Summer of Lost Innocence

It was getting to the end of summer, long hot days spent outdoors; fall would be here soon with a crispness in the air and shorter days.

Bob and his buds, Bubba and Jake the Snake had been down by the hill working on Bubba’s old truck. Seems like every kid in the town was there; kids of all ages on skateboards, bicycles and in-line skates. School would be starting back soon and it was like everyone was trying to squeeze the last of the summer out. Bob and his friends would be going to the local junior college and while they were excited to finally be getting out of high school, they were scared shitless though no one would admit it. They were finally 18 years old and didn’t have a clue what they wanted to do with their lives. But the did know they wanted to go off to college no longer virgins.

This day was hotter than hell. Probably no hotter than any other day but it certainly felt like it. Bob and his friends watched the girls in halter tops, some with the beginnings of breasts showing, little bumps under material that left nothing to the imagination, some girls who were fully developed with large breasts bouncing and swaying as they traversed the hill and rode down the bumpy terrain. It was a voyeur’s dream. Titties bouncing everywhere. There were plenty of girls there from Bob and his friends graduating class, laying out in tiny bathing suits on blankets in the grass. It was the source of constant hard ons.

One such girl, Jean, always caught their eye. Jean was actually Bob’s cousin on his mother’s side though most people didn’t know this. Jean was a red head, a year or two older than Bob and was home from college for the summer and was fully developed with large, milky white breasts. Or at least Bob imagined them to be milky white; he had never actually seen them but he had fantasized about them often. Jean would sometimes come spend the night with Bob’s older sister, Sharon. Bob would get little sleep on those nights, thinking and jerking off to thoughts of Jean and Sharon sharing a bed together. Typical horny boy bullshit. This had been going on since Bob was about 13. Once Sharon caught Bob trying to catch a peek of Jean as she was getting in the shower. Sharon had threatened to tell their mother and made Bob give her $5.00 to keep quiet.

On this particular day, as Bob and his friends were leaving the hill in search of something cold to drink and maybe a trip to Miller’s Lake for a quick dip, Jean came up along side of Bob as they were loading their tools back jn Bubba’s piece of shit truck and starting talking to him. Bob thinks he responded back but wasn’t real sure and if he did, he wasn’t real sure he spoke back in English. It coulda been pig-latin for all he knew. The blood rushed to his head, well, both heads actually and he felt weak in his knees. Jean talked and Bob just nodded his head like an idiot. Before he knew it, he, Bubba and Jake the Snake were following behind Jean as she veered off the dirt road and down a well worn trail that led out into Johnson’s woods. Who needed a truck when you could follow this beautiful girl?

Shortly they came to this old cabin of sorts that was now used as storage for old lawn equipment owned by the County. The kind of place old lawn equipment went to die. Seldom did anyone come out here except to dump more broken equipment and occasionally someone came to weed eat around the building. It used to be a place where kids came at night to drink beer and smoke weed but after the Sheriff’s Office beefed up patrols in the area, the kids moved on to a new locale.

Jean went around the back of the building and within seconds it seemed like, was in the building and opening the door to let them in. They all trailed in single file like good little soldiers. After a few minutes of standing around and staring at the floor, Jean reached up and untied the bow at the back of her neck, allowing the fabric of her halter top to fall away, revealing the largest and palest tits the boys had ever seen. Not that they had really seen any in person. They’d seen plenty in magazines and of course they had watched hours of porn, but had never seen them in person other than quick peeks of their sisters or mother’s. They were huge, palest of white with light blue veins, translucent-like, with the palest, softest of pink nipples and large areolas. There was a collective intake of breaths. Jean had a shit eating grin on her face, she knew exactly what she doing and she was enjoying herself immensely. The boys thought they had died and gone to heaven. Jean reached up and ran both hands over and down her tits and then stopped and grabbed her nipples and gently tugged. Bob almost came in his jeans.

Jean slowly unbuttoned her shorts and let them slide down over her wide hips. She stood there in her bright pink bikini panties with those glorious tits bobbing in the air like some type of gravity defying orbs. She would slowly stroke them and play with her nipples. Bob couldn’t hear from the blood rushing through his head. Bubba and Jake the Snake were so quiet you could hear a mouse fart. Bob looked over and both boys had their cocks out of their pants rubbing and pulling on them.

Jean walked over to Bob and leaned in a kissed him full on the mouth. Bob had never kissed anyone other than his mother and his ancient old Aunt Emily and that was just on the holidays. He didn’t count the fumbling make out session he had with Maribeth Murphy at the Homecoming game last year. He came home with a huge cut on his lip from her braces and it was totally unsatisfactory. This was nothing like Aunt Emily with her parched dry lips. Jean’s lips were full and soft and her breath smelled slightly like Juicy Fruit gum. She kissed him slow and gently and at the same time she reached down and unbuttoned Bob’s jeans. How’d she do that without him knowing was all Bob could think. She pulled his jeans down and slowly got down on both knees, and before you knew it, she had Bob’s hard cock pulled out of his Fruit of the Looms. All Bob could think was please don’t let me cum just yet. Over and over. Like a mantra.

Jean rubbed Bob’s hard cock up and down, spreading Bob’s precum over the head and then looking up in Bob’s face with her big green eyes, slowly put Bob’s cock in her mouth. Running her tongue up and and down and licking the very tip. Bob nearly passed out. The other two boys started rubbing and pulling harder and were practically hyperventilating.

Jean continued to suck and lick on Bob’s hard cock; Bob was scared to breathe much less move but when Jean reached up and cupped his balls and gave them a little squeeze, Bob came alive. He began to thrust back and forth forcing his cock deeper into Jean’s mouth and throat. He put his hands on the back of Jean’s head to help guide his cock towards his intended target. Jean was there every step of the way, taking it all in and sucking to beat the band. Just as Bob thought he couldnt take it anymore, Jean reached up between Bob’s ass cheeks and rubbed his asshole lightly. Bob exploded like a roman candle on the 4th of July. Jean gave him the brightest smile as she wiped her cheek and chin. Bob couldn’t wipe his smile off his face.

It was the best summer ever.


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