Mountain Girl

This is a work of fiction, and none of the experiences have actually happened. This story involves a Filipina losing her virginity, so if any of that disturbs you, then you should stop reading now. Any similarity to real names or real people is purely coincidental. Constructive comments are always very welcome.

If you think I should write my stories a totally different way, then maybe you should just write a story yourself and show us how it’s done. Most of my stories (both fiction and non-fiction) have a similar style, so if you don’t like the style that I use, then maybe you should write your own story, rather than reading my stories.

My philosophy is that a story should be like a woman’s skirt. It should be long enough to cover the subject, but short enough to keep it interesting. I try to do that in my stories. You may or may not agree with me as to where I should end a story, but know that I end each story where I think it should end.

Nobody in this story was underage when they had sex.

Lupe grew up in a small nipa hut high on a mountain on central Panay Island in the Philippines. She lived with her mother, Lucille, and her three younger sisters. Her sisters didn’t look like her. The family grew what food they could on the mountainside surrounding their small hut. They were very poor, and they didn’t own anything, but at least they didn’t go hungry.

The land they lived on and farmed was owned by a wealthy man (a Filipino-American named Bob Smith) who also owned numerous sugar cane and fruit plantations surrounding the mountain they lived on. The man who owned the mountain was kind enough to let them live there. They were squatters, so he didn’t have to let them stay. Squatters are evicted from their homes all of the time in the Philippines, so they knew that they were lucky to be able to stay.

Lupe didn’t know who her father was (her mother told her he was some trike driver), but she suspected that her sisters’ father was Bob, the man who owned the land. He would visit their hut every two weeks or so, and all of the girls were told to go harvest something or weed something for a couple of hours while he was in the hut with their mother. No other men ever came to their hut.

Lupe never graduated from high school. She had tried to attend school when she was younger, but it was a few kilometers to the elementary school, and even further to the high school, so since her only shoes were an old pair of slippers (flip flops), she couldn’t walk that far every day. She also grew tired of being teased by other students and chided by the teachers because her mother couldn’t afford a school uniform and she went to school in an old t-shirt and shorts. Therefore, she just stopped going, and nobody seemed to care. She had now passed the age where she could go to high school anyway, so she just helped her mother grow food.

One day, when Bob came to visit, he noticed Lupe. He first noticed her breasts, which unrestricted by a bra (her mother couldn’t afford one), were swinging as she moved off the bed. He thought she was quite pretty, even though she was wearing such old clothes and had no make-up. She was at least clean.

After inquiring about her age, he told Lucille that he needed a maid in his big house, and that she should send Lupe to work for him. He would bring her monthly salary to Lucille each month to help support the family. That was acceptable to Lucille, and Lupe packed her few things to take to the big house.

Lupe and Bob walked down the path to where he had his motorbike parked. There was only foot access to the nipa hut, so he always walked the last half-kilometer. Bob got on the motorbike and motioned for Lupe to get on behind him. He told her to hold on to his waist tight, since the path was rough in places. There were some bumps where she had to hold on extra tight, but they made it to the big house in about twenty minutes.

Bob showed Lupe around the house. Her room was basically a closet off of the master bedroom. Bob’s wife had died several years before, and he had not remarried. He had several staff members living either in the big house or in small buildings near it. He had three live-in maids including Lupe. One of his previous maids had recently quit to get married, leaving a vacancy for Lupe.

The other two maids took care of the kitchen and the rest of the house. Lupe’s job would be to make Bob’s bedroom comfortable for him. She wasn’t really sure what that meant, but she had little choice anyway. Her mom told her to do this for the family. She would do whatever Bob told her to do. Her mother had told her to never say, “No,” to Bob, so she wouldn’t.

The other maids giggled when she was introduced to them. They weren’t much older than her, and both of them bowed to Bob when he entered the kitchen. Bob instructed Lupe to ask Isabelle and Chloe for help, if there was anything she didn’t know how to do or couldn’t do by herself. Of course, both girls knew what Lupe’s job would be because both of them had started in the same position.

Bob had men working for him as well, but none of them lived in the big house. All of Bob’s men were married to Bob’s former maids. The men’s wives still did odd jobs (like laundry) in the big house, but for the most part, they just took care of their husbands and families. Bob introduced Lupe to his men and their wives. All of the women smiled when she was introduced. She thought that this was a very friendly place to work. In reality, they smiled because they all knew what her real job would be.

Once the tour was finished, Bob went out to the fields, and he told Lupe to go to his bedroom and have Isabelle tell her what to do. Lupe went into the house and found Isabelle. Isabelle smiled and took Lupe to Bob’s bedroom. First, she showed her the shower and how it worked. She told Lupe that Bob liked women to be clean at all times. Even though Bob no longer had a wife, he still needed to have a woman in his bed every night. For the foreseeable future, that woman would normally be Lupe. Isabelle asked her if she understood what that meant.

Lupe may have been uneducated, but she knew what men and women did in bed (or at least she thought she did). “Yes,” she replied. “I think I do.”

“Good,” said Isabelle. “Have you ever slept with a man before?”

“No,” Lupe replied.

“That’s OK,” Isabelle said. “I was a virgin the first time I slept with Bob too. It might hurt a little the first time, but Bob will try to get you ready before sticking his cock into you, so it shouldn’t hurt too much. Don’t worry about any pain though. You will barely remember it afterwards. After he first puts his cock into your pussy, it should be all pleasure for you from then on.”

“Just spread your legs as far as you can, and try to relax,” Isabelle instructed. “Bob will do everything else. Oh, once his cock is inside of you, and he is sliding it in and out, rock your hips to meet his thrusts. It will make it much more pleasurable for both of you.

Isabelle continued. “You will need to shave your legs, armpits and pussy every day. Bob likes his girls to be smooth. Don’t ever leave any hairs anywhere. Bob won’t like it if you do. It is about an hour until dinner, so you should shower and shave now. You will find nighties and other clothes in the dresser in your little room. You will probably never sleep in that room because Bob will want you against him in his bed, but that room is there so you have a place for your things.

Now, shower and shave and pick out a sundress to wear for dinner,” Isabelle instructed. “I will check you before we eat, so that you do everything right. I will also show you how to apply make-up. Have you ever worn make-up before? If not, I will help you.”

Isabelle left and Lupe went into the bathroom to shower and shave. She liked the warm water. She had never experienced that before. She used the body wash and then the shampoo and cream rinse. Such luxury. After she was thoroughly cleaned and rinsed, she found the razor that Isabelle said was hers.

She found that shaving her legs was easy, shaving her armpits a little harder, and shaving her pussy hardest of all. There were just so many places for hairs to hide, but she was thankful there were no hairs around her pussy lips. They were only above her slit. Once she found all of the hairs and removed them, Lupe spread lotion on her skin. Isabelle had said that it would not only prevent rashes, but it would make her skin softer as well. It really felt good to her.

Lupe dried herself and went into her small room. There was a hairbrush on the dresser with a big mirror. She was amazed at how silky her long hair was after using the cream rinse. There were no tangles, and her hair was easy to brush out. Then, she looked in the dresser in her room for panties. She was shocked at how sexy the panties in the drawers were, and confused that there were no bras. She had thought she would have to wear a bra, because she had rightfully assumed most Filipinas did. Nevertheless, she picked a pair of panties and selected a pretty sundress to wear for dinner. Even without a bra, the dress looked really good on her.

She went into the kitchen to get Isabelle’s approval. Isabelle went back into Bob’s bedroom with her to check her over. Of course, Lupe asked about bras, and Isabelle simply told her that Bob didn’t like women to wear bras, so there were none. Then, Isabelle checked her armpits, her legs, and finally her pussy for hairs. Finding none, Isabelle smiled and told Lupe that she had done well.

Isabelle went with her into her small room. She showed her the make-up, and then she showed her how to apply it. She went over what Bob liked and what he didn’t like, so Lupe wouldn’t make any mistakes. Isabelle told Lupe that her skin was so smooth that she wouldn’t need much make-up, but that she should always wear some because Bob liked it. Lupe had never applied lipstick before, so Isabelle first applied it to her own lips and then had Lupe apply some to her own lips. Isabelle touched up Lupe’s application and gave her pointers on how to apply it correctly.

Dinner was almost ready, so the two girls went into the kitchen so that Isabelle and Chloe could finish up. All of the food was plated up and on the table for Bob and the three girls when Bob walked into the house. Isabelle gestured for Lupe to sit, as the other two did as well. When Bob entered the dining room, all three were seated and waiting for him. They had a pleasant dinner with lots of conversation, although Lupe had a difficult time doing anything other than just responding to questions.

When they were finished with dinner, Bob got up and went into his study to work. Isabelle told Lupe to go with her and Chloe into the kitchen while they washed dishes, and then she would show Lupe more back in the bedroom. Soon, all of the dishes and cookware were put away, and Isabelle motioned for Lupe to follow her back into the bedroom. As they left the kitchen, Chloe said, “Relax and have fun tonight,” to Lupe.

Lupe had to assume that every woman on the property had been through the same thing at some point. As they entered the bedroom, she asked, “What happens if I get pregnant?”

Isabelle smiled. “Everybody has that question when they first get here. Don’t worry. Bob will just have one of his men marry you, and you will live in one of the small houses. You will have the baby, and then your new husband will probably have more babies with you. Bob doesn’t fire people, so you can expect to always live here with your husband, if you get pregnant. I think the first child in every family here was fathered by Bob, and Bob takes care of his own very well.”

“What about you and Chloe?” Lupe asked. “We never got pregnant, but that doesn’t mean we won’t. Sometimes Bob has two girls in his bed. That could be either you and me or you and Chloe. It is quite fun, but none of us is on any birth control, so we could get pregnant at any time.”

“Have you picked out your nightie for tonight? Bob will expect you to be lying on his bed in your nightie at 8 PM. In case you haven’t noticed, Bob runs by a set schedule. It seldom changes, so it is easy to comply with his schedule. Let’s pick something out for you.”

They went to the dresser. “The third and fourth drawers are all nighties. There are many different nighties because Bob likes variety. Let’s pick out a white sheer nightie for you tonight, since you are a virgin. One thing to remember: you will never wear panties or a G-string with a nightie. Bob will tear them off if you do. Your whole job is to please Bob, so do whatever he wants.

Lupe nodded that she understood.

Isabelle helped her pick out a pretty white baby doll nightie and laid it on the bed “There should never be any dirty clothes in the bedroom, so always change out of your clothes in your room before entering the bedroom. Isabelle showed Lupe the perfume, and showed her how to properly apply it. Then, it was 7:30 and time for her to get ready for Bob.

She was very nervous as she took off her dress and hung it up and then removed her panties to put in the hamper. Lupe went into the bathroom to pee and then clean her pussy with a wet wipe. Then, she went back into the bedroom and donned her nightie. She looked at herself in the long mirror and wondered if Bob would like what he saw. One last trip into her room to brush out her hair one last time, and she was ready to lay on the bed.

When Bob entered the bedroom, he smiled as he saw Lupe lying on the bed in her white nightie. Isabelle had obviously done a good job instructing her. Bob went his closet and disrobed, putting everything from his pockets on his dresser and his clothes in his hamper. Lupe could see that Bob liked things to be neat and tidy. He went into the bathroom to shower and shave, and then he returned to the bed. Before he climbed up on the bed, he asked, “Are you ready for tonight, Lupe?”

“I don’t know.” She replied. “I am very nervous, but I will do whatever you want me to.”

Bob smiled. “I can’t ask for any more than that.” He lay next to her on the bed. “Have you ever kissed a man?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“OK,” he said. “Let’s start there. Did Isabelle tell you to relax?”

“Yes,” she replied. “She did.”

“Well,” he continued, “This is where you start to relax. I will kiss you, and you should just let my tongue go wherever it wants. Kissing involves the entire mouth and not just the lips.” With that, Bob leaned in and started to kiss her. Lupe opened her mouth to accept his kiss, so his tongue would have whatever access he wanted.

His tongue was in her mouth, and then he sucked her tongue into his mouth. She liked the sensations this gave her, so she tried to give him the same sensations by sucking his tongue as well. She turned into a very good kisser very quickly. Both of them were enjoying themselves.

Of course, Bob let his hands roam around her breasts as he kissed her deeply, adding even more sensations for Lupe to feel. She arched her back to press her breasts up against his hands. His thumbs and forefingers tweaked her nipples, creating electric sparks that flew around her body. Soon, her nipples were becoming hard little bullets on her breasts.

He decided it was time to move to the next step, and he raised her nightie up and over her head and arms and off, completely revealing her breasts to his eyes. “You have beautiful breasts,” he said to her just before sucking a nipple into his mouth.

She barely got out, “Aren’t they too small?” before her question ended in a gasp as she felt him suck her nipple into his mouth.

He paused long enough to comment, “No. They are perfect,” and then he went back to suckling her nipple. Lupe had never felt (or even imagined) anything that felt this good. She pulled his head in to her breast.

Bob truly did love Lupe’s breasts. He had not anticipated such perfect breasts when he first noticed her up on the mountain. Her top had been too big, and it had been impossible for him to even guess what was inside. Now, though, he knew that her breasts were perfectly rounded and topped by beautiful brown nipples on small areolas. That was his idea of perfection. He thought it was funny that she considered her breasts small. Maybe compared to her mother, she might have been considered small, but her breasts were much larger than an average Filipina of her age.

Bob continued to suckle her nipples, and both he and Lupe were enjoying the activity immensely. He loved being able to do whatever he pleased with Lupe’s beautiful breasts. At one point, he even decided to put a small hickey on the side of her breast. When her breasts couldn’t get any bigger, or her nipples any harder, he started kissing his way down to her belly button and then to her pussy. She had no idea what he was doing, but foremost in her mind was, “Let him do whatever he wants.” If he wanted to kiss her bottom, then she would let him kiss her bottom.

When his tongue and lips first contacted her clitoris, she was so glad that she let him have his way. Lupe had thought that having him suck her nipples felt wonderful, but this was on a completely higher level of pleasure. She was squealing and moaning in pleasure as he sucked her clitoris into his mouth. It felt so good that she felt almost dizzy, and her hips were rocking involuntarily.

Bob found her hymen with his finger as he drove her wild with his mouth on her clitoris. He pressed in a little, and found that her hymen gave enough for the tip of his finger to penetrate the small hole. However, even with the pleasure he was giving her through her clitoris, his fingertip penetrating her hymen was still causing her serious pain. He could tell that he wouldn’t be able to slowly penetrate Lupe, so he decided that a quick thrust of his cock would be the best approach. At least, the pain would be over quickly.

Nevertheless, he took his time sucking and kissing her clitoris and labia, and he was able to give her a good orgasm before he finished. When Lupe’s body started shuddering and spasming from the orgasm, he backed off a little to let her calm down.

He explained that he would now push his cock all the way into her pussy, and that it would probably hurt for a minute before it started to feel good. He asked her to spread her legs as far as she could, and she did as he requested. He slid his cock around in Lupe’s juices for a minute, and then he lined up the tip of his cock with her hymen. He asked her to relax, and she tried to do so.

Then, in one powerful thrust, he pushed the entire length of his cock up into her pussy, tearing her hymen and taking her virginity. Lupe screamed in pain, but continued to press her pussy against him. She had been warned about the pain, but she hadn’t expected the pain to be so sharp.

Gradually, though, the pain went away, and a feeling of being filled as never before washed over her senses. She felt warm all over, but not hot. After a minute or so, she tried to squeeze his cock inside of her. Lupe wasn’t very successful, but he felt it, and it felt good to her as well. Bob started to slide his cock through her vagina, first almost out and then slowly back in again until it came up against her cervix.

As he repeated the action, he thrust and withdrew a little faster each time. Lupe remembered that she was supposed to be rocking her hips against his thrusts, and after the first awkward attempts, she was able to meet each of his thrusts. It was really starting to feel good for both of them. Bob reached down and squeezed Lupe’s breasts as he fucked into her, increasing her pleasure even more. She was now gasping for air, never seeming to have enough as his cock continued to piston in and out of her depths.

Bob was coming close to his orgasm, but Lupe had not reached her climax yet, so Bob reached down between them to rub her clitoris while he pressed his cock deep into her vagina, and pushed her over the edge. Her vaginal walls started to spasm, milking the seed from his cock as both of them slid into orgasm. His cock was tightly pressed against her cervix, sending every bit of his seed deep into her. She could feel every shot of sperm being forced through her cervix and into her womb and beyond.

Lupe now knew what it meant to be a woman, to be the receptacle of a man’s seed. This was Lupe’s fulfillment, and she knew that she would want this often and hard for as long as Bob would allow her to stay in his bedroom.

For Bob’s part, he was very pleased with his new girl. He tried to compare her to previous girls he had fucked in this bed, but there was no comparison. Even after he had cum in her, her body was still trying to milk more sperm out of him, and amazingly, his cock was still rock hard inside of her pussy.

He thought, “Why not?” and started sliding his cock in and out of her again. Lupe reacted immediately by trying to pull him deeper into her core. She obviously loved being fucked by Bob, and she wanted more. Bob was happy to oblige. Even though he had just cum inside her, he thought he still had enough left to pump her full of his sperm at least once more tonight.

Bob started to really drive into her with reckless abandon, his cock slamming hard against her cervix time after time. In his experience, most girls couldn’t take much of that before it hurt so bad that they backed away, but Lupe rocked her hips against his thrusts even harder. She seemed to want his cock to be driven all the way into her womb.

Forgotten was the sharp pain of his initial entry into her vagina. The only sensation that filled her mind now was the tantalizing buzz of sexual need inside of her pussy. Nothing Lupe had ever experienced had felt as good as having Bob drive his cock up into her cervix over and over again. There was nothing she needed as much as to be completely filled by his cock and his seed.

The second session had lasted a long time, but Bob could feel the seed rising in his balls. He reached down one more time to rub her clitoris while he fucked her hard to take her over the top. He succeeded.

Lupe’s orgasm came crashing down over her just as the first spurt of Bob’s seed was pumped forcefully through her cervix and into her womb. Her entire body went into convulsions as it tried to capture as much of his seed as it could. Shot after shot of sperm was forced into her womb, filling her and more. If there was an egg there, his sperm would surely find it.

After a while, both of their orgasms finally ended, and they were left wrapped together in a heap. Bob said, “That was wonderful.”

Lupe agreed. “That was the best feeling I have ever experienced. Can I please have more, please?”

Bob laughed. “Maybe later, Sweetheart. Right now, I am totally exhausted.”

“OK,” she cooed as she snuggled up into the side of his body. He had slipped out of her, but she was still wrapped around him. She kissed his ear lobe and his neck as she rubbed her body against him. “I never knew,” she whispered. “I never knew how good this felt. Now, I want you inside of me all the time for the rest of my life.” Bob smiled. He could certainly think of worse fates.

They fell asleep with Lupe wrapped around Bob’s body, but a few hours later, Lupe woke. She felt empty inside without Bob’s cock in her. She reached out, and found his cock. It was soft, but a few strokes and it was coming back to life. Bob was lying flat on his back, so she had an idea.

Lupe raised up and threw one of her legs over Bob’s body until her pussy was centered over his cock. She moved her pussy over his cock until both of them were wet with Lupe’s juices. Then, she slowly slid the tip of his cock up into her pussy. She was a little bit sore from earlier that night, but her need was greater than the pain.

When Bob’s cock was fully buried in her pussy, she pushed down one last time to press the tip into her cervix. She loved that feeling. She started to rock back and forth, causing Bob’s cock to slide in and out of her pussy. Over and over again, she slid her sheath down over his sword, burying it inside of her very being.

Bob was startled when he awoke to feel his cock deep inside of this mountain beauty. He grabbed her hips and thrust as far as he could up into her. Lupe gasped. It felt so good. She realized that Bob was awake, and leaned down to kiss him. “I hope you are not angry with me. I needed you to fill me. I felt empty without your cock in me.”

“Sweetheart,” he said. “I’ll never be angry because you want to fuck me more. A woman who wants sex as much as he does is what every man searches for.”

She continued to bounce up and down on his cock until he rolled them over and pressed her down into the bed. At first, she thought his cock might fall out of her, but it didn’t, and he was soon pummeling her pussy from above. Lupe spread her legs as far apart as she could, pulling her knees up close to her shoulders to allow his cock to penetrate her deeply.

His cock was slamming into her cervix, and she was driving back against his every thrust. It sent his cock just that much deeper into her, pressing against and then into her cervix. Lupe loved how it felt when her cervix was stretched by the tip of his cock. Over and over again, his cock drove into her until he couldn’t take it any longer.

Once more, Bob rubbed her clitoris as he pressed tightly into her cervix and pumped load after load of his seed deep into her womb. Lupe was coming unglued around him as her vaginal walls went into spasms, milking his cock of every drop of sperm. He finally collapsed on her, his full weight pressing down on her.

Bob was more than twice Lupe’s weight, and at first, she was worried that he would crush her, but then, she grew comfortable having him on top of her and drifted off to sleep with her legs wrapped around his waist. She wanted to keep his cock inside of her this time, and his weight on top of her seemed no more than a blanket. Lupe was in love.

When they woke in the morning, Lupe kissed Bob and asked if she could have more. Bob smiled and looked at his clock. “I think we might have time for one more round of sex. Do you want to try something different?”

Lupe replied, “Whatever you want will be fine with me.”

Bob had Lupe get them both wet with her juices, and then he had her get up on her elbows and knees with her butt high and her legs spread wide. He knelt on the bed behind her and slid his cock into her pussy. “Oh my God, that feels so good,” she cried out as he started to fuck her pussy in earnest.

Once Bob had a good rhythm going, he reached around to squeeze her breasts and tweak her nipples. That just added pleasure to the fire that was already raging inside of her pussy, and she started to orgasm around him. Her vaginal walls were spasming, trying to milk his cock, and it didn’t take much of that before he was pressing his cock into her cervix and pumping his sperm deep into her womb again.

Lupe kept pressing her pussy back against his groin, trying to trap his cock inside of her pussy for as long as she could. Bob finally backed up and let his now spent cock slide out of her. Lupe groaned. “I already miss having you inside of me. When can I have more?”

Bob looked at her one last time before going to his dresser to check his phone. “Take a long shower, change the sheets and comforter on the bed and get something to eat. I will be back late-morning after I check the fields and the processing plant. He went into the bathroom to shower and then came out to dress for the day. Isabelle already had food prepared for him, and Bob grabbed a quick breakfast as he went through the kitchen on his way out the door.

Lupe looked around the room after he left, and she immediately noticed spots of blood and her fluids on the sheets and comforter. Then she looked down at her pussy. She was shocked. It looked like the results of a chainsaw massacre. Lupe ran into the shower and turned the warm water on to run over her body. She washed herself thoroughly with body wash, and she was soon sparkly clean and feeling better. Lupe dried herself with one of the fluffy towels, and went into her room to put some clothes on.

Once dressed, she went back into the bedroom. There was a knock on the door. It was Isabelle asking if there was anything she could do to help. Lupe explained that Bob had asked for clean sheets and linens on the bed, and that she had no idea where to find them. Isabelle smiled and said, “Don’t worry. I will help you with that, and then you will know.”

Looking at the linens, Isabelle commented, “I guess I don’t have to ask how your night went. Did it hurt a lot?”

“Only at first,” Lupe replied. “Then, it felt better than anything I can remember. It was amazing. We did it four times.”

Isabelle laughed. “Maybe Bob has met his match. He has been looking for a new wife for years, and it sounds like you enjoyed yourself as much or more than he did. I think most girls wanted a break after the first time. I know that I did. I couldn’t have handled more.”

Lupe asked, “Bob has been looking for a wife? He could have his pick of any woman he wants.”

“True,” Isabelle smiled. And that is why he has so many women around. He has never found one woman who could give him what he needs, which is somebody who wants him at least as much as he wants her. It sounds like you might be the one.”

“Wow,” Lupe responded. I had no idea that anything beyond being a maid was even possible.”

“It is,” Isabelle told her. Just never turn off your need for him, even if you get pregnant, and he will probably marry you.”

By then, they had stripped the bed and Isabelle helped her carry the sheets to the laundry area. Isabelle showed her where the clean linens were kept, and told her that others would do the laundry. All Lupe needed to worry about was keeping Bob happy sexually. Others would do everything else.

They made up the bed, and Isabelle showed Lupe how Bob liked things done. She also showed Lupe where to take dirty clothes. Bob didn’t like having a lot of dirty clothes in their hampers, so she should take the clothes to the laundry every day. She showed Lupe where clean clothes would be waiting in the laundry, and that Lupe should put the clean clothes away when she returned to the master suite. Clothes should always be hung or folded and put in their places, so Bob wouldn’t have to look for anything.

Lupe was hungry, so Isabelle took her to the kitchen. Isabelle quickly cooked Lupe a good breakfast. Lupe was delighted. She usually had vegetables and rice (maybe with an egg, if the hens laid) for breakfast, so this breakfast felt luxurious with a big pile of meat (tocino) on the plate along with eggs, rice and toast and a big glass of mango juice on the side. Lupe cleaned her plate and drank all of the mango juice.

Isabelle laughed at how such a small girl could eat and drink so much, but then she asked if Lupe wanted more. She told Lupe that she would never have to worry about gaining weight as long as she was working it all off in bed. At first, Lupe didn’t understand, but then she realized that Isabelle was talking about sex. Lupe said that she was full.

Isabelle told Lupe that Bob would be returning at about ten that morning, and that Lupe should be waiting for him on their bed with a new nightie. She also told Lupe that, if she did her job well enough to make Bob want to marry her, then everybody on the property would be happy. Having order in the big house would make everything run smoother.

It was after nine, so Lupe went back into the master suite to get ready for Bob’s return. She brushed out her hair, applied make-up the way Isabelle had taught her, and applied perfume to her neck, breasts and pussy to make everything smell good to Bob. She had just finished her preparations when she heard Bob come into the house. It wasn’t ten yet, but he was in a hurry to get back to Lupe.

When Bob came into the room, he quickly took his clothes off, and he was crawling across the bed to her. “I couldn’t think of anything other than getting back to you. Lupe wrapped her arms around him, spread her legs, and welcomed his cock into her pussy. It felt wonderful, and she wondered if she would ever grow tired of that feeling. She doubted it.

Lupe was kissing Bob deeply, sucking his tongue into her mouth and pulling him further into her pussy. Bob was thrusting deeply into her vagina, bottoming out each time, and sending shock waves of pleasure through her body. He couldn’t remember a time when he was experiencing so much pleasure, not even with his wife. This was what life was supposed to feel like, but so rarely did.

Bob continued to fuck her, seemingly on a mission to get his cock even deeper into her body, to completely meld with this woman. Lupe was grasping his waist, pulling him into her very core. She seemed to want him as deep as possible as much as he wanted to be there.

Waves of pleasure were already washing over Lupe even before Bob started to pump his sperm deep into her womb. Her vaginal walls were once again milking his cock as he unloaded his seed into her. Time stood still for both of them, and Bob collapsed. Lupe was kissing his face and telling him that she loved him. Bob smiled. Could a man want anything more? He didn’t think so. Soon, he closed his eyes and dozed off. Lupe was comfortable enough to fall asleep as well.

They woke just before noon. Bob asked Lupe to join him in the shower, so they could save time before going into the dining room for lunch. It wasn’t until Bob raised up that either of them realized that Lupe was still wearing her nightie. They laughed as she took it off, and they walked into the shower. Lupe pulled her hair up in a clip, so it wouldn’t get wet in the shower.

They washed each other off body wash. Lupe found it funny that she hadn’t really realized how big Bob’s cock actually was until she was washing it in the shower. She wondered how it could fit up inside of her, but she now knew that it did. It amazed her that something so big could give her so much pleasure. They almost didn’t get out of the shower to go to lunch, but Bob realized that Isabelle and Chloe would be waiting for them, so they got dried off and dressed for lunch.

Isabelle and Chloe were already at the table when they came into the dining room. It was exactly noon. They both greeted Bob and Lupe, and Bob blessed the food. Lupe thanked him for blessing the food when he finished. Lupe looked at all of the food on her plate, and she turned to Isabelle and Chloe and said. “You are going to make me fat.”

Isabelle replied, “Don’t worry. If you keep making Bob happy, there is no way that you will get fat, at least not unless he puts a baby in your tummy.” Bob almost choked on his bite of food. After a short pause, everybody laughed. Lupe wasn’t sure what was funny, but she was sure that Isabelle would explain it to her later.

When they finished lunch, Bob said he would come back at about three. He had to meet with some of his foremen to go over some things and then go out to check the fields again. After he left, Lupe asked what was funny. Chloe told her that they had a bet as to how long it would be before Lupe was pregnant. Isabelle had guessed that she was probably already pregnant, while Chloe thought it would be a month or more. “And why is that funny?” Lupe asked.

Well,” Chloe replied. “We were talking about gaining weight, and if you get pregnant, you will certainly gain weight.”

“Oh,” said Lupe. “I see.” After she paused for a moment, she added, “If I get pregnant, I won’t mind gaining weight.”

Isabelle added, “Just remember that your duties as a woman won’t end just because you get pregnant. If you want to become Bob’s wife, then you will initiate sex as much after you are pregnant as you do now. That goes for after you give birth too. Being a mother does not excuse you from being his woman. If you forget that, even for a minute, you will lose him.”

Chloe cut in, “And if that happens, you will be given to one of Bob’s men to be his wife. That wouldn’t be so bad, but it certainly wouldn’t be as good as being Bob’s wife.”

“I will try to be there for him at all times,” Lupe replied. I don’t want to lose him ever.”

Isabelle put her arm around Lupe’s shoulders. “Just stay focused on bringing Bob pleasure, all day and night, every day and night, and you won’t ever have to worry about it. That is your only job. He won’t abandon you unless he isn’t getting his needs met.”

Lupe nodded that she understood. “I already love him, and I feel empty when he isn’t inside of me.

Both Isabelle and Chloe laughed. “Just stay that way, and if you do have a baby, Bob will make sure that you have a ya-ya (nanny) to help you. The only thing you will have to do is breast-feed the baby. The ya-ya will do everything else for you. That will leave you plenty of time to keep Bob happy.”

Lupe shook her head. “Yesterday morning, I never would have guessed that I would be talking with other girls about things like this today. As a matter of fact, I would never have guessed how my life was about to change.”

They all laughed. Lupe could see that Isabelle and Chloe would be her friends for life. She could see how much they already cared about her, and they barely even knew her. Lupe decided to go back into the master suite. She checked the bed, but everything was still clean, so she just straightened out the linens. She made sure that the room was clean, including vacuuming, and that all of the clothes were where they belonged. This would be her domain, so she wanted to know every square centimeter of it in detail.

Lupe decided that she needed to wash and cream rinse her hair again while Bob was out. He had commented on how much he loved her long, silky black hair, so she wanted to keep it silky and shiny for him. On the mountain, she had never worried much about her hair, other than keeping it clean and free of lice. Now, however, her priorities had changed. She was now Bob’s woman (and hopefully soon to be his wife), and she had to keep herself sexy and appealing for him.

She got into the shower and let the warm water run over her hair before using a good amount of the shampoo that Bob had provided. It smelled really good, in addition to cleaning her hair very well. Once she had thoroughly cleaned her hair, she rinsed the shampoo out and then picked up the bottle of cream rinse.

Lupe had brought a large comb into the shower with her, so she used it to comb the cream rinse through her hair. She let it sit in her hair for several minutes as she continued to comb her hair. Then, she thoroughly rinsed her hair and turned off the shower. Before Lupe got out of the shower, she also picked up her razor to make sure there were no little hairs popping up anywhere.

She reached for a big, fluffy towel and dried her hair and her body. Then, she reached for her body lotion to rub all over her skin. Once she had made sure that she was soft all over, she used a hair brush to brush out her hair until it was dry, shiny and silky smooth.

She then went into her room to get dressed. She chose a bright red sheer nightie for Bob. She applied some more perfume to her neck, breast and pussy, and then she considered herself in the mirror. She had never considered herself as sexy, but obviously Bob did, and Isabelle had explained why to her. She had said, “Sexy isn’t a shape. It’s an attitude, and Bob likes your shape but loves your attitude.”

Lupe went to the bed to lay for a while until Bob returned home to her. Her hair was still a little bit damp, so she let it spread out in a spray above her head while she lay there. That was the position she was in when she fell asleep. The last 24 hours had exhausted her, and Bob found her sleeping peacefully like that. He smiled as he entered the room, and he removed his clothes while she was still asleep.

Bob went into the bathroom to shower before he got on the bed. He had been out in the fields, so he was covered with dirt and soot (they burn sugar cane before harvesting). Once he was clean, he dried off, and then he crawled across the bed to his sleeping beauty. She didn’t wake until Bob kissed her on the lips. Her eyes popped open, and then she blushed, realizing that she had been asleep. Bob whispered, “Wake up. Your prince is here.”

Lupe reached around his neck and pulled Bob back to her lips. “I missed you, but I must have been tired.”

“I can’t imagine why,” he replied. We have just been fucking almost non-stop for the better part of a night and a day. I’m a little tired myself.”

“Oh,” she replied. “Would you like to lay here and rest with me for a while?”

Bob smiled and then looked at his hard cock. “I think maybe we should take care of this first. Then, we may want to take a short nap before dinner.”

Lupe saw his cock and responded, “Yes, let’s take care of this first. We can nap later.” With that, Lupe pulled her body over, so she was directly under Bob’s cock, and then pulled him down until his cock was brushing against her vulva. It wasn’t long before his cock was wet enough to slide right into her vagina. “Oh, my God. That feels so good inside of me,” she moaned.

Bob felt his cock slide into her pussy and started fucking her immediately. There was truly no place better than right here, deep inside this beautiful girl’s pussy. He could feel her vaginal walls gripping his cock, as if trying to keep him inside of her forever. God never created anyplace that felt better than a woman’s pussy. It was truly made to give pleasure to Man, and Lupe’s pussy was doing a very good job of that.

He started to thrust up into her as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him even deeper into her vagina. The tip of his cock was starting to beat out a rhythm against her cervix, pounding into her with increasing speed and power, until he lost control and started pumping his sperm deep into her womb. Lupe wasn’t far behind, and her vaginal walls were milking the last of his seed from his cock.

Bob lifted her nightie, so he could rest his head directly against her breasts, and he was soon asleep on top of her. Lupe used her hands to massage Bob’s head and neck as he drifted off to sleep, but she was soon asleep too. Having Bob on top of her was just about the most comforting feeling Lupe could think of. It just felt so safe.

When Bob woke, he turned his head slightly and started suckling one of her nipples. He got one side hard and then traded to her other breast. Both nipples were standing proud and he had given her a few hickeys before Lupe woke. She loved the feeling of him suckling her nipples, and her hands caressed his hair to encourage him.

Bob wanted to eat her pussy again, and this time, there was no hesitancy on her part. When he started kissing his way down to her pussy, she sighed, “Oh, Yes.”

Bob loved the smell of Lupe’s pussy. It was musky but sweet. He could smell her perfume, but he could also smell her delightful natural aroma. His first lick went from her vaginal entrance up to her clitoris, and her legs clamped around his head automatically. His first contact had caused her to orgasm, so he knew there would be many more pleasure waves to come before he was through.

Lupe simply couldn’t believe how good it felt to have Bob lick and kiss and suck her pussy. She felt like she had died and gone to heaven, and it just kept getting better the longer he did it. He sucked her clitoris into his mouth, and made circles with his tongue as he sucked. It drove her crazy, and soon she was in an endless orgasm, not coming down from one pleasure wave before the next one hit her.

She finally could take no more, and she pleaded with him to stop. He did, and the next thing she felt was his hard cock driving up into her vagina. She was still orgasming even as he entered, and as he drove his cock into her vagina, her vaginal walls were already grasping and milking his cock. Under those circumstances, he didn’t last very long before he was pumping another load of sperm into her womb.

This time, when they collapsed, he kissed her deeply, and she could taste her pussy juices on his mouth. She thought they were sweet and a little tangy, not at all unpleasant. They kissed as they both came back from their orgasms. Bob reminded her that it was almost dinnertime, so they uncoupled and went into the shower. Lupe noticed that Bob was still hard when she was washing his cock in the shower. She wanted to do something about it, but Bob told her to wait until after dinner. He didn’t want Isabelle and Chloe to have to wait for them.

They dried off and got dressed for dinner, and it was exactly 6 PM when they walked into the dining room. Isabelle and Chloe greeted them and Lupe and Bob sat down for dinner. Again, Bob blessed the food and they ate and talked during dinner. Lupe noticed that Bob took a personal interest with every person he talked with. He wanted to know how their day had gone and was even interested in the details of their day. She was impressed. Of course, he already knew how her day had gone.

When dinner was finished, Bob and Lupe went back into the master suite. Bob had Lupe take his clothes off, and then he removed her clothes. Lupe found this act to be very sexy. She immediately saw that his cock was still hard, and she came up to him to caress it.

He asked if she would put his cock into her mouth and suck it. She nodded her assent and got down on her knees in front of him. She wasn’t sure how to do it, but she just started to kiss and lick the head of his cock. When it was wet from her spit, she tried to suck the head into her mouth.

It barely fit, but she was soon sucking the head. He reached down, and placed one of her hands on his cock and slid it up and down the shaft. He told her to slide her hand as she sucked to simulate his cock sliding through her pussy. She did, and soon his entire cock was coated in the spit leaking from her mouth around his cock.

Bob soon decided that her mouth was a poor substitute for her pussy, so he told her to lay on the bed so her butt was at the edge. She did as he asked, and his cock slid completely into her pussy. He pulled her so her butt was hanging over the edge, and he was able to push even more of his cock into her pussy. She was purring from the feel of his cock sliding in and out of her.

Since Bob was already warmed up from Lupe’s mouth, it didn’t take him long before he was speeding up for a final run. He was thrusting into her as hard and as fast as he could, and her little pussy was squeezing his cock the entire time. Her orgasm started, and her vaginal walls started to spasm around his cock as he drove into her.

When he felt his seed rising, he pressed as far as he could against her cervix and started flooding her womb with his sperm. It felt so good to her that she almost fainted. Bob was in heaven; his sperm being pulled from his cock by her hungry pussy and his brain overloaded with pleasure. It didn’t get any better than this.

There was no way to stay connected after they both came down from their orgasms. He pulled out, pushed her further onto the bed, and then crawled to lay beside her. When his head got close to hers, she whispered, “I love you.” He smiled and closed his eyes for the next several minutes. He slowly recovered, and then he slid over to suckle her nipples again. Lupe encouraged him by cupping her breasts and feeding her nipples into his mouth to suck.

Lupe may have been weak in her oral skills, but Bob could have Chloe teach her everything she needed to know to become proficient. As far as everything else went, Lupe was the best he had ever had. Bob had decided that, unless she really screwed up, this girl was a keeper. The only questions would be how she reacted to being pregnant. If her sex drive remained high, he would have to seriously consider marrying her.

However, Bob had seen too many girls change when their tummy started to swell to think it was a sure thing with Lupe. He would have to wait and see. Since he didn’t know her menstrual cycle, he didn’t know when she would be fertile. In fact, he may have already impregnated her. He just didn’t know. Because he always took care of the girls he impregnated and the resulting children, he never really worried about when they were fertile. The girls never worried either because they got married and their husband had a good job by Filipino standards.

In fact, Lupe’s mother, Lucille, was the only exception. He had given her three babies, and she still wasn’t married. That was by Lucille’s choice. She liked living on the mountain and not having to answer to any man, Bob did, however, give Lucille some money and rice every month to care for the children.

Bob didn’t know that Lupe had already guessed that he had fathered her three sisters, but it didn’t matter to her. She had no problems having her sisters as his daughters. It might become more complicated if he married her and her sisters became her step-daughters, but nobody but Lucille knew for sure.

Bob asked Lupe when her last period had started, and she told him that it had been about two weeks. That meant that it was very possible that Lupe was already pregnant with his baby. That would be great, provided that she didn’t change. At least that meant that he wouldn’t have to wait too long for his answers. He hoped that she stayed the same and was just as receptive to him as she was now. Only time would tell.

Of course, when Bob asked, Lupe also quickly figured out that she was probably pregnant. It both scared her and thrilled her. She knew that it would be the key to either a happy life with Bob or a life with one of his workers. Isabelle had given her the key to being successful with him, and she would do everything in her power to make sure that her life was with him.

She knew that, if she was actually pregnant, that she would have to be even more receptive and sexually aggressive than she already was. As far as she was concerned, that wouldn’t be a problem. The more sex she had with Bob, the more she enjoyed and wanted sex.

As Bob continued to suckle her nipples, he started to taste milk in his mouth. He had heard of women who became wet nurses without first having a child, so he knew that it must be possible, but he wasn’t sure how it worked. It had to be extremely uncommon, and he had certainly never encountered it before.

Lupe really enjoyed having him suckle her nipples as well. It sent wonderful tingly sensations to her pussy and her brain every time he suckled, and the longer he suckled, the stronger the sensations became. When Bob discovered the milk, it was feeling so good to her that when he told her about it, she told him to suck even harder to see if the milk was real.

It soon became evident that it was actual breast milk that he was getting. That thrilled him. He had suckled the breasts of women who had just given birth and had tasted breast milk before, and he really liked it, so if Lupe’s breasts could produce milk without even having a child yet, that would be even better. He continued to suckle and he was rewarded with more milk. It made him smile. This was a bonus.

The suckling had completely turned Lupe on, though, and she asked him to fuck her again. Bob was happy to oblige, since suckling Lupe’s nipples had caused his cock to become rock hard again. He slid off the bed again, and asked Lupe to slide her butt over to him again at the edge. He discovered that this position required the least amount of effort on his part and got the best result in the end. Standing there, all he had to do was thrust forward with his hips without rocking any joints or wearing out his knees.

She quickly scooted over to the edge next to where he was standing and lined her pussy up with his cock. He was able to slide fully into her with almost no effort. From there, he made sure that her bottom was tight up against his groin and he started thrusting into her in earnest. There was no warm-up because there was no need for one. Both of them were already primed.

Bob was used to fucking at least ten minutes before cumming, but in this position, he was lucky to make it to five minutes before his balls sent his sperm shooting into her womb. It didn’t matter, though, because Lupe almost always came before him anyway, and her vaginal walls would always be milking him dry before the end. Being inside of Lupe’s pussy was the same as being in paradise.

This time was no exception on time, and when he felt her pussy starting to spasm around his cock, his own orgasm wasn’t far behind. It seemed to Bob like an exceptionally large load of sperm considering how often they had fucked in the last 24 hours.

A few last thrusts, and he was done for the evening. He crawled up onto the bed, and they snuggled together, him lying on his back and her against his side with her head resting on his shoulder. Bob used a remote to turn off the lights, and they both fell asleep quickly.

The next time they woke, it was still mostly dark, but some light was starting to come through the window. Lupe was the first to wake, and after a quick trip to the bathroom, she was kneeling beside Bob trying to suck his cock again. This time, she got about half of his cock into her mouth, and he rapidly got hard.

It seemed easier to her to put his cock in her mouth when it was soft, and let it grow inside her mouth. That was how she got so much in. His cock was very thick when it was fully erect, and that was still a bit of a problem, since she had a small mouth, but once his cock was already inside, she could manage.

She sucked and sucked as she stroked his shaft with her hands, and that was the situation when Bob awoke. At first, he was confused, but then he realized what she was doing. It was just one more of the nice surprises she had given him. He was surprised at how much of his cock she had in her mouth, and her sucking felt really good, but he didn’t want to cum in her mouth.

He smiled and stopped her. “Lupe,” he said. “A blowjob is good for foreplay, but I don’t want my seed to go to your stomach. I want it all to be in your womb. Don’t ever suck so long that I cum in your mouth. When I am hard, put my cock in your pussy.” She smiled up at him when she understood.

Lupe slid up over him until her pussy was directly above his cock. Then, she reached between them and lined the tip of his cock up with her vaginal entrance and slowly sheathed his cock in her pussy. Bob closed his eyes as the feeling of his cock sliding into her overwhelmed him.

This was where he was meant to be. He was sure of it. This was where he was always meant to be. Barring the slight possibility that Lupe would do something stupid to change his mind, she would be his wife. It felt so good as she slid up and down his shaft. There was no place else that he would rather be.

She was having a hard time controlling the muscles in her legs because her first orgasm was already coursing through her, making control almost impossible. Lupe leaned down to kiss him, to steady herself, as much as to show her affection and desire. He returned her kiss, and their tongues were soon jousting inside their mouths as her pussy slid up and down his shaft. He could feel her body shaking in orgasm, so Bob rolled her over on her back and took control.

He never let his cock fall out as he rolled her, and as soon as she was flat on her back, he was steadily thrusting deep into her core. Every thrust was coming hard up against her cervix, as her vaginal walls spasmed around his cock. It wasn’t long before they were both cumming, his sperm being blasted through her cervix and into her womb. Bob was exactly where he wanted to be, and Lupe couldn’t have been any happier. She was smiling practically from ear to ear.

When Bob’s orgasm ended, Lupe reached up to draw him into another deep kiss. She didn’t want this to end, and his hard cock was still deep inside her, so she decided to pull him into a second round. As she kissed him, she started to move her pussy on his cock again, just sliding slowly up and down the shaft. It was enough for him to get the idea that she wanted more, and he once again started thrusting into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist to completely open up her pussy to him and draw his cock even deeper into her body.

Finally, he had found a woman who could keep up with him in bed. He wasn’t going to let her go easily. He pounded his cock into her as hard as he could, and she thrust back at him just as hard. His groin was slapping against her pussy every time he thrust into her. It didn’t take long before Lupe’s body was once again spasming around his cock, and she was no longer able to control her movements.

When he came, it was like his spirit was draining out of his body. He had nothing more to give. After pumping more of his sperm into her womb, he let his cock slide out of her pussy. He wanted to rest his head on her breasts, but when he remembered the milk, he started suckling again. He was amazed to see and taste milk from her breast again. He watched as a drop of milk oozed out of her nipple, and then he licked it up.

He looked up at her and said, “You are amazing. I love you.” It was the first time he had said this since his first wife had died in childbirth. Both she and her baby were lost because they didn’t have a doctor when they needed one. Saying the words brought the memories rushing back into his head, but he fought them off. This is Lupe he was with, not Sharon. Sharon died along with her baby. Lupe wouldn’t do that. He was sure of that. He repeated. “I love you.”

Lupe replied, “I love you too, Bob. I love you with all of my heart and soul.”

That was all Bob needed to know. He rested his head on her breasts and fell asleep again.

He woke to his alarm. It was almost breakfast-time, so he and Lupe went to the shower to clean up. Of course, there was lots of touching, but nothing more. They needed to get dressed and go to the table to eat. As Lupe soon found out, there was always more food than she could eat. Bob finished first with an, “I’ll see you at lunch, Sweetheart. I love you,” and gave her a kiss in front of Isabelle and Chloe before walking out the door.

It appeared that Lupe had the whole morning off. Bob hadn’t told her what his plans for the day were, and she didn’t ask. His business was his business, and Lupe knew enough to leave it alone. After Bob left, Isabelle and Chloe started asking questions and making comments. They told Lupe that this was the first time that Bob had ever said, “I love you,” to anyone as far as they knew.

Of course, they wanted to know all of the details too, like how many times they had made love so far. Lupe thought about it for a minute and replied, “I don’t know exactly, but lots. I’ve lost track. Bob is a wonderful lover. They had questions about Lupe’s menstrual cycle as well, and she answered the same as she had to Bob. They looked at each other and said, “You are probably pregnant, Lupe.”

“Good,” she replied. “That is what I want. How soon will I know for sure?”

Isabelle answered, “I do the shopping. I will pick you up a bunch of pregnancy tests when I go to the store. They are very reliable. You pee on the stick and if there are two lines, then you are pregnant.”

“OK,” Lupe said. “I think that Bob wants me to be pregnant.”

“I’m sure that is true,” Chloe said. “Bob has always wanted his women to get pregnant. I think he was trying to prove that a woman could have his child without dying like his first wife.”

“We don’t know that for sure,” Isabelle interjected. “But there are several women around here that have carried Bob’s babies to term, so I’m sure that is no longer a worry for him. I understand that his wife bled out during childbirth, so it was likely that the problem was in her body, and not caused by anything Bob did.”

Lupe smiled. “I won’t die on him.”

“I’m sure you won’t,” Isabelle said. “You are a very healthy girl, so there is no reason why you would.”

“I’m not sure that I should ask, but why didn’t either of you two stay as Bob’s woman?”

Chloe laughed. “That’s easy. Nobody but you has ever been able to keep up with Bob’s sex drive. He wears most women out. That is why we are so happy that you are here. Before you came, we spent our nights in his bed, and we were both exhausted all the time. Now that you are here, we get enough rest, and we are able to do our jobs. We are all happier because you are here. We just don’t know how you do it.”

“That’s easy,” Lupe replied. I love making love to Bob. I could do that 24 hours a day, if he wanted to, but he gets tired after just a couple of rounds.”

Isabelle and Chloe looked at each other and laughed. “You go girl. That is why you are in his bed. You can keep up with him. Just remember what I told you. Never let pregnancy or a child become an excuse as to why you can’t have sex. If you do, you will lose him.”

Lupe smiled. “Don’t worry. I can’t even imagine that happening. Sex feels better than anything, and all I want is more.” They all laughed.

Lupe stayed in the kitchen while Isabelle and Chloe did the dishes, and then they had other chores to do around the house and went their separate ways. Lupe went back to the master suite to clean up. There were some stains on the bedding, so she changed everything.

Bob did not like any messes. It was just part of his personality, and Lupe knew that there could never be any lasting messes in the master suite. There were always temporary messes. They couldn’t have sex without making a mess, but it was her job to clean them up.

After Lupe finished cleaning the master suite, she went upstairs to find Isabelle and Chloe. She found Chloe first, who showed her around the second floor. The house was huge, but there was only one bedroom on the main level other than the master suite. That was a room off the kitchen where Isabelle and Chloe lived.

Upstairs, there were six bedrooms plus a nursery. Bob had prepared the nursery when Sharon was pregnant, and never again went in after Sharon and the baby died. Isabelle and Chloe cleaned the bedrooms upstairs, but nobody lived there.

Lupe asked why they had to share a bedroom when there were so many bedrooms upstairs, and Chloe explained, “Bob built this house, so he could have lots of children living here, and these bedrooms are for his children. I expect that your children will be living in them.”

Lupe smiled. She liked the idea of her children each having their own rooms. She asked where the ya-ya would live, and Chloe took her into the nursery, where there was a bed on one side and a crib and changing table on the other. “When you start having babies, the ya-ya will sleep in here with the babies.

Lupe noticed that each bedroom (including the nursery) had a small bathroom with a sink and toilet, but only the main bathroom in the hall had a bath tub with a shower. The ya-ya would bathe any children in the main bath whenever they needed it. Lupe suspected that, knowing Bob, it would have to be at least once a day for every child.

Having satisfied her curiosity, Lupe went back to the master suite to get ready for Bob. She knew that he had said he wouldn’t be back until lunch, but she wanted to always be ready just in case he came home early. She put on a beautiful purple baby doll nightie, brushed out her hair, and lay down on the bed. She set the alarm for 11:30, just in case he didn’t come home early, so she would be ready for lunch.

Then, she fell asleep in the middle of the big bed. It was the alarm that woke her, so she got dressed and went to the kitchen, where Isabelle and Chloe were preparing lunch. When she asked if she could help, Chloe looked at her and replied, “If things work out like they should, you will be the lady of the house. Your job is, and always will be, to take care of Bob and the master suite. We have our jobs, and we would prefer to not have help. If you were to mess something up, then Bob would be mad at us, NOT you, so we would prefer to do things ourselves. I hope that is OK.”

“Yes,” Lupe replied. “I understand. I hope you don’t mind me hanging around talking with you. I get bored when Bob isn’t here.”

Chloe smiled. “Of course, that is OK. We enjoy the conversation too. We can work and have fun at the same time. That isn’t a problem.”

Lupe was happy to have Isabelle and Chloe to talk with. They had answered so many of her questions, and in doing so, had made her life much easier.

Lunch went on the table, the three sat down, and Bob soon entered the dining room. Lupe would soon learn that Bob was nothing, if not punctual. If he said he would be some place at a given time, he would be there. Bob sat down right at noon and blessed the food. This would always be comforting to Lupe. She loved having the food blessed by the man of the house.

Bob asked how their morning had gone, and that started a lively conversation. Chloe mentioned that she had given Lupe a tour of the upstairs bedrooms, and Bob asked Lupe what she thought of the upstairs. She replied, “I can see my future there.” He asked her what she meant, and she replied, “It will be my responsibility to fill the upstairs bedrooms with children for you. I hope that I do a good job. I want to always have babies in that beautiful nursery.”

A tear came to Bob’s eye. He took Lupe’s hand and said, “I have no doubt that you will do an excellent job.”

He lifted his glass. “To the future,” and everyone toasted. It was now a foregone conclusion that Bob would marry Lupe. Everybody knew it except Lupe.

After lunch, Bob took Lupe into the master suite. “I have a couple of hours before I have to be anywhere. Can you think of anything we can do in the meantime?”

Lupe smiled and started removing his clothes. Once his clothes were off, she quickly stripped herself and brought her nipples up against his chest. “I can think of a few things,” she remarked. “Do you have any preferences?”

Bob smiled and backed her up against the bed. When her butt hit the mattress, he leaned her back on the bed. She spread her legs for him, and he slid the head of his cock around her vulva until they were both wet and said, “Put me inside of you.”

Lupe reached between them and slid the tip of his cock into her vaginal entrance. Then she pulled him into her pussy, his cock sliding easily in her juices until his cock was completely buried in her body. She moaned. “Now, make love to me until you cum and put a baby in my tummy.”

He couldn’t refuse a request like that. If there wasn’t already a baby in her tummy, he was completely in favor of putting one there. He started thrusting and withdrawing, increasing the tempo as he went. Lupe was rocking her hips to meet his thrusts, and their bodies were slapping together loudly.

As expected, Bob didn’t last very long in this position. And his cock was soon jammed up against her cervix, pumping his seed into her womb as her vaginal walls milked his cock. He looked down at her and said, “I love you.”

She looked up at him and replied, “I love you, too. More than life itself.”

“Don’t love me that much,” he stated. “I want you to live a very long life by my side.” With that, he leaned down and kissed her.

He said, “I want to suckle your nipples some more. It is hard to believe that there is milk.”

“I know,” she replied. “My breasts are bigger, and my nipples have been leaking milk all morning long.”

“Well,” he said. “Let me take care of that. We don’t want any of your milk to go to waste,” and with that, his lips were sealed over her nipple to begin suckling. He was rewarded immediately with a small flow of mother’s milk. He traded back and forth between her nipples, to make sure they were treated equally.

After a few minutes, the milk supply ran out, but he knew that her breasts would make more over time. He had researched it, and found that some women have high levels of certain hormones, which can cause lactation. The same hormones could be responsible for a very high sex drive in those women. It seemed that Bob had hit the jackpot when he met Lupe. She was everything he could want, all wrapped up in one body.

Lupe loved having Bob suckle her nipples, and she was soon totally turned on again, her juices running out of her vagina like a river. She whispered in his ear, “Please. Fuck me again. I need to feel you thrusting inside of me.”

Bob’s cock had become unseated while he was suckling her nipples, but it was still hard. Being with Lupe did that to him. He was quickly back inside her and fucking her as hard as he could. Lupe loved laying at the edge of the bed with him standing between her legs.

It was a great position to get maximum penetration. She thought that nothing could top the feeling of his cock repeatedly pressing into her cervix. She quickly went over the top into a full-fledged orgasm.

When Lupe’s vaginal walls started to grip his cock, there was no way he could last. His sperm erupted out of his cock and into her womb. He collapsed, kissed her, and then crawled up on the bed to lay next to her. Lupe felt the need to snuggle, and she put her head on his shoulder and her body against his side. Her leg was thrown across his groin, almost in a claim of ownership.

When Bob’s alarm went off, they showered, dried and dressed. He kissed her and then he was out the door. He would be back in time for dinner.

That night, they ate dinner and made love a few times before going to sleep. This daily routine became their pattern until one morning, a few weeks later, when Lupe woke up feeling nauseous. She ran into the bathroom and promptly threw up in the toilet. Immediately afterwards, she felt OK, so she cleaned herself and went back to bed with Bob.

She found him lying on his back with a stiff cock, so she straddled him and lowered her pussy onto his cock. She was bouncing up and down on his cock when he woke up. Bob was delighted, and it didn’t take long before he was once more filling her with his sperm.

Bob suckled for a while before they went in for a shower. They dressed and went to breakfast. When Bob left for work, Lupe told Isabelle and Chloe about throwing up. Isabelle went to the cupboard and took out a brown paper bag. “I bought you a bunch of pregnancy tests. Take them to your room and put them in your dresser. Use one of them now, and you will know if you are pregnant.

Lupe did as she was told, and was soon back in the kitchen holding a test strip with two clear bars on it. She was pregnant. Isabelle and Chloe were thrilled. Isabelle once more reminded Lupe, “Don’t let it get in your way of making Bob happy.”

“I won’t,” Lupe replied. “I made love to him right after I threw up this morning.” They all laughed. Isabelle no longer worried about Lupe. It was a done deal, and Lupe would soon become Bob’s wife.


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