“I think that any love is good lovin’
So I took what I could get. Yes, I took what I could get.
Then she looked at me with big brown eyes
And said, you just ain’t seen n-n-n-nothin’ yet.”
E chord! D chord!… [groin slams]
“B-B-B-Baby, you just ain’t seen n-n-n-nothin’ yet!”
E! D!… [slam, slam]
“Here’s something, that you’re never gonna forget!”
E! D!… “Ugh! Ugh!”
“B-B-B-Baby, you just ain’t seen n-n-n-nothin’ yet!”
E! D!… “Ugh! Ugh!” [and soaring guitar solo]
William and Ronald watched them, quite certain that Petra had found her partner for next Friday night’s Romeo and Juliet photo session. They were out there literally fucking in public, so they should really burn up the professor’s camera. Ronald felt jealous, but he reminded himself that after the pictures he’d very likely have his turn with the model.
That night, Petra took Mike back to her place, while William and Ronald settled for the two hot cougars. While the college teachers were bedding Lezlee and Desiree, Petra was road-testing her new guy.
Seeing Mike naked confirmed what Petra had suspected while slam-dancing. He had a big cock; in fact, she’d never had one so mighty before- long and fat. Her club pick-up plied her juicy pussy until the wee hours of night, driving her to two orgasms before she’d finally had enough. If she was going to be Juliet in her next photo session, then this had to be her Romeo. Now it was time to get to the point.
“You say you do some modelling, Mike?” she began as they lay in bed.
“Right. Athletic clothing, sometimes swimwear, even shots for sports equipment.”
“Swimwear, eh? So, you’re used to posing without much on.”
“Yeah…. Hey, where are you going with this?”
“I have this photographer friend, the guy I was with tonight. He takes shots of me in clothing from other time periods- old fashioned stuff. We need a guy to join me in the shoots, but there’s no pay. It’s all just for fun.”
“Me posing with you? That sounds good. But, is this porn or something?”
“It’s mostly suggestive- like Romeo and Juliet, where there’s a bedroom scene. Some nudity but mainly just me….”
“Say no more. I’ll do it! When?”
“Always on Friday nights, so probably six days from now. You’re sure you’ll do it? Oh… we all wear a mask so that no-one recognizes us.”
“Uuhh… who sees these pictures anyway?”
“We get jump drives of everything, and the tame shots are used in some college courses. No-one else ever sees them. But that’s all I can tell you because I go to the school, and I can’t risk anyone knowing that I’m the model. The photographer is very discreet.”
“OK, I’m in.”
Act 4
Professor Edwards was very nervous about Mike Naismith coming to his apartment for photography with Petra, but there wasn’t much he could do about it now. They would be arriving any minute. She had assured the professor and Ronald that this would all go smoothly because Mike was a professional model. She also intimated that he was excellent in bed. Somehow this seemed to make the whole thing fine in her mind.
Ronald’s friend in the Theatre Department had loaned them costumes for the pair, along with material for two scenes. He wanted to use the balcony scene in Act 2 of Romeo and Juliet for photography, then the bedroom set from Act 3. The lounge and William’s bedroom were already set up as passable replicas of a wealthy Italian home in the Sixteenth Century. The two models soon arrived.
“This is my friend Mike Naismith. Meet William and Ronald, photographer and assistant,” Petra said as soon as they had stepped into the apartment.
“Come into the lounge and I’ll pour some drinks,” Ronald welcomed. “Scotch, wine, or beer for you Mike? Your wine is chilled the way you like it, Petra.”
Edwards was in no hurry to start tonight, wanting to chat with Naismith to alleviate his concerns about the new model. Some alcohol would also get everybody in the mood for the shoot. In the next half hour the professor became assured that all the man expected from this was a good time with Petra- he was clearly smitten. The masks, the jump drive, and instructional use of the photos seemed to have put him at ease with the arrangement.
Then it was time for the models to go into costume and get underway. When they were ready, Ronald sat with Mike on the sofa watching while William got down to some photography with Petra in the lounge- the balcony scene.
“Stand here by the railing, Petra…. A bit more sideways to highlight your shape in the costume. Good. Now pretend you are calling out to your lover, hidden in the garden below.”
“O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?” Petra recited from a few key lines which Ronald had provided for tonight’s scenes.
“Slowly pace in front of the balcony set now…. Sexy look for the camera…. Chest out. Stop at the edge and bend this way, looking down below…. Let’s see that cleavage…. Tug the top down some more and we’ll do that again…. Very nice!… Now go down on your knees as if you’re looking over the balcony edge…. Use both hands to gather the skirt up above your knees…. Good, but higher… higher…. I want to see your silky undergarments…. Now hold it.”
“Stand again and sway your hips as you walk in the opposite direction…. It’s a warm evening, so you slowly slip off your little waistcoat…. Now release a few buttons of the camisole…. Two more. Cup your hands beneath your breasts now and lift…. I want to see most of them on display…. Beautiful! Lean forward to look down…. OK, now the rest of the buttons…. That’s it…. Tits out and roll your nipples with your fingers…. Slutty look for the camera…. Perfect!”