Once upon a time, in a suburb far, far away….
Dave couldn’t believe he was doing this. Would this work? Would they laugh at him? Or worse would he get arrested? Could you arrest someone for a proposition? With his stomach in knots he walked into the health club.
This was not just a health club. It was a nudists club, health club; swimming pool all rolled into one. Dave was not the sharpest tool in the shed, and he was low on cash, so he had devised this plan to get him a free membership at the club.
‘Hi’, Dave said, as he met the receptionist.
‘Hello, how can I help you?’, the receptionist smiled. She was a cute blond maybe 19? 20? It seemed as if they had sprayed her uniform on. A real tight shirt hugging those marvelous breasts. And wow, make no mistake; there were two fine nipples just barely recognizable under the material. There were perfectly placed.
Dave snapped back into reality. ‘Ahh, I am interested in becoming a member here’.
With an ear to ear smile the receptionist looked him over, and said, ‘Great, have a seat over there and the next available person will give you a tour of the complex..’ Dave sat down and read some of the magazines on the table. It was your typical waiting room, magazines on the coffee table surrounded by to plush couches.
Five minutes later, some old guy came out of the back; the receptionist pointed to Dave and said something. Dave’s heart sank. ‘Dammit’ he thought. Just my luck. Ohh well, fuck this. Dave was about to leave when, the old guy said ‘ Na, I’m going on break right now. Barbara should be here any minute. She can give him the tour’.
Almost on cue, a lady walked into the club. The receptionist said, ’Speak of the devil’
‘Hi Guys’, Barbara said. She was a middle-aged woman, just your typical looking suburban lady. She was, large boned, but not fat. Not ugly but not hot either. Although, she did have a sensuous quality about her. And in fact Dave began to notice that she had a fairly impressive rack, but she was hiding it under her business attire.
Barbara punched in and talked with the receptionist for a bit. Then she walked over to Dave and smiled. ‘Hi, my name is Barbara. I’ll be showing you around’.
And with that they were off down the hall. They made small talk as she showed him the health club, basketball, racket ball, tennis courts etc. It was a top notch facility. Then as they made there way to the lounge Dave was shocked. There were naked and semi-naked people everywhere. However, one thing that struck Dave as odd was that half of the ladies had some type of clothes on but most of the men were nude. Penises, testicals and pubic hair on display. But it seemed ‘normal’. It was weird.
A nude couple went briskly walking by. They exchanged hellos with Barbara and walked on, with breasts and balls bouncing as they did. The man’s penis although semi-erect was small. It didn’t seem to bother him though. They just walked on by. The lady was a little bit over weight but had huge sloppy jugs. Dave loved the way they swayed and jiggled when she walked. Such nice big nipples….
Dave must have been staring a little bit too much.
‘Ah em’ Barbara cleared her throat looking at Dave rather sternly. ‘Is this your first time being at a naturalist health club?’
Dave responded, ‘Ahh yes, it’s all a little new to me. But I’ve always had an interest in …’ Barbara interrupted him, ‘And how old are you? Are you sure that you can afford this place? It is very expensive!’
‘Nailed’, Dave thought. He was only a nineteen-year-old college student, with very little money. ‘I’m 19, and I can pay, don’t worry about that,’ Dave assured her.
Suspicious, Barbara continued the tour. The weight room, outdoor volleyball courts etc. This place is great Dave thought. It has everything, it’s close to his house and my god some of the women walking around here were hot as hell.
‘Ok, next on the agenda, the locker room and sauna, pool etc.’, Barbara continued,’ We have a community locker room setting. Both men and women can change here. People are allowed to be clothes free here as long as they would like. Infact that is the rule everywhere except for the weight room. You must have clothes on in the weight room. However, there are separate booths if someone feels uncomfortable changing in front on someone else. We try to create a family atmosphere here, where everyone can feel comfortable’. As Barbara carried on Dave looked around the room. There was a group of teen-age girls giggling putting on their clothes. They stopped giggling as a man came in to his locker. Sweating from his work out he stripped his shirt off. Shoes and socks followed. The girls acted non-chalauntly, but it was obvious that they were enjoying looking at this man getting naked a few feet from them. They felt safe in this environment, they were clothed, they outnumbered him and besides this was in the health club, it was no big deal. Down went the bvd’s and his cock sprang out. The girls started giggling again, the guy’s face turned red as he walked by them on his way to the shower stalls. His beer gut spilling out and his tiny cock on display. 2 inches barely comin out of the mangled nest of hair.
‘Like I said we try to create a friendly safe, atmosphere,’ Barbara continued. ‘We have community showers, but we also have private stalls also. Although the private stalls are reserved for women only. The men must use the community areas. Here is the steam room, sauna and finally the pool.’
As they continued on, Dave couldn’t believe his eyes. It opened up to an outdoor vista with a huge pool. People were sunbathing everywhere. Oiled naked bodies glistening in the sun. Dave caught the eye of the lifeguard. Naked except for her Red hat, whistle and bikini bottom she looked at him with sly interest almost flirting. She was perfect, large full breasts, a tapered waist and a bottom that flared out in perfect curves.
Her lifeguard friend was a guy about 18. Really cut, not an ounce of fat on him. Naked except for his red hat and whistle he stood guard over the pool. Hi cock on display, balls hanging low in the noon day sun. It seemed like in this sea of average humanity, these two lifeguards really stood out. They were almost like ornaments on display. Two perfect specimens of tight hard bodies, yet amply endowed.
As Barbara continued her spiel about the pool’s ph and Olympic size and the whirlpools etc, Dave noticed that the men around the pool lustfully looked at the baywatch looking lifeguard girl. Was it his imagination, the women seemed to, behind their sunglasses, be ogling the young male lifeguard. Most of the men in the club were old overweight and had shriveled penises. This lifeguard stood proudly, his penis a thick limp 4 inches.
Having seen the pool, Barbara and Dave made their way back to the front offices. ‘So how did you like it’, Barbara asked.
‘Great! This is perfect. It’s really close to my house, it has all of the facilities that I need, and it is the type of atmosphere I am looking for.’