The Game Changer by oooLEEooo

Introduction: A normal night with a friend and the TV. But all is not as it seems. , It was game night, my friend Paul is over to watch the game. It's a usually weekly tradition of ours where we sit in front of the TV, get drunk and eat junk. Since my wife left me 6 months ago, it's been the only thing keeping me going in all honesty; that and my daughter Kerry.

on game night, Kerry helps prep after school, preps the living room and places our snacks out on the table, then scurries on off to her room to do our homework, leaving us to it.

Kerry is my teenage daughter. Slim build, about 5 ft tall, huge dark brown eyes and short dark brown hair. She's a bit of a girly girl, always has a bit of a tan, never leaves the house without makeup, always wearing something….skimpy.

A knock at the door. Paul had arrived, and our night of relaxing can begin. A couple more of my buddies are usually over, Jim and Kev, but Jim's out of town for work and Kevs got plans with his wife.

The night was going pretty well, game was good, the beer was better and Paul's gross ass sex stories kept coming.

Paul was a single guy living a pretty incredible single life, hooking up every weekend, showing me the girls he'd fucked from this app. He'd always offer to be my wing man on a night out. Honestly though, I think I'm passed it.

“So I got to fuck married bitch last week in her apartment, met her in a bar and she practically lived across the street. Went back to hers and she was going to TOWN on my dick, swallowed that thing whole. I was almost about ready to bust my load in her mouth when her front door open and shut. It was only her husband! You bet your ass I got the fuck outta there, lucky for me he went straight to the shitter.”

“Shit Paul, how do you get yourself in these situations? You get her number at least?”

“Ha, didn't even get her Name!”

“Haha, well I'm dry want another beer? Gonna start prepping the pizzas too, be a couple of minutes.”

He nodded and I left to wards the kitchen.

Oven was ready, and I got the pizzas and toppings out the fridge. I always add my extras to make it interesting. Popping my head back in the fridge I notice we're all out of beer. Shit. Better break the news to Paul.

As I approached the living room door, I could hear some unusual noises coming from the other side. I stepped closer quietly to peek through the gap or the door. There was feet leading towards Paul was sitting, I adjusted position and there it was clear as day.

Kerry was on her knees, sucking Paul's cock through his zipper. I couldn't take my eyes off her consistent motion, head bobbing up and down on his lap, her eyes staring straight back up into Paul's. Her mouth was so moist, sliding down his shaft and you could tell by her cheeks she sucked harder on the way up. She had done this before.

I couldn't resist watching my own daughter.

How do I approach this, Paul's been my friends for years, Kerry and I would never see eye to eye, and not to mention I'd have to explain my hard on. I stepped back into the kitchen and took a deep breath. I've got to buy myself more time. Think. Sleep on it.

I stepped back into the hallway and shouted in “Hey, we're out of beer but I've food is on. Be about….20 minutes”

I waited 10-15 seconds before beginning my approach back into the living room, this should give them the time they need to act natural I guess.

“Hey, Uh…Paul. We're out of beer. Oh hey Honey, what are you doing down?” I'm a terrible liar, nervous as hell. But i think i got away with it by the flushed face of my little girl.

“Oh hi, daddy. I was just gonna go to the store. You need anything?”

“Beer, but I guess you can't get it haha…”

“Well….I urrr, can drive while you keep an eye on the food? What you say little Kerry?”

I guess I couldn't argue with that, I could only think of the things they'd get up to on the way to the store in Paul's truck, but at least I get a little space.

“Sounds good, I'll get my jacket”

They both left to go to the store, I sat down in my chair and took a deep breath.

My daughter and Paul?! Is she just another hook up or is it more? I had to find out.

I head upstairs to Kerry's room. Opening the door I knew this was wrong but I had to. The answers I needed where on the bed, she forgot her phone.

Picking it up I quickly realised there was a security swipe pattern, adjusting the phone I would see the smudges looking like a backward 'Z' which i could only assume was the pattern. Bingo.

Clicking onto Whats App, there is was at the top, a conversation with Paul.

I couldn't believe it, they had it planned all along:

'Paul: Will be just me and your dad tonight, maybe we could sneak some fun'

'Kerry: Of course, I'll keep an eye out for my window of opportunity 😉 xx'

'Paul: God damn, I'm craving that little mouth again'

'Kerry: Anything for you Daddy, please cum in my mouth :O xxx'

Again?! they have done this more than once, I could feel my rage rising. She called him daddy, should i be reading into that? Scrolling further through, I saw the pictures she'd been sending him. Fuck.

The first was of her in lacy stockings, one arm covering her tits, pouting with amazing red lips. The second, knee high socks, legs spread one hand covering her pussy, her tits on fulls show and her tongue sticking all the way out with an open mouth.

Jesus, I've never even thought of her is this way. My dick was rock hard and I knew I needed a release, I couldn't stock looking at her pictures. The third, a close up of her lips around a large pink dildo, it looked huge in her mouth. The fourth, that same dildo half way into her amazingly tight looking pussy.

Before I knew it i had my cock out, rubbing away to the pictures on my daughters phone. It took no more that 2 minutes before I could feel the build up of my cum ready the burst out of my end. The initial shot fired out directly onto Kerry's phone, with the picture of her holding her tongue out. When it impacted on the screen it bounced of the phone and separated into 2 streams, one landing on the floor the over on her bed sheet. The next couple of shots landed nicely on the screen and pooling on the floor.

I think i better clean up. I wiped the floor and the bed, and quickly wiped the phone. I could still see remains of my jizz in the case, but it was too late they were back.

“We're back” They both announced.

I placed the phone in my pocket, I'd have to clean it later. “Hey, I'm coming was ah…just taking a piss” I head out the room, closing the door.

Heading down the stairs, Kerry was heading upward. Her hair looked windswept and her eye makeup smudged, with that smile on her face I had no doubt that she had been sucking his dick again.

“Have a nice night daddy, I'm going to watch a movie on my laptop”

I went to tend to the food, and the night continued as normal. We drank, we ate and Paul left a little after 11pm.

Shortly after my leg vibrated. It was Kerry's phone, a Whats App message from Paul:

'Paul: Fuck me, that was a fun car ride you suck like a pro. Maybe next time you'll hop on my dick and ride me again'

“Hey Dad, have you seen my phone?” Kerry shouted down from her room.

Shit, I placed the phone back in my pocket, I couldn't let her see it.

“No honey, where you have it last?”

“I thought my room, maybe I Lost when I went out with Paul. Can you ask him for me?”

“Sure thing hun.”

i played along, text him. Paul replies saying he's checked his car and nothing.

“Sorry honey, Paul don't have it”

“Ahhhh, I was due an upgrade soon anyway? Right daddy?!” Her cheeky tone highlighted she would like me to buy her a new phone.

“Sure thing, end of the month we'll go shopping!”

“You're the best Daddy!”

Hearing her call me daddy never usually did anything, but I could feel my cock throb every time she said it to me.

A few minutes later, the phone buzzed again.

She messaged him on Facebook messenger, she must be on her laptop.

'Kerry: Hey sorry, looks like I lost my phone! 🙁 xx'

'Paul: Don't sweat baby girl, I messaged you saying how much I enjoyed the car ride'

'Kerry: Oh me too daddy! You taste the best 😉 xx'

'Paul: Next time, I'm fucking that tight pussy'

'Kerry: Oh you mean this? xxxxxx'

She sent back a picture of her pink spread pussy. When did my daughter become such a slut.

I decided to look through on her messages and see if she's talking to anyone else like this.

Holy shit, Jim and Kev? My other friends?! Clicking on Jim's conversation:

'Kerry: Daddy, this morning was amazing. So worth skipping school for'

'Jim: Anytime you need dick, you know where to go ;)'

'Kerry: Your dick is the best, I'm all yours!'

Clicking on Kev's conversation:

'Kerry: oh, your married dick definitely tastes the best. I can't get enough of it daddy xxx'

'Kev: And I can't get enough of that teen slut mouth'

Kev had then attached a picture of his throbbing dick over Kerry face, whilst she was on her knees….In what looks like my house!

'Kerry: Oh fuck me daddy, I need it now! xxx'

The messages go on and on, and even a few with what looks like a couple boys from school and….Eric her teacher?

Eric's conversation:

'Eric: If you to bail out of homework yet again it's going to cost you'

'Kerry: and what might that be? 😉 xxx'

'Eric: Oh, i think you know. Detention tonight for you'

'Kerry: My pussy is wet already 😛 xxx'

it sounds like my daughter lives to be fucked….what do I do with this?

It sounds like Daddy is the recurring theme here…..Does that mean she really wants my cock….or is she just into older men?

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