The Brookhaven B.C. Redux Pt. 04 by PickFiction,PickFiction

Her loud squeal got everyone’s attention. She was tempted to throw her wine in his face but hated to waste it. She took a sip as the whish sound said his beer was open.

“You’ve come a long way since Sisters of Jezebel,” he said, smiling at her. “Calvin seemed to be enjoying your delectable ass and delicious tits.”

“I noticed a redhead giving someone a good working over, too.”

“You know I’ve always had a thing for redheads, and I couldn’t believe it when she kind of attached herself to me every chance she got.”

“Well, I’m enjoying my part, and I think you are too. Maybe tonight we can, well, experiment a little.”

“Shit, Cec, I’ll experiment with you any second of any day.” He got a nice kiss for that comment.

“Who were you with for the ball game?”

“Galina,” he answered with a smile. “We hardly moved the ball at all, but I got one hell of a tit rub trying. She may be forty, but she’s still all woman. Every time my cock would poke her, she’d take hold of it and push it away. Somewhere along the line, I forgot about the intent of the game. And, speaking of that, what’s the next game?”

“It’s called ‘body twister,’ and it’s strictly for me, well, among the women anyway. Crap, let me explain it. I have a sack full of colored circles about as wide as a drinking glass. They’re four colors, like the twister game, and you’re going to stick them all over my body, at least the front of my body. I’ll lay down like the twister mat; everyone will spin and put their hand on the proper colored circle. Simple, huh?”

“Yeah, simple. So everyone will have their hands all over you, depending on where I put the circles.”


“Where’s the bag?

In minutes the circles had been placed, the game explained, and everyone was ready to spin. Of course, there were circles everywhere any normal male would want to put his hand.

The game began, and soon Cecily had hands touching her on almost all her circles. Arms were interwoven, and the touchers were being well-touched as well. She was surprised when Akala chose the circle on her mons, and Akala’s fingers trailed over the edge, touching her labia rather firmly, Cecily thought. The men’s hands on the circles at her breasts managed to extend enough that her nipples were trapped between their finders. Plus, with all of the moving around, the touching was a dynamic experience. She was sure Akala’s fingers would be wet when they were finally removed.

After that game ended, and Mitch peeled the circles off of Cecily’s body, there was a game of truth or consequences where the person had to answer a question correctly or suffer a consequence. Of course, the questions were impossible and consequences inevitable. Jess had to kiss May passionately for sixty seconds, Galina had her muff neatly trimmed by Colin, Mitch and Edie has to give a live demo of their best sexual sounds, Calvin had to talk dirty to Cecily for one minute, which he seemed to enjoy, and Edie body-painted a two-piece bathing suit on May, and she had to walk to the mailbox by the street in front of the house, and retrieve the mail.

When May returned, Heath had the Waterman’s hose at the ready and took great pleasure in hosing her down to remove the paint, May getting far more water in her face and everywhere else than was needed to remove the paint. In fact, after enduring the hard streams of water, her body had a pinkish glow about it. She explained that Heath would suffer the consequences for that when he least expected it.

More wine and beer before they decided on a return to the swimming pool. When they were in the pool, Heath came toward Cecily.

“I’m ready for a repeat of earlier,” he said, a big smile on his face.

That answered her question of the unknown erection she’d sampled earlier.

“It was just a spur of the moment thing,” she said, her cheeks reddening.

“Well, at least I can pay back a little he said,” taking a deep breath and disappearing under the water.

She felt his hands on her butt cheeks as his tongue went to work between her legs. She wasn’t sure her legs would hold her upright, and it wasn’t fair — he’d had time for a big breath. It seemed to go on and on, Cecily torn between euphoria and terror it would be spotted. The tongue stopped, and the hands were gone, and when Heath appeared, he was six feet away, his back to her.

What a party! It had gone just as she’d expected until Heath had surprised her, and … yeah. Of course, she hadn’t planned what spurred Heath into action either.

Soon everyone was out of the pool and were finishing off the beer and wine. Cecily received thank yous and hugs and, “let’s do this again sometime” from all of the people. Akayla spoke to her privately.

“Sorry I monopolized, Mitch, but there’s just something about him. I’m sure you know that,” she chuckled.

“He’s always had a soft spot for redheads, and, with that little brogue of yours, I’m sure you didn’t have trouble monopolizing him.”

“Thanks for understanding. I think that big wrestler kind of liked you too.”

“The soft-spoken, blue-eyed wrestler. I got to know him pretty well.”

“You ever do anything at all like this again; you have my email and phone.”

“I’ll have to see,” Cecily teased. “I’m not sure whether to let you around Mitch again.”

Akala laughed. “I’ll be older and more experienced then. I may have learned a trick or two. Plus,” she added with a sultry smile, “I can see why he picked you.”

That had different thoughts racing through Cecily’s mind as Akala walked away to get dressed.

In fifteen more minutes, it was just the two of them.

“You have fun?” he asked.

“Sure did.”

“Did anything surprise you?” He seemed curious.

Cecily took a deep breath. No sense hiding anything, she decided

“On the first swim, I was swimming underwater, and all of a sudden, right in front of me was …”

“Go ahead,” Mitch encouraged with a big smile.

“It was just spur of the moment, and I was almost out of breath. It only lasted two or three seconds, and I came up with my back to him so I wouldn’t know who.”

“Your hand or your mouth?” he asked, seemingly enjoying her bit of torment.

Her turn to smile.

“But, there’s more,” she said to Mitch’s nod. “The second time in, Heath told me he was ready for a repeat, but I wasn’t going to do that. So, well, he said he’d repay me then and took a deep breath and … well, he more than repaid me.”

“Felt good?”

“Of course,” she said, cheeks reddening once more.

“Let’s clean up here, and then I think we’re ready to experiment a little.”

Cecily’s eyes widened.

“We have some clothesline in the basement, don’t we, and some of those clothespins you squeeze to open.


“Plus, I bought you a little present to celebrate completing your challenges.”

“What … what did you get?” she asked hesitantly.

“You’ll see it later, but as a hint, it goes, hmmmmmmmmm,” the hmmm getting louder and louder as he spoke. “Oh, and if you’re not interested, I think I have Akala’s number.”

He got a hard smack to the shoulder for that one, but Cecily could hardly wait for the experiment to begin.

Yes, she had come a long way from the Daughters of Jezebel Strip Club.


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