her father was right to be concerned, so instead, she nodded meekly.

“You want your mom? Or do you want me to help you?” her daddy confirmed.

Another nod, brief. “You, daddy.”


Lizzy moved to straddle her grandpa’s lap. Her breath came quickly now.

Joe stroked her hair. “Shh, honey. You’ll be okay.”

Rob leaned forward to suck one of Lizzy’s nipples; he reached one hand up to pinch the other. It was unexpected, and Lizzy gasped. A wave of want seemed to strike right up her pussy. Maybe she could do this after all, she thought.

Rob fisted his cock in one hand and pointed it slightly outward, right at Lizzy’s little hole.

“Spread yourself open, sweetheart,” he said. Lizzy obeyed, reaching down with one hand to hold her folds apart.

She started to lower herself. The tip of her grandpa’s cock hit her and didn’t move any further. It felt enormous against her.

“Oh, oh,” she panted. “Grandpa, I–”

She tried to bear down again. Nothing.

“It’s not going in. I don’t know if I– I–”

“Here, Lizzy,” she heard from behind her. Joe reached out to grasp her hips from behind. She pushed downward again, and this time — with her dad’s assistance — Lizzy felt her pussy began to stretch.

She didn’t think it was possible to feel this full, and there was barely any cock in her. She clung onto her grandpa’s shoulders as she felt herself sink further, spread wider.

“So big. Too big.”

Another feminine voice distracted her from the burn she was feeling: “oh, fuck, look at my baby,” her mom said.

Lizzy glanced over.

Her mom was bent over the nearby armchair, and Martin was pushing his whole cock into her. They were both looking back at Lizzy.

“Mm, Kate,” Martin gasped. “You must be proud. Look at your little girl, all grown up!”

Kate smiled at Lizzy lovingly. It seemed odd, that expression, given the way she was being jolted forward with every rough thrust.

“She’s doing so good,” Kate said, though it was clear she was talking to Lizzy more than Martin. “I’m so glad she gets to have her grandpa for her first time.”

Lizzy nodded a bit at that. She had more than half of her grandpa’s length in her now. Rob started to push up as Lizzy bore down.

“The only thing better,” Kate continued breathlessly, “would be if I had had a boy too. A brother for Lizzy to sit on.”

Martin grunted at that, pushing particularly hard.

“Well, sis, we can start working on that now,” he chuckled. “And then in 18 years, maybe Lizzy can give that brother his first baby.”

Kate rolled her eyes, but she moaned simultaneously, so it was clear her annoyance was feigned.

The siblings were getting louder, the slap of Martin’s balls against his sister’s clit echoing in the living room.

Lizzy stopped sinking, and she realized with a sharp breath that she had done it. She had her grandpa’s entire cock crammed up inside of her. She looked away from her mom and back at Rob.

His eyes were closed until Lizzy cupped his jaw shyly. He squinted at her, smiled, and leaned to kiss her.

He didn’t thrust hard or pull out far; he couldn’t, not with the way Lizzy had lowered herself so far onto his lap. Instead, Rob grinded back and forth and shoved every last centimeter of himself into his granddaughter again and again, determined to fill her fully and seed her deeply.

She sighed against his lips.

Joe stroked his daughter’s hair again, and Lizzy heard his quiet groan.

She pulled away from the kiss: “oh, Daddy! Your cock must hurt by now! Go, daddy. I’m okay.”

“Are you sure, honey?” her dad asked.

And Lizzy — who had been so certain only minutes ago that she would never be able to take something this size — nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “Grandpa’s got me.”

At that, Rob pushed rather hard, and Lizzy bounced up with a gasp at the force of it.

Martin whistled. “Your daughter’s got as nice of an ass as you do, sis,” he crowed. He slapped Kate’s ass, and Rob chuckled at his children.

There was a moan from the other direction then, and Lizzy turned to watch her dad slide slowly into Nancy. The first stroke seemed to take forever because of his length. Eventually, their hair met, and Lizzy could barely tell where her daddy’s cock ended and her aunt’s pussy began. Their connection seemed so deep, so endless.

Each thrust made Nancy’s breasts bounce upward, and Lizzy couldn’t look away. They were so big. They could have easily been full of milk already. But no, Lizzy thought: that was what came next.

It was so nice, the gasps and moans filling the room. Lizzy had never felt better about herself. She was an adult now, a member of the family. She was doing so well at her first seeding day.

But she didn’t want to play it safe, so Lizzy — riding the high of the successful penetration — blurted, “I want to get fucked like my mommy.”

When Rob nodded, Lizzy stood. She wasn’t expecting her pussy to feel the way it did — so wide, so empty — and she stumbled over to other side of the armchair, across from her mom and Martin.

Her grandpa followed and, having seemingly decided Lizzy was adequately stretched, poked back into her in one long stroke.

The feeling was too much for the teen: Lizzy’s upper body collapsed forward as her pussy throbbed and she came around her grandpa’s cock, and she found herself only inches away from her mother’s face.

“Mommy,” she murmured. “I didn’t know I’d be able to fit something this big in me ever.”

Kate nodded as Martin’s cock pushed her forward once again.

“Not every woman can,” Kate said. “You’re special, Lizzy.”

Lizzy was thrilled to hear this. Her pussy: special. “Does that mean I’m going to be good at having babies too?”

“I hope so, honey.”

Lizzy smiled at that, but any reply was caught in a gasp.

“How’s that young pussy, dad?” Martin chuckled.

Rob grinned back. “Fucking amazing. So fucking tight. How’s your sister?”

Martin — usually so cool, so aloof — sounded a little out of breath when he responded: “She’s so tight too. Fuck.”

Both men pushed harder then, faster, chasing their release.

“Look at your daddy go,” Kate whispered to Lizzy.

Lizzy turned to see her father pounding into Nancy. He was pulling out almost entirely with each stroke and then thrusting back hard; to Lizzy, it looked like her aunt was holding onto the carpet for dear life.

“Whoa,” Lizzy sighed. “Does daddy always fuck really hard like that?”

A giggle from Kate: “Yes, he does.”

“His cock must go so deep!”

“You can see it in Nancy’s tummy if you look.”

It took a moment for Lizzy to see what her mom was talking about, but eventually she noticed it: each time Joe thrust, a small bulge appeared bellow Nancy’s belly button. His cock was so very deep inside her.

“Whoa,” Lizzy said again.

Martin moaned loudly, drawing Lizzy’s attention back.

“I’m gonna cum,” he said. He managed two more strokes before he shoved in deep and collapsed on top of his sister. His length was fully in her, and Lizzy knew she was watching two siblings try their hardest to make a baby.

She felt her grandpa’s rhythm falter.

“Oh, fuck,” he moaned. “Fuck, my kids look so hot. Martin, my boy, you’re seeding your sister so well.”

He thrust again and then Lizzy felt it. The first spurt felt like a firehose: there wasn’t much space left in her pussy around Rob’s cock, and his cum filled all of it. And then he spurted again, and again.

She felt it squeezing out around his girth. She felt it everywhere. She knew — hoped — that most of it was staying deep within her.

She felt another yet spurt.

Kate — with Martin still bent over her, still in her — smiled in amusement at her daughter’s stunned face.

“Your grandpa makes a lot of cum,” she said. Lizzy nodded, having realized this already.

“Where’s it all going?” Lizzy asked in wonder.

“Hopefully into your womb.”

Lizzy shivered at the thought. Rob and Martin pulled out of their women but didn’t move any further than that. She glanced over to see that Joe must have finished around the same time as Rob: he had just finished seeding Nancy and was removing his own long cock.

Joe looked over to see them staring. “Your wife’s hot!” he proclaimed, and Martin laughed, a full-bellied thing.

“So is yours,” he replied.

“What now?” Lizzy asked quietly, just to her mom.

“We’re going to go to the couch. But try to be careful and quick: you don’t want all of your grandpa’s cum dripping out of you!”

Lizzy nodded: she definitely didn’t want that.

She stood and tried to move fast, but it didn’t stop seed from escaping. It felt like a waterfall pouring out of her pussy, but she knew it was only a fraction of the liquid inside her.

She collapsed onto the couch and spread her legs once again. She looked down and from side to side.

All three women were in the same position. All three had streams of white cum dripping from their holes.

Lizzy had done it: she had made it through the morning of seeding day.

That wasn’t it, of course. The family took a break, ate, and rested, but seeding day continued that evening.

The partners remained the same, but they didn’t all mate together in the living room like before.

The other two couples decided to fuck together in the master bedroom, the women laying facing each other on their sides while the men pushed into them from behind.

But Lizzy and Rob wanted to be by themselves.

Lizzy took her grandpa’s hand and led him to her bedroom. The walls were a pale pink and covered in posters: her favorite movies, musicians. One wall was adorned with pictures and trophies, achievements from her time as a cheerleader.

Her grandpa smiled: “This is most definitely the room of the Lizzy I remember. I’m glad some things have stayed the same.”

But her grandpa’s hand was rubbing up and down her side, and occasionally he ventured further, squeezing her ass for a moment.

“I’m also glad things have changed,” she replied. He nodded at that.

“You’ve grown into a lovely woman, you know.”

Lizzy smiled at Rob: she loved him deeply. “Thanks, grandpa. But not yet. You have to make me a real woman by putting a baby in me.”

They were unclothed already, so she took great pleasure in watching her grandpa’s cock stiffen at those words.

She walked over to her childhood bed and perched on the end. He followed.

“Lay back,” he said. She did. He climbed on top of her.

“Spread your legs wide, sweetheart.” She did that too.

He lined himself up, tip bumping up against her hole, and then he was in her. She flailed as he thrust hard, fingernails catching on his back and scraping down.

Once the initial assault on her pussy ceased, Lizzy realized what she had done.

“Oh, oh, I’m sorry, grandpa,” she murmured. “I didn’t mean to scratch you.”

“It’s okay,” he said. “You’re doing such a good job. It’s hard to take my whole cock, I know. You’re such a good girl.”

Lizzy shivered at her grandpa’s kind words. She wanted to hear more.

Rob did not fuck her gently this time; he settled on a punishing rhythm almost instantly, pounding into her over and over and making the headboard bang against the wall each time.

“That’s really loud. I bet my mommy and daddy can hear us,” Lizzy said.

“I hope so.”

He reached down to swipe his fingers across Lizzy’s clit, and soon she was cumming. He was so good at that, touching her, making her fall apart.

Her back arched, and amidst the pulsing of her orgasm, Lizzy wondered who else her grandfather had fucked.

Did he ever fuck her mom at a past seeding day? He likely did, Lizzy knew. He likely got to split his own daughter open and squirt his cum inside.

Was her mom able to fit him all?

“Lizzy, sweetheart,” Rob whispered, bringing her back to reality. “Lizzy, do you want my cum? Do you want a baby?”

She giggled, happy in her post-orgasmic haze. “Grandpa, you already came in me today!”

He shrugged one shoulder as best he could. “I know. But I need to make sure you want this.”

“I do, grandpa. I do.”

His eyes slid closed, like the thought was too much to bear.

“You’re so young, Lizzy. You just turned eighteen. Are you sure you’re ready?”

“I’m ready! I swear I am!” Her voice sounded almost whiny to her own ears, but she was desperate. “I want a baby, and I want my grandpa to make it in me. Don’t you want that? Don’t you want to make my tummy big?”

His cock jerked in her. “Yes. Shit, you’re going to look so pretty with my baby in your belly.”

“Really?” Lizzy asked. She was picturing it now too, the way her flat stomach would begin to swell. “You’re not just saying that, grandpa? You mean that?”

Rob’s head dropped onto his granddaughter’s shoulder. He was so close.

“Yeah, sweetie. Oh, fuck. Your body is made for this. You’ll look so big and cute, and I–”

His own words were what sent him over the edge. He shot his hips downward as Lizzy wrapped her legs around him, holding him close. And like earlier, Rob shot jet after jet of hot cum straight against the deepest part of her.

Lizzy stared at the ceiling as the wet heat filled her. She stared at one poster in particular, right at the lead singer of a band she had loved for her whole childhood. She had hung it years ago, never bothered to take it down.

It was a nice memory, she always thought, of the person she had once been as a little girl.

Now, she was changing again. She was no longer a girl in any way. Because she knew — as she felt more cum dribble into her — that she was a real woman now. She hoped, in the way only a woman could, that she was being impregnated right in that moment, eighteen, almost done with high school, with her grandfather’s cock in her.

“Don’t move,” Rob murmured. He reached over to grab a pillow, and he slid it under her hips.

“What are you doing?” Lizzy asked sleepily.

“We have to keep the cum inside you,” he explained. “We have to make sure it can all soak into your womb.”

That made sense. Lizzy liked that.

Her grandpa rolled off of her, curled close, and they slept.

Lizzy woke the next morning to cheers. She blinked groggily once, twice, before her brain began to process what was going on: her parents stood before her, at the foot of the bed, with wide grins on their faces.

“You did it!” her mom exclaimed. “Come here!”

Lizzy sat up, paused for a moment to awaken further, and then stood. She found herself smiling back.

“How do you feel?” her dad asked.

Lizzy shifted from side to side: she hadn’t felt it until she stood, but her pussy ached.

“I feel good,” she said. Her words were quiet and a bit disbelieving, so she repeated them louder: “I feel good.”

She shrugged sheepishly and added, “Except my pussy’s pretty sore.”

Kate pretended to glare at her father, who had also sat up in Lizzy’s bed.

“Thanks, dad,” Kate teased. “You ruined my daughter!”

He chuckled. “My apologies.”

Right then, the bedroom door opened again, and Nancy and Martin entered.

“Congratulations, Lizzy,” Martin said. He patted Kate on the back as he passed, a ‘thank you’ for the fucking his sister had given him the previous day.

“Are you two heading out?” Kate asked, and Nancy nodded.

“I’m glad you both could join us,” Joe said, and everyone murmured their agreement.

Nancy turned back before she left, looked at Lizzy, and winked. “Hopefully we’ll all have some good news to share soon.”

Lizzy hoped so too.

They made breakfast before Rob left. Joe cooked eggs, and Lizzy found herself thinking of the egg inside of her. Had one of her grandpa’s sperm successfully fertilized her? Was there new life growing in her already? Was she going to be a mommy soon?

The rest of the day was quiet; the family was all exhausted.

But despite that, Lizzy couldn’t fall asleep that night. Her pussy felt oddly empty. After just one cock, she was desperate for more.

She tossed and turned for a while before giving in. Eventually, she slid her hand down. She was soaking wet already, so she pushed two fingers into her hole. They felt so tiny compared to her grandpa’s girth, but it was something.

She rubbed her clit almost painfully hard, hoping that only inches above in her womb, magic was happening.

She came with a gasp at that possibility, and she fell asleep minutes later, thinking about growing her grandpa’s child.

Which, in fact, she was. Rob had done it: he had bred his granddaughter even better than either of them could have ever hoped. As she slept, her body started to prepare for what was to come.

All three women were pregnant, and the entire family was ecstatic. It was so rare to have one successful seeding, and this year there were three!

Kate found out first, having woken up nauseous one morning.

So, hopeful, she took one of the tests they had bought and bounded into the kitchen with glee: “Martin did it! My brother knocked me up!”

Joe wrapped his arms around his wife and spun her, yelling a loud enough “yippee!” that Lizzy ran into the room to see what was happening.

Lizzy found out second. She graduated high school a week after her mom’s announcement, and she decided to take a test that evening.

Wouldn’t it be perfect, she figured, for her to become a real adult in so many ways in one day?

The test turned positive quickly, and it was her turn to sprint out into the living room.

“I’m pregnant!” she shrieked, and both of her parents stood and rushed toward her. Lizzy didn’t realize she was crying until she had her head ducked into her mother’s shoulder.

“Oh honey, I’m so proud of you,” Kate gasped.

“He did it,” Lizzy sobbed out. “Grandpa did it. I knew he would, I just knew it!”

Nancy called the very next day.

It was cause for celebration in the family, this kind of luck. Each and every one of them was on top of the world.

One morning soon after, Lizzy was sitting on the couch — the one where she had first taken her grandpa — watching TV. Joe walked by and mussed his daughter’s hair, and she huffed at him in faux-annoyance.

“I’m so happy for you,” he said, and she smiled up at him. “You’re a high school grad now, and soon you’ll be a mommy!”

Lizzy’s hand fell to her stomach, though it was still entirely flat. Still, though, it felt different to her somehow.

“Thanks, daddy,” she said. “I couldn’t have done it without your help.”

Joe smiled at the memory of that, of his hands pulling his daughter onto her first ever cock.

“And what about Nancy?” Lizzy asked. “Are you happy?”

“Extremely,” he replied.

“I bet. I mean, her tits were massive already! Can you imagine how big they’re going to get?”

His expression turned a little goofy at her words, a little dazed. Lizzy realized her daddy had indeed imagined that.

Finally, he chuckled. “It’s going to be quite the sight.”

Kate and Lizzy started to show; they heard that Nancy had too.

The two of them sat on the master bed one evening, leaned back so both of their tight shirts were riding up, exposing slivers of their expanding bellies to the cool air.

“Is it nice to have your brother’s baby in your tummy?” Lizzy asked.

Her mom smiled. “It certainly is. Is it nice to have your grandpa’s baby in yours?”

Lizzy giggled. “Yeah, it is. I really like that our family does seeding day.”

Kate nodded. Then she paused for a moment, thoughtful, and asked, “Honey, can mommy see your tummy?”

Lizzy pulled her shirt up to just below her breasts — they were growing too, nipples turning puffy. Kate reached out and stroked her fingers down her daughter’s belly ever so lightly, and Lizzy shuddered.

“Does it look pretty?” Lizzy whispered.

Kate murmured, “It does.”

She continued to touch her daughter’s growing stomach, thumb stroking over her bellybutton, close to popping, hand coming to rest on the bottom of her curve.

“Can I see your tummy, mommy?” Lizzy eventually murmured.

Kate lifted her shirt as well, and Lizzy echoed her mom’s gesture: she let her fingers ghost down the side of the swell. But Kate was still gazing curiously at her daughter.

“Lizzy, honey, your belly looks really big.”

Lizzy looked down, realizing her mom was right: her bulge was significantly larger. But she was also much smaller, plus she figured her womb was overcompensating for this first-time expansion.

Kate continued: “We should take you for an ultrasound soon.”

The words still didn’t matter to Lizzy, who saw no problem with her rapidly expanding waistline. She was still just thrilled she would be birthing her grandpa’s baby.

The door opened with a squeak, and Joe walked in. And then upon seeing his wife and daughter, shirts pinned under their tits, stroking each other’s bellies, he froze.

Kate laughed at the sight.

“Your daddy really likes pregnant women,” she explained to Lizzy. And then, to Joe: “Is this hard for you, baby? Having to watch both of us swell?”

Joe’s pajamas pants were slung loose around his hips, which made his bulge quite obvious. Lizzy pointed, as if she had made an unexpected discovery.

“Wow, daddy got hard so quick! I think he does like our bellies, mom!”

Kate looked between her husband and daughter and seemed to decide something after a moment.

“Lizzy… Do you want to fuck your daddy?”

Lizzy’s eyes widened comically. She wasn’t expecting that.


“Do you want to fuck your daddy? After all,” her mom offered, “you could be having his baby next year, right?”

Lizzy wasn’t sure about this. “Isn’t that wrong? I mean, it’s one thing on seeding day, but I can’t just let my daddy stick his cock in me whenever!”

“How about just the tip?” Kate said. She gave Lizzy an imploring look. “You can help your dad. He’s probably so uncomfortable right now.”

Lizzy sighed. Her mom had a point, and her dad had helped her before. She could return the favor now.

She nodded slightly and, without a word, pulled her shirt the rest of the way off and tugged down her sweatpants. She laid down with her head in the middle of the bed, ass near the edge, and both hands on her belly.

“Alright. But just the tip,” Lizzy said.

Joe stripped and stepped over to his daughter, holding his cock out with one hand. He rubbed himself against her — over her clit and down to her hole — before pausing to look down into Lizzy’s eyes.

“Just the tip,” she said again.

He pushed, and the head of her daddy’s cock slid into Lizzy. It wasn’t nearly as thick as her grandpa had been, so there wasn’t any pain. It just felt… good.

She sighed.

Her mom’s hands joined Lizzy’s own on her belly, stroking and rubbing. Then they moved up to Lizzy’s tits.

Lizzy felt her pussy spread further. She tried to sit up and look, but her mom’s hands on her chest kept her down. Each further inch of her daddy’s cock rubbed against her perfectly.

It was the cock that made her, after all: of course it fit well.

“Daddy, are you– Did you put more in me?”

“He’s just getting comfortable,” Kate said.

Lizzy felt her daddy pull out a bit and push back in. She moaned.

“Daddy, stop! You’re poking my pussy!” Her words were weak, and she made no effort to move. She was enjoying her daddy’s gentle pushes too much.

Joe did listen to his daughter, sort of: he froze, but he didn’t pull out. About half of his length stayed in, throbbing in her pussy.

Lizzy felt full, so good. Her mind was a little unsure about fucking her daddy, but her body had been craving a cock. She squirmed.

“Do you want me to take it out?” Joe asked. He knew he had her now: her wiggling was a clear signal that his daughter was ready and willing.

Lizzy whimpered, but she also shook her head.

“Sit up a bit, Lizzy,” Kate whispered. Lizzy lifted her head and felt her mom move; when she set her head back down, it was onto her mom’s lap. She stared up, and she could see her mom’s tummy, growing breasts, and beaming smile.

“I’ve got you, honey,” Kate continued. “Tell your daddy what you want.”

“You can do it, daddy,” Lizzy finally voiced. “You can stick it in.”

She kept looking up at her mom the entire time. Kate hadn’t lied: Joe liked to pound his women relentlessly. He pushed into his daughter repeatedly, and the angle meant that the tip of him scraped so nicely against her walls.

Daddy and daughter broke at the same time, gasping out and pushing into each other, as if trying to fit even more of his body inside her.

Joe didn’t make as much seed as Rob — Lizzy doubted any man did — but she felt wet and sticky anyway as he pulled out of her.

“It’s a good thing I can’t get double pregnant,” she giggled.

Her mom rubbed Lizzy’s belly soothingly. “You’re so sweet. You really helped your daddy.”

Lizzy found that all of her reservations had faded away. She was already knocked up, after all. If she could use that fact to help her daddy, why shouldn’t she?

Lizzy let her parents tug her up to the pillows, and she fell asleep between them, the way she had sometimes done as a child during storms when the power went out and she got scared.

It turned out that was the start of another family tradition: Joe really did struggle with the continued swelling of his wife and daughter. He always seemed to be hard. And from that moment on, Kate and Lizzy took turns helping him.

Lizzy’s belly was more than double the size of her mother’s soon.

It was a wonder, she thought occasionally, that she didn’t topple over. She looked like a circus freak: the magic, still-balancing girl!

Kate stood by her words and eventually took Lizzy to the doctor, who announced that the teen was pregnant with triplets.

Lizzy’s whole body went numb at the news. Triplets? No way.

Even hours later, she hadn’t fully processed the news. Recently, she had been a tight virgin. Then she managed to barely take her grandfather’s cock. And now she had three entire babies growing within her?

She wasn’t sure she could do this.

Lizzy looked at her bulging stomach and realized this was only the beginning. It seemed so round already, skin stretched and bellybutton popped.

Her breasts, too, seemed huge, already the size of tennis balls when she had previously been nearly flat. They were so sensitive, forced into growing too quickly to prepare her body for motherhood.

She called her grandfather to share the news, anxious.

“I’m having triplets,” she blurted in lieu of a greeting, and she got silence in response.

Finally: “What did you say?” Rob choked out, certain he had misheard.

“I’m having triplets.”

There was a long silence again. “Lizzy– Oh. Oh, fuck. Are you serious?”

“Yeah. The doctor told me today. You put three babies inside my tummy, grandpa! Three of them!”

There was another long pause, and eventually she heard another low groan and rustling. Then the slap of skin against skin.

She inhaled sharply. “Grandpa! Are you seriously jerking off right now?”

“Uh– Yeah, fuck–” he admitted, sheepish.

His immediate arousal at the news dulled her panic a little bit: if grandpa was happy, shouldn’t she be? At least a little?

Her heart was still beating a little too quickly, though, and her stomach felt a little woozy, but she smiled a bit despite herself.

“Why? Because of me?”

“How big is your belly right now?” was how he answered, which Lizzy took as a resounding yes.

She had been sending her grandpa pictures almost every day, but she knew what he wanted now. He wanted to hear her.

“It’s really big, grandpa,” she said, her voice rising into a genuine whine. She let her fear spill out of her; she needed to voice it, suddenly. “None of my pants fit me, and I’m so much bigger than mommy already! My tummy sticks out almost a foot!”

“And you’re going to get bigger?” Another obvious question, but Lizzy had to admit she enjoying the way her grandpa was getting more and more breathless.

“I’m going to get so much bigger. I probably won’t even be able to move by the end! It’s not fair, grandpa. You were supposed to just put one baby in me, not three! I can’t believe you did this!”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” Apologetic words, but he didn’t sound it.

“No, you’re not.” Accusatory, but she didn’t sound it either.

“You don’t think so?”

“I know you’re not! You’re jerking off! I bet you’re excited right now. Excited because your tiny little granddaughter is going to have the biggest belly in the world all because of you.”

A grunt, and a chuckle. “I seem to remember you telling me to cum in you, Lizzy.”

He had a point, but she scoffed nevertheless. “Still! It was my first time ever having a cock in my pussy! How was I supposed to know you’d knock me up like this?”

“Your very first cock,” he echoed. “And it put three babies in you.”

“And you’re my grandpa!” Lizzy continued, voice high and desperate. “You only made one baby in grandma each time when you gave her mommy & Martin! Why’d you have to put three in me?”

“You just have a special pussy, sweetie.”

“No, I have a tiny pussy! And then your fat cock made sure none of your seed could spill out of it.”

A particular hard slapping noise echoed through the phone, like the memory of her tightness was too much for Rob to take.

Lizzy continued to speak. “I guess I’m glad I had practice with your big stick,” she admitted. “Since I’m going to have to stretch a lot when the babies come. Has anyone ever had triplets after seeding day before?”

“No, sweetie. No one’s even had twins. You’re the first. You’re the only one.”

She hmph’ed again in feigned annoyance, but the thought made her feel a little strange and warm. She really was special, like her grandfather had said.

“I’ve been– I’ve been wondering: when do you think you bred me, grandpa?” Lizzy asked quietly. “Do you think it was in the morning or at night?”

“I don’t know, sweetheart. What do you think?”

“I don’t know either. I think at night, probably. I think when you put that pillow under me to keep all the cum inside, too many sperm got through! You shouldn’t have done that, grandpa! That’s why I’m so big now.” She took a breath, and continued very quietly: “But–”

“What is it, Lizzy?”

“Well, I–” A pause. “I hope it was in the morning, I guess.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because my mom was right there. You came in me after Martin came in her.”

“And you liked that?”

“Mhmm,” Lizzy whimpered. “Maybe we got pregnant together. Me and mommy. Her tummy’s pretty big too, you know, but not nearly as big as mine. And her titties look really pretty, grandpa. Have you seen them?”

“What about your titties, sweetheart?” he asked. “Are they growing yet?”

“Yeah,” she said. This was all affecting Lizzy too: she pressed her hand into her tummy and ran it upward until she was cupping her breast. It barely fit in her hand now. “They’re getting big too. My nipples stick out a lot now, and mommy’s had to buy me new bras twice already.”

“You’re going to make so much milk to feed those babies, Lizzy.” The slapping sound was getting faster now, louder. She wished her grandpa were here with her, though she wasn’t sure what she would do.

She wanted to suck him, certainly. She was picturing the way his hand must look, stroking his own length, and she imagined her lips replacing his grip.

But the noise, oh– It reminded her of his balls hitting her each time he thrusted, and she thought of how that felt, being stuffed by the man that made her mother, a man she had known and loved her whole entire life.

She set her phone next to her on the bed, keeping her one hand on her breast and lowering the other to her folds. She was so wet, and the slick of her fingers against herself was audible.

“Are you touching yourself too, Lizzy?”

“Mhmm,” she said again.

“Good, sweetie. That’s so good. What are you thinking about?”

“Mm, you, grandpa,” Lizzy moaned. “I, uhh– I’m thinking about how your cock would feel in me now.”

“Have you missed having a cock in you?”

“I’ve been fucking my daddy,” she admitted.

Rob grunted once again. “Fuck, have you? Is his cock as good as mine?”

Lizzy murmured a quiet nuh-uh. “He feels really, really good, but your cock is bigger, grandpa.”

“I bet your daddy wouldn’t have put three babies in you.”

She laughed, and the end raised into a whine. She was so close now, fingers swirling quickly around her clit. “Maybe I should’ve fucked my daddy first then! Then I wouldn’t getting so big.”

“Lizzy,” he said, voice low. “Don’t lie: you’re glad your grandpa bred you.”

Somewhere during the conversation, she had decided he was right. This was her destiny, her family legacy: carry these children and potentially many more. So her giggle now was lighthearted.

“I don’t know,” she teased. “Am I?”

But it seemed her grandpa was too desperate for that now. Sternly, he said, “Say it, Lizzy. Don’t lie to me. Tell me you’re glad I bred you.”

Lizzy was at her breaking point, nearly frantic at the thought of what was happening to her body.

The words stuttered out of her, seconds too late as she started to cum: “I am, I am. I’m glad my grandpa knocked me up. I’m glad everyone will look at my belly and know that I’m growing too many babies inside me. I wish they could all know that my grandpa did it to me, that you stretched me open with your cock — my first cock — and squirted all your sperm right up into my womb, shit–”

Her grandpa came too; she heard his groans, the way the slapping of his strokes abruptly stopped, and her mind filled in the image of squirt after squirt spilling down his cock, onto his hands, dripping to the floor.

If he were here, she’d lick it all up.

“Lizzy–” he said at last.

She hummed in reply.

“I love you, sweetheart.”

“You too, grandpa.”

“Even though my cock made your pussy sore?”


“Even though I put too many babies in you?”


“And you’re still going to love me even when you get bigger? When your tummy is as big as it’ll ever be?”



As her due date got close, Lizzy went shopping a lot. She had to: she was outgrowing even her maternity clothes now.

It was usually an uneventful, boring affair. A simply fact of life at this point. Then one afternoon, she heard her name as she was loading up her trunk.

She turned slowly; that was all she could handle now, balance rendered quite unstable by the sheer size of her stomach.

“Lizzy, is that you?” she heard again. And then: oh, there!


Natalie and Lizzy had been friends throughout middle and high school: they tried out for the cheerleading team on the very same day and had been close since.

Since graduation, they hadn’t spoken much; Lizzy felt a little bad, knowing it was largely because of her new situation.

“What the fuck, Lizzy? Are you pregnant?”

That was a clear understatement. Lizzy shifted her weight sheepishly: she knew how shocking this must be. She had been a painfully innocent high schooler, after all. She never partied, dated.

And now… Well.

“Yeah,” Lizzy finally said, needlessly.

“Holy shit. When did this happen? Were you not going to tell me?”

“I– Sorry.” Lizzy didn’t know what else to say, but Natalie seemed to recognize the guilt in the pregnant teen’s gaze.

“Whatever,” Natalie said with a wave of her hand. “I’m sure you’ve been dealing with a lot. You can tell me about it now! I mean, you’re fucking huge, girl.”

Lizzy giggled. “I’m having triplets.”

“Fuck! Are you really?”

Lizzy cradled her belly with one hand, murmured a quiet, “Yeah.”

“Damn. But wait, you didn’t answer me: when did this happen? Who’s the daddy?”

“I– I don’t know.” Lizzy’s words sounded stupid even to herself: she had always been a terrible, awful liar.

Natalie rolled her eyes. “Bullshit. The Lizzy I know and love wouldn’t do that. Was it… Casey?” she asked, naming the old football quarterback.

Lizzy scoffed. “Seriously? No.”



“Oh, shit. It’s Elijah, isn’t it?”

Elijah had been the most annoying boy in their grade, the two girls had long agreed. Always yelling, teasing– He had been a constant, gross presence in their lives for years.

Lizzy physically recoiled at that one. “Ugh, Natalie, no.”

“I think it’s Elijah.”

“It’s not.”

“Until you tell me otherwise, that’s what I think. I think you got knocked up by Elijah. That’s pretty gross. Was he small? I bet he was.”

The idea of it — letting Elijah be her first, the daddy of her babies — was so awful to Lizzy that she didn’t think for even a moment before blurting, “It was my grandpa.”

That shut Natalie up. At last: “Lizzy. What the fuck? You’re lying to me.”

But Lizzy’s face was deeply flushed, red spreading down her neck and chest. She couldn’t meet Natalie’s eyes.

Natalie took a sharp breath. “Your grandpa knocked you up with triplets?”


“That’s fucking crazy. I can’t believe you fucked your grandpa, girl. That’s nasty!”

Lizzy looked up at that, brow furrowed. “Yeah?” she asked, defensive. “We used to talk about how hot your dad is all the time, remember? I know you’ve thought about him.”

“Uh, yeah, but I’d never actually fuck him,” Natalie replied.

Lizzy shrugged like this was the stupidest thought in the world. “Why not? You should try it.”

Natalie was quiet again, head spinning. This was all too much to take in. She looked at her friend’s belly curiously.

“Do you–” Natalie started and sighed. “Do you like being pregnant?”

Lizzy rubbed her belly. “Yeah,” she said, voice confident.

“I’ve always wanted a big family. You know that,” Natalie said, and Lizzy nodded. “I’m, uh, a little jealous, actually.”

So Lizzy explained seeding day. Natalie’s eyes grew wider and wider through the account. She had assumed the sex was a one-off mistake or something, but to know that it had been planned? That Lizzy and her grandfather had mated right next to her mother and uncle?

Natalie would have assumed this were all fake had Lizzy not been bearing the obvious results of the breeding.

Then Lizzy continued, and the reason for her little speech became clear in an instant.

“My cousin Danny,” she said, “is going to be back from college in time for the next seeding day. We’re going to need an extra woman to make pairs.”

A beat. Then: “You know… If you want to come.”

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