Soccer Moms Ch. 05 by Heybuddy65,Heybuddy65

Soccer Moms — Part 5

[Author’s Notes: 1) there are underage characters in this story but they will neither have, see nor even hear any sexual activity; 2) this is a work of fiction and so certain aspects of this story involving youth soccer programs are not completely accurate but they advance the storyline. Please try to look past that to the more important aspects of the story; and 3) I’ve tried to catch spelling mistakes and have re-read all of these stories several times. But I am not a professional and I still might have missed some. You are forwarned.]

Carol had felt a little awkward when she woke up naked next to Jen. She quickly got in the shower and went down to breakfast. She had slept a little later than usual and there was not much time before they had to leave. She grabbed some bagels and some cream cheese packets and brought them up to the room. Jen was already in the shower. Carol knocked on the door.

“Come in.” Jen said. But Carol suddenly felt reluctant to do so.

“I just brought up some bagels and cream cheese so we could eat on the go. Do you want me to make one up for you?”

“Sure.” Jen said, a little disappointed that she would not get to see Carol looking at her naked. She was not usually an exhibitionist by nature, but she liked the way Carol looked at her. It was a little boost for her own ego to have someone look at her with such desire and not have it feel creepy.

The tournament went well the next day for the Blue Lightning. Both the 16 y.o. team and the 18 y.o. team won their respective tournament finals. And while there had not been a lot of scouts at the 16 y.o. games, there had been some. And certainly, the impression that the older girls made by winning their age group would be something for the scouts and college coaches to remember in the next year or two.

Carol was still feeling a bit lethargic when her and Katie got home. She let Katie do most of the recap for Paul and interjected her own comments about the header off Melanie’s free kick which Carol felt Katie was not doing justice to as it had been such a spectacular goal.

Carol had already told Paul about the yellow cards, although she had not mentioned any theories about why Katie may have been getting them. She did mention that she was glad Katie did not get any during this tournament and that there had been some college coaches and scouts who had watched some of the games and that at some point they had to consider that Katie might get recruited. That was certainly something to make the parents happy and proud.

Unfortunately for Paul, Carol still felt a bit tired. Paul had already heard about the unusual sleeping arrangements. Carol said she did not sleep well (which was not entirely, she slept great once she finally got around to sleeping) and so they just turned off the lights and went to sleep. Carol was tired, but before she did fall off to sleep, she realized that the reason Paul and her were not having sex that night was because she was too tired from what she and Jen had done the previous night. This realization troubled her and that night she really did not sleep well.

Carol woke up groggy and grumpy. Just one more thing in the column of costs that she added as she tried to do a cost benefit analysis of her “funtime” with Jen. Funtime was what she was calling it because she didn’t know what else to call it. She could not really define it. It certainly had all just started as some fun between friends, hence the name.

Carol had never really had a close friend growing up. She had teammates and classmates. There were kids in the neighborhood she hung around with after school. But her only real close friend had been Paul. He was also her only lover. But as he become Husband and Father and she had become Wife and Mother, some of that had faded into the background. Now with Jen she had the female friend she had never had and had always wanted so desperately in High School and College. She had supplanted Paul as her best friend, would she also replace him as lover?

Carol felt as if a sexual side of her she had never knew existed had suddenly come to life. Sex with Paul had never been better. However, there was another part of her that still really wanted things with Jen to keep going further. Afraid of what that part of her could do to her marriage, Carol thought about locking that part up tight and instead thought about what she would do that evening with Paul.

That night after Katie went to bed, Carol and Paul stayed up watching the television. Carol laid on the couch as usual, but Paul set up camp sitting on the floor in front of the couch. The last few weeks he had moved out of his easy chair to this place and even if the night did not lead to sex, there was physical contact. Paul would reach his arm out and stroke Carol’s legs. Carol would run her fingers through his hair. Sometimes they would hold hands. More than just an increase in sex, there was an increase in intimacy between them. Something that had been lacking for some time. Carol knew this was making the sex that much better for her and she thought it was the same for Paul. It was.

Wanting to make up for disappointing him last night, Carol sat up and straddled Paul’s shoulders with her legs, the back of Paul’s head nestled between her thighs. She massaged his neck and his shoulders as he reached out and started massaging her feet. Eventually, Paul pulled Carol’s one leg up and brought the foot to his mouth. Paul took her big toe into his mouth and sucked on it. While this type of contact was not unknown in their relationship, it was something that had not happened in a long time and was another example of the rekindled intimacy between them.

Paul moved on to her next toe and started running his tongue in between them. He kissed, licked and sucked her toes for several minutes and then released her foot and began pulling her other leg toward him. He repeated the same process with the other foot. Carol was just luxuriating in the feeling as she continued to massage his shoulders and neck.

Finally, Paul released Carol’s other foot and began to get up from in between her legs. She had expected him to get up and offer her his hand so they could continue this in their bedroom. Instead, Paul turned and crawled right back between her legs. As he reached out and grabbed a hold of her shorts and panties, Carol finally spoke emphatically but in a whisper. “Paul! No! Katie will hear us or she might even walk in on us!

He simply replied “No she won’t. If she’s not already asleep she is on her phone and too intent on that to hear us.”

“And what if she comes down to get water from the fridge?” Carol asked.

“We duck.” was all Paul replied. Carol did not seem convinced, but she now lifted her hips to help him get her shorts and panties off. She did feel she kind of “owed it” to Paul after saying no the previous evening. Besides, the possibility of being caught actually added a level of excitement to the whole process.

Paul’s tongue was like a meandering stream up her thigh. Stopping every few inches for a brief kiss or nibble. It was very pleasing, although she was a little bit distracted listening for sounds to make sure her daughter was not on her way down the stairs.


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