Tami Fu Awakens

The piece is to be listed for the Literotica Nude Day Story Contest 2024 list. A special thanks to NP for his priceless review. I hope you enjoy it!


“Hola, eres nueva? I haven’t seen you around here before.”

Tami opened her eyes at those words to find a sun-aged face glaring at her. He was naked. She quickly realized that she was naked as well.

She made a move to cover herself instinctively, trying to further wake up from a naked dream. There was no more waking, it was real. Her entire life was about hiding her body, what she had. And now she was completely naked in a secluded sea-side area in Spain, surrounded by more naked people sunbathing. What was she doing? Ashley, her friend, was not around, but instead a completely naked man was. He had only an expensive camera hanging from his neck.

“If you are looking for your friend,” the man with the dangling equipment said, “she is swimming over there.”

Ashley and Tami checked on each other with a wave of their hands. Then Tami, freshly mortified, returned her hand to her chest, doing her best to cover her breasts. No one else was covering themselves; it was just her.

“This might sound a bit abrupt,” the man continued, “but I am working on a project and I wonder if I could take some pictures of you. You are so beautiful — so unique.”

She blushed at his proposal. Also, she couldn’t avoid noting his dick. It was flaccid, and he had no tan line at all. She felt an impulse to hold it — to see if she could make it grow. Then, she understood what Ashley had attempted only moments ago. There was something gravitational about dicks, she had to admit. She relaxed her hands, trying to shake off the instinctive need to hide her body.

She figured that it had most likely been Ashley who had asked him to approach her — as a way of boosting her confidence, perhaps.

“No. No, thank you. uh, I do not think you want me there.”

“Well, it is my project, and it is up to me to decide what I want. It is boudoir — parts of the human body and faces separately, without revealing which face goes with each body part. No pornography. You can give — or withhold — consent for publishing after you see the results.”

It sounded too sketchy to be improvised, but she found herself still shaking her head. No.

“I suppose I should warn you that I do not pay my models; that is a firm condition. C’mon, though! It might even be fun.”

Tami sized the man up — and not sexually. I could probably take him if it came to that , she thought. She was young, strong, and had a background in contact sports. Besides, ‘boudoir’ sounds classy enough — and maybe Ashley knows all about this already. Maybe she planned the whole thing.

Tami ended up following the man back to a curved cove hidden between the rocky landscape. The soft, thigh-level waves felt refreshing against her naked skin.

“Please,” the man said, “sit here, against this rock. Turn like this; it is important to get reflections from the water surface. Crossed legs first.”

Tami took some time to figure out what all of his instructions meant, then obeyed.

The camera shot once, and she felt a thrill course through her.

The camera then started to shoot several times, from different angles. It was true, her face was never on the scene. She saw how the camera zoomed at her six-pack when she contracted her muscles there, capturing the artwork of her outlandish, yet apparently quaint, flat belly.

“Hermoso! Turn a bit. Flex it more. I’m a lucky bastard! The beauty of both buttons lies in their symmetry — so photogenic!” He continued praising her and shooting like that for some time.

Tami felt relieved — though slightly disappointed– when he put the camera down. He smiled at her, all the wrinkles showing his age. He extended his hand as a formal greeting.

“Bernardo Gimenez.”

“Fu Tami,” she replied, using the formal name order that mostly her mother used when introducing her, but the short version of her surname.

The handshake felt strong. “Of course you are. Would you like a beer?” He pointed at some half-buried cans kept cold by the seawater.

She declined. He raised his camera, zoomed at her face, and shot once.

“Making new friends?” Ashley asked, approaching from the sea.

Tami introduced them as if they hadn’t met before. “Maybe you can also help him with his art project?”

Tami got a bit frustrated at Ashley’s repeated denials, but she finally persuaded her friend. “If I went through it, you have no choice.”

Ashley looked like a latina model already, and her posing was good. Despite feeling secluded in that cove, Tami did see other people sunbathing on the rocks or swimming in the distance, and noticed that they glimpsed occasionally. Or did they? Maybe I’m just being paranoid.

Ashley kneeled in the water, raised her butt, stretched her arms, and then buried them with her face under the water. It was a perfect sawtooth shape. Her raised ass made Tami feel something. She eyed the photographer, but he had no erection. To him, the photo shoot was artistic, not erotic.

Then why was she…?

The shooting stopped, and the man retreated to a corner to fiddle with the camera — something technical, though he didn’t pause to explain.

Both girls exhaled as though they’d both just run a quick race — more invigorating than exhausting, but still an effort. Then, still completely naked, they sat next to each other, enjoying the long shadows of the late afternoon. Ashley also helped herself to a beer.

Why can’t life just freeze in this precise moment? Tami thought ruefully. Well, I am excited about later tonight, too… but still, this cove is awfully secluded. Perhaps we could…? Maybe nobody would see us. Then again, maybe they would.

Those taboo thoughts ignited something deep inside of Tami.

A skunky scent ran through the cove. “What brings you to Cataluña?” they heard from behind them.

“We are here for the final,” Ashley answered.

“Well you better get going before it gets late. I need to leave soon for that reason, too. I have a press pass.”

“We won our pass!” Ashley replied excitedly. “We have good seats I guess.” Ashley recited their seat letters and numbers from memory. “Leave that camera and come over here, would you?”

He sat in front of them with one beer in one hand and a rolled cigarette in the other. The sun was hitting his face. He could barely open his eyes. They chatted superficially about his passions and his duties, about the taste of cold beer and young women. He was curious about them. And Tami was curious about herself as well. Was she who she thought she was?

Tami relaxed, feeling the sand on her fingers as she twirled a strand of her hair around her finger. She couldn’t shake the memory of that one party from her mind. It was supposed to be a fun night out with Ashley’s friends… As she sat there lost in thought, she realized she was about to tell the story. She wanted to get it off her chest and share her experience with someone who would listen, but was unsure on the level of detail.

It was then when Tami went through the path that had led them to where they were. First in her head. Then disclosing some relevant parts to him. Some funny parts. Even some intimate parts. It couldn’t take much time, right?

She started recounting the events from that party night, several weeks back at Ashley’s friends’ house.

Her early-bird eyes blinked for long lapses as the conversation with the girls died out. She glanced around for Ashley, but she was nowhere to be seen. Her friend had shown interest in the matches, so she went to the TV room, but only the boys were there.

“Still a draw?” she asked none of them in particular.

She was shushed back immediately, as if she had no reason to be there in the first place. None of them was her boyfriend; she had not one. She went back to the kitchen. She was not really interested in the classification match either.

“I think I will go home soon,” she asked another of the girls. “Have you seen Ashley? Her jacket is still at the entrance, so she has to be here somewhere.”

“No clue,” one of the boy’s girlfriends had replied. “She wouldn’t have left. What’s going on? Not a big fan of the World Cup either, huh? I thought you were into sports.”

“Contact sports–” she began.

“Yeah,” another of the girls interrupted. She was holding a phone, still trying to find the answer to a quiz or similar. “You’re a Karatewoman, or was it Kung Fu, right? Is there a World Cup for that, like with soccer?

“Football,” the correction came from the pedantic girl with the British accent. “Call it by its name.”

“Well, we have Brazilian Jiu Jitsu world championships,” Tami answered, “but they are all run in California. We do not get to travel to beautiful Spain or Portugal.”

“Brazilian? How is an Asian doing Brazilian martial arts?”

An uncomfortable silence followed. Tami refused to fill it.

“I went to Spain once,” another girl started. “At the end of high school, Ashley and I went to Ibiza. We did more partying in one week on that island than in all the years we spent at high school–”

“Here! I found it,” the one holding the phone exclaimed. “This is the last question. Let’s all send in the answer separately. That way we have more chances of winning the World Cup lottery! The draw is tomorrow!”

All the girls did as she proposed. That included Tami, who always preferred to follow group behavior and remain invisible rather than stand out and be seen as the odd one.

Tami eventually grabbed her jacket and other stuff and made her rehearsed excuse. “I have training early tomorrow, so I’m leaving now. I’ll send a message to Ashley, but please tell her I was looking for her if you see her.”

Once outside the door, Tami’s social anxiety started to dissipate. She finished the message to her friend and sent it. As soon as she turned around the building, a window just next her, at ground level, drew her curiosity. She involuntarily peeked inside — a bad habit of hers– and saw what looked to her to be one knee pointing upwards. She soon understood what she’d been looking at: two people making out on a sofa. A phone on the floor flashed. She recognized her own incoming message arriving.

Tami halted, immediately distressed. She then tried to read the situation better, but it was difficult. It was dark inside, but she could see them kissing — but it had been more than that. Their bodies were moving — rubbing against each other.

Even in her upset, Tami had also been confused. Who is she with? Aren’t all the boys watching the match?

Tami saw the one hand slided down trying to find the opening at Ashleys blouse, at her waist. At this, Ashley pushed the hand aside, but its owner attempted the same move again after only a couple of moments.

Ashley was obviously being pressed against her will here. Should she intervene?

Ashley attempted to stop that hand one more time, but with less conviction. The hand succeeded at creeping under the top and finding Ashley’s breast. Once it had, the pair’s legs became even more entangled, and their body’s frictive movements became more rhythmic. It’s like they’re in sync, like they’re both getting more out of it because of that. Looks like nobody needs rescuing after all.

Tami felt ashamed of her friend, and of herself spying. She also couldn’t understand why she was so disappointed that Ashley hadn’t needed her help. She turned to the side and ran away as tears started to blur her vision.

Training the next morning was extra hard. She was used to bad sleeping bringing hard days, but this was different. She had been beaten down even by those who had a lower belt than her. She took her extra routine after training was over. Partially, for the sake of strength. Also to get a much emptier changing room.

She quickly put on her jeans first, then took her gi jacket off. She looked at her naked upper body in the lavatory mirror. Her dark hair — down, passing her shoulders — had some minor waves, which was not common for one with hidden, monolid eyes. She remembered herself from a few years prior. Her breasts had never been big and worth touching, as other girls’ had been.

She shook her head, then — almost violently — trying to dispel those thoughts. Don’t ruin the training high. Not one more thought about boobs — mine, Ashley’s, or anyone else’s. Not one more thought about any other body parts, either — and especially not anomalous ones. She turned away from the mirror and put the rest of her clothes on.

Walking home, she was not in the mood for the radio. She did not want to be reminded about what she was missing in life. She called her family instead.

“Hello, Mom.”

“Hi darling, so nice hearing from you! How are you doing?”


“I’m OK, Mom, thanks.”

“How’s life? Adapting to the big city?”

“Well, my, social life is improving. I hung out with some friends yesterday — my neighbor, Ashley, and some of her friends.”

“Oh,” her mother said, her tone becoming cryptic in a way that Tami found all too familiar. “Remember always to take care.”

There were some subjects of discussion — of Tami’s education — that had always been uncomfortable for her Irish mother, who’d retreated to cowardly code phrases, but would deploy them incessantly. Tami had been well aware that ‘taking care’ had meant being on the pill, or using some other type of protection.

You don’t need protection if you never get laid.

Menstruation had only begun for Tami a year earlier or so, and her mother, for all her discomfort, had developed a fixation on it. Tami had not had a normal puberty, so she had started treating herself with estrogen at a late age. She’d had to do it herself, as she had not gotten much help from her family doctor. Lately, she could not find any more pills, and she’d finished her last blister a few months prior. Still, her cycles, irregular as they were, had not stopped. Her mother knew little about this.

“Mom, I wonder…. You told me you knew nothing about my biological family. Is that really true, Mom?”

“Sea! No information was given at the orphanage. Why? What’s going on…? We believed that one of your biological parents was non-Japanese. We never ran any gen study on you. And we picked you up before you were three years old. We knew you were special when we first saw you. It was love at first sight! We never heard about siblings or other family members. We lost contact with the orphanage after we left Japan. Sorry.”

“Do you know if my…. deformity is the reason they gave me away?”

“Nooo! Don–g”

A notification about another incoming call made it difficult to hear. It was an unrecognized number, so she dismissed it.

“… are special,” were the next words from her mom that she heard clearly. “We love you. Would you like to come home for the rest of the weekend? Take some time off from the big city?”

“Don’t think so, Mom… well, I’ll think about it. Nice talking to you. Hug Dad for me. Bye.”

She arrived at her small apartment and took a shower, hoping to clear her mind of impure thoughts at the same time. It hadn’t gone well.

Why am I not into boys — or girls, or whatever I can get? It’s not like I’m a religious freak or a prude or whatever. I’m not even really afraid of being rejected.

Her hand caressed her breasts. It felt nice. She then thought about her earlier– unsuccessful, yet curious — attempts at touching herself that had only brought intense, cramp-like, feelings leaving her scared and ashamed.

Once out of the shower, her phone had another missing call from the same number and it was actively ringing yet again. She decided to pick up.

“Have I reached Tami Fukushima?”

“Yeah that’s me. Who is it?”

“We are calling from the FIFA World Cup lottery. You have won tickets for the final, including flight tickets for yourself and a friend!”

That’s how, several weeks later, she found herself about to land in El Pat.

The fasten seat belt lights went on when an excited Ashley exclaimed, “Oh Tami, we are landing soon! I still can’t believe you chose me. Thanks again!” Then her voice shifted, sounding almost maternal for a moment.”You slept most of the flight! You looked so peaceful.” Just like that, however, the excited Ashley returned. “OK, we have only a weekend here, but let’s get the most out of it! You still haven’t told me which of my ideas you prefer for this evening!”

Tami had not. She had not even been able to bring up her own questions — ones that she’d been struggling with — or avoiding — for some weeks. She looked over her shoulder to the teenager sitting behind them, then at the old lady with glasses on the other side of the aisle. They seemed to be minding their own business — a phone, and a crossword, respectively.

“I do not know!” she replied to her friend. “I guess a tapas place after we check in? Tami tried to get a handle on her anxiety. “Mmh… Ashley, you’ve been here before. I heard you did a lot of partying.”

“That was during high school, and yes — and that was Ibiza. I imagine Barcelona is going to be different — especially now, because of the World-Cup craziness. But here we are, and neither of us even watch the matches!”

“Yeah, uh… have you ever, you know, regretted it the morning after?”

“Yeah, hehe — the hangover, you mean?”

“No… yes… I meant more about regretting certain things that you do — did.” She could not sort her thoughts right or pinpoint what was actually bothering her. Was it Ashley’s promiscuity? Or was it that Tami could never match her friend’s seductive power? Or maybe it was being afraid at the thought that seduction would arise from inside? Does being promiscuous make someone more attractive?

“Tami, Relax. I make my own choices — not the alcohol. And yes, sometimes the choices I make lead me somewhere a little sketchy. There are always risks. There is no risk-free choice, ya know. Not partying is also a choice, and one with high risk — risk of missing out! Risk of getting old without living — without knowing what it’s like to actually do anything! But listen up, girl, I know you think I’m out here playing the field, but that’s not me. I ain’t no easy catch. It’s not just about finding the right one, but I take my time and I’m cautious. Of course, don’t go blabbing to everyone that I’m not a giant slut. I’ve got my reputation to think of.” Ashley had given her friend a goofy grin and gently hit her shoulder.

Tami nodded, but Ashley’s words had done little to assuage her. If anything, they’d highlighted the dilemma.

Other impressions soon took over: the warm climate and the vibrant atmosphere, the streets filled with people chatting, laughing and enjoying their day, and the colorful buildings and architecture.

“You’re taking forever in there!” Tami shouted from the comfort of her room’s twin bed. “Let’s get going! I’m starving!”

The bathroom door opened, and a half-naked Ashley emerged, towels spinned around her body and hair.

Yeah, no, Tami had thought to herself, she doesn’t even know what the word ‘rejection’ means.

Tami knew she could’ve taken in an eyeful, but instead she averted her gaze. Tami would not show herself naked, so she felt that it would have been unfair, separate and apart from anything else. Then again, girls are naked with girls, right? Despite her own mind arguing with itself, Tami had forced herself to look — however distractedly — out the window towards the promenade and the sea below.

Her friend dug into her suitcase, making a mess on her twin bed. Eventually, the sound of a towel hitting the floor alerted Tami. Ashley’s diffuse reflection on the window revealed that she was standing with her back to her friend. Tami peeked over her shoulder and discovered Ashley sliding a black thread up her ass. That’s supposed to be… underwear?

“What do you think?” Ashley finally said after assembling her outfit. “Sporty enough?” She was wearing knee-high jean shorts and a tight belly top — and, Tami knew instantly, no bra.

“But,” Ashley said with a disapproving yet playful tone, “my friend, we need to fix that.” She then rushed to untuck Tami’s shirt out of her Hawaiian trousers, and made an overhand knot. “Those abs are to be enjoyed by all of–”

Ashley gasped, then.

Well, it finally happened. She’s seen it — my double belly button.

“Oh my God, what do you have over here? It isn’t a tattoo or a piercing. Not a recent scar either. A birthmark?”

“From birth, yes.”

Tami didn’t feel shame, as she thought she would. Ashley’s expression was of surprise, but she had only praising words.

“It is lovely. It is one over the other. They look similar. You even look taller with them. So symmetric! You keep the shirt knitted like this.”

One of her secrets had been exposed, and it had been bearable. Also, she was being persuaded to embrace it, not hide it, from someone whose opinion had mattered more to her than she’d cared to admit — even more than she’d understood.

It was crazy. No one wants to show their deformities. Then she’d shaken that thought off, bolstered by Ashley’s positivity. What the hell. Nobody else knows me here. What the hell, nobody else knew her here. Tami acceded, splitting the baby between Ashley’s optimism and her own pessimism. If anybody makes fun of me, that’s just the perfect excuse to leave early and never come back.

After fixing one hundred and five more details, they finally went out. The evening was fresh and mild. Soon, they were sitting in a sports pub, talking about trivialities, enjoying their tapas while sipping on a local beer and a delicious sweet cocktail apiece. Both locals and tourists gathered around a big screen and infused the pub with a familiar sports-event atmosphere.

“Do you feel like hunting tonight?” Tami asked her friend. “It would explain your party outfit and your eyelash-flipping to those people sitting behind me.”

“Wow, I didn’t realize you were a mind-reader. Tell me more about myself.”

“I guess we should have gotten separate rooms.”

“Damn, Tami,” Ashley had replied, “you really know how to kill a vibe. You sound so judgmental! I am not as promiscuous as you think; I normally do not go further than second base — but that’s really none of your business anyway. Let’s switch gears and talk about you instead. What about that beautiful belly you have? Is it really two belly buttons? Like, did your mother have two placentas? I’ve been thinking about it, actually, ever since I saw it. Did you have a siamese twin that got separated from you at birth?

“I don’t know,” Tami replied with a shrug. “I’m adopted”

Ashley might have sensed that it was difficult for Tami to talk about it — which had been true, of course, but Tami was strangely thankful to her friend for having tried.

“Does it work for boys?” Ashley enquired. “I mean, I like it. Do boys like it?”

Tami found herself wanting to open up to Ashley, but still, the words did not come easily. “Sorry. I do not have much experience with boys. I developed late.”

“Oh! But that’s OK. You are young. I also had problems committing. Well, I still do… Boys can be overrated, too, you know. Sometimes it’s better knowing how to enjoy yourself.”

She winked at Tami, then, and Tami’s facial expression must have disclosed far more than the inexperienced girl intended. Ashley immediately guessed the truth.

“No way! You are eighteen years old and have no experience with that either? Never had an orga–”

Tami shushed her mid-sentence. She hadn’t even been sure it was possible for girls to have one of those. She herself had never felt the drive for it. Ashley did not press the issue; Tami had struggled for a moment, deciding whether to reignite the conversation.

“Have you?” she finally asked.

“Of course I have!” Ashley replied, drowning her ridiculous smile in the bottom of her glass.

“I thought that,” Tami started, nearly whispering, “as it is not necessary for a woman to have an orgasm to get pregnant, that it was mostly a primitive necessity of men. It was in their physiology, not ours.”

“Nice theory, but it is dead wrong.”

“Maybe you are… abnormal?” Tami asked, with something like hope lingering over the question.

“Eh… I do not think so. There are asexual people in the world, though.”

So it’s me, then. Big surprise. Her tiny hope that she’d not been the outlier in yet another way had evaporated.

After they finished their tapas and second drinks, some local guys approached their table, bringing a third round of drinks with them. It was a nice experience. Tami felt like sitting in the back seat, leaving the steering to her friend. Her insecurities threatened to eat her alive from the inside when one of the men placed a hand on her knee while trying to explain something uninteresting. Despite the effort the boys made at speaking some English, and their invitation to indulge in a fourth round, Ashley removed the arm that was on her shoulders and decided to move on. The idea that Ashley was escaping from those men crossed Tami’s mind.

An outdoor nightclub, next to the beach. The music was loud and the drinks were more expensive. The dancing people looked cool, much cooler than herself. More like Ashley’s look. But she loved the music, though, and wished she could be at home so she could dance to it alone.

They came to a small round standing table very close to one of the dance floors. The music was louder there — so loud than any deep conversation was impossible. Soon, Ashley pulled Tami onto the dance floor, which was already jam-packed.

The moves flowed.

The bass ruled.

Ashley led. Tami was being shown off, presented, used. She shined. From behind, Ashley slid her hand along Tami’s belly.

Tami felt warm. It was a combination of Ashley’s hot body, the alcohol, and noticing so many people looking at her — good-looking people; famous people; cool people. Some were professional players. It was barely bearable. After a full squat following a wiggle, a dancing crowd circled them; like they gave them the space they deserved. When that song calmed down, she pulled Ashley back to the table.

“This is crazy,” Tami shouted. “I feel we are stealing the dance floor.” She nevertheless had to place her mouth right next to Ashley’s ear, and her lips rubbed against it inadvertently.

“Of course we are! It’s amazing how you move, Tami. They love it. They love you.” She felt Ashley breathing in her own ear, and it nearly made her dizzy.

The night felt surreal. Ashley’s eyes were both half-closed and entirely alert since the evening had begun, like she’d been assessing the surroundings for prey or predators, but they then fixed upon Tami, and had started coming closer. Those eyes were undressing her. A grimace appeared upon Tami’s face in anticipation of what was coming. She could smell her friend’s scent. The gap between them became thin air, like the calm before the storm. It was like everybody around was paying attention to how it held them apart. Ashley then stopped approaching. Waiting. Teasing.

Tami kissed her. Their lips met first, but soon enough Ashley’s tongue came a-knockin’, asking to be let in. Tami felt a lightning bolt of joy course through her body.

As they kissed, a hurricane of feelings overwhelmed the inexperienced young woman. This is fucking hot, and we’re doing it where everyone can see. It felt to her like a blindfolded martial-arts training session, complete with unexpected twists and turns, and abysses threatening to swallow up the careless or unprepared. The intensity of kissing found a rhythm, then — the rhythm of the music all around them. Ashley’s hand on Tami’s head was firm, commanding that the kiss was not to end.

Tami opened slightly one eye. Those football players were watching. The bolts of electricity running through her body began burning her in between her legs. It had been a completely new feeling. The kiss had already lasted longer than any other she had had in her life. They kept kissing while dancing, or dancing while kissing. At some point, Tami realized that they arrived once again next to their table.

At a musical phrase change, they eventually separated, gasping for air. Tami was led in an inside turn, and then felt Ashley’s body gluing itself to her back. Tami’s front was exposed. Ashley’s hands accentuated Tami’s belly and caressed her as lovers do. One of her deformities was exposed to the crowd, and, so unlike herself, she used it, shaked it. She danced with it. She felt everyone getting aroused from looking at it, and whether that was true or not, she did not care at all. Never before had she felt so vulnerable, yet so free.

She dared. They could have laughed at her. They could have made her feel ashamed — made her feel like running away, to never see any of them again. Instead, her body was attracting them, not repelling them. She was filling them up with lust, not disgust. She surrendered to the moment, discovering that she loved the feeling — the feeling of moving, and merely being seen, and making other people want her.

Ashley led then one half-turn and buried her booty into Tami’s pelvis. When the music commanded a “drop,” Ashley performed with aplomb. From a squatting pose, she held her ankles, stretching her legs first. Her beautiful, curved ass rubbed her legs on its way up. Looking at that ass coming, pointing at her pelvis, Tami felt an inferno igniting with her. She felt like tearing her own jeans apart, grabbing those curves and pounding with determination into her friend. The feeling was a new one, and, as some new things are, it was scary. Tami’s imagination progressed to slapping at her friend’s ass, only to make her beg for more — and Then pulling that invisible black string to the side and penetrating her friend, all to the encouragement of the rest of the sadistic dance floor. Those mental images were dizzying.

She released her grip as she smashed back to reality. Still in the center of the dance floor, she started to feel claustrophobic, leading to a sudden urge to escape — and not necessarily from the crowd, but from that new and terrifying internal drive. Her friend might have seen the terror in her eyes just then, and she stepped forward into an embrace, kissing her again. It felt warm. It felt safe. Tami slipped into the satisfaction of being led again, and feelings of arousal once again overshadowed feelings of fear.

As the songs shuffled, Tami started feeling someone rubbing her from behind. Two men had approached from the sides and were trying to transform a pair-dance into a foursome-dance. Both girls turned away from each other to continue dancing with the attention thieves. Tami enjoyed a blond, curly-haired one at first. However, as the songs and the confusion progressed, she ended up dancing with a bold, dark-skinned man. She danced with a couple of others, too, and even spent a few songs with a sluttily-dressed, large-breasted girl who shamelessly shaked them in front of her.

Eventually, the music’s rhythms started to feel tiring, and she allowed a stranger to lead her back to the side. He was insistent, so she accepted his kisses. What would Ashley do? It was too toothy or there was too little meaning. Either way she was dismissive. He became instead more interested in kissing the rest of her body –her skin– which she allowed. His tongue tickled her belly — both buttons there, of all things — then moved up to her neck.

They were at a public place, what the hell was he doing? Tami enjoyed how desperate her body made him, but she remembered her friend and wondered if she should stop him before it was too late. It was difficult to decide — to know what was right. She searched for help, raising her eyes towards the dance floor. There she spied Ashley, dancing in a closed position with two men. Tami observed her friend, who didn’t look back. Then, she understood. She had been used by her friend to ignite the floor, to signpost what they — correction, what Ashley — was after.

All at once, it felt to Tami as though her blood pressure was tanking. All the alcohol in her stomach churned, demanding to be let out. Her world was about to go black. She stepped back, turned, and run away. It was not a particularly energetic run, but its steps had nevertheless been decisive. She was not stopped by anyone, and soon crossed the promenade, walked two more blocks, and made it all the way to the hotel, and then to the safety of the elevator.

She had difficulties realizing who that blurry woman standing on the elevator mirror was, with her shirt half open and lipstick smudged. Once in her room, she did not care to find where to insert the stupid card key to get the lights on. She opened the curtains to let some of the street light in. She could see from there that anthill of a nightclub vibrating between the promenade and the sea.

The scene was distant and dark; she completed it with imagination: the dancing, the anything-but-innocent rubbing, the warmth of her tongue. She couldn’t get rid of her memory; even Ashley’s scent lingered. She was down there partying with others. Tami found herself pressing her thighs firmly together, and understood the urge that she was feeling. She embraced it with a smile and let one hand slide into her pants. Her fingers caressed one of her legs, reached the middle of her thigh, and then moved slowly inwards. She remembered how her friend had held her head, commanding that kiss to not stop. Yes, Tami had learned too late that it had all been a farce to draw the attention of her prey, but her body did not care. She still felt lucky to have been used in that way. She savored the memory of those lips as her fingers found her clit. It felt nice. She wanted more, not less, and she rejoiced that her body seemed to be finally working properly.

She dropped to her knees, head against the glass, fingers following her inner labia. She gave herself pleasure as she had never done before. Laying on the room’s floor, she could only imagine her friend as the queen of the night — so untouchable. Something inside her was approaching an edge. She only wished she could be used again by her. She moaned loudly. At a twist of her body, she suffered what she first thought of as a full-body cramp; it was a warmth she never experienced before that triggered a mixture of pain and pleasure.

She remained there until her breathing calmed down. She felt happy.

She also felt too tired to analyze what had happened — to decide if she loved or hated her friend. She prepared for bed, which included drawing herself a bath. With the only lights coming from the half-opened bathroom door, she’d submerged herself in salts and bath foam and closed her eyes.

She opened her eyes at the sound of a door smashing, surely from a neighboring room. Had she fallen asleep? The water was cold now, so it would be better to warm herself up again before going to bed. With the shower hose submerged, the hot water started to flow without making much noise. Tami felt hot streams rushing against different parts of her body. She excited that she’d experienced an orgasm — excited, relieved, and even joyous. My body works! There’s nothing wrong with it. My anomaly is superficial; inside, I’m wired correctly — like every other girl.

She caressed her legs, belly, and breasts. Everything felt very nice. Her nipples were getting harder. Everything was so responsive! She smiled at her curiosity and decided to slide her finger around her nipples. Once she’d begun, she hadn’t felt like stopping. One more time, maybe?

She discovered that rubbing her fingers around her nipples was very nice, too, but after some minutes, they’d become less sensitive. She progressed to pinching them slightly and turning them to the side. That was quite nice, too. She also learned that, when changing nipples, they were always half-soft at first, but then quickly became hard.

She moved the shower head to her thighs, then pointed it at her cunt. Imagine Ashley’s tongue is there, she’d told herself. The turbulence had done exactly what she hoped it would, eliciting a feeling similar to what she felt before her bath. Once again, she did not want the feeling to stop.

But then the silence of the night was interrupted by the sound of something hitting the floor — and then again. It felt very much like a pair of shoes. So, Ashley was back! Tami was about to get out of the tub when she froze at the sound of another two shoes hitting the ground.

She stretched her head out of the foam and peeked through the cracked door. In that darkness, she witnessed the vague forms of two bodies moving around and ripping the clothes from each other. At first, it seemed to Tami like Ashley was not fully into it — she even halfway convinced herself she heard a request to slow down. Then Tami recognized how the bodies had been moving — more precisely, into what position. The figure that she knew to be Ashley was pushed back over the bed. The other had moved to lick her down there. If there’d truly been any reluctance or hesitation on Ashley’s part to begin with, it disappeared entirely.

Tami could only dream of being licked as her friend was and pointed the shower exactly where her body wanted to feel it: at the upper part of her cunt opening. She recognized her friend breathing heavily, and felt curiosity at how her cunt might taste and how the hardness of her friend’s clit might feel upon her own tongue. Her desire had grown and grown, there in the bathtub. She hadn’t even been trying to suppress or deny it.

“Mmh,” her friend moaned loudly, “that felt nice. But wait… give me time. Slow down, please.” The contradictory words woke Tami up in a different way — a way she still didn’t have the words or context to describe to herself.

Soon, the man — Tami had assumed from the figure’s general build — had started to climb on her, reaching what Tami recognized as a missionary position. He and Ashley had exchanged some whispers that were difficult for Tami to hear, but then, Ashley’s words became loud and clear.

“What do you mean you do not have protection? I do; let me go get it.”

With her heart in her mouth, Tami submerged herself fully, hoping she was fully covered by the bathing foam before her friend had stepped in.

She waited there, holding her breath, senseless, imagining all types of reactions from her friend — everything from inviting her to a threesome to becoming furious that Tami had been ‘spying’ on them. Apnea had just begun to kick in as Tami sensed someone shut off the water. She slowly emerged to find her friend, naked, there in the darkness, waiting for her.

“I finally found you,” Ashley whispered. “Where have you been? Who did you leave with? Or why did you leave? What are you doing here in the darkness?”

Where to start…

But Ashley went back to the bedroom. “I’m sorry, but I need to ask you to leave now.” Ashley was clear and firm, but also apologetic; the man had eventually stopped arguing and left.

She’s the one who does the rejecting, of course. She’s probably had to do it a lot; she’s gotten very good at it.

When both friends were finally alone, Ashley pulled an armchair next to the bathtub and sat on it.

“I was afraid you were not feeling well,” she said to her still-soaking friend. “Why did you leave?”

Tami gathered up her courage and looked her friend in the eye. “I saw you were having fun. You did not need me further, so I left! Sorry for ruining your date with him. We should have gotten separate rooms.”

“Need you not further? Forget about him. Also, he had sharp teeth.”

They both laughed at that. Tami noticed that Ashley’s big boobs vibrated nicely when she laughed. She was gorgeous. Tami felt an urge to share her successful exploration with her friend, but was unsure if it was proper. People don’t talk about that… or do they?

Tami was happy, and that happiness pushed her towards sharing. “I had my first orgasm.”

“What!? Like now?”

Tami nodded.

Ashley placed her left hand into the foam and reached for Tami’s foot. She massaged it lightly and said, “Congratulations. Is there anything I can do for you tonight, Tami?”

A deep breath was the only answer — at first. Tami was feeling brave, but the stake in play was high.

That hand started to move along Tami’s leg, taking its time before passing her knee. Ashley’s rubbing was firm, but not hard. When her hand approached her submerged friend’s thigh, everything started to feel inevitable to Tami — and not in a bad way. She wanted what she was sure was to come, but she was unprepared to speak it aloud. To her, it had still been tantamount to explaining the inexplicable.

Still with foam everywhere, Tami used her submerged hands to comb through her pubic hair, hoping Ashley would understand it as an invitation. She used her right hand to hold the hair –and something more– away from between her legs. She held that hand there, steady, trying to make her cunt more inviting to her friend´s hand.

She felt a finger first. It was a new and unknown experience. The thrill of anticipation pumped through her entire bloodstream. Her friend’s finger approached further and caressed her outer labia. Ashley had still been taking her time, but finally, that finger had hit Tami’s clit. It felt dangerous and delicious to the inexperienced young woman. Surely, Ashley knew what she was doing.

Ashley used Tami’s labia to cover her clit and pressed through in a rolling motion. Tami took her free hand out of the water and held it a hair’s breadth away from her friend’s breast — hesitantly, and almost penitently.

Ashley took the approaching hand with care and helped it land upon her breast. It felt so soft beneath Tami’s strong hand. Tami’s breathing started to become deeper as she felt a finger surrounding her inner labia and a thumb pressing sideways on her clit. Tami’s will evaporated. She completely surrendered to her friend. Ashley’s beautiful dark hair framed her determined dark eyes. There was excitement in them that Tami could see — no pity or condescension.

Her friend fingered her with care. It felt good. Her press on the clit both indulged her and asked for more. The finger pushed on new inner areas never explored before. Some felt delicious, others felt surrendering. She used the last of her sanity to keep her hand holding the pubic hair to the side at all times wondering if she was about to come again.

The agitation in the water increased the foam’s height. Ashley paused for a moment, giving Tami’s clit a break. Tami welcomed the relief at first, but soon started to squirm and twist, wordlessly begging her friend for me. Ashley gave her what she wanted, but had also turned on the hot water again. While still fingering her friend, she pointed the hot stream directly on Tami’s clit.

That tidal wave of pleasure nearly knocked her off. Pleasure started to creep with intensity from Tami’s lower back all the way to the top of her head. She started to climax again. Of course Ashley knew and guided Tami’s body through it with care and determination.

A new cramp invaded Tami’s body, but this second time it was more pleasurable and less painful. She let go of herself — relaxed all of her muscles –, and dropped into the bathtub — into depths that momentarily seemed bottomless. Her eyes closed; her head was fully submerged into the water. The new climaxing feeling had advanced, increased, and lasted longer than anything else had to that point. Tami felt like removing Ashley’s hand and stream, but she couldn’t. Her friend had made the decision to prolong her exquisite agony. Tami’s drowned roar only bubbled through her mouth and nose.

The climax lasted as long as she had air in her lungs. She finally emerged, holding Ashley’s hand between hers. She used her friend’s hand to remove the foam from her face. They shared the most beautiful of smiles.

Tami sank — or risen — slowly back to reality. She checked on instinct; only her beautiful feminine nudity had been exposed, and apparently not her wrongness.

Tami cordially dismissed Ashley’s proposal of helping her with the towel and sent her to wait in bed.

Knowing that she was there, waiting, Tami could not remain hidden in the bath any longer.

With small, careful steps, Tami approached the bed, hoping that keeping her legs pressed against each other and the room’s darkness would keep her wrongness hidden. She discovered that both beds had been joined together, and that Ashley’s naked latina body was spread out upon them, waiting for her.

Tami crept under the bed sheets, reaching her friend’s intimate area. It looked beautiful, expectant and dripping. She had never seen such beauty in real life. It was partially shaved and made Tami’s mouth water.

She first used her fingers to identify her friend’s most sensitive spots. The aroma was intense. Would she dare do what she wanted?

She explored with her lips first — small kisses here and there. Then she used the tip of her tongue. It tasted salty, but not like sweat. Ashley’s taste had more body than that, and it had soon filled Tami’s mouth. Tami grew accustomed to it quickly, and after that, had focused more upon texture and touch.

Tami felt Ashley’s hands approaching over the sheets and holding her head, leading her towards her clit, imprisoning her there until her desire was fulfilled. Tami licked. She felt her chin diving into her friend’s cunt. She used her lower jaw and lip to gather up the fluids.

“Use a finger,” Ashley’s voice commanded.

Tami pressed on the thin skin between her friend’s anus and vagina, and then slipped fingers upwards and inside.

Ashley moaned, “One more, please.”

Tami did not make her friend beg again. First she put two, then three fingers inside while holding her clit with her tongue. It was difficult to do anything — lick, kiss, or finger — as her head was being pressed hard downwards. She considered trying a jiu jitsu escape if Ashley truly threatened to suffocate or crush her, and that thought had given her a strange rush of confidence. She made her tongue stiff and let Ashley masturbate herself with it. She rubbed her clit on her tongue. At times it was impossible to breathe.

Ashley raised one foot, and Tami held it up with her other hand. The new angle opened up more possibilities for Tami’s tongue and fingers to explore.

“Down there, please. One finger in my… ah…” Ashley voice was hesitant; one of her hands came from the side, spreading one buttock.

What does she want me to do to her there?

Eventually, Ashley’s leg fell on the other side, rotating her body. She held Tami’s head by her hair so that she rotated also, ending face-up but still restrained. Ashley was riding her face; pressing down with her hips in a rhythmic pace that matched her breathing and moaning. Tami, held her breath, and gasped for air on rare occasions. She learned to swallow that river, and to alternate between her tongue and her lower lip when either her tongue or jaw muscles screamed for a break.

Ashley moved from an all-fours to a sitting position, raising her upper body and increasing the weight and pressure on Tami’s face. In a grasp for air, Tami opened her eyes only to be delighted by Ashley’s expression of pleasure.

With a change in the face-riding rhythm, Ashley announced that she was climaxing. When she stopped moving, her upper body collapsed on the bed. Tami then took the opportunity to escape from that leg grip, and surveyed her friend.

Ashley was resting, breathing heavily, in a raised-ass, prone-bone position. She dripped and breathed, but did nothing else. She looked so vulnerable after climaxing that Tami felt ripping her apart. It was an aggressive and dominant feeling that she had barely felt during some training sessions, yet decidedly, obviously different in kind, not merely degree. It was like a boiling rage low on her belly that commanded her to act. She visualized herself getting hold of Ashley’s long hair and slamming hard into her raised ass. But as she started to see her own hand moving, Ashley looked back. She looked at peace. So delighted.

“I can’t remember the last time I came that hard.”

Tami pulled herself together, deflating into an embrace around her friend’s legs — her head over Ashley’s belly. She was yet struggling with more visions of this internal self treating Ashley as a tenderloin. It stirred inside her for several moments, even after Ashley fell into a profound sleep. Nothing seemed to work; the only thing that came close to some sort of relief was rubbing her wrongness against Ashley’s leg, then immediately retreating into her eternal denial of its reality.

Eventually, Tami fell asleep.

Tami woke up when Ashley closed the room door behind her, fully naked, with wet hair and breakfast tray in hand. Tami realized it was wet where she’d been sleeping, and had the strong suspicion that she had done something wrong while sleeping. She decided to hide and forget that disgusting detail about herself yet again and sat upright, breasts in the air and sheets on her lap, and took some pancakes from the tray.

“Morning sleeping beauty. Take some coffee; it might help with the headache.”

Tami’s anxiety for what Ashley could have found out evaporated after hearing her tone. “I am feeling well actually. Well and rested.” And ready for more. “What do you have in mind for today?”

“Don’t know. The tickets are for the evening, but we have the whole day.” Ashley checked the clock. “Well, half the day.”

Tami could have happily proposed to spend the entire day in that room — to have become her friend’s slave and submit to all her wishes and desires. But how to ask for that? She examined Ashley closely; her friend seemed to be very satisfied already, and eager to enjoy Spain.

It was Ashley yet again who filled the silence. “What about working on your tan?”

“A lovely idea,” Tami had replied. “I envy all your shades-of-coffee skin tone.”

“Well, I’ve still got some tan lines I could try to get rid of.” Ashley moved her hand over her own breasts, finger gliding along the tan lines there. She then turned, facing down, and ran her finger over the lines on her butt.

The curve on her butt ignited something deep inside Tami yet again. Confusing thoughts kept briefly invading her mind. She tried to force them back down inside of her with mouthfuls of pancakes.

Tami couldn’t remember having had breakfast so late in life before. The sun had been high and strong. It also revealed a sudden surprise on Ashley’s face.

“Tami, what is that?” Her finger pointed at the bed sheet tenting on Tami’s lap.

Tami immediately recognized the beginning of the end. She was sure the weekend was ruined — to say nothing of the rest of her life. She felt herself blushing, and she closed her eyes when Ashley pulled hard on the bed sheet.

She heard Ashley gasping in surprise, and then, silence. She eventually opened her eyes, looking down at the small, half-erect phallus on her pelvis. Her hands did not do a proper job of covering it, and the longer Ashley looked at it, the larger it grew. It was the first time in her life she could recall she had been fully exposed and vulnerable in front of someone. She slowly dared to raise her gaze towards her friend. To Tami’s surprise, Ashley’s facial expression was of pure perplexity, maybe mixed with curiosity.

“I am sorry, Ashley. I can explain. Well, actually I cannot explain. I was born this way.” Her face felt like it was burning.

Ashley took her time, then finally said, “Dear, that explains a lot. Well, I felt there was something more you had hidden somewhere, but never imagined it was a dick. I guess this is something you keep to yourself?”

Tami nodded.

“And you… do not like it… or do you?”

Tami shook her head.

“I think it looks cute. Does it… work?”

Tami felt confused, but she knew what to answer.

“My urethra is there, not in my vagina, so peeing is complicated. There are also some drops coming out from that thing when I sleep at times.”

“From your penis,” Ashley corrected her. “Have you ever masturbated?”

“Ashley! Please!”

“I am curious! Have you jerked off like a man? What happens if you do?”

“No, it is normally dead, there, flaccid and hanging.”

“It is not hanging now. Nor flaccid.”

“I know, and I do not know why!”

“Can I have a closer look at it?”

Ashley got her face closer to it. She inspected it.

“Honey, you have a dick and balls. The balls look very small, not hanging much. You see, this skin here on the tip, it is a bit larger so it protects the head, which is inside. And the veins here and everything is normal. You have a dick. You are man — biologically speaking, of course.”

“No, I am not.”

“Okay, but you know what they say: ‘if it has a dick, it is a man.’ That’s how you tell. It’s that simple — so you are more like transgender, it is called.”

“No,” Tami said with frustration, “you know what they should say? ‘If it has a cunt, it is a woman.’ It’s that simple. It is more like a part of me has a dick. Not me. I can’t control it.”

“Men usually can’t either.”


Ashley nodded. She looked her friend in the eyes and asked what Tami feared. “Can I touch it?”

Tami granted permission with silence and blushing. It was too difficult to speak any words at all.

Ashley placed her index finger and thumb around the foreskin and pressed slightly downwards. She pressed one more time; a slimy head peeking out. There was a strong smell, and some fluids had started to drip down the shaft.

Ashley let it go. Both observed how it bounced and pulsed up and down. Tami started to feel an intense pain, and as though a river started to flow internally.

Ashley used the same grip again and took the foreskin up and down once more. Tami felt invaded even more deeply by that same unknown, painful, pulsing feeling. It was a bit scary for her. She felt the pulsations coming from inside and observed their effect on the outside — on her dick, as it moved.

Then Ashley did something unexpected. She got closer — her lips, in particular, which had then touched the tip with a light kiss. The ‘him’ inside of Tami ordered her to hold her friend’s head down. The visual was crystal clear in her mind, but her hands did not follow his command.

Her friend’s lips kissed again with her tongue tip sneaking out, as if to get a taste without permission.

Pulsating pain mixed with internal rage exploded onto Ashley’s face. A white stream of male cum hit her on the cheek, followed by two lesser expulsions which ran down the shaft. The rage disappeared, and Tami felt exhausted.

Tami observed how her own right hand held Ashley’s hair. She apologetically released it, not remembering having grabbed it. She couldn’t help but stare at the warm and thick cum; it looked like it had gone everywhere. She made a huge fucking mess… of everything.

Ashley’s eyes had opened wide, and her mouth had widened into a smile. She stuck her tongue out reaching to taste a bit of the load on her cheek. She’d cleaned her face with a towel and then held her friend in the warmest of the hugs.

Tami’s feelings were complex — both happy and sad. She had never felt so vulnerable before, and yet, so welcomed for what she was.

When all the cleanup had been done, the pancakes eaten and the coffee drunk, Ashley started to get ready. She came up with a plan, and Tami knew that she would follow her anywhere.

A short time later they walked barefoot down the promenade, passing a marina, then following along the sand beaches. Tami was wearing a bikini bra and booty shorts, showing off her abs with her double buttons that had been so acclaimed by so many the night before. Ashley was wearing a small bra matching her ebony necklace, and a shawl on her waist. However, the bra came quickly off. Tami reminded herself that toplessness was not wrong in Spain. They agreed on walking light, taking only a bit of cash hidden in the back pocket of Tami’s shorts — no IDs, no Instagram, no hotel cards. They bought refreshment and churros as they walked. Sometimes they’d come upon family beaches, where Ashley felt it proper to put her bikini top back on. Other beaches hosted an even more mature and daring type of guest, including old couples completely naked with everything hanging. There, Tami felt proud of her eye-catching double belly button.

After a good hour walk, both topless friends reached a small forest marking the end of the last sandbeach. They decided to continue crossing it. The sporadic couples or individuals partially hidden between the willows there were also completely naked. Both friends couldn’t avoid commenting that the landscape had transformed, and it was absolutely not for families anymore. Ashley removed her shawl, revealing nothing underneath. At the forest’s end, they met a rocky formation. Above it there was the railway blocking access.

“Shall we turn around?” Tami asked.

“Or continue?” Ashley proposed. “But if we do, I advise doing something with those shorts. Otherwise you will end up with a very marked tan line.”

Naked? With that hanging thing? She knew the request would be coming, and had considered it, but it had still felt wrong.

They agree about Tami embracing what she had, but still, Ashley had to marshall all the arguments once more: they were far away from home, where nobody knew them, in a place where everybody was naked. The final argument was the fatal blow: Ashley told Tami that she just really, really wanted to see her naked again.

Aroused by being begged, Tami stripped down. She shivered slightly, and not just because of the sudden comparative chill. After improvising a shoulder bag with the shaw, the pair had started to traverse the rocky formation. The scramble was easy, with the occasional short swim. They enjoyed their time together, laughing at their comments on how Tami’s dick neither floated nor sunk, nor hit a rock while swinging.

“What is that?” Tami asked while pointing.

After close inspection, they found some bikini parts hung upon poles that had been stuck into the rocks.

“It looks like a sort of flag, or a lost and found? Maybe somebody marking territory?”

Shortly after having discovered the bikini flags, they came across more people. There were some willows and rocky coves around, providing several hiding spots. The first man had been greeting the sun with his entire naked front, splayed out upon a large, flat rock. Further on, they found a very small cove with a short sand beach which hosted three different couples, completely naked, ventilating all their intimate parts. Tami knew that because she’d peeked briefly — a bad habit of hers. Otherwise, she’d been trying to keep her gaze pointed downwards a short distance in front of her steps.

There was a man behind some bushes, who was brushing his teeth.

“Oh my God. Ashley, look at him. Why would he take a toothbrush to the beach?”

Tami felt an uncomfortable feeling, then — a sense of some danger. She reminded herself of her strength, but fear is often irrational. Ashley might have sensed it as well because she decided to find seat on an isolated spot on the rocks.

They sat comfortably. After taking some time to simply breathe and stare out at the horizon, Ashley asked, “How are you doing?”

“We shouldn’t be here. I am not mature enough. I am not corrupted enough. I am starting to lose control. I am not sure I can remain here.”

“Why do YOU think someone would bring a toothbrush? What dirty thoughts do you have?”

The provocative tone in Ashley’s voice calmed her down.

“To clean up after sucking cock?” Could she be accepted by who she was, what she had, and even with her dirty thoughts?

Ashley purposefully overreacted with a gasp. “Such a naughty, dirty mind you have! What if someone just wants to have the best possible mouth hygiene and had just finished their lunch?” Then she relaxed her poker face, saying, “Meat with milk, maybe.”

Tami let a grimace be cheaply stolen from her. She leaned over and kissed her friend. She felt Ashley’s finger coming casually at her dick.

“Wow,” Tami exclaimed. “I kiss you and I feel aroused. But that doesn’t mean I want to be touched there. It doesn’t work like that. Well, nothing worked at all until yesterday, actually. But I can tell you that I do not feel like using that thing. I’ve considered cutting it off.”

“I love when you tell me what you want. What about here?” Ashley’s hand moved to her thigh and progressed underneath towards her cunt and clit.

Tami let out a tiny moan, and paired it with a smile. “That is different, but this is not the place for that. Maybe we should head back to the hotel room?”

“I like it here now,” Ashley said in the bossiest of the tones, retracting her hand. Tami was sure that her faked indifference had a purpose behind it, but she couldn’t figure it out. Ashley laid back on the rock and spread her legs, exposing her parts to the sun.

Tami looked around. Most people were minding their own business — but not everyone, not all the time. There were two men, likely gay, with their feet in the water. One looked insistently over his shoulder. What was he so interested in? She had a dick, but she sure as hell didn’t look like a gay man. She would never grow a beard or mustache. Would they care?

There also was a man with a pro camera taking pictures of a model — or so Tami assumed, though she didn’t have a clear view. He’d also been glancing at her on occasion, which had made Tami turn away from him on instinct. People shouldn’t bring cameras to places like this; everybody should understand and respect that. She’d already noticed a distinct lack of mobile phones anywhere, which had only made the large camera stand out more.

The one man slathering his woman in sunscreen lotion had also glimpsed twice.

From the couple that had gone for a swim, the woman had also shown interest. Was she bisexual? If so, would Tamy be a win-win for her?

Was everybody horny there, or was just her imagination?

She looked up and saw that there was an alternative access to the cove: a tunnel under the railway.

“Ashley… you knew about this place.”


“What are we doing here?”

“Celebrating the joy of being naked. Celebrating our bodies.”

Tami took a moment to think on the implications of that statement.

Ashley sat upright, her necklace swinging beautifully around her breasts. “We talked about risks, right? I need to show you I’m not the only one who finds you attractive, because that sounds like a short-legged lie.”

Tami felt then like a white belt admiring the wise and experienced words of a black belt. She leaned over and kissed her friend again. She then spread her legs as Ashley had done and let the sun bathe her. She’d drifted away while fighting conflicting thoughts.

“Until you woke me up from my siesta,” Tami declared, concluding her story to the photographer. She was really turned on after reliving the story.

Still sitting on his cove, they had shared several drags on his rolled shit. Tami had finally accepted that the man’s offer to shoot her for his project had been genuine, and not some elaborate lie cooked up by her friend. Tami had also revealed her secrets, from her virginity to that morning masculine ejaculation, to a stranger — and it had been okay. She felt okay.

Ashley then persuaded Tami to make a move on him. He was a calm and polite kisser, and surely in the mood after hearing her story. It took a good making-out warm-up before Tami finally felt his hand on her breast. She was about to push it away, as she had seen Ashley doing, but she instead decided to place her hand upon his, holding it in place. She discovered that her nipples liked the roughness of his fingers. She lowered her hand and touched his member. It was getting erect. It felt firm, with a weight to it. She interrupted the kiss to look at it. She spent some moments appreciating how it grew simply because someone — because she — was looking at it. She couldn’t hide a smile, and moved to kiss him again, but he straightened his back, getting some distance from her.

The dismissal left Tami disgusted with herself. It was her dick. He surely did not like it. He didn’t see her as a woman.

Soon they were putting all their clothes on and following him through the railway tunnel. As it was getting late, he agreed to give them a ride in his utter dump of a car. All the intoxicating memories from the nightclub, bathtub and cove whirled around in Tami’s head, and they felt like they were choking her. She still didn’t know how to ask for what she wanted.

The girls hurried up to their room. Tami dropped to her bed and daydreamed about being tickled, massaged, rubbed and even maybe licked, but realized with disappointment that her friend was already trying different outfits. Ashley was going to the final and would be dressed to kill. They ended up wearing tops with cuts — a sidecut for Ashley and a scissors-improvised belly cutout for her. They also wore short skirts — a micro mini for Ashley and a girlish one for Tami. Tami felt like she was too horny to even leave the room, but in the end, she could only follow her friend.

They arrived late, after the match had started. The place was a huge maze. Their tip-up seats were on the first row on the highest terrace. The seats were taken when they arrived, but Ashley and her latina manners proved helpful in getting the men to back off.

The players ran around through the immense field, and Tami understood quickly that she should have brought her binoculars.

“Who are we cheering for?”

“The locals!”

“Good!! What colour are they?”

Ashley rolled her eyes in a lovely manner. “We are seated among them. You can guess the colour, right?”

Indeed, it was easy. Tami looked around, seeing mostly men, and mostly in larger groups. They were all wearing the same t-shirts, banners and flags. She didn’t see a single family anywhere near them.

Suddenly, all those men stood up and screamed and held their heads, shouting “aw”s and “argh”s.

Even Ashley was standing. She was euphoric already, slightly inclined over the rail. Oh, that slut, Tami thought to herself. Ashley was wearing shiny white panties that perfectly contrasted with her black micro mini. Several others noticed, too.

The men sitting next to Ashley started the subtle work of looking unconditionally friendly. Ashley smiled at them, but otherwise left them high and dry. She did that a lot. She bent over the rail again to shout at the field about a wrong yellow card. Tami saw the pattern. Ashley did that with men: she enjoyed making their kettles whistle, but hesitated when it was time to serve the tea.

Seconds before halftime there was a very thrilling free shot. Everybody was on their feet, and the entire first row hung on the rail. Tami copied her friend, trying to lift her ass up and make it as perky as her friend’s. She looked over her shoulder and found those men behind her smiling. She felt the thrill — the one she was sure Ashley felt all the time. She understood why someone would keep seeking it out.

The free shot was unstoppable, announcing the first score of the match. Tami jumped with excitement, only to realize that it was a score by the wrong side, making her feel stupid.

It was either the anticlimax of the halftime result or letting everybody assume she was stupid that pushed her to accept conversation with her nearby neighbors.

They animatedly explained to Tami an entire pseudo-religion based upon ‘cabalas’ — superstitious calculations or offers to get a desired result. When, a few minutes into the second half, a penalty against the locals was marked, the negotiations with the pagan gods started in earnest. The penalty kick needed to be stopped. People offered different things: hats, t-shirts, walking on their knees along the entire promenade. Ashley, after dealing with a lot of flattering proposals, offered to flash her breasts. Hearing the words coming out of her mouth was surreal, though Tami knew she should hardly be surprised. It was exactly the kind of teasing escalation that Ashley enjoyed.

Tami gave it a thought or two, and shouted, “My panties!” It was the World Cup final after all. She was pleased to help.

The silence of expectation ruled. The shot was high and to the side. The keeper flew in the right direction. His hand was extended, and it hit the ball, successfully deflecting it just enough. It bounced on the side pole and was caught by the keeper at the end. The entire terrace went mad. Ashley flashed her boobs immediately; everybody hugged everybody. Tami felt Ashley’s boobs in her face, bear hugs from the side, kisses on her cheek, and even a surprising hand on her ass that she eventually shook off.

She remembered her offer, and when she pulled the skirt up to grab her panties, she felt an aiding hand also there that pulled and ripped her panties off. She blushed when she saw them flying towards the lower terrace. She had done it, and Ashley seemed impressed — but something else was happening on the field that made the terrace halt the partying.

The keeper had reacted quickly, making a long pass, starting a counter attack. A jumping chorus suddenly started, euphoric, supporting its team. She felt herself pushed towards the rail by the mass of uncontrolled people. She felt some molester’s hand or legs on her back side. Or maybe it’s just what happened in a mob. The friendly arms on her shoulders impeded her from checking behind her. Then she heard Ashley offering up her white underwear to the gods. Ha, Tami thought, for once, I’m leading and she’s following. Copycat!

Everybody jumped and shouted in ecstasy as the ball curved and ended on the net, evening out the score. Euphoria and ecstasy!

She turned towards her new friends and was kissed, squeezed and touched by a dozen different men. Every single kiss felt different. One was innocently festive; another was a lusty attempt to take advantage of the situation; yet another was so clumsy that even its intentions were a fumble.

The next hour was a thrilling one. Everybody sang as if a draw meant victory. Every opportunity to stand and hang on the rail was taken. The girls shared naughty smiles. One of the photographers down there had his camera towards them, not the field. The girls wondered if they knew him.

During that hour, Tami felt several hands, slaps and even one pinch on her butt and one finger close to her anus. Her butt was pressed and rubbed constantly. Every time she looked over her shoulder there was a different phone taking pictures behind her, making her not want to expose her face, but only her ass instead. She held her falange away with her hand when necessary and rubbed her clit while locking the gazes with Ashley. She did not know how the experience was going to end.

Tami glanced at several of those men and started to identify them. She could clearly distinguish the festive and the clumsy from the daring opportunists.

The second half was done, and, as the end of the extra time approached, one of those things that only happens in the World Cup finals occurred: a penalty kick for the locals.

The singing was unstoppable. The terrace felt about to fall because of the synced jumping. The first row couldn’t move, as it was being squeezed by the weight of hundreds of men behind it.

When the cábalas started, everybody raised their bet.

It was as if everyone behind Tami had a suggestion about what she should offer. She shook her head with disbelief. The men insisted, whispering incessantly in her ear, that the country needed her offer.

The girls held hands and locked eyes. “This is the one that counts.” Tamy whispered. Both nodded at that.

Tami’s heard herself shouting, “My virginity!”

Ashley’s surprised eyes revealed both admiration and cowardice. She then held her eyes and mouth shut. Tami could tell that she was struggling internally — the teaser, being pushed past her limits.

“C’MON ASHLEY! YOU CAN!” Tami shouted her throat out.

Ashley bit her lower lip while still shaking her head, but Tami knew that she could win her friend over. Something had clicked — something about their very first encounter in their bedroom. She knew what Ashley secretly craved, and she knew that the surreal moment they’d found themselves in would finally give the secretly bashful tease the courage to go all the way.


To that almighty pagan god, Ashley prayed, “I OFFER MY ASS! MI CULO!”

The entire terrace bounced up and down. She felt some movement — some fighting behind her. The strongest would win them. Sweat ran down her back, giving her shivers.

The player prepared the ball. Tami felt her skirt being lifted. The player took four steps back. She exaggerated her lumbar curve. The player spit on the grass. She felt a searching tip on her back. The player looked focused. She felt her legs being spread slightly. She wanted it in her. The player ran forward and shot.


As the entire country climaxed, Tami felt a cock advancing in her cunt. Only the pagan gods knew who was the stranger fucking her with the weight of hundreds of men pushing behind. Her body jumped involuntarily, following the rhythm of the entire terrace celebrating the match’s final whistle. She was hugged from one side and kissed from the other side. The cock went deeper. Drinks spilled on her head. Some hand pinched at her nipples. Other held her neck or hair. There was no sweet soft start. She was being fucked frenetically. She tried pushing her ass against him and twisting her hips to increase the pleasure. If only I’d known how good it would feel — and by a stranger! Is that part of it? Is that making it better? She held onto the rail for dear life.

The cock pulled out, and Tami involuntarily shouted, “Noo!” It was far too late to be ashamed of anything.

She felt hot cum hitting her back. Then she was quickly taken by the second-strongest man. With a minimum of warning he penetrated her — much to her relief and delight. She imagined that the new cock must be curved or bent, because it was hitting completely different places.

When someone took his tongue out from Tami’s mouth, she turned her head to the side. A fully surrendered, eyes-closed, slutty Ashley was working a redheaded man’s dick up her ass. Tami extended a hand and grabbed her friend’s buttock, spreading her ass open.

She saw the tip of that cock waiting just at the threshold — waiting until it was full of spit. Then it eased forward; Ashley’s anus opened, swallowing the tip.

Both whores looked at each other — at how they were both being used and fucked, and how they glowed among the men that wanted them so desperately. Tami saw how Ashley faded into her own pleasure and resisted the impulse to wake her up, to beg her to share the moment.

The redheaded man went into Ashley’s ass as far as he could go. Ashley held her hand up, asking for time, then lowered it, giving him permission to continue.

Tami reached to the side and kissed her on the shoulder first, supportively, then on her mouth, lustily. Tami squeezed her breasts, and they — with the help of the men fucking them, plus all the others, slowly turned so they could face each other. They locked eyes again. She kissed her. She kissed her with passion. She kissed her while the entire terrace was watching how they were fucked, and encouraging and recording and emptying more drinks on them. It smelled sweet and bitter and felt refreshing. Tami felt herself being hit by hot, sticky streams on her butt and legs, guessing it was cum, and entirely ignorant of who. With the feeling of Ashley tongue in her mouth, that curved cock in her cunt, the scent of sweat, cum and beer, and dozens hands on the rest of her body, she felt herself approaching the edge. She felt involuntary contractions in her cunt. She came long, and she came hard.

The only external signs were her holding her breath, biting at Ashley’s lip, and burying her nails in her friend’s skin. The feeling lasted a long time, and it only made the fucking more pleasent, not less. Aftrer she had climaxed, she wanted the fucking to continue, as if her insides had become tighter and more sensitive.

Ashley’s eyes were watering, but she was smiling — tears of joy. What a fucking woman! Then she saw Ashley looked pointedly downwards. When Tami followed her friend’s gaze, she understood. She had forgotten. The front of her skirt was raised.

Tami moved her hand down between her legs, and with it she felt that curved cock in her cunt. She then felt her finger moving to her clit, then to those tiny balls. Finally she saw how her own hand held that little monster there. Its size had changed. It was larger than she’d ever seen it before. The foreskin was not big enough to cover it, so a slimy smile was popping out.

She felt her inner ‘him’ bursting to the surface. She wanted everyone to hear her internal roar. She saw how her hand lifted one of Ashley’s legs and placed it over the rail. Her other leg was being held by the men on the side, getting her suspended in the air. Her shaved cunt was dripping. She saw her own hands first placing that monster of a dick into Ashley’s cunt entrance and then grabbing on Ashley’s waist, claws on skin.

The public pushed both girls together. It was all too much for Tami, so she escaped reality by kissing her lover while feeling the animal inside roaring through her throat. That werebeast pushed its cock deeper into her friend. She could feel the redhead’s dick pushing through Ashley’s insides. She felt everything, but controlled nothing.

The girls… the three… the four… the entire terrace synced. She used the momentum from the stranger’s cock from behind to pound into her friend’s cunt, which became tighter and tighter as the cock in her anus advanced.

Ashley interrupted the kiss to announce, “I’m cumming. I’m fucking cumming. Keep it like that. Oh. Fuck me. More.”

Ashleys hands around Tami’s head forced a new kiss.

Ashley’s body shook. Her legs flagged to the four winds. The cocks of the men came in turns. Tami felt her man cumming; cum spread on her again. Both men retreated, leaving the picture of a voluptuous bronze babe shaking, with a cum-dripping ass, being fucked with fury by her powerful friend.

Tami tried to hold as long as she could, but as soon as she felt her friend coming on her cock, she was overwhelmed. A full-body cramp took over, accompanied by a pumping feeling. She spilled jizz into her friend, and she could feel how that violent expulsion was instantly putting her inner beast back to sleep. Her friend glided to the floor, smiling. Tami looked around. She was the only one standing, though in a guarding stance. Her clothes were wet and ripped. She eventually dropped to her knees, and just breathed.

They were in the stadium; men around them were applauding. They offered the pair water, banners to be used as towels, and other help of the like — mostly improvised and undignified, but well-meaning overall. Tami greeted those who fucked her and gave her phone number at their request. When the pair’s legs were strong enough to be used to walk, they left the stadium.

Some young men followed them to the beach, where they washed their bodies in the sea and chatted in the darkness of the night. They saw several walking on their knees along the promenade. Eventually, the girls reached their room — just the two of them — where they fell asleep happily believing that the next morning would be the start of the rest of their lives. Tami was looking forward to being naked with Ashley — figuratively, even more so than literally. She couldn’t wait to reminisce openly with her dear friend about the incredible adventure they’d just shared.

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