New Corporate Courtesan Ch. 03 by Peter_Cleveland,Peter_Cleveland

The story so far: Unlike most company whores (not her actual title), Diane was not caught embezzling and forced into the position. Her attitudes toward sex had long been very liberal, and the new position she was offered certainly seemed to be a promotion. After some hesitation, she decided to accept it–of course without foreseeing all of the implications. When not fulfilling her more interpersonal responsibilities at Hartford’s well-known beauty-products company, Diane continues doing her previous work in manufacturing cost accounting and quality assurance.


Chapter 03

Bored with the long memo she was drafting–another analysis of yet another quality assurance screwup at the New Britain factory–Diane swept her eyes about her office. Modest it was, but quite an improvement over the cubicle she had occupied four months ago. The plants at her window looked thirsty. The orchids were doing surprisingly well, though. They actually liked the soft, indirect light from the eastern sky. She had just risen to get the plastic watering can when the desk phone rang. Its LCD announced, “VP Operations.”

“Diane Fortier,” she said.

“Diane, Skip Mobley. I hate to drag you away from the latest SNAFU in New Britain.”

“Being dragged away from New Britain will be a pleasure, Mr. Mobley. How can I help?”

“Ready to put on your other hat and switch to your other job… for the first time, I believe? The first time other than in-house work, I mean of course.”

“As ready as I’ll ever be–if that’s not too ambiguous a response.”

Mobley chuckled. “Ambiguity is sexy: don’t lose that gift. Also, don’t worry: you’ll do fine. Here’s the situation. Krantz and Flannery are here from Erato. Krantz has the mojo; Flannery is a subaltern. We’re on the verge of selling Erato the factory in Lowell, Mass, and a couple of the product lines it produces. We’ve got a price both sides can live with, give or take a few tens of thousands, and we’re sweetening the deal by agreeing to buy more bulk ingredients from them.

“The deal should have been signed and sealed by now, but somehow it seems to have stalled, and nobody on our side can figure out why or exactly what the stumbling block is. Maybe somebody in Cincinnati is having second thoughts; maybe Erato’s just gaslighting us; maybe they don’t know what the problem is either. For some reason, lots of negotiations take a detour into The Twilight Zone–if that old reference makes any sense to anyone anymore.”

“Unexplained Mysteries,” Diane offered.

“Exactly. I just sent you a half-dozen memos on the deal. Read them before you come join us. We’ll all be in the eighth floor conference room, down the hall from my office. My private conference room at my office is available to you too, if you and Krantz and possibly Flannery want some privacy. I’ll unlock its door to the hallway for you, and I’ll warn Cheryl you might be coming. We’ll probably take a 20-minute break somewhere around quarter after two. I’ll call you from my cell phone when that begins. Come to the big conference room then, and you can begin your work at once. Maybe you can help break the logjam. You may have to spend the rest of the afternoon with us. I have to get back to the negotiations. Any questions so far?”

Diane had no idea exactly what she was supposed to do or exactly how she was supposed to do it. Most likely it would involve intimate physical contact–as her doctor always delicately called it. She’d wing it.

“No, Mr. Mobley,” she said. “No questions at the moment. I’ll read the documents you sent. See you later this afternoon.”

Another perk of her new position, she reflected: her official title was something other than “Company Whore.” Though that title did have a certain bracing honesty to it. It was certainly much clearer than the title they gave her: Manager of Client Services.

Maybe, she thought, she should at least mentally promote herself from “whore” to “courtesan.” After all, her job training had included units on poise, French cuisine, and ballroom dancing–in addition to the cocksucking, anal sex, and a couple of other acts that might still be illegal in Connecticut.

She picked up her plastic tumbler and bottle of unscented liquid soap and headed to the ladies’ room to give herself a quick touchup between her legs. She made a mental note to bring back some water for the plants.


By and large, Diane’s new round of training had been enjoyable. It had stretched over three months, though she had also been working during most of that period. Now both her social skills and her lovemaking skills were even better than they had been, and all at the expense of Tolland Health and Beauty Products. Not a bad deal, she thought, to say nothing of the large pay raise, better health plan, and her own office. And–in the unlikely event she was invited to dinner at the embassy–she was now in no danger of confusing the salad fork, fruit fork, and dessert fork.

One drawback of her new position was, she was now obligated to have sex with nine or ten company executives, more or less whenever they wanted. So far, she had serviced six of them, including her old boss, Phil Uhler, and–during her training, though not since–Mobley. Fortunately, all the executives kept pretty busy and did not have many spare minutes to devote to sex. Diane had gotten quite good at giving quick and efficient blowjobs. That usually suited both the executives and herself.

Mobley had made the initial assessment of her sexual skills. Very good overall; deep throat and anal needed work. Mobley himself did the training in deep throat. He was knowledgeable and patient, and Diane found her skills increasing at a good pace. She felt proud when at last Mobley’s pubic hair tickled her nose and he ejaculated into her throat. As a bonus, the taste seemed less strong that way, too.

For training purposes there was no particular reason to fuck each other after the first time–but they did several times anyway. Usually on the leather-upholstered divan in Mobley’s office, twice on the table in the adjacent small, private conference-room. Mobley was a very good lover, and he understood women’s bodies better than most men do. Diane envied Mrs. Mobley a little. She just hoped the missus wasn’t a stickler for marital fidelity. Quite possibly she wasn’t. The upper-middle class seemed more relaxed on that subject than ordinary folk were.

The anal training was assigned to a young man with the improbable name of Lance. He was a physical trainer at a local health club, doing a little moonlighting for Tolland. Diane usually skipped the condom with Mobley, but she insisted on one with Lance. Any guy that good at anal has got to be an elevated health risk, she figured.

Lance showed Diane how an experienced man who was in no hurry would penetrate her ass. That demonstration surprised her. It was almost comfortable… not at all bad… even pleasant in an odd sort of way. She could definitely get used to that. But of course most of her penetrators would be less skilled and less patient. It would be up to her to make the experience tolerable. Lance taught her some tricks for relaxing her sphincter, accepting the penis more easily, getting rectum and penis aligned with each other. “Co-axial,” thought Diane, but she kept the engineering term to herself. Wearing a butt plug for a couple of weeks was a pain in the ass–no apologies for the phrasing–but that too did help with the sex.

Diane grew to like Lance, and she felt a little sorry when his part of her training was over. She gave him a freshly cut orchid and a nice blowjob as a thank-you present. That taught her something, too. Don’t use a lubricated condom for oral. The lubricant doesn’t wipe off easily, and it tastes even worse than the latex. Even worse than semen. Buy some unlubricated for oral. It’s a business expense, anyway.

Of course she had enough sense not to seek reimbursement for this and some other legitimate business expenses. She smiled as she fantasized about the munchkins in Accounting going over her receipts from the past month. Four dozen latex condoms… three tubes Astroglide… three money-saving Twin-Paks of K-Y Jelly. Maybe that last item would impress Accounting with her financial prudence. As of now, few people in the company knew anything about her new job. A lot more would know if she had asked for reimbursement. Discretion was not the Accounting munchkins’ biggest virtue.


At 2:20 Diane found Mobley in the hallway outside the eighth-floor conference room. He was speaking quietly to another man. The other man had an air of confidence and strength, but he looked rougher, less polished than most of Tolland’s executives. Late middle-aged. Probably Krantz, she intuited. Probably the son or grandson of one of Erato’s founders. The company had gone public decades ago, but the founding families reportedly still wielded a lot of control. He was clearly no preppie or Harvard MBA. Probably a guy with more hands-on experience than any executive at Tolland. Knows his way around a factory, so let’s not even think of bullshitting him about Lowell. She decided she liked him.

“Diane, come join us,” Mobley invited. “Richard, Diane Fortier, our Manager of Client Services. She’ll be going to great lengths to ensure that everyone from Erato feels happy and good about this deal. Diane, Richard Krantz, of Erato.”

“It’s a pleasure, Mr. Krantz,” she said, extending her hand and smiling.

“Likewise, Ms. Fortier.” His practiced eyes quickly surveyed and appraised her. Very pretty. A flattering dress over a nice body. Hairdo simple and attractive. No wedding or engagement ring. Subtle makeup. Classy, probably very smart. She’s comfortable in her body and definitely no virgin. The afternoon had taken an interesting turn, he thought.

“Richard, if you’ll excuse me for a few minutes, I have to wander off, find the head,” said Mobley. I’ll leave you temporarily in Diane’s capable hands. Can I trust the two of you alone together?”

“As of this moment, absolutely. But your Ms. Fortier is a lovely and charming person. Three minutes from now, I can’t make any promises.” Mobley smiled and departed.

Diane knew that Krantz was half joking and half flattering. She wondered if he had any idea how close he had been to the truth, though… about what could conceivably be happening three minutes from now.

“You’d probably like to stretch your legs a little,” she offered. How about if I drop my things off in the conference room, and we can take a stroll around the floor?” She parked her laptop and shoulder bag on a chair and set off with Krantz.

The hallway path formed a large rectangle around the building’s central core. The path was far from scenic, but it was quiet and private. They strolled clockwise.

“Tell me about your position, Ms. Fortier.”

Diane decided Krantz would appreciate candor more than smooth talk. “Part of it is continuing my old duties in product cost accounting and QA. Part of it is new duties: making sure that Tolland’s most important clients and business partners emerge from their interactions with us completely satisfied.”

“And what can you do to ensure that satisfaction, Ms. Fortier?”

“I can’t change prices or the terms of a contract, though of course others might be able to, if that is important to you.” She stopped, put her hand on his forearm, and looked into his eyes. “I can provide a very personal touch, showing our partner that he is much more to us than just a party to a business transaction.” They resumed walking. Diane continued. “Show him how we are committed to going well beyond the norm to keep him happy and wanting to stay with us. Not everybody. Just our most valued partners. People who well deserve extra-special, personal attention. I think you understand what I am saying.

They turned a corner, and she shifted gears. “Look, Mr. Krantz, it’s obvious you are a man of integrity. You wouldn’t violate your fiduciary duty to the stockholders or to the company you care deeply about. Probably not for anything–certainly not just for a roll in the hay with some unknown chippie. And I wouldn’t dream of inviting you to violate your duty.

“But look: logically, we both can see that this Lowell deal is that rare situation that really is win-win. The price is on the low side. The plant is old, but building and machinery are in very good shape. The technology is modern enough, and the workforce is skilled and cooperative. Rail, truck, and air infrastructure are excellent. You need aerosol technology like Lowell’s, and we no longer need so much of it. Plant capacity is perfect for your needs now and probably into the medium future. I could go on, but I’m sure you understand the pros and cons far better than I do. And the pros of the deal probably far outweigh the cons, right?

They reached Mobley’s office, turned another corner, and continued walking. Diane continued speaking. Krantz obviously preferred listening to talking.

“Plus you acquire a couple of product lines as part of the deal. They’re mature lines, but, as you know, they’re still selling pretty well, especially Tease. The deal makes so much sense, it’s perplexing it hasn’t been finalized. Unless one of your bankers has suddenly gone crazy. Or Erato is contemplating a major shift in focus that no one outside the company has seen coming…. Or could it be that somebody just has the psychological quirk of being plagued by excessive last-minute doubts?”

Krantz smiled and spoke at last. “You are a perceptive woman, Ms. Fortier, and a smart and lovely one as well…. Did I understand you to suggest, a couple minutes ago, that the pleasures of your company are available if I sign the agreement?”

Diane’s mind raced. The nuances of her reply would probably make a difference, but she did not know Krantz well enough to see exactly what to say. She would have to go by instinct.

“No, Mr. Krantz. Please do as you judge best with the agreement. I am available to you, if you want me, regardless of the agreement. Unconditionally. Now, if you like, or later. Including overnight, if that would please you. If you think Mr. Flannery deserves some consideration too, that can also be arranged. Bear in mind that I am the only Manager of Client Services. I’d have to divide my attention.”

Krantz smiled. “I’m being offered one good deal after another today. The deal you’re now offering sounds even more advantageous than the Lowell deal. Of course today I am going to agree to both. You used the phrase, ‘some unknown chippie.’ But you’re not that, are you? You understand the industry.”

“As well as any 27-year-old does, I guess. I’m nowhere near your league.” After a few seconds, she had an afterthought. “And Mr. Mobley’s.”

Krantz smiled that Mobley was an afterthought. He decided to be gallant. “Don’t be fooled by Skip’s preppie nickname and $200 haircut. He knows a lot more than one might suspect at first glance. You mentioned ‘now’ as a possibility. Is that option still available?”

“Of course. I have some condoms in my shoulder bag, back in the conference room. Would you like that? I can have them in a minute.”

“Let’s go back together and take care of the paperwork. Then I’ll find something to keep Flannery occupied for an hour or two. Mobley can make those reservations for the celebratory dinner. I would like you to be included in our party, if you are free.” Diane smiled and nodded.

“We’ll worry about rewarding Flannery later. Perhaps you could do something nice for him on the way to or from the restaurant. Or perhaps I’ll want to keep you for myself a while longer. Maybe I should insist on acquiring you as part of the Lowell deal–along with the factory, two product lines, and the supply agreement.”

“Try me first,” she quipped. “See if I’m worth another round of haggling.”

Krantz smiled. “You understood that I was going to sign the deal in any case–eventually, if not sooner–didn’t you?”

“Yes. I started believing that about a minute into our walk,” Diane replied. “And yes, I made you ‘an offer you couldn’t refuse’ anyway. In part, I wanted that for myself, personally. Do want it. But also, my job isn’t to get your signature onto a page….” Here she was stretching the truth. “My job is to make working with Tolland Health and Beauty a very satisfying experience for you.”

The stretch of the hallway they were in was deserted. She stopped him, turned, and kissed him on the lips. He put his hand on her right breast and kissed back. He felt her nipple stiffen.

“Let’s get those condoms,” she said.


Krantz decided to stop off at the men’s room on the way back. “Go on back without me,” he told Diane. “You can tell them it’s a done deal. Assuming they haven’t changed a word in my absence. I’ll send Flannery a quick text, and I’ll join you in a couple minutes. Tell Mobley to add you to the list of dinner guests, if you’re not already on it.”

Diane found the back-slapping and high-fiving in the conference room embarrassing. Flannery, more restrained, shook hands with the Tolland contingent. He looked relieved and slightly perplexed at the same time. Mobley managed to pull Diane aside for a few private words.

“That was too fast, and you don’t look the least bit disheveled,” he said.

“Nothing has happened yet. We came back for the condoms. And to sign the papers. We’ll start out in your private conference room, but I bet he’d like the divan in your office.”

“It’s yours. I can occupy myself elsewhere for an hour. I’ll tell Cheryl to ignore any noises in my office short of blood-curdling screams. Of course, she’ll recognize your orgasms.”

Diane gently punched him in the ribs. “Whose fault is that?”

Mobley smiled but stayed on the original topic. “I must say I’m a little surprised Krantz accepted the quid pro quo.”

“He didn’t,” Diane said. “As he sees it, I offered myself to him unconditionally. At about the same time, he had decided to quit dicking around and sign the agreement. A happy coincidence.”

“And how do you see it?”

“Very similarly. I did offer myself to him unconditionally. I figured that was the best way to get him to sign. I think he would have signed anyway, ‘eventually, if not sooner,’ as he put it. At best, I may have saved everybody a few hours.”

Mobley smiled and hugged her shoulder. “Ya done well, kid. Time is money–or so they tell me. You closed the deal. Have plans for dinner?”

“Mr. Krantz invited me.”

“It’s still ‘Mr. Krantz’ and ‘Ms. Fortier’?”

“We haven’t had sex yet. At dinner, if we’re calling each other ‘Dickie’ and ‘Didi,’ you’ll know the rest of the afternoon went well.”

“Your nickname is ‘Didi’? Really?”

“My nickname is ‘Diane.'”


Mobley’s office suite comprised a small outer office ruled by Cheryl, a spacious inner office, and a small adjacent conference room. Unmarked doors connected the conference room to the inner office and to the hallway. Diane found the hallway door unlocked, as promised. She and Krantz entered the conference room and set their things on the near end of the table. Diane locked the door and switched on the recessed fluorescents in the ceiling. Then she went to the opposite end of the room and adjusted the window blinds, letting in more light.

Men are very visual, she thought. They like to get a good look at what they are being given. She moved a couple of chairs aside and sat on the tabletop, thighs together, lower legs dangling from the edge, a gentle smile on her lips. She noticed his eyes scanning the room.

“Security camera?” he asked.

“In the outer office and in the hallway. Nothing in here or in Mr. Mobley’s private office, I’m pretty sure. If I’m wrong, then pirated videos of part of my training are probably all over the Internet. If you’d like to check, you could go to a porn site and search on ‘Diane Fortier deep throat.’ But seriously, we can go somewhere else if you’d prefer. Your hotel room, the back seat of a cab, my apartment, the carousel in Bushnell Park….”

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