My Best Friend – University Years Ch. 07 by RootlinRab,RootlinRab

This is the last of the present series. It’s possible I may write more in future, but for now, ‘this is it.’ Thank you for following, and reading my efforts. Best wishes to you all.

I suppose, looking back, that my fun with Eliza’s sisters could be looked on as a bit of, ‘revenge,’ sex, by proxy, on behalf of my lover Eliza, but even then it was only very mildly so, proper revenge sex had never really interested me. Perhaps the short fling I had with Kate Smyth came as close to that as I’m ever likely to be.

As you have already read in previous episodes, during my time at University I was working as a strip-o-gram, or male stripper for a model agency. It gave me extra income which helped finance myself at university, and allowed me to meet lots of hot, sexy woman. It was well paid, and I also did some exclusive and very private work, off the books, thanks to my ‘best friend.’ for which I was even better paid. Occasionally, if required, I also took part as a male model in any fashion shows the agency helped to run. Personally, I preferred stripping, because it was better paid, and the women I met through that were more honest and direct. However, it was at one of these fashion shows that I first met Kate.

She came to the agency as a new model, but already having a great deal of experience in the fashion world. I later managed to piece together her history, which began with her being, ‘discovered,’ by a model agency when she was around fourteen years old. Always eager for fresh, new talent, she was featured in a few top-class magazines, and was considered one to look out for in the future, being too young to work full time while still at school.

Once she was old enough, she was placed on the books of one of the top agencies, and from there it was a few short months before she was taking part in photo shoots and catwalk fashion shows in places as diverse as Paris, London, New York, Milan, and wherever the fashion, ‘circus,’ needed her. To all intents and purposes, she had, ‘made it.’ She was in the top fifty, world class fashion models on the circuit.

She told me later that she simply got fed up of the paranoia; constantly starving herself to remain thin, the sheer panic if she developed a ‘spot,’ the bitching of the other models, living out of a suitcase, the hangers on, the seedy characters on the periphery. She wanted something more solid, and eventually she wanted, ‘out,’ and quit. After a few months of soul searching, and taking stock, she decided to return to her studies and applied for a place as a student at university. She looked around for a part time job while at university, rather than live off her savings, and what more natural for her than part-time modelling? That’s where she came into my life, and at first we didn’t get on at all.

She was beautiful, let there be no mistake about that. A girl doesn’t get to be one of the world’s top models by being ugly. She was, as you would expect for a fashion model, very tall, about five foot nine inches, and very slim, with shapely legs that seemed to go on forever, long, natural blonde hair, blue eyes, and a, ‘pouty,’ sensual mouth that gave her a young Brigitte Bardot look. She was beautiful, but after years of modelling, she knew that all too well. I don’t know if she even realised that she came across as arrogant and condescending, but she did, and it annoyed other models in the agency too.

When she was on the catwalk she was sheer class, head and shoulders above every other model, and I mean in professionalism, experience, looks, but off it, she was a complete nightmare. Continually bitching and complaining about the make-up artists, the hairdressers, the dressers, the other models. She had been used to the very best of everything as a top-class model, and didn’t seem to realise that she was working for a small agency in a small city, and things were very different now.

She wasn’t dealing with a world class back-stage crew as she had been used to; it was mainly people working on a voluntary basis for a charity fashion show, and as such they were giving up their time for no reward. The other models were mostly working for nothing, while she was being paid a fee. A small fee it has to be said, nothing like the money she had been used to, but a fee none the less.

After she’d ripped into the make-up artist, the hairdresser and a few of the other, ‘models,’ for being unprofessional, I tried to have a word with her, advising her to keep calm and not cause bad feelings back-stage. She turned on me and told me to mind my own business, it had fuck all to do with me. I told her she may have been a big-time model before, but now she was no better than anybody else, and she may get along better if she stopped being such a bitch. She went loopy.

‘Who the fuck do you think you are?’ she virtually screamed at me. ‘What the fuck do you do in this agency? Are you the fucking boss? I don’t remember you being in charge when I came to the agency for an interview. You pathetic shit, get out of my face, you’re a nothing. Who made you cock of the walk?’ I laughed at her, which only made her even more furious, and made me laugh all the more.

‘Yes, cock of the walk, that’s me,’ I replied, thinking of my dick again, but left it at that. We had to cut it there anyway, because we were changing for our next walk-on, and were due back momentarily. However, I was determined to get back at her, and the changing area was a good start. Back stage at a fashion show is complete pandemonium, with maybe up to twenty models changing very quickly, it’s all fast and frantic and there is no time for false modesty. Models are being helped in and out of their next outfits, putting on the right shoes for each outfit, jewellery, hair, etc.

Generally speaking, it’s an open area, so very little privacy, and Kate’s changing area was right next to mine. I’d been very modest so far, keeping my back turned to her as I was changing, so she didn’t see me, and I didn’t see too much of her, but now I turned towards her when I was changing. ‘Cock of the walk, eh?’ I’d show her a cock alright, and have a good look at her arse and tits while I was doing it I thought.

So, next time we rushed off stage, I whipped off my outfit, and stood there facing in her direction with no underwear on, cock to the fore. As I was pulling the shirt off, over my head, which is faster than undoing the buttons, I heard a sharp intake of breath, and looking through a gap between the shirt buttons I saw her looking at me with a shocked expression on her face. I pretended I’d gotten stuck, so there I was, with no underpants, shirt over my head, showing my all. With her being half naked now as well, my cock shot up hard as a brick and gave here even more to look shocked about.

‘Have you gotten stuck my darling?’ my dresser said, pulling the shirt off, giving me a wink as she did it. She grinned as she helped me with my next outfit. ‘Well, that certainly shut the bitch up anyway,’ she whispered. ‘Give her a right good seeing to if you get the chance.’ I assured her I would. She looked down at me as she helped me dress. She laughed again, ‘Fuck I wouldn’t mind a bit of that myself,’ she admitted, ‘can I give it a little rub for luck?’ she joked. I nodded and grinned at her, and her fingers quickly encircled my girth, her body hiding what was going on from everybody else. She quickly rubbed me back and forth a couple of times, but there was no time for more, and within seconds I was dressed and off out onto the catwalk with a raging hard on.

I know the predominantly female audience noticed by the applause, whoops, and whistles I got when I reached the end of the catwalk. After the show I got quite a lot of attention and a fair number of names and telephone numbers thrust into my hands, but not before my dresser had helped me dress and undress a number of times, but that’s getting ahead of myself a fair bit.

When I returned backstage after, Gillian, my dresser, had felt my cock and she was already working on, ‘Kate the bitch,’ as I thought of her then, getting her ready for her next appearance. Meanwhile, I undressed myself, that’s the easy bit, making sure I was turned in their direction, letting Kate have another look at my cock. I avoided looking at her, but could see in my peripheral vision that she was looking at me. I could also see that Gillian was talking soft and low, laughing every now and then, so that even Kate was smiling, and then she was off, and Gillian turned to me.

Gillian was slightly flushed as she came over to me. She was a good-looking woman, about thirty I estimated, long dark hair, brown eyes, a nice mouth, with good teeth, slim with good sized tits and a gorgeous arse. Her short-ish skirt certainly showed off her neat bottom. ‘She’s gagging for it,’ she confided, meaning Kate, adding. ‘Of course, I teased her a bit more, saying I’d never seen anything like it, and asked her how she thought that would feel. She just shook her head and blushed.’ As she helped me dress, she had another good feel keeping me hard.

‘Do you want to know something funny,’ she asked, looking into my eyes, taking my smile for agreement. ‘To be honest, I’m fucking gagging for it too, I’m soaking wet, but I suppose it’s all my own fault,’ and with that confession in my ears, I was dressed, and out again to parade my arousal before two hundred women. Another huge round of applause for me and my cock, and then I was backstage, literally in the capable hands of Gillian. As before she helped herself to a good feel as she helped undress and dress me, and when I asked her how wet she was, she replied, ‘Soaking, my panties are a fucking mess.’ I just smiled and suggested maybe she should take them off, because wearing wet clothing could lead to a cold, or even pneumonia, and then I was back out again. Thinking of her wet pussy, knowing I was going to feel it for myself when I returned.

She was just finishing with Kate as I began to undress myself, and then she turned to help me as Kate sped off for her next turn. With her back to the rest of the room, she gasped as I slid my fingers under the hem of the short skirt, feeling the wetness on her smooth thighs, then parting her pussy lips. Still pretending to help me, she moaned very quietly, pushing gently against my two fingers embedded in her pussy.

‘Are you coming home with me tonight?’ I said quietly, and she nodded. I reluctantly withdrew my wet fingers, licking her juices from them. ‘Right, let’s be discreet, there are too many people here to do anything else, although I want to pull your skirt up to your waist and fuck you here and now.’ She nodded in agreement. It was a miracle that we hadn’t been noticed already with so many people rushing about, but luckily we were in a corner of the changing area, perhaps not quite as noticeable as we might have been otherwise.

I arranged to meet her in the car park, and with my pockets full of telephone numbers and names, I hurried round the building. She flashed the lights of her car to let me know where she was, and I opened the car door and slid in beside her. She came into my arms immediately, and as we kissed I slipped my hand up her skirt without preamble. She was more than ready, and spread her legs instantly, inviting me to make free with her slippery pussy, moaning and sighing with pleasure. I fingered her mercilessly, hearing her excitement rapidly reaching fever pitch, and then she was coming, coming, trying to suppress the loud moans and groans, whimpering and mewling with pleasure.

She drove me home, and although I offered her, tea, coffee, or wine, she made no bones about the fact that her pussy needed attention and she wanted more, and so I took her into the bedroom, where I undressed her, and she undressed me.

‘Please, don’t waste any time, I’m as wet and ready as I’ll ever be,’ she declared, holding onto my cock, pulling me to her. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she took me in her mouth as if to encourage me, but I needed no encouragement, and then she stopped sucking and lay back on the bed, spreading her legs in that timeless invitation. Her pussy was neatly trimmed, generous, pouting pussy lips, open and ready for action, with the insides of her thighs glistening with her juices in the subdued lighting of my bedroom. I sank down on top of her, and she reached for my cock, rubbing my swollen knob against her pussy lips, then pushed herself up hard against me just as I pushed down against her, and I was in, gently sliding inexorably into her warm depths.

‘Oh fuck,’ she gasped. ‘It’s fucking huge, but I can take it, I know I can, I want it. Don’t think you have to be gentle, fuck me hard, and really ram it into me. Use me, please, I’m your slut for tonight, fuck me please, please.’ Her voice tailed away, replaced by grunts and groans of pleasure and maybe a little pain too as I took her at her word, ramming and reaming her delightful cunt.

She came again and again as I used her, begging me to smack her bottom when I fucked her doggy style, gorgeous arse in the air, tits swaying with each poke into her wet slit. She was right, she behaved like a slut, but the most wonderful kind, a generous, giving, horny, uninhibited lover, unashamed, and if she was indeed a slut, she was a slut in the nicest possible way. She took the pleasure I gave her, thanked me, and came back for more, screaming joyously as I unloaded my pent-up spunk deep into her dark wetness.

She went home in the early hours of the morning, after draining me again, sore but well used, as she admitted, kissing me goodbye affectionately when I escorted her to her car.

The next time I went into the agency Kate was there too, and I was as nice as nice could be to her. Being nice costs nothing, and can lead to unexpected rewards. She smiled at me, and despite her air of great sophistication and confidence which she had achieved during her experience in the fashion world, she blushed. I knew she was thinking of my cock.

‘Sorry about the other night,’ I started, apologising for the minor argument, although it was entirely her fault. Even more embarrassed, because she knew it was her fault, she mumbled something about just forgetting it. ‘By the way, I know we were really in each other’s faces when we were changing backstage at the fashion show, but I really did try not to look at you too much. Although I have to admit, it was hard not to look because you are so beautiful.’ She blushed again.

‘Look, I’m experienced enough to know that there is no hiding place in a situation like that. I’ve been naked in front of strangers before; you get used to it, it’s no big deal, just forget it. I’m sure it will happen again, the next time we are in a show together,’ she concluded. I agreed with her wholeheartedly.

‘It cuts both ways of course, I could see you, but you could see me too, so I suppose we’re even. I’m used to women having a good look at me when I’m naked too, although I’m not in the same class as you when it comes to looks,’ I offered modestly.

‘Don’t say that’ she chided, smiling, ‘you’re a nice-looking guy and you have a good body.’ I smiled at her then.

‘Ah, so you were looking,’ I teased her, and she blushed again, and then giggled.

‘Just a teeny, weeny bit,’ she admitted, still smiling. ‘It can’t be avoided in that situation.’

‘Which teeny, weeny bit were you looking at?’ I asked, flirting like mad, knowing she had been looking at my cock, which could hardly be described as, ‘teeny-weeny.’

‘Not that bit, I wasn’t looking at that bit,’ she denied, laughing again.

‘You little liar,’ I countered, laughing at her. ‘When I got stuck inside my shirt, I could see through the gaps between the buttons, and you couldn’t take your eyes off it. You’re a dirty girl Kate. C’mon, admit it.’ She laughed and shook her head.

‘No, no, I admit nothing.’

‘Would you like to see it again?’ I asked boldly. She looked shocked. and then annoyed.

‘Well, I’ve had some brass necked propositions in my time, but that takes a bit of beating. What do you think I am, some cheap tart?’ she spat at me.

‘No, no, Kate, I never meant it that way,’ I protested, following her towards the door. She was leaving and in a fury too. ‘I have a stripping assignment this Friday. I was only inviting you to come with me, and maybe have a couple of drinks afterwards, I didn’t mean what you thought.’ I must have gotten through to her because she turned to me before she reached the door.

‘Are you asking me out on a date?’ she asked. ‘To see you take your clothes off and flash your… your… thing,’ she got out at last, ‘to a room full of sex-starved women?’ She was beginning to smile again.

‘Well… It’s not the most conventional of first dates, I must admit, but I suppose I am,’ I confirmed.

‘Okay,’ she said, ‘it may be fun, and I like the unusual,’ and within a couple of minutes it was arranged.

Come Friday night, I met her outside the place I was working at, and we went in together. There was plenty of time before I started, so we went into the ‘quiet,’ lounge, and chatted for a while before I had to get ready, but soon enough I had to leave her, and made my way to the dressing room where I dressed in my costume for the night.

The show went very well, lots of attempted, ‘groping,’ but I managed to evade them all, and the bride-to-be was a really nice young woman who entered into the spirit of the occasion. Of course I kept my eye on Kate to see what she was up to, but she seemed to enjoy it all, even joining in the screaming and shouts of, ‘off, off,’ when I got down to my G-string. When I eventually bowed to the requests for my G-string to disappear, I made sure I gave it to Kate, and then I was off, dancing round the room, giving them all an eye full, but returned to Kate, making sure she got a good eye full too. She actually blushed, which surprised me.

Afterward, back in the dressing room, there was a knock on the door, and thinking it was Kate I told her to come in, but it wasn’t Kate, it was the bride-to-be. She was a bit worse the wear for drink by now, but not too bad. She made it obvious what she wanted, a good feel of my cock, and probably a bit more, but then, another knock on the door and Kate came in with my G-string in hand. The bride to be looked at her belligerently.

‘You’ll have to wait your turn darling,’ she slurred, ‘I got here first.’

‘Actually, this is my girlfriend,’ I explained, lying, trying to head her off and avoid any trouble, and immediately her attitude changed. She looked Kate up and down admiringly.

‘Well, yeah, she’s a beauty right enough, and no mistake,’ she stopped speaking and seemed to think for a moment. ‘Tell you what, I’ll, “do,” both of you, her too’ she offered. We didn’t actually turn her down, but with some good-humoured joking and laughing, we finally managed to get her to leave and re-join her party. I’d been getting dressed while this exchange had taken place, and now packed all my final bits and pieces into the holdall I usually carried to assignments.

‘Is it always like this?’ Kate asked me, as I finished up, and I confirmed that it pretty much was. The secret, I revealed, was that you got them to write down their phone numbers and promised to call them at a later date. ‘And do you? Call them I mean.’

‘Sometimes,’ I admitted, ‘but they have to be something a bit special for me to do that.’

‘So, what do you consider, “special?” she asked.

‘Well, she has to be good looking obviously, but I suppose I’m always looking for a bit more than that. Intelligence, personality, and I have to feel some connection. It’s hard to explain.’ Adding with a cheeky grin, ‘someone like you.’ She laughed.

‘Should I feel grateful?’ and before I could answer she followed up with, ‘and what happens if they meet all your stringent requirements?’ I looked her straight in the eye.

‘I would take her home with me, and see how things went from there.’

‘Are you inviting me home with you?’ she asked, and when I told her I was, she looked me boldly in the eyes. ‘Okay,’ was all she said, and so it was settled.

Back at my place I offered her another drink, not that I had a great selection, I’m not much of a drinker, and she opted for white wine. We were in no hurry, as far as I knew, so there we were sitting on the sofa, chatting away getting to know each other.

‘Are you going to try and seduce me?’ she said suddenly, completely out of the blue, leaning towards me. I couldn’t help but smile at her frankness.

‘That depends on whether I might be successful, or not,’ I replied. ‘I’d feel an awful fool if I tried something, and you weren’t up for it?’ She raised one immaculate eyebrow, knowing I was flirting with her, doing a bit of verbal fencing.

‘Faint heart, and all that,’ she replied, ‘you’ll never know unless you try, will you?’ I knew then that she was ‘up’ for it, otherwise she wouldn’t have said what she just said, so I reached forward, her closeness and her all too obviously expensive perfume, a heady, sensual mix, and took the glass from her hand, placing it on the table. I pulled her closer to me.

‘Okay Kate, I’m warning you now, you asked for it and I’m going to try and seduce you’ She nodded and gave me a warm little smile letting me know it was okay with her, and then I kissed her. For whatever reason, she wasn’t entirely responsive, but I figured she didn’t want to seem like a, ‘push-over,’ and was making me work for it, so I worked for it. Just as I thought, she began to respond, kissing me back; she was a great kisser. My hands were working for it too, gently caressing her body, massaging her shoulders and back, and eventually down onto her bottom.

She was responding just fine now, obviously enjoying what was happening. Encouraged, I went for her titties, fashion models, generally speaking don’t have huge tits. They were perfectly adequate though, and felt wonderful as I was squeezing and massaging them, finding the nipples through her clothing, and pinching them gently. By the little throaty moan of pleasure, she was liking that too, so I kept on doing it, back and forth between her arse and tits, opening her blouse and unhooking her bra so that I could play with them naked. Sucking her nipples, I glanced down to see that she had pulled her skirt around her waist, spread her legs and was rubbing herself through her panties.

I thought if it was good enough for her, then it was good enough for me, so I fished my cock out of my jeans, glad to be rid of the constraints, and rubbed him a couple of times. No particular reason, it just felt good, and Kate soon realised what was happening and took over the rubbing duties, her beautiful, elegant hand on my cock looked awfully good. She had a lovely light touch, so I left her to it, and reaching down pushed her panties off one hip and then over the other and off. She spread her legs again, and I slipped my hand up the inside of her thighs, taking my time, slowly caressing the lovely smooth skin of her inner thighs. She was totally out of control now, breathing like an octogenarian running a marathon, her hips thrusting back and forth in a fucking motion.

She squealed with delight when my fingertips brushed against her labia, and then I let my middle finger run up the crevice, dipping into her wetness, spreading her juice over her clitoris. She pushed up off the sofa, pushed against my hand looking for more and so I let two fingers slip between her lips, opening her up, stretching and entering her welcoming pussy. She shuddered with lust, moaning loudly as my fingers slipped in and out bringing her closer to fulfilment. I wanted her to feel as much pleasure as I could give, and so I knelt before her and worshipped her shaven cunt with my tongue and fingers.

Not only was she shaven, but she had a piercing through her clitoral hood, a first for me, and when I spread her legs wider still, her wonderfully prominent labia opened up again revealing her pink inner core, and dispensed another flood of her pure, clear essence. The smell was intoxicating, sensuous, and I couldn’t help but glory in her taste and aroma, licking, sucking and nibbling at what she gave me. Her pussy was as beautiful as the rest of her, she was perfect in every way.

She came in a rush, calling my name, begging me not to stop, and just as her orgasm was subsiding, I moved closer and slid my cock deep into her pussy hole. Her eyes flashed open, and then she smiled at me before closing her eyes again as the new sensations filled her thoughts with nothing but the sweet ecstasy of her mounting excitement. I thrust slowly in and out, her pussy spewing juices, coating me with her wetness and scent until I was buried in her sweet pussy to the hilt, my balls brushing against her perfect arse. She was a great lover; enthusiastic, responsive and as horny as could be, wanting, demanding more, which I was more than happy to provide, until at last she admitted she was sore and couldn’t take much more, and so, as she began to come again, I joined her, filling her classy cunt with my juices too.

That was the first of many encounters with the lovely, gorgeous Kate over the next few months, and I look back on it, and her, with a great deal of fondness. In the end we parted on the best of terms when she was tempted back to the bright lights of the fashion world by one of the world’s top model agencies who offered her what she called, ‘an unbelievable deal,’ to sign with them. I knew she was upset when we parted, and truthfully so was I. She’d grown on me quite a bit, and it was one of those, ‘what might have been,’ scenarios, but never one to burn my bridges, we kept in contact, not very regularly but in contact all the same.

Sexually, there were plenty of other partners to console myself with; my regular lovers, my weekend, ‘clients,’ and the random partners who came along on a regular basis, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss Kate, she was one of a kind. Little did I know then that we would meet again, and that meeting would lead me to other opportunities that I had never imagined.

* * *

I met Lauren right at my own doorstep, literally. I had been out working, (stripping) and it was about midnight as I made my way home. I live on the ground floor of a block of four flats, and as I came into the entrance hall, I became aware of someone sitting on the stairs. As I drew closer I realised it was a woman, and she was crying, sobbing her heart out. Naturally, I asked if I could help, and she just shook her head, but I couldn’t take that for an answer, so I persevered, and eventually it all came out.

When I saw her, I thought she looked slightly familiar, and that’s because she was, as I soon found out, the fiancé of one of the guys who lived on the top floor. She told me her name, and I told her mine, and with introductions over, I invited her into my flat for a cup of tea, that good old British remedy for everything. At first she refused, very politely it has to be said, but it was quite a chilly night, and eventually she stood up and followed me into my flat.

I transpired that they’d had a big fight, and he’d thrown her out, but she lived a fair distance away in the next town, and had no way of getting home that night, the last bus and train had both left. She didn’t have enough money on her to pay for a hotel, so she had no other option but to sit on the stairs and hope he would come back home. He’d left his flat after throwing her out. Quite frankly, I thought the treatment of his fiancé was disgusting and I said so, entirely sympathising with her.

‘Well, I do love him, but he can be quite vain. The fight was all about something so silly it’s laughable. I think I have to seriously re-consider my position with him, now, before we get married.’

‘So what were you fighting about if it’s not too personal a question,’ I prompted. She was silent for a while as if trying to make up her mind whether to tell me or not. She blushed, and I realised it was something personal.

‘Oh dear, it’s so embarrassing, you’d laugh if I told you,’ and she laughed self-consciously before continuing. ‘I said he was vain, but I mean he’s really vain about some things,’ she said.

‘Well, there’s nothing wrong with a little bit of vanity, but some folks carry it to extremes. What’s he so vain about, is he wonderfully good looking or something,’ I asked, trying to get her to talk, draw her out. She laughed again.

‘Well, yes, he is good looking, but he has this little vanity. Well…’ she hesitated, ‘I suppose really it’s a big vanity in his case, and sometimes it makes him think he’s god’s gift to women.’ I was beginning to get an inkling of his problem.

‘So come on Lauren, spill the beans,’ I teased, and we both laughed. She was such a nice girl, medium height, with thick, dark auburn hair, and now that she had her coat off and seemed relaxed, I had a good look at her figure. She had a great body, and long, shapely legs too. She was a real beauty, and my cock decided he liked her too. She blushed again as she realised I was giving her the ‘once over.’ I could see she was swithering about whether to tell me, but eventually the large glass of white wine she’d accepted earlier on helped loosen her inhibitions and her tongue

‘Oh god, where do I begin?’ she started, hesitating, but I waited patiently, knowing it was all coming out now. ‘It’s about size,’ she began again, before grinding to a halt once more. I decided to take a hand and help her out by guessing his problem.

‘Are you trying to tell me he’s well endowed?’ I asked her. She nodded her head vigorously, blushing furiously, and with her peaches and cream complexion it really showed.

‘Yes, thank you for guessing and saving me from actually saying it. He’s a good lover, honestly. Not bad, but all the same, not wonderful, I’ve had better lovers before, although I’d never say that to him… you know, men’s fragile egos and all that. He thinks it’s good enough that he’s big and that’s all he’ll ever need to satisfy any woman; all he needs to do is show it and any woman will come running. It’s really getting me down.’

‘You must have known this before, so what changed?’ I asked gently.

‘I just got fed up of this, “ego,” thing, and decided to take him down a peg or two and tell him something, which didn’t please him at all.’ She smiled as if remembering something. ‘Last week, a friend of mine had a hen night, and there was a stripper there. I didn’t pay much attention at first, but when he took off his G-string, the girls went wild with excitement. He had the most enormous… you know, and it wasn’t even properly erect.’ I knew instantly that she was talking about me, and I tried to think if I’d seen her at my show last weekend, but there had been so many women there, it was hard to tell.

‘Surely he couldn’t have been that much bigger than your fiancé,’ I asked. She blushed again.

‘Oh yes he was,’ she replied, ‘and much bigger girth wise too. I told you… it was enormous.’ She was silent for a minute or two. ‘I told him about it, thinking to shut him up for a little while, but he went loopy, accusing me of wanting to fuck the stripper, because maybe he wasn’t big enough for me anymore, and much more of that jealous sort of rubbish. He went on for ages, really bugging and infuriating me, so I told him, yes, I did want to fuck the stripper to see what a really big one felt like. It was sheer spite on my part, and that’s when he threw me out.’

‘What did he look like, this stripper?’ I asked slyly. She thought for a moment and damn me, she blushed again. She laughed.

‘I don’t know. I’d had a few drinks and wasn’t really paying attention, and it was only when he showed his, “thingy,” that I took any notice,’ she laughed, an embarrassed sort of laugh, ‘well…I couldn’t take my eyes off it’ she confessed. ‘He was young, I got that impression, and he had a good body too, but I wouldn’t know him again if I fell over him.’

‘Couldn’t take your eyes off it? Lauren, it seems to me you have some kind of obsession with big willies,’ I teased. She laughed.

‘Oh dear, I’ve kind of given the game away, haven’t I?’ she giggled again. ‘Yes, I suppose I do,’ she confessed.

‘What would you do if you met this stripper again?’ I said, smiling. She smiled at me.

‘Well, that’s not likely to happen, is it?’ she said. ‘I suppose if I’m being truthful, I’d be very tempted. It would be hard to resist, just the thought of it makes me, well… excited,’ she confessed. Throwing caution to the wind, I stood up and took the couple of steps to close the gap between us, unbuckling my belt as I did so. She looked somewhat alarmed until I pushed my jeans and underpants lower, and my cock swung up and out, hard as a rock. She gasped, eyes wide, jaw sagging. She nervously cleared her throat, and virtually croaked, ‘Was it really you, were you the stripper? Oh my god, I don’t believe it,’ she spluttered. I just stood there, and let her see it in glorious close up.

‘Do you want to touch it?’ I suggested. She shook her head, but although she said no, her body was saying yes, and her hand tentatively reached forward, stopping, hesitating, and then as if her mind was made up, she reached forward and took me in her hand. With that decision out of the way she laughed a deep throaty laugh.

‘Oh fuck, it’s really enormous isn’t it, even bigger than I thought, and so hard. What am I going to do with this?’ she asked nobody in particular. I took it to be a rhetorical question; she knew exactly what she was going to do with it, and she started by trying to get me in her mouth, licking along the length of my shaft. Slowly rubbing me back and forth, feeling the length and hardness. ‘Oh god help me, you bastard,’ she laughed, ‘you should have warned me, but I suppose if I’m being truthful, I want it… I really want it.’ I undressed her, taking my time, which drove her quite frantic, but I wanted to savour this beautiful woman, touch and play with her body, kiss her lovely mouth. I knew she’d be all the hotter and hornier for it, and when I finally made love to her, she’d be more than ready.

I took her through to the bedroom, both of us now naked and we lay down on top of the bed where we came into each other’s arms, with that first soft touch of her naked skin pressed on mine almost a sensory overload on its own. And then I was touching her in her most intimate places; her breasts, her pussy, and she was responding with rare enthusiasm. Her wetness inundated my probing fingers, her moaning and whimpering letting me know she was enjoying the sensations as I kissed her gorgeous mouth. She kissed me back with relish, pushing herself against my hand between her legs.

‘Oh god, I’m so ready, make love to me please,’ she whispered urgently. I let my fingers slip from her pussy, and she reached for me, taking my cock, rubbing herself against my swollen knob, gasping with lust, coating me with her slippery juices. She was desperate, her need growing by the second, as was mine, I have to admit. There was nothing more I wanted at that moment than to fuck this beautiful, horny woman, who was frantically trying to impale herself on my cock. Taking control again, I pushed her flat on her back, and got to my knees, looming over her.

She spread her legs, inviting me home, her pale pink pussy illustrating that she was a natural redhead, her labia spread and leaking wetly. I positioned myself above her and she guided me into her pussy, the pink lips stretching and giving under the gentle thrust. She moaned loudly, pushing her bottom off the bed, just as eager for my cock as I was for her pussy, and then I was in, slowly sinking into her. I pulled back a little to make sure she was well lubricated, and then inexorably, I pushed again, and was in her to my balls.

‘Oh fuck,’ she moaned, ‘oh god, that’s fantastic. ‘Gently, gently please – it’s so fucking big. I love it.’ I was so glad she was happy, and it was good to hear how much she loved my cock, but I said nothing, just letting my cock do the business as I began to thrust in and out, reaming her depths slowly and very, very thoroughly. She was so excited that she came almost immediately, her hips thrusting back and forth, fucking me as much as I was fucking her, very vocal in her appreciation, moaning, groaning, sighing and mewling loudly.

It’s wonderful to hear a woman come, especially when it’s your cock that’s making her come and she’s heaping praise on your efforts. I slowed down a little giving her time to recover, but she looked in my eyes and smiled at me. ‘Don’t stop please, fuck me; use me. Make me come with your lovely big cock. Oh god, I’ve never been so full, fuck me please, please.’ Faced with that heartfelt plea, I complied with her request and fucked her, giving her a good seeing to.

I abandoned the gently, gently, approach, and let her have it hard and rough which she seemed to be asking for. She went absolutely crazy, fucking me, scratching, kissing, biting, and then she was coming again, her moaning becoming louder and louder as her pleasure swept over her in waves, and then she became quite passive as her orgasm subsided, letting me nail her to the bed, helpless to move it seemed. She shuddered again and again, moaning quietly now, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes.

‘That… was… incredible,’ she finally gasped out, opening her eyes and looking at me. ‘I’ve never, honestly, never felt anything like that before,’ and then she laughed as only a well fucked woman can laugh, joyous and dirty. That’s when I started to move again. ‘Oh, oh,’ she whimpered as I picked up the pace, and then she was going with it again, enthusiastically following my lead. I could feel that old familiar tickle at the root of my cock and knew I was about to fill her cunt with my come, and then I was pumping it into her, filling her with my hot spunk. She felt it, no doubt about it, and came just after me again. I lasted long enough to see her orgasm to its natural end and then I slumped on the bed beside her, both of us fucked to a standstill.

Needless to say, we spent the night, sleeping and making love, finishing off with a good old, ‘Start your day with a bang,’ session mid-morning. She had the bus to catch back home, and I walked with her to the bus station, which wasn’t far from my place. On the way I asked her what was going to happen now with her fiancé. She smiled wistfully.

‘That’s over,’ she declared flatly. ‘He can’t treat me the way he did yesterday just because of his insecurities about the size of his dick. To throw me out, leaving me sitting on the stairs in the cold, in a strange town is beyond intolerable, I’ve had it with him.’ She looked very serious and determined as she said it, but then, she turned to me, and a beautiful smile lit up her face. ‘On the other hand, if he hadn’t done it, I wouldn’t have met you, and experienced the most wonderful night of pleasure I’ve ever had, so at least I have that to thank him for. Thank you again,’ and she reached up to kiss me once more.

I helped her to the bus and before getting on she turned to me once more. ‘Can I maybe come and see you again sometime?’ I started to reply, but she put a finger to my lips to stop me speaking, before continuing. ‘I realise last night was probably a one off for you and I don’t know anything about you, or your relationships. I’m sure you must have a girlfriend, or more likely a stack of girlfriends, but all I’m asking is that you don’t forget all about me. It was a wonderful night for me, and I want to repeat it; do you think maybe we could do that again sometime?’ I laughed, and she looked hurt for a moment, until I assured her I thought she was wonderful and of course we would be repeating it, and soon. I hadn’t had enough of her just yet.

As the bus pulled out of the station, she waved and threw me a kiss, which I returned, still full of that feel-good factor she’d left me with. It was a wonderful and most unexpected night of passion and intimacy, and I knew I’d be seeing her again soon.

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