Surreptitious Love Ch. 168

An adult stories – Surreptitious Love Ch. 168 by BenGarland,BenGarland Chapter 168 – Hot Quynh, Hot Springs

Last week, Mira and I had met Quynh and Emily at the old empty hotel, so that the latter could draw ideas for a new tattoo on my young Filipina colleague’s naked skin. It had been clear from the get-go, though, that we would split into two pairs: Emily and Mira, of course, which would leave Quynh and me free to explore each other’s bodies and desires. As I had thought of Quynh as inexperienced and a bit finicky, we had decided to leave the other two alone and go upstairs to the cozy maid’s chamber on the six floor.

The way I had met Emily’s gorgeous young girlfriend Quynh was slightly bizarre: Mira and I had been at the only semi-furnished room at the old empty Art Deco hotel, naked on the bed, when Emily and Quynh had suddenly surprised us. After ten or fifteen awkward minutes, however, Emily had begun to disrobe, which had led to quite a bash in the end, during which I had come on Quynh’s naked bosom and later engaged in intercrural sex with her while, luckily, Mira and Emily had quickly developed the hots for each other.

Last week, Quynh had admitted that her finicky behavior had just been an act, however, as she didn’t want her girlfriend Emily to know that the handsome guy at work – who had rejected Emily several times – was in fact Quynh’s boyfriend. In other words, Quynh was actually quite experienced, and as soon as we had entered the chamber under the roof, she had nonchalantly undressed and offered herself. Later, we had done it again downstairs on the old wooden bench on the fourth floor, before she even admitted that she had rich sexual fantasies, which she was now hoping to explore with my help.

Quynh was feeling a bit guilty about leading Emily on but, at least, the latter had gotten a lesbian affair with striking Quynh out of the rejection by that young hot dude at work – who Quynh had broken up with, though, after it turned out he had an affair. Apart from this, I didn’t know much about Quynh, but that was supposed to change this week, as we were slated to meet again with Mira and Emily. The latter two would, of course, work on their tattoo project, while Quynh and I would go upstairs again to continue our sensual relationship and perhaps hammer out a plan for the lewd fantasies in her mind.

Alas, of course, there was a hitch again: Now, Quynh felt queasy about everything, as Emily was a ‘prankster’, she said, who might surreptitiously try to watch us having sex:

“Ben, she’ll sneak around… I already know it… this week, she asked me like ten times how far we’ve gone the last time we met… I just know her too well…”

“I’d find that hot, actually…” I quipped, but then Quynh replied:

“But I don’t… you know what we talked about the last time…”

Well, that was backdoor sex, and she was right; perhaps we didn’t need spectators for such a delicate project. But when I told her that I would talk to Emily to leave us alone, Quynh wasn’t convinced, saying that Emily might still try to sneak around the hotel, trying to spy on us. ‘No, we need to be alone,’ she wrote back firmly.

Mira had her own voyeuristic tendencies, too, so the two of them might really set up some sort of trap, which I truly didn’t want for Quynh, even though I kinda liked such shenanigans. But then, Quynh and I had just met and were on our way to true intimacy. I was convinced that, eventually, Emily would be able to watch her gorgeous girlfriend Quynh have sex, during another orgy, but she had to be patient, I agreed. But now what?!

Well, I could ask my long-term affair Nguyet for the keys to the small, charming guesthouse that was located west of the old hotel, near the river, but then I had a much better, outright glorious idea: Nguyet had mentioned, during our last bash with Mira, that she still had two vouchers for the thermal springs west of town, toward the mountains, which would soon expire, anyway. It would be kind of a waste to drive out there just the two of us, as those private pool enclosures offered space and amenities for six or eight people, but there, we could be truly undisturbed, while the warm water would also soften Quynh’s perfect sphincter. When I asked Quynh if that would be an option, she was instantly hooked, as she had never swum naked or had sex outdoors.

Since Nguyet was still in the marriage market and had just met some guy again, she didn’t even ask if she could join us but just handed me the two vouchers, which she had kept in her desk, like she had already expected me to show up to claim them. Quynh asked if she needed a bikini or bathing suit – neither of which she owned – but I only told her to just sport a light summer dress, as we would undress pretty much as soon as we entered the private Onsen and then frolic around like Adam and Eve, who Quynh perhaps didn’t know, though. Anyway, as there was a small restaurant at the hot springs, we agreed that we would meet at the parking lot of a large supermarket in town, where she could leave her motorcycle and then ride out west with me.

Mira wasn’t sore that we wanted to disconnect from her this week, but Emily seemed cross, as she wanted to finally watch her girlfriend fuck. Well, perhaps we needed to take them the following week to also make use of the other voucher, before it would expire. But, of course, Quynh was right that this week, we needed to be alone, although she expressed her disappointment that my young buddy Charlie wasn’t back in town yet, who she had met when he was having a brief affair with Emily last September. One of Quynh’s fantasies was to, eventually, have sex with multiple men – and Charlie was our first choice, as she knew and liked him. But when I offered to tag her ex, Thuan – the one who had rejected Emily – along, as I was keen on meeting the handsome chap, she only scoffed:

“Ben, you have no idea what he did! I don’t want to see him ever again!” she added firmly on the day before we would go.

Oops, that had escalated quickly. What had happened?! At least, she confirmed two hours later that we were set to go; perhaps, she wanted to indirectly retaliate by offering me her fine sphincter, while lolling around at the hot springs, stark naked. And so, we met at said parking lot, just the two of us. Years ago, I had met Tuyet here once, from where we had driven out in the countryside to an older, empty yellow house with blue shutters that belonged to someone in her family. Our affair, which lasted two summers, was perhaps still the most rousing and most satisfying of all my sexual encounters. As far as I knew, Tuyet was engaged now and living in Saigon, as Ho Chi Minh City was often called here in Vietnam.

“Oh, I forgot … did you bring any lube?” I asked her, before we would take off.

“Shoot… no…” she replied, as she was getting on the back of my Honda.

We briefly thought about buying some, but the only store we knew was in the opposite direction, and so we decided to just go ahead and play it by ear:

“You got nicely wet last week, anyway…” I reminded her, smiling.

“Yeah, it’ll be okay… and we don’t have to try anal today… it’ll happen when we’re ready… we’ll see…”

I liked her pragmatic stance, like so many other things about her: her Prince Valiant hairdo, smooth skin, long legs and hands, as well as her large, floating breasts and her dense pitch-black bush. And her perfect butt with its perfect escutcheon up there above her – also quite large – pussy. Was she wearing her nano-black panties again today? Quynh also had an interesting and more than pleasant personality: not neurotic or obsessed with sex, just healthily curious and relaxed. The best thing was, however, that she seemed to have fallen out of time; she didn’t completely fit in our modern world. She was studious and rarely used her phone in my presence. She just did her thing and expressed herself in a ravishing sense of fashion.

I also liked – I mused, as we were driving along – that she had chosen to do a vocational training right after high school, even though she could have prolonged her education and attended university. But that would have cost money; instead, she was already earning her keep. With her unusual haircut and her intriguing clothes, she seemed a bit mysterious at points, as she also let her eyes wander a lot, like she was incredibly curious. Or just nervous. I also wondered why her English was so good. Anyway, it seemed that we had met at a very apt moment: She had discovered and gotten used to sex, but then her boyfriend did something despicable. If Thuan was still banging her eight times a week, she perhaps would not have joined me at the hotel the previous week. Or sat down on my motorcycle twenty minutes earlier to go to a private enclosure at the thermal springs with me. To have her young lovely anus penetrated, perhaps.

Today, Quynh was sporting a light blue blouse with hundreds of little red flowers, which she had combined with an orange miniskirt. The styles mismatched somewhat, as the skirt was decidedly modern, while the blouse had a ribbon over the chest and puff sleeves. Her feet stuck in somewhat old-fashioned beige shoes, which were kinda round in the front. But, of course, she looked lovely and enticing, especially her long, slim legs, which I kept looking at if traffic allowed. Just like Mira, Quynh had put her cheek against my shoulder once it had become too loud to talk, and so we were nearing paradise, where we would frolic naked, perhaps pee onto each other, and – definitely – fuck.

She told me on the way that she had shelled out the money for a bikini, as it had been cheap and she wanted to know what I felt like to be outside in underwear, basically, and feel the elements on her skin. Here, in provincial Vietnam, girls still went swimming in shorts and T-shirt; only Instagram chicks would sport bikinis or bathing suits in public. When we pulled into the parking lot, we immediately saw that there were very few guests, which wasn’t too surprising, though, on a regular Wednesday morning. When I showed the lady at the ticket booth my vouchers, I almost expected something to go wrong, but no: she didn’t bat an eyelid and even gave us three coupons for sparkling wine.

Perhaps she assumed that friends would join us, as it was highly unusual that a couple went into a private Onsen just by themselves. Hungry as we were, we sat down to order food and have a beer or two, before we would go to the other end of the property, where there were four separate private pools that were surrounded by tall wooden fences. Quynh was lolling comfortably in her wicker chair – looking at her phone, for once – but then then waiter came back to tell her that the dish she wanted was out. In his black-and-white striped shirt, he looked like an ice-hockey referee, and I remembered that Hoang had worn the same kind of top the day I had met him here with Thanh.

Yes, just yesterday, Quynh had seemed super-cross about her ex, but today was pay-back time. I admired her long straight arms and light skin, but when she stuffed her phone inside her backpack, I knew she wanted to talk, rather. So, I asked her what crime exactly Thuan had committed, but she only laughed a tad sarcastically and told me to be patient:

“Let’s eat, first, and then look around… I’ll tell you later…”

“Have you been here before?” I asked her, which was a bit silly, as she would have mentioned that already.

So, she only shook her Prince Valiant head but then told me that she had heard about it, of course.

“I think it’s my fifth time here today…” I calculated in my head, as she was open and honest.

I proceeded to mention that her colleagues Nguyet and Thuy had been with me, twice. Which wasn’t quite true: Nguyet and I had partied here three times already, while Thuy had only been here once; on the fateful day I fell in love with her sphincter. I didn’t go into the details of what had happened here, but Quynh probably had a rough idea already, as she had seen me with Emily and Mira naked on the bed the day we had met. I thought about mentioning that Charlie had banged his biological aunt here once but refrained. Of course. Quynh didn’t need to know that. At least, not at this point.

“Yeah, Emily’s told me that you… know Mrs. Nguyet and Mrs. Thuy…” Quynh remarked, blushing.

I just nodded, as the food had arrived. I opened another beer and put more ice in our glasses, but then Quynh continued:

“Interesting, beautiful woman…”

When the waiter had disappeared, I asked her who she meant: Nguyet or Thuy?

“Well, Mrs. Nguyet… she also seems incredibly competent… I don’t see her a lot, though…”

“You could see her more often soon,” I quipped, alluding to my long-term affair Nguyet’s sexual prowess and her leaning to have sex with both, men and women, at the same time.

Quynh didn’t respond; perhaps, as she was more interested in sex with multiple men, as she had told me the previous week. She hadn’t mentioned that she wanted any other woman to be present.

“Her English… Mrs. Nguyet’s, I mean, is also excellent…” I remarked to build a bridge to my next question.

“How come your English is so good?” I asked and cracked the last of the three beers open we had here.

“I don’t know… I’ve always been interested in learning languages… and I was at a great high school… the one by the hospital…”

I had lots of students from that place; and Tina, Tuyet, Vu, Thanh and Hoang had also studied there. And, fifteen years ago, also Nguyet.

“Oh, I thought you were from a small village…”

“Well, I am… but we lived in town for almost ten years… we just moved back to my grandparents’ property and built a house there, when I had finished school… after my dad left us…”

“Oh… do you have siblings?”

“Yes, a sister… but she goes to the school in our village… she doesn’t care much for languages… but she’s really good at chemistry… and math…” Quynh added, like she didn’t want me to think that her sister wasn’t smart enough to go to the high school for gifted students that Quynh herself had attended.

“How old is she?” I was curious, of course.

“Just turned 18,” Quynh giggled, as she had perhaps read my mind. “She’s super-beautiful… and quite a bit taller than me…”

Nice, I thought to myself, but didn’t want to ask more right away. Instead, I tried to put on a neutral expression and lit a ciggy, as we were done eating. We asked for the bill and decided not to take any more beverages, as three bottles of Prosecco seemed plenty, especially as there would be water in the fridge as well, as the boy had told us. When Quynh went to the bathroom, I briefly thought she could have saved it for later, but then: We didn’t want to rush back there, undress, and piss onto each other. That had to develop naturally, over time; the beers we had already had and the three bottles of sparkling wine would certainly help.

I wondered briefly if I should offer her a cigarette; flapper that she was. But then, I didn’t want to tempt her and just paid the bill. After we got up, I grabbed her hand, and so we sauntered back to our private Onsen, which was number 4 today. I had never been there, but since they remembered me, they didn’t send a waiter with us. Everything looked nicely kept, unlike the last time we had been here. To get the question about her menstrual cycle out of the way, I asked her when we had reached the gate:

“I’m taking the pill, actually,” she stated matter-of-factly. “I only have a very light period now… I just had it last weekend.”

I almost replied that that was a shame, but refrained again. She didn’t need to know about my proclivity for period sex at this point. But it was highly unusual for such a very young woman to be on the pill. When I asked her about it, Quynh told me:

“Well, yeah, but my mother recommended it; once, she knew that Thuan and I…”

After I had closed the gate behind us, Quynh sighed and said how surprised she was:

“Ben, this is so…” she gasped.

“I knew you’d like it…” I smiled and took her hand again.

We sauntered down towards the bubbling pool, looking around: The paths were neatly kept between the lawn sections, and even though this particular private bath was the smallest I had been to here, it was perhaps the most beautiful, as it had a bunch of old trees. Across the pool, on a little hill, was the standard bungalow with two entrances, left and right, between which were about ten or twelve horizontal boards, behind which, in the room, one could make out the bed. We could hear a few birds chirping, and the rustling of the leaves and palm fronds gave the place a bucolic, almost paradise-like feel.

We slipped out of our shoes at the pool and Quynh dipped her toes in, before we went to the bungalow to put her bag down and open the first bottle. Standing next to the bed, I noticed a pile of brightly-colored mats near the outdoor shower. The fence was high but as neatly put together as the natural stones were down at the edge of the pool. Yes, we would be undisturbed now and could give in to our proclivities, inclinations, and desires. With impunity. Like Adam and Eve.

We took two glasses and the bottle and sat down in the Adirondack chairs outside, after I had turned them towards, but then placed them next to each other, so that I could caress her legs, while we would chat and warm up. As low as the chairs were, I caught a glimpse of her red bikini panties, including her pussy boat-hull, but now she crossed her legs, so that we could talk a bit, first.

We clinked our glasses, and I asked her if she wanted me to call her Quynh or Sally, which had been the name she had given us the day we had met.

“Either way… ‘Sally’ is just the name I had at that English center…”

“Oh, you went to one of those, too?”

Quynh nodded but then asked if students at our private English school had to pick an English name, too.

“Yes… but I don’t really like it… I think the foreign teachers should make an effort to learn the students’ real names, rather…” I confessed.

But Quynh only shrugged shoulders and said: “It’ not a big deal… I think the kids actually enjoy it…”

She untied her legs and stretched them out next to my right side. I instantly began to caress her warm, firm flesh with my right hand and lit another ciggy, before I got up again to go to the fridge for more Prosecco.

“This stuff is good…” she rejoiced, licking her lips. “It doesn’t taste like there’s any alcohol in it,” she giggled, seeming almost tipsy already.

Kinda unmitigated, she suddenly took off her blouse and skirt to present me her stunning slim body in her new, very first red bikini. Oh, yes, that was the ticket, even though that light red wasn’t really her color. Of course, I didn’t complain but just enjoyed her dazzling slender body with its ample, floating breasts. I couldn’t make out her nipples but noticed the waves of her pubic mound under the fabric of her panties. But there were no hairs sticking out, like she had carefully tucked everything away when she had been to the restroom thirty minutes ago.

“Ben, it’s so nice to feel the wind on my skin…” she was beaming. “But now that I have a bikini, I gotta learn how to swim…” she chuckled.

“Well, we could start today,” I offered, even though the pool was too small for that. “But we could drive the other direction, to the ocean, next week… although it’ll be scorching hot soon, in a few weeks…”

From May to August, we often had around 100 degrees. I took another sip of my wine and thought of Tuyet, Tina, and Anna, who I had been to the beach with to teach them how to swim. Which, of course, had in each case escalated nicely into a ribald rumpus.

“I also know a small hotel nearby…” I thus added.

Yes, many Vietnamese weren’t able to swim; partially, as there was this superstition that once people knew it, they would swim too far out and get themselves into perilous situations. Quynh nodded but also reminded me that she already liked it here at the hot springs so much that she wanted to use the second voucher the following week. I noticed that it was silly to be sitting here fully dressed, and so I got up and relieved myself of my pants, before I grabbed the second bottle of sparkling wine from the fridge, inside the bungalow.

Yes, knowing what would eventually happen today kinda prevented the development of solid erotic tension. And so, I just went back inside to grab a towel, on which I would sit now, after I had gotten completely naked. Standing next to the chair, however, I changed my mind and asked Quynh if she didn’t want to go down to the pool. As soon as we had arrived, I slid in and let the tepid water wash all over my balls and body; partially to show her that the water wasn’t deep near the edge. We could hear different birds chirping, and the bubbling and frothing of the water had, together with the rustling of the palm fronds, an incredibly calming effect.

“You didn’t even bring swimming trunks?! Do you own a pair?” she asked, giggling.

“I do… but it’s so much nicer, naked…” I laughed and dived down to the opening in the floor, where the water was shooting out.

I frolicked a bit more by myself but then invited her to join me, when I popped back out. She didn’t seem completely comfortable yet with the idea of being naked out in the open. Or, perhaps, she wanted to keep her bikini on, since she knew that it added more than just one spark of eroticism to our outing. After I had floated around a bit more on my back, I joined her at the edge, where she was sitting, and put my forearms onto her wet thighs. She wrapped her feet around my back, and we could feel the first rush of energy going back and forth between us.

Looking down into her lap, I was again reminded of Thuy, who had once been lolling here directly in front of me, with only her bikini top on. Quynh had stretched her arms half next to and half behind her and was looking at me with her head cocked. She seemed to be waiting for me to make a move, with her lower legs splashing water towards the center of the pool. Looking at her crotch, I felt like diving between her legs to finally hold her snatch open to admire and lick it, for which I’d have to remove her panties, first, and then her ample pubic hair.

I was sure that everything was fermenting inside her, even though she still did not seem to be ready to get naked, here in the bucolic garden outside. Which was fine with me, as her hesitance generated the very erotic tension that I earlier believed wasn’t attainable today. But, man, did her elongated pussy boat-hull under the material look ravishing! Of course, I had never measured the length of individual pussies, but hers appeared the longest I had ever seen. Her juices must be seething inside her, I thought to myself, and if she had sat here for another ten minutes, I was sure there would have been a dark, wet spot right there on the front.

Quynh moved closer to the edge now, but placed her feet up on it, as well. She was probably inviting me to pull the crotch piece to the side, but I picked her belly and breasts, first, to tenderly caress her fine young flesh. When I finally stepped backward, she slid into the pool, reaching for my crotch under the water. We kissed and both got instantly electrified: hungry for cock, she playfully felt and stroked my stiffening noodle, but then asked me to show her the ropes of swimming; perhaps, to drag out our mating dance a bit more.

And so, I sawm back and forth through the round pool, which was about eight yards in diameter. Or a bit less. I told her to always keep a bit of air in her lungs to help with the floating, and then joked that her breasts would help her doing backstroke. When I was gliding past her, she finally pulled the straps of her bikini top down her arms, before she removed it completely, rejoicing again how ‘awesome’ everything felt. To add to the exuberance, I helped her get rid of her panties as well, and we tossed her new garment on the carefully laid stones at the edge of the water. Finally, we were completely naked.

There was a slight Sulphur odor in the air, perhaps mixed with other substances, but it wasn’t obnoxious. My hand slid between Quynh’s legs under the water, where my fingers detected a nice sticky coating on and around her nether lips, which, alas, would probably be washed away in the next few minutes. But there would be more soon, the way things were going. Leaning against the edge of the pool with her belly now, she was presenting me her butt and let me fondle her anus, until I told her I needed to pee, which prompted her to prop her body on her outstretched arms, after which she swung her right foot onto the ledge to get out of the water. Everything was swift and had looked nimble and elegant.

“You want to join me?” I asked her, more or less rhetorically, as I took it for granted that she would pee on me at some point, as the conditions here at the Onsen were so much more conducive to that kind of debauchery than virtually anywhere else.

When I wanted to get out of the pool as well, though, she asked me to stay put and lay down on her back, like a tangent to a circle. Cheekily, she proposed to let go right here, as the water was so shallow that it barely touched my balls.

“I know you like that kind of thing, Ben…” she smiled, before she added: “And the last time you peed on me under the shower was kinda nice… so?”

Stroking my half stiff cock, giggling, Quynh reminded me that I once had even pissed in her girlfriend Emily’s mouth, before Quynh bent one leg, so that her knee was pointing upward, and then turned towards me, now on her right side.

“Oh, please, Quynh… Emily took my dick in her mouth, while I was peeing,” I defended myself. “That’s different,” I insisted, for the record.

Instead of saying anything, Quynh took my noddle in her mouth and began to blow me, which was an incredible gesture, especially in light of what she had just said. Looking at her bedazzlingly large black bush, I ruffled her pubic hair and then reached between her legs again, where the sticky juices were smacking against my skin. Diddling her clit, I saw that her whole body had started to heave and convulse, but since she wasn’t making any effort to change our arrangement, I just let go at some point.

Quynh laughed and let my cock snap out of her mouth, so that it was now dousing her lovely face and Prince Valiant hair. I caressed her face, immensely grateful for what she had me allowed to do. Mesmerized, I watched my piss run down her ample floating bosom and belly, before it eventually ended up in the pool. Tracing the enticing line of her hips, my hand ended up on her labia again, where – yes – fresh nectar was already oozing out. With which I cooled her perineum and anus, snorting and laughing.

When I was done, she quickly joined me in the water again, and I rinsed the mauve camping mat. Happy that we had gotten the first transgression under our belts, she hopped back out and sat down on the edge, with her lower legs still in the water. She pulled me between her spread thighs, where she fondled and stroked my cock; this time with the clear intention to put it away at the lower end of her divine torso.

“Let’s do it,” she said ever so slightly coy and blushing with her head cocked.

She opened her legs even wider and adjusted her pussy right over the edge of the pool. When she propped her upper body on her outstretched arms next to and behind her again, I gently separated her nether lips and took a curious look into her dark-vermillion vaginal vestibule, which was happily pumping toward me. To prepare our union, I combed her long, beautiful pubic hair to the sides, and when I tenderly caressed the lively layers above the entrance of her sheath, I felt the opening of her urethra on my fingertip.

Eventually, I needed to spend half-an-hour or so just licking that fine flesh below her clit, but not now. The way she was looking at my throbbing glans, I knew she wanted to feel it inside her, polishing her G-spot and everything else on the way. Fondling her wet sticky lips one more time, we could even hear how well they were prepared, which caused Quynh to blush once more, grab my dick, and say:

“Ben, everything is perfect today…”

With my glans between her inner labia, I pressed in and slowly began to thrust. Realizing how effortlessly my rod was making its way up her divine chamber, I asked facetiously:

“Even the peeing?!!”

“Yes, that too.”

“You really don’t seem to mind that I’m so much older than you…” I couldn’t help commenting, however, even though it was an awkward moment to do so.

My cock had made its way all the way up in the meantime and still seemed to be growing inside her. I would not have insisted on an answer, but she had one:

“No, Ben, that’s fine… you’re taller and… stronger… or sturdier than any other man I know,” she said matter-of-factly and smiled at me. “And you have chest hair,” she giggled.

As I was massaging her boobs, which were bobbing and swaying nicely, she then also praised my hands and grey-blue eyes. Well, she apparently meant it, the way she was positioned in front of me, naked, on the edge of a hot mineral pool, under a bunch of coconut palm trees. Reaching with one hand under my cock, she chuckled when she was squeezing my balls a bit:

“And these… they are so much larger than Thuan’s…”

Ha! Nice! My cock was probably larger than his, too, while she was relatively tall and roomy. Well, yes, it had taken her several months to come near me again after our unusual start around Christmas, but now that we had begun our affair, I had a hunch that it would last for a while, as there were her wild fantasies that she was determined to see realized. And she knew she was in good hands, propped up here on my cock.

As Quynh had removed her hand from my balls, the passage way to her perineum and anus were free now. As much sticky juice as she had been producing for the last half-an-hour, everything down there was nicely coated and lubricated. Rubbing her perfect sphincter with the tip of my middle finger, I noticed how easily the first inch of my thickest finger went in; perhaps, as her butt had been in the warm water for twenty minutes. If not more. Watching her moan and still banging her rhythmically, I panted in a whisper, like someone might be able to hear us:

“Hey Quynh, let’s try it now!”

Our eyes were tracing each other. When she was done thinking about the proposition, she swallowed with her mouth closed. Of course, the general mood had suddenly become somewhat somber, but I had felt I needed to ask her right at that very moment. She knew she could refuse, but the conditions were pretty much perfect to a little anal thrust and tryst: the height of the edge of the pool, the prior softening of her sphincter in the water, and her copious amounts of natural lubrication. Of course, I didn’t know if she had rinsed her rectum before we had met; probably not, but that didn’t matter to me.

Looking at her lovely face and wet, curly flapper hair, I kept thrusting for a bit, until she hesitatingly reached for my cock and languidly removed it from her divine sheath. Only to then press my rod one floor down, onto her perfect anus thimble, which snapped the front half of my glans immediately, like a vice. Quynh’s pelvis and perineum were oscillating, I noticed, after she had lain on her back. Her hands were resting in her groins, framing her bush and pussy nicely, which boosted my desire so much that I pressed onward, perhaps a tad too forcefully, though.

My cock had bent quite a bit a few seconds ago, and now both of us were panting and wheezing heavily. I leaned back a bit so be able to see her pulsating hazelnut-brown sphincter with its perfect vertical groove pattern, but when there was another sumptuous translucent drop of lubricant rolling out of her sheath, less than two inches above from where it was needed, I knew that rescue was near. I eased the pressure and waited for the divine liquid to arrive, with the help of which I almost broke through the tight passage.

No, it wouldn’t get any easier. Not today, not ever over the next weeks and months, at least. Quynh and I looked each other in the eye and knew that now was the moment. And so, I greased my cock once more, and then managed to place the largest portion of my glans in her round, welcoming ring. I tried to relax – as probably did she. I distracted her by fondling her marvelous breasts and nipples some more, while she placed her hand onto my belly; not to push me away but allow energy flow back and forth more easily.

Leaning forward a bit and pressing pretty hard now, I managed to push my glans inside her heavenly anus. Her sphincter was now holding onto the groove at the bottom of my glans when I began to thrust; so, technically, I didn’t need to get in further. Quynh was sucking air past her clenched teeth, moaning and panting frantically, while I was rubbing the thickest part of my rod in the narrowest portion of her passage. Which, I realized, wasn’t comfortable for her or fair – as much pleasure as it gave me. And so, I pressed in further, until half of my cock had disappeared inside her warm rectum cavern.

Which instantly relieved her, and we were slowly gathering steam again. I could feel the soft insides of her rectum on my glans. Quynh was as red as a beet but seemed to be taking everything as a challenge; she decidedly looked like she didn’t want to give up and prevail. Overall, everything had gone much smoother than with Nguyet or Mira but then, Quynh was four or five inches taller than the other two ladies. And she had been wishing to try backdoor sex herself; it had been her idea. Which probably made all the difference.

And then, Emily had wet her appetite when she had told Quynh how awesome our anal sessions had been back last summer. Ooaah, this was the bee’s knees, yes! I was thrusting rather languidly, but enthralled, kneading her soft belly and her large, floating boobs, all the while keeping a keen eye on her fresh, vermillion vaginal vestibule. More and more nectar came oozing out of her snatch, when I took her nipples between my thumbs and index fingers, and after twenty more hits on her butt cheeks with my ball sack, I lavished myself inside her fine ass for the very first time.

When I was almost done hollering and screaming, Quynh let out some gut-wrenching squeals and moans, like she was truly happy that it was over. And that we had done it at all, at last. I decided, however, to leave my cock inside her rectum for as long as possible, as it had already gotten smaller and couldn’t have caused any discomfort anymore. Panting, we looked at each other again, not knowing what else to do or say. Her large pussy was still breathing and pumping, as was her whole pelvis region.

The icing on the cake was now that I now saw thick yellowish drops flinging themselves away from her vaginal vestibule, until a cute little arch formed that was dousing my belly, while my cock was still inside her ass. She was looking at me like she wasn’t entirely sure if I would approve of it, but then she must have known that this was exactly the kind of debauchery and transgression that I was after. No, she could be proud of herself; partially, as this was a first for me, too.

“Oh… Quynh, Quinnie… Oah… o-aahh!” I screamed and stammered, positively enraptured, looking at the lovely, salacious inferno between us.

Her delicious urine was glistening in the light, while it was running down my cock, balls and her perineum, until the little creek had made its way into the pool again, like my piss had earlier. Our fluids were reunited with nature, which had already been bubbling here for millions of years. If I had needed to piss right them, I would have let go as well and filled her divine young rectum, as I had done with Nguyet and Mira once, each.

We would do that, one day, soon. I noticed that I had been holding on to her substantial breasts for the whole time, but now my cock slid out of her. I dipped my midsection in the tepid water and then got out of the pool. Not quite as elegant as she had earlier. After Quynh had gotten up, we hugged, kissed, and shed a few tears together; unable to talk or even conceive a thought. Dazed and confused, we sauntered over to the outdoor shower with flailing, trembling knees.

We washed each other tenderly, knowing that we would do it again. I could tell, as she was super-meticulous with my cock, which she either wanted to suck or spread her sheath over one more time. Or both. Our inability to talk reminded me of my first time anal with Nguyet, but then I asked Quynh – as I felt I had to – is she was still hurting, even though she looked rather chipper. And contented.

“My butt is a bit sore, yes” she admitted, after thinking about how she could word it, perhaps.

We went up to the bungalow to get the third bottle of sparkling wine from the fridge but then paused, standing in the room.

“I also like the bed here…” Quynh remarked

“You wanna do it again?!” I asked her.

“Of course. When you are ready again…” she smiled and gave me a kiss.

At least, she had said ‘when’ and not ‘if’. I briefly envisioned her lying on her bed here, licking and sucking my cock, but – as our sensual energy was spent for now – we moseyed back down to the pool, where our glasses were. I was still curious, of course, what horrendous blunder her ex, Thuan had committed, but we went in the pool, first. Our frolicking wasn’t as exuberant as earlier, but we were certainly relieved that the monumental task of taking her anal virginity was already behind us. Now, we could relax and slowly climb towards another chipper freestyle fuck in half an hour.

We got out of the warm, seething water and ended up sitting next to each other, with our lower legs still in the water. I wanted to ask about Thuan but wasn’t sure if now was a good moment; after we had just been through and done.

“We could come back here next week…” I remined her. “We still got one voucher…”

I turned a bit toward her and took her large left breast in my hand again, which felt surprisingly light, unlike Thuy’s boobs, which were about the same size. Casey’s were larger and heavier, but she was a bit too voluptuous for my taste. And even though Quynh must have known her from work, Casey wasn’t a topic to bring up, either. But it was awesome how quickly Quynh’s nipple responded to my thumb’s caresses.

“Well, that was easier than I thought…” I remarked eventually, as I was still genuinely surprised.

And we had to talk about what had just happened, hadn’t we?

“To be honest: Emily prepared me quite a bit with her dildo… we did that like ten times, the last three months…” Quynh chuckled quietly, blushing. “Up in the chamber… that was nice, too…”

“Oh,” was all I could say.

“You know how I always play coy with her… I felt I needed to offer something, so to speak… I told her, of course, that I want to remain a virgin… so we picked my butt…” she giggled, seeming a tad embarrassed.

Yeah, that was clever. Quynh was pretending to be naïve and inexperienced when she was with Emily, so that the latter wouldn’t find out that Quynh had been having an affair with the stud at work who every woman had a crush on. Said young guy, Thuan, had turned down Emily, but Quynh didn’t want her to be jealous or show off and boast, and so had lied about being a virgin and pretended to be slightly prissy, which caused Emily to be extra tender with her. I liked it, even though it was somewhat deceptive. Like a white lie.

“And Emily has asked you how many times what we did last week?” I asked Quynh.

“Oh, Ben, I can’t even count…” she chuckled.

I refilled our glasses, and we both took a long big gulp. When I had sat my glass down again, I admired her large dense bush, which looked supernatural, like the Maker had done some really nice inlaid work. I playfully plucked her hair, which prompted her to ask me to turn, so that we could let our laps touch, here on the edge of the pool. She put her thighs over mine, while the soles of our feet then met behind our backs. My cock was now resting on her pubic mound, which was another perfect arrangement. I felt her cool, moist perineum on my ball sack and the naked skin between her bush and her bellybutton on my glans.

Quynh cocked her head once more and smiled at me:

“Ben, this is sooo awesome!” she exclaimed again, while I was marveling at her slim, gorgeous figure with her opulent breasts.

I still couldn’t be sure if she was ready to divulge what Thuan had done, but I surely didn’t want to talk about Emily again. Couldn’t we chat about the porn she had seen on that one fateful day with Thuan at the cheap hotel, when they had fucked five times? Quynh actually wanted to reenact some of those scenes, but I still didn’t know exactly what that was. So, I refilled our glasses, but right when I wanted to ask her, she admitted that she was pretty tipsy.

“Well, you probably aren’t used to drinking alcohol…” I explained.

She shook her head, blushing and seeming amused. I reached past my cock to tickle her perineum and anus, but then she turned and lay down between my legs on her belly, propping her torso onto her forearms. So that she could blow me, I guessed; which would now be the background music to the rousing tales of what she had in her imagination.

“Hey, tell me what you want to try… with the bunch of guys that you envisioned last week… Charlie, Hoang, me…”

While she was licking and stroking my cock a bit, she seemed to be thinking where and with what to start.

“Well, one video I can’t forget is when a girl is kneeling on a bed in her school uniform, with no panties… and six or eight guys in black boxer shorts are masturbating to the sight of her naked butt, with their dicks sticking out from the underwear in the front… whenever one of the men is ready, he approaches her on the bed, pushes his cock inside her and just comes. The girl keeps looking backwards and is grinning the whole time… and yeah, then the man steps back into the circle…”

“It’s like they’re worshipping a goddess…” I wise-cracked.


“Did they all come in her pussy? Or her anus?” I was curious.

“Pussy… all of them… of course, it’s kinda full at some point, and then everything comes back out…” she giggled.

We laughed together, and she blew me a bit during intermission. I caressed her ears and cheeks and then quipped that – even though this was certainly something we could try – I was disappointed that there didn’t seem to be any fucking.

“Would you just want those guys masturbate or actually bang you, at least for a little while? I mean, why would you just be the sperm bucket?! I think we could do better than that…”

“Yeah, it was a bit strange that they didn’t… didn’t bang her but just… came inside her… oh, by the way, Mira told us that once, you, Hoang, Charlie, and another guy did something similar to her…” Quynh giggled, sounding curious.

And a bit jealous, too.

“Yeah, the fourth guy was Vu… I’m surprised, though, that Mira told you…”

“Yep… when we were at her Hanh’s… the three of us… for a massage… Ben, girls always share those things…” she chuckled again, sounding kinda proud.

“Yeah, I guess… anyway, now you wanna try a gangbang yourself, huh?”

Apparently, the plot was thickening. Jesus! Now bashful Sally, who I had thought of as prissy and finicky until ten days ago, wanted to get banged by a bunch of guys. While I was wondering what to respond, she had already grabbed my cock with her mouth again and wouldn’t be able to reply, unless she let go. Which I didn’t want. And so, I just closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation. Clumsily, to not disturb her blowing, I eventually poured us another glass of sparkling wine, of which she drank almost half, before she continued her treatment.

“I don’t know, though, if I want to watch when several guys are banging you, while you are kneeling on the bed…” I chuckled. “But sure, that could be arranged… we’ll start slowly, perhaps with Hoang and wait till Charlie is back this summer… do you still have your school uniform, though?” I asked her, semi-facetiously.

“I could wear another miniskirt…” she giggled, red as a beet from bending forward and bobbing her head, as well as from the alcohol.

“I want to fuck you in your long white high school dress,” I admitted, not facetious at all.

So far, I only had done that with Tina, back in the day. Those dresses had long slits on both sides, which began five inches below the girl’s or woman’s armpit and were worn with comfortable pants with an elastic waistband. I loved seeing those triangles of naked flesh above the latter.

“Well, after we’ve come back here and then the swimming lesson at the beach… I’m not sure if my dress still fits me, though… but I could wear my sister’s…” she giggled again.

“Oh yes, that would be hot… but wouldn’t she get suspicious?!”

Quynh just shrugged shoulders and continued to blow me.

“And you could also introduce me to Vu… then you’d already be four guys…” she added with a challenging look at her face.

“And what about Thuan, your ex?! Perhaps he could also bang Emily once, during a little orgy… to make up for your white lies…” I inquired to spice things up.

“On, Ben… not him… he doesn’t deserve it… do you know what he did?! While I was on all those business trips, he slept with my mother…”

Holy fucking Moly! Good salacious Lord! I thought to myself, not knowing what to reply.

“Wow…” was all I could say, before I added: “And now you’re sore with your mom as well?”

While I was surprised that I had asked that particular question, Quynh sat up and fumbled my cock between her labia, before she began to gyrate and then pressed a bit to cause it to slip all the way in. ‘Your thing is so nicely big’ she had said, and now she started to ride me. Looking at her pleased face, I surmised she was happy that she now was in charge how far my cock would slide inside her and how fast she would go. I reached for her large dangling breasts, but then she kept explaining herself:

“F-first.I was… up-set w-with.her… b-but d-d-then… I.mean… she probably didn’t have sex for so long…”

Quynh suddenly stopped swinging her pelvis, and I wasn’t sure if she would continue. I felt my cock growing and fermenting inside her, waiting.

“B-Ben, sh-she’s only 42…”

I instantly conceived the idea of taking her here to the thermal springs, but kept that idea for myself. For now. I didn’t even know what Quynh’s mother looked like. But then, after a few more hearty thrusts, she stopped again:

“I can’t prove it… but the thing is, there are a lot of condoms missing from the large box in my desk… which Thuan and I stopped using when I started taking the pill… and, in hindsight, she’s always been in a great mood over the last two months…”

Before I could respond, though, she closed her eyes to continue riding me; this time, it looked like she wasn’t gonna stop until I had come once more inside her. She was pressing her hands onto my chest, while her young ass was bobbing up and down again fiercely, like she was upset with Thuan and/or her mom. Or because she had to go back to work soon. Or couldn’t help it, as aroused as she was.

‘Ben, I need to pee again’ she had just whispered when my loins and legs began to prickle and tickle. I hollered that she should just let go, when my pelvis began to twitch spasmodically, and I instantly lavished myself inside her again. While my cream was finding its way up, I could feel her lukewarm piss on my thighs and ball sack again, which was going to be my new favorite thing. At least, with her. Still dousing my midsection, she lay down on my chest, seeming refreshed and exhausted at the same time.

“Ben, you have no idea how much I love this…” she was beaming on account of her debauchery.

I knew already at that point that I would piss inside her rectum after one of our next backdoor sex sessions. For now, I just stroked her Prince Valiant hair and her cheeks, until my cock slid out of her. I could have been wrong here, but her nipples still seemed to be pumping on my chest, and so I heartily reached between her ass cheeks from above. Or behind.

“Do you know how beautiful your anus is?” I asked her, gently fingering her sphincter again. “Next time, we’ll take a picture…” I chuckled.

She made a mock-sour face, pretending she was disgusted, and we slid back into the pool to rinse our skin for one last time. We frolicked like mermaids for five minutes, before we got out to take another quick shower. After we got dressed, we sauntered towards the exit, and I asked her to describe her mother:

“Is she good-looking, actually?”

“She’s kinda cute, especially when she’s in good spirits…” Quynh giggled. “I’ll send you a picture later this afternoon,” she promised.

“But she could have used those condoms with another guy too… you know that…”

“But only Thuan knows where exactly they are hidden…”

Well, ok then. When we were putting our helmets on, I noticed again that she really didn’t seem cross at her:

“Secretly, you like that Thuan banged your mom, don’t you?”

“Well, yeah, it’s a bit strange… but then, I like that she did something to make her happy…” Quynh admitted and got on the seat behind me. “And Ben, he’s sooo handsome…”

We drove off, back to town, where I conceived another thought about the matter. I wasn’t sure whether I should share it with her, though. Back at the spacious parking lot of the old supermarket, she got off, but when she had started her engine, I hollered:

“Has your sister also been elated lately? Thuan may have used all those condoms with her…”

“Oh, please, Ben…” Quynh rolled her eyes. “But why’s my mom in good spirits then?!” she challenged me back.

“What, if he did them both?!” I chuckled, kinda glad that I had thought of the possibility.

Quynh blushed, shook her awesome Prince Valiant head, and we laughed heartily, before we drove off in opposite directions.


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