The Closer: Ch. 01 by soflabbwlvr,soflabbwlvr

Hailey Andrews opened her closet and pulled out her best white silk blouse. She put it on and then moved further down the rack to her brand new navy blue pencil skirt and blazer. The two pieces were still in the tailor’s plastic garment bag, and the sleeves of the jacket were stuffed with tissue paper to retain their shape. Hailey removed the stuffing, tags, clips, pins and labels, and then slipped into the skirt and jacket. She put on her new pumps and turned to look herself in the mirror.

Today’s the day. If my review goes well, I’ll get the promotion, a nice raise, and my own office. If not, I’m fucked. Totally fucked. Out of work, no savings, and probably two steps closer to moving back into my parent’s house. It’s all or nothing. I have to be confident, be strong, and face whatever is coming. I’ve worked too long and too hard to go out on a bad note. Just don’t cry…. Stop it! Be positive! They can’t let me go. I’m too hard of a worker. I bring value beyond my numbers. Don’t let them forget that!

Hailey put on her make up and styled her hair. When she was satisfied that she looked her absolute best, she grabbed her cell phone, pulled her keys from her purse, and headed for the door.

* * *

Hailey sat at her cubicle, stuffed her purse into a desk drawer, and powered up her computer. She went to the kitchen to get herself a cup of coffee and returned just as the computer finished booting. Hailey navigated to her email just as an alert popped up on her screen. She gulped when she opened it and saw that she was being summoned to her supervisor’s office.

Well, I guess Mr. Roberts isn’t wasting any time today. I thought I would have a chance for at least one cup of coffee first. I don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Wtf, let’s go do this.

Hailey took the elevator up one floor to the executive suite. She had only been up there a few times in her three years at the firm, and the last time was over three months ago. The ninth floor was laid out with account managers’ tiny offices ringing the outer perimeter, and rows of even smaller cubicles just like hers packing the interior. The tenth floor, however, was palatial in comparison. Large offices used by the executives ringed the outer perimeter, and the interior contained L-shaped desks and an occasional U-shaped desk spaced comfortably apart from one another.

“He’s expecting you,” said Cary, Mr. Roberts’ secretary, from behind the largest u-shaped desk on the floor. “You can go right in.”

Hailey opened the door and walked into the spacious office.

“Have a seat, Ms. Andrews,” Mr. Roberts said. “I’m just finishing here.”

Hailey took a seat in one of the two chairs opposite Mr. Robert’s massive oak desk. Uh-oh. He never calls me Ms. Andrews. That can’t be good. She looked down as she fidgeted with the hem of her skirt, then looked up just in time to see Mr. Roberts replacing his phone on the cradle.

“Ms. Andrews, thank you for coming up so promptly. I appreciate punctuality, and I prefer starting the week off without any undue delay.”

“Thank you, sir. I always try to be at my desk and working while everyone else is still milling about and socializing–especially on Mondays.”

“That’s good, Ms. Andrews. We have noticed and taken your punctuality and work ethic into account. On that note, are you ready to get started?”

“Yes, sir,” Hailey replied.

“Very well. As you are aware, our account agents are hired for a three-year term. Annual reviews are conducted at the end of every year. We go into granular detail to identify agent’s strengths and weaknesses. The purpose of being so thorough is not to make you feel threatened or ashamed, but rather, to give you every opportunity to succeed. We hire account agents directly out of college with the goal of grooming them to be long-term partners. With that in mind, we tell you every year what we see in your professional development that we can use, and where you need improvement. Do you recall me telling you this in your previous reviews?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Ms. Andrews, I am handing you a binder containing copies of your performance reviews from the previous year two years. We will be referring to them as we go through your metrics for this year.”

Mr. Roberts reached across the desk and handed a binder to Hailey. She leaned forward and took it from his hand, opened it, and confirmed that it was her prior years’ evaluations.

“Ms. Andrews, you presented us with a bit of a conundrum. In the end, the numbers speak for themselves. As a result, I have some bad news for you, but I also have good news for you as well. I’ll start with the bad news. After consulting with the other partners, I’m afraid, that we are unable to offer you a position as an account manager.”

“B-but why?” Hailey’s hands were trembling, and she could barely form the words in her mouth.

“Let’s look at the numbers. Turn to page three of your prior year’s report. Look at the section for year over year rate of return. We need a minimum of fifteen percent. Your baseline was seven percent for your first year, your ROR was nine percent your second year, and for this year you only hit eleven percent. You showed improvement, but not enough.”

Hailey felt her face getting hot. Tears slid down her cheeks. She squeezed her hands and sobbed.

“Can’t you give me one more chance? That’s just one metric, and I’m improving every year. The numbers show steady increases. Just give me a few more months. I know I can hit the numbers you’re asking me for.”

“I’m sorry, Ms. Andrews, but the YOY ROR is the most important metric in the industry. That is how we make money. At seven percent we lose money. A lot of money, actually. We have to pay salaries, we pay rent on this office, we pay for our employees’ health plans. You understand how this industry works, don’t you? We have to generate sufficient income from our investments such that our clients earn enough money and are satisfied with our performance, and we have to make enough above that to pay for the costs of running this office. Eleven percent doesn’t cut it, I’m afraid. At eleven percent we are just breaking even. We may as well shut down the office at eleven percent. It’s not good enough.”

Hailey reached for a tissue on Mr. Robert’s desk and used it to wipe her face.

“But what about the other metrics?” she asked.

“Better,” he answered. “But not good enough. Total assets invested, twenty million. We’re looking for twenty-five. But that’s up from twelve million the previous year, so the improvement was considerable. Twenty million, however, is not enough to justify a permanent position.”

“What else?” she asked between sobs.

“Your diversification scores are all below minimum standards. Only twenty percent of your client portfolios show negative correlations. As a result, almost eighty percent of your clients are exposed to excessive risk.”

“That’s because I was trying to get my YOY ROR higher. I pushed my clients to move into the highest yield assets I could obtain for them.”

“And in doing so you caused them to acquire less diverse portfolios, increasing their risk. Not only that, but too many of your client accounts were comprised of nearly identical investments. If one investment went south, all your accounts would have been under water. We would have seen a mass migration of customers from the firm.

“We went over all of this last year. We simply did not see enough improvement in your performance to offer you a permanent position. I’m sorry, Hailey, but you will not be promoted to Account Manager.”

“How much time do I have to find a new position?”

“Today is your last day. We will pay you two month’s salary as severance. That should tide you over until you find a new situation. Also, you should know that we are in the process of contacting your clients and advising them that a new agent will be servicing their accounts. You are not to have any further contact with any firm account holders. You signed a non-compete agreement at the time you were hired that specifies you cannot work for a competing firm for sixty days after leaving our employ, and that you are forever barred from contacting any clients of the firm during your tenure here. Your credentials have been revoked, so you no longer have access to the system. This is not intended to be punitive, although it may seem that way. Rather, this is for our mutual protection.”

“So that’s it? I’m done? Kicked to the curb?”

“Not necessarily. We do have a position that we would like to discuss with you. Are you interested in hearing my pitch?”

Hailey looked up through wet eyes.

“Another position? As what, administrative assistant? I didn’t earn a degree in finance so that I could become a secretary.”

“I fully understand that you are upset. My partners and I discussed your situation, and it gives me great pleasure to advise you that a position has opened for which we feel you would be perfect. If you would like to hear about it, the time is now. Otherwise, we will look elsewhere, and our business is concluded.”

“Of course I want to hear about it. Tell me, please.”

“Before we begin, I need you to sign this non-disclosure agreement. This discussion will require me to reveal substantial trade secrets, and legal tells me I can only do so if you sign the agreement.”

Mr. Roberts handed Hailey a folder containing a two-page contract.

“Can I look it over first?”

“Of course. Take as much time as you need.”

“Can I run it by my attorney first?”

“I assure you that’s not necessary. It’s a standard NDA with a $1 million liquidated damages provision.”

“Whoa, $1 million dollars, that’s a lot of money.”

“I will be sharing highly sensitive information with you. The $1 million dollar damage provision is a drop in the bucket compared to the value of the information you will be receiving.”

“Well, I can’t sign anything without an attorney looking at it first. Can I take it with me and get back to you this afternoon?”

“Ordinarily I would say yes, Ms. Andrews, but time is of the essence here. I’ll tell you what I can do. I will let you call any attorney of your choosing, and you can either scan and email it or read the agreement to them over the phone. You can get your legal opinion, and then let me know if we are going to continue our conversation. How’s that for a reasonable compromise?”

“Will you be in here listening to my discussion.?”

“Of course not. I’m going to stroll down the hall to the men’s room, and then I will stop and huddle with my partners for a minute to give them an update on our progress. I will be back in exactly twenty minutes. If you need more time, text me before I get back and I will give you more. My cell phone number is on my business card.”

Mr. Roberts stood up and handed a business card to Hailey. He walked toward the door, paused, and looked back in her direction.

“I’ll be back in twenty minutes. Use the time wisely.”

He left the room, closing the door behind him.

Hailey read through the agreement but did not really understand all the legal terms. She had no attorney to call, and even if she did, she wasn’t sure she wanted to incur the cost of a legal review. She started scrolling through her cell phone contacts and remembered an old boyfriend who was in his last year of law school somewhere in California. She pressed “Dial” on his number and listened to the phone ringing.

“Hailey?” the voice on the line asked.

“Hi Dmitry, sorry to bother you so early in the morning, but I need a little help and I need it right now.”

“What is it? Are you in trouble?”

“No, I just need a legal opinion, and I don’t have anyone else to call.”

“Hailey, I’m not an attorney yet, and I am not allowed to give legal advice. It’s called unauthorized practice of law, and it could get me in really big trouble.”

“Who’s going to know? Jesus, Dmitry, are you still mad at me? I wouldn’t have called you if I had anyone else to call.”

“Just–what is it?”

“My employer–former employer, I should say–wants to discuss a job offer with me, but has asked me to sign a non-compete agreement first. It sounds shady to me.”

“It’s pretty standard for some industries and some high salary positions. What are they offering you, senior vice president?”

“I have no idea.”

“It’s usually only done with high level execs, and such. What job are you up for?”

“I don’t know, yet. They won’t discuss it with me until I sign the agreement.”

“Read it to me.”

Hailey read the entire agreement to Dmitry.

“That’s pretty standard language.”

“Even the $1 million dollar damages?”

“Yes. They could have gone higher, but $1 million is not unusual.”

“Should I sign it?”

“Why not? What have you got to lose?”

“A million dollars.”

“Just keep your big mouth shut if you don’t take the position. I know it’s hard for you, but for a million dollars you should be able to do it.

“OK, Dmitry, we’re done. Thank you for that. I won’t bother you again. Goodbye.”

Hailey shut off her phone just as Mr. Roberts knocked on the door.

“Come in,” she called toward the door.

The door opened and Mr. Roberts stepped through.

“Well, are you ready to hear our offer?” Mr. Roberts asked as he closed the door behind himself.

“I’ll sign,” Hailey answered.

“Good. I’ll be right back.”

Mr. Roberts turned and left the room again. He returned moments later with Cary and Alicia, another secretary on the floor.

“Ms. Andrews is going to sign this agreement, and Cary and Alicia are here to witness,” he explained.

Mr. Roberts reached into a drawer and withdrew a handful of ballpoint pens. He gave one to each of the women surrounding his desk.

“Ms. Andrews, sign and date here, and here.”

He pointed at her signature line. Hailey signed and dated the document.

“Cary, sign here.”

He pointed again.

“And Alicia, you sign here.”

Alicia signed.

“Thank you, ladies,” he said.

Cary and Alicia turned and left the room.

“Before we get down to business,” Mr. Roberts asked, “can I get you anything?”

“No thank you,” she answered.

“Coffee, tea, soda, bottled water?”

“I’m good.”

“Alright then. Before we get started let me preface my remarks by reminding you that you have signed an NDA which expressly covers the information I am about to share with you. You were given the opportunity to consult with counsel of your choosing prior to signing the agreement, and you have advised me that you did in fact receive legal advice. This is highly sensitive information that we have classified as trade secret. You cannot discuss any aspect of this information with anyone, or the firm will be irreparably injured to the tune of $1 million. Is that correct?”


“Do you have any questions before I proceed?”


“Excellent. Ms. Andrews, we have an open position here on the tenth floor. It is a considerably higher level position than the Junior Accounts Manager position for which you were previously considered. The official title of the position is Special and Sensitive Accounts Manager. The SSAM does not actually manage any customer accounts. Instead, the sole responsibility of the SSAM is to close deals. When negotiations reach an impasse, the account is referred to the SSAM who is tasked with closing the deal. Hence the unofficial but more commonly used job title, ‘Closer.'”

“What does the closer do that the account manager or account associate cannot do? I mean, how does adding one more person to the mix result in a deal?”

“Excellent questions, and the answer to both is this: The closer does whatever it takes to close a deal.”

“Umm, what exactly do you mean by ‘whatever it takes?'”

“I mean precisely that. Whatever. It. Takes.”

“Are you implying that the closer sleeps with clients?”

“Whatever. It. Takes.”

“So if I’m hearing you correctly, you want me to be a whore–the company whore. That’s what you’re offering me.”

“Not at all, Ms. Andrews. A whore sells her body for money. You will be using all the resources at your disposal to close lucrative deals. It’s hardly the same.”

“It’s exactly the same. I think we’re done.”

Hailey rose from her seat and stomped off toward the door.

“Ms. Andrews, I understand that you might find this a little upsetting. It’s a lot to take in all at once. But before you go, don’t you think you should at least hear about the financial package that comes with the position?”


“Consider this. The last person who held that position is retiring at the age of forty-five with a fully vested pension and a seven percent ownership interest in the firm. Do you have any idea what that’s worth?”

“Don’t know and don’t care. Buh bye.”

Hailey reached for the doorknob.

“Ms. Andrews, do you have student loans?”

“Are you serious? Of course I have student loans. Who is there my age that doesn’t?”

“I will pay your next five student loan payments if you will just sit and listen to the rest of my presentation.”

Hailey released the doorknob.

“I just have to listen, that’s all?”

“Correct. Whether you accept the offer or turn me down, I will pay your next five payments if you just listen to the entire pitch.”

“You don’t even know how much my payments are.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll pay them. All you have to do is return to your seat and listen.”

“Can I get that in writing?”

“You don’t need to. I’ll cut the checks right now.”


“Give me your payment information.”

Hailey complied.

“I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”

Mr. Roberts stood up and left the room. He returned fifteen minutes later with five fully executed checks.

“Since I need to grab your interest, I’m going to jump ahead to the financial package. Normally I save that for last when I’m talking to a recruitment candidate. I’ll circle back to the processes and procedures at the end.

“The first and most important thing you should know is that the compensation is based on commissions. We tried a base salary and bonus structure in the past, but we found this formula works better for everyone.

“You will receive a $2500 per month stipend. That is yours no matter what happens in the previous month. So even if no files are assigned to you or you somehow fail to close a single deal in a month, you will still be paid a minimal amount.

“You will receive a $5000 signing bonus when you sign the contract and another $5000 bonus upon completion of the training program.

“You will receive a.3% commission on all deals you close. That might not sound like much at first, but it adds up quickly. On a $1 million dollar deal you would earn a $3000 commission. Close one of those each week, and that’s around $156,000 per year. Add in the $2500 per month stipend, and you’re up to $186,000. That’s triple what you make as an account associate, and more than double what you would earn as a junior account manager.

“We will only send you deals in the $1 million range during your probationary period. After that, you will see nothing but deals in the $5 million to $10 million range. After your first year you will be responsible for deals ranging from $5 million to $50 million, or possibly higher. Your commission on a $5 million deal is $15,000. If you close just one of those a month you would be making about the same as you would earn closing a $1 million deal a week. If you close two per month, well, then you’re making close to $400,000 per year. Only the partners make more.

“Do I have your attention now, Ms. Andrews?”

“I’m listening.”

“You will have an office here on the tenth floor, but you can work from home most days. Your responsibilities will be to study the files assigned to you and be prepared to close the deal once the arrangements are made for a face-to-face meeting. The file will consist of the entire financial structure and background material, as well as a detailed investigative report and psychological profile on your target compiled by the agency we have on retainer. We will give you all the tools you need to succeed. All you have to do is prepare and execute.”

“What success rate do you expect?”

“Our expectations are high. We only refer files to the closer that we believe can be closed. We are looking for a ninety percent closure rate, at a minimum. We chose you for this position, in part, because your closure rate as an account associate was ninety-two percent–easily the highest among our current associates. You are able to get people to ‘yes’. We are giving you the chance to use all of your assets to get the really big fish to ‘yes.’ We’re counting on your skills to get that done.

“That being said, you will go through two weeks of training. After that, there will be a two-month probationary period. We are not concerned about whether you successfully close files at the beginning of the probationary period, but by the end we expect you to be near ninety percent.”

“Is there any travel involved?”

“Of course. We try to conduct most of the final negotiations here on our home turf, but frequently you will have to travel to Chicago, New York, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas, or Denver, and sometimes abroad to places like London, Berlin, Tokyo, Madrid. Really, we have deals throughout the world. You can expect to go abroad a few times per year.”

“Why did the current closer leave?”

“Two reasons. One, she doesn’t need the work. She is making several million dollars per year and has been for close to two decades. Between her investments, her retirement package, and her interest in the firm, she is set for life.

“Two, she is in her mid-forties, and is finding it a little harder to compete with women of your generation. Don’t get me wrong, she’s exceptionally qualified and remains effective, but the process takes more effort now. We hate to lose her, but we knew this day was coming. We’re fortunate that you are here to take the position–if you choose to do so.”

“Is she married? Does her husband know what she does?”

“She is married, and I don’t think her partner knows exactly what she does. You would have to ask her. If you take the position, you will get a chance to meet her and you can ask her any questions you have. She has assured me that she will be happy to answer you completely and truthfully.”

“Well, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m interested. Can I have until the end of the week to think about it?”

“Unfortunately, no. The training schedule requires us to have your answer today. I’m sorry. If you don’t take the job now, then we will have to commence interviews tomorrow morning so that we can have a candidate in place by tomorrow afternoon. Circumstances require us to move quickly. We need your answer now.”

“Nothing like a little pressure. And by a little, I mean tons.”

“I understand. However, in the next ten minutes I must either notify my partners that you have accepted the offer, or telephone our executive recruiters and have them send us some resumes and profiles so we can commence interviews at nine o’clock tomorrow morning. Time is of the essence, as my wife likes to say.”

“I-I’m…conflicted. I want to say ‘yes,’ but I don’t know, I mean, I’m not a whore.”

“No one here will think of you as a whore. You will be a respected and vital member of our team. And a very wealthy one, as well.”

“I know, but –”

“Ms. Andrews, I’m going to go outside and take a little walk. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes. At that time, I’ll need your answer. Yes or no. It’s entirely up to you.”

Mr. Roberts left the room.

What the fuuuuuck? This is crazy. Can I do this? I like sex, but can I fuck a stranger for money? For a whole lot of money? For more money than I could ever make at a regular job? Enough money to pay off my student loans, buy a car and a house? And travel the world? How bad can it be? Fucking some old man with a shriveled dick and balls that hang to his knees? Most men in this profession are boring as hell, giant nerds, or obnoxious bastards. Can I fuck them? What if he’s a total asshole? What if he’s gross? For almost half a million dollars a year, maybe. But do I want to? What about when I get into a serious relationship? Is that cheating? Fuuuuuuuuck! What do I do?

There was a knock on the door, and then it opened and Mr. Roberts entered the room. He closed the door and took his seat behind the desk. He looked at Hailey and smiled.

“Well, Ms. Andrews, what is it going to be? Are you in or out?”

“Throw in a car and I’ll do it. Sign me up.”

“What kind of car would you prefer?”

“A Lamborghini.”


“A Ferrari then.

“We will lease you a BMW 3 series upon completion of the probationary period. When the lease is up after twenty-four months we will revisit your request. You will be responsible for the insurance. Anything else?”

“You pay the insurance and throw in a gas card.”

Mr. Roberts pulled out his phone, pulled up the calculator app., and punched in some numbers.

“Alright, let’s recap. We are going to pay you a severance consisting of two months pay at your current salary. You will receive that with your next regular paycheck. You will receive a $5000 signing bonus when you sign your contract today. That check is in my desk drawer. You will receive a monthly stipend of $2500 dollars per month. That will be paid every month on the first of the month. You will receive another $5000 bonus when you complete the training. Training begins today and will continue for two weeks. Once you successfully complete your training, you will be paid a.3% commission on all files referred to you by management that you successfully close. And we will pay the lease payments, insurance, and fuel on a BMW 3 series automobile of your choice for 24 months, commencing on the day you successfully complete training.

“Is that everything?”

“I believe so.”

“Excellent. Let me run this down to legal, and I’ll be back in ten minutes with your contract.”

Mr. Roberts left with his notes. He returned ten minutes later with a contract in hand, as promised. He was followed by Cary and Alicia, who stood behind his desk.

“Ms. Andrews, here is your contract of employment. Please look it over and let me know if there are any discrepancies. If you are in agreement with the terms, please sign and date where your signature is indicated.”

He handed the document to Hailey. She stared at it for five minutes, flipping back and forth through the pages without really reading anything. After several minutes she located her signature line and affixed her signature. Mr. Roberts signed on behalf of the firm, and then the two witnesses added their signatures and left.

“Congratulations, Ms. Andrews, and welcome to the firm. Before I forget, here is your bonus check”

Mr. Roberts pulled an envelope out of his desk and handed it to Hailey.

“Thank you, Mr. Roberts. I hope I can do this.”

“I’m sure you can, Ms. Andrews. If we didn’t believe in you, we would not have offered you the position. By the time you complete your training, we expect you to close any deal no matter who is on the other side of the table.”

“I will do my best, I promise. By the way, when does my training start?”

“As a matter of fact, right now.”


Mr. Roberts stood up from his seat, walked over to the door, and locked it. He proceeded to stand in front of his desk, inches from Hailey who was sitting in the guest chair.

“Right now,” he answered.

Mr. Roberts unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock.

“What the fuck?” Hailey asked.

“Lesson one: Blow jobs.”


“The simple fact is, our statistics show that you will close more deals with an expert blow job than any other skill. I need to establish your baseline so we can develop a training regimen.”

“Training regimen? Mr. Roberts, I can perform fellatio–quite well, I’m told. I don’t need lessons.”

“You can call me Len.


“It’s short for Leonard. Hailey–may I call you Hailey?”

“Sure. It’s my name.”

“Hailey, you may believe you know everything about sucking a cock, but the fact that you refer to it as ‘fellatio’ tells me you have much to learn. Dictionary terms are not sexy and using them will not close a deal. Time is short, and you have a full day of training ahead of you. So let’s go. Suck my cock.”

“But–Mr. Rob…Len–you’re my boss. I c-can’t…”

“Hailey, if you are bothered by my position as your superior, you are not going to successfully complete the training. We may as well tear up the contract now so I can spend the afternoon getting someone in here who will do the job the way it needs to be done. I’m sure I can find another intelligent, attractive, and ambitious young woman interested in earning millions of dollars over the next few years. You are our preferred candidate, but I’m sure you are not the only qualified candidate.”

Hailey looked down at her hands, folded in her lap. She forced back a tear, and then looked straight ahead at Mr. Roberts’ flaccid cock. She reached for it with both hands. She felt the warm, soft flesh stiffen and grow in her fingers. She stroked it a couple times and felt it get harder. The shaft was pale but the head was several shades darker–purple or grey–she wasn’t really sure how to describe the color. As it grew in her hands she noted that it was as big as any she had ever seen before–not that there were all that many, but more than a few–and the head formed a perfect mushroom-shaped helmet. She moved her face closer to his groin. She inhaled deeply, taking in his faint musk and the residual body wash from his morning shower. He smells good. He’s not gross. And his cock has a nice shape.

Hailey opened her mouth and closed her lips around the purple head.

“That’s better,” Mr. Roberts said.

Hailey looked up at him, made eye contact, and then swirled her tongue around the head. We’ll see who needs blow job lessons. She grasped the base with her right hand and reached into his wool trousers with her left. She cupped his balls and pulled them out of his warm underwear and into the cool open air of the office.

“Nice,” he said.

Hailey squeezed the balls in her left hand while stroking the shaft in her right hand. She applied suction to the head, and then moved her mouth back and forth along the shaft. She pulled the cock all the way out of her mouth, blew on the head, and the slowly slid her mouth down the shaft until her lips bumped against her right hand.

“Oooohhh,” Mr. Roberts moaned.

He likes it when I go deep. What am I talking about? All men like it when I take them deep. Hailey moved her mouth back to the head, removed her hand from the base, and then slid her mouth all the way down the shaft until her lips were kissing his zipper. She held her head there until she was almost out of breath, and then slid her mouth back to the head. She tasted a drop of pre-cum leaking from the tip. Nice–almost finished.

Hailey looked up at Mr. Roberts, searching for his eyes. When he looked down she met his gaze and then slowly slid her mouth back and forth along his shaft. She never broke eye contact while taking him all the way to the back of her throat. She felt the shaft swelling in her mouth. It felt stiffer, thicker, and the veins felt more pronounced. He’s close.

She increased her speed, bobbing back and forth, when suddenly a blast of hot semen filled her mouth. Another blast followed, and then a third and a fourth. Her cheeks bulged as her mouth filled with thick, syrupy cum. She pulled back and tried to remove the cock from her mouth, but two firm hands held her head in place. She coughed, spitting semen all over Mr. Roberts’ suit pants, the carpet, her own blouse and jacket.

Mr. Roberts handed her a box of tissues.

“Clean yourself up,” he said.

“You nearly choked me,” she sputtered. “Was that necessary?”

“Did you learn something from it?”

“Yes. No. Maybe. Hell, I don’t know. What was I supposed to learn?”

Mr. Roberts removed his shoes and pants, walked over to the closet in the back of his office, and removed a clean pair of slacks. He put on the clean pants, then picked up the semen-covered trousers and pulled out his wallet.

“I’ll have detailed notes for you tomorrow. For now, take my credit card, go get yourself some lunch, have drink or two–but no more–get some dessert, and then report to Mr. Jackson at one-thirty. Don’t be late. You have a full afternoon of training ahead of you.”

“Go get some lunch? My blouse and jacket are covered with your semen. I can’t go out like this.”

“Sure you can. That jizz will dry up in fifteen minutes. Wipe it off with a damp cloth. No one will ever notice.”

Hailey took off her jacket, grabbed the credit card, and stomped out of the office.

* * *

Hailey was in a much better mood when she returned from lunch. Butter-poached lobster, an avocado salad, chocolate mousse, and two cocktails at the rooftop Michelin star restaurant across the street will do that, especially when someone else is paying. She stepped out of the elevator, located Mr. Jackson’s secretary, and announced herself.

“Hello, I’m Hailey Andrews,” she said to the woman seated at the desk outside Mr. Jackson’s office. “I have a one-thirty appointment with Mr. Jackson.”

“Go in Ms. Andrews,” Yvonne answered. “He’s expecting you.”

Hailey opened the door and walked into the office. She was surprised to find a tall, fit, handsome black man in an Armani suit standing in front of the heavy wooden desk.

“Hello, Ms. Andrews,” he said, flashing a set of sparkling white teeth. “Congratulations on your promotion. I’ve heard wonderful things about you. I’m Eldon Jackson. You can call me Eldon.”

Hailey extended her hand to shake Eldon’s, but he wrapped his arms around her, pulled her to his chest, and gave her a brief hug.

“Have a seat,” he said, waving his hand toward a pair of leather tub chairs placed opposite his desk.

Hailey lowered herself to the chair furthest from Eldon, who rested his butt cheeks against the edge of his desk.

“Tell me a little about yourself, Ms. Andrews,” Eldon smiled. “Len has told us great things about you, but I would like to hear from you in your own words.”

“Well,” Hailey started, “where to begin?”

“Where are you from?”

“I grew up in Fort Lauderdale, went to University of Miami, graduated with a degree in finance, and then started working here. Uh, what else? Last year I bought a condo on Brickell -one bedroom, that’s all I could afford–so I’m minutes away from the office, if that means anything. I like to cook, and I’m pretty good at mixing drinks. I worked as a bartender in college. Let’s see, what else?”

The two cocktails Hailey drank at lunch were fogging her memory and slowing her responses.

“Do you enjoy sex?’

“Wow, that was an abrupt change of subject. Right to the point. OK. Yes, I enjoy sex. Very much. I’ve never really had casual sex, much, I mean, I had a few hook-ups in college, well one, actually, but mostly I only had sex with my boyfriends. Except that one time I just mentioned.”

“Tell me about that time, Ms. Andrews.”

“That’s kind of personal.”

“This is going to be a very personal conversation.”

“OK. We’re going there. Alright. Well, it was my last year of college. I went to Cabo for Spring Break with my roommate and six other students. My boyfriend and I had just broken up a week earlier. It was our last night there. I met a dude from USC who was also on Spring Break. He was really nice and very good looking, and I was really horny. My friends were fucking someone different every night, but all I had done was given a few sloppy drunken blow jobs.”

The alcohol was making her talkative.

“You don’t consider those sloppy drunken blow jobs casual sex?”

“I hadn’t really thought of it that way. I suppose so. I was talking about fucking, you know? But you’re right. Blow jobs are sex too.”

“Finish your story about the guy in Cabo.”

“Alright. Where was I? Oh yeah. So, he asked me if I wanted to go for a walk on the beach. Hell yes, I wanted to. So we left the bar and I fucked him under a cabana right on the beach. It was nighttime. People were walking by and taking pictures of us, but I didn’t care. They couldn’t see my face. I wanted to get fucked. I needed to get fucked.”

“So you can be comfortable fucking a stranger?”

“I guess so. I haven’t done it since that night, but sure, I think I can.”

“Good. That’s important for me to hear. You’re going to be fucking strangers. In fact, you’re going to fuck someone who’s nearly a stranger right now.”

“I am? Who?”

Eldon stood up, unzipped his pants, and pulled out his cock.

Hailey gasped. She had never seen a black cock before, except in porn movies. The one she was looking at now was not as big as some of those porno monsters, but it was easily the largest she had ever seen in the flesh. Without thinking, she extended her hand so she could feel it for herself.

Eldon’s cock was heavy in Hailey’s palm. It was already longer and thicker than any cock she had seen in her life, and it was still growing. She felt it move and stiffen in her fingers. I could wrap both hands around the shaft, and the head would still stick out.

“Hand me your underwear.”

“Excuse me?”

“Your underwear. Take them off and hand them to me.”

Hailey released the growing cock from her hand. She reached under skirt and pulled her thong panties down her legs. She lifted her feet and pulled them completely off, and then handed them to Mr. Jackson.

Eldon held them to his nose and inhaled.

“You’re aroused,” he said. “It smells wonderful.”

Hailey blushed and pressed her knees together.

“Don’t close your legs. That skirt doesn’t afford much of a view, but at least let me see what little you can show.”

Hailey spread her knees a few inches, allowing a peek at her inner thighs.

“That’s better.”

Hailey felt warmth in her face and in her crotch. The two sensations were very different, despite emanating from the same stimulus.

“Do you make a lot of noise when you fuck?” Eldon asked.

“That depends,” she answered.

“Depends on what?”

“On how well I’m being fucked, I suppose.”

“Good answer,” Eldon responded. “Now go lock that door.”

Hailey walked over to the door and locked it, then returned to her seat.

“Don’t sit down. Come and stand over here.” Eldon indicated a spot on the floor next to his desk. He picked up a remote control unit, pushed a button, and Marvin Gaye began streaming from the speakers behind his desk.

Hailey stood next to the Eldon. He turned her so that she was facing the desk, stepped behind her, and nudged her feet apart with his foot. He reached for the bottom of her skirt and pulled it up to her waist.

“Bend over,” he said. “Nice ass, by the way.”

Hailey felt her face getting hotter. She slid her feet a few more inches apart and then bent at the waist, resting her face and torso on the desk. She felt a finger enter her wet pussy and withdraw. She then felt two fingers enter and withdraw. If he keeps fingering me like that I’ll be cumming in a matter of seconds.

“Am I wet enough for you?” she asked.

“Definitely,” Eldon answered.

Hailey felt the head of Eldon’s cock press against her soaked pussy. She felt him grab her hips. She took a deep breath and then felt his cock entering her one inch at a time.

“Unh,” she groaned. Her pussy had never felt so full at any time in her life. His cock was hardly moving, yet she felt every nerve ending in her crotch tingling. She was on the verge of an orgasm.

Eldon pulled back until only the tip remained inside her, then thrust forward until his groin was pressed against her butt cheeks and his cock was buried in her cunt. Eldon grasped her hips in both hands, digging his fingers into the soft flesh. He pulled her ass toward him as he thrust in and out of her slick pussy. He could smell the juices frothing around his cock, lubricating every stroke.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm,” Hailey moaned. “Fuck!”

“You like that big dick, don’t you?”

“Hell yes. Fuck me.”

“Tell me you like it.”

“I love it. I’m going to cum.”

“Cum for me, baby. Cum for me.”

“Oh shit. Oh shit, I’m gonna cum. Fuck!”

“Go ahead. Let it go.”

“Unh! Yes! Mmmmmmmmmmm!”

“Come on, baby. Cum for me.”

“Shit. I’m…cumming! Ahhhhhh!”

“You’re a little screamer, aren’t you?” Eldon asked as he withdrew from Hailey’s pussy.

“I don’t usually make that much noise. I’ve never cum so hard before.”

Hailey pulled her skirt down from her waist.

“What are you doing, girl? We aren’t done yet.”

Hailey felt the juice running down her thighs.

“I thought…I thought you…”

“That was all you. I’ve still got a way to go.”

Eldon stepped out of his shoes and placed them under the desk. He took off his slacks and hung them over his chair, then dropped his underwear to the floor. He walked over to the sofa in front of the window and laid back with his cock sticking straight up in the air.

“Come over here and ride me, honey. Make me cum.”

Hailey paused to kick off her shoes, then joined Eldon on the sofa. She pulled up her skirt, squatted over his cock, placed the purple head against her juicy pussy, and lowered herself down the shaft.

“Mmmmmmmmm,” she moaned. “It’s stretching my pussy so good. It’s even better the second time.”

“Ride it, tiger,” Eldon encouraged her.

Hailey leaned forward, burying her face in Eldon’s shoulder. She wrapped her arms around his neck, raised her hips until only the head of his cock remained inside her pussy, and then lowered herself again until the shaft was buried inside her. She took a deep breath, rose again, and then lowered herself once more, increasing the speed of her descent. Each up and down motion increased the intensity of the sensations flowing from her pussy to her brain. She felt as though her entire body were on fire. Her clit was rubbing against the wiry pubic hairs surrounding the base of Eldon’s magnificent manhood. Her pussy was filled with the biggest and hardest cock she had ever seen, and every motion brought ecstasy. She was not unfamiliar with riding a cock. She had done it many times. But never before had she enjoyed it like she was enjoying it now.

“Ungh! Fuck! I’m–I’m cumming again.”

“Ride it, baby, ride it. Get it. Get all of it,” Eldon urged her on.

Hailey’s hips were now a blur. She rode his cock faster and faster, taking it all the way from tip to base with every motion of her hips. She lost all track of time and place as a fountain of colors exploded in her brain. She inhaled, filling her nose and lungs with the scent of sex and Eldon’s cologne. It took her a moment to realize the pussy she smelled was her own.

“Fuck. Fuck. Yes, fuck yes. Fuck.”

Her second orgasm was followed by a third. Out of breath and overcome by dopamine, Hailey collapsed on Eldon’s chest.

“Oh, you’re not done yet my dear. I still haven’t cum.”

Eldon peeled Hailey off his chest and flipped her over onto her back. He positioned himself between her thighs and entered her pussy with a single thrust.

“Ungh!” Hailey grunted.

Eldon placed Hailey’s ankles on his shoulders, leaned into her, and pushed. He wasted no time establishing a vigorous pace, thrusting in and out of her with all his strength and weight behind each downward exertion.

“Ungh! Ungh! Ungh!,” Hailey grunted with every thrust.

Eldon pushed faster and faster. The sofa creaked from the force of the bodies slapping together. Hailey felt another orgasm building in the back of her brain. Her pussy had never endured such exquisite punishment. Her brain was no longer processing thoughts beyond counting down the seconds to her next orgasm.

“Are you on birth control?” Eldon asked her between thrusts.

“What?” Hailey answered.

“Are you on birth control? Do you use the pill?”

“Yes, yes. You can cum inside me.”

Eldon increased his speed. He pumped her harder than she thought was humanly possible. He’s an animal–no, a god. A sex god.

Hailey screamed as Eldon buried his cock to the base. His pace increased. He pumped into her harder and faster. He squeezed her ass cheeks and pulled her closer to him as he drove his cock into her juicy pussy over and over. His grunts and groans matched the pace of his thrusting. After several thrusts increasingly forceful thrusts he buried his cock deep insider her. He exploded inside her already soaked pussy, spraying spurt after spurt of cum into her cunt. The semen filled her pussy, while the overflow ran out onto the sofa.

Eldon stood up. His manhood glistened in the afternoon sun, their combined fluids dripping onto the floor. Hailey laid still and caught her breath while a river of cum flowed onto the sofa and her wrinkled skirt.

“Clean yourself up,” Eldon said, handing Hailey a hand towel and box of tissues. “You have a meeting with Mr. Trant in fifteen minutes. I’m seeing you at eleven tomorrow. I’ll have a full review ready for you when you get here.”

“Another meeting? Now? My clothes are a mess. My suit is ruined.”

“It’s not that bad. There’s a dry cleaner in the building, you know. That won’t help you know, of course. You can use the ladies’ room on this floor to get cleaned up, but please don’t be late for Mr. Trant. He is obsessed with precision. And don’t forget this.”

Eldon handed Hailey her panties.

* * *

Hailey spent her entire fifteen minute break between meetings in the tenth floor ladies’ room. She touched up her make up, fixed her hair, and attempted to clean the semen off her skirt and blouse. With one minute to go she left the restroom and approached Mr. Trant’s secretary.

“Hello,” she said. “I’m Hailey Andrews.”

“Hello, Hailey Andrews, I’m Chloe Buckingham. How can I help you?”

“I have an appointment with Mr. Trant?” Hailey responded. A hint of doubt crept into her voice.

“Really?” Chloe asked, “Are you sure?”

“Mr. Jackson sent me.”

“Well, let’s look at the schedule.”

Chloe pulled Mt. Trant’s schedule up on her monitor.

“Look at that. There you are. You must have been added while I was on break. Let’s see…yep, added twenty minutes ago by Yvonne. She was supposed to copy me on that calendar invite. I’ll have to talk to her. Go on in, you’re two minutes late.”

Hailey walked past Chloe and stopped at the door. She paused to knock first, then turned the handle and pushed the door open. She walked in to find a short, balding man in a dark suit seated behind a large desk with five oversized monitors attached to the front and sides of the desk. Unlike the other partners’ offices, Mr. Trant did not have guest chairs placed in front of his desk. He did, however, have a small circular coffee table with a tub chair and a low sofa tucked in the far corner, near the window. He also had a bar cart stocked with a few bottles of liquor, some glassware, and an ice bucket.

“Come in, come in,” said the man in a slightly accented voice. British? “I’m Ian, Ian Trant. And you must be Hailey Andrews?”

“Yes,” she said. “Call me Hailey.”

“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Hailey.”

Ian held out his hand to greet Hailey. She took his hand, squeezed, and then dropped it. Ian put his other hand on her shoulder and guided her toward the seating area across the office.

“Let’s sit over here,” he said. “As you can see, I’m kind of a tech guy. My monitor set up makes it difficult to have conversations at my desk, so I prefer to greet guests over here. Have a seat.”

Hailey sat on the sofa, taking the space closest to the tub chair. Ian sat in the chair, placed his hands on his lap, and smiled.

“You’ve had a busy day, haven’t you?” he asked.

“Yes, to say the least. This was not how I expected this day to proceed.”

“On behalf of all the partners, I would like to say, ‘welcome to the team.’ I know you are not a new employee, but you are now in the process of becoming upper management. You will most likely become an equity partner long before any of your contemporaries are even eligible to be considered. How are you feeling?”

“Overwhelmed, would be my first answer. Excited, too, but mostly overwhelmed. And confused, also, if I’m being completely honest.”

“I totally understand the feeling of being overwhelmed. A lot has happed today. You have been presented with a treasure trove of information and given a life-changing opportunity. I am pleased that you are excited about that opportunity. But tell me, what do you find confusing?”

“Well, using sex to close a deal…is that even legal? Or ethical?”

“Good questions, both of them. Let me answer you this way. Does any money exchange hands when you meet with a potential business partner?”

“No, not exactly. But, eventually, yes. Millions of dollars are changing hands.”

“Millions of dollars change hands every day. But your negotiating partner is not paying you for sex. There is nothing that prevents two consenting adults from enjoying the pleasure of each other’s company.”

“You sound like Mr. Roberts.”

“We are of a like mind on this. We were both involved in the creation of this position twenty years ago.”

“Well then, what about my second question?”

“Is it ethical?

“In a perfect world we might not have needed to employ someone in this capacity. That’s not this world. Our competitors are engaged in similar tactics. Harris Williams does all their negotiations in Las Vegas. Why do you think they go there? Winston Cummings owns an escort agency. It’s hidden under several shell corporations, but our investigators did some digging and after six months of work reached the bottom. Spencer Wallace is a fifty-one percent owner in the biggest strip club on South Beach. They all are engaged in questionable moral behavior.

“The undeniable truth is that sex sells. It always has and always will. We aren’t selling sex, but we do use it as a business tool. We looked at the methods our competitors used and decided to turn the paradigm upside down. They hire uneducated prostitutes and strippers and expect them to secure business on their behalf. They have constant turnover using unreliable agents with questionable motivations and sketchy backgrounds. The risk is unfathomable.

“Our model is superior. We hire one businesswoman, make her a partner with a vested interest in our success, reward her generously, and allow her to use all of the tools at her disposal. I like our model better, and the results bear me out. We’re winning.”

“You have given me a lot to think about, Mr. Trant.”

“Call me Ian.”


“Do you have any other questions I can answer for you?”

“Ah, just one more. What’s next? Should I be worried?”

“Nothing that you need to be worried about, but you may be apprehensive, at first. My job is to help you get past that apprehension.”

“Now I am worried. What are we talking about?”

“Hailey, most of your cases will resolve with an expert blow job or a spirited fuck. Some cases, however, are more difficult. There will be situations where you have to go the extra mile. And by the extra mile, I’m talking about your derriere.”

“Oh no. Unh-uh. Nope. I don’t do butt stuff.”

“Have you tried anal sex before?”

“Yes. It was horrible. Never again.”

“I’m not completely surprised by your experience. A lot of younger men–I assume it was a younger man who tried to bugger you?”

“It was. My boyfriend. Former boyfriend, I mean. We were both nineteen at the time.”

“Let me assure you, Hailey, your experience today will be nothing like what you endured with your former boyfriend.”

“That’s right. Because I’m not doing it.”

“What would you say, Hailey, if I were to tell you that I could guarantee that your experiences with me will be painless, pleasurable, and highly satisfying.”

“I would say you are either deluded or lying. Or both.”

“Fair enough, given your prior experiences.”

Ian reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a bottle of pills.

“Take two of these,” he said. “You will find them helpful.”

“Oh, so you’re going to Cosby me and hope I won’t remember anything?”

“Nothing like that. These are muscle relaxers. I’m offering them to you so you can choose to take them or not. It’s up to you. If you take them, they will help you relax a little and avoid the pain sometimes associated with the initial penetration. You will not lose consciousness or suffer any loss of memory, I assure you.”

“I think I’ll pass.”

“No problem. Like I said, it’s entirely up to you.”

“Entirely? Then I’ll pass on this lesson, thank you.”

“The muscle relaxer is optional. The training is not.”

“I’m not going to take it up the ass. I don’t do anal. That’s final.”

“Hailey, let me remind you of the contract you signed earlier today. The checks we have given you are your money, no matter what, but that is all the money you will receive from us if you do not complete your training. Also, your contract contained a non-compete provision, meaning you cannot go to work for another firm for a minimum of two years. The checks in your purse are not going to cover your expenses forever.

“I…see. I was not aware of that.”

“You were given an opportunity to read the contract before you signed.”

“That’s true, but with Mr. Roberts throwing all those checks at me, I kind of skimmed over some of the pages of the agreement.”

“Let’s do this, Hailey. Let’s start over from scratch. I’m going to put on some music, take off my clothes, and fix myself a drink. When you’re comfortable, you can take off your clothes and join me. Would you like me to fix you a drink also?”

“Uh, sure. What do you have?”

“I have some gin, I have an 18 year old single cask scotch that I have been saving for a special occasion, and I have a very nice bourbon, also. I might have some cognac left. What would you like?”

“Gin and tonic?”

“Coming right up.”

Ian pulled out his phone, tapped it a few times, and music started playing from speakers hidden in the bookshelves. He took off his jacket and hung it up in the closet. He removed his shirt, shoes, belt and pants, and then took off his socks and underwear. He was perhaps an inch or two shorter than Hailey, a little pudgy around the waistline, and his skin was so white it almost glowed. His flaccid cock was almost lost in the tangle of dark pubic hair just below his waist.

That certainly doesn’t look like anything to be afraid of. He’s a teddy bear. How much damage could he really do? He is probably gentle, generous, and considerate.

Ian mixed a gin and tonic for Hailey. He handed it to her, and then placed a coaster on the coffee table. He poured two fingers of scotch into a glass, and then sat down next to Hailey on the sofa.

“To your success,” he said, raising his glass.

“To our success,” Hailey responded.

Ian lifted his glass to his lips and sipped. He swirled the amber liquid in his mouth for a few moments, and then swallowed.

“Very nice,” he said.

Hailey looked down at her glass and raised it to her mouth. She took a long drink and then set the half-empty glass on the coaster in front of her.

“You’re thirsty,” Ian said.

“I’m getting myself into a more relaxed headspace,” she answered.

Hailey raised her glass a second time and drained it.

“Can I have another?” she asked, handing the glass to Ian.

Ian stood up and mixed another drink. He returned to the sofa and handed the drink to Hailey.

“Can I ask you a question?” Hailey said.

“Of course,” Ian replied. “Ask me anything?”

“Do you enjoy anal sex?”

“I do.”

Hailey picked up her glass, took a long sip, and then returned it to the table.

“Do you like it better than pussy?”

Ian took a sip from his drink, swished the scotch in his mouth again, then opened his mouth to speak. No words came out. He looked out the window, and then answered.

“I wouldn’t say better. It’s different. They are both pleasurable, but in different ways.”

“How so?”

“Penetrating a woman’s vagina with my cock is the purest, most pleasurable sensation I have ever enjoyed in my life. The contact stimulates every nerve in my body. It is exquisite. And when the woman is someone with whom I share feelings, it is a joining of souls. It is two becoming one. My heart nearly explodes when I am inside the vagina of the woman I love.

“Penetrating a woman’s anus satisfies a different need. It doesn’t feel all that different–if she is sufficiently lubricated. Oh, it is a little tighter, at first, but the anus expands and relaxes after a few minutes of gentle thrusting. It accommodates the invader. But psychologically and emotionally, it feels much dirtier. Nastier. Raw. Depraved. Degenerate. Sinful. It is a two-fingered ‘fuck you’ aimed straight at societal norms. It is surrendering to pure pleasure. It is freedom.”

Hailey’s face flushed. She felt warmth spreading throughout her body and settling in her loins. I can’t believe this short, balding, older guy is getting me aroused. Nothing about his physical appearance appeals to me. Yet, here I am getting hot and wet all over again. This could be fun. Hailey reached for her tumbler, took another long sip of the ice cold cocktail, and set it back on the table. She unbuttoned her blouse, removed it, and tossed it onto the empty chair next to her. She stood up, unzipped her skirt, and dropped it on top of the blouse. Only her sheer bra, thong panties, and high-heeled shoes remained. She sat down, crossed her legs, and took another sip of her drink. She set it down, and then grabbed a lock of long brown hair and kneaded it between her thumb and forefinger, and then twirled it with her finger.

Hailey recrossed her legs and then dangled her shoe off her tanned foot. She stared into Ian’s eyes and dipped her finger into her tumbler. Hailey and then touched the tip of her finger to her lip. Ian shifted his weight on the sofa. Hailey glanced down at his lap. His cock twitched and swelled perceptibly. It straightened and stiffened under her watchful gaze. Got him.

“What I think I’m hearing, Ian, is that you’re a filthy pervert,” Hailey said. “Did I get that right?”

“That is partially correct,” he answered, “but it’s not the entire story.”

“Tell me more,” Hailey cooed. “Tell me what I’m missing.”

Ian stared at Hailey’s rigid nipples poking through the sheer fabric of her shelf bra. He inhaled deeply, taking in first the scent of Hailey’s perfume, and then beneath that the aroma of her rapidly moistening crotch. It occurred to him that his words combined with the alcohol were having the desired effect.

“Engaging in sexual acts that society generally frowns upon is exciting, I won’t deny that. Whether it is the partner, the place, the time, or the act itself, breaking the rules is a huge turn on. I don’t consider anal sex a perversion, but most people do. Confounding their expectations is a stimulant that elevates the sex and makes it more pleasurable–for me, at least, and for my partner as well, I hope.

“But there’s more. I am also obsessed with the female bottom. The shape of it, the feel of it, the smell of it, the taste of it–I can’t get enough. Some men are breast men, some are leg men–I’m a butt man. Worshipping a woman’s ass, penetrating a woman’s ass, making love to a woman’s ass–that is my ultimate pleasure. The fact that it is a taboo subject only makes it better.”

Hailey stood up, reached behind her back, unclasped her bra, and tossed it on the pile with her skirt and blouse. She cupped her hands under both breasts, lifted them off her chest, and the let them fall back into place before returning to her seat on the sofa.

Ian whistled under his breath.

Hailey glanced at his cock and noted that it was fully erect. She felt a wave of warmth flow through her body. She squeezed her thighs together, creating pressure on her clit. Another warm wave cascaded from her loins to her brain.

“You have beautiful breasts,” Ian said.

“Thank you,” she replied. “They’re all natural.”

“I can see that. No surgeon has ever been so skilled. They are works of art.”

Hailey felt the heat rising inside herself once again. He has to smell my arousal by now. I’m so wet. He can probably see the wet spot on my panties.

Hailey kicked off her shoes, stood up and peeled her panties to the floor. She stepped out of them, using her bare toe to slide them toward the chair with her other clothes. She turned her ass toward Ian and bent at the waist.

“Do it, Ian. Worship my ass. Convince me to take your cock. Make me want it.”

Ian’s lips spread into a smile. He guided Hailey to the sofa and helped her to a kneeling position with her face pressed against the leather cushion and her ass sticking up in the air. He kissed each of her butt cheeks, and then planted a kiss on her anus. Her asshole winked at him involuntarily.

“You have a beautiful ass,” he said. “But that comes as no surprise. You are a beautiful young woman. Michelangelo could not have created a more perfect body.”

Ian spread her cheeks and lowered his lips to her anus. He planted light kisses on her asshole and on the sensitive flesh just above and below it. He pushed his nose between her round ass cheeks and kissed up and down her butt crack, pausing for a second before each kiss on her anus. He tapped her clit with his index finger. He stroked, flicked, poked and caressed it until he got the response he was seeking.

“Mmmm, that feels nice,” Hailey cooed.

Ian licked up down the crack of her ass. He paused and swirled his tongue around her anus, then rolled and stiffened it and pushed against the tight ring.

“Oh,” Hailey gasped. “That’s different. I think…I think I like it.”

Ian continued to stroke her clit with his finger while using his tongue to probe her anus. He felt the tension releasing from her butt cheeks. He saw the arch in her lower back increase by degrees as her hips rose higher into the air and she pushed her ass against his face.

When he felt that her physical need had reached the appropriate level, Ian placed his index finger against Hailey’s anus and slid the first digit into her ass. Her sphincter opened for the fingertip, allowing access for a brief second before tightening against the invader.

Ian slipped two fingers into Hailey’s juicy pussy. His fingers slid into her welcoming canal, producing a moan from deep inside the woman’s throat. He slid the two fingers in and out of her slick canal. When her hungry body responded to the thrusting he pulled his finger from her asshole, leaving just the tip held in place by the gentle pressure of her sphincter. He pushed it back in, matching the rhythm of the two fingers sliding in and out of her pussy.

“That’s feeling good,” Hailey purred. “You’re going to make me cum.”

Ian maintained a gentle, leisurely pace, working Hailey’s pussy and asshole with his fingers, while he rubbed her clit with his other hand. With measured patience he worked his finger a little bit deeper into her anus, pushing it past the fading resistance with each thrust. When he felt the ring of muscle attain maximum relaxation he removed his finger, spit into her asshole, and then resumed penetrating her anus with his index finger.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” Hailey cooed, “but that feels really, really, good.”

“It’s supposed to,” Ian replied.

“Don’t stop,” she said. “I’m about to have my first anal orgasm.”

Ian increased the speed of his thrusting fingers by just a little. Hailey reacted instantly, thrusting her ass backward to meet his probing fingers and drive them deeper into her cavities.

“Ugh! Mmmmmm,” she moaned. “That’s sooooo good.”

Ian withdrew his fingers from her pussy but continued fingering her asshole and flicking her clit. Hailey bucked her hips and shook as the orgasm wracked her body.

“Ungh! Ooooo! I can’t believe… mmmmm,” she grunted. “I’m… cummmmming.”

Ian pulled a bottle of lube from under the sofa. He applied a generous amount of the clear, slimy gel to his cock, and then poured some on the crack of Hailey’s ass. He worked it into her anus, then pulled out his finger and replaced it with the tip of his cock.

“Now just relax,” he told her. “This might feel some pain, at first. It will dissipate, I promise you.”

“Do it,” Hailey said. “Do it now, before I change my mind.”

Ian pressed the tip of his cock against Hailey’s asshole and pushed. Her sphincter–prepped and lubed from Ian’s foreplay–stretched to accommodate the fleshy invader. Hailey felt her asshole expand. The pressure on her backside grew, but it was accompanied by a strange and unexpected feeling of pleasure that seemed to flow like an undercurrent to the painful stretching.

Ian’s cock was not long, but it was thick, especially at the base. The smallish head penetrated Hailey’s asshole easily, but as he plunged deeper into her bowels, he felt her body’s resistance increasing. He pulled back a few inches, and then resumed pushing deeper inside her.

The initial euphoria Hailey felt when Ian’s cock penetrated her asshole–while she was still in the throes of orgasm–did not last long. She felt a sharp pain accompanied by an unexpected tinge of pleasure, but as the hard shaft in her ass penetrated deeper, the increasing thickness stretched her asshole beyond her expectations. She felt a moment of respite when Ian started to pull out, but it was mere moments later when his hard cock resumed probing her nether regions.

“Hold on,” she panted, “let me catch my breath.”

“No problem, my dear.”

“You’re bigger…your cock doesn’t look that big, but it feels like a water bottle in my asshole.”

“Believe it or not, you’re fortunate that I volunteered for this assignment. The alternative would have been Eldon, and I’m told he is much bigger than I.”

“Ah…you have a point. So, I suppose I should be thanking you for wrecking my asshole?”

“I promise you, my dear, I won’t be wrecking anything and by the time we are finished, you will be grateful.”

“That’s what you say. I’m skeptical.”

“Let’s do this.”

Ian put his hands on Hailey’s hips and guided her toward him as he eased into the tub chair next to the sofa. Hailey was hovering over his lap with the tip of his cock nestled inside her sphincter.

“Now lower yourself at your own pace,” he said.

Hailey braced herself on the sides of the chair and slowly settled onto the cock jabbing her from below. She eased two inches of cock into her ass before she once again felt the stretching that made her think she were being ripped in two. She pushed up, and then lowered herself another inch. Ian pinched one firm nipple between his fingers and rubbed her clit with his other hand. The sensations sent waves of electricity throughout her body.

Hailey lowered her torso one inch at a time, and then lifted herself until only the tip was remaining. She repeated this motion several times, with each successive repetition bringing her ass a fraction of an inch closer to Ian’s lap. After several minutes she felt the strength in her arms giving out, and she knew where that was going to lead. After ten more repetitions her asshole was on fire, but so were her biceps. She raised her ass one more time, and then her arms gave out and she collapsed on Ian’s lap with his cock impaling her asshole. She felt as though she were sitting on a tree.

Ian laid back in the chair and pulled Hailey’s body against his. His cock was full embedded in her ass, which felt like a velvet vice squeezing his manhood. He cupped a full breast in each hand and sought out the stiff, rigid nipples. He rubbed them with his palms and then pressed them between his thumbs and forefingers.

“Oh, fuck,” Hailey screamed.

Her body was at war with itself. Her ass was on fire, but at the same time waves of pleasure were sweeping over her body, from her nipples to her crotch and back to her brain, crossing and crisscrossing one another in a kaleidoscope of patterns. Ian thrust his thick cock upward into her asshole, and then retreated an inch. He thrust upward again, repeating a series of short strokes in and out of her butt. When Ian buried his face in her neck, Hailey’s excitement rose a full notch. His teeth biting her earlobe raised it to another level. She felt as though her body were nothing but an exposed wire sizzling with electricity. She imagined sparks streaming from her orifices in a rising crescendo of pleasure.

She was not sure exactly when it happened, but after several minutes of Ian’s upward thrusts the pain in her ass diminished. It never left, but it became so minimal that it was almost unnoticable. Or maybe the pleasure had increased by so many levels of magnitude that the pain was overshadowed. Either way, her body was overcome by waves of pleasure pulsating in all directions. Her asshole relaxed and accepted the cock stretching it wider than it had ever been opened before. She did not realize she was rubbing her clit, but that too sent even more waves of pleasure coursing through her flesh. She felt reduced to a network of nerve endings, all connected to her asshole and all vibrating at an insane frequency that was making her see every color on the spectrum at once.

“Fuck me!” Hailey screamed. “Fuck my ass!”

Ian lifted Hailey from his lap, stood up, and steered her to the couch. He guided her into position on her hands and knees and entered her ass from behind. There was no resistance. He asshole opened for his cock and hungrily swallowed the thick shaft. Ian buried himself balls deep in her ass and then thrust in and out of her tight anus.

“Yes! Fuck me!”

Ian placed a hand on each of her hips and squeezed. He leaned forward and pushed into her with smooth, steady strokes. He pushed until his crotch was pressed against her butt cheeks, then pulled out until only the small head remained inside her.

“Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Just like that!”

Ian increased his tempo, but he maintained a semblance of control. He was no longer gentle, but he held back just enough so as not to cross over to rough. He sublimated his own pleasure, concentrating instead on Hailey’s welfare. His goal was to give her the experience of a lifetime–one that she would choose to repeat.

“Oh shit, I’m going to cum!”

Hailey rubbed her clit furiously.

“Oh shit! Oh shit! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”

Hailey erupted in an explosion of color. The electricity that was coursing through her body felt amplified to an infinite degree. She closed her eyes as her body convulsed in a tsunami of white light and sound. She blacked out for a second, but when she regained consciousness, she was still cumming. The last waves of pleasure washed over her body, followed by a flood of emotions. For a second she felt everlasting love for Ian, followed a second later by love for all of humanity. That feeling dissolved into a general sense of warmth and gratitude. She could not think of a time when she had ever felt more grateful and content.

Hailey collapsed on the sofa. She felt a rivulet of semen leaking from her ass and pooling in the creases of the leather upholstery. She looked up and saw Ian wiping off his shrinking cock with a wet nap. He tossed a hand towel to Hailey.

“Well?” Ian asked

“Well, what?”

“How was it? Is that something you can do again when necessary?”

“Am I only allowed to do it when necessary? Anal might be my new thing.”

“What you do in your own time is entirely up to you, Ms. Andrews.”

“Oh, I see. You finished buggering me and now we’re back to addressing one another in formal terms.”

“I’m only trying to be respectful. No offense intended.”

“Ian, you just gave me the biggest orgasm I’ve had in my entire life. You can address me any way you want–Hailey, Ms. Andrews, mommy, slut, bitch, whore–I don’t care.”

“Well thank you, Ms. Andrews. Unfortunately, that went a little long. We’re going to have to cut our conversation short. You have an appointment with Dr. Ramos in ten minutes.”

“Dr. Ramos? Why?”

“We don’t have time to discuss. You need to get moving.”

“Well, this should be interesting.”

“Get dressed. You don’t have much time. I will have a full evaluation and programming module for you tomorrow.”

“Was I that bad?”

“Not at all. But there are things to work on. Don’t take it personally.”

“It’s hard not to.”

“We all want you to succeed. That’s the reason for the training. Now hurry up, Dr. Ramos is waiting.”

* * *

Hailey found Dr. Ramos’s office in the southeast corner of the tenth floor. The secretary, Erika, was on the telephone and waived Hailey toward the door.

“She’s expecting you,” Erika whispered with her hand covering the receiver.

Hailey entered the room, closed the door behind herself, and approached the figure seated behind the glass and metal desk.

“Hello, Hailey, I’m Xiomara Ramos,” the slender woman with black hair and wearing a tailored suit stood up and held out her hand. “You can call me Mara. That’s how my friends refer to me.”

“Hi, Dr. Ramos, I’m Hailey Andrews.”

Hailey took Dr. Ramos’s extended hand.

“Mara. Please call me Mara.”

“I’m sorry. Mr. Trant referred to you as Dr. Ramos. You’re not a doctor?”

“I am. I earned my Ph.D. in finance at University of Chicago. I also studied two semesters at London School of Economics and taught two semesters at Oxford. Sometimes they call me ‘Dr. Ramos,’ sometimes its ‘La Profesora.’ They do that to annoy me. They’re like little boys, sometimes. Most of them are older than me, but I still have to be their mother.”

“I understand. I encountered similar behavior on the ninth floor, also.”

“Like I said–boys. Enough about them. Have a seat, Hailey. Let’s chat.”

Hailey sat in one of the leather chairs opposite Mara’s desk.

“I’m sorry I’m such a mess,” Hailey apologized. “You look so crisp and clean. I look like a dirty dishrag. I did my best to freshen up before coming in here, but I wasn’t given much time.”

“No worries. We have kept you busy this afternoon.”

“Very busy.”

“How has your day been so far?” Mara asked. She fixed her crystal blue eyes on Hailey’s mouth.

“Exciting. Overwhelming. Unexpected. Shocking?”

“That’s understandable. Nothing could have prepared you for the events that have unfolded since your arrival this morning.”

“I’m pretty worn out, to be honest. I’ve never had this much sex in one day. Not even close.”

“I hope you still have some energy left. You have one more lesson before you’re finished for the day.”

“One more lesson? When? With whom?”

“Right now. With me.”

“Excuse me?”

“Hailey, have you considered the possibility that person on the other side of the table might be a woman?”


“We need to know that you can close the deal in those situations.”

“But…wouldn’t it make more sense to send a man? I mean, if she’s a lesbian, I get it, but what if she’s not? How will you know? How will I know? Isn’t it more likely that the woman will be straight?”

“In some cases, yes, but our research informs us that the likelihood of a woman closing the deal is substantially higher. Women are curious, and they are just as persuadable as men when they encounter an intelligent, beautiful, and well-trained female adversary.”

“I don’t know.”

“I’ll go over the data with you tomorrow. It’s getting late and we have a schedule to maintain.”

Mara reached down and unbuckled her strappy black sandals. She kicked them off, stood up and removed her charcoal grey pencil skirt, followed by her pink silk blouse. She motioned Hailey to join her behind the desk.

Standing in just her matching thong panties and demi bra, Mara’s face was inches from Hailey’s.

“Take off my bra, please,” Mara whispered to Hailey.

“No foreplay?” Hailey asked.

“I don’t need any,” Mara cooed. “I’m ready.”

Hailey reached around Mara with both arms and unhooked the bra. Hailey inhaled Mara’s perfume. The scent filled her nostrils and made her head feel light. She was hypnotized by the rhythm of Mara’s breathing. She could feel Mara’s breath in her face and see the rise and fall of her breasts with each inhale and exhale. She was also aware of her own heartbeat, which felt loud enough to break the windows behind them if it did not first explode out of her chest.

Hailey pulled Mara’s bra off her soldiers and set it on the desk behind her. She snuck a quick glance at Mara’s small breasts. They were a lighter tan than the bronzed tone of the rest of her body. The small dark areolae were tipped by thick nipples that looked like small dark pencil erasers.

“Touch them,” Mara urged.

Hailey lifted her hands and touched the dark nipples with her fingertips. They felt hard as pebbles against her soft fingers.

Mara’s body shook. Hailey brushed her fingers across the nipples a second time. Mara breathed audibly and tilted her head back, thrusting her small breasts up and out toward Hailey’s trembling fingers.

“What do you want to do, Hailey?”

“I–I–I want to suck them.”

“Then do it. I won’t stop you.”

Hailey bent over and kissed Mara’s neck. She kissed her throat, and then kissed downward toward the smooth skin between her breasts. Mara’s breasts were soft and they no longer sat high on her chest like they did in her youth, but Hailey was mesmerized. She kissed the textured skin around one nipple and then worked her way to the other. She closed her lips around the nipple and sucked.

Mara inhaled sharply, her breath an inward hiss that was music to Hailey’s ears. Encouraged by Mara’s reaction, Hailey sucked harder before releasing and resuming with the other nipple. She gave each nipple equal attention, alternating from left to right and back to left again.

Mara’s breathing became more ragged. Her already stiff nipples were like rubbery buttons in Hailey’s mouth. Hailey sucked and licked with increasing frenzy. Her senses were overwhelmed by the scent of Mara’s florid perfume, the sound of Mara hissing with every breath, the softness of Mara’s perfect bronze skin and the rigidity of her nipples. But most of all Hailey was enthralled by the fact that this beautiful, powerful, intelligent, sexy woman was responding to her–Hailey Andrews. Her excitement was spiraling out of control.

Encouraged by Mara’s reactions and driven by her own lust, Hailey bit down on the firm nipple nestled between her teeth.

“Ouch,” Mara whispered.

“I’m sorry,” Hailey apologized.

“Don’t be. I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”

Hailey released the nipple and migrated to the other side. She closed her teeth around it and sucked it deeper into her mouth. Her teeth scraped against the top and bottom surfaces of the fleshy nub. Mara’s body trembled.

“Well,” she cooed. “It seems that my little kitten is hungry. I guess it’s time to feed you.”

Mara took Hailey by the hand and led her to the white leather sofa on the opposite side of the office.

“Take off my panties,” Mara instructed.

Hailey placed her hands on Mara’s slender hips and located the thin strips of elastic and satin connecting the front and rear triangles of fabric. She lowered herself to her knees and pulled the material down with her. She took a good look at Mara’s smooth bronze belly, noting for the first time the silken pattern of stretch marks that did not seem to detract from her beauty in the slightest.

She found herself at eyelevel with Mara’s shaved pussy. Her puffy outer lips were separated by the delicate gray inner lips that protruded from within. The fragrance wafting to her nose caused Hailey’s mouth to water. She pulled the panties to Mara’s knees and then let them drop to the floor.

Mara lowered herself to the sofa and sat back, crossing her legs almost as an afterthought.

“I was going to have you keep your clothes on,” she teased, “but that wrinkled, cum-stained suit isn’t as much of a turn-on as you might think it would be.”

“I don’t…I mean…I’m sorry I’m such a mess,” Hailey stammered.

“I’m teasing,” Mara responded.

Hailey placed her hands on the floor on either side of her hips, shifting her weight from her knees to her arms. She looked up at Mara as though she were waiting to be commanded.

“Don’t get me wrong,” Mara chided. “I want you undressed. I was just kidding about the condition of your suit. You look fabulous, even if your clothing has suffered a bit.”

Hailey stood and removed her jacket. She unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it to the floor. She reached for the zipper on the side of her skirt.

“Bra first,” Mara commanded.

Hailey reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. She slid it off her shoulders and dropped it onto her jacket. Her heavy golden breasts capped with dark nipples stuck out proudly on her chest.

“You have lovely breasts,” Mara cooed. Her left hand was between her legs, caressing her slit. They’re perfect, actually. I remember when mine were that firm, but they were never that full.”

Hailey blushed.

“Do I continue?” she asked.

“Of course. I never told you to stop.”

Hailey unzipped her skirt and wiggled out of it, letting it fall to the floor. She kicked it onto the pile of clothing building at her feet. Despite standing in just her pumps and panties, Hailey felt overdressed. She did not know if that were attributable to all the nudity she had already been exposed to, or something else were fueling her desire to remove the rest of her clothing. Hailey felt an intense need to please the woman who was staring at her body while casually touching her own pubic mound.

Hailey shifted her weight so that she could step out of her shoes but changed her mind and pulled her panties to the floor instead. She stepped one foot out of the leg opening, then lifted the panties off the floor with her other foot. Instead of tossing them on the floor with the rest of her clothing, she instead tossed them to Mara.

“Now that’s my girl,” Mara cheered. “You’re starting to show some potential.”

Mara placed the panties beneath her nose and inhaled, then tossed them onto the pile of clothing.

“Come and kiss me,” Mara cooed. “Let me taste your lips.”

Mara opened her legs just enough for Hailey to join her on the sofa. She opened her arms and beckoned Hailey toward her. Hailey knelt on the sofa between Mara’s knees, leaned forward, and placed her soft lips on Mara’s hungry mouth. Mara’s lips parted as her tongue extended into Hailey’s mouth, searching for the back of her throat. Hailey responded in kind, probing Mara’s lips, teeth and tongue with her own tongue. Mara’s hands caressed Hailey’s back, belly and breasts before resting on her ass cheeks and pulling their torsos together.

The kissed seemed to last forever. Mara was the first to break away.

“I can’t wait any longer,” Mara demanded, pushing Hailey’s face downward. “Lick me.”

Hailey scrambled to the floor. Mara slid her hips lower on the sofa and spread her knees apart. She reached for Hailey’s dark hair and pulled the younger woman’s face into her dripping crotch. Hailey offered no resistance at all. She inhaled Mara’s feminine aroma, then placed kisses all over the insides of her thighs and pubic mound.

“Lick me, dammit,” Mara urged, pushing Hailey’s face into her slit for emphasis.

Hailey extended her tongue and touched just the tip to Mara’s lips. She immediately tasted the dew leaking from the older woman’s ripe pussy. Hailey swiped her tongue between the delicate inner lips, sweeping the nectar into her mouth. She licked up and down the slit several times. She sucked the dark inner lips between her teeth, first one, then the other, then both at the same time. She rolled her tongue into a spear and probed as deep as she could into Mara’s vagina, stabbing in and out several times in succession.

“Mmmmmm, that’s nice,” Mara moaned. She placed her hands behind her head and thrust her hips upward, mashing her pussy against Hailey’s tongue.

Hailey took her cue from Mara and turned her attention toward her mentor’s clit. She found the pink nub sticking out from its purple hood above the swollen gray and purple inner lips. Hailey flicked her tongue against the firm nub, moving from side to side, up and down, and side to side again. Mara’s hips bucked in rapid succession as her first orgasm raced through her body. Hailey continued her unrelenting assault, sucking the engorged seed and then planting wet kisses all over it before flicking it from all sides once again.

“Mmmmmm, I’m cumming. I’m cumming. Mmmmm, so good. So good.”

Hailey continued sucking, licking, and chewing on Mara’s tender, swollen clit. Mara’s hips rose and fell from the sofa, revealing to Hailey every climax she experienced. Hailey processed the feedback she received from Mara’s hips, hands, thighs, and especially her moans. She understood exactly what would bring Mara to the edge and what would push her over. Hailey brought Mara to a series of orgasms, each one more powerful and longer lasting than the one that preceded it.

By the time Mara reached her seventh orgasm her body was exhausted. Her stomach muscles felt like she had done a thousand sit ups, and her thighs were sore from squeezing them against Hailey’s head. Her body felt as though it were a single nerve that Hailey stroked at will like a master guitar player performing an extended solo. She lost all track of time as her body flowed from one orgasm to the next. Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. She did not recognize the animalistic sounds she heard as moans coming from her own throat.

“Enough!” she panted as she pushed Hailey’s mouth from her crotch. “I can’t take any more.”

Hailey gave Mara’s pussy one last lick, then stood up and leaned over her prone and quivering body. Hailey kissed Mara on the lips, then pressed her lips to Mara’s ear.

“You’re delicious,” she cooed.

“You’re amazing,” Mara panted. “You’ve done that before, haven’t you?”

“You could say that I’ve cleaned a few carpets in my day.”

“Just a few?”

“I never kept count. But I’m not a lesbian, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“It’s not, but we can discuss that tomorrow. It’s late, and you probably need to get going.”

“Thank you, I do.”

Hailey stood up and started dressing.

“I could sign off on your skills right now, Hailey,” Mara said. “They’re that good. I mean–wow. I’m impressed.”

“But?” Hailey asked.

“But there are some matters of technique, pacing, intention, and control that we need to work on. I didn’t plan to start that module until next week, but you’re ready. More than ready. We’re well past the basics.”

Hailey stood motionless for a second. She then turned toward her pile of clothes and resumed dressing.

“You seemed to enjoy what I was doing,” Hailey sulked.

“Don’t get me wrong. Your skills are off the chart. But there are other things that you should be doing in addition to delivering orgasms. It’s the ‘other things’ that we need to work on. I couldn’t be more pleased with where we are.”

Mara stood up–still naked–and embraced Hailey in a tight hug. She lifted Hailey’s chin and gave her a long kiss on the lips.

“Go home and take a hot bath, have a cold glass of wine, and come back tomorrow morning ready to get to work.”

“I will.”

Hailey turned toward the door.

“Wait,” Mara said. “One more thing.”

Hailey stopped and turned around.

Mara located her purse and pulled out her cell phone.

“What’s your phone number?”

Hailey recited the number.

Mara tapped and swiped.

“I sent you $2500.00,” she said. “Go to Neiman-Marcus this weekend and get yourself a new suit. I think this one’s shot.”

“You didn’t have to. I can drop this one at the dry cleaners tomorrow.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s on the firm. See you tomorrow.”

“Good night, Mara.”

Hailey turned and left the office.

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