Petra's Pictures – Art to Porn Ch. 07 by 1fastguy,1fastguy

Readers: Thanks for rating Petra’s Pictures 06. Here is the lingerie shoot that I promised. If you like it, there are more stories to tell.

“Look McGuire, the answer is still ‘No’. I was wrong to say anything, so just fuck off!”

Ronald Dennison was angry because this was the second time that his casual friend Bruce had asked for a shot at Petra. The college lecturer had been drinking too much when he bragged to McGuire about screwing the young woman whose nude photo he’d shown from his wallet.

“Ronald, I want in on this. If she’s as hot as you said, you can’t expect to keep her all to yourself. Come on, man, we’re friends, aren’t we?”

“Not on this one, Bruce. So back off!”

“This is a secret, isn’t it? I see it now. This girl is young enough to be one of your students. And if anybody from the college ever found out you’d be in deepest shit, wouldn’t you?”

“Are you threatening me, McGuire!”

“No. Just reminding you about the way it is…. Tell you what… you said that you take pictures of her every week, just like the one you showed me. Let me peek in on a photo session. I want to see her naked for myself. Everything. That would be enough.”

“Oh right, then you’d be pushing for more. Just looking wouldn’t be as good as banging her.”

“No. I promise.”

“Look, Bruce. I know your wife. If you want more than just one time watching in secret, I swear that I’ll….”

“All right…. A deal, then. One session to see all of her and I’ll never ask again. My word on it, or you can tell Molly.”

“Believe me, I will…. OK, I’ll see what the photographer can do. I just get the costumes that he uses in the shoots.”

Later that day:

“You goddam fool, Ronald!” William raged. “He talks and we’re both fired! Dammit, man, you’ve ruined everything!”

“I’m sorry, William. I was drunk, but that’s no excuse. I cut a deal with him that will get us off the hook, if you’ll do it.”

“Oh shit! Blackmail, right?”

“No, a little trade-off. He gets to watch one photo session in secret- none of the rest after that. In a closet or something so Petra doesn’t know. If he ever asks for more, I know his wife and she’ll crush his balls.”

“You’re sure that he’ll let it go at that? If he gets a look, he’ll want it all. And that’s just for us, nobody else. We take all the risks, so we get all the rewards, right?”

“William, he’s got little kids and he wouldn’t want to lose them. His old lady, Molly, is a tough number- keeps him under her thumb- so I’m sure this is ‘one and done.'”

“Then we’ll just need to be sure that Petra never finds out. If she did, that’d be the end of our fantastic Friday nights.”

“Yeah, we’d need to get him out of your apartment somehow before any of the post-photography fun gets underway. There’s no way that I’m going to let him see us fucking her!”

William thought about the proposition for a while, mulling it over, weighing the pros and cons. Ronald waited anxiously before the professor decided.

“Well… I guess we’ll just have to do it. Can’t risk him talking. We need to plan how to keep it from Petra and limit him seeing how much actually happens with her at my place.”

“Thanks, William. I’m sure we can figure it out. Hey, old boy, I’m sorry that I ran my mouth.”

“Ronald, just keep the goddam thing shut from now on!”

A few days earlier:

What woman doesn’t like shopping with her best girlfriend? Especially if someone else has given cash to pay for it all! That was the happy situation which Petra Stanwick and Emmeline Jones found themselves in when Edwards and Dennison dropped them off close to Bedroom Delights on Saturday afternoon.

Inside, the store was a sexual Disneyland, with sections for erotic outfits, shoes, lotions, and toys. The young women hardly knew where to look first until they were met by the buxom salesclerk.

“Do you like what I’m wearing today?” she smiled. “Gowns like this are over in the back right; these shoes are on the other side; and what’s underneath is from the area just to our left.”

“Ooh, great outfit!” Emmeline exclaimed. “It doesn’t leave much to the imagination.”

“No, but we’ve got men to excite, right? They all want the same thing!”

The brunette salesclerk was voluptuous – big breasts and curvy hips- which the silky gown struggled to confine. Most of her deep cleavage was on display, with long nipples pressing against the thin fabric. And it was very short- as she swayed along the aisle to the nightwear section, the woman’s ass cheeks were partially visible. Then she stopped and turned.

“I’m Juanita, and if you see anything you’d like to try on, bring it to me. There’s a big changeroom over there with plenty of mirrors. Have fun. And spend a lot!”

Petra and Emmeline spent half the afternoon- and all the cash they’d been given- at Bedroom Delights. They got everything from the mens’ shopping list: sheer gowns, transparent bras, crotchless silks, garters and stockings, and even tall, spiked shoes.

And they played a sexy game too, leaving the changeroom door half open so that Juanita could see them nude. She pretended to be waiting to fetch other sizes, but was actually watching their naked bodies. The girls made sure their bare skin was reflected in the mirrored wall of the changeroom, and Emma delighted in kissing Petra, just to tease their voyeur.

Later, when everything was tallied up, the shoppers had exceeded their budget, but Juanita offered a generous discount which left them enough money for a few toys too. The shopping trip was a huge success!


Professor Edwards smiled at the sea of eager faces in his 9:00 AM Fine Arts class. He could see that this was almost double his actual registration for the course, many of them young men. He knew it was the slides of Petra they came to see, not any sudden interest in the arts world.

“Good morning, students and visitors. Welcome to Fine Arts 345 and some more stimulating visuals to introduce our final topic of this semester. Please register for next term if you like what you see here. My students will receive an evaluation form after Friday’s lecture, where I hope you’ll express your enthusiasm to the Dean.”

Then he began to introduce the final topic while his friend, lecturer Ronald Dennison looked on.

“The New Millennium covers the past twenty years, so you already know a great deal about it. Toss out some main characteristics of this era. Just call them out. Go ahead.”

“Social media!”

“E-everything, from mail to cars.”

“Boy bands and Bieber!” This drew some laughs.

“On-line shopping.” And it continued like this for a while.

“Lots about digital technology in your answers,” the professor noted. “But what about art? How were painters and other artists expressing themselves in this micro-chip age? Or had art become irrelevant and galleries passe’?”

Nobody knew, though one young woman in the front row near Petra mentioned how some rich people were investing heavily in digital artworks, projected into their private space for their personal enjoyment.

“Excellent! Thank you. We’ll talk more about that trend this week. And speaking of projected art, I have some New Millennium pieces that I’m sure will interest you.”


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