Panty Game by HJO66,HJO66


(Chapter Fourteen)

“Princess baby come here quick and set down Mama has some big news for you, and I think you will like it.”

“First I need to tell you that I have decided to let Alex fuck me sometime before we head home are you ok with that baby?”

“Oh yes Mama,” Mell squealed happily, “he’s been wanting that so much; he will be absolutely thrilled to death.”

“Yes, baby and Mama has been wanting it awfully bad herself as well.”

Susan put her hand to Mells cheek and said, “Oh baby Mama hasn’t forgotten about you either and your time with her is coming very very soon I promise, oh Princess Mama wants to taste you so very badly.”

Mells pussy suddenly fluttered a little as it began to dampen, “It’s ok Mama I know you love me, and I can wait my turn.”

“Oh no Princess no no it’s not like that it’s not like that at all you see I learned something very important last night and I need to tell you all about it right now, this is the part you’re really going to like.”

Mell perked up and listened closely as Susan continued, “Baby when you and Alex left and went to the club last night, I left your father here for a bit to go get some Chinese take-out.”

“Baby when I returned your father wasn’t in our room and he doesn’t know I seen him when I cracked the adjoining door and peeked into yours and Alexs room.”

Mells heart began racing, “Seen him what Mama, what was Daddy doing in our room last night?”

“Oh, baby your Daddy had the crotch of your bikini bottoms pressed to his nose and mouth and he was jerking off!

“Ohhh, Mama ohhh Mama.”

“Yes, baby oh yes, I know what you’re thinking and you’re very right, this means your Daddy wants to fuck you!

Mell said, “Oh Mama if you keep talking like that, you’re going to make me go masturbate now please tell me more and they both burst out laughing at Mells joke.

“So, you see my precious baby my sleeping with Alex first isn’t about me choosing him first over you oh no no Princess I could never ever do that sweetie you know I would love to take you both at once but I think this is the only way to get your father to agree to let me fuck Alex and I don’t think your father or Alex would feel comfortable being in the same room together for the very first time do you see where I am coming from baby?”

“You see baby we have to give them a little room at first men are quite a bit different when it comes to delicate matters such as this, but they will work it out quickly amongst themselves after they fuck us and then realize they both know about it, you can bet your sweet ass on that!”

Mell was simply beaming, “Oh yes Mama, oh yes, it all makes perfect sense oh I love you Mama you’re the best mother in the whole fucking wide world and they both laughed hysterically together at Mells colorful language.

“Now we have some planning to do over the next couple of days if we are going to pull this off before we head back home and if things go well, we won’t have to hide under a blanket on that long ride back,” said Susan, while giggling like a child with a lollipop.


“Yes baby?”

“Do you think I can take all of Daddy’s big cock?”

“Oh yes baby not all of it at first but he is a very gentle man, and he will have you there soon enough don’t you worry about that, and I will be right there in the next room with Alex if you need me, you just call out ok Princess?

“Ok Mama.”


“Yes baby?”

“All kidding aside I really do need to cum after hearing all this think you could help me out?”

“Oh why of course my little Princess come here and let your Mama take care of you.”


(Chapter Fifteen)


“Yeah Mell?”

“Can we talk?”

“Sure, Mell what’s up you seem worried.”

“I am a little worried Alex you see I have been thinking about fucking Daddy Alex how does that make you feel?”

Well gee Mell I know that he loves you same as I do and I’m pretty damn sure he would love to fuck you just as I do.”

Mell was suddenly crying uncontrollably, “You know that I love you with all my heart Alex and I won’t do it if you say so.”

I gently pulled her to me and kissed her, “Mell I could never take this away from you, I couldn’t live with myself if I ever thought you were unhappy because of me I love you and Dad and it’s not going to hurt me if that’s what you are asking, I would do anything to see you happy Mell.”

“Oh, Alex I am happy I am so very fucking happy and it’s all because of you and Mama and now I would just like to see Daddy happy too it’s just not right to keep all of this from him it would hurt him so badly if he ever found out on his own do you understand Alex?”

“Yes, Mell I understand completely Daddy needs you too you know?”

“Oh, Alex you really are the fucking best I love you so much.”


“Yeah Alex?”

“Do you think I could watch?”

Oh Alex, you know I would never do this without you right you do know that right Alex?”

Mell ran to me and wrapped her arms around me and said, “Alex you’re going to be in the very next room, and you can watch all you want, you know there is nothing I would love better but I’m afraid you may be a little busy that night.”

“What do you mean Mell?”

“Oh, Alex Mamas going to be in there with you.”

“Is she going to watch too?”

Mell laughed hysterically a moment and then pulled me to her and said, “Oh Alex my sweet Lover boy, Mamas going to give you some pussy silly.”

‘Oh, Mell do you mean it do you really really mean it?”

Mell took my hand, “Yes Killer I really really mean it now let’s go to our room I want you to fuck me really really good before Mama and Daddy get back,” she giggled.


(Chapter Sixteen)

When Mama entered her and Dads room with the bikini bottoms that she had just finger banged Mell in, we both knew that she was going to present them to Dad as a gift from Mell along with a request for him to: “Fill them up for her and send them back please.”

She was in there for a spell and Mell, and I were beginning to worry a bit when she finally emerged with a huge grin on her face carefully cupping the crotch of the tiny bikini bottoms in the palms of both hands.

Mell squealed with delight as Mama carefully transferred them to her, “Oh baby your father was so excited her came in them twice for you!”

Mell spoke in her lust filled ‘I’m about to cum in my pants voice’ and asked, “He wasn’t upset at all Mama?”


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“Oh no baby he was a little shocked at first, but your father is completely addicted to pussy and once he learned that you wanted him to stuff you like a Thanksgiving turkey with that big cock,” why he just couldn’t help himself any longer.”

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