Rules Ch. 04 – Front Row Seat by MrJakobs,MrJakobs

Sage sat on the end of the master bed. She was lost in deep thought, only partially listening to the excited rambles of Jeremy.

“I can’t believe you went back! Does that mean you two are a thing again?”

“Huh?” Sage asked.

“You and David, are you guys going to keep meeting up?”

“Oh, I don’t know Jeremy… maybe?” Sage responded as she rubbed her fingers through her hair.

“Those videos were so hot baby,” Jeremy said excitedly, Sage looked up at him, surprised.

“They were?”

“Of course they were! The only downside was not being able to see more, you have to tell me what else did he do?” Jeremy sat down next to Sage, quickly spotting his rock-hard cock. His excitement was getting her excited, though it wouldn’t take much to do that. She was still wet from her and David’s encounter.

Sage went on to explain the ordeals of the night, giving Jeremy a play-by-play of how David had skull fucked her. She told him everything… everything except David’s cock-rubbing session.

I should really tell him She thought to herself.

“You’ve got me so turned on babe,” Jeremy said weakly, and without even thinking, Sage began to unbutton his pants.

“Is that so baby? You want to fuck your slut wife after she was just used by our disgusting neighbor?” Sage asked.

“Holy shit…” Jeremy replied, his pulsing cock springing out of his pants as Sage helped pull them down. The power Sage felt over her husband was enthralling, and the taboo nature of withholding some details from him only added to her ecstasy. But in her moment of triumph, Sage noticed something about Jeremy’s cock that had never occurred to her before.

Jeremy, her loving husband, was… average. Not small, and definitely not unsatisfying. Just average. Compared to David, Jeremy’s cock seemed like a tiny thing, and Sage had finally noticed it. It wasn’t anywhere near as exciting to think about sucking, and there was no excitement in wondering what he would feel like inside her. The thought was invasive and disarming.

Not wanting to dwell on it, Sage quickly put the thought out of her mind and began kissing her husband. The electricity and romance Sage felt for Jeremy was immediate, and Sage was glad to know that David didn’t hold a candle to this part of their relationship. Now more than ever, Sage felt connected with Jeremy on a deep level. Soon Jeremy had slid his fingers down to Sage’s clit, and began fingering her in earnest. Sage let out a moan of ecstasy.

“Oh god, Jeremy…” Sage said. Normally, Jeremy wouldn’t have said much in response. He might have made a simple grunt or mentioned how hot Sage looked. But now, he envisioned David in his mind, and how he had manhandled Sage. The thought both turned him on, but also made him jealous. He wanted to experience Sage in that way himself and, without thinking, spurted out a comment he didn’t think was in him.

“Yeah, you like that, don’t you bitch?” Jeremy’s words were far from confident, it was clear he was unsure if what he said would land. At once, Sage pulled back from him and gave Jeremy a confused look.

“What did you say to me?” Sage sounded equal parts shocked and offended.

“I said… you like that, bitch?” Jeremy replied nervously.


“I’m sorry I… I heard David in the videos and I thought maybe…”

“Stop, just… no,” Sage shot back quickly. She let out a sigh and shook her head.

“It was too much? You seemed to like it when he said it.” Jeremy said. Sage was silent for a moment, not sure how to process her own feelings. Jeremy was right, she did enjoy it when David spoke to her that way. But her husband was a different story. David and Jeremy were opposites on a scale. For all of David’s disgusting and dominant behavior, Jeremy was the gentle counterbalance Sage yearned for at home. She wanted to say it that way, she wanted to express that Jeremy was an important part of who she was and what she wanted in her life. But instead, something else took over. Something strange inside herself. Jeremy’s powerlessness, his vulnerability at that moment, turned her on. She wanted to explore it.

“Listen, David gets to talk to me that way because David is my bull. He isn’t my husband, he doesn’t love me. He likes to fuck me, I’m his piece of meat.” Sage spoke in a teasing tone. A smirk grew on her face when she saw Jeremy’s shock.

“His piece of meat?” Jeremy replied, clear discomfort ringing in his words.

“Yes, his meat David. He uses me, and he gets to fuck me in ways you never will. That is the nature of our relationship,” Sage said. She wondered if she was pushing things too far, but one look down at Jeremy’s rock-hard cock was all the encouragement she needed to continue.

“What’s wrong baby, you don’t like the idea that David gets to have me in ways you never will?” Sage asked, “Are you upset that you aren’t allowed to take me like he can?” Sage spoke before she thought, she shocked herself. Jeremy looked her directly in the eyes, clearly bothered by what she was saying.

“I guess I didn’t realize that’s what was happening…” Jeremy replied, his cock still throbbing. Sage slid her hand onto it and began to stroke slowly. Jeremy let out a moan of ecstasy.

“You can stop it, you know. That is one of the rules Jeremy. All you need to say is no…” Sage said, scooting closer to Jeremy. Her hand never stopped stroking his cock, it pulsed in her hand as she whispered in his ear, “Just say stop Jeremy.”

Jeremy didn’t respond, he sat silent, moaning as Sage’s strokes grew faster. She smiled wickedly.

“That’s what I thought. You want David to fuck me, don’t you?”

“I… I do…”

“You want to be my little cuck don’t you baby? You like the idea of someone bigger than you taking care of your wife?”

“Yes… oh fuck Sage.”

“Tell me you want David to fuck me, Jeremy,” Sage demanded, jacking off her husband with aggressive strokes.

“I want… I want David to fuck you,” Jeremy replied between gasps as he began to thrust against his wife’s hand.

“Tell me you want to watch as David’s cock enters my pussy baby.”

“I want to watch David’s cock enter your pussy… oh god!” David shivered as cum burst out of his dick, shooting high into the air before landing on the bedroom floor. Sage giggled and continued to slowly stroke.

“Wow baby, with just my hand again?” She asked playfully, leaning in and kissing her husband.

“Jesus, you just got me so worked up,” Jeremy said with a quivering voice.

“I love you, you know that, right?” Sage said as her eyes connected with her husband.

“Yeah, I know. You know I love you too right?” Jeremy replied.

“I know baby.” She kissed on the cheek and whispered in Jeremy’s ear, “But you’re going to have to wait now.”

“Wait? Wait for what?” Jeremy asked.

“To fuck me, you’re going to have to wait your turn. You did just say you wanted David to stick his cock in me, right?” Sage replied.

“I… I did, yeah.” Jeremy confirmed. It was clear he was shocked, Sage eyed him for a moment. Wondering if this is what he really wanted.

“You still want him to, don’t you?”

Please say something, Jeremy, stop me. She thought.

“I do,” Jeremy confirmed. Sage both loved and hated his answer.

“Well, if that’s the case. Then all you get tonight is a hand job, at least until David has had his fill,” Sage smirked as she stroked his cock once more, “You shouldn’t have gotten so turned on at the thought of another man fucking your wife baby.”

Jeremy smiled, clearly excited by what his wife was saying.

“Oh my god, you are so good at this honey. Yeah, I guess you’re right, I’m going to have to wait,” Jeremy’s voice was shaking, it was clear he was getting hard again. Sage loved him for it, she loved how wet it made her, how Jeremy’s foolish eagerness was allowing her to do things that other men would have divorced her for.

That evening, as they slept, it was the first time Sage’s last thoughts weren’t about how much her husband satisfied her. Instead, it was about how good David would feel when he finally entered inside her, but even better, how good it would feel to have David watch it happen.

A few days went by, and Jeremy was insistent that Sage set up a meeting with David as soon as possible. For all of Jeremy’s enthusiasm, however, Sage was still nervous about what might happen. To ease that fear, she decided that this time Jeremy would be present.

With Jeremy around, things should remain tame… I should be able to remain in control… While Sage didn’t believe her own thoughts fully, they did help ease her mind.

She sat in her office on her phone, writing and rewriting her text to David. Thousands of what-ifs rushed through her head, the most frightening being if David revealed what they had done without recording.

“He wouldn’t…” Sage said to herself quietly. David might have been eager to push the line, but he wouldn’t jeopardize what they had going on with her. At least, that’s what she told herself. With a deep breath, Sage finished her text and pressed send.

Sage: So, you want to meet up?

Sage placed her phone down with a shaking hand, and went about her work, but didn’t have to wait long for her phone to buzz. She picked it up and read the message.

David: When?

Sage scoffed at the short response.

Sage: No hello, how are you??

David: Shut up, just tell me when you want me to fuck you.

Sage: Are you free Saturday evening?

David: I can be, just us again?

Sage: No, Jeremy will join us in the usual way.

Sage was surprised when she saw David typing for a moment, then stop. She couldn’t help but become excited by how he might respond. David’s demands always turned her on, and it turned her on even more when she fought against them. She went about her work for a few more minutes, eyeing her phone with anticipation. Once it buzzed, she picked it up immediately.

David: Can’t we just do videos again and have him look that way?

Sage: He gets to watch David, you know the rules.

David: He doesn’t get to watch everything though, does he?

Sage couldn’t help but smirk at that one, the secret turned her on. A wave of guilt followed, and Sage quickly caught herself.

Sage: That was a one-time event, don’t get your hopes up for more. Jeremy gets to watch or the deal is off.

There was only a slight pause in David’s response.

David: Actually fuck it, this will work better anyway. Put him in the bushes, he’ll get the show of his life.

Sage’s heart raced. Her fingers were fluttering as she typed back quickly.

Sage: What did you have in mind??

David: You’ll find out. I want you in red matching underwear and wear a dress that shows your cleavage.

Sage: A little demanding today, aren’t we?

David: You know you like it, just do what I ask and I’ll make it worth your while.

Sage: Fine, but under one condition.

David: What?

Sage: Dress nice.

David: Ok?

Sage: I mean it, if you want to be my bull you’ll play the part I want you to play. A big dick isn’t enough. If you’re not dressed properly and your place isn’t cleaned thoroughly, I will walk out of that house and fuck my husband instead of sucking you off.

David: Fine.

Sage couldn’t help but shake her head at the response and didn’t bother to reply as work poured in throughout the day. It wasn’t until her drive home that Sage began to daydream of what David had planned Saturday. She imagined her cock around his mouth like usual but, deep down, she also hoped for much more. She wanted David to push her, and wouldn’t stop him if he did.

Jeremy and Sage sat in the living room while Sage texted David to see if he was ready for them.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this again,” Jeremy said eagerly. He was dressed in joggers and a jacket, accompanied by a black hat. The outfit made Sage giggle.

“The outfit definitely makes you look like a peeping Tom,” She said playfully, and they both laughed. Jeremy stared at Sage longingly, she wore a tight black dress that had a deep v-cut in the front, exposing her beautiful cleavage.

“You look amazing by the way,” Jeremy said.

“Mmm thanks, David picked it out,” Sage replied, putting down her phone and giving Jeremy a devilish grin. Jeremy felt a drop in his gut, and a bulge growing in his pants.

“He did?” He asked.

“Oh yeah, he asked me to wear red underwear too. So I decided I’d wear the pair you gave me for last year’s anniversary,” Sage said. Jeremy went silent, staring at Sage with a look of shock. “What? Does that bother you that I’m going to let David fuck me in the underwear you gave me?”

“Sage…” Jeremy said.

“It’s so expensive too, I hope he doesn’t rip it,” Sage continued.

“Sage,” Jeremy said a bit more sternly. Sage stopped at once.

“Sorry babe, too far?”

“No, no it’s… sorry I’m just getting worked up… I… we have boundaries for tonight right?” Jeremy said. The questions surprised Sage.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, you said… you said you’re going to let him fuck you?” Jeremy asked.

“Oh, I’m just playing around sweet heart. You know I wouldn’t allow that.”

“Right, yeah I mean it’s one of our rules,” Jeremy said with a nod. They were silent for a moment.

“Unless of course, you wanted him to,” Sage replied. Jeremy looked at her with wide eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, but Sage’s phone buzzed before he could, she checked it quickly.

“He’s ready,” Sage said, looking back to Jeremy. “Are we ok? Do you still want to do this?”

Jeremy nodded. The two were silent for a moment.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this? We don’t have to do it, you know. All you have to say is stop,” Sage said.

“No, I want this,” Jeremy replied. Sage nodded and the two stood, embracing each other before kissing passionately.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you after the show,” Sage said, giving Jeremy a wink. Jeremy laughed nervously and nodded.

“I guess so, I love you,” He said.

“I love you too baby,” Sage replied. The two kissed again, then Sage pushed him away and made her way to the front door.

David’s living room was immaculate compared to the first visits, save for a random folding chair David had near the living room window.

“You really cleaned this place up, didn’t you?” Sage remarked. David grunted as he walked from the kitchen with two wine glasses in his hand. His oversized suit let out a slight swashing sound as he made his way toward her.

“Had the couch steam cleaned too,” He said as he handed Sage a glass. She took it and laughed.

“Did you now? It does smell far nicer in here, but I’m not so sure about the folding chair…”

“Don’t worry about the folding chair, I’m holding onto it for someone,” David replied passively.

“Well, regardless, I could get used to this,” Sage said. David seemed to take the compliment well, a rare smile forming on his face.

“Yeah well, I can clean up when I want to you know. So what do you think of the suit?” David asked as he took a few steps back from Sage. She nodded slowly.

“Do a spin for me?”

“You can’t be fucking serious…”

“Spin like a good bull David,” Sage said shortly while twirling her finger. David let out a scoff and did as he was told.


“It needs work,” Sage replied. Her voice was playful, David nodded slowly as his cheeks went red.

“Well, I didn’t have time to get one fitted…”

“Are you blushing?” Sage said playfully.

“Shut up,” David shot back, looking over to his living room window, “So, he’s out there now huh?”

“He is,” Sage confirmed.

“Good, real good…”

“So, what exactly did you have in mind for tonight?” Sage asked. David looked at her with a wicked grin.

“Well…” David walked over to the couch and sat down, “Come over here and start sucking my dick, and I’ll tell you.”

Sage raised an eyebrow before standing slowly and walking over to David. She stood over him. David raised his hand to Sage’s pussy, and began rubbing through her underwear.

“Did you wear the red underwear like I asked?” David said, his fingers moving aggressively over Sage’s clit. She let out a moan as her head rolled back.

“I did,” Sage confirmed.

“Good girl, grab your tits for me,” David said shortly. Sage did as she was commanded, squeezing her large breasts in front of David as he continued to play with her. David could feel his cock bulging against his pants, he let out a grunt as one of Sage’s breasts nearly fell out of her dress.

“You’re so fucking wet already, you’ve been thinking about me, haven’t you?” David asked. Sage froze for a moment. She already knew her answer, but there was a fear connected to it.

“Answer me bitch,” David commanded.

“I have been,” Sage confirmed, beginning to rub against David’s fingers eagerly.

“You’ve been thinking about me when you fuck your husband, haven’t you?” David shot back.

“N-no I haven’t, oh fuck,” Sage stopped playing with her breasts as a sudden orgasm came over her. David felt a gush of liquid pour onto his hands and was shocked to see Sage’s legs quivering.

“Jesus Sage, already?” He said, sounding genuinely surprised. Then, it clicked. Sage’s heart raced as she saw David piecing it together in his mind. He locked eyes with her.

“You did think about me, didn’t you? And you liked it too,” David spoke matter of factly, Sage did not correct him. Instead, she moaned as David’s fingers slipped past her underwear, and into her pussy. They were breaking a rule right in front of Jeremy, and Sage loved it. She wondered if Jeremy could tell David’s fingers were inside her, but she didn’t care.

“I bet you’ve been imaging me fucking you almost every time you pity fuck that poor idiot, don’t you?” David said.

“Don’t call Jeremy that,” Sage shot back as she grinded against David’s fingers absent-mindedly.

“Come on, I know you like it, and he is an idiot. Look at you, you’re literally using him as a fuck doll, as a tool to cum with me, and he doesn’t even realize it! I wonder what he would say if I told him how much you liked it when I rubbed my cock against your pussy…”

“Midnight!” Sage shot back quickly. At once, David retracted his wet hand from Sage.

“Too far huh?” David asked. He sounded somewhat remorseful, but not like before. He and Sage knew his power over her was growing. Her will force was eroding around him, and what was worse, his domination of her was all she could think about.

She liked hearing him call Jeremy an idiot, she liked that he finger fucked her right in front of him, and she liked that Jeremy let it happen. But she couldn’t admit it to David, because she could barely admit it to herself. Instead of accepting her inner thoughts, Sage turned to anger.

“That was definitely too far! Don’t call my husband an idiot and don’t you dare threaten to tell him things, David. Or I swear to god, this is over between us!” Sage’s anger was out of character. Her cadence was off, she sounded partially nervous, and her outburst had the opposite effect she was hoping for. Instead of making her sound in control, it told David all he needed to know about how she actually felt.

“Take it easy. I told you it’d be our little secret, didn’t I? I’m just fucking with you,” David assured her, he stood up, towering over Sage as his hand slowly reached for her breast. He fondled her aggressively, Sage moaned in response.

“Don’t… don’t call my husband an idiot,” Sage said weakly.

“I won’t,” David assured her, before leaning in and whispering into her ear, “Unless you ask me to.” His free hand went underneath her dress and grabbed her ass firmly.

“Now, be a good girl, and admit that you imagined me fucking you,” David said. He fondled her aggressively as he spoke.

“Fine… I did,” Sage replied.

“You did what Sage?”

“I imagined you fucking me, David,” Sage replied, looking up at him, “I imagined that big dick entering me and you fucking my brains out.”

“You want me to fuck you, don’t you?” David asked.

“It’s not part of the rules…”

“I think the rules are changing.”

“No, they’re not, besides I… I haven’t spoken to Jeremy about it.”

“Well, you’re in luck,” David said with a smile, pulling away from Sage, “Because now you get to see what I had planned for tonight.”

David walked over to the patio door that led to his backyard and opened it. Sage’s heart dropped as David stuck his head out into the yard.

“David! What are you-”

“Hey, Jeremy!” David called into the darkness, there was an awkward silence for a moment before he heard Jeremy respond.

“I… Yeah?”

“Why don’t you come inside and join us? I’ve got a surprise for you,” David said, before looking over to Sage and smiling wickedly.

“David,” Sage hissed. David paid no attention and motioned for Jeremy to step inside.

“Come on bud,” David said.

“Are… are you sure, is everything alright?” Jeremy asked.

“Oh yeah, everything is fine,” David said, “It’s just, Sage really wants you to come inside and get a better view. Don’t you, Sage?”

Sage was silent for a moment, then spoke without thinking, “Sure.”

“See? Come on in,” David said. Very quickly, Jeremy appeared awkwardly from the bushes before following David inside. Jeremy glanced at Sage, the two smiling before David placed his hand on Jeremy’s shoulder.

“Take a seat bud, don’t be shy. Got a chair for you right over there,” He said, pointing to a lone folding chair nearby the living room window. While Jeremy made his way over to the chair, Sage and David exchanged a passing glance.

He had this planned… he’s in control… Sage could barely think, David had evolved so much since their first visit. He was fully embracing his position as the bull, and now his momentum felt like a title wave. For the first time, Sage was genuinely unsure what would happen next.

Jeremy sat down and let out a nervous laugh, “Honestly, didn’t think I’d be so close to the action.”

“I bet you didn’t bud!” David replied, “But don’t worry Sage and I had this one planned for you. I know that videos and bushes can be fun and all but… sometimes being in the same room, being able to ref as we explore… well it can be a really great experience. Isn’t that right Sage?” David and Jeremy both looked at her, and Sage stared at them like a deer in headlights.

I can’t believe it. Has he been reading up on all this? I can’t believe he’s put me in a position where I have to lie… Sage’s mind raced. But after a few seconds, she cleared her throat and nodded.

“R-right, we thought this might be a good idea,” Sage agreed. Jeremy nodded slowly, Sage was uncertain if he was buying what was happening. He appeared to be just as flustered as Sage.

“So, it’ll be a lot of the same, you just sit there and enjoy the show. Alright?” David said.

“Yeah, alright,” Jeremy replied weakly. Without hesitation, David went over to the couch and sat down while letting out a sigh. He looked at Sage.

“Now, come over here and unbuckle my belt, bitch,” David commanded. Sage moved without thinking. She knelt down and quickly undid David’s pants while David looked at Jeremy with a smirk. Jeremy cleared his throat and looked down at Sage. As she pulled David’s pants down, his throbbing cock sprang out and slapped her in the face slightly.

“You missed it, didn’t you?” David asked. Sage looked up at David bashfully.

“Oh come on, don’t be shy. Jeremy’s already heard us talk dirty on video. Go on, say you missed my cock,” David said sternly as he grabbed the base of his cock and slapped it against Sage’s cheeks.

“I… I missed your cock,” Sage said.

“I bet you did, now, suck it like the good little fuck toy,” David said. He grabbed the base of Sage’s head and aggressively thrust his cock into her partially open mouth. David’s dick popped through Sage’s lips, he let out a moan as he moved Sage’s head up and down his long shaft.

The experience was shocking for Jeremy. Seeing it so close, hearing Sage moan, slurp, and gag, the sight was overwhelming. His mind was lost in a cloud of shame, confusion, and lust. Without thinking, his hand absently found its way back to his crotch. Minutes that seemed like ages passed as David deep-throated Sage, letting her come up for gasps of air before shoving her back down onto his cock. After a while, Sage’s enthusiasm grew. She grabbed the base of David’s cock and forced as much of his mass into her mouth. David released the back of Sage’s head and allowed her to blow him at her newfound pace.

Then, David looked up. He and Jeremy locked eyes as he reached underneath a pillow, and pulled out a box of condoms.

“You want to see me fuck her, right?” David asked. He was confident and calm. Sage stopped sucking and looked up at David in shock, then back to Jeremy.

“Jeremy…” Sage began. She was going to continue but intentionally stopped. She wanted to give Jeremy time to say yes, to make a mistake.

“I do,” Jeremy said quickly, looking at Sage, then back to David.

“I know you do, she wants it too, you know. She just wanted to make sure it was special when it happened,” David said before grabbing Sage’s hair and pulling it to make their eyes meet. “You ready to fuck me in front of your husband?”

Sage didn’t say a word, she didn’t know what to say. The moment was just as confusing as it was arousing. She never thought David could be so bold, and yet, it was exactly what she hoped would happen. Sage simply nodded in response.

“Good girl, stand up and undress,” David commanded. Sage stood at once and slowly took off her dress. Then her bra, then her panties. David had placed on a condom while he watched her, and Jeremy stroked himself eagerly.

“Good, now straddle me,” David said, and Sage obliged. She placed her hands on his thick chest, looking down as she hovered over David’s pulsing cock.

“I won’t enter until you beg me to, bitch. Until you’re begging for my cock in front of your husband,” David said.

Sage was a mess of emotions. Uncertainty and lust flooded her mind. She turned back to Jeremy, he looked so small sitting in his folding chair, his mouth open while he slowly stroked his dick.

“Tell me to stop Jeremy, please. Tell me I shouldn’t fuck him,” Sage said, there was some sincerity in her voice, and it caused Jeremy to pause for a moment. But he stayed silent. Their eyes remained locked as Sage lowered herself slowly onto David’s cock, stopping just as his tip began to stretch her wet pussy lips.

“I’m going to tell him to fuck me if you don’t say something Jeremy,” Sage said.

Again, Jeremy did not answer. He simply stared at his wife, mounted over another man’s massive cock, and continued to pleasure himself. It was all Sage needed to continue.

“Please David, Fuck me,” Sage said.

“Say it right first, say you want me to fuck you in front of your husband,” David replied.

“Jeremy, he’s about to fuck me. David is about to fuck your wife right in front of you, and I’m going to let him. Tell me to stop,” Sage begged. A part of her was screaming for Jeremy to say anything, to break them both out of this stupor. Because she knew, deep down, that there would be no turning back from this moment. That it would change everything.

Jeremy remained silent, he and Sage still locking eyes.

“I want you to fuck me in front of my husband, David.”

“Then be a good little slut and sit on my cock,” David replied.

Without a word, Sage obliged. While still staring at Jeremy, she pressed down on the head of David’s throbbing cock, and began to wiggle her waist. His girth spread her lips with ease, Sage let out a moan of ecstasy as she pushed herself down on David slowly, still swaying her hips as she did so. Jeremy watched as her soaking pussy slowly ate up David’s cock, inch by inch, until with one last moan, Sage sat down firmly on his entire length, her fat ass cheeks slapping against his balls.

David was inside her, she could feel his massive cock twitch as it stretched her in ways she never thought were possible. No one had ever gone this deep into her, and no one had ever made her feel so full. Without a word, David grabbed onto Sage’s hips, and slowly thrust upward.

“Oh my God David!” Sage screamed as she felt him pull halfway out, before slowly thrusting back into her. He was rhythmic, matching her counter thrusts as he fucked her with a steady pace. The sensation of David’s massive cock thrusting in and out of her was overwhelming, Sage glanced back at Jeremy to see how he was doing, and when she saw him eagerly masturbating to the scene, a wave of ecstasy overwhelmed her.

“Oh-oh shit, I’m cumming!” Sage’s body quivered as she shouted. David let out a smirk and wrapped his arms around Sage’s waist before thrusting himself deep inside her. He could feel Sage shaking in his arms, it made him groan like a wild animal.

“Fuck Sage you are so tight!” David said before wrapping his lips around one of her nipples and sucking on it aggressively. Sage was silent, still cumming on David’s dick as he fondled her.

The two began to fuck again, for minutes, David thrust into Sage while she slowly bounced up and down, his hands exploring her body while they did so. Eventually, David pulled away from Sage’s breasts, his lips making a loud pop as he did so. He looked into Sage’s green eyes.

“How does it feel cumming in front of your husband, Sage?” David asked, slowly beginning to thrust into her again.

“Oh god… I…”

“Say it felt amazing Sage, no need to be shy,” David replied, now fucking Sage slowly again. Without a command, Sage began to bounce on his dick eagerly.

“I loved it,” Sage replied.

“You like it when I make you cum in front of your husband?”

“Y-yes, oh God David, keep going I think… holy shit I think I might…”

“I’m bigger than your husband, aren’t I?”

“Oh Fuck David!”

“Say I’m bigger than your husband bitch,” David said calmly. He was barely thrusting anymore, Sage had taken over and was slamming her ass down aggressively on David’s cock.

“You’re so much bigger than my husband!” Sage screamed. As soon as the words left her mouth, her body quivered in another orgasm. Sage couldn’t believe it, she had never had such intense orgasms in her life. In her state of lustful delirium, Sage had forgotten her husband was behind her, and she didn’t even bother looking as David picked her up, and threw her onto the couch. He pulled out his massive shaft and rubbed it along Sage’s clit, just like their last encounter — the one Jeremy still knew nothing about.

“You want me to keep fucking you?” David asked.

“Y-yes, please keep going,” Sage begged.

“Say it proper, tell me you want me to fuck you Sage,” David commanded, putting the tip of his cock slowly into her pussy.

“Fuck me David, fuck me like an animal!” Sage begged, spreading her legs wide as she reached for David’s cock and guided him into her.

David grabbed onto Sage’s neck gently, and happily pushed his entire length into her. Her moans spurned him on, and he began to fuck her with force. The couch rocked underneath them, and David’s meaty hands buried themselves into Sage’s hips as pounded his dick into her aggressively.

For Sage, it was a delirium of pleasure. For her, Jeremy had become a prop for her kink, he was barely even present in her mind as this disgusting man used her body like a fuck doll. All that mattered was he was there, watching her get fucked. After a few minutes, Sage felt herself erupt with a fourth orgasm. She let out a scream as her legs wrapped around David, but David didn’t stop. He slammed into Sage without a second thought about how she was feeling.

Invasive thoughts filled Sage’s mind. A part of her hoped David would berate Jeremy while they fucked, that he would push things further and treat her like his property in front of her husband. She fought against them as best she could, as David rammed Sage into the couch with an aggression and passion Jeremy never had in the bedroom.

I’m… I… control… Sage’s thoughts were cut off as David let out a familiar grunt.

“Holy fuck,” David said pulling out of Sage quickly and ripping off his condom. He placed a foot onto the couch and grabbed the back of Sage’s head, “Swallow like I taught you, every last drop bitch.”

He didn’t wait for her compliance, David thrust his massive cock into Sage’s mouth and instantly deep-throated her. It wasn’t her first time, and she immediately adjusted to allow David to thrust deeper. Then she felt his cock pulse and his groans of ecstasy as he began to shoot his load into her throat. His grip was tight on the back of her head, and even though Sage was beginning to black out, she obediently sucked and swallowed as David’s cock pulsed inside her mouth.

While Sage’s mouth was still working over his cock, David looked back to Jeremy and couldn’t help but chuckle when he saw that he had cum sometime during their fuck session. His dick was soft, which meant it must have happened a while ago. David caught Jeremy’s attention who nervously looked down as they made eye contact.

The energy in the room had changed. Everything had just changed. They both knew it.

“I can’t wait to see what else I can make your bitch do,” David said confidently, pulling his dick out of Sage’s mouth aggressively and letting her head fall back on the couch with a gasp.

“Nice to meet finally meet you, by the way.”


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