It was approaching four in the afternoon, the opening reception about to begin. Mira stayed back with Derrick. I suspected she wanted to get a physical sense of his beautiful body, though I don’t know how willing he would be. His attachment to Stan was obvious.
Susan had staged our work expertly, provocatively mixing my paintings with Mira’s sculptures. There was a table reserved for us by the artwork so we could invite folks to interact with us over a drink and some discussion.
Two nice looking women approached the table, obviously a couple. “Are you the sculptor or the painter?” the tall animated woman inquired.
“I’m the painter,” I replied. “Hi. My name is Daryl,” I introduced myself.
“I’m Janine and this is my wife Linda,” said the brunet with the long hair down to her cute butt and perky breasts.
“Have a seat and let me know what interests you in the artwork.”
“I like how you naturally depict your subjects. The pubic hair and realistic natural breasts,” Janine offered as a response.
“We’re naturalists,” Linda explained. “We met at a naturalist nude beach in California.”
“I was very young, maybe fourteen. My parents took me there since I was a little kid,” Janine said. “I saw Linda was kind of lonely looking, so I went up to her, being the precocious kid and we became friends.”
“I was older than Janine and I don’t what possessed me to go to that beach that day. Maybe it was confusion and dissatisfaction with my life. She just brightened me up. A confident girl, mature beyond her years. We became friends and met at the beach regularly.”
“We were friends but over time I fell in love with Linda. As soon as I turned eighteen I moved in with her. We got married later when we could.”
Mari came finally and joined us introducing herself. Janine commented on the artistic nature of Mari’s sculptures. “My parents were naturalists, so I grew up around naked men my whole life. I guess I was never impressed or aroused by penises. But yours, I mean your art, evoke some sexual excitement.”
“It’s never been sexual for me. I don’t have sex with men so I’m not distracted. It’s an objective fetish,” Mari explained.
“We’re here for the whole weekend so I’m sure we will run into the both of you again,” Linda said as she stood up, once again exposing her untended, dark brown bush, provocatively hiding her pussy.
There was a preview of the erotic dance group. There main performance coming later at the pool after the sun set. Susan came over towing a woman with large breasts who looked familiar to me.
“Take a good look,” Susan instructed me as she held the chubby woman’s face. “It’s uncanny how much she resembles your painting ‘Melissa.’
“It is,” I said astonished.
“Sit down with Daryl while I conclude the deal for the painting with your husband. And her name is Melinda,” Susan said.
“Hello, Melinda. Glad you could come to this event,” I started the conversation.
“My husband, George, and I moved here a little over a month ago. We sold our home in Colorado and bought a condo here at the resort,” she explained. “Since George’s accident the winters in Denver became too much for him to get around.”
“What happened?” I asked concerned about getting to know them.
“A piece of heavy machinery crushed the lower half of his body.” Then George arrived at the table with Susan in his wheelchair. Susan was thrilled we had sold a work on the first day of the Nude Day event.
George appeared closer to my age than his younger wife. I sensed, however, that they had a special bond that transcended the normal relationship of most men and women. As we talked George opened up about how they met and got together.
“It was very innocent at first,” George told me. “I had this obsession with mother’s mild after my first wife gave birth to our son. We were divorced and I heard about this website for a club where people could get together for adult breast feeding.”
“I was young and poor. I got pregnant after a one night stand with a guy I didn’t really like but I was horny,” Melinda picked up the story. “Thankfully, I had a miscarriage, and I was already starting to lactate.”
“A friend of mine who had a little boy gave me a breast pump and told me if I kept up with it I could sell my mother’s milk.”
“One day I stopped in on my friend and found another woman feeding on her breasts. They explained to me that they were into adult nurturing and asked if I wanted my breasts sucked. I felt uncomfortable with another woman, so they had me sign up for this group where I eventually hooked up with George.”
“We clicked right off the bat,” George chimed in. “We were married ten years ago.”
I absorbed their story, understanding their special relationship and hhow wonderful it was they had each other.
Melinda excused herself to go to the ladies room. George asked me if I ever had mother’s milk as an adult. I related to him an encounter I had with a young woman dancer at a strip club I frequented. I enjoyed the sweet taste as she pinched her nipple, spraying her motherly nectar into my open mouth.