Tausa by MichaelGagen,MichaelGagen

Annette knew she had been away too much. Jason wasn’t complaining, at least not verbally, but they grew a bit more distant and more irritable when they were apart for long periods. This exhibited in less talking about anything other than daily logistics, less touching, and less time together when one of them wasn’t sleeping. She could feel this right now as she finished her morning cup of coffee while reviewing her messages from the office. Jason was just across from her, doing the same thing, probably thinking similar thoughts and holding similar fears and hopes, and yet she couldn’t think of anything to say to him.

She did not see much hope for a reduction in her travel commitments, too much of it off planet to other judicial offices around the system that left her gone for weeks at a time, so she had been on the lookout for something that might help bring her and Jason some gentle togetherness. If they could not reconnect, they might start slipping towards losing sight of each other entirely. And what then? Why had she become so bad at this? She used to be so in tune with Jason and could almost anticipate what he would say to her. She was just about to put down her tablet and go for a walk when she noticed a more familiar message from one of her colleagues pop into view.

* * *

Today, 8:14am

Hi Annette,

You and Jason have to go and visit the new massage place across the river near downtown. It’s called Tausa. I think it saved our marriage! It was that good. Ask for the “couples meld” package. It’s expensive, but worth every penny. Call me if you have any questions. I swear you won’t be disappointed.


* * *

Annette’s eyes flicked up to Jason, but he continued to sit there sipping his coffee and focused on his messages slightly scowling every so often. She and Jason had enjoyed massages in the past though it had been years since the last time they had shared that experience together. They had their artificially intelligent massage chair at home, of course, but that was a pale imitation of human touch.

She wasn’t sure about Jen’s over the top praise of this particular establishment. That was not at all in line with her mildly cynical and sarcastic style. But, this had come at an opportune time. She and Jason really did need something, so perhaps fate was playing a hand here. Annette tapped a few buttons and opened Tausa’s virtual site to check it out.

The virtual site seemed to have the typical imagery of relaxing settings and vaguely eastern icons with a few shapes and images from African locales. They had apparently opened a few months ago, but Annette had been too busy lately for this kind of thing, so it hadn’t come to her attention. Requesting information on services offered, she saw and heard a wide variety of massage techniques listed, including a few couples massage packages, but nothing about a “couples meld” package. Maybe Jen had gotten the name mixed up with something else.

There was no automated appointment booking, so she copied Tausa’s live call number to her phone and stepped outside to the front porch to make the call.

“Thanks for calling Tausa, how may I help you?” said a smooth and efficient feminine voice.

“Hi, I was interested in scheduling a couples massage,” Annette said.

“Do you know which package you were interested in? We have several different ones available. They range from 1 to 3 hours. I can describe them, if you’d like, or you can review all of the offerings on our website,” the receptionist said.

Annette responded, “Well, my friend recommended a ‘meld’ package, but I didn’t see that on the website.”

“I see,” replied the receptionist. “May I ask for your friend’s name, please?”

“Sure, her name is Jen or Jennifer Baker,” Annette replied.

The line was quiet for a few moments. “Ah, yes. Thank you. Did your friend describe the experience for you?”

“Not really, she just said that it saved her marriage and was worth every penny.”

“Alright. Well the ‘couples meld experience’ package is one of our premium offerings offered only to trusted clients and their closest friends. It is a two and a half hour appointment that includes a 30 minute relaxation ritual, one and a half hour couples massage in our meld suite, and a 30 minute deep connection ritual at the conclusion. The cost is $2,500; we require a 20% deposit, and we currently schedule these experiences only on Friday or Saturday mornings from 10:00am to 12:30pm.”

Wow, $2,500! Jen wasn’t exaggerating when she said expensive. Annette wasn’t sure what to think, but if Jen had been so enthusiastic, she thought that they should take the chance. It wasn’t like they lacked money, so much as they lacked meaningful time together. If this could really put them one step on the path back to reconnecting then it was probably worth it.

“Ok, what dates do you have available?” Annette asked.

The line went quiet again for a few moments before the receptionist responded. “We did recently have a cancellation for this Saturday, so that day is open, otherwise, most of this month is already booked, but you could schedule for the day of your choice beginning in 6 weeks from this Friday.”

That expensive, and so many bookings? She and Jason had been planning to go to the gym this Saturday morning–it was already Wednesday–another shared activity that they had recently let fall by the wayside, but she was in the mood to go now. She could sell this to Jason, and they could catch up with their workout later.

“Ok. I’d like to reserve the appointment for this Saturday,” Annette said, somehow feeling more nervous and unsure after saying it than she had before.

“That’s wonderful! I will forward a link to this number so that you can submit your 20% deposit, unless you would prefer a different number?”

“No, this number is fine.”

“Ok. Then, you should receive a call from our meld therapist Thursday evening, that’s tomorrow, with instructions for you and your partner.”

“Instructions?” Annette replied.

“Yes, there are some general preparations before you arrive on Saturday, and the therapist can answer any questions you may have about anything involved with the experience. Thank you very much for your call. We look forward to seeing you. Have a pleasant day.”

And then she hung up. Annette didn’t even have a chance to say ‘goodbye’ or ‘you, too’. Well, that was that, she thought. She felt excited and nervous, not sure what they were getting into, but as strange as it seemed, she could feel that it was the right step. She walked back inside to the dining room to find Jason finishing his coffee and about to head into the office.

“Hey, I think we should change our plans for Saturday morning,” Annette said, watching Jason carefully.

“Our workout? Why? What did you have in mind?” he replied, sitting back down into his chair.

“Well, Jen was raving about how an experience at the new massage place, Tausa, had saved her marriage, and so, I just booked us an appointment for Saturday morning.”

“Jen said that? I guess that makes me intrigued… Sure, sounds good, you know I can’t pass up a good massage,” Jason said.

“I think it might be more than the traditional massage, but Jen didn’t tell me much about it. They called it the ‘couples meld experience’ and it lasts two and a half hours. They are supposed to call me tomorrow evening with instructions; I’m not sure what kind of instructions; I guess about things we are supposed to do before we arrive; and, it’s really expensive.” Annette rattled on, for some reason listing all the possible excuses to back out.

“Annette… ” Jason said, getting up from his chair and walking over to put his hands on her shoulders. “I’m even more curious now. I’m sure it will be great. We could certainly use something to take the stress away.”

“I… just know that we’ve been apart too much lately. I thought this would help us reconnect,” Annette said, in almost a whisper.

“I’m sure it will. If it’s amazing, we’ll feel great, and if it is crazy and weird, we can bond over that. Either way, it will get us to take our clothes off before we’re exhausted at the end of the day, and only good things can come from that.” He bent down and kissed her forehead. “I’ve got to run or I’ll miss my meeting.”

“I know. Thanks. I’ll see you at dinner.” Annette leaned her head against his chest, and then took a step back and watched him pick up his bag and walk out the front door.

Annette busied herself the rest of the day between resolving minor emergencies for her colleagues to fitting in time to write the last 4 pages of a proposal that was due that night–she didn’t quite finish that one. She never happened to run into Jen, so she didn’t have a chance to ask for any more information about Tausa and this ‘meld experience’. She made it home just before dinner time to find Jason chopping up vegetables for a salad.

“I’m sorry…” Annette started to say, but Jason interrupted her. “Shh… Dinner’s ready. Let’s eat while everything is hot.” Jason pulled two plates out and put pieces of salmon and roasted asparagus on them before carrying them to the table. Annette brought the bowl of salad and the bottle of white wine, and sat down with him to eat.

“Did you run into Jen today,” Jason asked.

“No, I didn’t… Everything was so hectic, I didn’t have a chance to walk by her office, and I never saw her in the halls.”

“Well, I guess it will just have to be a surprise, then.”

Jason and Annette continued to talk over dinner about their plans for next week, and finding a weekend to get away before the summer travelers made things more crowded. They usually seemed to agree more about the future than anything else. It was a subject that made them both feel good.

“I’m sorry, but I have to finish this proposal tonight. If you leave the dishes, I’ll finish them in the morning.” She got up, Jason watching her. She walked to her office upstairs pensively. In the past, she would have walked up to Jason and kissed him in that situation, but now it felt so awkward. She did love him. She hoped he knew, but it was so hard to show it, for some reason.

Annette finally finished her last page and sent off the document to be checked and submitted at 12:42 am. She left the office passing through the kitchen to get a drink of water before heading to bed. As she filled her glass, she noticed that Jason had finished all the dishes himself.

When she climbed into bed, Jason rolled over and put his arm around her. He was asleep, she could tell, breathing deeply. But, she still liked that he reached out to her. A place inside her ached that they couldn’t be like this more during the day. She was going to do what she could, almost anything, she decided. She just needed a little help.

The next day passed uneventfully for both of them. Work happened to be a little calmer, and Annette picked up takeout from the new Szechuan restaurant on her way home. They made small talk while they ate and decided to just listen to music and read afterwards and get away from their electronics for the evening.

After dinner she and Jason sat on the couch. Jason was reading and drinking a glass of red wine, while she was looking at a science magazine and idly turning the pages, but really just waiting for the expected call. At 8:00pm, her phone buzzed, so she put in her earpiece and pressed the button to accept the call.

“Hello, this is Aminah, from the Tausa massage studio,” the voice said, clear and strong. “I’d like to discuss your ‘meld experience’ scheduled for this Saturday at 10:00am.”

“Yes, of course,” Annette replied.

“I need to ask a few health and medical questions and complete the legal consent process, and then provide you with some pre-arrival instructions. It is better that we do this now, rather than break the intended mood on the day of your session.”

“Ok, sure. That’s fine. Go ahead.”

“What is the height and weight, gender, and dimensions, for both you and your partner?”

“Oh, um, 5 feet 4 inches tall, 118 pounds, female, 34B chest, 27 inch waist, 36 inch hips. My partner is 6 feet 1 inch tall, 175 pounds, male, 42 inch chest, 32 inch waist, 33 inch inseam.” Jason looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Do you or your partner have any history of cardiac or respiratory conditions?”


“Do you or your partner have any history of or current skin conditions?”


“Do you personally consent to certified therapists and trained treatment staff viewing and manually touching any part of your body during the appointment?”

“… Yes.” That did sound different, but she wasn’t sure yet if that excited or scared her.

“Please pass the phone to your partner, so that I can verify his consent.” Annette switched off her earpiece and handed the phone to Jason and he listened for a few seconds, and also responded affirmatively before handing the phone back to Annette.

“Ok, now I will proceed with the pre-arrival instructions. Do you have more than one comfortable bed in your home?”

“Yes, we have three. Only one is used most of the time.”

“Excellent. Please, each of you should sleep alone on Friday night.”


“You will receive a package from Tausa on your doorstep on Friday evening. This package will contain a set of clothes for each of you, two pieces of incense and two tubes of lotion. In addition, there will be a sealed box that will contain fruit and tea for your breakfast. Please refrain from any alcohol consumption after 8pm on Friday, until after your appointment on Saturday. And for breakfast the day of the appointment, only eat the provided food and drink.

“On Friday evening after dinner, please refrain from any sexual activity whether together or alone. Shower or bathe prior to retiring to your bedrooms for the evening. Once there, you should not put on any clothes or pajamas, but open the tube of lotion and apply it over all of your body, only avoiding your eyes and nose and the hair on your head. Then, following the application of the lotion, light the piece of incense with the provided match, and then lay in the bed. Use any sheets or blankets you need to feel comfortable, but do not wear any clothes while sleeping. If you do not fall asleep right away, feel free to read or meditate until you can.

“When you awake in the morning, wash your face and hands and brush your teeth as you normally would, dress in the provided clothing, and eat the provided breakfast, the tea is best served hot, but you may prepare that to your preference. If you find it more palatable sweet, you may use the packets of honey for that purpose. Then, leave at an adequate time to arrive for your appointment at 10:00am. Being 5 or 10 minutes early is recommended.

“Once you arrive, I will meet you in the lobby. Tausa will be empty except for the therapists involved in your appointment. No other customers will be scheduled to arrive before 1:00pm on Saturday. You will each separately undergo a relaxation ritual in private rooms with a guide for approximately 30 minutes. Following the conclusion of this ritual, you will both lie down beside one another in the ‘meld’ suite while you each receive a massage from our therapy team. Once your massage is complete, I will guide you in a deep connection ritual to conclude your time with us.

“I recommend that you do not schedule any physically or mentally demanding or stressful activities for the remainder of the day, but we do recommend spending time with your partner, fresh air, and light exercise, or anything else you may find enjoyable.

“What questions do you have?” Aminah asked.

“Umm… this sounds very intimate…” Annette stammered.

“It is. The focus of this experience is for you and your partner to deeply connect with one another, and that does involve intimacy. The goal of our team is to bring calmness and focus to you both, so that those desires for connection come to the surface and then are fulfilled in each other.

“Our therapists do remain clothed, and you will be touched with only fingers, palms, forearms, and elbows. During the connection ritual at the end, you may touch or be touched by your partner. If there is any physical or emotional discomfort at any time, you are free to indicate this to us, and we will adapt to your preferences.”

“Alright. We look forward to seeing you, then,” Annette said, somewhat reassured.

“We look forward to guiding you in your journey together this Saturday,” Aminah said. “Goodbye.”

Jason did not say anything to her after the call, but he was watching her closely. She seemed lost in her own thoughts.

* * *

On Friday evening, around 8:00pm, they heard a knock on their front door. Jason opened the door and found a brown paper package tied with jute twine laying on the doormat with a tag indicating that it came from Tausa.

Jason cut open the package with a knife, and unwrapped it on the kitchen table. There was a cardboard box marked ‘breakfast’, some clothing, a textured fabric in a light tan or off while color that looked to be raw cotton or linen, and two small plastic bags that each contained two matches, a small cone of incense, a small clay dish, and a tube of lotion. Though each bag looked the same, they were individually labeled, one for Annette and one for Jason. Annette picked up the clothing, which was tied together with a cotton string and a tag with the words, ‘do not put on until Saturday morning’. She untied the string, and started unfolding the pieces. There appeared to be a long skirt for her with a drawstring, and a single pocket, a long sleeve top with a boat neck and a back with a split from the waist up to about the shoulder blades. The clothing seemed to be exactly her size. The clothes apparently for Jason included a simple long sleeve shirt, a pair of loose pants with a single pocket and a drawstring. There was also underwear for both of them seemingly made of the same raw cotton or linen material: small briefs for Jason, a bralette and thong for Annette, again matched to their sizes.

“I guess this is why they asked for our sizes,” Annette said. “These do look comfortable, at least.”

“This does appear to be a ‘full service’ kind of experience, doesn’t it?” Jason said.

“Probably more than you know…” Annette replied.


“Aminah described the experience as being very intimate, though it sounded like maybe we would be touching each other. Maybe they are going to help somehow or just get us ready? It wasn’t very clear. Do you think it will be ok?”

“I think if we are there focused on each other, then everything will be fine.” Jason reassured her. “Now, I think I’ll read a little, take my shower and prepare for bed according to ‘the instructions’. I’ll take the guest room. You can have our bed.

“I’ll see you in the morning,” Jason said, as he wrapped Annette in a strong hug and kissed her cheek.

After Jason finished his shower, he dried off, and then walked in his towel to the guest room. He opened the plastic bag, and removed the contents, placing the clay dish on the nightstand. He picked up the tube of lotion and read the print: ‘apply to dry skin, cover all of your body in an even layer, avoiding eyes and nose and head hair, stand until absorbed without touching other surfaces.’ He opened the tube and sniffed. It was lightly scented, herbal and spiced, like mint and cloves maybe. Jason shrugged, pressed some of the lotion out onto his hand and began applying it to his body. It was smooth and comforting. Jason didn’t often use lotion, so maybe it was often like this, but the quality here was evidently good, not oily, or odd-feeling. He finished working the lotion into his skin all the way down to his feet and stood up.

Inhaling deeply, he felt both relaxed and refreshed as he inhaled the scent. Strangely, he noticed that he was rapidly hardening and becoming erect. After another deep breath, his erection was throbbing and almost uncomfortably tight. He knew that according to ‘the instructions’ he wasn’t supposed to satisfy himself, so he just stood there, and hoped his erection would soon subside. After a few more deep breaths, it was like there was a flash in his mind, like a wave had crashed over him. He looked down to find that his erection was completely gone, and overall his body felt newly relaxed.

The lotion having been absorbed completely, he sat down on the bed and proceeded to light the incense. The scent was mild, something like sandalwood. He was thankful for that. He lay down on the bed. He felt exhausted. He wasn’t sure if it was just from the end of another long stressful week, or if there were some ingredients in the incense or lotion that helped him feel this way, but he turned out the light and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Jason dreamed. He often didn’t remember his dreams, but this time he knew. He had been dreaming all night about Annette. How they had first kissed. How she had tasted. The way her nipples felt in his mouth. The way her slick wetness felt on his fingers or on his cock. How warm she was inside. He thought he might have dreamt every climax they had shared together. Somehow his dreams even involved them switching places, she being strong and masculine, while he was soft and femine.

She dominated him, squeezing his breasts and filling his pussy. He had never imagined anything like that before, and it left him both interested and disoriented. He slowly drifted out of his dreams and back into his awakening body knowing more than anything else that he needed Annette.

He awoke feeling completely rested. A feeling he had not had in a long time. The morning light filled the room. Without any need to hurry–their appointment did not begin until 10:00am–he just lay there, and listened to see if he could hear whether or not Annette was up yet, but everything seemed quiet.

As Jason rolled out of bed, he noticed that his skin was a bit more sensitive than usual. As he ran his hands up and down his arms he realized that it wasn’t just a fleeting sensation. His body hair had softened and thinned. This was true all over, except for his head, of course, the hair on his legs, arms, chest, and pubes was all much softer and thinner than it was before, nearly gone in many places.

* * *

Annette’s mind swirled with dreams, arousing and yearning and tenderness, the loose strands of thoughts drifting through her consciousness as she slowly realized that she was herself again, lying in her bed, with sunlight streaming in through the window.

Her erect nipples rubbed against the sheet, and she could feel the wetness between her legs. Her hand drifted down and brushed the hair on her mound, finding it extraordinarily soft and silky. Annette almost began to touch herself before she remembered. There was such a need there, she felt, an emptiness. No. That wasn’t right. It wasn’t emptiness. In French, she would have called it une manque. A familiar and needed part of her that was temporarily missing. It was deeper than just the sexual urge. And today, she was going to take a step towards fixing that.

Annette threw off the sheet and got out of bed. She was surprised at her alertness. It had been such a difficult week, and too much missed sleep. The hint of the incense was still detectable in the room though it had long since burned away. Whatever was responsible, she was grateful for it. She stood for a moment in front of the window with her eyes closed, letting the sunlight bathe her sensitive nude skin in warmth and energy. She could feel this day was going to be special.

* * *

Jason walked into the bathroom, and brushed his teeth and washed his face. He returned to the bedroom and picked up his clothes off of the chair. He pulled on the briefs, then the pants and shirt. They were comfortable and fit him perfectly. They were just barely loose on his body and very breathable and airy. After a few minutes he hardly felt like he was wearing anything at all.

He opened the door and walked to the kitchen. No one was there, but he could hear sounds from the other bathroom that told him Annette was awake and getting ready. Jason opened the box on the kitchen counter they received the night before. There was a large glass bottle of some kind of tea with a label that said best served hot. Then, there were two tubes of honey, and several different kinds of fruit: mangoes, guavas, dates, red bananas, oranges, and two things he didn’t recognize, one with green skin, and the other that looked vaguely like a pink pepper, but smelled sweet.

Jason pulled a ceramic teapot out of the cabinet, and emptied the bottle of tea into it, and then placed this in the microwave. Then he started taking the fruit out of the box, washing it, cutting the fruit that seemed like it needed cutting, and placing it on two plates.

As he was rinsing off his hands, Annette walked into the kitchen. Jason’s mouth almost fell open when he caught sight of her. The clothes gently fell along the curves of her body, accentuating her pert breasts, strong shoulders, and the wonderful curve where her lower back met the rounded cheeks of her ass. He could feel himself bulge almost instantaneously. The morning sunlight filtering in through the window showed the shadow of her inner thigh through her skirt. If they hadn’t had other plans this morning, we would have grabbed her and pulled her onto him right then, but he held back. The way he felt now, he might explode just from touching her.

“How did you sleep,” He asked her.

“Amazingly… Do you think there was some kind of drug in that lotion or incense?”

“I have no idea, but I noticed that my skin was more sensitive this morning, and my body hair has softened.

“Yeah, mine too,” Annette said, self-consciously running her hands up and down her arms.

“Well, on this beautiful morning, let’s start on this prescription breakfast.” Jason retrieved the pot of hot tea, grabbed two cups, and moved the plates of fruit to the table.

Annette smiled at the little joke, and then took in the sight and smells of the simple food before her. She could feel her mouth start to water as the scents came to her before sitting down.

She took her tea with a few drops of honey, and savored the variety of fruit in front of her, all so fresh and fragrant and sweet. “What is this one?” she asked, holding up the pink pepper fruit.

“I’m honestly not sure. I’ve never seen anything like it. It smells a bit like strawberries, the texture is a bit like a pear, but a little chewier. Try it.”

She did, and was so surprised at the new taste. Annette was well traveled, so much so that she rarely found something like a new food she had never seen before. She savored the experience, and finished her half of the pink fruit in a series of four slow bites.

They finished their breakfast, and sat there softly smiling at each other like they were on their first date again and couldn’t think of what to say next. There was much that they needed to say to one another, but still so much they could communicate in silence after their 14 years together.

“I suppose we should wear sandals. Other shoes just wouldn’t seem appropriate when we’re dressed like this,” Jason said.

So, they dug their sandals out of the back of the closet, and walked out to the garage. Jason took the door on the right and Annette the one on the left, their usual seats when traveling together. The car asked to confirm their destination, but it had already deduced the correct location from monitoring their calendars. Once confirmed, the car gently accelerated away towards their appointment.

* * *

As the car parked itself in the designated spot, Annette looked for the entrance. They got out and looked around, noticing the smell of the early spring flowers in the air. The view down to the river just below with the high sun glinting off the water was refreshing. Jason was glad that the weather was sunny and warm on this early spring day, otherwise, their clothes might seem a little too minimal. He looked over at Annette and noticed her nipples were erect through her shirt, and suggested that they head inside.

Annette walked in first, followed by Jason, and they met a woman and a man standing in front of the reception desk who obviously worked there, but were dressed almost exactly the way she and Jason were in the same loose raw cotton or linen clothing.

The woman spoke first. “Welcome, Annette and Jason. I am Aminah. This is Tanimu. We will be your guides for your relaxation ritual. This will be followed by your massage, and then the connection ritual. Are you ready to begin?”

“Yes,” Annette and Jason answered together in unison. They looked at each other with a slight smile, and then back at the two guides. Aminah reached out her hand to Jason, and Tanimu to Annette. Each of them took the offered hand and were led past the reception desk and through two separate doors to corridors beyond.

Aminah led Jason to a small room on their immediate right with an intricate carpet on the floor, and some low tables and shelves around the walls. There were two candles burning, but they were the only light in the room. Aminah waited for Jason to enter and then walked in, quietly closing the door behind her.

“Please sit down on the carpet,” Aminah said. “For the next 30 minutes we will participate in a ritual to relax your body and center your mind before your massage with Annette.”

Aminah placed a small stool directly in front of Jason putting an ancient looking wax candle on top of it. “Focus your eyes on the flame from this candle,” she said. “Take deep breaths, and relax your muscles as you mentally scan down your body from the crown of your head to your toes.

Jason focused on the candle, while Aminah walked around the room circling him once. Then, she stopped and lit a piece of incense that filled the room with an herbal scent. The scent seemed to help slow his mind down and made it earlier to concentrate on the candle flame and how it danced in the gently moving air around him.

Aminah would reach out with a finger and touch part of his body every so often. A muscle in his neck, one on his back. If they were relaxed, she moved on, but if not, she would press hard into that spot until his muscle relented.

* * *

Annette took the hand of Tanimu and let him lead her through a door on their left and then inside a small room. There were thick cloth panels hanging on the walls covered in images and some kind of writing that she did not recognize.

Tanimu led her to a small cushion in the center of the floor behind a solid wood block and she slowly sat down with her legs crossed in front of her facing the block.

“Take deep breaths and focus your eyes on this,” Tanimu said, as he set an antique-looking polished silver oil lamp in front of her. The small flame and its many reflections danced in her vision.

As Annette focused on her breathing in the flickering light, Tanimu placed his large hands on her shoulders. His hands were still, warmth spreading into her shoulders below. Then slowly, each finger flexed, putting pressure on different places across this normally tense part of her body. When knots were found, Tanimu’s fingers gently pressed until they relaxed.

“Release your focus on the flame. Let the light into your eyes, but look far beyond. Breathe into the very base of your body.”

Annette felt his hands move down to her shoulder blades and the space below. Again, the large, warm hands tested her muscles and induced them to relax whenever tension was found. The wavering light in her eyes, the deep breathing, and the heat from Tanimu’s hands put her into a trance as stress and uncertainty drained out of her and she only knew herself and what she wanted in that moment.

* * *

“Now close your eyes,” Aminah said to Jason. “I will place a blindfold on your head. Afterwards, I will lead you to the massage room. There you will lie down on a table face down at first. Annette will be placed on a table right beside yours with your heads almost touching. You should feel free to speak to her during your massage.”

Aminah placed the blindfold over Jason’s eyes. “Now it is time to stand and remove your clothes.” Jason did so, and as he could not see, left them in a pile on the floor. Aminah took his hand and led him back into the hall and he followed as best he could. After a short walk, they turned and entered what Jason could feel was a larger room. Soon, Aminah stopped, and took both his hands and placed them on a smooth cushioned surface.

“Here is the massage table. The head is to your right. Please climb on and lay face down.”

Jason did so, noticing that the table, and room were very warm. A comfortable temperature for his nude skin.

* * *

Annette stood, pulled the drawstring of her skirt and it dropped to the floor. She could not see herself because of the blindfold, of course, but she imagined what she looked like with her firm ass framed by the thong. She liked the way she looked and was glad that she got to share herself with Jason, even if she was not the prototypical image of human beauty. She knew she was desired. She slid down the thong and kicked it off, and stood there ready for what came next.

Tanimu took her hand and guided her from the room, down the hall, and into the massage room. He stopped, took her other hand gently by the wrist, and placed both on the surface of the massage table.

“The head is to your right. Jason is already here. Lay face down, and your massage will begin soon.”

* * *

Annette could feel people enter the room, more than one, though she wasn’t sure how many. After a minute or so, she felt warm oil being drizzled across her back and legs. Then two pairs of warm hands began to trace across her skin in long strokes. A feeling of crackling static electricity followed every movement, the sparkling sensitivity of her skin dialed up by the lotion of the previous night. She could hear Jason’s raspy breathing as other hands must be doing the same to him.

The long strokes slowly increased in pressure and then began to spread out from her back and legs to her neck, arms, shoulders, and thighs. While any previous massage she had stayed away from sensitive and ticklish areas like her sides or armpits or inner thighs, the hands working on her now were not so constrained. Was that 3 pairs of hands now?

While highly sensitive to touch, she didn’t feel the same ticklishness she normally felt. The touch was rather more like warm water or a hug from a long departed friend. There was no tension or anxiety. She felt completely open and on the verge of erupting elation. An arousal flushed over her that was not quite sexual, but would be soon.

Annette felt the lower half of the table start to split in half pulling each of her legs apart. There were more hands… 4 or 5 pairs? She wasn’t sure. She was covered in touch. Nearly overwhelmed with it. Yet she wanted more? The hands and fingers worked deeper and more persistently between her thighs and over her cheeks not quite reaching the most sensitive of sensitive places. From fingertips to neck to the soles of her feet, she was swimming in coordinated waves of human skin.

* * *

There was a firm push on both of his cheeks, and then an even firmer one on his anus. Not trying to enter him, just applying pressure to a muscle that carried far too much tension.

“Uugghhh… ooohhhh…” Annette moaned. Jason almost made the same sound himself. He imagined that they were touching her the same way, and it made him happy. If these hands, so many of them, were making her feel half as much as he felt in that moment, he was grateful.

The intimacy between himself and these unknown hands was now verging onto the sexual and he felt his partial erection grow beneath him. As it was just reaching the point of discomfort and he was about to readjust himself, the split in the table began to come together and Aminah spoke.

“Now, please turn over.”

Jason turned over as the hole in the surface where he had placed his head closed and became a solid surface. One set of hands on his shoulders gently helped him center himself as he was still blindfolded. As he lay back down, the lower half of the table began to split again and pull his legs apart. Warm oil drizzled over his chest and down his legs as the hands returned, gently at first, and resumed their strokes and patterns.

Over his sensitized chest, the hands moved and he was unable to halt a gasp. His nipples were so erect, pinching his skin to rise higher and relish the contact of the passing fingers and palms. They sent chills to his spine, while other hands methodically approached his groin with each oily pass.

His erection was complete now. It jumped and pulsed with each beat of his heart. But, while the hands, so many hands, massaged around, underneath, and beside, they avoided touching it. At one point warm oil drizzled over his straining member, but the hands focused on the muscles and tendons of his perineum, thighs, and lower abdomen.

Just before he felt like straining for attention, and undoing the achievements of the massage up to this point, a few light touches evened out the oil and then began to tease at the head, it almost felt like he was poised at Annette’s entrance teasing her lips and waiting to see if she was ready.

Suddenly, everything stopped. The hands were still there touching his skin; there must have been eight or ten of them in all including the touch on the end of his erect member. But, the movement had been replaced by a pregnant pause. Jason took a deep breath.

* * *

“Oh… Jason, you’re inside me…” Annette gasped.

Jason felt it, too. It felt like he had just slid his cock into Annette’s warm, wet pussy at that very instant. He was still lying on the table. There was no person on top of him. Somehow, someone there was creating this feeling with their hands, but it felt so real.

“I am… I don’t know how…” Jason said. “Oh… you feel so good.”

* * *

The thrusts continued long and slow and steady. Oily fingers stroked her clit at the same pace.

Hands, she could no longer tell how many, continued to massage her breasts, shoulders, and legs.

She reached up for Jason’s hand and found it already there waiting for her. A tingling sensation began in her toes and the tops of her ears. She bucked her hips. She couldn’t help it. She needed release. She needed this feeling. She needed him.

“Oh, Jason…”

* * *

“Oh, God, yes…” Annette came, her shuddering breath washing over his face. He kissed her as he continued to feel his own thrusts into her.

Jason felt himself tense as he neared the crest, the thrusts into Annette continuing. Only a few more, and then he was weightless…

“Oh, Annette…”

“Oh, yes… oh! I can feel it. I can feel you.

The thrusts, slipperier now with the added lubrication, slowed and then stopped. They held him there inside Annette somehow. He tasted her lips and the satisfaction of a smile that he could feel, but couldn’t see.

Jason smiled too, as he licked against her teeth not noticing the growing pinpoint pressure applied to his perineum and several other places along and around his groin. As he became aware of them, he realized that he was still erect within this simulation of Annette. Where he normally needed thirty minutes to an hour to recover for another round, here he was still ripe with desire for Annette. Then the strokes began again, but slowly.

“Oh, Jason, you’re still there…” Annette whispered.

“I am! I’m not finished. I’m still here.”

The rhythm had slowed from the previous pace, but it still seemed to be in tune. A thrust, slow and steady, in and out, maybe once every second or two every three from the earlier pace. It was incredible to feel every small surface, every hair, and every fold of the skin of Annette. In every way, she fit together with him, and at every touch, his nerves lit up in a fire.

* * *

She felt him sliding within her at a pace that was so often difficult for them to maintain. Too often one or the other of them, or both, would be too excited by the feelings to resist the urge to speed things up. But here, now, it was slow and steady, and she felt even more full of Jason than she normally did.

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