Slut – The Pick Up Pt. 01 by NeilMc123,NeilMc123

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Slut: The Pick Up. Part 1.

James and I were standing in the kitchen after clearing away our dinner dishes. I bent over seductively to close the dishwasher door, knowing that James would be looking at my firm curvy ass, stretching the material of my tight black mini skirt. I arched my back deliberately, emphasising my narrow waist and showing off my large firm breasts. I was braless due to the fact that the shiny black turtle neck top was almost a second skin. My nipples were prominently erect due to the thoughts swirling around in my fertile mind. I straightened up, my huge breasts thrusting forward, showing my erect nipples through the skin tight gossamer top.

James’ face was flushed with sexual excitement as he looked at my built for sex body with sheer lust. He moved his hand toward my left breast as I playfully slapped his hand away.

“No touching for you mister!” I smiled, shocking James “I have other plans this evening for these bad boys!”

James forehead creased as he looked at me puzzled.

“I’m going upstairs for a shower then to change into some of my fuck me lingerie and a naughty slut outfit as I will be going out to pick up a guy and bring him back here to fuck me!” I grinned tormenting my husband.

“I’ll let him do whatever he wants, and if you behave, I may let you watch him fuck me!” I sniggered, enjoying my husbands torment.

“But you wont be allowed to touch me or yourself!” I ordered, watching James squirm uncomfortably “My body will be his to do with as he wishes and you will only be a spectator, if you behave!”

James was nervously shaking, due to his obvious arousal and the humiliating discomfort I was inflicting upon him.

Regular readers will know that James and I have a very open and varied sex life, where James is quite the voyeur, which feeds my exhibitionist nature, but he is still very much the macho man and does not succumb to the archetypal cuckold subservient husband. To be truthful, I don’t really want my James like that, but I do enjoy my little taunting and humiliation moments and I know from his reaction they are a tremendous source of arousal to him.

“You clear everything away here babe, I’m off upstairs to prepare myself and get ready for some new cock!”

I turned on my five inch heels and left the kitchen. James was standing next to the dishwasher, his arms by his side, like a scolded schoolboy. If I wasn’t so horny in my chosen slut role, I’d have gone back and hugged him, he looked so endearing.

I walked up the staircase toward the bathroom, hearing James cluttering about the kitchen, cleaning and tidying as I instructed. I felt quite smug removing my clothes and turning the shower on, knowing my husband was obeying my instructions. As trivial as this was, it was arousing me.

I stepped in to the shower, the water running over my firm curvy body, shining my skin magnificently. I gently ran my palm over my shaved mound, inspecting if the area was in need of a shave. Tiny little fragments of stubble were beginning to assemble, so I took the razor and glided it over my mound, ensuring every piece of stubble was removed, leaving a clean, smooth almost glass like finish to my intimate area.

Once I was satisfied that my body was cleansed and ready for a new hard cock, I climbed out of the shower and towelled my body gently, absorbing every drop of water from ever increasing aroused body. I walked into my bedroom and quickly but expertly applied my slut make up. Smoky eyeshadow, thick mascara, ruby red lipstick with a shiny coating of lip gloss to emphasise my sluttiness.

Opening my lingerie drawer, I pulled out a very small, tight, soft PVC garter belt in shiny jet black. I placed the garter belt around my waist and fastened the hook and eye catch at the back. Next I took out a pair of seamed black fishnet stockings, drawing them up my legs and attached the slut items of clothing to the garter straps of the belt. The garter straps were digging in to the flesh of my firm curved ass, something that would surely bring me a colossal amount of male attention on the dance floor. I decided to go bra less and pantie free for the evening, which should expedite my cock hunt this evening. I decided to wear a very tight soft leather mini skirt with a skin-tight shiny black top, that hugs my breasts covering them like a second skin and showing them off to perfection. With the skirt and top in place I slid my stockinged fat inside a sensationally high pair of spiked heel shoes. They were black patent leather with pointy toes and a very sexy ankle strap, which conveniently tied with small silver bondage padlocks. I tousled my short blonde hair, giving it the just fucked look and looked at my full reflection in the mirror.

I was most definitely pleased with my slut look, now I needed a unit of measurement to see just how sexy and slutty my look was.

I walked downstairs into my Kitchen to find James sitting at the table. As I walked into the kitchen, my spiked heels clicking on the tiled floor, James stood up, his face flushed with his mouth open and said.

“Fucking Wow!”

Mission accomplished I thought.

“Babe you look fucking awesome!” James said, his eyes transfixed, drinking in every detail of my slut covered body.

Pleased with his reaction, I smiled and said.

“This is going to be great to dance in and rub up against some random cock, before I bring him home to disrobe me then fuck every hole he wants too!” I teased and tormented ‘And as I said if you behave I may just let you watch him do me!” James nodded his head obediently as I enthralled in my sexual power.

“If you don’t get to watch, you’ll definitely be able to hear me as I’m so fucking horny and desperate for a new big cock to play with!” I said looking at James stunned reaction.

“Call me in advance to let me know if I can watch!” James stammered nervously.

“I’ll call you, but you won’t be touching me or taking part!” I said sternly “You wont be touching yourself either! I may let you play with me when my new stud is satisfied and finished with me!”

James once again nodded subserviently.

“Come on, you can give me a lift to my pick up joint, you can watch from a distance if you like and then you can give me and my date a lift back here while he does things to me that are out of bounds to you!” I smiled picking up my handbag and heading for the front door.

James scooped up his car keys and bolted for the door.

Our net door neighbour was getting out of his car, watching my shiny black slut body climb into the car.

“Hi Suzi, looking as beautiful as ever!” he smiled.

Enjoying his compliment, I smiled.

“Thanks Arthur, I’m just off for a night of fun!” I said, punctuating the innuendo of phrase.

James climbed in the car, looked at my body and outfit and smiled leerily.

“Some lucky fucker is going to have the time of his life tonight!” he winked and started the engine.

“Just to let you know, that I think I’ll be fucking Arthur in the not too distant future!” I smiled, stroking James thigh.


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