The Girl from the Ouachita Ch. 10 by Texican1830,Texican1830

He did, and had trouble hiding his cubby as he stroked her curvaceous body. The other men watching did too, except Chris, who immediately turned his eyes away to seek out his fiancée. She preened for him, so he knelt down and asked if she needed more sunscreen. Her body was gleaming with the oily solution, but she said she did, so he began with her feet and worked his way up.

Wayne and two of his friends, Bill and Todd, were drinking beer and engaging in conversation with Donna, Kate, Diane, and Dale. They were around Chris’ age, unmarried, and down here to experience spring break in Texas before returning to their jobs in and around St. Louis. They joked about being too old for this, but wanting one more fling, for old times’ sake.

The third friend, Barry, was openly ogling the four girls while downing a mixed drink from a 32-ounce cup. Chris had a bad feeling about him when they were introduced, and Barry was doing nothing to change his initial impression. He was larger and thicker — around 6’1″, 225 or so — and had a nice belly to go with his big chest and arms.

He was getting divorced and proud of it, loudly stating that he had a lot more spring breaks left in him, and could hardly wait to experience new women after being tied to the ball and chain for two years.

Chris was especially circumspect in application of the sunscreen on his fiancée, because he didn’t want to give ‘Bar’, as he called himself, anything to fantasize about. Not that it mattered; his stare was so blatant it caused Jo to frown back at him, without effect.

The bikini-clad girls moved their loungers out of the sun after an hour because touching the skin left a white mark, meaning they were burning. Wayne offered everyone beer from his cooler, but the girls opted for water, as did Dale. Chris took him up on it, and Wayne walked over to his Tahoe.

Bar offered his Styrofoam cup to Jo and said, “I’ll be these pretty ladies would prefer a mixed drink. I’ve got bourbon or vodka, and Coke or Sprite; what do you prefer?” All declined, with Diane saying they needed water to keep hydrated.

He laughed and said, “You lovely ladies don’t understand Spring Break — if you ain’t gettin’ drunk, you ain’t havin’ near enough fun!”

Jo wrinkled her nose at him and replied, “Donna, Kate, and I are still teenagers, so we can’t drink anyway, but I’d hate to think we had to drink to have fun.”

Kate broke the uneasy silence by playing the Beach Boys on the MP3 player. “Surf City! Let’s dance!” she cried, and began dancing in the sand. The other three girls, Dale, and Chris joined her, and then Donna waved for the other guys to join them.

Everyone but Bar did; he drank, watched their gyrations, and rather obviously rearranged his cock in his shorts. He seemed to be awfully proud of his cock, which did appear to be relatively large, but nothing that special.

They danced to more of the Beach Boys’ Greatest 50 Hits album, stopped to drink more water, and then danced some more. At five, Chris excused himself to go start a fire for their hamburgers, and asked the other men to help secure the cabana for the night before they came around to the condo at six. He trotted to the boardwalk and walked to the condo.

The two beach buggies and SUV pulled in at 5:45, and the girls went inside to cut up veges for the burgers. The men joined Chris at the pit, and it quickly became clear that good ol’ Bar hadn’t slowed his drinking. The drunker he got the louder and more obnoxious he got, and the more touchy-feely he got.

The girls set the picnic table on the balcony, put the veges and condiments in the middle, and joined the huddle of men. Within a few minutes, all four were frowning at Barry, and Dale was looking like he might kill him if he put his arm around Diane again. Donna and Kate had moved on the other side of Wayne to keep away from him, and, after he hugged Jo and told her what a hot chick she was, she stayed by Chris’ side.

Chris cut Wayne a look, and they walked over beside the hot tub. “Your bud needs to slow down. The four girls here are mine: my two sisters, my fiancée, and her roommate, whose parents have assigned her well-being to me. Get him under control, or get him the fuck out of here. I don’t want to hurt a drunk, but you know I will.”

Wayne sighed, and called Todd over. “Barry’s already worn out his welcome. Can you get him under control, or do we need to leave?”

“Dumb fucker can’t help himself, I guess,” Todd said quietly. “He fucked up his marriage to a woman who’s as close to a true ten as I’ve ever known by cheating on her with a skank at work. I thought bringing him down here would help by getting him away from the toxic situation he’s created at work and in our little town, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.

“Let me see what I can do, and, Chris, I apologize.”

Todd took his shot, and Barry was better through the burgerfest. But he kept drinking heavily and started getting worse by the minute. Chris looked at Wayne, he nodded, and his crew left. As they were getting in the car Bar was bragging about all the ‘ho’s he was gonna fuck tonight.

The others had been fun, but getting rid of the asshole really improved their night. Two hours of happy conversation and star gazing later, they started yawning, said goodnight, and went to bed.


Weather wise, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were rinse and repeat: temps in the mid-eighties, low winds, and lots of sunshine.

Each day began early with coffee on the balcony, enjoying the warm of the rising sun, followed by breakfast and a trek to the beach. After setting up camp, they walked the beach looking for shells and driftwood, returned to camp, and sunbathed for an hour before resting in the shade. They ate sandwiches for lunch, talked, and went for another walk along the shore break.

The beaches further north toward the pier were crowded, and they could see flags flying above tents, RVs, and canopies when they walked that direction.

By early afternoon, there were carloads of college students cruising up and down the beach. Each day, upon spotting the girls, a carload or two of boys would stop and pull up close to the camp, and the mating dance would begin. Chris and Dale acted as camp counselors, even to the point of asking the boys if anyone had a cold or was running fever, before letting them near the camp. They got some strange looks, but Dale wasn’t willing to miss baseball games with the virus, or let Diane catch it, and Chris wasn’t about to let any of his three charges get the stuff if it could be helped.

No one was sure what the death rate from COVID-19 was worldwide, but the WHO said 3.4%. The American president disagreed, citing 22 American deaths from 544 confirmed cases, and kept prophesying it would go away “soon, with the arrival of warm weather.” While it didn’t seem that deadly so far, it did seem extremely contagious and capable of exceeding the 27,000 to 70,000 annual flu deaths the president used in comparison, because of the sheer numbers that could be infected.

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