Meg teaches Latin Dancing

An adult stories – Meg teaches Latin Dancing by rickyp83616,rickyp83616 These stories are fictional, and the characters are not based on any single individual — though they are a compilation of characteristics and personalities encountered in real life, and in the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to any particular person is not intentional. These stories take place in a fantasy world where babysitters are always available and adults can come and go whenever they want to, where there are no STDs and no unwanted pregnancies resulting from unprotected sex.

The stories in this series tell the story of a young wife discovering her sexuality and sharing her discoveries.


This is a continuation from Meg’s 2nd & 3rd Dares – Meg vibrates with a friend.


The next Wednesday night activity for the church youth was in the spiritual category, so not exactly right for a sexual dare. The following week, however, was a combined activity and my wife Meg was in charge. While our imaginations ran wild about what these young men and women could do as a combined activity, she decided to keep it clean – sort of.

The Young Women’s President, Jenny Wilson, liked what Meg came up with and gave her the go ahead — dance lessons. Many of the girls were new to school and church dances and wanted to know how to behave with boys, and the boys needed to learn how to behave with girls.

To help them all learn, the adults would demonstrate dancing moves. Since the church encourages youth to not pair off early, to dance with multiple partners, Meg and Jenny decided the adults would dance with multiple partners, not just our spouses.

One of the adults was Brother Wright, who attended representing the bishopric. Meg and Jenny decided to target him tonight because of how well he had responded when he caught Meg flashing her tit in church. They planned to mercilessly tease him all evening.

The official plan was to have the young men and women watch as the dance moves were demonstrated by the leaders and then they would copy us.

The first dance went exactly as planned — a standard church-approved rock beat with our spouses as partners — Meg and I, Jeff and Jenny, and Brother Wright and his wife. We danced a little old-fashioned and the kids had a good laugh. We invited the youth to stand up and demonstrate what they saw. They were pretty bad dancers, but this was all in fun, right?

We switched up partners for the second dance. First, Sister Wright and I showed the proper way to slow dance, with the hands in the classic dance position. We kept a large print Bible distance between us, and it all went well.

We then invited the youth to stand up and dance to a couple of songs. They were awkward, stepping on toes and struggling to catch the rhythm of the music, but at least we got them touching hands with a different sex. That’s progress.

Then Brother Wright got his first taste of being targeted.

He was paired with Jenny, who wore a tight Spandex top with a mesh, nearly-see-through solid black handkerchief hem skirt. Her nipples were visible through the Spandex, though not as hard as they would be later in the evening.

Their job was to show typical teenage “close” dance positions, including the bear hug, with Jenny’s hands around Brother Wright’s neck while he had his hands on her waist. They showed where the boys can “legally” place their hands on the girls. Their message was to only touch bony areas (like the shoulder blade in back, on elbows or hands, or on the hip bones) and to not have wandering hands while dancing.

Jenny stood in front of their audience talking about consent and the importance of talking to dance partners before touching them. While she was doing this, Brother Wright demonstrated inappropriate touch.

He slid his hand below Jenny’s hip bone on her butt, giving it a little squeeze. He slid his hand up from her knee, slowly moving up under her skirt toward her crotch — waiting for Jenny to tell him to stop. But she didn’t say anything. He got nearly his entire upper arm up beneath her skirt before he withdrew his hand himself as he got so close that he could feel the heat from her pussy.

He slid his hand from the “safe” hip bone area, across her belly, several inches below her belly button. As he crossed her front with his fingers pointed downward, he instinctively pressed his fingers in. He discovered that Jenny had no hair under his hand.

He slid his hands up her side beneath her arms, all the way to her armpits where the palms of his hands were essentially cradling Jenny’s side boob. Again, instinctively, his thumb grazed her nipples as he gently squeezed his handfuls of breast.

All this intimate contact made Jenny’s nipples grow larger and her pussy wetter, which Brother Wright clearly noticed. In the process he also discovered that she was dancing commando — no garments, no bra, no underwear of any kind.

If the idea was to get Brother Wright a bit warmed up as he moved his hands all over Jenny, essentially groping her, the tightness in his pants meant it was working.

For their second dance, Meg and Jeff put the lesson Jenny and Brother Wright had just finished into action. Jeff got up close and personal with my wife, with a little hip and crotch grinding.

His hands never stayed still. He caressed up and down her spine, and then he placed his full palm on Meg’s breast — outside her shirt, of course. Meg’s tit got hard as he palmed her and gave a little squeeze, pinching her nipple between his thumb and finger, enjoying that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Jeff and Meg then warned the youth to not do swing dancing lifts and flips. They told them that they were dangerous for beginners, and asked Brother Wright to be a spotter while they demonstrated a few moves. He stood a few feet behind them as Jeff and my wife danced.

Jeff and Meg showed several swing dancing lifts and aerials, including some pull throughs. For the front pull through, Meg went backwards through Jeff’s legs. As her skirt flipped backwards, Brother Wright could see that Meg was not wearing any underwear — she was as commando as Jenny. They did several other lifts — with Meg’s loose skirt often flipping up as she moved.

The flips and lifts happened so quickly that nobody saw her bare pussy flashing by — though I’m sure everybody could tell she wasn’t wearing much, if any, underwear. Brother Wright’s eyes, on the other hand, were concentrated on looking up Meg’s skirt every chance he got, knowing that her naked body was flashing by on every move.

Jeff said his favorite move was the side-side-straddle. In rehearsal, Meg wore her dancing shorts, but when they did it live, Meg finished the move by spreading her legs and slamming her bare-naked crotch onto Jeff’s hard cock.

I think the proper way to do that move was for Meg to land a little higher on Jeff’s body, but he held her just right, so her pussy pounded directly on his cock.

“Should we show that again?” Jeff asked the audience. With Meg’s permission, they did it two more times, each time with the same pussy-cock collision.

They finished their demonstration for the young men and women with their most exhibitionist move — a straddle over back roll, where Meg splayed her legs as wide as she could — fully exposing her pussy as she rolled over Jeff’s back.

Since Jeff was facing the young men and women, and Meg’s flashing was behind his back, only Brother Wright could see the shaved pussy, exposed vulva lips, and very moist vagina. Jeff and Meg did the move twice, just to make sure Brother Wright got a good eyeful.

We explained to the youth that this kind of dancing created lust and physical reactions that as youth they should not have.

While we didn’t explain the “physical reactions,” it was clear that both Jeff and Brother Wright’s cocks were fully erect, desperately wanting released from their imprisonment in their pants.

Meg’s tits were also erect. Drops of moisture were running down her legs — I wondered if anyone else noticed.

The third dance was an opportunity for us to show more advanced dance styles. Meg had pitched this to the Young Women as an opportunity to show off what she had learned from getting her dance degree from BYU-Idaho.

The first dance was Jeff and Sister Wright showing the cha-cha. They emphasized footwork and although they held hands, they were facing forward in a line-dance formation.

Jenny and I then showed the rumba. We kept everything above the waist very stiff. Jenny thrust her chest out to and pulled back her stomach emphasizing her posture, which tightened her already tight-fitting Spandex top against her naked breasts making her tits quite obvious, so tight that I could see her monties. As we danced, her nipples got larger and even more obvious.

When she snapped the turns, it really accentuated that Jenny wasn’t wearing a bra. Her 36C tits weren’t as firm as Meg’s, so they would swing to the left and to the right with each jerky move, the Spandex then pulling them back to their beginning place.

The main action, however, was below the waist as our hips gyrated in rhythm. When we did the close quarters’ dance moves, there was no space between our thighs — her leg occasionally would press on my now raging hard cock and I swear I could feel the heat from her pussy on my leg. We explained to the youth that the rumba is difficult because it has pieces of other dances combined into one, so they needed to focus on the basic steps first.

At that point, Sister Wright excused herself to get the refreshments ready while we continued the lesson. (Jenny and meg gave her that task so she would be out of the room for Brother Wright’s final dance.)

Meg and Brother Wright then demonstrated the bachata — capping off the evening-long tease of poor Brother Wright. His sense of touch was already warmed up by his groping Jenny, his nose had breathed in Jenny’s wet pussy, and his eyes had been captured by looking up Meg’s skirt during the swing dancing, finishing with a full split-open-crotch flash – twice.

Now Meg was going to finish him off by dancing the most sexual dance in the world.

Meg began by teaching everyone how to do a hip throw by lifting your heels and rolling the opposite side of the hip down. She emphasized that the hips need to roll continuously — don’t stop the motion.

Her Caribbean-style wrap skirt jumped each time her hips rolled emphasizing the motion even more. She extended her hand and invited Brother Wright to join her. Meg felt a tingle in her fingers as she and Brother Wright touched each other, holding hands for the first time in an intimate way. His cock flinched in anticipation.

Meg told Brother Wright to focus on her hips so he could do the hip roll with her. He was more than happy to watch Meg’s hips flex, knowing there was nothing beneath her skirt. In his mind he watched her naked flesh roll side to side, imagining what it would feel like on his cock buried deep inside her while her hips rolled. He tried to match her motion.

The youth chuckled as his hips didn’t really roll as smoothly or as far as Meg’s. We invited the Young Men and Young Women to practice a hip roll, but the Young Men refused to participate – though I’m sure they enjoyed watching the Young Women do hip rolls.

Meg and Brother Wright then joined hands and danced in the open position, introducing the young men and women to the basic steps. As they got a rhythm going, Meg started using her “come fuck me” eyes on Brother Wright, accentuating the sexuality of the bachata. It looked like he was trying to avoid eye contact — but didn’t know where to look, afraid perhaps, of becoming totally under Meg’s control.

Meg was wearing a loose untucked top, giving Brother Wright multiple opportunities to see up close the tits he had seen from the chapel stand. Being slightly taller than Meg, his view was more than just cleavage — he could see flashes of each hard nipple as Meg’s top floated around with the music. He took advantage of those opportunities several times — giving Meg the opportunity to tell the young men to keep their eyes up when dancing.

Then Meg brought him into the closed position. Brother Wright wrapped his right arm around her and pulled her close to him — so close they were in full body contact, and he couldn’t avoid looking into her “fuck me” eyes.

Meg’s young firm breasts were pressing onto Brother Wright’s chest. He could feel her nipples pressing through his thin white polyester shirt. He could smell the combination of sweat and arousal emanating from Meg, along with a slight hint of Jontue perfume. It was intoxicating. He was under Meg’s complete control.

His right hand moved down to her lower back, right to the top of her butt crack where he knew there would be no underwear waistband, no G-string — nothing. He imagined her bare ass just a thin layer of cloth away from his fingertips; the bare pussy he had be ogling a few minutes ago now just a fraction of an inch away from his hard cock, separated by just a few layers of cloth.

Meg began a full-frontal body wave. He responded by pressing a little harder on her backside, pushing her crotch even closer to him. Meg could feel his cock touching her and could feel him get even harder as they continued body waves for several measures.

His right hand, holding Meg’s left hand, flowed in giant circles with the beat. Then, on the fourth beat, he lifted Meg’s right hand up high above her head, giving him an even better view of her tit as it lifted the breast to the edge of falling out of her top. Her areola peeked out at him, begging him to raise her hand just another couple of inches. He held her hand high for two measures, savoring the body waves before returning to the flowing movements.

Then Meg, staring deep into his eyes, still sending him the nonverbal “fuck me” command, started the closed position forward and back step, rubbing her leg and abdomen on his cock on her three beat forward moves. On the fourth beat, Meg did a hip thrust pushing directly on his cock.

For the next three beats on the back motion, Brother Wright lifted his knee and gently ground his thigh into Meg’s crotch as they took turns grinding each other’s bodies back and forth, her cunt and his cock crashing together on every fourth beat. They were practically dry humping each other in perfect rhythm right there in front of their audience.

After a few minutes of this, he whispered in Meg’s ear, “I can’t take much more of this or I’m going to cum.”

“Go ahead. Nobody will see,” Meg whispered back. “Cum, for me,” she suggested, emphasizing the “me” as she did another set of body waves, simulating the motion of two people fucking each other on the dance floor.

She could feel his cock pulse between them, a couple of times, maybe a third time. I don’t know if he actually came, but after a few more steps Brother Wright dropped Meg’s hands and looking straight in her conquering eyes, smiled, and said softly, “Thank you,” followed by a pause and then, as he came back to reality, a little louder, “… for the dance I mean.”

Meg stepped back and took a spin causing her skirt to flair out again, potentially flashing everyone watching. Even more moisture than before was running down her leg. Meg was breathing hard.

She then did a full-court bow to Brother Wright, noticing a damp spot near his cock as she bent over, her face at the perfect height to put his cock in her mouth. She looked up at his eyes and licked her lips. He quickly disappeared to the restroom. The tease was complete. Meg won.

We then invited the youth to practice some basic Latin dance steps.

Before refreshments, we had one more lesson to teach — dance floor self-defense. We taught them what to do if they were at a school or church dance and their partner did something they were uncomfortable with.

First Jenny showed how to lift Jeff’s hand away from her breast when he put his arm around her shoulder and reached down outside her top.

Then I took a closed dance position with Jenny and grabbed her ass. She slapped me on the face. (It was all pre-planned, so it wasn’t too painful.)

Meg then had Jeff stand behind her, putting his hands on her waist from behind. They began a grinding dance rhythm, and then he started to slide his hands up under her top all the way to her tits.

He knew there were no obstructions, so I think he went a little faster and higher than Meg expected. She was still talking to the youth when he got two handfuls of breasts. In the process, he lifted Meg’s top high enough to reveal the bottom of her breasts to everyone in the room. Meg took a quick twisting step away from him and grabbed his wrists.

Finally, I leaned in to kiss Meg like an inexperienced teenager. The plan was she would turn her head so the kiss would land on her cheek. Except she didn’t turn. Meg opened her mouth and began to play with my tongue. As she pushed her tongue inside, I twisted and curled my tongue around hers, pulling it further in, sucking her into our own private oral dance.

We French kissed for a couple of minutes in front of the young men and young women, who were intently watching as I got to first base. If we didn’t have an audience, I would have put my hands where Jeff’s had just been. Meg, the braver of us two, slid her hand down and grabbed my cock on the outside of my pants, gave it a squeeze, and then ended the kiss. I was her next teasing victim, I guess.

She told the youth, “Hey, it’s okay. We’re married. You can do stuff like this when you’re married — but not before! Okay, refreshment time!”


Author’s note: this story was previously submitted and has been revised and re-edited.


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