Quiet Day at Hidden Oaks

An adult stories – Quiet Day at Hidden Oaks by MrPixel,MrPixel Aaron and Shana are relaxing in the cabin with the A/C going full blast on this 100-degree Wednesday. Marquis is pacing by the patio door about to be rebuffed for the sixth time, again acting like he wants to be let out to potty, but — fooled you — the last two whines have been just to roll around in the patchy grass.

“No, Marquis!” Shana scolds the puppy. He pouts and lays down on the floor runner.

“I need to get some air, Shan,” Aaron tells his spouse. “And get the A/C noise out of my head. I’m going to cool off in the pool.”

“Swimsuit’s hanging in the shower.”

“Oh, you’re hilarious,” he smirks.

There’s no swimsuit in the bathroom, or anywhere else in the cabin. Hidden Oaks is a nudist resort.

“You are going wear your ring, aren’t you?”

“Oh! Good idea. The little bit of weight feels great when it swings.”

Aaron usually wears a heavy ring on his penis, snug and nestled up to the glans ridge. This unusual genital jewelry is polished stainless steel, and gets lots of attention when he and Shana are communing with other guests at the park.

“Yeah,” she chuckles. “It’s quite the show when it’s hot like this and you’re long and loose.”

It is showy. Aaron gets occasional inquiries from female guests who’d like to “try it out”, but he has to politely decline these offers. While it is a snug fit, it will get pulled off in a vagina. He’s had to go on a couple of fishing expeditions in Shana, and while it sounds fun, it did get wedged around her cervix on one occasion and the subsequent extraction was neither simple nor painless.

Aaron reminds Shana, “Nobody’s going to see it today that I know of, ‘cept maybe Barb. We have the place to ourselves.”

“I thought I overheard her telling you last night there was a single who made a reservation for a day pass.” Barbara is the resort manager.

“Oh, yeah. She sounded uncertain, though. They’ve been getting a lot of no-shows lately.”


“She explained that a lot of these guys think they’re coming here to cruise for action and either get scared at the idea of being naked around other people, or back out when she tells them there’s unlikely to be anybody else here on weekdays.”

“I get it!” Shana laughs. “They’re looking for a no-strings fuck, thinking that naked out in public automatically means ready to rock’n’roll!”

Aaron laughs back, “Uh huh!” He threads his glans through the ring, a bit of a task because he has a large head and ridge, and it is a really snug fit. “There you go! How’s it look?”

“Looks nice, but don’t get any ideas. I don’t want a repeat!”

“No. You’re okay. Got my towel.”

“And I’ll stay here with the dog.”

“Won’t be out too long.”


Aaron has to hike the length of the campground since the rental cottages are furthest away from the clubhouse, pool, and other social areas. Rounding the clubhouse, he is slightly surprised by activity in the pool. Aaron has his phone with him in case Shana needs him for something, and sets it down on one of the patio tables nearest the water.

Not much activity, though — just one guy, also naked of course, keeping to the shallows and splashing water on himself trying to beat the heat.

“Hi,” Aaron announces as he steps into the pool. He wades toward the thermometer hanging on a string into the water, mostly out of curiosity. The water is cooler than the air, but not by much. “86,” he says to the guest.

“No surprise,” is the retort. “At least it isn’t bathwater hot.”

Aaron chuckles in response, “Yeah. You been here before? I’m Aaron.”

“No. Brad. Nice to meet you. Couldn’t help but notice your bling. What’s it for?”

“The weight on the hang feels good.”

“Good for the ladies?”

“No. It gets pulled off inside. But they are curious. There’s that. What brought you here? Ever been to a nudist park before?”

“No. First time. I dunno. The weather made me wonder what it would be like to be naked outdoors. I surfed around and this seemed like a nice place. There was one closer to home, but they don’t accept single men.”

“That’s common. My wife and I have been nudists nearly all our adult life, before we met. In fact, our first date was at a nudist park.”

“Well that’s different! Did you… uh…?”

“Nope. Didn’t touch each other until our fourth date, and that was at home.”

“Amazing. Since we brought it up, I read on the website here that they have an ‘open sex’ policy.”

“Yes. What does that mean to you?”

“That it might be possible I could find somebody… uh…”

“Willing to fuck you?”

“You’re outing me here.”

“I am. It happens a lot. Guys not familiar with it too often equate social nudity with free anonymous sex.”

“Does it happen here?”

Aaron grins, “Sometimes. Do you know what ‘a swinger’ is?”

“Of course. Wasn’t born yesterday.”

“Okay. Hidden Oaks is a swinger campground.”

“They didn’t say that, but, you know, a lot of the description on the website sure danced around that notion, the first clue being ‘adults only’. Now it makes sense.”

“Brad, I need to get under some shade, and you do, too. First-timers badly underestimate their sun exposure especially in the pool. My phone is there under the patio canopy, so grab your towel and let’s sit at that table.”

Aaron motions to the patio, and shows Brad the nudist etiquette of draping a towel over the chair seat and back for sanitary reasons. Bare butts and pussies, and dripping cocks, you know.

As they stand there not yet seated, Aaron muses, “Brad, you noticed my penis bling, and now that we’re out of the water, I see you have your own attractions down there. And you’re shaved.”

“Yeah. I’m kinda big. Long and thick. The men’s magazines say that shaving is the thing these days. You are, too. I do like the look, especially with the ring.”

They take their seats.

“Not putting thoughts into your head that aren’t already there, lemme guess — you came here thinking your endowment would wow the ladies. Or men, for that matter. Where are you on the sexuality spectrum?”

“What does that mean?”

“At one end, you have straight and heterosexual only, at the other, just homosexual. In the middle you have bisexual, enjoying both, favoring neither.”

“I’m straight.”

“Nuh uh. Nobody is perfectly straight. Have you ever touched another man’s penis, or had a guy touch yours?”

“A couple of times, when a buddy and I were double-teaming this girl we picked up at a bar.”

“Did you like it?”

“It felt sort of weird at first, but…”

“See what I mean? If zero was straight and ten was gay, you’re probably a one. I’m a two.”

“So you’re married to I presume a fine lady, and you like guys?”

“In the right circumstances, and limited. Sorta like you, I was introduced to it when a friend was fucking my wife with my blessing.”

“You let other men have sex with your wife?”

“Of course. Perfectly natural. Anyway, she took a bathroom break after he came in her, and we stroked each other’s cocks. It felt good! Stand up.”

“Uh… I’m… uh…”

“Thought so. All this penis and fucking talk made you hard. Stand up. I’ll do the same.”

“Doesn’t that hurt?!”

“The ring? With an erection? Not at all. See how it makes the head ridge flare out? Feel it. May I touch you?”

“Since we’ve ‘gone there’, I suppose.”

“I like your size. Uncut is so rare in the Midwest. I’m enjoying sliding your foreskin over the head. Neat sensation. Makes me wish I had mine.”

“It is.”

“Okay, that was nice. We can sit now. Let me show you something.” Aaron reaches for his phone. “Here.”

“Oh. That’s some guy fucking some girl. But it doesn’t look like porn.”

“It’s another friend doing Shana. I was taking the video with my phone.”

“Shana’s your wife, I take it.”

“Yes. Here.” Aaron swipes to a still photo. “This is her favorite guy, nice and hard, about ready to roll over onto her for the fuck. That was a really good one. He wanted to suck me off after he ejaculated in her, but I declined. Too far for me. Here’s another.”

“What’s with the blue lighting? Holy cow! Look at the balls on that guy!”

Brad can’t help himself and is stroking his cock under the table. Aaron is amused.

“Yep. Huge. Shana and I were trying the lighting for effects and it was fun in person, but not so good on the video. One more.”

“Holy fuckin’ shit! She’s beautiful! Is that your wife?”

“Several years ago, ’bout the time we married. She’s still a looker. So…”

“So what?”

“We’ve established that you came to Hidden Oaks more or less expecting a fuck because it was a nudist resort, which is sort of a trope aside from being a misconception. However, I have a wife who likes to take other men, and you’re fairly attractive and have a nice cock. Interested?”

“Fuck yeah,” Brad mumbles. “You can certainly see that I am.”

“Okay, one challenge you need to pass. I’m going to head to the cabin ahead of you. We’re in Cabin J, at the other end of the campground. Give me fifteen minutes to get there and give her a chance to clean up.”

“What’s the challenge?”

“We will be watching you walk from the clubhouse to the cabin, and you must maintain that erection the entire way. Pausing to stroke it is acceptable. That favorite boyfriend I told you about was able to do the round trip between the cabin and the pool at full staff, fucking her at the start, the middle, and then cumming in ‘er back at the cabin. It was quite impressive.”

“I’ll give it a go.”

“Clock’s started!”

Aaron gathers his phone and towel to head out.


“Hey, Shana,” as he opens the door.

“Hi. How was it? You were gone a while.”

“That day pass visitor showed up. We had a good chat.”

“How good a chat was it? You jazz ‘im up? Do I need to freshen?”

“Uh huh. Reasonable guy, but, yeah, he was mostly here cruising for a fuck.”

“Guys will be guys. I’m going to give him one, right?” she sighs.

“Oh, you’ll be okay. Somewhat attractive, big uncut cock.”

“You sure do know how to sweet-talk a woman, don’t you,” she smirks. “You want me to wear anything special?”

“That tie-dyed babydoll this time. I’ll strip it off you as usual. The reveal is always fun.”

“I’ll give you that. Let me quickly clean-up.”

Aaron leans against the front door, peering out the window to check on Brad’s progress.

“On his way!” Aaron announces to Shana. “You’ll want to see this!”

“Coming!” Shana joins him at the door. She laughs. “Aaron? You didn’t. That was mean.”

“Well, Mark certainly proved it possible. Wanted to see if this guy measured up.”

“Well this guy’s cock is at least twice Mark’s. What’s his name?”


“Brad looks like a good time. Uh oh. He’s stopping. Yeah, gravity can be a bitch. He’s having to stroke it back up. Straight, or what?”

Aaron confirms, “He’s a one.”

“So you’re going to mess around with him a little, I guess.”

“Already did. I’ll probably aim him into you.”

“Sounds about right. You figuring on doing me somewhere in this?”

“No. I want to keep the ring on for Brad to play with. He did seem fascinated by it. I suspect it’ll help him get off.”

“Good enough. Step back and let me handle the door. Go put Marquis in his crate.”

Shana only cracks the door as Brad steps onto the landing. “Hi. Who are you?”

“I’m Brad. Aaron suggested I come down here to meet you.”

“Okay. I don’t think that’s quite what he suggested.”

“He… well… uh… he said…”

“Spit it out, Brad. Why are you here?”

Aaron’s hiding just around the corner doing everything he can to squelch his laughter at Shana’s toying with this stranger.

“He suggested I might be interested in… uh… in fu… uh…”

“Oh. I’m think I’m getting the idea here. I have to hear it from you, first.”

“He sent me down here to fuck you.”

“And there we go!” She swings the door wide open. “Come on in, Brad. Ayr? We have company.”

Aaron appears from the hallway just grinning at Shana’s messing with their new friend. In the process, Brad has lost his erection.

“You set me up,” Brad glowers at Aaron.

Aaron shakes his head. “Not that bad, Brad. She just played you a little. You’re still goin’ to fuck ‘er. Shan?”

Aaron extends his hand to start a video camera on a nearby tripod, trained on the developing scene in the entryway.

Shana steps back to Aaron, knowing exactly what their next move is. It is rehearsed, or, rather, well-practiced. He reaches to her short hemline and ceremonially lifts the little dress off, displaying Shana’s full nakedness to Brad. Turns out his erection was only taking a short break.

Aaron instructs, “Touch her.” His own erection is fully restored in anticipation of directing and assisting in Brad and Shana’s copulation.

Brad tentatively reaches for a nipple, pinches it ever so lightly, and reaches for the other one to do the same.

“Now take her hand and lead her into the bedroom.”

Brad mildly protests, “Are you going to direct this entire thing? I certainly know how to fuck a woman. And you’re filming this?”

“Yeah, I’ll be recording most of it. You saw a couple of clips, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise. I guess I direct to move things along. Some guys balk when it gets real. Take her to the bed.”

“What do you mean by ‘some guys’?”

“We don’t talk about that.”


Brad’s impressive erection leads him and Shana into the bedroom. She pulls down the covers, fluffs a pillow, sort of plops down and rolls onto her back, slightly spreading her legs. Lying supine, she is indeed a beauty to be enjoyed and admired given her slender body, subtle curves and modest breasts.

Aaron has the camera and tripod having filmed the short walk down the hall and into the bedroom, setting it into position for recording the bed action. He enjoys “anticipation” scenes, especially when the guy’s penis is wagging around as they go. Brad has plenty to wag around.

Brad asks Aaron, “Oral?”

“A little. It’s not really her thing. She’ll put up with both giving and receiving if you think it motivates you, but you’re looking pretty motivated at the moment. Judging by the way she’s looking at me, yeah, I guess we can skip that part.”

Shana chuckles at that. “I’m ready.” She spreads a little more.

“Go ahead. I’ll be helping.”

Brad kneels onto the bed, his prick long enough to drag on the sheets as he crawls along to Shana. She bends her knees for a little more spread to accommodate Brad.

“What do you mean by ‘helping’?” Brad challenges.

Aaron firmly replies, “I’ll be doing the cock handling. You shouldn’t be surprised by that. Looks like it takes two hands, anyway.”

He sighs, “You’re right. What we talked about. Okay. In position.”

Aaron kneels on the bed next to the pair. Brad’s penis is pushing against Shana’s perineum and bending slightly. That’s Aaron’s cue.

Aaron reaches around and takes Brad’s cock in hand. He fondles the head, pulling the foreskin up and down, and fingers the tip for pre-cum, finding plenty to massage into and around the head and ridge. Brad was slightly startled by this contact, but quickly relaxes into the stimulation. Having determined Brad is adequately lubricated, he begins to rub the tip against Shana’s valley and clit.

Shana dreamily closes her eyes to immerse herself into this masturbation at the hands of her husband’s manipulating a stranger’s cock for her pleasuring. She starts to ever-so-slightly thrust her hips into the sensations.

On feeling her slickness in sliding Brad’s penis up and down her slit, he aims Brad’s head into her vaginal opening. Brad’s cock is still slightly bent given its length; Aaron has to two-hand it to push into her.

“All yours,” Aaron announces. “You have any problems with cumming in her?”

“No. You want me to do that? I was expecting to pull out.”

Shana breaks in. “Nope. Fuck me all the way. Ayr’s going to record me dripping your spunk when you soften out of me.”

“Missionary only?”

Aaron answers, “Doggie is good, too. Actually, it’s a little better for the vid ’cause you can see more penetration and balls action. You’ve got nice big ones, so I expect a good vid.”

“As big as ‘Mr. Blue’?”

“Almost! Don’t sell yourself short.”

“Really. How often do you do guys like this?”

“Again, we don’t talk about it with johns.”


Aaron chuckles, “Not really. Sort of a joke between Shan and me. We score rarely. The whole ‘quiet day at Hidden Oaks’ thing, normal for weekdays.”

Brad can’t see the wink Shana gave to Aaron.

“I suppose. Keep going?”

“Absolutely. You want a little more inspiration here? You were curious.”

“Admittedly I am.”

Aaron shifts around on the bed, kneeling upright to display his ringed penis to be within a hand’s reach of Brad. Brad accepts the offer, fingering Aaron’s head and gently pinching the flared ridge, caressing the ring, then stroking the shaft roughly in rhythm with his pumping in and out of Shana.

Brad’s pumping and stroking is becoming vigorous.

“Oh, gawd,” he moans. “This is a lot of stimulation. Flip her over for doggie? You want me to cum in her that way, right?”

“Right,” Aaron confirms. “Let go of me so I can move the camera.”


Aaron chuckles, and jumps off the bed to adjust the tripod. Brad has turned Shana onto her stomach and helps her to kneel on all four. He again positions himself, this time behind her, but isn’t yet pressing into her fine, shapely ass.

“Aim you again?” Aaron asks.

“Yes,” is the breathless reply.

Even in his kneeling position, Brad’s penis is again touching the sheets. It is drooling pre-cum profusely. Aaron touches each of Brad’s knees to spread his legs slightly.

“Better view of the fuck,” Aaron informs him. “Hold that stance until you fall out and she drips. Here we go.”

Aaron gently grasps Brad’s penis below the head pulling the foreskin back, probes the glistening head against Shana’s swollen pussy lips, and again grasps with the other hand to straighten the shaft for insertion. It pushes in with ease and is met with Shana’s sighing moan.

Once in, Brad rocks back and forth into Shana. Brad reaches out into the air making grasping motions in a request for Aaron to kneel in place for him to resume stroking and caressing his ringed cock.

This double stimulation is accomplishing what Aaron and Shana have set out to do — hasten Brad’s ejaculation.

It doesn’t take long.

“I can’t hold it much longer, guys.”

“Then do it!”

Brad squeezes Aaron’s penis shaft like it was a handle as he unloads into Shana with several strong grunting thrusts, his balls visibly lifting with each clench. Spent, Brad loosens his grip on Aaron and starts to pull out of Shana. Aaron catches him in time to stop him.

“No! It has to soften and fall out on its own!” Aaron insists. “That’ll happen soon enough!”

It’s not but a minute or two before Brad’s cock falls out of Shana’s pussy, trailing a string of semen. Shana clenches to push a little more of Brad’s cum out for the camera, which has caught the whole scene.

“Nice,” Aaron mutters to himself.

“This is so gawddamn hot!” Brad exclaims. You guys sure know how to put on a fuck! Why do I want more?”

Brad startles Aaron by twisting around on the bed, grasping Aaron’s cock and wrapping his lips around the head and ring, bumping the metal against his teeth.

Aaron softly admonishes, “Uh, Brad? I’m a ‘two’, remember? I prefer not to be sucked on by a guy.”

“Mmmmmfff,” as Brad takes a final lap around Aaron’s ridge with his tongue. “Sorry. Caught up in the moment.”

Shana has turned back over, propping herself up against the headboard. She’s chuckling in the familiar feelings of her and Aaron’s having so much power over men like Brad.

“Sweetheart?” as she reaches for Aaron. “Let’s get you off.” She picks up the container of coconut oil they keep on the nightstand as personal lubricant. “Brad, try this. You work his balls and I’ll do his shaft and head. He’s on the edge from watching us, so it’ll be quick.”


Aaron sees Brad back to the clubhouse to be polite and also to check in with Barbara in the adjacent office, if only to see if anything interesting is going on. Brad’s flaccid cock waves around as they walk, which amuses Aaron greatly given the “mission accomplished”. It’s still dripping semen. So is Aaron’s, after Brad’s unexpected suck and Shana’s jerking him off for the finale.

Aaron rarely cums with the ring on, but he did this time. Shana was amused.

They say their mutual thanks in the sendoff, although Aaron lands a parting shot, “Brad. You’re a three.”

“Maybe. A lot of thinking to do.”

They part company and Aaron steps into the office.

Barbara softly scolds, “You know you’re not supposed to be nude in here.”

“Oh, I do. But I also know you like to see it.”

She sighs, “I do. It’s always a bit of a shock. I see lots of cocks, tits, and pussies around here, but that ring. Anyway, any luck?”

“Yep. Just once. I did get her dripping it on video, tho’.”

“Hang on. Let me get your folder out.”

Barb reaches into the file drawer and pulls out a dogeared manila folder. The tab is labeled “WHORE” in red Sharpie.

Aaron laughs, “Somebody else is going to see that folder someday.”

“Fuck ’em,” she smirks. She pulls out what looks like a tally sheet. “Okay. That’s number 53 for this season. You guys going for a record this year?”

“Not by intent. What’s our total take to date?”

“Stand by.” She grabs what looks like an application form from her desktop. It’s Brad’s personal information, a requirement of being on the property. Reaching over to the copier, she makes a duplicate and drops it into the folder.

Barb comments, “Folder’s getting too thick. Probably will start a new one next season.” She punches a few keys on a calculator. “You guys are getting close to $3000. Not that many more and you’ve paid your rent for next season.”

“Huh? That’s a lot more than $50 per john.”

“You keep forgetting the gangbang in the shower room back in May. You guys are great for business. You given any further thought about your taking it in the ass? Or BJs?”

“Nope. Ain’t gonna happen. Too risky for one thing, and while I like to fondle cocks, that’s as far as it’s going.”

“Suit yourself. You can get $100 each for that.”

“Still ‘no’. Anybody else this week?”

“Two singles tomorrow. One is a repeat from last year, and he asked about Shana.”

“Good. Less need for foreplay chit-chat. Don’t send him to the cabin, though, I’ll meet both in the pool or on the patio. Anything about the other guy?”

“Not a guy.”

“Really? You’re kidding!”

“‘Bout time you got something out of this.”

“She know she’s basically paying a guy to fuck her?”

“I got the impression she does. Look here. She called on FaceTime and I did a capture.”

“Holy shit! She’s really cute! I was dreading… well, you know.”

“She said no time right now for dating, but she could use some. I do know, which is why I tagged her for you. You’re picky. Shana sets a high bar. You don’t get it up for just any woman. Ha! Just that picture and you’re hard!”

“You’re awful. What times?”

“Ted said he’s shooting for 1:00 or so. Teresa about five. After work or something like that.”

“That’s good. We’ll have Ted out of here by 4:00 or so.”

“Like last year. We good?”

“Yep. Thanks for the inspiration. Gawd. Now I really need to fuck Shan.”

“With or without the ring?”

“You know that doesn’t work for that.”

Barb laughs. “Go get ‘er, tiger.”



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