Sea Monster Pt. 01

An adult stories – Sea Monster Pt. 01 by Melancholy033,Melancholy033 I am writing this story as a warning to every guy out there who is with a girl that is out of his league….

It all started on the Friday night before Memorial Day, coincidentally also my birthday. My friends and I all rented an AirBnB cabin on the lake in Michigan. I brought my new girlfriend Ariel with, partly because I loved spending time with her and partly to show her off to all my buddies I finally had a beautiful girlfriend who was way out of my league. My whole life I had lived in the shadow of my friends and their conquests, and now it was my turn to show off. With her beautiful smile, long hair, athletic figure, and ample feminine charms I knew I would be the envy of the weekend.

I had not seen my good friend Aaron since the summer before as he had gone to a university out of state. He was the first one to greet me and Ariel when we arrived. He immediately ran up to me and skipped the handshake and went straight in for a hug. He then jokingly ogled Ariel and again went straight into her for a very friendly hug. She laughingly told him to behave and gave him a brief squeeze back. I was so happy to see my new girlfriend and my oldest friend get along so quickly. I grabbed the cooler, he grabbed our bags, and we headed in to the cabin to start off a wild weekend.

As Aaron had rented the cabin for all of us, he was the first one there. We were the first guests to arrive, and knew everyone else would be arriving tomorrow morning on Saturday. That didn’t stop the three of us from toasting to our first year of college successfully completed.

Ariel immediately went to change in the master bedroom, Aaron insisted we use it as he was by himself and didn’t need all the extra space. As Ariel showered and freshened up in the room, we sat near the pool enjoying our mixed rum and cokes. I was telling Aaron about the university coffee shop me and Ariel would we working at this summer, while he told me about the internship at his father’s investment firm he had lined up.

Then Ariel walked out to us by the pool in an extremely skimpy red bikini, that showed off her tight body, large firm breasts and amazing butt. Aaron and I commented on how great she looked and she was a bit shy. She insisted she wanted to wear this skimpy one before all the guests arrived tomorrow and she would be too nervous to sunbathe in it in front of a crowd. Aaron and I did not complain, he quietly nudged me and told me I was a lucky guy.

When Aaron went in to grab us a third round of rum and cokes, Ariel texted me asking if would be inappropriate if she untied the back of her bikini so she would not get tan lines from the strings, I told her it was fine and that Aaron wouldn’t be bothered by it.

When Aaron came out with our drinks, he also brought out a seltzer for Ariel, he handed it to her non-chalantly. She picked herself up off the sunbed slightly to grab the seltzer from his hand. She had fallen for the oldest trick in the book. When she raised herself up to grab the seltzer her breasts and cute inflamed nipples were exposed for all of us to see. With red cheeks she quickly let herself back down, hiding her breasts from our ogling eyes. Aaron laughed and gave me a high five, saying some jokes never get old. I was both turned on by seeing her breasts and a little bit embarrassed that my best friend had just pulled one of our old high school moves on my new girlfriend.

I then went to go drain the main vain, after a few rum and cokes I could hardly be blamed. When I returned through the sliding glass door, I saw Aaron standing over Ariel, and wondered to myself why he could possibly be standing over her. Then I saw he was tying up the strings on her bikini so she could sit up without flashing us again, I quickly admonished myself for fearing that he was perving on her. As I stepped foot back out on the pool deck, I made a little joke to both of them saying “thanks for tying her up for me Aaron, I wish she would tie me up too sometimes.” Everyone laughed at my dumb joke. Now that Ariel’s bikini was tied back up, she sat with us in the umbrella shade, and we made small talk. After a couple minutes of small talk, Aaron told Ariel to go get my birthday present out of the master bedroom, it was under the bed in a shoebox. I gave them both a weird look, asking why they would get me a birthday present and how they had collaborated to do this without me knowing. Ariel ignored my question and went to retrieve the shoebox, Aaron told me he added her and messaged her on Instagram as soon as we booked the AirBnB so they could coordinate a fun early birthday surprise for me. He then gave me a wink.

Ariel brought over the shoebox and I thanked them both for the present, and I shook the unwrapped box, I told them I was guessing it was a new pair of shoes, even though it was obvious by the movement inside the box it would be a bottle of some sort of alcohol. Ariel shuffled her seat closer to Aaron across the table from me, and whipped out her phone to record as I opened the box. It was a bottle of Smirnoff Ice, I had been “iced”. A classic prank from our high school days. I had to get on one knee and chug the entire bottle in one swig while Aaron and Aerial cheered me on and recorded me. During the chugging, Ariel got a little too excited to record me from across the table and tripped on the leg of a chair or something and tipped forward. Luckily Aaron was quick to grab her, but in the most unfortunate way. He stopped her from falling by darting his hand in front of her to stop her fall but his hand ended up right on the front of her bikini. The fall was stopped but Aerial’s excited gasp and then awkward chuckle had us all worried for half of a second. She then playfully slapped Aaron’s hand away and thanked him for saving her. He played it off coolly saying the pleasure was all his.

Ariel made sure to post the video of me chugging the Smirnoff onto her social media, but I noticed her audible gasp from when Aaron’s hand saved her from falling by grabbing the front of her bikini bottoms.

Honestly, hearing her sexy gasp on the recording a few times had made me quite horny. I suggested we all jump in the pool to cool off. This suggestion was met with thunderous applause and Ariel was the first to jump in. Her lithe body jiggling as she threw herself into the pool. Aaron and I went in to change into our swimsuits before joining her. I showered then changed into my swim trunks before returning to the pool. By the time I got out to the pool deck, Aaron was standing at the edge of the pool while Aerial was cajoling him into jumping in from the diving board. He obliged her and walked to end of the diving board.

Ariel was standing up the in pool, her sun-kissed, perky but well sized tits tantalizingly jiggling above the water line. She had her hands out as if to catch Aaron if he fell off the diving board and wasn’t able to swim.

I was cringing at the fact that Aaron had an obvious bulge in his swim trunks, in high school swim class his nickname was “Seamonster” and I was embarrassed my friend might creep Ariel out by being aroused. In high school we had always made locker-room jokes about how Aaron was overly well-endowed and how we felt bad for his girlfriends. This meant it was very obvious when he was excited while wearing a swimsuit. Ariel seemed not to notice and kept on cajoling him to jump in. Aaron ended up cannonballing into the pool from the diving board. When he did not immediately resurface, Ariel gave me a worrying glance and swam right over to him. I told her not to be dramatic and that Aaron was just being a prankster. Aaron then erupted back out of the pool flailing his arms as if he was drowning and needed help. His flailing arms accidently caught Ariel’s bikini top and ripped it right off. She gave a quick scream in faux embarrassment. Aaron then apologized and went to retrieve the top from the other side of the pool. While he was swimming to the other side to grab her top, I somewhat jokingly yelled at her for falling for his trick, but I was also actually a little bit annoyed at her for falling for another one of his childish tricks.

She thought I was seriously yelling at her out of anger and she told me to “calm down”. Aaron then intervened and shouted from the other side of the pool that we would not give Ariel her bikini top back until we hugged and made up.

I jokingly told Aaron he was an idiot and to stay out of it otherwise I would swim over there and grab it from him myself. He said I could try with a big smile. I knew I wouldn’t win that battle so I nicely asked Ariel to give me a hug so she could get her bikini top back. Ariel had been covering her breasts with her hands, but had to use her hands to climb the ladder out of the pool to hug me. This gave Aaron a fantastic side view of her gorgeous tits, and he whistled out. I mockingly scolded him and he apologized. Ariel then hugged me, squeezing her tits against me. Embarrassingly this made me fully erect, and as I had not yet jumped into the water it was on full display inside my swim trunks for all to enjoy.

My erection must have been poking Ariel because when she stepped back she looked at it and said “calm down little guy” in a kind but mocking gesture. This caused Aaron to break out in laughter and throw the bikini top to me. It didn’t make it out of the pool, so I was going to have to jump in. Aaron yelled out to me, “jump in little guy”. And I jokingly told him to ‘f off bro”. I jumped in and retrieved the bikini top for my lovely Ariel.

The hug with my topless girlfriend and the slight amount of public humiliation had gotten me so horny I wanted to grab Ariel right out of the pool and go straight to the bedroom with her. I knew it was way too early in the day for that though so I made an excuse to go back to the room and rub one out while they played in the pool.

I grabbed a bottle of suntan lotion out of Ariel’s duffle bag and began to relieve myself, when I heard the two of them playfully scream at one each other in the pool. I definitely tried not to think of the two of them together as I wanked.

I was just about to cum when Ariel opened up the bedroom door. I immediately threw my towel over my erection and Ariel giggled, I saw Aaron was right behind her. They clearly had both seen me hastily cover up my lotion covered cock. Aaron awkwardly yelled out he was going to his room to shower off. Ariel closed the bedroom door and started laughing so hard she doubled over in laughter. She then apologized for not knocking and said she and Aaron were worried about me and were coming to check and make sure I was ok. I told her I was obviously fine.

She then told me to finish what I started. I looked at her nervously and she told me go ahead. She then took off her top for me to masturbate to her breasts. This was awesome! She then sat next to me and started whispering in my ear:

Ariel: Do you like my tits?

Me: I love your tits

Ariel: Did you like looking at them in my bikini earlier?

Me: Yes, I loved looking at them in your Bikini earlier

Ariel: Do you think Aaron liked looking at them in my bikini earlier

Me: I don’t want to think about Aaron

She then grabbed my balls and squeezed hard and asked again:

Ariel: Do you think Aaron liked looking at my bikini earlier?

With my balls in her hand I had no choice but to admit…

Me: Yes I think Aaron liked looking at your bikini earlier

Ariel: Do you think Aaron liked looking at my tits when he ripped my bikini top off earlier?

Me: Yes I know he liked looking at your tits!

Ariel: How do you know?

Me: Because it was obvious he was hard

Ariel: I noticed that too, I just wanted to make you admit it

Me: Yeah of course because it sticks out like a baseball bat

Ariel: No it stuck out like a sea monster!

Me: Ok whatever, I’m trying to cum, stop talking about my best friend’s cock

Ariel: Keep stroking little guy, did you get jealous when he grabbed my pussy earlier, when he grabbed your girlfriends tight pussy to stop her from falling

Me: It was an accident

Ariel: No it wasn’t

Me: What do you mean

Ariel: Keep jerking little guy, I tripped over his leg, not the chairs leg, he did it on purpose

Me: No way

Ariel: He did it on purpose to feel my pussy up right in front of you

Me: No way

Ariel: I gasped because when he grabbed me he pushed his finger through the fabric right into my pussy lips

Me: OMG that fucker, I’m gonna kill him

Ariel: Its ok I liked it, besides I was already wet, and we both know in a fight he would kick your ass

Me: Why were you wet anyways?

Ariel: Keep jerking little guy, I was wet because your friend is an alpha

Me: What are you talking about? Where is this coming from?

Ariel: Keep stoking little guy, I knew he was an alpha type from the moment he hugged me when we arrived, I could feel his big sea monster through his shorts that very moment

Me: That’s disgusting, we all knew he was big down there, but I didn’t know you’d feel it through a hug

Ariel: He pressed it right into me when we hugged when you introduced us

Me: No way, youre just imagining it

Ariel: I know I’m not imagining it

Me: How?

Ariel: While you were in here, wanking, probably listening to us play fighting outside, he showed me his sea monster. It was huge.

Me: Stop lying

Ariel: I can prove it

Me: How?

Ariel: He is uncircumsized

Me: OMG, he actually showed you?!?!

Ariel: Yeah, I started to pretend to drown and he came to help, and I accidentally pantsed him, and took off his swim trunks, and made him show me his sea monster to get his trunks back, that’s why you heard the commotion out in the pool while you were in here jerking like a little perv

Me: No way

Ariel: Keep stroking,…Yeah we were actually running in here together to fuck, after I saw his cock I want it so bad, we forgot you even existed

Me: Unghhhhh fuck im cumming

Ariel: Good job little guy, that a lot of cum from such a tiny cock, I wonder how much more cum Aaron’s sea monster can make

Me: Stoppp

Ariel: Haha, I knew you would come to me dirty talking about your best friend and his big sea monster

Me: You got me good haha thanks for helping me cum

Ariel: No worries babe, you know I was just teasing you

Me: Yeah babe I know

Post Script: I thought to myself, how does she know he is uncircumsized? That is a weird guess to be right on, I thought only the guys from the locker room and his girlfriends would know that.

… to be continued


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