The Brookhaven Book Club – Pt. 04 by PickFiction,PickFiction

This is the fourth and final installment of a four-part series revolving around The Brookhaven Book Club, a group of six ladies who meet monthly to discuss books, drink wine, and talk, i.e., gossip. One of the members decides the ladies might enjoy some daring adventures, getting naked or partially so and completing a challenge that could allow them to be seen. They all agree to do this, and each member fills out four cards describing challenges; the cards are put together and shuffled. Each member draws a card and has four weeks to complete the challenge, documenting what they’ve done along the way. At the next meeting, each will share what they’ve done.

This installment covers the adventure of Lisbet and the meeting of the club where each of the ladies reveals to the others what they’ve done and, well, who knows what else?.

I hope you enjoy this final installment. Rating and commenting are appreciated.


CHALLENGE #6 – Lisbet

Lisbet was excited–a different kind of excitement.

She loved to dream and imagine… and guess.

Today, she was tormenting herself by wondering if she could guess what was written on the card that she had stuffed into the hip pocket of her shorts. Of course, she didn’t have to guess since she had the card, but she was teasing herself, allowing the tension to build even though she was anxious to find out what was in store for her. At the meeting, when the others were reading their cards, Lis had simply stuffed hers into her pocket, much like today, letting the anticipation and tension build until she was ready for the grand reveal to take place.

Now was the time… almost.

She thought of the other five women who had filled out the cards, as she had done and tried to guess what kind of challenges each might have imagined. She knew that Poppy, who was the instigator and who had gotten everyone to agree to this thing, would ensure nakedness and being seen in that condition on her cards. Cecily, probably the most timid and shy person she’d ever met, she imagined would create challenges that matched her character unless, of course, anonymity made her brave and daring.

Lis tapped the hip pocket, tempting herself once more. She had four weeks to do whatever was on the card, so there was no hurry. Still, as was typical for her, she was only able to resist not knowing for so long. Her fingers went into the pocket, touching the card. Just the touch made her heart pound a little harder.

She was sure she’d be naked, at least topless. Just topless would be disappointing. On Lis, topless didn’t reveal that much. She was an athlete, tall and lithe, her flexibility still there even though her soccer and track careers had ended many years ago. She still worked out regularly–she needed to go to the gym after she read what was on the card, and maybe that was why she was tormenting herself. When she had lamented about her small breasts, several people suggested that she stop working out, put on a little fat, and then she’d have breasts. She might try that one day, but not yet. She was just twenty-nine and not ready to “put on a little fat.”

Being naked wouldn’t be new, and neither would being seen naked. In younger years, college time, it had happened quite a few times. She knew that, from the rear, she was somewhat spectacular with long and very shapely athletic legs, a tight butt, that flawless olive skin that made her seem to be glowing, topped by the light brown hair that nearly matched her skin color. From the front, much the same with the legs, flat belly, and pretty face. When she was playing soccer and running, not having boobs flopping around was perfect. Now, these years later, it wasn’t nearly as perfect. But, it was what it was.

“Shit,” she finally said aloud. “Just read the fucking thing.”

The card came out of her pocket, and she unfolded it. She wondered which of the other ladies had enough computer knowledge to be able to print the challenge on the card, deciding it didn’t really matter. She began to read.

You are to go to the Northridge Mall, the south end where they have the lockers. Pick a locker and unlock it, taking the key and pushing the locker closed so that it doesn’t lock. Leave the mall and go about one block past Westland Park to the Bread and Milk, B & M, convenience store. Hide the key in the store where you can retrieve it later.

Return to the mall, strip off your clothes, put them in the locker, and lock it.

Naked, with her clothes locked in the locker and the key at the B & M, she thought she might be able to guess the rest of the challenge.

Not quite.

Obviously, you need to go to the convenience store to retrieve the key. While there, introduce yourself to whoever is working at the checkout counter, and let him/her know you’re there to help them for thirty minutes, checking out customers, restocking, whatever they choose.

Once the thirty minutes have expired, you’re to make your way back to the mall and retrieve your clothing.

Good luck!

Lis was familiar with the mall and the lockers and knew that, since they were stuck back in a dead-end hallway, there wouldn’t be too many people around to watch her undress and stow her clothing. The park was just across the side parking lot and had lots of trees and bushes for hiding, should she choose to hide. She’d been in the convenience store once–it was a block from the park, and she knew there was a strong possibility she wouldn’t be seen during that stage of her challenge–except for the thirty minutes at the store.

Nothing said she had to do this at noon, so Lis decided to go at dusk, when there’d be fewer people everywhere, and where she might blend in a little. She chuckled. Being naked and blending in didn’t seem to go together. Getting through the park should be easy since running was her strong suit. Navigating the block between the park and the store might require a little stealth, and after that… a male or female clerk? Young or old? She had no desire to be arrested, but if there was a cute, young male clerk, it might not be too bad.

Lis knew there was no sense wasting time planning. She’d go berserk with anticipation. Even what she’d done with the card had her sweating. She’d just do it–tomorrow after work. It would take the place of her workout. But today, she needed that activity. Maybe sweating a little would help her relax and think. More likely, though, thinking about what she was going to do would only, well, get her a little more excited in a way she didn’t need right now.

Halfway through her workout, she realized she was sweating heavily, and the guy on the elliptical next to her didn’t seem able to take his eyes off her. She tried to ignore him, accepting that she was a very attractive and appealing woman and often drew stares. Still, he was being a little ridiculous. She turned her head and gave him a look she hoped would convey her disgust.

“You’re hot,” he said, smiling at her and continuing to pump the machine.

She realized what he’d done and returned a small smile.

“In more than one way,” he added, answering her smile.


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