The Brookhaven B.C. Redux Pt. 04 by PickFiction,PickFiction

Cecily was on her stomach, resting her head on her crossed arms so she could watch Mitch at work. The redhead had very fair skin, so the lotion needed to be applied very thoroughly and carefully. Mitch was fulfilling that responsibility vigorously and was ensuring that her butt was thoroughly covered. Of course, she was aware of Calvin’s devotion to her butt as well as he even spread her cheeks to ensure her tiny rosebud was well protected.

She watched Akala roll onto her back, Mitch slathering her carefully with the creamy lotion. Just as he was beginning to work on her breasts, Calvin nudged her to roll over, and she received the lotion treatment on legs, belly, stomach, shoulders, and of course, her bare mons and her breasts, where the nipples hardened and lengthened even more with Calvin’s ministrations.

Al last, it was her turn to start on him, and she completed his back, very aware of the muscles just beneath his young skin, and particularly the ones in his butt. She was able to watch Akala working on Mitch, and he rolled over just as she had Calvin do the same.

As Cecily began applying the lotion to Calvin’s legs, she was aware of something that hadn’t occurred to her when she’d begun with the lotion. There was his body and, right in front of her and pointed toward the sky, was his erection. It would need protection too, but she knew she couldn’t linger too long doing that, or there might be other results that weren’t needed at this moment. A gentle touch, just enough to ensure it was covered, and she moved on to his belly and up the rest of his body, again noting the muscles.

A quick glance, and she noticed that Akala seemed to be taking extra care with that part of Mitch she enjoyed so much. Finally, though, she moved on to the rest of his body. Cecily hadn’t really paid much attention to the others, and she realized that several were standing, ready for the pool and the rest of the day. She and Calvin joined them, and everyone was ready.

Ten people jumped or slipped into the pool, jabbering and laughing before the splashing began. Soon, there were female bodies flying through the air, ladies jumping on men’s heads to push them under the water, and lots of wet skin touching other wet skin. Cecily had just a glimpse of Calvin behind her before she was clear of the water, landing with a splash. Before she could clear her eyes, she was in the air again. When Calvin reached for her a third time, she jumped backward, landing on him, her breasts in his face, and he was under the water, grabbing her and struggling to get his footing. She jumped on him again, going under the water, his erection poking her as they struggled.

This time, as she fought with him, she felt his lips on hers, and quickly tongues touched before they surfaced. Cecily watched as Galina jumped on his back, her arms around his neck, and he went under the water once more. Before she could laugh, her own feet were pulled from beneath her, and Jess had her in a bear hug. They surfaced and laughed as he swam off to torment another female.

With no one bothering her at the moment, Cecily ducked under the water and swam to the side. She loved to swim underwater. Still not being molested, she was under again, swimming, until she saw an erection sticking straight out from an unknown male. Two quick strokes, and she was there but nearly out of breath. Her mouth surrounded it, and she sucked hard for two or three seconds, then had to surface, but facing away from whoever it was. Her back stayed toward him as she strode away from the mystery male.

Before long, there were games of chicken, and Cecily saw quickly that Akayla was on Mitch’s shoulders — she’d clearly taken a liking to him. She watched them, the red muff pressed tightly against the back of his neck — she knew he wished it was just the opposite. She felt herself going into the air, Calvin’s head between her legs. Others were up too, and the battles were on. The ladies were ferocious, pulling hair, pinching breasts, anything to gain an advantage. Finally, it was clear that Colin and Edie were nearly unbeatable, and everyone climbed out of the pool, ready for the games.

She called the first game the human knot. They all gathered in a circle and put their right hands in together. Each then took hold of the right hand of one of the others — Cecily noting that Akayla was quick to grab Mitch’s. Then left hands were in, and they were to grab someone else’s left hand. Next, they all closed their eyes, let go of the right hand, and found another hand to grab.

It was clear then why the game was named the way it was. There was a giant mesh of hands and arms, a knot, and the goal was to clear the knot. This involved stepping over, crawling under, and rubbing against a lot of bodies. The women did well, but the men were always jabbing someone or having an erection bent one way or the other.

It seemed impossible, even though there was some undoing of the knot. Cecily finally ended that game and decided on the next one. The women drew numbers from a sack; then, the men drew to form matches for this game. It involved holding a rubber ball between the partner’s legs just above the knees and working the ball up until it was under the chin of the shorter of the pair.

Cecily was matched with Heath for this game, and with the ball pressed between their legs and their faces just a foot apart, she realized how freaking handsome he was. He definitely should be some kind of a male model or the lead in a Hallmark movie. Of course, as they began working to raise the ball toward her chin, his cock was poking and bumping her repeatedly. They soon found it was easier to maneuver if they held onto each other.

Heath whispered something in her ear, and she decided to try it. She gripped the ball between her legs, and Heath squatted, his very nice erection going between her legs and under the ball. He began to lift the ball with the erection, Cecily having to keep her legs just tight enough that it was sliding up her smooth skin. When it bumped her labia, they needed a different plan.

Heath seemed to have things under control as he turned slightly sideways, his cock moving from between her legs but still under the ball. When he was standing straight, he told her to slowly squat while he rolled the ball up her body. Getting the ball between her breasts was a pleasant challenge, his cock rubbing both of them repeatedly until, at last, it covered the short distance of her upper chest and was tucked under her chin, his erection just a couple of inches from her face.

They easily won that game.

As they were parting, Heath said, “Mitch talks about you at work, but he doesn’t do you justice at all. You need to straighten him out about that.” Mr. Adonis had just said … It didn’t matter; she took it as a compliment.

They stopped the game for a beer and wine break and more laughing. Cecily sat beside Mitch with her glass of wine, he with a can of beer. She should have expected it, but before she could react, the ice-cold can was pressed against her breasts.


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