The Assisted Wellness Initiative Ch. 03

An adult stories – The Assisted Wellness Initiative Ch. 03 by lordodie,lordodie Anal Etiquette Prequel: The Assisted Wellness Initiative

By: Lord Odie

Disclaimer: The following is a work of pure sexual fantasy and is intended for adult audiences ONLY. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading NOW and go tell your parent and/or guardian that you need stricter internet supervision. Any physical resemblance to a real person that any fictional character herein may bear is probably intentional and is meant as a compliment. Furthermore, all fictional characters in the following fantasy are professionals and good at what they do. So please, don’t try this at home, if such things were even physically possible. If you still insist on trying this at home, please send all pictures and feedback to me about the experience. If I can’t stop you, I can at least make sure you’re doing it right. Consider yourself disclaimed.

Week 1

And So, It Begins

Wednesday morning at work came quickly the next week. As uncomfortable as Allison was with the whole idea of the Assisted Wellness Initiative – or more accurately, assisted masturbation – she was willing to give the whole concept a try. But only just barely… Still, her level of uncomfortableness was hard to understate, and she was not really looking forward to it. masturbation

The fifteen-minute reminder for her 10:30 appointment popped up on her monitor, and Allison’s gut turned to cement. Sure, she’d seen most of the women she worked with naked, masturbating and/or having sex in the bathroom multiple times; and some of them had seen her as well when her stall door randomly popped open, as they tended to do all too often. But there was something wholly more disconcerting about the whole Assisted Wellness Initiative that her company was piloting. Allison breathed deeply, locked her desktop, and began moving towards the bathroom for the preparatory enema she was required to receive before her session began; and tried not to think about the whole thing too much.

She had done as instructed though. Allision hadn’t masturbated at all so far today. Normally by 10:00 in the morning, she would have gotten herself off with her hands or toys at least three times; sometimes four. Keith had woken her up as he normally did on weekdays. She had slowly woken up moaning as his thick cock gently slid in and out of her ass. Seeing that she was finally awake, he had rolled her over onto her back, placed her ankles on his shoulders, and given her a proper butt fucking while kissing her deeply until he finally dumped his load down her talented throat. Thankfully, that was allowed! If the conditions of the pilot included abstinence, most of the employees would have quit already!

After her morning fuck session, Allison normally fingered or dildoed her holes to a few more orgasms during her morning shower, or maybe even fisted herself if she was really horny. But that was an almost uncomfortable stretch for her. A penetration of that size normally took some working up towards. And that was time she didn’t have most mornings. She would then usually plow her ass with her favorite dildo first thing after getting to work and getting a cup of coffee. Around midmorning, she would head to the bathroom again for another masturbation session. But she hadn’t done any of that today, and she was fucking horny. So! Fucking! Horny! She could almost feel her pussy juices leaking out of her sopping panties and dripping down her inner thighs.

Upon entering the bathroom, Allison was greeted with the incredibly odd sight of a dozen or so fully dressed women waiting patiently for their enemas. She hadn’t seen this much unruffled clothing or this little skin in a bathroom for almost a decade! A few more women came in after her. Everyone was engaging in polite, yet obviously uncomfortable small talk. It was apparent that everyone had some deep reservations about this whole thing.

“G’morning, ladies,” announced a cute brunette woman with a noticeable Southern drawl. The young woman looked to be in her mid-20s and was dressed in comfortable looking medical scrubs. The slightly baggy clothing made it hard to discern her exact body shape, but she looked to be fit, sturdy, with medium breasts; maybe a C-cup. “M’name is Jessi. I’ll be y’all’s first therapist this morning for your enemas. Then I’ll turn y’all over to my coworkers four your first Assisted Wellness Sessions,” she announced enthusiastically in her cute, singsong Southern accent. “I’m sure y’all are just giddy to get started! So, if you will pass these around,” she said without pausing and began handing out objects from a plastic bin she carried. “Please pass these to the back.”

A few seconds later, the short, buxom Filipina woman in front of Allison – whom she recognized as Malaya, one of her best account managers – turned around and placed a medium-sized enema dildo nozzle in Allison’s hands. The attractive Filipina woman blushed deeply before turning back around to receive another enema tool. Allison looked at the object as she turned to pass it to the equally embarrassed looking skinny blonde woman behind her; she was Amy from IT. The whole thing looked to be modeled after a relatively small 6″ penis; maybe 1.5″ wide. That would have been an average size before the anti-aging therapies changed everything but was pretty small by modern comparison. The tool was covered in small holes and felt hollow. Towards the bottom, it had a thicker raised ring before a tapered section just above a flared base. A woman’s sphincter was obviously designed to be comfortably locked in place. On the base were two ports: an inlet to connect to a hose, and an outlet to drain into a toilet. The tool was designed for quick, efficient bowel flushing.

Turning back around, the Filipina handed her another tool, which she passed backwards again; and then another; and another. After four dildo nozzles, the blonde woman kept one in her hand, and Allison held hers up to Malaya as she turned around again. She saw that Allison already had one, smiled, and turned back to the front; clutching the smallish enema dildo that was now hers nervously.

A few moments later, “Alright,” Jessi said to the dead silent room. “Now that everyone has a small-sized nozzle, y’all can find an empty stall and do your business. I’m sure by now everyone has noticed the enema attachments that were installed in every stall over the weekend. I’m sure you know how they work,” she added while waving a dildo in front of her, “But feel free to ask me any questions if y’all have ’em!” she added.

All the women wordlessly shuffled into the stalls. Once inside, Allison unzipped and removed her conservative knee length business skirt, removed her panties, and hung both on the back of the stall door. Sitting down, she easily found the rubber enema hose and connected it to the attachment. She squeezed a handful of lubricant from the dispenser located next to the toilet paper, smeared the entire dildo with it, and leaned backwards. Allison breathed deeply, placed her feet on either side of the stall door and reached underneath her bottom and lined up the enema nozzle with her nether hole. Although, as soaking wet as her cunt was, she probably hadn’t even needed lubrication. She probably could have thrust the tool into her dripping snatch a few times and then effortlessly buried it into her asshole if she’d wanted to. Despite herself, she moaned slightly as the smallish nozzle slipped past her neglected sphincter until the confused ring of muscle settled into the tapered section above the dildo’s base. She felt embarrassed for a second. But only long enough to hear soft moans and louder gasps echoed throughout the bathroom from other stalls.

Reaching behind her she turned on the flow of water, and immediately gasped out loud as cold tap water filled her bowels. Now the reason for the loud gasps Allison had been hearing made more sense. She resisted the urge to turn the tap off until she acclimated more. The cold water was making her already excitedly nipples rock hard. Heavily padded bras were out of fashion at the moment, so her stiff nubs became easily noticeable against her thin silk shirt.

Slowly, she felt her colon fill with cold water before the preset pressure regulator in the nozzle started allowing water to escape into the toilet. The loud noise of a stream of water spraying into the toilet was almost like a gunshot in the mostly quiet bathroom. But Allison could hear multiple streams now and knew that all the women were going through the embarrassing enemas just as she was. This helped her embarrassment, but only slightly. Absent-mindedly, she began softly pinching her nipples through her shirt and bra.

After maybe five minutes of gentle but shockingly cold flushing, Jessi announced, “Y’all did great for your first time! Y’all can turn off the water, unplug yourselves, and finish draining. Then, I’ll take you over to the Assisted Wellness Area.”

Allison did so. After wiping down the dildo nozzle with toilet paper, she stood up, flushed, redressed herself, and exited the stall. Embarrassingly, Jessi was waiting with an empty bin to collect all the used nozzles. Each woman blushed as she deposited the hunk of latex that had been in each’s most intimate hole in front of everyone. Allison briefly noticed that all the women had completely redressed themselves before having exited their stalls too. Also, every woman who wasn’t wearing a jacket had rock-hard nipples that were clearly visible.

“Excellent,” Jessi said at last. “Now, if y’all will follow me,” she added as she turned and walked out the back door to the bathroom with twenty or so businesswomen silently trailing behind her. They walked through a cordoned off section of hallway and into what used to be half a dozen connected conference rooms. All the configurable walls had been retracted to make one large, long room. Along the left side were curtained off individual areas like a makeshift hospital. The curtains were white and thick enough that you couldn’t see anything through except for shadows if the lighting was just right. They extended from sliding tracks in the ceiling to about 6″ off the floor. Each area was numbered 1 through 20. Along the other side, the chairs that had been in the conference rooms were lined up against the wall. The room was filled with lots of moaning and wet squishing sounds. Every few seconds, an unseen woman would cry out in orgasm, or scream out, “Fuck!” or “More! More! More!” or “Fuck me!” or “Oh, God! Harder!” or something similar. Mostly not as loudly as what would normally be expected, but a few were at the top of their lungs.

“The previous group is just now finishing up,” Jessi continued. Picking up a tablet from a nearby empty seat, “I’ll read off your assigned Assisted Wellness Therapist number. Just head over to the numbered section, take a seat, and wait your turn. You’ll keep the same Assisted Wellness Therapist assignment for all your future Assisted Wellness Session from now on. This will allow your therapist to tailor your sessions to you individually over time,” explained the cute brunette therapist.

“Amber Therman, #1. Miko Goldstein, #2. Susie Baldwin, #3.”

“Oh, Susie is out sick today,” a blonde woman said. “Her anniversary was last night. She and her husband wanted to try that new Ever Hard Extra, and he’s… he’s a little big…” she added unnecessarily before quieting down in embarrassment.

“Ah. Well, that’s okay. We call that, ‘Anal Fever’ in medical terminology,” Jessi replied, and made a note on her tablet before continuing. “Morgan Smith, #4. Krissie James, #5” and on she went. As each woman’s name was called off, they moved to an empty chair across from their assigned section and sat down patiently. Everyone’s uncomfortableness was palatable, and no one spoke. “Malaya Ramos, #19. And finally, Allison O’Connor, #20,” Jessi said at last. Allison obediently moved to her assignment and nervously sat down to wait patiently.

Some of the curtained off sections were starting to open up. Out of each one a disheveled woman – most of whom Allison recognized – exited and gingerly walked towards the exit. Each seemed to be in a slight, post-orgasmic daze. Afterwards, Assisted Wellness Therapists were introducing themselves to Allison’s colleagues, shaking their hands before politely leading them back behind the curtains before closing them.

Behind section #20, Allison heard a soft female voice, “Your time is almost up, but I know you’re close. Would you like one more before you go? I’m pretty sure you have another good one in there.”

“Oui…” came a barely audible response after a noticeable pause. Even without the French word and the very noticeable accent, Allison knew Yvonne when she heard her.

“Okay, let me know if I get a little rough, but we’re almost out of time,” came a reply from a woman Allison assumed was Yvonne’s – and soon to be her – Assisted Wellness Therapist. The wet squishing sounds that were obviously coming from behind the curtain increased in speed noticeably.

After a minute or so of relative quietness, Allison heard a no longer so quiet, “Oui… Mon dieu oui! Oui… Oui!”

“There we go. You’re so close. Can you give me one more good one? A nice and hard cum for me?” encouraged the unknown therapist.

Glancing around her, most of the women waiting in chairs had already disappeared behind reclosed curtains. By now, it was just Allison and Malaya sitting next to each other. The only other person was Jessi. She was down at the other end of the room filling out paperwork on her tablet and talking to the therapist from curtain 3; who now had nothing better to do for the next half hour.

“Oui… Oui… Ooooooooui!” came an almost normally volumed cry from behind curtain #20.

“There we go! This sounds like a good one! Let’s see how long we can keep this going, shall we?” said the unseen therapist excitedly as Yvonne’s moans and cries of pleasure only got louder, and the wet squishing sounds became even more pronounced.

“Oui! Oui!”

“That’s a good girl! Just let it keep going!”

Beside Allison, section #19 had opened and Bridgette from outside sales exited slowly, her high heels held in her right hand and her blonde hair completely messed up. When she saw Malaya and Allison watching her. Embarrassed, she looked at the floor and made her way to the exit. “I’m thankful you enjoyed yourself, Bridgette. I’m glad we had a chance to meet, and I’ll see you next week,” her therapist said.

Turning towards the Filipina, “Malaya, is it?” the Assisted Wellness Therapist asked, holding out her hand to the buxom, brown-skinned woman. “I’m Bernadette. I’ll be your therapist,” she said introducing herself. The muscular raven-haired therapist had to have been nearly 6’1″ and towered over the curvy yet diminutive 5’2″ islander. She looked to be maybe in her mid-30s and radiated an aura of stern no-nonsense. She was obviously Caucasian, but with a darker skin and facial features that indicated mixed ancestry; probably Middle Eastern. The therapist’s medium-sized, maybe 36C-cup breasts were dwarfed by her patient’s 32F breasts, which were proudly and prominently displayed by the front-laced, black leather bustier corset top she wore under her unbuttoned gray jacket. The garment pushed her already considerable assets high up on her chest, causing them to swell out provocatively – like they were mere seconds away from busting out. The sides of the bustier didn’t quite meet at the top and an inch or so of mouthwatering cleavage – both top and bottom – was clearly visible. Her look was completed by matching grey skirt that came down to her mid-thighs, black stockings and matching high heels. Allison couldn’t help but notice the glint in Bernadette’s eyes as they scanned her new patient up and down. It almost looked like… hunger? Malaya was dressed a little more provocatively than Allison herself. Which made sense because the younger woman was in her late 20’s, single, and needed to ‘display the goods’. But her clothing was still well within company guidelines.

Allison was dressed in a semi-translucent cream-colored blouse with deep red bra underneath. The bra was quite thin – as was the current style – and her semi-hard nipples were easy to see. The bra molded her 34DD mammaries perfectly into some slightly visible cleavage. Below, she wore a matching deep red skirt that came down to just above her knees, cream stockings to match her blouse, and red high heels to match her skirt and bra.

“Please, come on in and let’s get you set up,” Bernadette continued as she ushered her charge inside and closed the curtain. “Let me help you out of your skirt and panties. We’ll just hang those up. Why don’t we hang up your jacket too? There we go.”

Allison could hear Malay’s soft voice, but her words were indiscernible.

“No, you can keep your stocking and heels on, if you’d like. Now if you’ll just hop up on the treatment table. There we go. Feet and knees in the stirrups. Perfect! Now, let’s get your bottom lubed up a little before I get to work on it. Would you like just basic lubricant, self-warming, or any particular flavor?”

“Just normal lube, please,” Allison heard Malaya respond uncomfortably, audibly this time.

Behind curtain #20, Allison could hear the therapist speaking to Yvonne, “That was very good for your first session. Do you need help with your clothes? You look a little wobbly. Here, let me assist.”

Allison breathed deeply and tried to calm the butterflies in her stomach. It would be her turn any second now. Glancing down towards the other end of the room, the unoccupied #3 therapist was standing very close to Jessi and speaking to her softly and gesturing towards her open curtain. Jessi occasionally shook her head ‘no’ as she continued to work on her tablet. After several seconds, she finally shook her head ‘yes’, tossed her tablet into an open chair, and turned towards the open curtain. As the pair turned and disappeared behind the curtain, Allison saw that the #3 therapist’s left hand was down the back of Jessi’s scrub pants and moving in a very distinct manner. Allison recognized immediately that the therapist was fisting Jessi nether hole, and probably had been for some time while she had been filling out paperwork.

A soft moan from behind the curtain of section #19 caught Allison’s attention. Bernadette commented, “You’re opening up quickly. I can tell you get a lot of traffic back here!”

“I… I do,” Malaya replied barely loud enough to hear, and let out another soft moan.

“Alright, Malaya. Push out a little while I tuck my thumb and… whoops! That went in really easily! All the way to the wrist this early in the session? I’ll have to start you off with something appropriately sized. Doesn’t that sound like fun?” continued the hidden therapist.

The buxom Filipina made no audible reply, nor any protest to the suggestion. Seconds later, soft squishing noises that Allison could easily identify as a loosening asshole being expertly fisted began coming out from behind the curtain. This lasted a few seconds before a slightly louder squishing noise of a hand being yanked out of a protesting sphincter came out from behind the curtain. This was followed by Malaya’s somewhat louder groan. That process then began to repeat. “That’s a good girl! My open hand seems almost too easy for you,” Bernadette commented. “Let’s try a closed fist?” The squishing sounds were joined by a soft popping sound that Allison recognized as a closed fist exiting a still tight sphincter. Malaya’s moans got a loader still as the frequency of the pops increased. She had no time to think about this as the #20 curtain opened at last. A very disheveled, shaken and quite satisfied looking Yvonne stumbled out.

“Thank you, Georgina,” the sexy ebony woman said breathlessly. “Next week then?”

“Until next week, yes. Have a glorious rest of the day!” the therapist replied.

Noticing that Allison was next in line, Yvonne added, “She’s good, Allison. She’s very good,” before turning and slowly, carefully walking away.

Turning her attention to the redhead, the therapist extended her hand to Allison. “Hi! I’m Georgina! I’ll be your Assisted Wellness Therapist!” the bubbly blond woman said excitedly as she took Allison’s hand and shook it energetically. She looked to be in her early 30’s. Despite her baggy scrubs, it was obvious that the therapist had impressive breasts – somewhere in the G-cup or maybe even H-cup range – and killer curves in all the right places. Her scrub top was stretched slightly across her bosom just tight enough for Allison to see the outline of what looked to be thick barbell piercings through what were likely equally thick nipples by the outlines the large nubs made against her scrubs. Despite her trim waist, her scrub bottoms struggled to contain her wide hips. “Sorry for going over time, but I knew Yvonne had one more good orgasm in her that just needed to be let out; and Momma didn’t raise me to leave a job half done!” she added with an infectious smile. Her full face, bright blue eyes, and wide smile were warm and inviting.

Allison found herself warming to the young blonde immediately. “No problem! She has a stressful job and probably deserved a little special treatment,” she replied, smiling unconsciously. She could feel her discomfort lessening noticeable at the blonde’s friendly demeanor.

“Oh! Most definitely!” Georgina replied. “Now, let’s get you inside and give you some special treatment of your own!” she said, nearly pulling Allison behind the curtain and closing it tightly. “Please disrobe below the waist and hop up on the table. You can take off your blouse and bra if you’d like. But that’s optional. The nipples are an amazing erogenous zone after all and I’ll be paying some attention to them,” she said politely, and she moved around and arranged some supplies in several bins and totes along a metal table at the back wall of the section. She placed a comfortable looking fluffy towel on the therapy table along the right side of the section and patted it invitingly as Allison quickly disrobed. The pair of bins the therapist was working around read, “SIZE SET 1 (NORMAL)” and “SIZE SET 2 (NORMAL)”. There were more unopened bins under the table. Allison couldn’t see most of their labels, but one that was on topo she could read said, “SIZE SET 5 (MEDIUM)”. Ominous…

The therapy table looked like a kind of massage table mixed with a gynecological chair that she was familiar with from her regular visits to her family doctor’s office. Dr. Kerri Schmidt had been her family doctor for over a decade. She was a resident physician at Central City Women’s Clinic specializing in genecology and proctology. As each of Allison’s daughters had turned 18, they had become Dr. Kerri’s patients as well. Normally, most women had a gynecological and proctological checkup every six months. But with Courtney still at the age where young women started having significant anal sex, Dr. Kerri wanted to see her every other month. And since Allison was going to be there with her daughter anyway, the good doctor went ahead and scheduled appointments for her too at the same time.

Allison was to lay face up on the table and place her lower legs in comfortable looking stirrups. The stirrups were set up to only spread her legs maybe 30-degrees and lift them about a foot or so up from the plane of her torso, keeping her knees comfortably bent. Basically, just enough for the therapist to have unfettered access to her lower holes. The headrest was raised up just enough for her to be able to comfortably look down between her breasts to see what was going on. Allison gingerly laid down and got comfortable as Georgina finished up her prep work. She wasn’t quite comfortable enough with the whole situation to get completely undressed, so she just unbuttoned her blouse enough to give the blonde therapist easier access to her breasts as requested.

All in all, the massage table was considerably more comfortable and less invasive than the gynecological chairs she was used to at the clinic. Dr. Kerri’s chairs kept her patients immobile with multiple thick straps and their legs were opened significantly wider. Allison was glad her Assisted Wellness Session was only half an hour instead of the normal two-hour appointments at the clinic. There were several handholds on the sides and bottom of the table that looked like pullouts. Probably for extra equipment storage or something. To be honest, the table didn’t look all that intimidating. In fact, it looked considerably over-engineered and unnecessarily sturdy for such a simple position Allison was being asked to assume.

On the other side of the curtain dividing section #19 from section #20, Allison heard Malaya emit a soft moan of discomfort. Her raven-haired therapist softly asked, “Is it too big to start out with? I felt like it went in pretty easily. I saw in your file that you are currently single and assumed your sphincter was a little looser than most women whore are in a relationship; and my closed fist slipped in easily enough before.”

“No,” replied the busty Filipina softly, “It’s fine. It just caught me off guard. The guy I’ve been dating recently still enjoys fisting my ass a few times a week. I think he just likes watching me squirm, I guess.”

“Oh, well this won’t do at all then,” the therapist replied. “Let’s get you something more appropriately sized. And let’s loosen your top a bit so I can access more of you erogenous zones.”

Glancing sideways, Allison could see the outline of the Bernadette and Malaya against the curtain from the overhead light that was positioned somewhat behind them over section #18 or so. Being basically in the corner up against the conference room’s wall, it was kind of dark in section #20. So, the shadows in the adjacent section were fairly distinct. A shadowy Bernadette stood next to a Malaya, who was reclining on the massage table. The therapist was helping Malaya unlace her bustier with her left hand, while her right hand looked to be between the Filipina’s legs, moving what was likely a dildo up the Filipina’s asshole back and forth. No sooner did the leather garment loosen up, gravity quickly pulled the now freed tits downwards from where they had been pushed high up on her chest by the bustier corset. The therapist then grabbed ahold of a freed nipple with her left hand and pulled it upwards, turning the shadow of Malaya’s nearest tit into a cone shape, and causing another soft moan to escape the woman’s mouth.

“We’ll just skip this one then,” the raven-haired therapist said. Allison could see her right hand move backwards, and the shadow of a sizable dildo quickly emerged as she set it aside. A few seconds later, “How about this one?” she asked, holding up a slightly thicker dildo from a nearby tray.

Malaya’s shadow shook her head negatively.

“Hold on a second. I’ll need to get a larger set from the table,” Bernadette stated as she rolled her tray to the back wall and started rummaging around in her bins. She returned a few seconds later and held up an even larger one, “This one about the size of your boyfriend’s hand?”

The shadow nodded affirmatively after a few seconds.

“Okay then!” Bernadette remarked as she set it down and picked up a still larger dildo. It was hard to determine size accurately by shadow alone, but Allison guessed the dildo was nearly 3″ wide and possibly 12″ or 14″ long. “This should be a little larger than you’re used to, but you’ll really enjoy the results,” the therapist instructed as the dildo was moved downwards and began to be pressed into the reclining Filipina; her ass was obviously its target.

Malaya moaned in obvious discomfort.

“Push out. Breath. Breath,” Bernadette instructed. A few seconds later, Malaya jumped on the table and gasped. “There we go! The head slipped in,” she narrated as Allison watched inch after inch of shadowy dildo disappear into Malaya’s butt, as the Filipina moaned louder. “Yup! The 3.1″ wide one will be perfect to start off with! I can feel that it has a good level of resistance.”

“Start off with?” Malaya repeated with an obvious note of trepidation in her voice. “This might already be the largest thing I’ve ever had up my butt! Well, maybe not as big as the fist of my boyfriend’s that I had last year. But this is already uncomfortable!” she complained.

“Now, now, you just lay back and relax. I know what I’m doing. I am a professional Assisted Wellness Therapist, after all,” Bernadette said to reassure her curvy charge.

“Now then,” Georgina interrupted, speaking softly. She stepped in front of Allison’s reclining body and partially blocked her view of the next section. “Let’s get you started and leave Bernadette to attend to your coworker in peace,” she said pleasantly. Her right hand found Allison’s dripping cunt and began to run her fingers through her engorged labia and circle around her clit, while her left hand pulled Allison’s silk blouse aside and unbuttoned it completely. Reaching inside to fish around in her bra, the smiling blonde quickly found her stiff nipples and began twisting and pulling on the sensitive nubs.

Allison moaned softly in pleasure, but then caught herself and quieted down.

Georgina smiled knowingly but did not admonish her. She knew that the first few Assisted Wellness Sessions were always the most uncomfortable until women became accustomed to them. She expertly worked the redhead’s erogenous zones for a minute or so until the older woman closed her eyes and began moaning softly and writhing on the table; her hands gripping and pulling at the soft towel.

“Alright, let’s get you lubed up,” the bubbly blonde said finally. “Most women just want normal lubricant for their first session, but I have a wide range of options if you’d like to experiment.”

“Normal lube is fine,” Allison replied.

Georgina smiled warmly as she coated the fingers of her right hand with lube from nearby squirt bottle, and then continued spreading the lube around her hand and up her wrist. The bottle was on a tray with half a dozen others. Allison could only see the labels of a few bottles. One was, “Self-Warming”, while another was, “Heavy Grit #3”, and another was labeled, “Fast Drying”. She couldn’t see the names of the others, but the image of a jalapeno pepper on the last one made her gulp.

“Okay, now push out a little bit,” she coached as two, then three, then four fingers quickly and easily disappeared up the redhead’s shapely backside. The buxom therapist made a knife fist and began rotating her hand 180-degrees back and forth inside Allison’s nether hole to loosen it up the session, while the fingers of her other hand went from one nipple to the other. This caused the older woman to moan uncomfortably. Her own fist, or Yvonne’s infrequently found their way inside her back hole, but certainly not on a daily basis; and Georgina’s inline fingers were stretching her asshole a little wider than Keith’s dick did several times a day.

Georgina could feel a decent resistance in her patient’s sphincter and knew that this was a good place to start. She took another minute or so to make sure that a sufficient amount of lube was transferred from her fingers to inside Allison soon to be sore hole. The redhead closed her eyes and moaned softly. Finally, she pulled out her fingers, wiped the unused lube on her hands across Allison’s slightly gaping sphincter, and then wiped off her hand on a white towel.

Not giving the older women much time to relax, Georgina quietly asked, “Allison? Honey?” breaking the busty manager out of her aroused stupor. “Can you do me a favor? I read in your file that you’re married. Which dildo is closest to your husband’s size?” she asked, motioning down to a small metal tray on rollers next to her hip and giving the readhead’s left nipple and extra hard pinch.

Allison glanced to her side. There was half a dozen flesh colored dildos on the table ranging in size from 1.6″ thick and 12″ long to 1.9″ thick and 13″ long. Each was covered in exaggerated veins and had a sturdy handle built into its base. She bit her lip softly as her therapist twisted her nipple extra hard, and breathlessly replied, “About the size of… of the largest one. Maybe a little bit bigger, to be honest.”

“Ooh! He’s a big boy!” commented the busty blonde. “He’s about the size of my boyfriend. I wonder if they’re related,” she added as she teased Allison’s fun bits and rolled the small tray away and moved to the back of the room.

Momentarily unoccupied, Allison focused on the shadows from the adjacent section. Bernadette’s left hand looked to be working over Malaya’s clit while her right was thrusting the large dildo in and out of her bottom. Malaya herself was roughly twisting and pulling her own nipples as she moaned softly.

“Can you give me a good one?” asked Bernadette nicely. “You look so close.”

And with that, the busty Filipina went rigid and cried out in a hard cum. Likely her first of many. It lasted for maybe ten seconds before she collapsed breathlessly back onto the table.

“Good girl!” the large raven-haired therapist congratulated her. “Let’s try a different dildo, shall we?” she said as the shadow of the large dildo was freed and quickly replaced by a still larger one.

Malaya groaned as this new dildo was pressed into her backside.

“I know this one is a bit larger than you’re used to. So, I’m going to need you to push out with your bottom and help me get it in. Just a little more… A little more… There we go!” the therapist said as Malaya cried out briefly. “That’s not too bad now, is it? Now, let’s see how hard your next orgasm is!”

While all this was going on, two women farther down the room cried out in orgasm almost back-to-back. Their screams of ecstasy were quickly joined by a third. The Assisted Wellness Area was becoming very loud.

Perfectly timed, Georgina came back with a tray now filled with a half a dozen new, larger, already lubricated dildos. The smallest of which was about 2.1″ in diameter, slightly smaller than Keith’s sizable cock. The largest was a shocking 2.6″ in diameter and 14″ long! Allison had had male fist in her holes that were considerably larger while she was dating between her marriages, but nothing like that recently. Thankfully, after about a yeah of marriage, Keith eventually grew tired of fisting her asshole every night after he’d deposited his last load of the evening, and her asshole had tightened up considerably because of it.

But female fists? Sure. Yvonne’s and her fists worked out their nether holes somewhat infrequently. But women’s fists were generally smaller than men’s fists – maybe around 2.5″ on average. However, a dildo of the same diameter was harder to take than a fist as the entire length was that girth! A woman’s asshole could relax a little around a person’s wrist, but there was no relaxing around a girthy dildo! You just had to take it and accept it!

Seeing her patient’s trepidation at the sizes of the dildos on her tray, Georgina returned to the redhead’s clit and nipples and commented, “Don’t worry. We’re not going to use all of these,” she lied. In fact, I’ll need another set here in twenty minutes or so, she added silently. Probably…

After another minute, Allison was relaxed and excited again. “Let’s start with this one,” the blonde suggested as she moved her left hand to her charge’s pussy and her right hand grabbed the smallest dildo and moved it towards Allison’s obviously well used asshole. She briefly admired the orifice. It was a slight vertical slit of a hole that knew regular cocks, dildos and fists. The lips of her sphincter were puffy and a little red from what was most likely a morning fuck session. Just at the mention of being penetrated, the muscular hole looked to be opening up slightly in anticipation.

Lining up the 2.1″ wide dildo, Georgina softly whispered, “Now push out.” Allison groaned hungerly as her sphincter quickly opened up and swallowed the dildo with minimal effort. Georgina slowly bottomed the dildo out in Allison’s spacious ass while the fingers of her other hand worked the redhead’s bald cunt. After thrusting it deeply a few times, she removed it without comment, grabbed the pre-lubricated 2.2″ thick dildo and began feeding it into Allison’s hungry ass. This one too was swallowed with only a soft groan of discomfort from the reclining woman. After bottoming out and thrusting a dozen times or so, Georgina again replaced this dildo with the pre-lubricated 2.3″ wide dildo. This one, Allison finally struggled with. “Push,” Georgina encouraged softly.

Allison groaned as she felt the big toy fill her bottom at last. “That… That’s a little bigger than Keith,” she commented as her therapist worked the dildo deeper and deeper.

“Is it?” Georgina asked.

“But not by much,” Allison replied.

“Well, it’s what your greedy little hole needs this morning. You’ve obviously been neglecting it. I’ll fix it for you,” the bubbly blonde said sweetly, staring down into the older woman’s eyes.

In the adjacent section, Malaya cried out in orgasm yet again. Although, by this point in time, there was almost a continuous drone of at least one or two women cumming violently in the converted conference room. It was getting hard to pick out one woman from another.

Georgina pulled the thick dildo from Allison’s needy ass about halfway out before she thrust it back into the base forcefully. Allison closed her eyes and grunted softly, but then bit her lip to quiet herself as the dildo was extracted and thrust inwards again and again; each thrust harder than the last. After a few dozen thrusts, the dildo in Allison’s ass was starting to make the same wet squishing sound that had filled the room when she had first entered. Things were starting to come into place, Allison thought… before a firestorm exploded in her pussy and she came so hard that she saw stars.

The rest of the room faded away as she was engulfed into her orgasm. This was way more powerful than her normal cums from masturbation. Maybe not as good as her cums from when Keith was plowing her asshole raw, but it was close. She wasn’t sure how long it lasted, or how loudly – and embarrassingly – she had cried out. But when she finally regained her composure, Georgina was beaming down at her with the 2.4″ wide dildo already in her hand.

“Welcome back!” she said happily. “That was a good one! You should really enjoy your next one!” she added. “Now, push out again, please.”

“Can’t we just use the other once again,” Allison complained, but did as she was told. “This one kind of hurts…” she added as the bulbous head of the thick tool pressed into her abused rosebud.

“Nonsense! Your bottom has already gotten used to that one. You’ll like this one much better! Trust me,” she commented as the dildo’s head slipped past the busty redhead’s protesting sphincter. “Why don’t you go ahead and play with your nipples a little bit while I get this seated?”

“Okay,” Allison replied meekly. She reached up, fished her tits out of her bra, and began twisting her painfully hard nubs; softly at first, but more aggressively as the dildo sank into her farther and farther. “Ouch…” she said softly once there was only an inch or two left.

Still more women were crying out in ecstasy throughout the room. Few if any of them seemed to be trying to keep their voices down anymore. In the adjacent section, Malaya came again, violently this time. Her orgasm lasted nearly a minute before it finally subsided.

Bernadette’s soft voice could be heard saying, “That was a really good one, Malaya! Your bottom is opening up nicely! It feels like there’s lots of extra room in here now. I think we can skip the next dildo and go straight to the 3.3″ wide one. He’s a really big boy! Doesn’t he look fun?”


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