Soccer Moms Ch. 13 by Heybuddy65,Heybuddy65

Soccer Moms — Chapter 13

[Author’s Notes: 1) any underage characters in this will neither, have, see nor even hear any sexual activity; 2) this is a work of fiction and so certain aspects of this story relating to college soccer and online rendezvous are not completely accurate but they advance the storyline. Please try to look past that to the more important aspects of the story; and 3) there is a huge plot twist here. If you love it or hate it, I would rather you e-mail me directly so we can have a give and take rather than just a one-sided comment. And if you don’t like the writing, I understand. I am not Hemingway or Steinbeck. I know some people have hated it, but I liked it. And I shared it just in case anyone else likes it too.]

The next day as they began their car ride/mini vacation back home, Carol went on her phone to send the Friend Request to Jessica. Carol and Paul spent a lot of time driving over the next three days, taking in the sights along the way. However, the predominant topic of discussion was how well things how gone with Jessica and whether or not they wanted to continue on this journey. Both Carol and Paul agreed that they did.

As soon as Carol got home she saw that her friend request to Jessica had been accepted. A flurry of messages went back and forth between Carol and Jessica about how much fun they had had and how much they had come to enjoy each other’s company and how they definitely wanted to stay in touch.

From the first night of the drive home the sex between Carol and Paul had been electric. Paul had been really proud of the fact that he had cum three times that night. It made him feel virile and strong and it was showing in his love-making. It had not become animalistic or overpowering, but it was more assertive. He was thrusting harder and faster during intercourse. It just seemed to Carol to be an overall confidence in his sexual prowess that was upping his game. And she was happy at the change.

Carol had been concerned for a while that the exploration of her bisexuality was leaving Paul to feel as if he wasn’t a good enough lover for her. Carol did not feel that way and she had certainly conveyed to Paul how much she felt their sexual activities had improved during this time. She reminded him of how much they now did together that they had never done before or at least not in many years.

Carol and Paul set about to have their next adventure together. Carol was sure that Jessica was a stroke of luck. She doubted she would be able to connect with someone as quickly and easily as she did the young grad student. And while she wasn’t expecting that she would get along so well with everyone they would encounter, Carol did want there to be to something more than just sex.

However, the idea of asking one of their friends to have this experience was a little scary. While Carol was not ashamed about what they were doing, she still wanted to keep it as a private thing. Broaching the subject with the wrong person could lead to problems she just was not ready to deal with at this stage in their entry into this brave new world.

Both Carol and Paul had decided that they wanted this next step to be swapping with another couple. So they went back to the websites and began looking through the profiles to see if any couple piqued their interest.

One profile that really jumped out at her was William and Mandy Henderson. First, they lived in the next county over. Not so close that they would know the same people but close enough that get together would be easier to arrange.

The Hendersons had two children, a daughter the age of Carol and Paul’s middle daughter Brianna and a son who was a junior in college. Apparently, their daughter, Carla also played lacrosse for their local high school. It dawned on Carol that they had probably been on the same field a few times although they would have been on different sides. She imagined standing next to each other in line at the snack stand not realizing they might meet these many years in the future. It was serendipity.

Mandy was adorable. She had a round, pleasant face and short dark hair and deep blue eyes. She was short, Carol guessed about five foot (5′ 2″ in her stocking feet Mandy would tell her later). She probably weighed more than a Doctor would say was healthy, but Carol had had her own body image issues growing up and she certainly was not going to judge anyone else in the way she always felt she had been judged.

But in truth, the thing that most intrigued Carol was the size of William’s penis. It was very large. Porn star large. One of the profile pictures had been the couple standing on a beach, naked. William was not in any state of aroused, but even flaccid, his cock was long and thick. And Mandy was very short. Carol wondered how such a small woman could handle such a large member. So Carol sent an initial e-mail to start a conversation to see where things might lead.

Carol first reply was a phone call from Mandy. Initially Carol was very nervous when Mandy first introduced herself. The reality of where this phone call could be leading really hit home to Carol. However, when she had spent some time on the phone with Mandy, Carol felt very much at ease.

Mandy even mentioned how she had noticed that Brianna and Mandy’s daughter Carla must have been on opposing sides of some lacrosse games all those years ago and that Mandy and Carol may have run into each other with the girls playing lacrosse at competing schools. Carol mentioned her thoughts about the snack stand and Mandy said she had basically the same idea except hers was they maybe they had parked next to each other in the parking lot.

Eventually the conversation got around to why they were on the website looking for like-minded couples. For Mandy and Bill (Mandy said although they used his full name in the profile, he preferred to just be called Bill) they too were empty nesters and had begun swinging about two years ago.

Mandy recalled that she had never enjoyed sex so much as that first night with another couple. It had been the first man other than Bill that she had been with and it was the first time she had been intimate with a woman. That night had been a revelation and had changed her life forever. Even the sex with Bill was better after that night.

Mandy admitted that she had a bit of a weight issue and had never felt sexy. But that night having these veritable strangers want to be with her and desiring her, it made her feel sexy. Over the almost two years since that night, she had made some efforts at more exercise and she no longer felt worried or inhibited by her body and she was free to enjoy herself and have others enjoy her. And she was free to enjoy others as well.

Carol had been bigger than most girls. But she was an athlete and carried it well. And she loved playing soccer so she never minded that her body was how it was. She saw the Cheerleaders and she saw the boys chase after the cheerleaders. When no one chased after her, that hadn’t felt good. But she was who she was and if being able to play soccer meant that the boys would chase the cheerleader and not her, then so be it. “In fact, the boys probably wouldn’t be able to catch me because I’m faster than them.” she often thought when she was younger.


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