Splashing Around by InfatuatedDuckling,InfatuatedDuckling

The school year ended and I felt like absolute garbage. I was 18 years old and I was doing fucking nothing with my life. Roxanne the loser, I called myself. I had no boyfriend, had no hobby besides watching stupid TV shows, and couldn’t get myself to be active, even taking a walk seemed like a chore to me. All of this seemed strange, as I used to mess around with boys, I had been a part of a theater group for years, and I got fit practicing soccer for half a decade. Somehow, all of the motivation I had in the past just… disappeared. Was that what they called depression? I didn’t feel like committing suicide or anything, so I doubted it was that.

I talked about my issues with Sophie, my best friend (and only one, as the others slowly drifted away from my life). She had her own issues, but still she did her best to cheer me up. She told me it was just a bad pass I was going through, that everything would go better. She encouraged me to join a new theater troupe, or to try out some new sport. She told me she recently started jogging and it made her feel great. I said I would think about it. I knew I could run, because of the years of soccer, but it seemed like something lame to do.

The first week of summer went by, both slowly and quickly. I watched TV, masturbated, played boring video games, unsuccessfully tried to complete crosswords and browsed dating apps aimlessly. I started to eat more, but stopped immediately, as I still wanted to look good in vain hope a boy would notice me. But maybe that was it? I was supposed to work out, so that I looked even better?

I wasn’t convinced it would work. My body was already nice. I was kinda short, with a flat stomach, 34B tits, a round ass. The problem was rather my face. A square jaw. A pointed nose. Pimples. No amount of sport would correct that sad face. I had tried using creams and stuff, but it barely helped. I phoned Sophie again, hoping she would have some advice. Instead, she just talked and talked about her life. She told me she had gone to the beach, where she had flirted this hot boy she was now dating.

“I think he first noticed me because I was in my bikini and my cleavage was showing”, she said. “It made him want to talk to me and we immediately felt a connection. I might let him fuck me soon.”

At the end of the conversation, I felt more depressed than I did before. Of course my friend would get noticed by boys. She was busty, and hot in every way. She showed off in public and boom! boys were attracted like flies by honey. If I also posed half naked in public, it wouldn’t have the same effect, would it?

Well, there was only one way to know. Sure, I was not going to spend money to travel to the beach, but there was a public pool a few kilometers from my home. Mustering my courage, I drove there alone. I didn’t want my family around to see me try to flirt, nor Sophie who would have stolen all the glances.

I changed quickly in the girls’ locker room, shivering as I was second guessing myself. I was a fucking virgin who sucked at talking to boys, so why the fuck was I doing trying to match in public with a random dude? That was so not like me. I would screw this over.

I put on my revealing bikini and brushed off the negative thoughts. Today would be an amazing day, I just knew it. I left my clothes in a locker and brought only my towel and a small bag (containing sunglasses and my phone) with me. I walked carefully on the slippery floor towards the swimming pool. The pool (an indoor one) was fairly large and attracted many people of every age each day. I lay my towel on an unoccupied corner, as far from anyone as possible. Then, I realised I was stupid, because my goal was to meet people, young men. Oh, God…

I still stuck to my decision and lay there with my phone between my hands. I must have looked like such a loser, but I needed time before I threw myself in the water in the middle of all the people. I mindlessly looked at memes on Reddit until some kid ran by and accidentally splashed me. “Hey!” I said, offended. The kid ran off, not even noticing me. Parents had to do better jobs watching their children, I swore.

I put my phone back into my bag before it would get soaked and break. It was now time to get wet, wasn’t it? I tiptoed to the edge of the swimming pool, my arms tightly crossed around my chest. I put a first toe in the water an shivered. I was so damn sensitive to cold, the temperature wasn’t even that bad. I took a deep breath and jump in the pool with a big splash. I almost scream because I was cold, but this feeling didn’t last long. Soon, I got accustomed to the temperature and let my arms at rest.

I shyly looked around me. There were so many people today! It was very hot outside, so it wasn’t really a surprise, but still… I was shocked. How would I find some hot dude in there? Even worse, how would some hot dude come to me? I saw a couple girls around me, many with far for greater tits and asses than mine. Some were already talking to tall guys in bare chest. They looked so good, yet they didn’t care about my existence…

I walked into the pool, swam a little. I had to pretend I was enjoying my day, right? Acting like I was just innocently swimming for good fun’s sake. That was miserable, but what did I expect? Immediate sex? What a dumb bitch I was.

After maybe an hour of cooking in the pool, I got really bored. I saw guys, yes, but dared approach none. Maybe I hadn’t tried enough to show off my cleavage and my flat stomach. Maybe I didn’t talk enough (but I had no one to talk to!).

I was ready to get back to my towel to dry off and forget about my miserable day, but was stopped at the ladder to get out because two guys were just sitting there, right in the way of everyone. I was about to tell them to make way when I noticed how hot they were. Both tall and athletic, with chiseled abs and killer smiles. Their swimsuit both had the imprint of a roaring blue dragon, which represented my school’s football team. I didn’t know those guys, but they seemed a year or two older than I was, which explained why. They were casually talking to each other, oblivious to the fact they were blocking the way for everyone. I was looking for words when finally one of them noticed me.

“Hey girl, what you staring at?” asked the guy with dark hair, smiling exaggeratedly.

I paused, trying to sound as confident at possible. “I was about to leave the pool, but you two are in my way. Could you let a cute girl pass?”

“Oh, we’re sorry that we’re blocking you,” said the second guy, who had lighter hair. “My name is Anthony, and this is Fred. We’re both football players and we’re used to block everyone who tries to get passed us.”

Fred giggled at the joke. I didn’t think it was that funny, but I remembered I should be trying to seduce one of them, so I also let out an awkward laugh.

“A young girl like you should not go swimming all by herself,” said Fred with a grin. “You should be with your friends, having fun.”

“Sometimes I like to be by myself, but you’re right, a little company wouldn’t hurt me much,” I answered.


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