Tales From Fantasy Island Ch. 08 by melanieatplay,melanieatplay

Author’s Note: This story is a collaboration with my friend and editor, Harvey. We both contributed equally to its content and we hope you enjoy it.

Tag: Hailey does FMF and MFM, she and Jake observe an interracial swap, and more.

Chapter 8


Jake and I were wandering through the main club room when a young, attractive couple approached us and Jake made introductions.

“Hailey, these nice people are Nelson and Isabella.”

“Hi,” I said brightly.

“Hello, Hailey,” Nelson responded.

“I’m so glad to meet you,” Isabella said to me. The four of us made small talk for a few minutes. When there was a little break in the conversation, Isabella looked into Jake’s eyes. “Nels and I have a request, Jake.”

“What’s on your mind?” he asked.

“Well … we really enjoy being members of the club, and at some point we’d love to swing with the two of you.” She paused for a moment. “But … ummm … with all due respect, Jake, tonight we’re in the mood to have a threesome with another woman. We’ve seen Hailey around the club quite a bit … and … we’d like to know if she’d be willing to join us.”

My eyes widened in surprise and I turned to Isabella. “I … ummm … I don’t know … I’m terribly flattered, but I’ve never … I’ve never done anything like that.”

“Oh, wow!” Isabella gushed, “we’d be your first FMF? That would be awesome. Please say you’ll play with us.”

I was totally flustered by her suggestion. Jake looked at me, then turned to Isabella, who was being the more assertive of the pair. I wondered if Nelson might be holding back so as not to appear too eager and scare me off. Jake looked into my unsure eyes, and I knew he could tell I had no idea what to think about this … any of it. Fortunately for me, he stepped up. “I’d like to talk this over with her; would you give us a few minutes?”

“Of course,” Isabella said sweetly while her eyes not-so-subtly roamed over my body.

Jake took my hand and led me into his office so we had some privacy. He sat down in the executive chair behind his desk and I took a seat in front of it. “Oh, God,” I whispered.

My mind was spinning in a million different directions as I considered Isabella’s request. “I just … I have no idea what to think about this.”

“What do you think of them, honey?”

“I … ummm … I’m not sure.” I thought for a moment. “How old are they?”

He tapped a few keys on his computer to bring up the database of the club members and then pulled up their file. “Nelson is 32 and Isabella just turned 30.”

“Oh … okay. Just a little older than me, then, huh?”

“Yes, love. But what do you think about them?” he repeated.

“They both seem to be really friendly and I guess she seems nice, and he’s … you know … handsome.”

“They’re an attractive couple,” he said in agreement. He could see my mind was whirling as I attempted to make sense of my feelings and share them with him.

“Honestly, I’ve never even contemplated anything like this.”

He smiled. “You’re beautiful, you’re here at the club, and you really didn’t think about another couple wanting to be with you?”

“No, I didn’t.” I paused for a moment and then threw the ball back in his court. “I’ve thought a couple of times about maybe us being with another couple, but not me alone. What do you think I should do? I belong to you, Jake, and this affects you too, not just me.”

“I want you to have new experiences like this. You know that I’m okay with sharing you, honey. Nothing you could do here in the club would ever change my love for you.”

“Yeah … but … you wouldn’t be there with me like you were before.”

“I wasn’t with you when you were with Darren, right?”

“No … ummm … I guess you weren’t.” I paused again and he could tell I was deep in thought.

“But when I was with Darren, it was only him. This is … you know … being with a couple … two people … not just one.”

A little smile broke over his face. “You don’t think you can handle a couple?” he teased.

I could feel my face breaking into a little blush. “I don’t know … maybe?”

“I think she’s really into you, love.”

My mind was still spinning at the speed of light, so I took a deep breath and attempted to collect my thoughts. “She is … you know … she’s kinda pretty, huh?”

He smiled again. “She’s beautiful, just like you.”

“I’m not sure what Sara would think of this.”

“I know you loved being with her, but you didn’t take any oaths of exclusivity, correct?”

“No, we didn’t.”

“I know you like her … like being with her … but I hope you’ll keep your options open and not limit yourself to being with just one woman.”

“This is just all so new to me, Daddy. Different people wanting me, wanting to be with me, I still don’t know what I think about this.”

He looked seriously into my eyes. “You know I’ll never force you to do anything, love. This is entirely your decision, and I’ll support you no matter what you choose to do.”

I felt a little tingle emanate from between my legs. “She’s stunning and I want her.”

His lips split into a little smile. “So you want to go through with this? From the sound of things, they want you to be with him too, you know.”

“Yes, I know,” I whispered. “I want both of them, but especially her.” I thought for a moment. “You’ll be watching me with them, right?”

“Yes, baby. I’ll be watching the entire time.” He paused in a moment of reflection. “They’re a nice couple and two of the most popular members of the club. You’ll be fine with them, I promise.”

I knew my safety was always Jake’s biggest concern. I knew if there was even the slightest chance of something bad happening he would put his foot down and tell them no. I stood up and walked around the desk. He slid his chair back, I slipped onto his lap, and he wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me tight into his body. I snuggled against his muscled chest; he always made me feel so cherished, so loved and protected. “Do you know how much I love you?” I whispered into his ear.

“You do, huh?” he teased.

“Yes, Daddy, more than you’ll ever know.”

“Probably just as much as I love you, baby.”

I giggled. “Yeah, I think so.”

“That’s part of what our relationship is about. Being your Master is about taking care of you and always ensuring that you’re safe. But it’s also about giving you space to learn about yourself and giving you new opportunities and experiences like this one.”

I could feel my heart beating faster in anticipation of what might be coming. “It’s time, Daddy.”

“Yes, it is. Let’s go tell them.” We exchanged a tight hug and a slow, wet, lingering kiss. After we broke our passionate embrace, I slid off his lap, he stood up, and he took my hand. Together, we walked out of the office and back to where Nelson and Isabella were waiting. I could see the nervous look of anticipation in their eyes as they awaited our answer to their request.

Like always, Jake took the lead. “Hailey would love to be with both of you this evening.”

Big lustful smiles broke over both of their faces. Again, Isabella’s eyes roamed up and down my body. “That’s wonderful news, I’m so glad you want to be with us, honey,” she said.


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