Splashing Around by InfatuatedDuckling,InfatuatedDuckling

Where I found the courage to speak all sassy like that, I had no idea, but the two guys jumped in the water with me. Anthony stood on my right, Fred on my left, both towering almost a foot above me. I felt small and powerless. What had I done? My fears didn’t last for long, though, as we got to know each other better and talked about our lives. I might have invented a thing or two, as I didn’t want to sound too boring. They didn’t notice the lies, as they were talking a lot more than they were listening anyway, boasting about all their football prowesses and achievements. I nodded at every comment with half-faked enthusiasm, desperate for some more attention.

I couldn’t really concentrate, though, as Fred was recounting his last touchdown the week before, winning the match for his team. “It was luck,” said Anthony. For some reason, I laughed, but really I was just looking at the two boys’ pecs. I felt like I could reasonably fuck one of them by the end of the day.

At some point, by strolling innocently in the swimming pool, we ended up in a corner and we stopped there. I was in the middle, with Fred still on my left, and Anthony on my right. I couldn’t move. I was caught in a dead end. They had me cornered. But they still nonchalently talked about school and sports.

“Hey Fred, you remember that time when Jessica showed us her panties after we won a game?” suddenly said Anthony.

“How could I forget?” replied Fred. “It was so hot. But what about it?”

“Well, it’s just that seeing Roxanne in her tiny swimsuit made me think about that.”

I felt my cheeks burn at these words, but I knew it was meant to be a compliment. I searched for an answer, but nothing came to mind. What words could seduce young men like them? I never hung out with popular athletes before…

All of a sudden, it was Anthony who made the first move. He put his big hand on my shoulder and caressed it slowly. “Hey, I hope you don’t mind me showing some affection,” he said with a large smile. “I ain’t doing anything wrong, anyway.”

I said nothing and let him continue. Fred soon joined his friend by putting his strong arm around my tiny waist. Heat rose in my stomach. I was speechless, but acted as if everything was cool. Did both of them really wanted me? That was much more than I had hoped for! I put my hands on each of their muscular backs. They got closer, their pecs almost touching my face. I… I needed space to breath.

Slowly, their hands moved on my body. Fingers ran across my arms, my back, my belly, my legs. Fred was the first to caress my ass, than to grab it. It got me aroused immediately, but I pretended it didn’t affect me much. I wanted them to go further, to be more courageous.

Than Anthony did just that. He lowered his head and lay a hot kiss on my neck. It tickled. But what tickled even more is the hand that was stroking my thighs, going higher with each passing second. Soon, it went under my swimsuit and, for the first time ever, a boy touched my pussy. I squirmed under the pressure, but opened my legs for more. The fingers brushed against my pussy and I moaned slightly.

As I moaned, I quickly remembered where I was and shut up. I was in the middle of a public indoor swimming pool, and there were people everywhere around us. It was no time for sexy fondling! But the boys didn’t care. Their strong hands continued to touch me everywhere, especially on my thighs and pussy as they were hidden below the surface.

It was Anthony who inserted a finger first. I gasp at this new feeling tingling inside me. I bit my lower lip so I wouldn’t moan as I was slowly finger fucked my some hot dude at the pool. So far, I enjoyed my first sexual experience. However, I was not near done. “Hey, while we’re giving you some attention, why don’t you give some back to us, uh?” asked Fred.

I knew immediately what he meant, though it scared me to do it, especially in public. But underwater, who would see a damn thing? I took a deep breath and slowly reached with each of my hands to grab the two boys’ swimming suit. I feared, at first, I had grabbed the wrong body parts, as they were too large for what it was supposed to be, but no – both of them were just that huge. My hands entered their suits and my fingers ran around their hard rock pricks. They were so large my fingers couldn’t reach around. I had seen big dicks in porn, but would have never imagined that such monsters would exist in real life.

I slowly stroke both of them at the same time, my heart thumping heavily in my chest. I was glad I couldn’t see their dicks, as I would probably have fainted. Anthony then inserted a second finger in my pussy, stretching it in a way I had not known before. As he went faster and faster, I had to try really hard not to scream in delight in front of everyone and I mechanically started to strike them faster too.

With hands all over my body, fingers foraging my pussy and enormous dicks in my hands, tears came to my eyes and my body explode in a devastating orgasm. I lost ground with reality for a few seconds. When I came back, I saw that the water around the three of us seemed… whiter. The two boys’ dicks were now flaccid in my hands, though still huge.

“Woah, that was hot,” said Anthony. “I wish I could have more.”

“Yeah, I wish I could have sex with this girl, but damn… I have to get back to the locker room,” said Fred.

Both of them got effortlessly out of the pool without using stairs or a ladder and quickly disappeared. I stood agaze, alone and wet in so many ways. Surely, they meant for me to follow them, right? It couldn’t just end there, so suddenly. I located the nearest exit to the pool. I thought about picking up my towel and my bag, but I was horny and had no time to spare. I darted to the boys’ locker room and didn’t care how many men would see me in there. Luckily, there were only a few. I quickly spotted Fred and Anthony and I followed them in a shower stall. They closed the door behind me and proceeded to waste no time.

The stall was by no mean small, but between the two giants that towered me, it felt like I was being squished in the middle of the room. The three of us were still drenched, our bodies glistening from the droplets. Fred forcefully grabbed both my cheeks with one hand and kissed me with brute passion, crushing his lips against mine, almost hurting me, but not quite. His tongue dug into my mouth with undeniable hunger. He was controlling the kiss and I could do nothing but enjoy. In the meanwhile, Anthony was kneading my ass with one hand and fingering my pussy with the other. His mouth was giving kisses on my neck and shoulders. I had never felt such proximity before. Every inch of my body was taken care of at the same time.

I think that Fred was trying to suck the soul out of my buddy. He sucked hard on my tongue, devouring my mouth like a hungry animal. I, also, was thirsty for his lips and tongue and tried to reciprocate his passion. When he broke the kiss, saliva was dripping on both our chins. Then, as he looked me dead in the eye, Fred, removed his bathing suit and revealed to me his imposing monster of flesh. It had to be at least ten inches long. He put his hands on my shoulders and forced me on my knees. “Suck me,” he said with burning desire.


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