Mailgirls Down Under Pt. 03 by MrStill,MrStill

For readers who recall the ending of Part 2, this part dives straight in from there.

New readers will find that Down Under, we have turned a lot of regular mailgirl tropes on their heads. Under our local labour laws, the company cannot do a lot of things here that they can do to mailgirls in the north. The local manager, Mitch Johnson, had to negotiate mailgirl conditions with a trade unionist who likes to be known by her surname Jackson. Then Jackson became a mailgirl at Harada Industries in Australia out of curiosity and a sense of obligation to the other mailgirls. At the end of Part 2 the owner of the business, Mr Harada, on a visit from head office in Japan found to his shock that he recognised Kimiko, one of the Australian mailgirls.

Mitch looked up from his work awakened by a knock on his door. It was Jackson, so of course he waved her in. Jackson swanned into the room seductively. She licked her lower lip as she approached Mitch who tried to look unaffected by her performance. Jackson tilted her head back as if in ecstacy as she squeezed a nipple then ran her hand down to her crotch. She made eye contact with Mitch as she fingered her clit for a moment. Then she stopped and smiled.

“Oh yeah, I have a message for you,” she smiled, “now what was it?” She placed her hands behind her head and outstretched one knee. She held that pose with her legs spread for a moment. “You know that you can just give in,” she smiled at Mitch salaciously. Mitch shook his head with a wry composure.

“Do you know anything about Kimiko?” he asked her.

Jackson shook her head. “I asked her, but she said nothing.” She gave up on the posing and sat down in the seat facing the office boss, across his desk from him.

“Do you have any ideas?” Mitch saw Jackson as much as an ally in the office as a determined object of his desire. She shook her head at that too. “Anything else of interest?” he tried.

“Oh yeah, the message,” Jackson recalled. “Shane told me he wants you to come to his office,” she reported. “He says it’s urgent,” she added with a smirk.

“What’s he up to now?” Mitch assumed that Jackson knew everything that mattered in the office.

Jackson smiled. “I guess you’ll just have to see.”

Mitch sighed and organised himself to go up to the tenth floor to find what his deputy wanted.


While most of the department got on with their work concentrating on their screens, Lauryn Marks swivelled around in the office chair that was once hers, sitting at her old desk from her pre-mailgirls days in Harada Industries’ Business Analytics department. She was of course naked, as she was one of the six mailgirls employed in Harada Industries’ Melbourne office. She smiled knowingly at the man sitting at the workstation next to her. “Your office politics and carry-ons take on a whole new perspective ever since I started to dress like this,” she announced, gesturing how her bare body was on display to him. “Was I doing all that, the gossip, the intrigues, back in my fabric days?”

Michael slouched back in his chair as usual and gave Lauryn an incongruous serious look. “Do you miss your old desk?” he asked. It was unoccupied, exactly as it was when she had cleared it before starting on her new role.

Lauryn smiled at her familiar colleague. “You mean do I miss the days when I came to work each day, sat here, and kept my clothes on?” She let that issue hang and instead wheeled her chair over right up close to Michael and reached over to adjust his tie. “The way you tie your tie has been bugging me for years,” she laughed. Michael seemed a little nervous with his naked co-worker so close to him. She seemed not to notice as she attempted to improve his neckwear. After trying to fix it, she gave up, loosened it and pulled it off Michael’s neck, unravelled it and inching closer to her clothed colleague, she expertly retied it. “There,” she announced as her breasts jiggled, so close to his face but unabashed by her display, “done.”

Michael felt the newly corrected tie around his neck and acknoledged that it was now more comfortable. “How did you know how to do that?” he asked, trying to concentrate on her face.

Lauryn shrugged as she skidded her chair back to her old desk. “I went to that sort of school. So I got good at getting it right every day. It’s a habit. They said it would help me with my career.” She lifted her breasts, playing with the undersides. “But I’m not sure they had this role in mind. All I have to get right each day is this.” Lauryn spread her legs to show how smoothly she was shaved bare of any pubic hair. She winked at Michael. “Did you ever want to see me like this?”

Michael unashamedly stared as he absorbed the whole picture, his former colleague sitting back where she used to be but nude and showing herself off. “Well, I wouldn’t have passed up the chance,” he admitted boldly.

Lauryn got up out of her old seat and stepped over to face Michael, sitting on the corner of his desk, so close to him although knowing that he would not dare to touch her, in line with the office rules. She spread her legs wide as she reclined back on the desk. The mailgirls had decided that this pose was a suitable level of provocation and broadly in line with their role to inspire the other staff. Leaning back on their summoners’ desks hands behind them on the desk for support, legs spread and breasts thrust up. As they had agreed amongst themselves, wasn’t that what the management wanted? Were they not there to stimulate the other workers to be better employees? Lauryn smiled down at Michael who appeared not to be too fussed by her pose, so she sat back up and closed her legs.

Michael shrugged at his former close colleague like he was now used to her working naked in the office. “What’s up with Kimiko and Mr Harada?” he asked her. That encounter had naturally been news right through the office. Everyone knew that Mr Harada had recognised her, said her name and asked her what she was doing.

Lauryn shrugged at that. “I wish I knew,” she admitted. “She’s not talking about it.”


Annette Kellerman eased past Mitch as he entered Shane’s office. “Everything all right?” he asked her since the lithe red-haired mailgirl looked a little dishevelled and seemed intent on avoiding eye contact with him.

“Yeah, sure,” she mumbled looking away from him to the side, in a way that indicated she was not going to tell him if anything was wrong.

“There is always the tribunal if you need it,” Mitch suggested. He looked over to Shane who, relaxed behind his desk, seemed as unruffled as ever.

“Don’t forget that message for Belinda,” Shane called to her. She turned around, just outside the door to Shane’s office and nodded, apparently happy to look Shane in the eye from a distance. The mailgirl then set off on her task, winding past the IT staff’s desks. Mitch was sure that they were ogling her while pretending that they weren’t interested.

Shane smiled after her as she disappeared. “In the US or Japan she would be getting demerits and punishment for being in the office with her hair mussed up like that,” he laughed. “Here, the issue is whether she’ll get incentive points for getting the message down to HR within the target time.”

Mitch shook his head. “You wanted to talk about?” he asked Shane as he sat down opposite him.

Shane said one word. “Kimiko.”

“Yes?” Shane had his attention.

And Shane looked serious, or at least as serious as was possible for him. “I’ve done some digging and got the guff on her. You won’t like it.”

“Tell me,” Mitch asked with a look of resignation.

Shane looked pleased with himself. “She’s his granddaughter.”

Mitch groaned. Mr Harada was his mailgirl’s grandfather. That was bad. Then he had a thought, a hope. “Are you sure? The surname.”

Shane shook his head to wipe out that possibility. “Mitch, surnames don’t stay the same when you’re a daughter of a daughter.”

Mitch nodded his resignation to that fact. He had employed this mailgirl who spent her days naked around their office, who by all reports provided the most intense shows at the dildo stations when she was not otherwise acting as the most submissive of the group, and she just happened to be the granddaughter of the company’s owner and founder. Resignation seemed the right feeling especially as Mitch recalled standing next to Mr Harada and experiencing the full reaction of Mr Harada when he recognised Kimiko. But Mitch noticed that Shane did not seem too concerned. Was there hope? “Do you have a plan?” he asked his deputy.

Shane maintained his composure, like it was no big deal. “Maybe we can sack her for lying on her CV.” he suggested.

Mitch shook his head. “I don’t think it’s a statutory requirement to list your grandparents on your resume. So you don’t have a plan.” He thought for a moment. “Well, at least we know what it’s about. I’ll talk to her.”


Jackson strolled into Mitch’s office. “You were expecting Kimiko, I guess,” she started as she sat down facing Mitch across his desk just how they used to meet back when she was a consultant to the business wearing clothes. Which meant that she was up close to the desk resting her elbows on it, although with her breasts on display to him, now that she was a mailgirl.

“Well yes,” Mitch agreed. “I did ask her in for a chat.” He tried to give Jackson the impression that he was not currently interested in her breasts.

Jackson sat up straight and looked Mitch hard in the eyes. “Kimiko was worried you would be angry so she asked me to attend.”

Mitch relaxed back in his seat. “Why would we be angry?” he replied. Jackson waited to see if Mitch was going to add anything to that. When he didn’t, she smiled and then laughed, her breasts shaking just a bit. Mitch laughed too, releasing a bit of his tension.

Jackson straightened her demeanour. “She expects to be punished,” she reported flatly. “That’s what she told me.”

“That’s not going to happen,” Mitch replied equally flatly.

Jackson shrugged like it wasn’t her thing but her duty to report. “She wants to be punished,” she repeated. “That’s all she told me.”

Mitch rolled his eyes. “Isn’t there somewhere she can go and pay for that sort of thing?” he tried.

Jackson shook her head although she knew where Mitch stood on that issue. “I’m just reporting. She wants to be punished as a mailgirl in the office. She’s been watching the Japanese videos.”

Mitch thought about that for a moment. “It runs against everything that we have been trying to with the program here. And it goes against the rules and what we are allowed to do to you. You, of course, know that.”

Jackson stood up and tilted her head in a sort ‘I’m thinking this through’ gesture. The thin mailgirl walked around to sit on the corner of Mitch’s desk, up close to him in the now standard provocative manner. Although rather than reclining back she sat pretty much upright, swinging one leg open with the other anchoring herself to the floor.

“What are you trying to do?” Mitch asked her softly.

Jackson spread her legs just a little bit more, exposing herself to the manager of the Australian operations. “I’m just trying to work out a way for you and me to sort this out,” she said. Mitch did not flinch, nor did he say anything to try to prise out the meaning or ramifications of that challenge. “Oh well,” Jackson concluded and got up from her pose. “I’ll talk to Kimiko and report back if there’s anything to say. See you later Mitch,” she promised as she turned around to give him a view of the curve of her bottom as she exited.

Don’t you love her as she’s walking out the door, Mitch thought as Jackson slowly trailed past Betty Cuthbert’s desk tossing off her usual greeting to Mitch’s PA which as usual Betty Cuthbert chose to ignore acting far too busy in her work to acknowledge the attractive young nude as she made her way out of the office area.


The next morning Mitch was working at his desk when Annette walked in, an unusual smirk on her face. She stopped near the door indicating that she would be quick so she did not need to settle in. “Shane says he needs you in the boardroom urgently,” she said with a mysterious glint in her eye.

Mitch chose to respond straight. It was 10am so not yet time for a red wine tasting. At least he hoped that. Perhaps another brainwave about Kimiko? He started to get ready. “Any idea what for?” he asked the waiting mailgirl.

Annette screwed up her face, trying not to laugh. Apparently she did know but was under orders not to reveal what. She gave Mitch a look which said that the situation was not her fault.

“Okay,” Mitch surrendered as he got up from his desk. Annette was looking hard at him. “Oh yes,” he remembered and marked her call as done on the app. Annette checked her app which pinged just as she did calling her to another errand.

“Gotta go,” she called out to Mitch as she turned and strode past Betty Cuthbert’s desk, with the usual non-interaction from Mitch’s beleaguered PA.

“I’ll be in the boardroom,” Mitch advised Betty.

“Yes, I heard,” she snapped. She was never at her happiest after the appearance of a mailgirl.

The first thing Mitch noticed in the boardroom was the wrapping mess on the board table. “We had a delivery,” Shane told him rather unnecessarily. “From Mr Harada apparently.” At that point Mitch noticed a set of six very large prints that Shane had spaced out along the floor around the walls. “Well let’s face it, the outback landscapes were looking a bit tired,” he laughed waving his hand to where they hung languidly, lifelessly adorning the room like a hundred or more meeting rooms in the city. Mitch was not going to argue with Shane about that. They were so bland he barely noticed them. He took a closer look at the art that Mr Harada had sent. Should anything the owner of the company do surprise him any more? Now that Australia was within the mailgirl orbit, it seemed that plenty of other things would change too.

Mitch studied the set of matching prints. They were high quality photographs. In the first full length view, a thin naked Japanese woman had her hands bound behind her in a complex roping which also wrapped around her neck and her breasts but left her unobstructed from the waist down. Shane came up close to Mitch to admire it. “I’d say that was taken in Mr Harada’s office, judging by the background,” Shane noted. “Classy, isn’t it? Certainly will add something to the ambiance in this room.”

Annette sidled into the room and stood between Mitch and Shane, hands on bare hips, to also peruse the print that they were studying. “Nice,” she agreed, “but not my thing.”

“Are you sure about that?” Shane asked the naked woman who was now standing right next to him. She gave him a sharp warning look. At least that was what Mitch thought he saw but it was all gone before he could fully register.

“Oh yeah,” Annette remembered, “I am actually here with a message. For you, Mitch.” She stopped to closely regard the strained posture of the restrained model in the portrait and twisted her own arms back in the pose as she looked at it. “No,” she decided as she loosened them back out purposely running one hand across Shane’s cheek as she did so. “Ah yes, the message,” she remembered. “the Bad boys downstairs got a few of these for their boardroom too. They were just affixing them to their walls when they called me to ask you if you wanted their help in putting this lot up.”

Mitch looked at her a little confused. “Don’t we just take this lot down and put the new ones up on the hooks.”

Annette smiled. “That’s what they said you would say. Apparently these prints are much heavier than the old stuff. You do that and you’ll end up with a hole in the wall where the hook used to be. And a smashed print when it falls off. They have all the necessary gear and they’re ready to help you now.” She broadened her smile with the knowledge that she was right. What else could he do? Mitch nodded. Annette glanced down at his mobile. He remembered after a moment to record her mission as completed. And then to set up the next one, the return back to the third floor to invite someone up.

“Thanks,” Annette added. “I’m going to get those merit points if it kills me.” Mitch looked concerned. “But,” she added, “it won’t come to that.” She stepped away from the two men, wriggled her bum at them as she departed back downstairs.

Shane shook his head. “I’m trying to remember if things were easier before all this started,” he joshed.

Mitch looked at him, surprised. “You’re complaining?”

Shane laughed. “No, not really.”

But Mitch couldn’t resist it. “At least for me, things were a whole lot easier B.G.”

“Beegee?” Shane asked.

“Before mailgirls.”

Annette returned with one of the tech guys from BAD Solutions who seemed happy to follow her into the room as she pretended not to notice his focus on her bottom and her legs. He did not seem particularly physical to Mitch, but he carried a set of tools with the authority of someone who knew how to use them. “This is Len,” Annette happily announced.

“Annette here said you were going to hang those prints using the old hooks,” he chided. “Just as well you got me in, Annette,” he smiled.

“We’ll leave you to it,” Mitch responded. He and Shane started towards the door. “Annette?” he asked the mailgirl who showed no intent to come with them.

“Oh, I’m staying, helping Len.” She saw the looks on the faces of her managers. “I do this all the time at home.”

“Like that?” asked Shane who seemed genuinely concerned for her. “There must be some health and safety thing about it.”

“Like health and safety wasn’t an issue when you two were going to hang them on these hooks,” Len soliloquised as he yanked one of the old hooks out of the wall and replaced it with a much more impressive one. Mitch and Shane watched as Annette lifted the large print easily, legs astride as Len apparently impervious to her stance helped her to manoeuvre the print safely into place.

Annette looked over to see Mitch and Shane still watching. “We’ll be good,” she stated firmly and smiled sweetly at them. Len had a wide smile too.

As Shane and Mitch left the boardroom, Shane grabbed his boss by his arm to look seriously at him. “Have you spoken to him yet?” Shane asked.

Mitch knew what Shane meant. “Not yet.” Mr Harada had said nothing to Mitch during the rest of his visit. And Mitch had heard nothing since Mr Harada had returned to Japan, not even the emails he expected were sent in Mr Harada’s name to him by his staff.

Shane shook his head. “You know you’re going to have to at some stage.” Shane stared at him. “And you are going to have to sort out Kimiko too.”

Mitch nodded vaguely, still trying to work out what to do with the iceberg that could not be avoided.


Given that Kimiko had again avoided a request from Mitch to have a chat about the way things were, he finally gave in to do what Shane would insist was the only thing to do in that situation and used his administrator privileges to summon Kimiko to the boardroom, ostensibly for a message.

Mitch loitered alone for a few moments in the boardroom, wondering whether Kimiko would respond or perhaps whether she would twig and send Jackson again. He glanced at the walls of the room where in contrast with the cream plaster ambience of the walls, the recently hung prints depicting restrained naked women hinted at a fantasy of a darker milieu. Not for the first time Mitch wondered what was real, his office life or the promise of bondaged naked women that the prints suggested was a part of Mr Harada’s workplace experience.

Kimiko sidled quietly into the room while Mitch was in his reverie so he did not notice her until she had taken her usual kneeling position, in this case not far from the door. Looking downwards, she held that position with her gaze fixed firmly on the floor in front of her. Mitch realised that this was the same pose that her grandfather had discovered her on his floor walk. Mr Harada was back in Japan. And Mitch was still in a dilemma.

Mitch strode up to Kimiko so that she could not but know that he was standing right close to her.

“Thank you for coming,” he started. He looked down at her imagining her in one of the pictures that Mr Harada had sent, which loomed over him as he tried to connect with the submissive mailgirl. Why had he chosen this place for such a discussion with her? Once again he had to work hard to concentrate on the person in front of him and put a vision of her bound and helpless out of his mind.

“I did not have a choice, did I?” she replied. She was not going to make this easy, he realised.

“Kimiko,” he stated gently, “you could have taken the day off.”

Kimiko maintained her pose on her knees. And her defensive attitude. “I didn’t have a reason.”

Mitch sought to lay on the kindly approach. “I don’t want to tell you off. For a start, there is nothing to tell you off about as you didn’t do anything wrong.” He thought that he noticed Kimiko nodding at that so he continued. “I wanted to talk to you so we can both be sure about your future here, how we can be sure that you are comfortable staying here and how we can help you.”

Kimiko looked up at that, making eye contact despite her best effort not to. “Help me do what?” she asked softly. It was said calmly but there was a lot of force about it.

Mitch shrugged. “Help you continue on here as you want to.”

Having looked up for the first time, Kimiko noticed the new artwork on the walls with a jolt. She focused on the nearest one. “Did granddad send these?” she asked, standing up to get a better look. Mitch nodded. “That’s his style,” she added. She got up and walked close to the nearest one. Shot from the back it showed a naked woman — who, Mitch realised, somewhat resembled Kimiko — on her knees with her hands crossed behind her back, and to judge by the submissive look on her face which she had half turned from the camera, she was calmly waiting for her hands to be tied. A decent length of thick rope lay coiled ready at her feet.

“It’s called Kinbaku,” Kimiko told Mitch as she knelt near the print, copying the model’s pose and gazing over her shoulder at Mitch to see his reaction. “Sometimes it’s called Shibari,” she added as she crossed her hands behind her back. There was no rope.

Mitch managed to keep his voice steady. “That’s what people keep telling me,” Mitch agreed. “You’re not going to be tied up here,” he added.

“And if I wanted it?” Kimiko challenged him. “I should be punished!” she demanded forcefully.

“Kimiko, I’m not going to punish you,” Mitch insisted. He stood back from the kneeling mailgirl trying to work out how to get their conversation back on track. In the silence, Kimiko loosened her hands from her pose. She reached down past her firm belly with one hand and underneath her trim bottom with the other one. She began to frig herself vigorously, one hand on her clit, the other inside her lips.

“Punish me,” she insisted as she bent forward to more easily pleasure herself while still on her knees, legs spread and taut.

“Kimiko,” Mitch pleaded. “You know me. That’s not the sort of person I am.” He took breath before offering his weakest rebuttal. “That doesn’t happen here.”

Did she take any notice? Deep in her own thoughts and sensations, Kimiko pumped her hands harder, she could have been there alone in her own imaginings. At that moment, the door to the boardroom opened. Jackson stood there, naked of course with a broad smile on her face, poised and ready to enter. “Am I interrupting anything?” she smirked.

“Kimiko and I were just having a conversation,” Mitch advised.

“I can see that,” Jackson agreed as she closed the door and walked up to Kimiko who had chosen to slide onto her back, her legs wide as she groaned, clearly close to an orgasm.

“Kimiko, I’m here, I came as you asked me,” the former union rep advised, leaning over the wanking mailgirl, her breasts only inches from her face. Kimiko ignored Jackson as she concentrated on pleasuring herself, clearly close to orgasm.

Jackson shrugged and went over to stand with Mitch. “Nice weather we’re having,” she joshed with Mitch as the other mailgirl started to grunt then moan and lurch as she appeared to begin to climax.

“Yes,” Mitch agreed, “I might go for a run after work.”

“Haha, I get all the running I need here. In case you weren’t aware.” Jackson looked over to Kimiko who was thrusting her hips, it seemed in some sort of frustration at not being able to get where she wanted. “Do you need a hand?” Jackson called out to her cheerfully. That seemed to do it, Kimiko erupted into a series of intense spasms. Jackson and Mitch waited patiently for her to finish. When Kimiko looked over from her prone position and smiled at them, Jackson picked up on why she was there. “Where are we up to Mitch?”

Mitch sighed. “I’d like to say that things can stay the same as they were, but I can’t tell you that, Kimiko.”

“Why not?” Kimiko demanded. “I’m my own person. And we have a contract. Surely I have agency. What are my rights, Marjorie?”

Mitch gave them each a grave look. “It’s not my choice. It’s what Mr Harada wants.”

Kimiko shook her head. “Granddad wants a lot of things. He doesn’t always get them.”

Mitch nodded and looked to Jackson. “I think this is my area,” Jackson stated unnecessarily, since the other two clearly knew that. “You want Kimiko to stay with us, right Mitch?” she asked and Mitch immediately nodded. If it was up to him. “And Kimiko is correct,” Jackson added, “you cannot actually fire her for anything like this. First of all there’s unfair dismissal. So the Fair Work Commission would get involved. But there’s also the other thing.” She paused. Mitch and Kimiko looked at her for the big reveal. Jackson rolled her eyes. “Mitch, the publicity. If you obey Mr Harada if he tells you to sack Kimiko, say she went to the press. I believe the adverse publicity and the dishonour is something that Mr Harada would prefer to avoid? Family company, family scandal. All of that.”

Mitch thought about that for a moment, nodding as everything Jackson had said seemed to be right. He looked to Kimiko who was starting to play a finger on her clit.

Jackson noticed too. “Insatiable,” she smiled. “I don’t know how you do it.”

Mitch smiled at both of the mailgirls. “It looks like Jackson has solved this for us. Let’s wait and see what Mr Harada says when I finally do hear from him.” He smiled at Jackson. “Thanks, I guess I have answers to whatever he tells me.”

Jackson shrugged like it was no big deal. “I guess you do,” she added, as if it was all a matter of Mitch working things out for himself.

“I think this is the point where I leave,” he stated.

Jackson pulled a long face. “Oh Mitch, do you need to?” And she ran a finger down to her clit. As if she was going have some of what Kimiko was having. Mitch shook his head at her.

Kimiko looked up from the floor smiling at the boss as she worked both hands on herself, trying for another orgasm. “Mitch, you are the best boss ever,” she gasped, shuddering from getting close again.

But Mitch chose to go despite what was going on in front of him. Well, he thought, there’s probably no other boss who has six naked masturbating beauties working for him all day. Maybe he was doing something right.

He stepped into the hallway and turned to see that Jackson had followed him. She smiled. “Honestly,” she laughed, “that girl’s always on the verge, always just about to go off.”

Mitch felt bold. “Not your thing?” he tested.

Jackson grabbed him gently by the shoulder. “Mitch, you know what I want.”

Mitch shook his head trying to me light about it. “Not going to happen.”

Jackson shook her head, smiling, as she held him. She ran her hand down his arm and let go. But she stayed close to Mitch, very close. “One day,” she whispered, “one day.” And she jogged off, around the corner and out of Mitch’s sight.


Annette Kellerman slunk into Mitch’s office. Although she had a confident look on her face, she betrayed her nerves by biting on a pinky as she sidled towards Mitch’s desk in a coy way, hiding her crotch from his view. Mitch tried to recall if she had ever been as brazen as Jackson or Kimiko with him as he watched her slowly come towards him. He gestured at one of the chairs in front of his desk.

“Have I done something wrong?” she asked him, still biting on her finger. He recalled how confident she had acted in the job interview, or what there had been of it given how quickly it was over. She had stripped in front of him and Belinda Clark, had said that she wanted to be a mailgirl and that was pretty much that. Maybe her bravado then was a complete act, a rehearsed way to pass the interview. He would try to find out, not wanting her to be trapped as a mailgirl if she had now found that was not what she wanted to be. “Mitch?” she reminded him. Obviously he had been in his own thoughts for too long.

“No, you’ve done nothing wrong. At least not that I know of.” Mitch smiled and the naked mailgirl opposite him smiled back with her wide thin lips and brightly dark eyes that hinted at things that he did not know of. “I am hoping to speak to all of you now that we have been doing this for about three months to see how you feel so that I can get an idea of how things can be improved or changed for your comfort.”

Annette leant back in her chair. “Oh, you want me to be comfortable,” she teased, opening her legs just a little, resting her hands on the armrest so that she was totally exposed to the manager.

Mitch glanced at the mailgirl’s alluring body. Undressed, she turned out to be the Australian mailgirl who was closest to the American ideal of the fit, perfect hardbodied mailgirl that their videos promoted. Realising that he was ogling her body, Mitch made the effort to look her in the eyes. “Do you have any doubts? Any feelings of regret about choosing this? Or are you totally happy with the way that things are going?”

Annette Kellerman sat up straight, crossing her legs and folding her arms around each other almost in embarrassment as she thought about an answer to that. Had he put her in interview mode again? “I guess if you had told me a year ago that every day I come to work, the first thing I would do is take my clothes off. Well! I don’t know what I would say to my one year ago self about that. But regrets…” She thought for a moment. “I was kind of expecting to get punished.”

Mitch looked concerned. “That’s not going to happen. But why, what for?”

Annette relaxed a bit. “Because it would be kind of hot. Isn’t that what you are supposed to do to mailgirls?”

Mitch shook his head. “You’ll need to go to the States or Japan to get that. Have you forgotten your contract?”

Annette smiled. “I didn’t read the contract. I mean who does? I know what you told us, but I thought that was just words to trap us in or something. I thought it would be like the videos, I guess.” She hooked a finger in her mouth to think for a moment. “So you cannot punish me?” She squirmed in her seat as if she knew the answer was yes but still hoping that it was no.

Mitch shook his head again. “I am not allowed to under your work conditions. And anyway, you have done nothing I can punish you for.”

Annette perked right up. “I’m sure I can think of something.” She looked around the room.

“I know you’re joking.” Mitch looked at Annette, but he was not so sure that she was joking to judge by the hope in her posture. “Anyway,” he continued, “that’s not going to happen. I am just not going to do that to my employees.”

Annette pouted. But what was a girl to do?

Mitch sighed. “I know it’s weird. We’re paying you a lot of money to not wear any clothes and to do a few things around the place that are not too difficult. One thing I don’t know about you, one thing it would be useful to know is whether you have any career plans.”

Annette thought for a moment. “Not really. I didn’t mind what I was doing here before. But I don’t miss it.”

“Have you kept in touch with your old department? Where you were the PA?”

“Not really. They haven’t paged me yet and I’ve had no reason to go there.”

“So you don’t think about what you would do post-mailgirl?”

“Should I?” Annette looked worried. “Is there something? Are you telling me?”

Mitch shook his head. “Nothing like that. It’s good that some of you are keeping up your skills and studying. How are you still finding the economics course?”

“Just in case?”

“Just in case.”

Annette thought for a moment. “The economics course is a bit, well, dry. But the BAD boys downstairs said that if I wanted they would find me work there. They would train me up.”

Mitch looked concerned.

Annette shook her head. “Oh I know.” She squeezed her breasts at Mitch. “I’m sure that it has something to do with the naked part of the job. But there wasn’t just helping with the prints in the boardroom. I’ve done a few other things down there, helped them with some assembling and stuff. So they know I’m good with my hands.”

Mitch smiled.

Annette gave him a theatrical sigh. “No, not just doing that,” she asserted.


Mitch was serving up dinner for all four of the family.

Emily looked at hers. “Impressive, dad.”

Cara looked at hers. “Not out of a box, dad?” she asked.

“No, Cara. I should be offended. You know I can cook.”

“But you’ve been so busy at work, dad,” she continued. Then she smiled. “How was your day in the office?”

“How was Uni?” he asked back. But his daughters were not going to be deflected.

“Yeah,” Emily added, “how were all those naked mailgirls? Were they bothering you?”

Jessica glared at both the girls. But this level of taunting was not unusual, so the girls brushed that off.

“Well,” Mitch smiled, deciding to play up to them. “One of them decided that she needed to be punished.”

“Wow,” Emily exclaimed, “did you do it?”

Mitch looked appalled at the thought. “No, of course not. First of all, that’s not how I treat my employees and, well, it’s just wrong.”

Emily wasn’t satisfied with that. “But she’s a mailgirl in your company and she must expect to get disciplined. That’s part of being a mailgirl.”

“Not with us. We don’t have anyone in the office who would discipline our mailgirls. We don’t hire people like that,” Mitch said, trying to be light about it, but he suspected that he had not completely succeeded.

Jessica shot Mitch a look that if the girls had seen, they would not have understood. “Not in front of the girls, Mitch,” she warned.

Mitch stirred his dinner. “I think they’re old enough.”

Cara spoke up. “I’ll do it!” Emily gave her a wide-eyed look. One that their parents did not read. One that they would not have understood.

Jessica turned to Mitch. “That’s why not in front of the girls. You have one daughter who wants to be a mailgirl and now the other one wants to beat them up.”

Both girls smiled angelically at their mother. Mitch smiled when he noticed.

Jessica shook her head. “I give up.”


Mr Harada was on the Skype with Mitch. He had finally made contact for the first time since his visit, and it was not going well for Mitch. “Do you even read the reports from Tokyo and New York?” Mr Harada harangued him. Mr Harada did not wait for an answer. They both knew what the answer to that was. Mr Harada looked sternly into his camera. “Your report is due on the fifth,” he stressed slowly. “I suggest you read the reports from the others so you see what we expect from you.” There was no emotion in the older man’s voice, not even a hint of weariness or the strain of having to deal with his troublesome Australian boss. And not a flicker of a hint of how he felt about the issue at the root of the fracture. Kimiko. Mr Harada stared for a moment longer with Mitch wondering if the Skype image had frozen. But no, the smallest gesture of dismissal came from Mr Harada and the call was over.

Mitch sat back for a moment to find his equilibrium. When he had calmed he took a look through the recent reports as Mr Harada had suggested and after thinking for a moment, he got onto the app and paged Jan Stephenson since he had spoken to her for a while. She appeared after only a few moments, jogging past Betty Cuthbert before the PA could react and came straight into Mitch’s office with a wide grin.

“This is a rare privilege, Mr Johnson,” she grinned, as she sashayed towards Mitch. “You want?” she asked hopefully.

Mitch seemed to missread her performance as he smiled at her. “I want Wendy,” he stated flatly. “Can you find her? Ask her to come in here. It’s rather urgent.” He finished and looked at Jan who had not moved. She had her hands on her hips, poised like there was something that Mitch had forgotten. He looked at her and woke up. “Sorry Jan, I have something urgent on my mind. I hope that didn’t sound too dismissive?”

Jan shook her head, showing that she understood. “Is there anything else that you need?” she asked, still trying to give some cheer to her clearly troubled boss.

“Sorry,” he replied. “It’s not you and I know you’re trying to help. Can you please find Wendy to help me sort something out.”

“It’s not something that we’ve done?” Jan asked, worried as she stepped up to put her hands on his desk, to look down to Mitch with concern.

“No, nothing like that at all. I just need Wendy to help me with some reports.” He paused and looked up to the face of the tall, athletic nude who towered over him. “Sorry,” he apologised. “I’ve been meaning to catch up with you, have a chat to see how things have been going. When I’ve got a moment…” Mitch gestured at all the stuff on his desk that was taking up his time.

Jan smiled reassuringly. “I understand. I’ll go and find Wendy.” And she jogged out, as Mitch sat hopeful that he was not alienating his staff with his own issues.

Wendy came in not long after, bustling and blousy but exuding an air of control. Mitch explained the problem to her and showed her the report from the States and let her read through it. Wendy Turnbull did not seem perturbed or flustered as she scrolled down. Was this because she knew it was his problem, not hers, Mitch wondered. After she seemed to have absorbed this gist of the report, Mitch spoke up.

Can you assemble the data by the third?” he asked her.

“Already on it,” she smiled. “I’ve got most of it done.”

Mitch was taken aback. “Oh, how come?” he questioned her. He tried to look impressed with the shapely woman who was the mailgirls’ supervisor.

Wendy laughed a little. “Betty Cuthbert forwarded the emails to me. I have had them for a few weeks now.” Wendy sat back, serene. “You do know that you are meant to comment on the Tokyo and New York reports? I didn’t see any comments from you on last month’s.”

“An oversight,” Mitch laughed.

Wendy went along with that. “Well, I have a good part of the report drafted. The rest of the data is on the app. I just have to download it and organise it to make it readable. You should have a look at those reports,” she added. “Lindsay Davenport has added some comments to the American report. I think she’s gone out of her way to be critical to you. She’s your equivalent in the US operation, right?”

“Well, if you call running an operation twenty times bigger than mine, yes, she’s my equivalent. Although she’s a vice president, I think.”

“Funny then that she seems to be taking an interest in the Australian operation then. Sounds like she should be busy enough with her own. Anyway, have a look at what she said. I’ll highlight the passages and email it to you,” Wendy advised, efficient as usual.

“What would I do without you?” Mitch wondered aloud.

Wendy smiled. “You would have to check on the girls every morning yourself.” She paused. “Just joking. But we will have to work out who should cover for me if I take any time off.” Mitch looked worried. Wendy read his concerned look and explained. “I’m planning some holidays,” she explained. “Don’t worry, it’s not for a little while. But did you know that we have fewer absences than the New York office?” she added, feeling confident to show her range.

Mitch shook his head. “I did not know that.”

Wendy continued. “Strange, because we have all these different reasons here to take time off and a much bigger allocation of personal leave than the Americans have. And then there’s the annual leave on top of that.”

Mitch shrugged. “Well, early days. How do we compare with Japan?”

Wendy looked him straight in the eyes. “They don’t have absences.”


Wendy had given her morning approval to the mailgirls for what it was worth. There was never anything that was a problem. The ones who shaved clean, shaved and the rest kept themselves trimmed neat. The inspection was a formality, and of course there were no sanctions. It was a quiet morning so far, and as 9.30am approached none of them had been required for messages. It was so quiet that Heather had logged in to her laptop and was surfing the net while they all lounged on the benches.

Lauryn noticed that unusual behaviour by Heather who had made a virtue of staying off the computers and called over to her, “Heather, what are you doing?”

Heather looked up from her screen and laughed. “What do you think? Checking on the US mailgirls. I’ve got to keep up with the latest. You know, for when I get the call.”

Jackson and Jan joined Lauryn in laughing at that. Kimiko chose to avoid their exchange.

“You’ll see,” warned Heather. “Wait,” she exclaimed looking closely at one of the results of her search. “Do any of you know anything about a video called Melbourne Mailgirls?”

The general response was “What?” Heather looked over at Wendy Turnbull who shook her head and shrugged. The mailgirls gathered to look at Heather’s screen. She hit play.

“Melbourne mailgirls go wild,” Jackson read from the screen. “Should be interesting. Anyone gone wild recently?” There was a bit of a titter in response to that quip. But Jackson was concerned. She did not like that sort of surprise.

The first few seconds of the video set the tone. “That’s not our change room,” Jan observed. Which was immediately obvious since they were in it. “And that’s not us,” she added. Because that was obvious too.

They watched their doppelgangers getting ready in a change room that was more luxurious than theirs. “Wendy,” Lauren called out to her, “this video has a coffee machine in the change room. Can you organise that for us?” Wendy laughed and took that as an invitation to come closer to also have a look at the sceen.

The mailgirls in the video were all tall, large breasted with long blonde ponytails. They were everyone’s idea of how mailgirls should look. Not a hair below their necks. “Do you think we’re being replaced?” Heather wondered.

“Well, at least no one is going to recognise us in the street from this video,” Jackson observed. Not even Annette. The Go Wild mailgirls were a level above even her. There was a montage on the screen of these golden mailgirls running through an office, the usual promotional stuff. This rapidly cut to scenes of two of them being punished, both holding painful poses while being carefully dealt with by a dangerous looking woman who held a riding crop. The filming was good, with a lot of close-up detail. You could see the strain in their calves and the stress on the faces of the mailgirls who were being disciplined. You could also see the dark dressed woman tapping their thighs and taut bottoms with her whip while they balanced on their toes. The video ended with the two punished mailgirls on their knees, their makeup and hair still perfect, thanking the other woman for their treatment.

Jackson spoke first. “I’m not sure what the message of that is supposed to be.”

Lauryn wondered. “Is that what we have to look forward to?”

Heather smiled as she replayed it. “Count me in favour of it. Would make the day more interesting.”

They looked over to Kimiko who at that moment got a call on her app, and so was on her way out the door and able to avoid having to give her view.

“Things are changing,” Lauren suggested.

Jan shrugged. “Judging by those prints in the boardroom, who knows where this is heading.”

They looked to Wendy who shrugged. “I don’t know,” she offered. “I have no news. Anything I find out, I’ll tell you.”

Kimiko returned. “Wendy,” she said softly. “Mitch would like to see you.”


Mitch scrolled though the report while Wendy followed along, scanning the screen from his side. “I am interested in this finding of yours,” Mitch told her and read “A lot of the workers prefer the less attractive Melbourne mailgirls and are glad that they didn’t get mailgirls who looked like cheerleader identikit Americans. They feel more comfortable with naked normal looking women. And their partners are more accepting as they expected the mailgirls to all be statuesque supermodels and physical fitness freaks.” Mitch smiled. “I guess you could have added ‘who are more likely to distract them from their work.’ It looks like a way of saying our mailgirls aren’t attractive enough?”

Wendy considered the irony of that compared with the Go Wild video she had just seen. “I ran a few surveys,” Wendy replied. “I can’t say how accurate the results are, given how people prefer to reply to questions about this sort of thing. But those are the results I got.” She decided not to distract Mitch with news of the new video if he did not already know.

“We tend to describe ourselves in a better light?” he suggested, referencing the survey.

“Something like that. Who would want to say that they are doing less work because of the mailgirls?” Wendy suggested.

As if on cue, Jan knocked on the door to Mitch’s office. Mitch waved her in.

“I’m not disturbing anything,” the tall, thin athletic blonde asked as she stepped inside and began to do some gym warm up stretches with no apparent self concern. A number of the stretches thrust her breasts forward. She then raised one knee to her chest, exposing her crotch to Wendy and Mitch.

“Do you have a message for either of us?” Mitch asked her.

“Oh yes,” Jan replied as she raised the other knee to her chest. “Shane wanted to know if you are going to have lunch with him, Mitch? One o’clock?”

“Sure,” Mitch agreed. “Was that it?”

“Yep,” Jan responded. “I’ll go back and tell him.” And she left, as athletically as she had entered, closing the door behind her.

Mitch shrugged at Wendy, as if to say ‘that is my day.’ She seemed to sympathise with him. “Would you say our mailgirls are attractive?” Mitch probed, trying to look as detached from the subject as he could, like Jan’s appearance was matter of fact to him.

“I tend to treat them as the people that they are rather than a set of naked bodies, if you know what I mean,” Wendy suggested.

Mitch sat back from his meeting table so he could talk straight to her. “I hadn’t thought much about it until I saw the survey. Of course you know that we were able to recruit all volunteers from within the company, so it was as much of an accident that we ended up with six ‘normal looking’ women rather than the supermodels we see in the videos from the States.” Mitch thought on that for a moment. “I hope that this can be worded in a way that our mailgirls would find disparaging?”

Wendy smiled knowingly. “They’re a pretty resilient bunch. And they’re pretty self-aware. I think that they’ll be okay.”

Mitch turned the laptop away to indicate that part of their discussion was over. He looked Wendy in the eyes as he changed the subject. “And how are you finding the job?” he asked. “We haven’t really had a chance to talk.”

Wendy shrugged. “You know my background. Being around a lot of bare flesh isn’t a problem for me. And…”

Mitch raised an eyebrow. “And?”

“Well, as I’m sure you well know they’re a lively bunch,” Wendy began.

Mitch looked concerned. “Are they giving you a hard time?”

Wendy shook her head. “Not really. But they know their rights and…” Mitch gave her a look of concern. “Well, I guess they do try to give me a hard time,” Wendy continued, emphasising the word ‘try.’

Mitch smiled, relieved. “And everyone else,” he added. “Nothing you can’t handle? They don’t cross any boundaries?”

“Nothing serious,” Wendy replied. “Their taunts that I should give it a go one day so that I know what they go through.”

Mitch stared at the well preserved, not unattractive MILF and hoped he had kept his caring face on. But he wondered why she had told him that. Was she looking for affirmation of some sort? Was she perhaps sowing a seed?

Wendy continued regardless. “I would never do it of course. First of all, my time for that is over and done. And secondly…” Mitchell looked at her, still trying the compassion, still wondering why they were on the subject. “…secondly, I don’t think I could do what they do, brazenly show themselves inside here all day.”

That certainly stoked the possibilities in Mitch’s mind. He cursed himself for even considering that Wendy’s last statement was a negotiating position. But he decided to stay away from the topic, particularly in case Wendy had actually meant nothing by it. Mitch steered the conversation back to the report, noting that Wendy did not seem put out that he had not pursued whether or not she had aspirations. “I have to thank you for your work on this and the conclusions,” he concluded warmly. “I don’t know how else we could have got this done by deadline. I’ll make sure that you get the appropriate recognition for all that you’ve done.”

And again, after Wendy had left, Mitch sat alone worrying about his imagining having another member of his staff spending the day naked in the office, exposed to him and to everyone else. And something else Wendy Turnbull had told him during their discussion piqued him. None of the mailgirls seemed to have any qualms or any need for any coping mechanisms to do each day what they did on display. If anything their nudity seemed to enhance and expand their personalities from what they were before the program started. Could they all really be so well adjusted?


Finding himself in the office early in the morning, before Betty Cuthbert had arrived — which was unusual — Mitch felt a whiff of freedom. Alone on the sixth floor he made his way to the windows that looked down over the foyer. And the mezzanine. He had a clear view of the mailgirls who were already in and getting themselves ready. Wendy Turnbull was in the middle of the room and seemed to be conversing with the two who had already arrived. Mitch recognised Heather and Lauryn, already undressed, in a discussion with Wendy about something.

And then Jackson walked in.

Mitch felt his heart leap. She strolled in nonchalantly, placed the bag she was carrying down on the bench and greeted the other three. Jackson, like any office worker, was sensibly dressed for the time of the year. Then Mitch’s emotions bounced as he registered just what she was wearing. He realised as he watched her remove her burgundy jacket and hang it in her locker that he recognised that jacket and the whiteness of the blouse that she was now unbuttoning from that meeting, the first time that she had visited the office in her capacity as a union rep to discuss mailgirl work conditions with him. She unbuttoned the same burgundy slacks she had worn then and eased herself out of them, lifting one bare leg and then the other so that she could also hang the slacks in her locker. She was not wearing a bra which, Mitchell mused, was hardly necessary for her smallish firm breasts. But she had a pair of pants under the slacks. They came down and were also placed in the locker leaving Jackson suddenly as bare as the other mailgirls. Mitch had not realised that Jan had arrived while he was concentrating on Jackson. She too was now naked. Both the women were examining their underarms and breasts while clearing chatting about something.

Mitch felt a pang at how Jackson was so at home in the nude around the other staff, particularly the fully dressed Wendy Turnbull. This was highlighted when Heather walked up to Wendy and attempted to unbutton her supervisor’s blouse. The casual way that Wendy slapped Heather’s hand away suggested that this was regular horseplay on the mezzanine, as Wendy had suggested to him. The other mailgirls had clearly noticed Heather messing with Wendy, and Mitch got the idea that they were now taunting Wendy about staying dressed. Everyone’s demeanour suggested it was an ongoing campaign by the girls. Their state of undress was certainly highlighted, given the presence of their clothed supervisor.

Jackson sat down, astride one of the benches and was examining herself to make sure that she met the standards required to face the day as a mailgirl. By necessity she had her legs spread as she examined her crotch. Mitch was well aware that she kept a tuft of pubic hair above her slit while keeping her slit and inner thighs hair free. Jackson said something to Jan who handed her a razor which Jackson used to neaten the area close to her slit. Jan moved closer to her as if to check on what she was doing, perhaps advising if she missed a hair or two that she could not see.

Jackson carefully rubbed her crotch where she had sorted herself with the razor. Then making eye contact with Jan who was so close to her, she put the handle in her mouth pretending to orally stimulate it for a moment. To Mitch’s surprise, she then easily inserted the handle, wanking herself with it a few times to Jan’s evident amusement. Jackson removed the handle giving it a lick before handing it back to Jan who gave her an impish look as she took the razor back and licked it too, clearly to Jackson’s delight. At that instant, she looked up, directly into Mitch’s eyes. Taken by surprise, he had no choice but to meet her gaze with a look that turned to embarrassment as hers turned to delight at having caught him. For a moment, Mitch hoped that Jackson could not actually see clearly from that distance that it was him. He relaxed as he watched Jackson run her fingers up Jan’s bare thigh. But that hope was dashed when Jackson looked up at him and broke into a broad smile that could only mean that she could see his face as clearly as he could see hers.

Their eye contact over, Mitch backed away from the window and returned to his office. He stepped around the corner to see Betty Cuthbert at her desk, clearly between him and his office door and also looking up at him, apparently waiting for her PC to finish booting. “Good morning Mitch,” she called out with what he could only accept was a knowing look. “I’ve put a few documents on your desk for you to look at,” she continued. And Mitch could only surmised that the way she said ‘look at’ was totally loaded with a judgement of him and what she had seen him doing.


It had gone past noon. Mitch strolled past Betty Cuthbert’s desk. “Are you off anywhere?” she requested.

Taken by surprise, Mitch faltered. “Ah, no,” he started. “Just taking a walk through town.”

“Don’t forget you have a two o’clock phone conference booked,” Betty reminded him.

“Thanks,” he called, “I’ll be back long before then.” Although he was not really looking forward to that call. And who it was with.

Mitch daydreamed as he walked down Swanston Street. It was his moment to shake off the stress of running the office. But still he kept an eye on folk walking towards him, just to make sure that he did not walk into anyone. When he saw a familiar woman, dressed in hip hugging blue jeans, a strapless with a half sweater covering her otherwise bare shoulders.

“Annette,” he called out as she was just about to go past him, almost brushing his side.

“Mitch,” she smiled, “I was just going back to the office.” Mitch’s attention was drawn to the large bag she was carrying. “I have to get back, the others will be starving.”

“You’re wearing clothes,” he noted.

Annette gave him that look. “Well we are in public, Mitch.” She realised his issue. “We take it in turns to go out and buy lunch. You don’t want us starving in there during the afternoon?”

“I wonder what the other ones do,” Mitch wondered, “the other countries.” He knew that they were stricter than he could be.

Annette looked incredulous. “You don’t know?” she blurted.

Mitch shrugged. “I didn’t know,” he agreed.

Annette smiled. “You don’t want to know,” she cautioned.

Mitch nodded. “So true.” He admitted to himself that he was being constantly surprised. By what he did not know.

“Anyway, got to get back. They’ll be waiting.” Annette proceeded past her boss. “Enjoy the rest of your lunch break,” she called out as she picked up her pace and left him to continue in the other direction.


Cara walked into Emily’s room to find her naked and balancing on tiptoes with her hands on her head. “What are you doing?” she demanded.

“Thanks for coming in,” Emily gasped, clearly under stress from the position that she was in. “But what took you so long?”

Cara smiled dangerously, her face close up to her sister’s. “I didn’t know you wanted me in here urgently. So what is this?” She took in the strain evident on her sister’s face.

Emily sweated, holding her pose with evident difficulty. “I saw this one on a new video. It’s how they like to punish their mailgirls,” she gasped. Sweat rolled down her neck.

“Tell me, what do they punish them for?” asked Cara with the luxury of taking all the time that she wanted, as she watched her sister’s self inflicted suffering.

“Things like looking the bosses in the face, not looking at the floor when addressed, that sort of thing.”

“So there might be a mailgirl doing this in dad’s office right as we speak,” Cara laughed as she circled the flinching naked form of her sister. “I can just imagine that!” she burst, “Dad.”

“Yeah,” Emily agreed smiling at her sister through the pain, teeth still gritted. “Except that he said that he didn’t.”

“You looked at me!” Cara snapped.

“This hurts, I ache all over,” Emily complained.

Cara stared hard at her. “You will just have to learn to bear it.”

Emily sniffled, but stared down at the floor. “I will, I will. If that’s what it takes.”

Cara picked up a ruler from Emily’s desk and went up close to her naked, straining sister as she slapped the ruler menacingly against her palm. “Why do you have a ruler?”

Emily forced out a grin. “For situations like this.”

Cara slapped the ruler once against her sister’s tight bottom.

“Thank you,” Emily grimaced.

Cara slapped the ruler harder against one of her straining calves.

“Yes,” Emily cried, “harder!”

Cara shrugged, stepped back took her time to observe her teetering sister in her awkward, painful pose then whacked her other calf. “What?” she demanded roughly.

“Thank you,” Emily whispered. The attack on her calves had allowed her to regain her poise as she concentrated on the pain there, so she no longer looked like she was about to fall.

Cara stood back and stared. “So you still want to be a mailgirl?” She shook her head at the hope on her sister’s face. “I don’t understand you. Haven’t you leant anything? Haven’t I’ve been trying to teach you about being a modern assertive woman in today’s world?”

Emily teetered for a moment as she worried about that, then righted herself again, balanced back on her toes. “It’s so easy for you. You’re the one with the brains,” she complained.

Cara chuckled at that. “All you have to do is tell dad or mum that you are still determined to be a mailgirl and they will shower you with so much money that you will never ever have to work a day in your life. They’ll keep you at Uni for ever. We’ve got it good girl. It’s about grabbing at the opportunities life gives you and running away with them.”

Emily shook her head. “But you don’t understand. It’s not about money. I just want people to look at my body!”

Cara nodded. “Life is so much easier when it’s only about the money. And you’re right, they would probably just give you the money anyway.” She stood back and gently tapped the ruler against her palm. “But that’s not why we’re here in this situation with you standing like that, is it?”

Emily grimaced at her sister. Cara slapped the ruler against each of her calves again. And then her buttocks.


The week rolled on. Returning to his office from a mid-morning meeting, a sixth sense warned Mitch to stop before he turned the corner. He waited for a moment then looked around the corner from his position, mostly hidden from Betty Cuthbert’s desk. Jackson was on her knees in front of Betty who was seated. The naked mailgirl held both of Betty’s hands in hers and they were deep in conversation, obviously very private. Mitch wondered at the incongruity of Betty for once dealing with a mailgirl on equal terms and knew that he was not going to intrude on such an unusual event.

To his surprise, Jackson stood up, still holding Betty’s hands in a way that forced her to stand too. Jackson drew her close giving his normally reticent PA a strong hug which Betty seemed to happily accept. Mitch noted pruriently how Jackson’s naked breasts were pressed tight against Betty’s blouse. He chose to leave the scene to give them the privacy for whatever was going on between them. He backed off towards the lifts, deciding to head out for a moment and get some fresh air.

Mitch returned about fifteen minutes later to find Betty Cuthbert sitting alone at her desk, seemingly engrossed in her work, giving no suggestion that anything was different to her usual haughtiness.

“All good?” he asked her as he reached the door to his office.

“All good,” she replied flatly without raising her eyes from her work.


Mitch tried to keep the encounter between Jackson and Betty Cuthbert to the back of his mind as the day proceeded, but he knew that his curiosity would win and he would have to ask Jackson about it at some point before the end of the day. It was an occurrence so strange that he needed to know. The image stayed in his mind, the naked mailgirl hugging his usually touch averse and mailgirl averse PA. Mitch tried to convince himself that his urge for an explanation was his concern for Betty’s well-being. Nothing about being intrusive. No, nothing.

Trying, Mitch could conjure no reason to summon a mailgirl during the afternoon even though he was aware that as the head of the office he could call any mailgirl he chose without needing a reason. At three o’clock, he gave in and used his admin rights to request Jackson.

She sauntered in to his office about fifteen minutes later. Mitch noted that Betty pretended to not notice her as the naked woman sauntered past, as usual walking as close to Betty’s desk as possible, swishing her hips teasing close to Betty’s near elbow. Were both of them playing these parts for his benefit? And why had Jackson taken so long to respond. In an office with demerits, that would have meant a public punishment at the end of the week. But, as Mitch was happy to recall, Melbourne was different.

Not that Jackson seemed fussed by her tardiness. She looked strong and attractive as she strode up to Mitch’s desk and leaned over it with her breasts gently jingling in his face. “I’m guessing that there isn’t a message to deliver?” she challenged.

Mitch smiled and shook his head. “Close the door,” he asked her gently.

“Oh good,” she responded and sashayed back to the door, making sure that Mitch enjoyed the sight of her body.

“So you are finally giving in to me?” she asked when she was again leaning over the desk as the smiling manager shook his head. “So?” she asked, “how else may I help?”

Mitch sighed and shook his head with exaggerated sadface. “I saw you and Betty in the morning. I was wondering…”

Noting his hesitancy, Jackson straightened up and interrupted. “Oh that.” She smiled possessively down at him. “You were wondering what was going on?” Mitch nodded, holding eye contact. “It’s going to cost you,” Jackson warned.

Mitch stared at her for a moment. “What?” he asked eventually.

“Now, let’s see,” Jackson said giving Mitch the impression that she was considering how far she would push him. Having made up her mind, she looked him in the eyes. “Tell me how much you like my arse.”

Jackson stepped back from the desk, turned around once and then took a few steps away so that Mitch could fully appreciate her round but firm butt cheeks and the crease that ran down between them. She bent forward just enough to give Mitch a glimpse of her butthole before straightening up and marching back to the desk. She pulled one of the seats facing Mitch back enough that she could sit down while spreading her legs enough for Mitch to be able to clearly see her lightly working her clit with one hand.

“Your arse is magnificent,” Mitch pronounced because it clearly was.

Jackson lowered a finger into her slit and gasped at that before returning to her gentle rubbing. “This space so needs a dildo station,” she gasped.

“That’s not going to happen,” Mitch reminded her with a gesture to the hard-working PA who was just visible to Mitch outside his door. “You know that.”

Jackson stopped her fingering and crossed her legs. “If you were more observant, you would have noticed that Betty is not herself today.”

Mitch considered that during the day Betty Cuthbert’s haughtiness was dialled up only to its usual level, and she was as efficient as usual. The only difference had been the episode with Jackson. “Sorry, but she seems to me like most other days.” Mitch looked unconvinced.

Jackson shook her head slowly, acknowledging the lack of male empathy on display. “I noticed something was up and asked her. It took a little persuasion but eventually she did confide in me. She needs some care today, she’s a bit fragile. Her cat’s at the vet. She’s waiting to hear the news but she’s fearing the worst.”

Mitch looked genuinely concerned. “What should I do? I wouldn’t have known anything was up if I hadn’t stumbled on her, um, with you. I don’t think I want her to realise that I know about that.”

“Ah men,” Jackson sighed. “Let me try to help you. I assume that there was nothing else you needed to ask me about?”

Mitch shook his head. Jackson nodded back and got up, leaving the office without any further ceremony. She stopped at Betty’s desk and called Betty to stop her work so that they could talk. Jackson strode around to the other side of Betty’s desk and as she had done before she took Betty by the hands and gave her a brief hug, although this time not as strong as before.

After Jackson had left, Mitch stepped out of his office and stood by his PA’s desk until she noticed him and stopped the work that she had returned to.

Mitch looked down at her with, he hoped, the right amount of sympathy that he could offer to her. “Betty,” he asked softly, “is there anything I can do?”


Lauryn came into Mitch’s office as he finished his morning coffee. She waited a moment to catch his attention and when that did not happen she coughed to get him. Mitch looked up at her. The mailgirl stepped towards his desk. “Shane wants to make sure you open the email from Mr Harada. One sent at eight-fifty this morning.”

Mitch started to scroll down and stopped to regard Lauryn who had one hand on his desk and was swinging one leg then the other through more than 180 degrees as if she was limbering up for her next assignment. “You’re not doing any BA work at the moment?” he asked her warmly.

Lauryn relaxed. “There’s none for me at the moment. We finished that latest report on Friday, but you probably know that. So I get to play at being a mailgirl for a while.”

“I’ll make sure you’re in the contributors list. And how are you finding it, being a mailgirl?”

“Not as many people stare as I thought they would.”

Mitch stared at the fit, tanned lithe woman in front of him and found that hard to believe. “Maybe you just don’t notice them?”

Lauryn did not flinch or appear troubled by Mitch’s stare. “That’s possible.” She shrugged like it was no big thing to her. She stretched her arms behind her back as a continuation of her limbering up routine with the obvious results of prominently thrusting her breasts forward. Mitch marvelled at how easy all the mailgirls seemed to find being naked in the same office where they had recently been clothed. He looked over Lauryn with a whiff of time past. If only this was years ago and he was not manager of the office and married with a wife and two daughters. He studied her face. Lauryn was staring at him with a smile that recognised that he was objectifying her and that she did not mind. “There’s one more thing,” she told Mitch.

“Um, yes,” he asked as he returned to the reality of the office.

“Shane said for me to wait until you had read Mr Harada’s email. He did not say why.”

Mitch nodded, back into the office reality. “I better read it then.” He scrolled down his emails as he gestured for Lauryn to sit at the desk while she was waiting. She did so and almost instinctively she placed one heel on the edge of Mitch’s desk giving him a full view of her crotch. Which of course drew his attention. Lauryn absently scratched a nipple and when she was happy having scratch that itch, she began to languidly finger her clit in Mitch’s full view.

“If only…” she started.

Mitch finished the thought for her. “There’s not going to be a dildo station in here,” he concluded for her with a smile. He clicked back to his task. “Right, the email.” Mitch read it for a moment, then concentrated further on it. He leaned back in his seat and watched Lauryn gently wank herself for a short while. She had a mild orgasm, a shudder through her body and then she brought herself down and gave Mitch her attention. “I can see why Shane wanted you to wait.” Mitch looked mildly concerned.

“What is it?” Lauryn asked, dropping her leg down to the floor so she could properly pay attention to Mitch.

“Mr Harada is sending Mrs Ogawa to visit,” Mitch told Lauryn who looked blank at that.

“That’s not good?” Lauryn asked.

At that moment, Shane burst in. “Mrs Ogawa is coming!” he exclaimed at Mitch. Then he noticed Lauryn. “Oh hi, Lauryn,” he told her. “He told you?”

“I just wanked myself to an orgasm,” Lauryn told Shane.

He stood over her with a smile. “What a shame I missed it,” he answered. “How about another one?”

“Later,” she laughed, “next time.” Then more seriously, “who is Mrs Ogawa?”

Shane looked to Mitch. He was curious as to how Mitch would handle that news.

“You know those Japanese correction videos?” he asked Lauryn.

“You mean the punishment videos?” she asked.

“That’s Mrs Ogawa,” Mitch stated. “Doing the punishment. And she’s coming here.”

“I’m going to guess,” Shane continued, “that it’s got something to do with Kimiko.” Mitch nodded automatically at that, Shane was most likely right.

“Oh,” Lauryn said. All three looked concerned. They realised that things were about to change.

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