Man Does More than Decorate Ch. 02

An adult stories – Man Does More than Decorate Ch. 02 by Satsumabook123,Satsumabook123 When I woke the next day my bottom was swollen and very tender. My dreams had once again involved females being spanked and caned. My arousal reflected the thoughts that constantly shot through my mind. I could not wait for Ian’s arrival. The greeting was completely different to the previous two days. He told me he needed to inspect the damage he had done to my bottom and use some cream to help its recovery.

He led me to the kitchen table and with no ceremony lifted my dress out of the way. My panties were quickly removed and he drew his breath in when he saw my bottom. The creaming of my bottom seemed little more than an excuse to play a game with the sensitive skin. It was very soothing but it was the sexual arousal it engendered that soon had me breathing hard.

Soon he was once again circling inwards towards my sensitive and expectant anus. He did not fuck me with his fingers when they penetrated he simply concentrated on lubricating it with a second type of cream. My body seemed to now be conditioned as it started to race to yet another orgasm. It was as if my body had been retrained and was now responding like it never had. He was lubricating my bottom but my pussy was lubricating itself.

“Please fuck me my body needs a prick and the orgasm that it would bring.”

I was sure that one-way or another he was going to bring about yet another beautiful cum in my needy body. But this was not his intention.

“I am going to put the smallest of my butt plugs into you so that you bottom gets used to being stretched and open. You are very tight and I think you will enjoy your bottom being fucked much more if it can comfortably take a bigger prick.”

My great disappointment that he was not going to bring me was tempered by what seemed to be a promise to fuck my bottom. I had not seen his penis let alone been able to enjoy it. The pushing of this supposedly small butt plug was not as easy as I thought. He lubricated it generously but took four attempts before the largest part of it pushed through my sphincter and my bottom accepted the narrower section as it settled in place.

I felt nicely full but in no discomfort. He told me that he had four plugs and he would insert a larger one at each of his breaks during the day. It didn’t even occur to me to challenge what he said being delighted to have so much attention paid to my excited body.

It felt very strange going about the house and sitting while plugged as I was. After about an hour I went to where he was working and told him I was going to the local shop so needed to take the plug out. He just laughed at me and said that I would be wearing a plug all day and that would include if I ventured out. The strangest part of the day was talking to one of my friends in the shop while being excited by the plug.

At coffee time he put me across the table and pulled the plug out before working what seemed a much bigger one into my stretched and re-lubricated bottom. When he changed this at lunchtime for the third plug he took time using up to three fingers to loosen and lubricate my sphincter even further. This plug was bigger in every dimension. At it’s widest it was the thickness of a large penis. It was much longer than the others with the thickness at it’s narrowest also much bigger. It stretched me further than ever as he inserted it and pushed it deep into my bowels.

When it was finally in place he fiddled with it and the whole plug started to vibrate. He gently pushed on the end of it, which led to a kind of fucking action. I thought I would orgasm very quickly until he said

“I know you are very aroused but you will enjoy a session later much more if you control yourself until then. If you want your bottom fucking later you will not orgasm until then.”

He helped by turning the vibration off and my body just managed to fight against the urge to explode. I had to vary what I did for the next couple of hours as sitting down became extremely arousing, as did walking about. In fact everything was exciting even standing around. Twice during this time the vibrations started as if randomly. In fact he had a remote control that he flicked twice when we were in the same room. It felt like being gently fucked in the bottom by a huge cock. I was now being kept constantly very aroused but was not in danger of it tipping over into orgasm.

When he said at the tea break in the afternoon that he was going to change the plug for the biggest he had with him I said I was very scared that it would be too big. Getting the plug out of my bottom was a challenge and slightly painful. Unfortunately I got a sight of the monster he was going to insert. It was no longer than the other one but was even thicker. I was afraid it would split me in two. He spent ages loosening me up further with his fingers. It felt wonderful as the plugs had started the process and his fingers excited me as they stretched me. He offered the plug up to my sphincter and repeatedly pushed it further and further in. The pain was minimal but it took many attempts before I felt the pressure reduce and the plug ease into position. I felt proud and very full.

The feeling of fullness over the next nearly two hours kept my arousal level very high. It had not escaped me that he had earlier referred to me having my bottom fucked. I hoped the whole day was leading to exactly that. I was once again like a schoolgirl as he started packing away. I was waiting to be led to the kitchen table but instead he took hold of my hand and led me to the spare room. With gentle firmness he laid me on my back so that my bottom was on the end of the very high bed.

When he reached under my dress and pulled my panties off everything felt quite different to previous days. He slipped my dress up my back before sitting me up to enable him to remove it totally. I was laying on my back completely naked with this commanding man totally in control. He was for the first time seeing my boobs and my pussy in its entirety. He was as always fully dressed but surely now he was going to fuck me. I was desperate for him to do so but also realized that this was taking cheating on my husband to a different level. His next action took me by surprise as he offered me an aircraft blindfold

“Fantasy and imagination can be strong aphrodisiacs. You don’t have to wear it but I would recommend it.”

It was a suggestion but I never questioned it. I studied his face carefully before slipping it on and feeling very vulnerable. I listened trying to work out what he was doing. It seemed like a couple of minutes before something caressed both boobs or more specifically both nipples at the same time. Something was being pulled gently across my excited nipples. It did not take long to realize that there were two whips similar to the one he had used on my bottom.

As it registered they were lifted and brought down firmly striking both nipples at exactly the same time. This was repeated with the contact getting harder and harder until my nipples were stinging badly. They were also erect very hard and super sensitive. He simply said


I suddenly realized that I was lifting my hips and dropping them in time to the whipping. At the same time I was now squeezing my very full bottom making it feel even fuller. The squeezing moved the plug just a little in and out and sent me into ecstasy. The whipping continued without getting harder. My nipples were tender but were welcoming every single strike that he seemed to know exactly how hard to apply.

When he stopped I was gutted but did suspect that something different would soon be exciting me. As he took a firm grip on the plug he told me to try and push it out. It took three attempts and some discomfort before I felt some relief but also a terrible emptiness. When his fingers started to lubricate me my sphincter had clearly not fully tightened up again, as he seemed to be using two or three fingers very easily and quite deeply. It felt wonderful as he massaged areas never massaged before. I laid back and wallowed in pure pleasure.

For a second time the feeling of loss was acute as he removed his fingers. He adjusted my position slightly and I felt something larger offered up to my relaxed anus. At last he was finally going to fuck me. I had still not seen his prick and now it was going to enter where no prick had visited before. It slid in with no discomfort only a feeling of being stretched. He did not push deep into me but chose to use only a few inches to gently fuck me seeming to be checking that I was all right with it. I was very all right and made that very clear to him. Again he made a gentle but not unkind chuckle.

I could not quite figure out what was not quite as it should be but dismissed it when he pushed much deeper inside me. He held himself fully impaled and I felt the whips again caress my nipples. How did this man know how to push all my buttons without even touching, or letting me touch, my pussy and my desperate clit. My nipples had always been excitable as part of making love but now they were something different. My bottom was full but my nipples were the center of my being and demanding attention.

“Please whip them, whip them hard they are ready to explode.”

As if to show me his control he simply caressed my nipples with the whips. It was very sensual and I found my hips begin to work in an attempt fuck myself with his prick. It was at this moment that it registered what did not feel right about the cock in my bottom. Even though he was buried deep in me I could not feel pubic hair and the cock was too uniform. He was fucking me with a strap on. I decided to say nothing and was rewarded by my boobs being whipped.

It was like a switch had been flicked in my bottom. Any control over my hips was lost. It was simple; I fucked the cock in my bottom as hard as I was able to, given my position. Somehow the mask was a comfort. He could see me thrashing about in a sexual frenzy but I couldn’t see him looking at me. It freed me up to be totally sexual and chase the orgasm that was being surprisingly elusive. Normally when half as aroused as this I would not be able to hold an orgasm back even if I wanted to. I knew a touch on my clit would have been enough but remembered his warning about my pussy.

“I need you to punish me to orgasm please whip me harder and don’t stop until I cum.”

It made me feel so dirty and saying it and him doing exactly as I asked did the trick. I was screaming out my pleasure as he whipped my sore nipples and added fucking me with the strap-on in my arse. The orgasm centered deep inside me instead of the usual clitoral area. It did not peak but rolled on and on for nearly a minute.

“Oh my god that was amazing. How did you know I would react that way?”

“I have never met a female who cannot if treated right. I am not sure you have finished yet.”

I had not really noticed that he was still gently fucking my bottom. Normally after an orgasm my clit is far to sensitive to be touched and I just want to curl up. He lent forward kissed both my nipples and then removed the mask. He returned to my nipples that were swollen red and hyper sensitive. When he stood back up I saw he was fully dressed with the strap-on attached over his trousers. There was something in the look on his face that made me realize I was not finished.

“I thought I was finished but I think I would love you to fuck me. My pussy is crying out to be treated to a real cock.”

“I told you before I will not be using my prick. Your pussy and clit are also reserved for you husband only. You are clearly very highly sexed and in need of something more. I cannot stop you playing with your pussy or your clit but if you do I will not touch you again in any way.”

I wasn’t sure whether to be complimented by his highly sexed comment but decided to ignore it. What I couldn’t ignore was my mounting arousal. I was desperate to touch my pussy and specifically my clit but couldn’t bear the thought of him never touching me again. While I wrestled with the choice my hands found my tender but very erect nipples. I settled back trying to work out the best way to stimulate them to complement the sensations my anus and bowels were experiencing.

He watched my every move or more accurately the effects the moves were having on my face and eyes. The look on his face was one of great caring as he very gradually increased the depth of the strap-on penetration. It was now long slow thrusts that felt wonderful again. I was no longer caressing my nipples but pulling stretching and pinching them with an aggression I had never done before. It was arousing but it was also hugely frustrating. I knew a flick of my clit would bring my world crashing down but was worried that I would not be able to reach the heights without. Ian read me like a book as always.

“Why are you becoming frustrated? You know you have the option of masturbating if all else fails. But why rush things. Does it feel nice to have your bottom fucked and your nipples played with? If so take your time and enjoy the journey. I am in no hurry, I don’t get to see a beautiful young lady sexually excited, as you are now, very often. This prick can go on forever.”

He was so right and as soon as I realized the frustration disappeared. He talked to me, asking me why I had not enjoyed anal play with my husband. He smiled when I admitted that I had not known how to raise it with him and he had never raised it with me. He asked me whether I would be able to ask my husband now. I said I knew I had to but was not sure exactly how to do it. He assured me that my husband would love to explore my newfound interest with me. The conversation had taken away the urgency I had felt about needing an orgasm. My body had been highly stimulated throughout and I suddenly felt a very strong connection between my nipples and my clit. Now it was just like I was playing with my clit and an orgasm burst through me with frightening force.

“There’s a good girl. Go for it fuck you bottom.”

I loved his voice as my orgasm took over my excited body. As previously he did not hang around long after I recovered my senses. He said the decorating would be finished the next day and he would be happy to enjoy a last session together when he finished, if I wanted. Even in my sexually satisfied state I knew I wanted.

I was delighted the next day when he announced shortly after lunch that he was finished. He showed me the work and told me where the final wet paint was. I wanted him immediately and was frustrated at how long he took to clear his tools away into his van. He said nothing to me as he led me up to the main bedroom. I stood feeling very vulnerable as he slowly removed all my clothing. As always he remained fully clothed making me feel helpless but somehow even more aroused. When I was fully naked, standing facing him he looked me up and down and gave me a lovely appreciative smile. He then gently turned me until I faced the bottom of the bed and manipulated me until I was kneeling facing away from him so that my knees were only just on the bed. He pushed my head and shoulders down and encouraged me to spread my legs.

A few days earlier I would have freaked out at the thought of being so exposed and vulnerable particularly in front of a near stranger. Now I felt anticipation. Was he going to spank, whip or cane me or was he going to fuck me with a strap-on. Initially he did none of these. He gently pushed my back down, which meant my bottom seemed to be even higher and more open. He then used his hands to open it still further before his tongue licked around in circles just avoiding the dark skin of my anus. Having experienced everything I had over the last few days I was still shocked at the pure sensuality of this. I wanted him to stick his tongue as hard and far as possible but decided to try and enjoy what he was doing to the max. It seemed like many minutes before the circling became so tight that his tongue found the middle of its target. The sensitivity was almost scary. I was gutted when he removed his skillful tongue and said.

“The first day you loved the pain and submission. The second day you loved the penetration of the strap-on. Today there will be no pain just sexual arousal. I hope you will understand your love of all things anal enough to share them with your husband.”

His tongue was replaced by fingers, that he must have lubricated as two slipped effortlessly and comfortably, deep into my welcoming bottom. They slowly fucked my bottom with full-length stokes that seemed to find even more new places and sensations. Even though I was kneeling with my bum in the air it felt wonderful. I was shocked to realize that two days ago what he was doing now to my bottom would have hurt badly. Now it was bringing me only arousal. I would have happily let him carry on this beautiful torture for hours but he rolled me onto my back and offered me the eye mask.

“Do not take the eye mask off until I am gone. Now I want you to imagine that it is your husband with you not me. I want you to fantasize that it is his real cock that is going to fuck your bottom. Do you understand? Forget strapons and forget me. Now lay back and when you have got into the fantasy I want you to ask very nicely to receive a real cock.”

I loved the idea of the fantasy and took a minute to get fully into it.

“Please give me you cock I want to feel it so badly.”

When I felt my ass being stretched it felt wonderful. I could imagine it being a real cock. It slipped in slowly with no pain just a lovely feeling of fullness. It was quite different to the last time and the fantasy was wonderful. I imagined my husband smiling down at me as the cock penetrated deeper and deeper with each thrust. When balls grazed my bottom I realized that Ian had lied to me about not getting his cock out of his trousers. It wasn’t a protest, in fact the opposite as I exclaimed,

“You said you would ….. oh my god that is wonderful. Please fuck me harder and …. ”

A finger rested on my lips. It was clear that I was being told to stop talking. As by then my orgasm had taken control of my body I wasn’t in any state to carry on saying anything meaningful. Not surprisingly the orgasm broke out deep in my rectum. It did spread out and felt similar to the occasional g spot orgasm my husband had given me. Unlike these it last much longer and I found myself sobbing as the last spasms racked my body.

It took me a minute to realize that my bottom was still being fucked but more gently now. I was desperate to feel and see Ian explode in orgasm as I had seen almost no arousal from him. I went to take the mask off but was prevented from doing so by his hand. This hand now moved down until I think it must have been his thumb found my clit. I was delighted he was breaking all his own rules. It was as if I hadn’t had an orgasm for weeks as my previously untouched clit sprung into action. It was super sensitive but not like it always is after a climax with clitoral stimulation. His other hand pressed down firmly on my stomach as the cock now fucked me more aggressively. This aggression clearly told me that he was going to cum deep inside my bowels very soon. I was so aroused by the whole fantasy as well as the hard fucking that I beat him to it. There was nothing localized about this orgasm as my whole body exploded made more dramatic by being pinned hard to the bed as a roar signaled his climax.

He was right that when I took the mask off he was gone. The softening cock was still in my backside but it was my husband smiling down on me. His smile managed to tell me he was not angry with me and I didn’t need to explain anything.

He lent forward as his cock slipped out and he lay on top of me. His voice was loving as he whispered.

“I am so happy that Uncle Ian gave you so much pleasure while I was away. He had told me that he had never met a woman who didn’t love anal if introduced to it correctly. It seems like he introduced you to it very correctly.”


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