My Life Mate and My Best Mate by tiddlerjoe,tiddlerjoe

Is it unusual to have relationships, which, in their own way, are totally unique, and yet blend together so well? I have read so many stories and always felt that there were things that could have been said but weren’t. This is how my life developed to the point that, as somebody famous said a few years back:

“There were three of us in this marriage”.

Well, that is a pretty apt description of my married life, except that, later on, the third person was not always the same person! I can and will add to that by saying our threesomes were a little bit more complicated than normal. To expand on that, I think it’s safe to assume that many guys, when thinking of themselves and their wife, would automatically include a second male to make up the threesome. Well, that did happen, but my wife wanted more than just being the leading attraction to two guys. Two guys, no problem, also, getting a second girl to join her and me, was no problem either. The variation was that she liked to take the voyeur role, never exclusively to the point of stopping herself having full contact with myself and our ‘guest’, but, it was always wonderful for me to watch her getting into the best positions to see me sucking my best mate’s cock or watching me have all kinds of sex with her female friend. Many guys might find that strange, but it was almost ball-busting for me to see her frigging her wet cunt as she got as close as she could, sometimes to the point of sniffing my asshole or, better still (from my point of view) which ever anus was bang in front of her, male or female, whoever was in the position of exposing their genitals.

Bathtime was always an experience, especially using the multi-headed spray, so that the hardest flow of water was always directed at my anus, or whoever was sharing the bath, she would aim from a distance, then gradually moved nearer and nearer until the full jets of water hammered against my asshole, or which ever one she aimed at!

I had inklings that her sexual interests were a little different from normal, when we first married. She loved to help me to a full erection, then, as I expected a blowjob, she would tell me to wank myself, to lay with both legs in the air, packing a couple of pillows underneath me, so that she could see my puckered asshole. In fact, she loved to talk about my anus, asking when was the last time I wiped my bum, or when I last fingered my own anus, always trying to bring the word ‘anus’ into the chat, always ready to sniff, lick and finger me, around that area, making sure that I pulled both ass cheeks back so that this secret part of my body was exposed as much as was humanly possible. Even better for her, and I must say, a secret love of mine, was when she shoved a dildo well and truly in my bumhole, no warning, no lube, just a massive shock as she jerked the fucking toy right into my unprepared anus. The shock was genuine, but there always seemed to be a bit of dampness of some sort, probably a result of her sucking the dildo each time it was pulled out of my rectum, which soon made the movement in and out of my asshole less painful.

What made it more special for me was that every time we indulged in this diversion, if she made me stick my own fingers in my ass, as I pulled them out, she would always put them straight in her mouth and lick to her heart’s content. Indeed, if she used her own fingers, or even a toy, she would always make sure she licked whatever came out of my anus.

Of course, I am neglecting the role my best mate, Brian, played in these fun times.

Brian actually became a bit of a lodger, there was no complaints from me, I know some would say I was allowing myself to be cuckolded, but I wouldn’t agree with that——-yes, certainly I was complicit in allowing my wife and my best mate to set up an alternate relationship, but just the thought of them fucking the daylights out of each other was enough to be grateful for his friendship, to actually sit in on a session as they fucked each other’s brains out defied words to do the sight justice. Also, we were, are, such good mates that there is no way he would have joined in this ‘partnership’ had he thought I was against it, or, worse, have an affair with my wife keeping it a secret from me.

He joined in our threesomes willingly, and put as much effort into satisfying my wife as I did. Often, we would share shagging duties, he would lick and bite her tits while I fucked her, then, we would change positions, allowing me to play with her tits while he worked his little socks off fucking her, often, as he hit a particular spot, she would look at me, her eyes all gooey-eyed as he ploughed his cock into a very welcoming vagina, Brian’s cock in her cunt, but the smile of love just for me.

I loved to just sit close to them and watch them consummate their relationship, watching their movements, their kissing, hugging and outright fucking.

Another way she enjoyed this, was to have the two of us get on our hands and knees, asses in the air, then move the dildo from my cock to my mate’s, then back to me, continuing for 5 minutes or so. I think she liked the fact that both puckered assholes took on a new look, open-holed and red to the point of being scarlet and sore. Plus, on voyeur duty, she just loves to compare our assholes, as much as she would often hold both of our cocks squeezing, forcing fingers down the heads until our foreskins ‘screamed’., or until we gave in and splattered hot sticky cum all over her body, and, as she loved, making sure our bodies, especially faces, were covered in each other’s hot cum.

But, she always finished up making sure she kissed our assholes, running her tongue as far into our rectums as possible.

Yes, we had a marriage some might like, some might find disgusting, but for us, it was, and is, if not a marriage made in heaven, definitely something my wife and I both loved to get involved with, and talk about, to anyone wanting to hear……

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