Love Exposed South of the Border by El_Yefris,El_Yefris

(This is a submission for Nude Day Story Contest 2022. In this story, I explore the themes of empowerment, shame, lesbian love, and obsession. I am always trying to improve the quality of my work, so please leave a comment and rate my story. Thank you!)


Jasmine Tanaka was a math major, a violinist, and a chess player. She had completed her undergraduate course work by the end of her sophomore year, she had played at Carnegie Hall, and she had just achieved the rank of International Master in Chess. She mastered Differential Equations, Tchaikovsky, and the Ruy Lopez Opening — but no one would guess that by taking a look at her.

She always dressed as conservatively as she could. She had stark, raven black hair that made it just past her shoulders. If she wanted to be cute, she would tie her hair in a loose ponytail with her lucky pink hairband which had inscribed around it the first digits of pi. 3.1415926…

She had a fair, fawn-brown skin with copper undertones and dark brown eyes with effortless eyelashes that always made it look like she wanted to apologize for something, but also like she could get away with anything. She had a gently sloped nose and lightly rounded lips that were accented always with lip gloss, not lip stick.

She wasn’t very tall, but she was about 5 foot 5 inches, and carried herself with excellent posture. In school her parents would scold her for slouching. But, in all fairness, she believed she had good reason to slouch. She was very well-endowed, especially for a Japanese girl. From a young age, she struggled to cover up what now had developed into sultry, voluptuous bosoms.

And on this point she still hadn’t given up. She tried desperately to force her body and appearance to match the innocent-girl vibe that she believed she possessed. She tried loose-fitting clothes, she tried wool sweaters, she tried oversized jackets. She told herself everything she wore either made herself look like a slut or a frump.

The best she could accomplish was essentially what she was wearing today. She wore a tan, cashmere turtleneck and a slightly oversized black leather jacket with a loose belt holding it together. She also wore sharp, skin-tight jeans that clung close to her long, thin legs. As much as she inwardly wanted to wear heels to accent what she believed to be a slightly flat behind, she settled on black flats to one, match the jacket, and two, to err on the side of the conservative.

From a distance, one would fail to recognize her as a 21-year-old, busty, Japanese woman. That only became apparent when you entered her warm, up-close-and-personal presence.

Next to Jasmine stood Allison, her friend from since high school. She was also wearing a jacket, and also wearing jeans, but did not have the same body features she was trying to cover up. She wore a push-up bra as she tried to make her small chest seem more prominent and a low-cut top to highlight what cleavage she had.

She was always slightly jealous of Jasmine and wished that boys gave her chest half the attention that they gave her friend’s. But alas, without saving up a bundle to get what she wanted through the work of surgeons, she was simply stuck with what she perceived as the woefully insufficient work of God.

But today, they had more important things to think about. They were just one week away from heading down to Mexico for their Winter Break. They needed to get away from the frigid New Hampshire air. Onward to Playa Del Carmen, where Allison’s Aunt had a condo. Thank God for rich and retired aunts.

They both wanted to get prepared for the beach trip. Jasmine thought she was ready to go as-is, but Allison wanted to go the extra mile. She convinced her that they should both get a bikini wax. The thought of it embarrassed Jasmine until they were at dinner the night before and Allison loudly told her they were going to Mexico — and Mexico didn’t need two jungles.

Jasmine had something more to be embarrassed about then and gave into Allison’s peer pressure. But now, they had to get the bikinis — if Allison could convince Jasmine to not get a one-piece. They entered the unsurprisingly empty swimwear store.

They found a wonderfully helpful and chirpy girl to help them out. Allison blurted out to the girl, Mindy, that they “needed to find something that could show of my best friend’s huge knockers” while her friend with the “huge knockers” stood shy and embarrassed a couple of feet back, her arms crossed over her bosom. Jasmine retorted “Isn’t your boyfriend in pre-med and wants to be a surgeon? Let’s get him a sharp enough knife and he can practice on us and we can trade.”

Allison jabbed back, refusing to admit that she just wanted her friends’ breasts. “No thank you. I have one week left on my diet and 3 pounds to go, having those tits would definitely put that goal out of reach. Thank you very much. Also we broke up.” She then turned quickly, rotating 90 degrees on her heels quite rapidly, to face Mindy. She then whispered, for barely any reason at all “my now ex-boyfriend sided with Amber Heard. And that’s all you need to know. Anyway, that’s why we’re going down to Mexico. I need to find my own ‘Pirate’ in the Caribbean, if you know what I mean.”

Jasmine always found it nigh impossible to avoid rolling her eyes while she was with her best friend. While she was still processing the last thing Allison said, Allison continued with the young Mindy “So, onward to the rack of bikinis for big racks.” She pointed her hand forward in a dramatic motion and seemed to be walking in no direction in particular.

After a short walk, the threesome arrived at the bikini section. Allison noticed Jasmine already looking a little nervous. “Look, babe, you gotta start appreciating those things somewhere. And if not Mexico, where?”

“Yeah, I don’t know, it’s not like they’re not visible or something with just a simple one-piece. People already think I’m a slut just because I have these, I don’t want them to also think I’m a whore.”

Allison retorted “First of all, I know you’re not like an English major, but slut and whore are basically synonyms, so I think that answers your own question.”

It was Mindy’s turn to speak up. “And not for nothing, from what I can see here, we’ll be lucky to find anything that really fits those boobs.” She paused after she saw Jasmine take a quick step back. “Don’t take that the wrong way honey, I’d give anything for those. My boyfriend says my Dad has bigger boobs. Hmm. On second thought, he doesn’t seem very nice.” She looked melancholy for a minute before instantly reverting to her charming, upbeat self.

“Anyways, I do think I have something.” She rustled through a rack of bikinis and found something, quickly pulling it out. “How about this?”

“Definitely not.” Jasmine quipped.

“Absolutely.” Allison replied.


“I can’t believe you refused to get that sexy-ass bikini back home.” Allison needled Jasmine, for what seemed like the hundredth time about this exact same thing. And it was worse now that they had gotten off the plane and were actually in Mexico.

Instead of a bikini, Jasmine chose to wear a one piece, but additionally covering herself with a flowery, silk tunic. You could tell that she had a large bust (it was impossible to hide), but the details were left to the imagination, exactly as Jasmine desired. She wasn’t sure why Allison seemed so obsessed with it.

What Allison left out and certainly wouldn’t tell Jasmine, let alone herself, was that she deeply desired to see what her best friend’s boobs really looked like. Even on sleepovers all she would ever see was the shapely outline of her chest. One time, which she remembered vividly, she saw what looked like an erect nipple through Jasmine’s pajamas one time she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Now, they were finally at the beach, away from the punishingly cold climate of the Northeast of the United States during the Winter. They could relax and were sunbathing. Allison was sunbathing much of her pale body. Her bikini was lightly padded to enhance her bust, but small, as was her bikini bottom.

As usual, Jasmine was opting for a more conservative approach, wearing dark large sunglasses, a deep blue one piece and her silk tunic. Today, however, she was feeling cute so she did put her hair up in a pony tail with her lucky, pink hair tie.

Jasmine was reading a book, A Traveler’s History of the Yucatan reading about the Mayans who lived lives on this Peninsula long before any Asians or Europeans found their way to these sandy shores. Allison was checking out guys on the beach.

“Do you know what I think is interesting, Jazz?”

“What’s that?” Jasmine absentmindedly replied.

“Why is it that girls don’t really have an option of hiding what they have. Like every guy, for the most part, can tell who the girls with big and small boobs are. But I, for the life of me, can’t figure out which of the hundred guys on this beach have the big cocks. They can all just wear board shorts and we are none the wiser. If I was a guy, and I had a big cock, you can bet your ass I would show it off.”

Jasmine stopped reading, as she was sure that her friend was once again asking why she didn’t want to show off her tits. “Ally, stop. I mean it. This is getting ridiculous.”

“Chill your tits,” Allison replied. “I’m talking about big cocks, not big boobs. Jesus, you’re safe.”

They both reverted to silence, Allison once again wondering why her best friend couldn’t take a hint.

They were walking home from the beach and to their aunt’s condo. They were walking down La Quinta avenue, where all the bustling tourist traffic was. And wherever there is bustling tourist traffic, there are local tienditas and shops lining the street.

As they were walking down the street, Allison and Jasmine heard many wolf-whistles and men selling their wares shouting “Hola, chicas” as they tried to wave them into their shop.

After a ways, they saw a tequila store with a sign in front. It said “Big boobs — free shot.” Jasmine quickly rolled her eyes but Allison stopped and looked at the sign.

“Hey, Jazz! You like tequila?”

Jasmine actually did like tequila, it was her drink of choice actually. But there was no way she was going to —

“Hola chicas! You want some free tequila? For you, I mean” he said, motioning to Jasmine. Definitivamente calificas, chica.”

Jasmine was so exasperated after what had been an incessant trip of Allison constantly bitching about her not getting a bikini, following a lifetime of constant jabs about her breasts. Some kind of switch was turned on and Jasmine just felt herself let loose. She ripped off her silk covering and said “Screw it, yes. Give me the tequila. What do I need to do?”

The shop-tender knew that she didn’t really need to do anything, she had big tits and he was happy to pour her a shot of tequila. But she was asking, how far could he push it?

“Well, we have to see them. If you had a bikini, I would have proof, but since you are covering it up there’s no way to know, and as you know I do run a business, and I can’t just let people pretend their way to getting free tequila.”

Jasmine was so angry at her best friend’s persistence she didn’t even care enough to see through the obvious lies of the shopkeeper. “Fine, where do you want me to do it?”

He motioned them into the store, where there were about 5 other customers browsing aisles of tequila bottles. A couple of women were there, but it was clear to Allison and Jasmine that none of them were gifted enough to receive any free tequila.

“Let’s go to the back of the store.”

Jasmine assumed he meant a back room, but there was no back room, just literally the back of the store. They could still see everyone else. “Why don’t you go ahead and take off your swim suit, princesa?”

Jasmine hated the condescension, but she just wanted to get this over with. She was in Mexico after all, with her best friend, and maybe it was ok to let loose just a little bit. “Fine, but I want the tequila now. And for the show you’re going to get, bring me two shots.”

The shopkeeper obliged, going ahead and pouring out four shots, two for Jasmine, one for her friend, and one for himself. He brought the shots over and they all drank together. “Salud!”

Jasmine took no time in downing the second shot. Allison saw that something was off and began to feel a bit worried about her friend. “I was only teasing, Jazz, you really don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

Jasmine glared at Allison. “No, this is what YOU wanted, and now you’re finally going to get it.” She spoke a bit too loudly and now the small crowd in the shop was looking back at Jasmine.

She unzipped her bathing suit and crawled out of it. She tossed her bathing suit roughly on the floor. “You happy?”

After Jasmine said that, it finally began to dawn on her that she was truly naked, in front of the shopkeeper, her best friend who had never even seen her in a bra, and some tourists who were now alternating between looking at her exposed tits and her exposed pussy.

“Oh my god.” Allison said.

“What now, Ally?”

“I’m just speechless. You’re beautiful….” She was in awe, gazing at her friends nude body. Jasmine looked in her eyes and saw a look of wonder. “Can I come closer?”

Jasmine found herself nodding. Allison stared at her best friend’s revealed body for the first time. She looked at her thin legs leading up to her cute, tight ass. She didn’t know why Jasmine was so self-conscious about her butt. It was perfect.

She looked at her freshly-waxed pussy with just a small strip of short, black hair along the lips. She looked further up and saw her thin, flat stomach leading up to enormous, gravity-defying tits. No wonder, she could never hide them.

It occurred to her that when she saw her nipples that one time, they may not have been erect. Her nipples were naturally very large protruding from dark brown, wide areolas perched right above the mid-line of her tits, pointing up ever so slightly.

Jasmine felt everyone’s eyes on her, on her pussy, on her tits, and she didn’t feel ashamed. She didn’t feel like a slut or a whore. She felt powerful, like she was absorbing their energy as they were entranced by her presence. She didn’t stop Allison as she approached closer.

She didn’t stop Allison as she lightly grazed her fingers over her legs. She didn’t stop Allison as she got very close to her nipples. Jasmine felt her nipples get tight, hard, and expand, as Allison got so close that Jasmine could feel her warm breath on her bosom.

She didn’t stop Allison as Allison placed her mouth on her nipples, beginning to suckle gently, while her fingers continued to trace along her legs, and along her hips. Jasmine felt her pussy began to moisten. She didn’t care that now the amount of people in the store had doubled, and they were all watching her.

She felt free and powerful. She knew no one else in that room had the same effect she did. They didn’t have her massive, perky tits. They didn’t have her tight, wet pussy, the hair around which was now beginning to glisten with moisture.

She didn’t stop Allison as she began to lower herself, tracing her finger along the lips of her pussy, and she definitely didn’t stop Allison as she began to lightly suck on Jasmine’s clit. As Allison’s fingers entered her best friend’s vagina, she motioned forward with her fingers, causing Jasmine to buck against her.

As the world watched this beautiful specimen being brought to orgasm by her best friend, they could not look away. They couldn’t look away as Jasmine squirted into her best friend’s mouth.

And as Jasmine came and exploded all over her friend’s mouth and fingers, she didn’t feel exposed or ashamed. She felt powerful and she felt beautiful. For the first time ever, she felt liberated, not trapped, by her voluptuous femininity.

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