Lyndsey Ch. 02 – IT Support by WriteTyper,WriteTyper

This story contains characters from other stories but is intended as stand alone.

All comments and feedback are gratefully received I’m hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story depicts acts of infidelity, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Lyndsey was only just now reaping the rewards of her efforts in setting up her mobile beauty treatment business. It was mainly nails and finishes but she covered quite a wide remit including hair and makeup when she had also been booked to administer the make up for brides and their bridesmaids. It had been a bit of a slog but the fact that her business was getting busier through word of mouth was a source of great pride when others had to spend a small fortune on advertising.

She was a bit of a workaholic, but she tended to work from 11 until 3 so that she could be there for picking the kids up from school and then start again from 5.30 to 9 when her husband could sit with the kids. It meant Sunday was normally her chill out day. Time with her kids wasn’t a problem as she was always there for the school run and to help with homework but it was time with her husband that was limited and so she rarely worked on a Sunday and then only in absolute emergencies when someone had been let down. Her time between the kids drop off and her starting her appointments were time either spent around the house or on the paperwork that was associated with running your own business.

One aspect that both she and her husband fell short was around computers. She was a technophobe and her husband even more so. So, when their home computer failed while logging her receipts it was verging on disastrous until she remembered that the husband of one of her longer standing customers, Julie, worked with computers. A quick phone call established that although he worked with a computer, he wasn’t a Hardware guy but he would at least have a look at it as there were some things he could try and as they didn’t live far away from Lyndsey, he would pop over that evening as even though she would be doing her evening ‘shift’ at least her husband could show him around.

Zac arrived with a takeout coffee and so dispensed with the usual offer of a drink. “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you doing this at short notice. You must tell me how much I owe you for doing this” was Lyndsey’s husbands greeting.

Zac waved his hand dismissively and replied “Let’s see if I can get it working first. If I do, we can settle for Lyndsey giving Julie a free session sometime.” He sat down at the desk in the spare room and started looking around the base unit to see if there any obvious issues, aside from being old and cronky he spotted straight away the build-up of dust where the fan drew the air in to cool its innards. Once that was clean, he tried to start the computer up, but it failed a couple of times until he accessed the boot drive, that at least allowed him to boot it up in safe mode and run some diagnostics which all came back fine. A further attempt at starting produced the required results and once in he took a series of backups, he ran some tidy up tasks that seemed to clear quite a bit of space. At least now he was able to restart the machine at will and was happy with his work.

Just for good measure Zac decided to clear down the browsing history of which there was quite a bit. He found the husbands account had quite a bit of browsing for videos about gangbang and a fair bit of lesbian sex of which Zac cleared it out for Lyndsey’s sake. Zac then turned his attention to Lyndsey’s account and found even more interesting stuff. There was the usual history you would expect from someone who browsed, bought and sold cosmetic products but what caught Zac’s eye was the browsing of erotic literature sites as well as video browsing. Both seemed to have a lot of content about cheating wives which sparked Zac’s interest and so took some screenshots and backed up the addresses for later perusal.

After he had cleared her browser history down, he was satisfied with his half hours work and went to see Lyndsey’s husband. “It’s all working now; I’ve cleared a fair bit of rubbish out and I’ve installed a new browser for the internet as it’ll be a lot more secure for you. On your account I’ve left a document on using the ‘Private’ function of the browser so that history isn’t stored unnecessarily, and it’ll be safer for you and the kids” Zac winked at the husband and made a mime of button his lips as he stepped out of the front door.

As she got in late Lyndsey decided she’d finish her receipts tomorrow once the kids were dropped off at school. Just as the rising sun was filtering into the room Lyndsey settled down at the computer to finish what she had started the previous day. After choosing her account the background screen loaded and she froze. The background picture had been changed to a still from her favourite porn movie that she enjoyed during her ‘alone time’ and she sat stock still for some time just absorbing what this meant. Her husband had told her that Zac had mentioned tidying up somethings on the computer and she busily started looking through her business folders and all seemed to be in place and exactly as she had left them yesterday went it crashed.

Her attention then turned to her ‘private’ archive and all seemed to be as she had left it but what to do now? Initially she had been infuriated that Zac had violated her privacy but then she had asked for assistance in sorting out the issue by whatever means it took. Now her heart rate had returned to normal what should she do with the fact that he knew about her browsing preferences. Would he tell his wife Julie? And if so, how would Lyndsey look her in the eye the next time they met. Perhaps more importantly had he told her husband but then he had been his normal self the previous evening and again this morning so she doubted he had said anything, but Zac had left the image on her background on purpose plus she had to get it removed before her kids logged on.

She could have ducked the issue and carried on with her day but that wouldn’t have achieved anything plus she had to ensure the background was returned to what it was. With shaking hands Lyndsey picked up her phone and scrolled through to find Zac’s number. After a few rings he answered the phone with “Hello, I was wondering when you’d be calling.”

She was silent for a few heartbeats while she composed what she was going to say but eventually replied “Thank you for sorting the computer out.” He could tell from the quiver in her voice she was less than composed. “There’s a problem with my desktop background and I don’t know how to change it. I need it sorting before the kids want to do any homework on it.”

“No problem” Zac replied, “I’m working from home today and can pop around anytime to sort that out for you. When are you free?”

“I’m not going out until 11:30 today and so any time before that would be perfect” was her response.

Zac smiled into the phone as he said “Great, I’ll be right over” and then ended the call.

Lyndsey wasn’t sure which was worse, her shaking as she held the phone or the shaking knowing Zac was on his way over. Within five minutes there was a loud wrap of knuckles on the front door, and she let him in so he made his way to the computer; she naturally followed him. He was tall and broad which contrasted perversely with Lyndsey who struggled past 5 feet. Seeing the computer already on he quickly showed her how to set the background to what she had previously and for good measure he deleted the image that he had put on there.

He then said “If I’d have known the kids use your account, I wouldn’t have left it there, but no harm done now. I must say that was some interesting reading in your browser history. Might I suggest you browse using this icon in the future as it’s harder to be hacked plus you have a ‘Private’ browsing function here that should at least conceal your more private browsing choices from more innocent eyes.”

Lyndsey allowed herself to wonder if this might just be over with no further embracement. Sadly, Zac soon burst that bubble “That erotic literature site certainly showed a side of you I suspect even your husband doesn’t know about. Being the cheating wife is not normally high on peoples browsing choices, but you seemed to have a particular fascination for it.”

“Oh god” gasped a shocked Lyndsey as she steadied herself against the desk.

This was just the kind of reaction Zac had been hoping for as he pressed on “In fact I wonder what hubbie would say if I were to tell him.”

“No, you can’t. For my children’s sake if not for mine.” Lyndsey gasped at him imploringly.

Zac shrugged nonchalantly and said “Fine, although you need to make it worth my while to keep my lips sealed.”

“Please don’t” Lyndsey said fearing the worst “I don’t make that much money to pay bribes.”

Zac laughed mirthlessly “I don’t want money. I want something you have plenty of and it fits in with your browsing fantasies. Strip for me” he ordered bluntly.

“But… but… “Lyndsey stuttered.

“But nothing” Zac responded, the look on his face showing he wasn’t to be messed with “This is your fantasy. You love the thought of a wife getting her jollies while cheating on her husband. You look mighty fine and so I’m going to give you what you want. Now I either get what I want, or people start being told. It depends on which is the lesser of two evils for you, does it remain our little secret or does your husband and good chunk of your customers need to know? Now I’m sure you’re thinking that you could argue that you will tell my wife about this little conversation but then it will be your word against mine and I don’t have a history of this kind of thing, and I could still blab my mouth”

The colour drained from Lyndsey’s face as she debated her stark choices but above all she couldn’t have her unsuspecting husband knowing and so with shaky hands she reached for the bottom of her top and started to lift it upwards. Zac’s eyes followed its progress while smiling broadly. She lifted it further so that it cleared her plain white bra and then curled her arms upwards until her top was lifted clear of her head and discarded over one side.

Zac eyed her pert breasts and said “Nice.” They weren’t overly large and nowhere near as large as his wife’s and yet they suited Lyndsey’s diminutive frame perfectly. He waved at her jeans and said, “And now the jeans if you please.” He was going to enjoy seeing these come down, her hips flared out beautifully from her slim waist and although her legs weren’t long, the tightness of her jeans showed that they would be toned and slender.

Lyndsey pushed them down and then stepped out of each leg so that she just stood in front of Zac in her bra and panties for his scrutiny. “Very nice indeed” he said as she stood up and he came to stand at her side. He traced a hand down her side, over her nearest hip and then drifted it to the front of her panties which made her flinch, but she held her tongue. Seeing this resolute reaction Zac added “Good girl. Just remember that I want you to enjoy yourself. To make your fantasies a reality. Yes, I get what I want but I will do that by giving you pleasure.”

Lyndsey bit her lower lip and nodded her understanding of his words. She had met this man a couple of times but always fleetingly and always in the presence of his wife ‘If I have to do this once then so be it but if he gets ideas about making it a regular arrangement at least I can threaten to tell his wife by identifying certain birthmarks or moles that only someone seeing him naked would know’ Lyndsey debated internally.

His fingers slipped inside the elasticated waist of her panties and delved deeper until he encountered her clit. It wasn’t standing at its fullest yet but a minute of determined manipulation between his fingers soon had it responding to the attention. The fingers delved further and tickled the opening of Lyndsey’s pussy, again it didn’t respond immediately but a combination of his fingers and the fact that his other hand had unclipped her bra so that he could lean down and suckle on her nipple soon had the juices flowing. Try as she might pretend that she wasn’t enjoying it, Zac had been correct when he pointed out this was her fantasy, and he was proving very skilled at working her pussy.

Try as she might to not show her true desire, she could not deny the inevitable and Zac was enjoying seeing her react favourably to his actions. He admitted inwardly that she had little choice, but he was determined to get her to enjoy it even though each’s participation was geared towards his enjoyment. Eventually though he wore her down until she was bucking her hips in time with his thrusting fingers, and she vocalised her feelings in a series of groans and moans, interspersed with “Oh gods” and “So close, please don’t stop.” It came to a point she had to hang on to his arm as her climax hit hard and her pussy clamped down on the two fingers that were rapidly working their way in and out of her as the climax was accompanied by a very wet squelching sound.

Lyndsey crumbled in Zac’s arms in the aftermath of her leg jarring climax. ‘God, I wish my husband could make me come like that’ were her thoughts as Zac laid her upper torso on the desk face down. As she rested trying to clear her head and get her breath back Zac was hurriedly removing his shoes and trousers. He then moved to stand behind her and positioned the tip of his cock at her pussy. Being somewhat shorter than Zac, he had to crouch slightly and kicked one of her legs further out so that he could better position his cock and then thrust forward sinking his entire length inside her snug but damp pussy.

Her inner muscles were still quaking from her previous climax as they flexed once more, this time to accept his nicely proportioned cock. She had a feeling of foreboding as she accepted his length inside her, it was the realisation that after stretching her out, she doubted she’d fully feel her husband when he did the same as it was neither as long nor as wide as the impressive member that kept boring its way inside her. Zac gripped her hips for more leverage and really went to town on her pussy. He was being selfish in his agenda but secretly hoped that she was feeling as good about this coupling as he was. His wishes were answered a few moments later as Lyndsey gave an anguished cry and her pussy clamped down on his cock as she came once more which cheered him no end.

With the knowledge that the lady was getting her jollies equally with him Zac put all his effort into making her come a third time before he did, but it was going to be a close call as his balls were already tingling which would ultimately lead to his own climax. Zac kept trying to picture mundane things to ward off his climax but then Lyndsey gasped “Go on, fuck me” and her dark brown hair would quiver along with her ass cheeks quivering as he bottomed out in the snuggest pussy he had encountered in a very long time.

Thankfully, just as he was forming a thought that maybe he couldn’t hold out anymore, Lyndsey thrusted back at him hard and whaled like a madwoman as she came one final time. This meant that Zac could finally let go his own climax as he bathed her womb with his seed. Ordinarily he would have asked the lady where she wanted him to come but the frantic nature of the fuck combined with the wonderful snugness of Lyndsey’s pussy meant that didn’t happen.

When Lyndsey felt him grasp her hips more forcefully and his final hard thrust informed her what was about to happen giving her the chance to savour the moment when she felt his warm come wash inside her. They held still for the longest while until Zac slowly pulled his deflating cock from her pussy. He secretly hoped he would re-visit at some point but decided to say “Wow, that was an amazing fuck.”

Lyndsey looked over her shoulder and smirked before saying “It was my pleasure. Really.” She had been reluctant taking part initially and yet at the end she felt amazing, Zac really knew how to pull her strings in more than one way and she felt a distinct loss once he had stepped back.

“I hate to fuck and run but unfortunately, I need to get back to work. Needless to say, your secret is safe with me and won’t go any further” and with that he dressed and left Lyndsey with his come still running down her inner thighs which made her jump in the shower with just enough time for her first appointment of the day. Her original intention was to fuck Zac once and put a stop to any repeat requests from him, but she found as the weeks progressed that she was increasingly frustrated with the lack of contact from him. So much so, one Saturday when her husband had taken the kids to see his parents Lyndsey ended up ringing Julie to see if Zac were free to pop round have another look at the computer saying, “One of these days I’ll get round to swapping it.”

“No problem” replied Julie, “If he got it working last time, I’m sure he can work his magic once again.” Zac had been sent straight round and he walk in to find Lyndsey waiting for him naked — the only problem was between her legs and the computer was fine. He had great fun sitting in the husband’s usual chair while the petite wife rode her pussy up and down his cock. Six weeks or so later Zac was called on to install some security software and the time after that it was…

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