The Hired Gun Ch. 03

An adult stories – The Hired Gun Ch. 03 by mondotoken,mondotoken “Hello?”

“Hey cuz, long time no see.”

“What are you up to, bruh?”

“Nothing, really.”

“Who are you fucking with now?”

“Nobody uh, technically.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“I’m not fucking with nobody, technically.”

“Man, what the fuck is that supposed to mean, technically?”


“Spit it out, technically brother.”

“Well technically, you’re fucking with somebody; or will be.”

“I’m gonna fuck you up, cuz.”

“Calm down.”

“So, what do you want, for real?”

“Uh, face to face, okay?”

“I’m gonna say no.”


“I don’t wanna be involved in some shit, bruh.”

“Face to face.”


“I’m going for a run at the park; probably about nine in the am.”

“I’m not coming, cuz.”

“Maybe about nine thirty; I’m tired from yesterday, Jaquan. Shot a lot of content man; bruh, you should have seen the ass on the model I had yesterday. Lines up with Rashida something serious, redbone MILF.”

There were a few moments of silence on the other end of the line.

“That’s a bold claim.”

“You see Rashida all the time, so you know what I’m talking about, marginally. This one was motherfucking cornfed and packed in the back, bruh. Our girl Thunda got that power and a patent on the curve, but Mz. Giggles packing it in with a long, floppy back porch.”

“Mz. Giggles?”

“I didn’t pick the name, but it applies.”

There was another long pause on the line as I scratched the back of my head waiting for the obvious.

“How come I never seen her on your site?”

“Because you’re cheap, nigga.”

My auntie’s clandestine occupation was hidden behind a paywall and priced high enough to run off any chintzy patrons of my site. I regularly patrolled various sites online hitting any leaked content over ten minutes with copyright claims but left brief clips untouched to build my brand. I was making a nice bit of coin which I socked away while maintaining a day job in planned anonymity. At first it was to keep my parents and relatives out of the loop but became a strategic point of survival in the real world, afterwards.

“We family, how come you don’t give me no pass or something?” He reasoned, revealing his open nose.


“Well, we folks, ain’t we?”

“I’ll think about it, at the park around nine thirty.” I hung up in his face, then sat up in my bed stretching out cracking some bones with an early morning yawn before walking over to my editing setup. I’d been up into the night editing a thirst trap video for my Auntie Esther aka Mz. Giggles.

The teaser was less than a minute of my disembodied hands having their way with her big, elongated cheeks pinching, groping, and kneading them into an oily mess before a sharp jump cut saw me beating her back out POV with an excessive nasty money shot, in enhanced stereo no less.

I shot it to Jaquan before switching off my android.

“What the fuck is this shit?” I opened my bedroom door to find a mess in my kitchen. The counter was dripping almond milk off the edge. The floor was littered with cereal which crunched under my house shoes as I tightened my robe biting my lower lip.


“Sorry.” His voice came down the hall in a whimper prompting a powerwalk to the living room where he’d been sequestered using the couch as a bed.

This proved to be equally devastating as I found a literal mess from the entrance to the room leading to the couch where my temporary charge was making camp engrossed in his Nintendo Switch. Overnight Andre appeared to have raided the fridge and cabinets numerous times resulting in wrappers, open containers and a large half eaten cake sized bowl of red berries Special K haphazardly placed on the edge of my jacked-up coffee table.

“Nuh-No bro!” I snatched the game from his hands, brow furrowed.

“I was gonna clean it up before you got up; I just wanted to get in a few games.”

“CLEAN THIS SHIT UP, NOW!!” I stormed off not caring if I’d just passed some sort of universal parenting shit test from the most high as he started to slowly move.

Currently I was housing my male talent Andre 13.5 after his “wife” unexpectedly made an appearance at his job right after I’d sprung him from Hotdog on a Stick, for a shoot. To be honest I didn’t know the dynamic of his relationship with the woman until I was obliged to ask before purchasing a game console for the man as payment for said shoot with my model, Mz. Giggles. To my horror, I discovered a man living in modern slavery. The fact that he wasn’t allowed to have a pic of his old lady was telling enough and I suspected some sort of monkey branching in Andre’s near future.

I felt responsible since I’d started him on his clandestine career in online porn by proxy through another talent, Ms. WTF. He’d been used from day one and his high school girlfriend had been a stop gap for other women looking to monopolize the guy because of his endowment. For a while, most of his friends and associates thought “the wife” was a fictional construct. Now, within the last twenty-four hours I’d discovered this woman was all too real and in dire need of having her wig split.

“HEY ANDRE!!” I screamed halfway down the corridor which made him come running with handfuls of trash.


“Do you know how to flush the toilet nigga?”

Suffice it to say I ended up arriving for my early morning run sometime after nine forty-five after “supervising” the cleaning up of my abode and Andre’s subsequent wardrobe with some loaned basketball shorts and a white tank that looked stupid on his muscular frame. I was stuck with the noob until I completed a running plan to deliver justice to his mundane existence. Andre didn’t care much at all, but showed flickers of genuine apprehension when his wife was mentioned in tandem with his return home.

In the end I tooled over to the park with the man in my backseat like human luggage. He didn’t care just sitting back there playing his game giving me the sarcastic impression he might need a baby seat. This rampant internal burn caused me to check myself internally because everybody treated him like a living prop, and so did I when we interacted. The way I saw it was that I was giving something back to clear my karma after inadvertently setting him up to be knocked down like a bowling pin in the past.

I found Jaquan’s car parked in the lot pulling up beside it finding the driver side window, partially down. Andre was sitting there in the backseat lost in his game, so I lowered the back windows a little bit before hopping out walking across the grass leading to the edge of the small hill peering down onto the track. I

“Oh, okay.” I half smirked.

My cousin was presently engaged in the hard sell running beside some incredibly thick redbone with a head full of short blonde locs. Correction, he was chasing her as she jogged along at a decent clip having just cleared a right turn on the track moving in the opposite direction. This was a young, probably college aged woman lightly nodding her head in time with whatever he was saying as he did his best to keep up while running backwards. I chuckled glancing back at Andre still sitting there lost in his game. Out of nowhere she put a foot on the gas speeding off at a clip as I started to wonder if there was some sort of otherworldly portal to a dimension of ridiculously thick and packed women.

“Brutal.” I got out my android in time to catch my cousin tragically topple over rolling head over heels wiping out on the track. His intended target was several feet away already turning a left about to come up running right by me as I sat on the hill.

“HI BOI!!” She greeted me cheerfully running by waving as Jaquan sat up visibly embarrassed. I instinctively followed her with my android getting a rewarding view of her backside. My jaw dropped at the sight of her warring cheeks looking like two pillows shoved into those shorts with a wealth of cheekage bulging out from the back. Her running motions were turning them into bikini bottoms.

Her face was sort of roundish reminding me of this actress named Michelle Hurd, maybe a younger almost teenaged version of that woman. I chalked it up to the short dyed blonde locs framing her smiling face in the brief glimpse I got as she ran by waving happily. Her hair was longer tied off into a frizzy ponytail in the back which was bobbing and waving in the air like a flag in the wind.

“Hey.” I mumbled taken aback by her powerful bottom-heavy hourglass figure. Things seemed to slow down as she jogged by with her arms crossed over a prominent bust covered in this African print running crop top which matched the canary yellow shorts and Free Run Nikes on her feet.

It was too late as she rounded the corner of the track noticeably speeding by my cousin making it a point to hurdle over him without breaking stride. Jaquan sat there with his elbows resting on top of his knees looking over his shoulder at those monster sized cheeks. That fleeting glimpse proved to be enough for my lothario cousin who seemed to be starting off his day with a bit of a rough patch as he noticed me. I couldn’t help laughing at him as his intended target ran by again.

“HEY NOW BOI!!” She shouted again as she sped by while my cousin was walking across the middle of the field which was encircled by the track.

“HEY!!” I waved back intentionally goofing and still laughing at Jaquan. It was obvious she had spoken to me as a dig at my cousin who’d probably been on her case trying to make a connection. I kept filming as he reached the edge of the small hill, starting to walk up to meet me.

“Having fun, nigga?”

“Yeah.” I burst into uproarious laughter, then flinched when it looked like he would take advantage of the situation and stomp on me where I sat.

“Why’re you jumping? I should lump you up for having me down at the park out here trifling.”

“Need I remind you that you were the one who suggested I work on my fitness.”

“I was talking about getting in the gym and hitting those weights; what’re you gonna do out here that’s gonna get some real results, huh?”

“Ask Rashida.”

“Ha, ha very funny motherfucker; why ain’t got her out here running around some stupid track with your dumb ass, bruh?!” Getting rejected and embarrassed outright hit a broadside blow to his fragile ego. Laughing at his epic strike out probably didn’t help matters, either.

“Because she doesn’t have a twelve-inch penis.”

“EXCUSE ME!” I was looking around his legs from the knees down at the pure specimen jogging down the track about to hit another left turn in our direction. Her cheeks were just that real as I angled my android trying to get more footage. Jaquan purposely got in the way, forcing me to look up at his face.

“The devils in the details, my nigga; you know you can trust me.”

“You better tell me what’s going on negro or I’m leaving you on your own.”

“I would advise against that.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Trust me cuz.” I smiled making him fume leaning to the side as the woman ran by smiling at both of us with both arms crossed in front of her chest.

“LOOK PON DI GYAL POMPASETTING BOIS!!” Her accent was unmistakably Caribbean, at least in some regard as she hit that right flashing her thick, meaty yams obviously showing out for us.

“Tease.” Jaquan hissed under his breath perpetually butthurt.

“Relax Jaquan; even superman has an off day every now and then.” I offered a hand wanting him to help me up, but he slapped it instead. I rubbed the sting away as the girl jogged at a clip still looking at both of us chuckling.

I shrugged and waved at her getting one in turn along with a beaming smile. This didn’t sit well with Jaquan who shot me a jealous look.

“Chill out bruh.” I offered my hand again this time getting snatched up from the grass roughly. It felt like he was trying to yank my arm out of the socket. Ever the overgrown petulant child, Jaquan bodied me from looking at the girl further.

“Man, why you got me down here this morning?!”

“It’s a little, complicated.”

“Wanna roll down this fucking hill and land on your dumb head?”

“I’ll tell Little Daisy.” I wagged a finger in his face invoking his toddler aged daughter which made the man scoff and slump his shoulders momentarily.

“Shut your ass up and tell me what it is, cuz!”

“Jaquan, you have a rare opportunity to help an underprivileged child by granting a single wish that will undoubtedly change his life for the better, forever.”

“Hill it is, then.” Before I could react, He’d snatched me up over his broad shoulders like a Frankenstein monster threatening to fling me down the short hill. At the other end of the track, that woman was standing at the edge of the curve watching with hands over her mouth, horrified. My sudden girlish sounding shriek didn’t help matters, either.

“Alright man, there will be consequences to this shit.” I underlined my statement by reaching down into his field of vision gesturing towards the current unobtainable apple of his eye.

He let me down not wanting to look like a bully in front of a woman he coveted despite the rejection.

“Now Jaquan, you really need to get a handle on…URK!!” I was captured in a headlock almost choked out as he dragged me backward off the hill back towards the cars parked nearby. There was no way I was getting out of things until he released me which came a few moments later when he groaned shoving me so hard, I nearly crashed sideways into the asphalt.

“WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!” Jaquan bellowed.

“Relax, this is your make a wish kid, bruh.” I offered with a chortle righting myself between my modest vehicle and his sports car.

“Nah, I’m out!” He started fishing about in his pockets for his car keys, but I got between him and the driver’s side door.

“Look Jaquan I ‘m trying to help Andre out with a problem, and I need your help just for a fucking minute man; I ain’t trying to get you involved in shit, bruh. What, you ain’t down with this motherfucker now, huh Jaquan? You didn’t seem to mind when the two of you were busting up rooms full of bitches, did you? I’m trying to help this guy out and you should wanna help this nigga out too; somebody got their hand up his goddamn ass!”

“What that got to do with me, huh?” He replied ruefully standing right in front of me as if we were about to knuckle up.


“No man, what this shit gotta do with me, huh cuz?” He towered over me completely ripped with muscle appearing ready to plant one on my chin, but I stated the obvious right out the box.

“Man, I need your dick.”

“WHAT-THE-FUCK?!” His hands were around my throat in a second threatening to throttle the life out of me or pop my head off like a Pez dispenser.

We were interrupted by laughter which killed the intense moment as both of us looked around finding the woman standing at the opposite side of my car between the trunk and the back seat window. The incredulous look on her face was telling.

“OH, ME NOT KNOWING YOU TWO WERE BATI BOYS!!” She was already laughing hard as Jaquan glanced at his hands around my neck letting go as if they were burned by an open flame. I was unbothered caring about nothing but the mission at hand.

“What?” His brow furrowed as I nudged him with my elbow getting his attention for the explanation.

“I think she’s calling us gay.”

“HUH?!! HEY UHM, I AIN’T GAY!! I UH, MEAN I AIN’T AGAINST PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, BUT I LIKE GIRLS!!” He was panicking while I made a suspect expression pursing my lips while reaching up behind him making rabbit ears behind his head with two fingers.

“That nice to know big boi; I’m not no girl, I be a woman all over; can’t you see what’s right in your face?” She gestured towards herself; arms outstretched while I made more suspect expressions as she laughed. Jaquan noticed rewarding me with a smack to the back of the head.

“OW!! Uhm, we’re just messing around ma’am.” I explained parrying more attempts at slaps to the back of my head.

“Nice to know baby boi; there be a motel down the way if you two are in need.” She motioned towards the street, pointing north as Jaquan burst.

“Shit. Shit. SHIT!! He stomped off, shoulders stiff making both of us laugh at the childish tantrum disappearing from view down the small hill. I was left there with her and Andre to greet her offering a hand which she ignored as she identified herself.

“Me name Babbette.”

“Nice to meet you, Babbette.” I offered my hand again, which was ignored as she glanced into the backseat at Andre, then rapped on the window getting his attention.

“Uh hello, my name is Andre, but they call me Andre 13.5 because of my dick.” He offered as her eyes widened. Babbette made the Macaulay Culkin expression from those Home alone movies.

I facepalmed as Andre innocuously smiled at Babbette.

“Oh, you’re tetched in the head, special; aren’t you?” She thankfully picked up on his mental state right off the bat.

“My dick…”

“Yeah, me heard that boi and I think you should maybe keep it to yourself, or I be taking it, serious son. You don’t want me sticking me fist in this window and dotting your eye.” Her accent was damn near indecipherable.

“Sorry, I thought you was gonna…”

“ANDRE!” I shouted before he could stick his foot in his mouth up to the knee.

“Stop thinking before your head explodes; I think you should let your father do all your thinking boi.” I was impressed with her wit, cracking a half smile.

“Very funny miss; did you think I was in danger; Jaquan’s my cousin, by the way.”

“I don’t care what two bati boys do to amuse themselves; me saw you filming me bum-bum. That, is not allowed and you’ll be deleting that video, boi.”

“I’ll do you one better Babbette; you can delete it personally.” I walked around the opposite side of my trunk getting a good look at her figure unimpeded.

Up close and personal, Babbette was a revelation and wealth of voluptuous eye candy, manifest. Her hourglass figure was packed acutely top and bottom. That lower half was accentuated with some ridiculously dense hips on a pair of shapely legs, the pure definition of ass so big, you can see it from the front. Her bust looked natural under the fitted gym top sloping beautifully getting progressively fuller at the bottom over a well-defined exposed abdomen and bikini belly button. I was close to drooling openly when she bent sideways at the waist into my immediate field of vision with a sarcastic smile.

“Hey boi, I think you’re out of pocket, but medium cute; don’t be messing up that first impression by checking me out without permission, son. I’ll be having that phone now.” Babbette had my trusty android in hand before I realized it turning profile which gave me an intended side view of the monster I’d been filming as it pushed into my trunk sort of conforming to its shape.

It looked pillow soft which sent jolts to my crotch like rampant lightning. She glanced at me with an expectant look on her somewhat authoritative face, then used a pointer finger to turn my gaze away towards Jaquan’s sports car. I went with the flow leaning against the trunk next to her in order to see what would happen naturally with no duplicity on my part.

“You don’t lock your phone?”

“Why would I Babbette?” I rolled my shoulders and neck getting an audible crack that she noticed peripherally.

“Your lady will be rummaging through it when you’re sleeping.” Her tone was whimsical, yet explorative.

“I’m single.”

“That be why you watching me so hard, son?”

“Are you kidding; who wouldn’t watch you uh, hard Babbette?” She chuckled already running through my android.

“Got a lot of girls in your phone here; me be thinking you a player.” I smiled to myself at the beginnings of an attempted interrogation about my personal life. I wasn’t that easy considering my sexual pedigree at this time in my life.

“I’m just regular.”

“Ya’ mon, right boi. You be a righteous snake in my garden, if I let you, huh?”

“I thought I was a bati boy?”

“Slick too.”

“You know Babbette, it’s perfectly okay if you put your number in there.”

“Me be thinking you are Rudeboi, undercover.”

“You know, there’s a perfectly good way to find out Babbette.” She laughed openly, turning to face my profile against the trunk of my car. I was surprised when she used her pointer finger, pressing it in the middle of my sternum.

“You are chill, comfortable even; definitely Rudeboi. Hey mon, me likes you, but me thinks you’ll be sorely disappointed if we walk together. Me be driving all the bois crazy when them panties don’t fall.”

“That’s special.” I replied without a hint of malice which made her laugh some more and turn towards my profile in full.

“Forked tongue; me speaking the absolute truth. Hey rudeboi, you want them blue balls?”

“No, that doesn’t happen to me.”

“So you telling me, you be a cheater.”

“I’m single baby.”

“What if me make you, not single?” Babbette surprised me by leaning into my body in profile with her face inches from mine.

“How’re you going to do that?”

She leaned in close enough to kiss but chuckled instead cupping a hand over her mouth.

“Exactly.” I commented wistfully without malice about the obvious tease.

Babbette sauntered in front of me in profile giving me a look at her profile and the absolute shelf she was rocking in the back, then turned her back facing me. She glanced over her shoulder fluttering her eyes as I noticed their hazel color. It gave her face an otherworldly quality that I couldn’t put my finger on in the moment. My gaze drifted looking directly at her exotic badonkadunk which matched my perennial online starlet “Thunda” in size, but skewed more towards Zoya Berhan and a certain baby mamma in its acute heart shape while finally being so densely packed that that its undercuff overlapped the tops of her thick thighs. That small waist looked natural matched with a butt some would think fake.

“You be thinking it over, real serious now, huh boi?”

“I take the fifth.”

“Yuh wa dis yuh nuh boy?” Her accent drifted in and out, becoming thick and confusing at times.

“Hey, are you uh, Jamaican?”

Babbette suddenly bent over shoving the whole of that monster butt into my crotch with enough force to make my car shake a little. It lasted a second or two as she recovered, turning about looking me in the face as she pushed the tip of her pointer finger into the center of my sternum. She found my ramped-up heartbeat with a self-satisfied smirk that should’ve pissed me off.

“Me ask you if you whulla dis ass. Mi kno yuh fraid of mi bady suh nuh lie tuh mi baby.” I figured out her accent got thicker in tandem with her heightened emotion as I looked her up and down starting from the skintight material covering her muff up to her luscious full breasts and finally her intense looking, yet relaxed features. I found myself looking deep into her eyes as she waited for an answer. I found it almost impossible to look away.

Luckily, we were interrupted by the loud intrusive honking of a car horn as a burgundy Jeep Grand Cherokee appeared out of nowhere skidding to a halt right in front of us. Strains of Saturday Love by Cherelle filled the air along with a strong whiff of weed as I got a look at the driver while Babbette bounced away from me with this mischievous look on her face. It felt like we were caught necking or something as she confirmed my suspicions on the spot.

“Oh shit dat a mi mada.” Babbette covered her mouth with a chortling hand, then blew me a kiss before walking around the back of the Cherokee taking the long way around.

I was left with a good look at her mother who quite honestly and equally tragically, looked like the long-lost sister of Morgan Freeman or something. Her weathered features and deep soulful eyes had a story to tell beside the nasty mean mug that was daring me to do anything out of pocket. Babbette opened the passenger side door hopping into the car breaking the test of wills between us for a second before she glared at me again.

“Ma’am.” I tipped an imaginary cowboy hat acknowledging her verbally feeling the fiery burn of her pupils like dual lasers on my face.

She responded with a plain middle finger stuck out the window unmistakably in my direction, then peeled out like she was on the lamb. There was another audible screech of the tires as she sped off.

“Nice to meet you too, Babette’s mom.”

I glanced back, finding Andre peering out the back window of my modest Honda Civic amazed at the nonverbal confrontation between us.

“Andre, you good bruh?”

“That lady was mean as fuck; She didn’t have to put up her middle finger like that. We didn’t fuck her friend.” I raised an eyebrow with a half smirk starting to read on my features as well.

“That was her daughter Andre.”

“Oh, uh she didn’t want us to fuck Babbette?”

“Fuck no man; and what made you tell her about your dick anyway?”

“I thought you were bringing me to a shoot; ain’t that why I’m here? Yesterday you made me fuck that nice lady after you got me off work early. I thought Babbette was the next one I was supposed to fuck.”

“I didn’t make you fuck nobody, nigga. I hired you to be a part of my shoot; that’s why you’ve got that motherfucking Nintendo switch, Andre. You’re gonna get paid some more money as soon as I can make sure it goes to you, and nobody else, bruh.”

“Thank you for the switch, but my wife takes care of all the money stuff because ‘m dumb. She always makes sure I put food on the table and uh, buy clothes and stuff for the kids. Heck, I’d just waste my check on stupid stuff, like this switch. I know you pay me good and I’m grateful because I get to bring something to the table…and sometimes she gives me a few dollars left over from when she buys my bus pass.”

I chaffed inside feeling it deep in my bones.

“Andre, does she ever try to uh, teach you how to spend money?”

“Didn’t you hear what I said? I’m a numb head; at least that’s what she calls me when she gets mad. It’s okay because she uses my check to take care of the family.”

“Uhm, sure man; you like that switch, right?”

“Yeah, thanks a lot but I can’t keep it at home; she will take it and donate it to our church. Sorry, but I guess I’m bad because it’s really not for my son; I wanted to uh, play with it for a while before I have to give it up.”

My teeth were chattering with barely checked rage as I facepalmed leaning against the trunk of my car.

“Hey Andre; do you trust me, man?”


“Okay, I’m going to fix it so that you can have that switch, and maybe I’ll buy you a PlayStation too.”

“I don’t know about that; Dayna says that’s a waste of money and ain’t good for the brain.”

“She has a computer, right?”

“That’s a real computer for smart people, not dummies.”

“OKAY ANDRE!” I facepalmed again.


“It’s cool, just hangout while I talk to Jaquan.”

I didn’t wait to hear whether there was any sort of reply from my juvenile minded charge walking off briskly over the small hill down to the track. Off in the distance I could see Jaquan at one of the courts engaged in a pickup game of basketball with some other guys. Andre was so completely tired and dragged out by our mutual experience that he’d willingly given up everything to his wife who was following the company line of exploiting him to the letter.

I’d perused some of the shitty content put out with no care or consideration for the man’s identity which was regularly questioned at his humiliating day job. If it weren’t for his manager’s obvious infatuation with the man, he would’ve doubtless been fired long ago. Most of Andre’s coerced content consisted of Dayna milking his endowment on condition of being tipped an exorbitant amount which was destined for her purse. In-between these sessions and getting him to do it himself, she’d even made him get up and turn his butt to the cam “coughing” for the paying customers.

Through it all the expression on his face remained the same with occasional flashes of emotion. He would always chuckle and put his fist in front of his mouth when something was asked of him that he didn’t agree with. Ironically his landmark video online was the very first in which he was sexually coerced by Renee Kelly aka Ms. One. It was still immensely popular, even in its new home on my website where views in the five digits and rising put it on legendary status. The comments section remained lively and active.

It was a criminally brilliant point of view narrative (Gonzo Styled) episode that cast Andre in what would normally be a woman’s role in these documentary styled porn shoots. Renee was the disembodied voice with obvious salacious intent working the hard sell on this man for the projected female audience. She expertly talked around his discomfort with the camera, eventually coercing him out of his clothing in what amounted to a disturbing gender swap as she basically exploited him. Her own appearance on camera is what drove the views through the roof, nearly breaking the net before “Ms. One” became a thing. It was an extremely attractive woman sexually mauling a man most sisters would die for.

Now he was known as Andre 13.5, or the equally egregious moniker of King Ding-A-Ling hung about his neck like an albatross. That latter millstone weighed heavily about his broad shoulders. I was tipped off when I gifted him a Nintendo Switch watching his reaction which was akin to a kid on Christmas morning. I felt responsible after shooting the first footage of him with his then girlfriend, Shawnee Thompson. I chaffed at thoughts of those early days, but realized I was pretty much an innocent noob as well. My own talents were fostered and eventually used against me.

I snapped to form out of necessity after my own “happy retirement” was disturbed by a fully formed “Ms. One” now interested because I was honestly moving on with my life. Thinking about that inaugural shoot was cathartic to say the least. Renee Kelly was reeling from the latest infidelity from my cousin Jaquan, fresh off an animalistic rutting of a would-be girlfriend, Yoli. I’d walked in on them going at it with no fucks given. Sometimes when I looked at his face, I could still see it just as it happened. It was a mind movie that reminded me of humbler beginnings. It kept me honest, but it splintered Renee.

Ms. One was born of that rage and her own all-encompassing ego. She’d softened up quite a bit during our initial time together, but Jaquan smashed that aspect of her to hell for all time to come. Andre was collateral damage, a fucking sacrifice along with Renee’s more friendly jovial side as she enacted a version of “Order 66” designed as a nuclear escape from a life she now hated. My actions subsequently dismantled her nefarious plan to use a hapless simp to that end by “passing” as an Asian woman, with no kids. I thought the cute little moppet who’d be left behind to spy on her father for a shitty mother.

Jaquan’s daughter, little Daisy Kelly.

“NO!” Jaquan shouted as he made a layup running up and down the court with some other guys. I watched him for a few minutes outclassing the other men on the outside basketball court. He’d been a star basketball player in high school which led to his initial meeting with infamous Baby Mamma #2.

“So, you’re gonna let a brother get fucked over; is that what you’re telling me?”

“He ain’t my brother!”

“I beg to differ; I ain’t gonna lie Jaquan, I want something from you, and I’m determined to get it. We’re either going to do this the hard way or we’re still gonna do it the hard way, nigga.” One of the men shot me a weird look as we locked eyes momentarily while he ran up the court chasing my cousin who finessed everyone else with a sharp pullup shot that went all net.

“Gone with that shit, cuz!” I got my android out filming his blistering street play.

“What about Andre?”

“FUCK THAT NOISE!!” I kept filming as he snatched the basketball from a portly thirtysomething making a three-point shot with no wasted motion.

“Still mad about that Jamaican redbone?” He stopped for an instant paying for it as the ball was swiped for an easy layup by some lanky kid good enough to play with the adults.

“That girl was Jamaican?”


“That’s her name? Hey, wait a minute, did you get her number behind my back? Are you going behind my back again, cuz?! That’s messed up bruh, you know I was on that first, now you’re on that shit again and knowing you, man you probably fucked her already, didn’t you?!”

I didn’t say a word, just raising a brow as a few guys noticed within earshot.

“You fuck her?” He looked crazed just standing there oblivious to me filming. The game continued back and forth while he stood there waiting with his hands on his hips.

“What do you think, cuz?” I mimicked his tone admitting nothing as Jaquan facepalmed.

“Damn bruh, what’s up with you?”

“Are you going to help me or not, Jaquan?”

“Fuck you man.” The basketball shot towards his head as Jaquan caught and immediately knocked down a three pointer with little more than muscle memory.

“Alright fine, I’m going over to a hotel to fuck this redbone with my nigga Andre; you do you bruh. Have a nice day, bitch.”

I’d already started walking away when the basketball came flying in my direction. It was aimed at my head, but I caught it going into a pump fake, but ended up sarcastically rolling the ball instead. It bumped the tips of Jaquan’s sneakers. He glanced over his shoulder at the middle-aged perpetrator who simply shrugged.

“That’s my cousin, man.”

“Uhm, you playing ball or not?” His innocuous tone was offensive, but I didn’t wait to see how Jaquan answered walking off back to my parked car and Andre.

“HEY CUZ, YOU LEAVING ME BEHIND?!!” I wasn’t surprised when he ran after me predictably grabbing me in a headlock, nose wide open. I knew enough to go with the flow walking beside my much taller cousin who looked like Kevin Garnett’s stunt double. There was no doubt to anyone in the know that Jaquan’s kryptonite was pussy.

“You gonna play ball?”

“Shut up fool!” I doubt he realized he’d played right into my hands on a number of different levels. I was tapping away on my android while we strolled up the small hill to the parking lot and our respective vehicles.

We proceeded out to the hotel in what amounted to a two-vehicle tailgate party with Jaquan dangerously on my bumper for the entirety of the twenty-five minute trip. His thirst was palpable even from another vehicle away. These days he was a little more secretive about his dating activities after I’d been with one of his side chicks and particularly infamous baby mamma number two. It was clear as day she’d initiated the tryst to stick to him for dogging her and to me for having the balls to openly say it to her face. Things snowballed after that with me picking up an African side chick as well leaving me in my current state.

That version of me would never exist again.

Sometimes I wondered what would’ve happened if I never shouted after Renee as she was leaving his home. Jaquan being a father of the year candidate, ghosted his daughter for an afternoon of sex with an African side chick named Akemi. Renee appeared at his front door with her own key chain letting herself into the house to emotionally terrorize and interrogate me until I called her out on her shitty behavior. Not used to being challenged, Renee seduced and took me under her wing.

The rest was my shitty lucrative history.

Today was no different as I pulled into the parking garage adjacent to the connected entrance to the hotel, I’d been using a day prior. The aftermath of my previous ordeal left me with an inherently strategic nature hence my online moniker, The Educated Simp.

“Hey, why are you pushing on my door; change your mind or something?” He looked apprehensive when I approached the driver’s side of his sports car motioning for him to lower the window.

“Hold that thought, bruh.” I’d already sent Andre ahead popping my trunk as Jaquan pulled in directly behind me as if he were blockading my modest ride. I walked to the trunk retrieving my camera bag unzipping it as I approached.

“Aw come on man; you really gonna try to put that honey on your site, huh cuz?”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I raised a brow pulling a new toy I’d ordered online from my camera bag.

“What’s that shit?”

“Dashboard cam nigga, got it real cheap; I need a shot with your car, alright.”

“Man, you’re gonna run her off.”

“Like you ran off, bruh.” Jaquan cupped a hand over his mouth silencing himself as he glared at me with his eyes hidden behind some shades.

“This shit is going to blow up in your face.” He advised sounding worried as I made the quick install before getting into the sports car shotgun.

“So, you’re not going to fuck her?” I challenged making him facepalm and rub some perspiration off his brow.

“I’m just saying that everything ain’t gotta be about your fucking bag; you been working nonstop for a minute now, cuz. Maybe you need to chill because the lines are starting to blur. Everybody you meet ain’t no porn star.”

“I like it that way.”

“Come on man.”


He looked at me for a few seconds then pulled out driving around to the ramp leading down to the first level of the parking garage, giving me the footage, I wanted before pulling into valet parking. I knew what I was doing having slipped into my chest mounted camera with a windbreaker covering it. There was a covert opening in the front of it zipped up allowing the lense to film unimpeded as we walked into the lobby. Jaquan didn’t know where we were going, so he was obliged to let me take the lead as I produced a card using it to access the elevator.

“Hey man, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Jaquan revisited the conversation.

“Say man, did you enjoy banging Rashida’s friend Delia?”

“Why are you bringing that shit up?”

“Just a question.”

“What’re you trying to say?”

“It was just a question.”

“Nah cuz, you trying to be slick; I know you man, and you always got something up your sleeve.”

“Okay, if that’s true; why would I bring that shit up, now?”

“HOW SHOULD I KNOW?!” Jaquan was obviously agitated, over thinking matters.

“Did you enjoy it?”

“I did too; she had one hell of a big, loose floppy ass. That weight loss surgery did wonders for the girl and Rashida put in work on her look, too. Delia took a red eye flight out here just to get it in with me, bruh. I wasn’t even gonna make a movie with her, but that fat ass was just too much.”

“Oh, so you think you’re the shit? Think you got it like that, right?” The elevator doors opened with a chime as I gave him a half smirk.

“She was married and cheating on her husband.”

“So what?”

“You don’t think that was fucked up?”

“Man, you fucked her too.” He replied ruefully.

“Yeah I did, but I didn’t know beforehand, or I would’ve kicked her to the curb. It was already too late, and I couldn’t get it back and wasn’t satisfied, so I figured…might as well get something out of it and shoot a movie, bruh.

“Ask where the movie is, Jaquan.”

“Where is it?”

“In my archives and backed up on a few cloud accounts; now ask me why it’s there?”

“Why is it there?”

“Because it’s insurance that a motherfucker who gets up at the crack of dawn six days a week to work a ten-hour day in a dead-end job before coming back to a house full of kids to cook, help them with their homework before putting them to bed while his wife hits the gym and gives him nothing…gets his, Jaquan. You see, this brother was good enough to make babies with and live together when she was fat and sloppy, but once she got her new body, he all of a sudden wasn’t qualified to slip her the pene.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Of course you don’t nigga; you’d never been in that position before Renee took you there when she fucked me, remember? Bruh, I was there in her bedroom when she let you in with one hand on the doorknob and the other on a Glock. Man, I heard you in there with her, Jaquan. I know, brother.”

“Don’t bring that shit up.” He looked as if he would sucker punch me if I kept talking.

“Karma, is a motherfucker.”

“I’m serious.” He warned.

“I know how you feel Jaquan; I got that shit paid back in full when I caught you destroying Yoli on your mattress, nigga. Hey man, still hurts when I think about it, but I never forgot what it taught me, and Renee made sure of that. She flipped the script on me by framing me with my woman Vickie; made it look like I’d cheated on her with Rashida, Shawnee and God knows who else because she thought I rejected her.”

“What?” Jaquan turned into my chest brow furrowed; shoulders stiff.

“Vickie lured me to that park we were at this morning and ambushed me with a devasting sucker punch. Smashed up my nose and almost took my head off after Renee sent her a little video; then your fucking baby mamma gave me the business and folded you into the ranks.”

“So, why’re you telling me this right now?”

“She offered to be my woman man; everything on a silver platter with exclusivity, Jaquan. You know what I said to her after she did me from sundown to sunup before posing the question?”

He didn’t answer doing a slow burn.

“I asked her…What about Jaquan, bruh. You see I knew she was only doing it because I found Vickie. Only doing it because I let her have all the shit we filmed for something real, I guess. My girlfriend knew about Renee and openly mocked her for being messy. So, Renee true to form, tried to uh, steal me back out of spite and I’ve gotta tell you that even if Vickie wasn’t there, I was never going to betray you.”

“You fucked her.”

“You fucked Yoli, fuck man you fucked Rashida on the downlow, and you guys were in that weird poly-type phase of your relationship, too; remember that shit? Of course, she was already planning to leave all of us for some new life with a rich simp. How does that make you feel; knowing she never forgave you and had no intention of staying with you? Knowing she was probably gonna leave her kid behind, too?”

“Fuck you.”

“No Jaquan, I want you to tell me how it feels to get emotionally finessed.”


“Because we’re family, nigga.” I felt like planting my fist on his chin, but wisely refrained not wanting an afternoon visit to the emergency room.

He rolled his neck pondering the question.

“Sometimes I feel like fucking her up, okay cuz?! When I look at her face, I always think about the first time I laid eyes on her. Those lime green slanted eyes, that pale skin and that body; fuck man I think about the night we first did it and how good it felt finally fucking her for as hard and as long as I wanted. Later, I found out she had some rich dude fronting the bill for the hotel room that night because she wanted her first time to be special. I was pissed off, but I knew I was her first. Then we had Daisy a little later and I uh, kind of rug swept the red flags.”

“But you were always a scum bag.”

“You’re a scum bag, now.” Jaquan countered as we walked to the presidential suite finding Andre sitting outside the door on the floor playing with his Nintendo switch.

“Oh, is that what you think?” I slapped the back of Andre’s head getting him to stand up on command still playing. Both of these guys towered over me as I produced the room key again with a hand on the door handle.

“Scumbag rules say you don’t give up any pertinent information about yourself, understand? We’re all just ships coming into the same dock, so keep it casual.”

“I don’t know cuz.”

“My way or the highway; make your choice.” He looked conflicted while Andre was already nodding.

“Okay.” He replied sullenly.

“I mean it Jaquan.” I waved the room key in front of the door, unlocking it.

He suddenly pushed past me rushing into the room slamming the door in our faces. I raised a finger to my lips giving Jaquan a few moments to adjust as I unlocked the door again sticking my head inside. He was standing just inside the door with his back to me staring into the presidential suite. I glanced back at Andre with a knowing smirk before slipping inside with Andre following.

“That’s…not Babbette.” He was standing there pointing, finger frozen midair.

“I know idiot.”

Mz. Giggles regularly known as my Auntie Esther, was laying in the master bed prone on her belly.

“You are stoopid.” Andre chuckled getting Jaquan’s attention for an instant.

She was all dolled up wearing another of the auburn wigs accessorized with a green headband while her features were made up kind of heavy on the burgundy lipstick and smokey eyeshadow which was visible behind a matching pair of big round lime green sunglasses. The rest of her presentation was equally eye catching with a 60’s era vintage double Chiffon peignoir. The babydoll was short enough that her meaty cornfed badonkadunk and thick gams were on full display for all the world to see.

“Duh-Duh…Dats, not Babbette man! It ain’t huh man, cuz! Aw shit that ain’t huh!!” Her ensemble was completed with a nice pair of open toed pumps each accessorized with a bow right over the toes. Jaquan was babbling as he slammed his giant hand down on my right shoulder, almost severing my arm.

“Ow, I know that!”

“CUZ!!” I reached around his back bringing my hand up covering his mouth silencing him while Mz. Giggles laid there on her tummy; legs spread eagle, whimsically thumbing through a magazine she’d picked up during our excursion to the mall for her shoot clothing.

“This is Mz. Giggles, bruh.” I made the introductions as she glanced over, looking him up and down betraying no emotion as she casually chewed on some bubblegum also picked up as we left the mall.

“MIZZUS GIGGLES?!!” He blurted out when I released his mouth for a minute. I immediately cupped it again.

“Yes, that is her stage name and all you need to know; so, my way or the highway. I need your dick man, alright?” I slowly uncovered his mouth as he craned his head looking down at my face.

“This what you were talking about when you said that weird shit at the park?!” I cupped his mouth again as Andre strolled by the bed waving at my wayward trophy wife auntie who simply replied with a wink.

“ONE LAST TIME!! My way negro, or the highway and I let Andre 13.5 finish nuking the fuck out of this pussy like he did yesterday; it’s your choice, now choose.” I uncovered his mouth for the last time. Jaquan took it all in looking at her from one end to the other settling on her face.

Mz. Giggles silently nodded with a wink, then blew a big ass pink bubble until it popped.

“ALL SHIT IT’S YOUR WAY MAN, YOUR FUCKING WAY MY NIGGA!!” His thirsty shouts were so embarrassing that I slapped the back of his noggin calming the thirtysomething down for a moment.

“Bathroom, shower and wait for me to call you, bruh.” I gave him a shove in the right direction with the hand that was handling the back of his neck, completely “sonning him” in front of my auntie. I had to pull the door up when he couldn’t stop peering out at her.

“Hey auntie, how’s it going?”

“Oh shit boy, where did you get that one? I think I’m gonna be walking funny for the rest of the month if you keep this shit up. I’m gonna be going to divorce court in a wheelchair at this rate.” Her big toothy horse smile was infectious making me break character and chuckle as I checked on Jaquan.

“YOU READY FOR ME?!!” He shouted as soon as I cracked the door.

“FUCK NO!! AND TAKE YOUR TIME IN THERE, MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS CLEAN NEGRO!” I shouted back facepalming again laughing into my hand. Mz. Giggles laid there clicking her heels together wistfully awaiting the start of the shoot as I strolled to the smaller bedroom checking in on Andre.

“I’m getting in the bathtub too; you want me to wait in here?” I was surprised to find Andre in the process of undressing. He looked back at me without a care in the world eager to resume another shoot from the prior day.

“Yeah, just play your game until I call you.” Mz. Giggles head game probably more than her body, had left an indelible impression on him.

The night prior I’d been informed by my wayward auntie that she was taking the rest of the weekend at the hotel due to my uncle extending his “business trip” out of town. She suspected he was trying to catch her cheating again, responding by calling up the PI my uncle initially hired to spy on her. Supposedly he was going to sweep their home for cameras and listening devices with a few friends. She was paying with her money from this shoot and getting some on the backend from her sugar daddy overseas.

“So, did your sugar daddy like the private show?” I asked setting up shop at the desk on one side of the bed.

“Too much, I’m kind of worried because he kept talking about how I looked taking your friend in there’s big black cock; probably talking about it a bit too much for my tastes.”

“So, we’re still doing an epic shoot, right?”

“Well you bring me such nice things; how could a girl refuse an accommodating fellow like yourself?” She chuckled at her own wit, making me laugh a bit as I set up a ring light.

My gaze found its way to her wide rear expanse laid bare to the ceiling. Her small waist was possibly smaller in her youth, but now was visibly softer looking with muted love handles offset by the sheer volume of everything beneath it. It’s earthen almost orangish tone with the lattice of semi-faint stretchmarks was a certification of its authenticity. Her heels were tapping my crotch as I set up at the edge of the bed prompting her to glance back at the bulge in my pants.

“Aw, looks like somebody wants to get in the action too, ain’t that right?”

Both of my hands landed on her huge, elongated buttock in this very loud stereo quality slap.

“Kiss this ass.” Mz. Giggles shot backwards up on all fours with the deepest of arches in her lower back making her country fried butt look massive from my point of view.

Her bare peach was staring me right in the face and I made sure to look around at the bedroom across the suite and the master bathroom where Jaquan was showering while slipping fingers inside. We’d talked it over the night prior while I worked on my editing bay deciding to keep our clandestine connection private to everybody else involved in the shoot. Jaquan was from my mother’s side of the family while Esther married into my father’s side through my ghetto rich uncle. It was truly scandalous.

There was no doubt what she wanted, getting it in spades when my fingers pressed into her secret spot getting an instant reaction with a sustained roll of her wide hips. I leaned forward planting my lips on her left buttock as I went to work jilling her hard enough to make her almost cream on command. This breathy gasp escaped her big plush lips.

“Better keep it down or I won’t be able to give you a treat without them interfering.” I cautioned, looking towards the main bathroom as the shower stopped. She cupped her mouth with both hands nodding as I fingered her nearly to distraction. I planted a few more kisses on her cheeks before withdrawing my offending digits, making her look back at me again.

“I think you’re ready; want me to send him in here?”

Mz. Giggles started nodding profusely, completely tuned up and ready to savage my cousin Jaquan like she’d done Andre a day earlier. We agreed to continue the shoot to a second day after she’d been thoroughly rodded out by Andre’s monster pecker. The theme of escalation would continue as I walked over to the main bathroom adjusting myself so not to arouse suspicion on my cousin’s part. She was up on all fours with a hand between her thick legs rubbing and fingering herself.

“YOU CALLING ME?!!” Jaquan stuck his head out like a rooster before I even reached the door.

I took another liberty laying a light smack to this cheek with my secret motivation steeped in the fact that he thought I would pimp out some girl I met in the park. Considering my humble origins, that was still too bold of a leap even for me.

“Just walk to the edge of the bed and let her do the rest, don’t talk.”

Thankfully he ignored the sleight on my part opening the bathroom door in grand fashion with a towel draped around his pelvis with his herculean physique on display. I was given the impression he thought this would impress her along with the sunglasses he retained as he walked stiff butt across the suite to the edge of the bed. My lothario relative had taken the time to oil himself down, making me cringe.

Mz. Giggles went from all fours to an upright kneel as he approached looking him over approvingly. He was about to start talking but I shushed him with a wagging finger then pressed to my lips reminding him nonverbally of our agreement. Jaquan nodded to me off camera, then looked at her face as she handled his shoulders and biceps marveling at the detailed musculature before flattening her palms against his defined pecs. I had a mounted camera beside the one I was using handheld.

My auntie proved to be highly adept at disappearing inside her character leaning in with her big plush lips at the forefront coated with glistening candy apple lipstick. It appeared as if she were going to kiss him, possibly make out with her stud; at the last instant she went after his pec flicking her tongue on it outright suckling and slurping his left nipple while flicking the opposite nipple with her pointer finger. She was really getting into it with these breathy moans and gasps as she got wet and sloppy.

Jaquan surprised her by sprouting a twelve inch steel bar that parted the towel tied around his waist. His manhood was caught on my camera unfurling into a thick veiny rod with a slight curve at the end of it. I managed some good coverage of his uncircumcised member the reddish purple looking crown bulged out of the fleshy hood looking like some weird pool ball visibly glistening. Mz. Giggles glanced down at it then looked into his eyes as she cupped the underside of his shaft in her palm, just letting it rest there for effect.

I snapped a few stills of this for their artistic value as she leaned into finally making out with Jaquan hungrily. The minute they started really getting into it, her hand wrapped lightly around his tumescence long stroking his twelve inches with a slow methodical flick of the wrist. She took him from base to stem teasing the sticky crown under thumb as she worked that long cow-like tongue inside his mouth. I watched Jaquan’s eyes become watery slits as she made out gradually stroking him harder working the excess foreskin on his meat until the crown was fully exposed.

Mz. Giggles broke contact with those big lips looking down at his wealth of meat captured in her fist. She opened her fingers using the tips to cup the underside of his large sack. That educated hand graduated to squeezing, massaging and rolling his balls as he timidly cupped a breast lightly pinching the nipple. The southern born vixen used that oversized tongue to lick one side of his face eventually tracing the jawline back to his lips. Jaquan went with it caught up in her wake as she pinched his nipples hard enough to elicit a whimper from that tiny bit of acute pain.

Both of his hands went to her large breasts cupping them from underneath squeezing them hard before he went after her nipples nursing from each one individually and collectively. Her tits were semi-solid giving a hint of her age, but he was long gone mentally letting nature take its course. She tilted her chin upward looking at the ceiling wrapping her arms around his head in nurturing fashion. Mz. Giggles went the extra mile mashing his head against Jaquan’s cheeks before pushing her nipples into his mouth. His loud audible slurps filled the suite as we nipped and pulled distending the plump nubs a few times.

Mz. Giggles pushed away reaching down whipping the towel from his waist tossing it aside with flair. Her hands were cupping his pecs subtly directing him to straighten his back so that she could nuzzle the underside of his chin lapping at his throat before licking a slimy trail down his sternum and abdomen to his crotch getting on all fours again.

“Ah! Ah fuck, that’s… incredible!” He remembered himself looking at me out the corner of his eye for a brief moment, then down at most of his endowment buried in Mz. Giggles gullet. Her overtures were accompanied by this sort of gurgled sound as if she were choking. The camera caught a deluge of foamy drool running off her plush bottom lip to the edge of the mattress below. I caught this in a tight closeup emphasizing those big inflatable lips as they quickly gulped and slurped on his meat, cheeks inverting hard.

I barely realized she was bobbing back and forth horizontally sucking him off in syrupy fashion. Mz. Giggles looked great in a side view profile while my mounted camera caught the action from behind with her huge derriere perfectly framed. I let the atmosphere carry me as well drifting closer bedside getting a much better shot of her servicing Jaquan. From the point of view just off to his left side, her huge earthen hued derriere looked incredible. I was already editing it in my mind.

His bulbous knob tapped her big lips spreading his copious precum about intermittently disappearing into her mouth in intervals as her tongue appeared lapping and licking all over the brown tickling the slit. The upper portion pushed against her lips breaching her mouth as her somewhat jowly cheeks inverted hard with this loud sustained slurp. She held that hard suction making him yowl and hump her face as she sucked even harder. His prick poked the inside of her cheek a few times, then harmonica rubbed her fat lips lengthwise before gagging her with almost half the length.

Mz. Giggles lurched forward trying to take all of him on all fours but was only a third and a half. She bounced horizontally on her haunches palms flattened against the bedding. I watched and filmed her basically fucking him with her mouth. Jaquan cupped the underside of her chin driving his cock in and out of her mouth as more frothy saliva and precum ran off her chin dotting her cleavage. Both of them got progressively animalistic until he was fucking her face at a nice clip. The audio was off the charts.

Eventually she was obliged to pull backward coughing profusely before kneeling upright again, gasping. They exchanged glances as she tucked her chin letting a steady stream of saliva run from her lips down onto her breasts as she cupped and jiggled them playfully. Jaquan’s head followed the motion of her bouncing tits, and it didn’t go unnoticed as she jiggling them collectively, then individually. Mz. Giggles mashed her breasts together repeatedly getting these oily splashes of moisture.

She dropped both hands making her slightly sagging tits jiggle and bounce using both hands to cover her muff rubbing her slit. Her mound was hidden from view, but her fingers could be seen moving with machine like proficiency. Mz. Giggles educated tongue appeared licking her lips with a sensual moan that broke my cousin spectacularly. His trembling hands went to her torso drawing the woman close enough so that he could lean around running his hands over the upper swell of her enormous cheeks.

She inched closer as he wrapped his arms around the middle of her back until her huge buttocks could be handled at the deep undercuff where the bottom met the top of her thighs. Jaquan’s strength came into play as he literally lifted her into the air parting her cheeks which also caused her slit to part. I got a great shot of his crown poking at her folds eventually starting to slip inside. Once the upper third was embedded, Jaquan let Mz. Giggles weight do the rest as she slid down into the base of his cock impaled.

This throaty groan escaped her in haunting fashion as she wrapped her arms around his neck holding on for dear life. It was my cousin’s turn to stunt as he dipped giving her a healthy bounce on his junk before sliding his hands to the back of her knees. Mz. Giggles weight became a factor as her monster butt was forced down airtight on his cock by gravity itself. A second breathy gasp erupted from the southern mature as she tightened her grip around his neck starting to bop and bounce on twelve inches of meat.

A pang of jealousy ran through me for the second time in two days as I realized my cousin and Andre were engineered to handle women like this while I was decidedly just above average. For some reason I fleetingly felt guilty for not getting a quick run on the track earlier as I watched Jaquan doing his become the personification of the cock carousel. Unfortunately, these thoughts came with mind movies of him and Yoli. I’d walked in at the tail end of him smashing what I clandestinely thought would be my girlfriend at some point. That fateful afternoon, I’d been disproven in apocalyptic fashion with the revelation she’d knowingly ditched me to fuck my cousin.

That day was the genesis of what would become Ms. One.

For me, it was the look on that yellow bone’s face that really did me in that afternoon. Yeah, it was grimy as fuck on both of their parts, but that motherfucking euphoric expression on Yoli’s goofy face stayed with me popping up at inopportune moments, specifically when I was alone with Jaquan. It was work to keep that part of me submerged. In the moment I caught him waxing her cheeks, I knew I’d have to find a way to walk it off to save face. In that moment I knew his Achille’s heel would always be found between the legs of a woman.

His infamous baby mama number two was also in the know in that regard, fully giving up on him in that instant of heart shattering discovery.

Now much later I was doing what she’d done; using him as I living prop for my own ends and much more. My auntie sought to “get me involved” after I’d accidentally overheard her true feelings about my uncle barely realizing I wasn’t overly fond of the man from day one. It worked out when she sought a hookup so that we’d be intertwined, utterly compromised by our loins. Her gambit was supposed to keep me silent, but I was more of a business man; maybe more of an online carnie in some respects. Mz. Giggles was born that fateful afternoon. She was born the moment she saw the money pouring in on my cashapp.

Today I intended to use them both to help a brother in the struggle, Andre 13.5. My lovely country thick auntie was one hell of a carrot for a doggish relative led around by his juvenile libido. I was in control.

Her thick gams coiled around Jaquan interlocking in the small of his back. The move wedged them tightly together as evidenced by the visible flexing in her thighs and powerful calves. I got a great low angle shot of her big semi-thick badonkadunk pressed hard into his crotch as both groaned. Mz. Giggles was starting to go into the throes of an impending orgasm as his knees buckled. They toppled onto the bed almost destroying it with their combined weight. This loud shriek erupted from my auntie upon impact.

“GIMME THIS GHUD PUSSEE!! GIMME!! GIMMEE GIRL!! AH!! AH!! AH SHIT THIS SOME GHUD-GHUD!!” Mz. Giggles found herself pinned to the mattress balls deep by his pistoning twelve inches. This homegrown Mandingo was whimpering and whining loudly as his butt became this blur of motion giving her the business. Mz. Giggles face twisted into an ugly grimace akin to some in the midst of childbirth enduring the incessant thumping and bottoming out of her mature box.

I was obliged to continue the low camera angle in service of the narrative finding that it looked as if Jaquan was twerking in manic fashion trying to make my auntie another one of his baby mammas. He was dropping blockbuster shots into her honeypot like he was drilling for oil. This was confirmed by the thick milky residue coating his member which contrasted with his nearly coal darkened skin tone. Only her own thick frame kept my auntie from being rag dolled all over the mattress. Mz. Giggles was holding on for dear life with all four of her limbs tightly wrapped around his body.

Her heels were prodding his buttocks in a fashion similar to a jockey using spurs to get a stallion to run faster. This guy’s rod was stretching her out properly, a bit thicker than Andre 13.5 who eclipsed him in length while he outclassed his rival in girth. I chuckled to myself silently remembering her comments about going to divorce court in a wheel chair. It seems my auntie had spoken word into reality on the business end of Jaquan’s irredeemable monster prick. The man was beating the shit out of her box.

There was telling whether or not he’d cum because their bumping uglies were a gooey, soapy mess loudly clapping and slapping together in perfect sync. Mz. Giggles was being bred with extreme prejudice as he fucked her cunt like an escaped con. I could see goosebumps on her legs, also noticing the very slight hairs on her forearms standing up as she went into hysterics trembling and shivering as if she’d been tased.

“AW SHIT!! THAT’S IT RIGHT THUR!! YOU EATING MY DICK!! AW SHIT!! YOU CHEWING ON IT BABY!!” Her nails dug trenches into his back clawing it up like some wildcat on a tear. The climax was so intense, Jaquan was forced to pin her wrists down next to her ears exerting visible force and using his weight for leverage.

This resulted in him rearing up in pushup position, then into a kneel with his palms flattened on her inner thighs leaving Mz. Giggles to cup, claw and mash her breasts together continuously as her pelvis wrenched vertically in manic fashion. Two thirds of his twelve inches were embedded in her snatch providing an interesting visual for the camera. I watched her flush crimson, then nearly orange as she reached above her head on the mattress grabbing the edge in fistfuls of bedding.

Mz. Giggles went into overdrive bucking and popping, eventually rolling and swiveling her wide hips as the climax took hold of her completely. This strained earsplitting whine filled the suite as she arched off the mattress frigging his cock a woman possessed. Bursts of moisture exploded from her slit in fits and starts under Jaquan’s gaze. He leaned forward planting his palms on either side of her head plunging the rest of his endowment deep inside her shivering cunt. Those thick gams shot up interlocking at the small of his back again. This time she squeezed with all her orgasmic might forcing him down on her body.

This position turned out to be mostly ceremonial necessitating a stationary mount on my cousin’s part as she rocked and shivered in electric fashion eventually taking an ear between her big lips for use as a pacifier sucking wantonly on it like some treat until he replaced it with his lips.

“Come get some of this mouth.” She spoke to him for the first time since he entered the room in-between husky sounding gasps stuffed to the gills. Before he could say anything, she wrapped her arms around his head mashing his face into her breasts as she craned her head staring at me. Her vintage Peignoir babydoll top was bunched up under her armpits and chin, but she peeled it off tossing the sheer lingerie aside. Jaquan made a meal out of her rubbery nipples and tits sucking like a newborn.

“Fuck these titties for me.” I couldn’t tell if she was in character or not; every word was labored followed with a lingering gasp.

Her breasts were large, slightly deflated but barely a match for his schlong once it was lined up along her sternum. She cushioned his member perfectly between her tits making them bulge as I squirted some lube on them off camera as he began sawing his member into her juicy, glistening cleavage.

Mz. Giggles started out using the tops of her fists to mash her tits around him, then interlocked her fingers trapping his cock in a moist embrace. The bulbous head of his member poked through timidly but got progressively frenetic as Mz. Giggles enticed him by moaning theatrically and using her big cow tongue to lick those inflatable looking lips.

His hanging sack was drawn back and forth along her abdomen but got closer to the jiggling bottom of her breasts when he went on all fours crouching over her chest soulfully humping them in measured long strokes. This droves the head of his cock into her waiting mouth adding an unsuspected layer to the proceedings. That tongue lapped, swirled and sucked on that sticky bulbous knob randomly slurping hard enough to make him cry out in genuine distress. This quickly graduated into Jaquan lying prone on her chest essentially fucking her mouth as an auxiliary vagina. Her skill as a head queen were sublime.

I chortled at the sight of my certified lothario cousin laying there face down atop those country curves lovingly humping and fucking her big tits and mouth all with big fistfuls of the duvet covering his face out of embarrassment. Half of his endowment was buried in her gullet with the rest massaged to oblivion between those sunbaked redbone titties. The sounds coming out of my cousin were almost girlish, definitely shrill in places. This guy was going so hard, his buttocks were flexing with each stroke.

“Aw shit, sorry Mz. Giggles!”

Jaquan assumed a keening open legged squat on her chest supporting his weight on the balls of his feet taking her mouth in earnest partially gagging her every other thrust. His right hand encircled the base of his cock with this twisting motion while his other hand pinched and rolled the nipple on his left pec. Mz. Giggles hands cupped her breasts from underneath bouncing and jiggling them together and independently. The visual was enough to boot him right off the precipice as he began to cum.

“AUG!! AW!! AW SHIT!! KEEP IT UP!! AUG!! AW SHIT BAE!! YOU UH!! AW FUCK!! MISS GIGGLEZ!!” He sounded like someone had shoved a hot poker up his ass while her lips pursed hard enough to make whatever he said afterwards, utter gibberish. I inched closer to the bed lining up the money shot.

I was unprepared for the loud, gurgling intrusion as Jaquan groaned shoving his cock as deep as he could manage creating this thick bulge in her throat for an instant, then withdrawing as auntie coughed like she had bronchitis. The head of his monster cock plopped out of her mouth followed by a thick milky deluge of cum spewing thick ropes all over her face. More of his semen spewed out powerfully wetting up her neck as his shaft slid along her breastbone. Mz. Giggles still had her large breasts tightly wrapped around his girth; fingers interlocked.

“Aw shit, I’m still cumming baby; you got that ghud-ghud Mz. Giggles.” Only the crown was visible framed in the top of her cleavage as he continued sliding his prick methodically until it disappeared from view still spurting light watery ropes of jizz. His greasy sweat covered balls slid along her abdomen as his entire twelve inch schlong popped free with a springy motion as he wrapped his fist around it jerking.

Mz. Giggles released her breasts laying on her back with her arms splayed apart, palms facing upward on either side of her head. Those big sloping, slightly deflated tits of hers flopped apart almost resting in her pits revealing a large watery splotch of cum on her sternum. Her tits were utterly defiled with bits of semen all over them. One nipple and its surrounding areola was glazed over like cake frosting, the nub almost looking like a candle waiting to be lit.

“AW, AUG, AW FUH-FUCK!!” Jaquan cried out in masculine distressed fashion as one last thick rope shot out of him like silly string cutting a straight line up from her muff to the underside of her chin.

She was left there all limbs spread out to the four winds, gasping for life giving air as he kept stroking.

“Let me kiss it.” Mz. Giggles moaned with a wet giggle as a stream of his creamy essence ran from the corner of her mouth.

Jaquan obliged tapping his member on her lips, running it along them harmonica style before she finished him off with a sustained slurp of his crown and audible pop. He slid out of frame huffing and coughing a little walking to the suite’s main bathroom.

“Cut, don’t move Mz. Giggles.” She just nodded laying there blasted out as I got a master shot of her body looking like the scene of a crime. I stood on a chair for an elevated secondary shot to complete this part of the shoot.

Even the large sunglasses on her face were slathered with almost translucent spunk.

“Are you good; can you stay there for the next part of my shoot?”

“Do I have to move?”

“No, but Andre is eventually going to turn you over; as a matter of fact, you can either act like you’re sleeping or actually take a nap.”

A big wet snore answered back making me chuckle.

“HEY MAN!” I slid the door open catching Jaquan standing there in his birthday suit looking at himself in the mirror like a diva proud of himself. He immediately noticed me snapping pics of him snatching a towel down covering himself.

“Shut up, you remember what I told you at the park, right?”

“Yeah, so.” He raised a brow looking irritated, post nut clarity.

“Come out here to my setup; there’s something I want you to see, negro.” I walked away without giving him a second thought past the bed and my sleeping auntie having a seat at my laptop. Jaquan followed moments later with underwear underneath the towel looking over my shoulder at the monitor.

“Who’s that?”

“Not important; would you fuck, though?”

“I don’t know, she looks kind of scrawny but cute in a bitchy sort of way. She’s kind of little, cuz; you check her ID, nigga? I ain’t trying to catch a case.” He reflected scratching his temple.

“She’s thirty-two motherfucker”

“Okay, is she coming up here or something?”

“I’m gonna fuck her with your dick.”


I shushed him motioning towards the smaller bedroom where Andre was sequestered, likely playing with his Nintendo Switch.

“I’m gonna catfish this bitch.”

“What did she do to you?”

I pointed towards the smaller bedroom again directing his gaze there as Mz. Giggles snored loudly with one hand across her abdomen.

“She’s an asshole that needs to have her fucking hands surgically removed from his pockets. I wanna make sure our boy has some leverage. I want him to be able to keep a dollar without her snatching it away. This bitch on some shit just like your infamous baby mamma number two, except she’s messy with it. Now are you gonna let me use your dick, or not?”

“You think you’re some kind of superhero for dumb niggas or something, cuz? The brother don’t care as long as he gets his fucking fruit loops in the morning; you really want him to have a pocket full of money when he’s soft in the head?”

“Yes or no.” I pressed looking him directly in the eye, stone faced until his shoulder slumped in defeat.

“What you want me to do, cuz?”

“Jerk off.” I put the camera in his hands motioning towards the bathroom as I tapped away on my computer making a fake profile to troll and catfish Andre’s malignant wife. After a few moments, Jaquan disappeared into the main bathroom to acquiesce to my wishes. I decided to take the opportunity to move things along walking to the other smaller bedroom with a head mount and another camera.

“Andre?” He was sitting in bed with nothing on but his boxers and some black crew socks. One of his toes was sticking out just under my nose earning a slap.

“YEAH!!” He perked up in bed looking like some kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I pulled the crappy sock off of the offending foot staring him in the eye.

“I want you to wear this head mount and follow my instructions to the letter; can you do that, bruh?”


Andre 13.5 was the perfect automaton for my intent as I started the second part of my shoot using his head as a mount for my camera which would be a point of view proxy for the audience. I’d continued adding to my equipment now owning a plethora of toys specifically tailored to my simple set-up along with some premium editing programs brought during online black sales. It was child’s play watching Andre mess around on his handheld console as instructed for a few moments, before setting it aside.

His field of vision mimicked those early slasher films from the eighties taking the audience along as her got up with his hand appearing in frame to push his bedroom door open. The rest of the presidential suite was revealed with the main bed in the center of the frame and my “sleeping” auntie. Andre’s sort of plodding walk was perfect for the shot as he approached methodically finding Mz. Giggles laid out on the bed. In my absence, she’d covered her face with a pillow leaving the rest of her spoiled figure on display.

His hand appeared again hovering for a moment, then withdrawing quickly as if frightened. Outside of the camera frame, Andre motioned towards me getting a tap on the bicep to keep going. I liked the natural look of his actions because it furthered the atmosphere of mischievous curiosity. His hand returned pointer finger extended poking the side of her right breast in experimental fashion as the field of vision traveled up and down her thick curvy frame. At this point I was allowing him to move instinctually.

That breast was cupped, probably because it wasn’t as soiled as the other flicking the nipple. A muffled moan and some slight movement caused that exploratory hand to disappear for an instant. It returned cupping the breast fully, then discovered some of the other man’s spunk soiling it. I watched Andre comedically flick his hand a few times, then absentmindedly rub it along Mz. Giggles abdomen ending up just above her mound. This elicited a breezy sigh from beneath the pillow covering her head as her legs moved a bit. Andre glanced at me getting more nonverbal cues to continue, turning back as she moved ever so slightly.

Her lower half had been turned in one direction resting on her hip. I watched her rub and grind those weathered, yet shapely gams together moaning even more insistently as his mitt sized hand returned to her abdomen. This time he planted his palm flat on her stomach tracing an invisible line that triangular area almost touching her slit before drawing back.

“Rub the kitty.” I whispered confident the unintended audio could be edited out.

She moaned when his rough calloused hand cupped her sex, middle fingers rubbing her slit. I watched her shift about on the mattress rocking her hips slightly sure she was now awake and covering her face out of embarrassment. Her movements were more deliberate, shifting as if she wanted to get away from his timid probing fingers. Andre leaned in more getting a knee onto the edge of the bed, more interested. I drifted closer picking up assorted moans and gasps along with the visual of her partially exposed face from the bridge of her nose downward.

Mz. Giggles drew her thick shapely gams up resting the soles of her feet on the bed with the heels close to the bottom of her huge butt, then let them flop outward splayed apart still bent at the knees. I made the visual comparison like it or not, to a frog awaiting dissection in a science class. Where I would’ve invaded her snatch with my educated fingers, Andre was much different in his approach normally being relegated to being a living sex toy. His middle fingers rubbed her slit intensely somewhat parting her generous folds accompanied by a sticky sound.

“Keep going, she likes it.” I whispered proactively directing his actions out of habit.

That sticky sound permeated the audio as I inched closer watching Andre rubbing and caressing her snatch, truly learning a woman’s body. My mind’s eye replayed that initial video where he’d been sexually groomed by Renee from the corner store to the floor of her apartment and beyond. Just about all of his actions were reactionary to whatever she was doing. Once his female groomer dropped the façade fully taking him, things shifted into second, third, fourth, and even fifth gears.

In other words, she got her back beat out with no fucks given as animal instinct took the normally reticent man wholesale. Afterwards, the tryst filmed and un-filmed continued until they couldn’t be contained anymore. The other women in the fold were brought in to enjoy the fruits of her labors having effortless sex with a well-endowed man that fit their desires perfectly. Andre 13.5 became the living embodiment of the proverbial “cock carousel” for better or worse.

Today I was watching a man’s sense of innocent discovery.

His wife Dayna was no different.

I watched the crappy videos and archived lives made to capitalize on his appearance, physicality and ridiculous endowment.

She’d turned Andre into a veritable “cash cow” for the worse acting as his handler, sometimes being abusive on camera in front of their audience. Everything she did, no matter how egregious, was swept under the proverbial rug.

Now “Da’ Wife” was on my radar.

His probing hand was covered in auntie’s juices as her legs flopped about eventually clapping on his wrist as he rubbed her stuffed slit graduating to a circular pattern. Mz. Giggles had become even more wet and gooey, audibly speaking arching up off the bed a little enjoying the stimulation. Her arms were curved upward hands hooked into the pillow covering her face in a death grip.

Some of his fingers were finding entrance inside her pot with Andre hesitating to look at the wetness on his fingers, rubbing its stickiness. Mz. Giggles groaned loudly drawing her knees up into her chest rubbing her inner thighs together like she was trying to start a fire. He became more interested using both hands to part her thighs exposing her glistening peach.

“Rub it harder, boy!”

“Okay.” He was kneeling at the outside of her right thigh moving his arm methodically.

“USE YOUR DICK!!…just rub it, but don’t put it inside.” Mz. Giggles was in the zone starting to direct traffic as I noticed some movement out the corner of my eye. Jaquan had come outside the main bathroom silently watching the proceedings. I still cautioned him with a finger over my lips, filming.

Andre stopped for a moment to casually remove his boxers dropping them beside the bed like yesterday’s laundry before climbing between her wagging splayed apart thighs. His thirteen point five inches was more than ready to impale her to the mattress, but he gingerly assumed a pushup position over her body. I gathered he was leery of the mess left behind by Jaquan pressing his cock lengthwise against her wet slit.

“Oh, shit boy, rub this pussy until I cum; grind me hard as you can, but don’t go inside.” She was talking more, instructing in fits and starts.

“Okay.” He replied with the same near monotone that I’d become used to since our first fateful meeting.

Her slit was one of the long variety with a wealth of luscious folds when parted that lean to a nice tight pussy once you were just inside it. It had a sort of conical shape to it, but I doubted it would remain in that enticing shape after being veritably resized by Andre 13.5 and Jaquan.

I watched him kneel there between her thighs as if he were trying to figure out how to insert himself, then press his overly long curved at the end manhood lengthwise between those folds she once described as a taco, before going into a classic pushup position. There was visible wetness on his shaft as he wedged it lengthwise. His own head mounted camera would catch a good portion of this intense frottage intermittently getting a closeup of her face reacting to having that fleshy steel bar splitting her lower lips apart, sensually grinding. Andre moaned, letting his mouth hang open as his buttocks flexed.

Both of them were feeling it with an audience of two, at least for a moment. Jaquan drifted back to the main bathroom, closing the door behind himself. I figured he didn’t want to watch something he wasn’t a part of on camera. Mz. Giggles drew her legs upward on either side of his pumping, grinding hips flattening her soles on the mattress working her hips in a counter motion. Both were huffing audibly.

They exchanged glances, then she looked away from his face in my direction with this indecipherable expression. I interpreted it as a momentary look of embarrassment, or shame.

“Get off boy.”

“Did I do something wrong?” He almost whined.

“No, just gonna make it better kid, that’s all.” She explained in an uneven tone.


“Yeah, boy.”


He reluctantly disengaged, probably on the verge of stuffing her full drifting to the side of her thigh, kneeling. Mz. Giggles slowly rolled over on her belly face down with her head hanging off the edge of the mattress presenting her monster sized rump which rose up in the air like twin mountains of thick, sunbaked flesh. Andre’s eyes went wide as he handled those jiggly cheeks using both hands to squeeze the closet one like he was trying to make it burst, then the other before spreading them apart to look hungrily at her openings. He left go, watching the buns slap together wetly before digging his fingers into the undercuff marveling at the weight of her cornfed cakes.

“Rub your thang in my butt cheeks; do it real good and I’ll give you something real nice.” Mz. Giggles matronly tone made it sound as if she were offering him a cookie or something. Maybe she was.

I went green with envy for an instant remembering myself and recalling a story related from her teenage years. Auntie Esther aka Mz. Giggles discovered a predilection for enhanced second base during a house party inadvertently crashed. Her partner got in the cheeks to spectacular results for both which she would habitually visit during her teen years near graduation with a few guys and one mature neighbor with a pocket full of cash. That predilection had gone forgotten for decades until I caught her in a clinch, in her own kitchen no less.

Andre mounted her thighs from the back with his thirteen plus inches resting between the buns. His extraordinary length parted the cheeks lengthwise making for an exciting visual. The view got more exciting when he mashed the warring halves of her derriere together hiding most of his endowment. The crown was left bulging out of auntie’s rear cleavage with the root exposed at the bottom. I had it framed as if I were shooting a tit fuck as he began sawing his prick over her rear entrance.

“Just like that.”

“Like this?”

“Yeah but do it harder.”

“Like this?”

“Harder baby.”

“Okay.” Andre’s hands despite their large size, were dwarfed by the big meaty, semi-solid ovals that made up her county fried badonkadunk.

“That feels…good; keep doing what you’re doing baby. Fuck my ass cheeks for me. Keep fucking’em real hard like that, I like it that way all a rubbing on my backdoor. Fuck this big ole booty with your thang. Oh yeah, just like that. You’re making me so wet and sticky boy. We might have to do something about it. Aw yeah keep rubbing me like that with them big hands of yours! Press harder! Fuck my booty cheeks!”

The matronly cooing sound of her voice was not lost on me as she talked him through it getting Andre progressively excited. She’d regaled me with tales of her past wherein her secret lover preferred sandwiching her cheeks around his cock fucking them until he burst only to ignore her afterwards. She chalked it up to her lack of conventional beauty eventually punishing him by taking another “lover” who ended up doing the same thing before she gave an interested neighbor “pay to play” options.

“Stick it inside for a bit, but you gotta blow your load on my ass, okay boy?” Mz. Giggles reached back grabbing handfuls of her meaty buns parting them enough to expose her glistening slit and a hint of the rich pinkness inside.

“THANK YOU!” Andre quickly hit it with the force of a battering ram, going balls deep with his equally large sack cushion between her inner thighs.

She grunted sounding like she’d been bludgeoned with a bat as he went prone atop her body partially hiding it from view. His own buttocks were flexing so hard, dimples were appearing on the surface. I got a closer shot finding the same dimples rhythmically appearing on her buttocks in profile. Mz. Giggles was flexing and massaging his cock with her inner walls. This resulted in Andre spreading his legs outward with both palms flat on either side of her head grasping the edge of the mattress fucking animalistically.

“AW SHIT!! AW FUCK!! AW SHEET BOY!! YOU PUSHING MY BABY BUTTON!! ITS UP IN MA GUTS!!” Those wet, hollow sounding claps of sweaty flesh on sweaty flesh inundated the presidential suite. I kept on the move getting a rear shot of Andre stuffing her box to capacity. Her cheeks were wobbling and bouncing all over the place, conforming to his probing hands as he pounded the snot out of her puss.


I couldn’t tell if she was trying to amp him up or if she were playing to the camera although I suspected the answer was somewhere staunchly in the middle. Andre was bucking and bouncing his hips wild enough that he was starting to get a little height each time before thrusting between those big buns.

“AHM CUMMING!! AW!! AUG!! UN!! UN!! UN!!” Andre barely got those thirteen plus inches out of her steaming honeypot, starting to fire multiple ropes across the bow of Mz. Giggles enormous rump. The stuff looked like silly string crisscrossing her shuddering buttocks like vanilla cake frosting as she jiggled her thighs making her cheeks clap in an audible twerk. Andre sat upright kneeling, still manically jerking.

Andre lingered there handling his horse sized manhood looking at his handiwork, transfixed.

“Shove it back in there.” A single dollop of cum dripped off the bulbous head of his chock splashing on her left ass cheek.

“AW YEAH!! AW SHIT BOY!! FUCK MY BABY BUCKET!! POUND ME!! BEAT IT UP BOY!!” He hit balls deep with the force of a freight train creating this series of crescent shaped motion ripples that radiated upward towards her small waist. Her legs shot out wide giving him an unimpeded stationary target.

“Cut.” It was useless; Andre was in the zone already.

I exchanged glances with Auntie Esther finding a glass eyed blank expression before walking over breaking down my mounted setup while they got it on with no fucks given.

“FUCK ME!! DO IT HARDER BOY!! MESS ME UP, THEN CUM INSIDE!! BREED THIS BITCH!!” I raised a brow, then glanced over towards the main restroom, curious. My gaze returned to Esther’s face again, finding it unchanged. Her disguise was on the floor leaving her stocking covered head exposed. Huffs of air escaped me as I wiped my brow walking to the main bathroom while Andre plowed my auntie.

“Hey cuz.” Jaquan was sitting on the edge of the tub with this guilty look on his face. I noticed he was in the process of texting, slightly noncommittal. He wasn’t fooling anybody.

“You jerked off, didn’t you?”

“Uh, fuck you; well, that’s what you wanted me to do, right? I mean, I can still get it up if you need me to bang that old lady again.” I raised a brow before furrowing both.

“You call Mintzy that when you banged her?” It was a deep cut directed at the landlady of his now defunct baby mamma number two.

“Who told you?”

“You did, just now negro.”

“Man, what’s up with you these days?”

“It’s complicated, so you jerked off, right?”

He motioned towards the camera at the end of the bathroom countertop, looking embarrassed. I picked it up but didn’t look at the footage right away.

“Hold that thought.”

I picked up Esther’s purse, unzipping and opening it peering inside. Jaquan looked as if he might stop me but remained seated as I turned to him with a static expression. I withdrew a large brown envelope followed by her phone. It wasn’t unlocked as I peered at her messages under his clueless gaze. My eyes met my cousin’s as I stuffed the phone back inside but kept the envelope.

“Cat got your tongue, nigga?”

Jaquan just waved me off peering down at his phone, now playing a game to avoid my static expression. He remained silent as I drifted backwards, opening the bathroom door peering out into the suite. Andre was in the process of blowing another copious load of jizz all over her enormous backside. He was still wearing the mounted camera totally engrossed in the sight of her glazed cakes.

“ANDRE HIT THE SHOWER!! YOU’RE GONNA GET SOME LUNCH WITH JAQUAN, HURRY UP!!” I shouted with some base in my voice nearly making him jump out of his skin.

“Okay.” He had the wherewithal to place the head mount on the desk before jogging off to the shower in the smaller secondary bedroom. I handed my cousin a hundred-dollar bill.

Esther remained on her belly, face turned away as I took in the damage, then walked over having a seat at the desk in front of my setup. I was determined to multi-task starting to edit the photos I took of my cousin, cropping out his face in several while blurring out the rest. I downloaded the mini movie he’d made in the bathroom after being stimulated by her coupling with Andre 13.5 at the conclusion of their own tryst. Her blasted-out derriere was oppressive in my field of vision affording me glances as I edited some footage of Jaquan playing basketball. Again, I edited out his face with a digital mosaic.

“HURRY UP ANDRE!!” I shouted, more insistent this time.

“COMING!!” He shouted back unnecessarily reappearing clothed, but still wet from the shower nearly running by me towards the door where Jaquan was waiting, knowingly silent.

“Damn bruh, you ain’t gonna be embarrassing me today!” Jaquan grabbed a towel from the rack in the main bathroom slapping it into the back of Andre’s head as he shot me a look.

“Outside.” I motioned with a pointer finger not looking as I tapped away with my other hand on the laptop. I waited until I heard the door close before getting back up to retrieve another towel from that bathroom after locking the deadbolt on the door.

I draped the towel over her buttocks before delivering a louder than loud pancake slap to those cornfed cakes. She immediately turned on her side ready to rumble, for an instant as the envelope hit the mattress right under her eyes. Auntie Esther found the same static expression on her face as her world-weary features softened. She picked up the envelope about to look inside when a single key fell out.

“Sheriff deputies dropped it off last night around eleven; old fool ain’t so foolish after all. Hired somebody to watch the PI that he originally hired to follow me. They probably threatened his license, but that’s small fry compared to what we’ve been doing. Got me a lot of fans and uh, simps on that there social media account you set up for me. Aw hell, maybe I shouldn’t have let you but I kind liked the attention, you see; been getting donations from lots of them guys on there and sending uh, reward pics back. Your uncle was a couple of them fellas; got myself catfished, boy.”

“What about me.”

“Don’t know.”

“Am I compromised, auntie?”

“Maybe, not sure quite honestly; your uncle sent me a whole lot of money over the last few months and bought up all that stuff behind the paywall. Damn sure he knows it’s you, but he ain’t said a thing, for now.”

“Goddammit.” I folded my arms tightly about my chest letting my head roll backwards on my shoulders peering up at the ceiling. The moment I saw the divorce papers in her bag, I knew I was screwed.

“Ain’t nothing I can really say; maybe we shouldn’t have been doing this stuff, making movies and all. I guess we should’ve just kept things private like, you know? I been with that man for twelve years, signed prenup and insurance policy for almost a million; that was his idea, by the way. I let him be the fucking King of Siam stepping out every now and then, but I felt entitled too. He can’t fuck right, and I just wanted mine too. Felt it was uhm, fair trade…and now I’m replaced. He took me off that policy, but I don’t care, never did. I got plenty of money and had it before that sheik fella started greasing my palms for tail.”

I just stared blankly at her face as she explained her life spiraling out of control.

“That old man loves rachet women; strippers are his thing because he can get a preview of them naked bodies without having to do the whole wine and dine thing. Heck, I was doing some dancing after losing my cushy job and we never would’ve met otherwise. Fuck, he was cheating first, but that ain’t no excuse boy. I had me like two fellas, just one of them trying to get me to leave your uncle, but I never did. So, he left me for a woman who could give him uh, her undivided attention. That day you eavesdropped, was when he dumped me. I was talking to my girlfriend about it when you decided to peek in that window.”

“So, what now Auntie?”

“The key here, is for the storage unit all my shit been packed up and put in; yeah, he pulled in and hit that shock and awe using the same people I paid to clean out the garage that day we done our first shoot. They probably snitched too for all I know, but he don’t know I got my ducks lined up right after midnight with my good ole’ sugar daddy. Already got me a condo to stay at in a cushy neighborhood down there in Virginia; fucking already furnished too. Not bad for an old country girl done hit the wall a long time ago; and I got you to thank for it, boy. Guess I’m sorted out before it even started. I’m just gonna sign them there papers, uncontested.”

“So, I am compromised.”

“Guess so.”

“Were you gonna tell me?”

“I suppose…but, I thought we could do a whole lot of stuff for your website before I have to leave. Well, I’ve got this hotel room for the rest of the week so I can clean up any loose ends; so uh, we can do anything you want, right? I’m one of your stars on that website, I got the numbers, and you can even keep my cut. Hell, you already live in your own house and take care of yourself; what do you care what other people think, huh?”

“Fuck me.” I facepalmed leaving my hand in front of my face unable to answer back in the moment as she wearily got up walking past me to the main bathroom.

I looked up with tears in the corners of my eyes thinking of my mother in the moment.

It was the second time I was doxed.

I vowed it would be the last until I decided to go public as I dialed up my cousin.

“Hey, I was just about to call you; I’m getting a few pizzas. Are you good with that or do you want something else?” The weird breezy sound in his voice reminded me of the moment I’d been ostracized from his peer group over a year ago. Jaquan was a stupid liar and usually folded under peer pressure.

“Deep dish…hey man, were you gonna tell me about the shit, motherfucker?”

There was a dead silence from his end of the phone.


“Well uhm, I got some texts from your mom, but I ain’t answered them.”

“That’s real good you ain’t answered them shits, bruh; I hate that I’ve gotta ask, but you my nigga, right?”

“Uh, yeah man; I got you, cuz.”

“Good because I ain’t the type of nigga to remind you that I’ve got the lion’s share of your unedited footage fucking a whole lot of bitches with me in the fucking frame. Ain’t nobody gonna be snitching or throwing me under the bus, especially since all this shit was their baby mamma’s motherfucking idea. I ain’t that type of nigga to be all performative and remind you that it went sideways because you ran up in a certain yellow bone while you were banging said baby mamma, either! I definitely ain’t gonna remind you what happened last time you popped up in front of my radar and got tazed.”

“Hey man…”

“Hey nothing; you’re going to tell my mother this prepared motherfucking statement and nothing else. Next time she calls you, and I know she will, negro; you’re going to say that you don’t know shit. YOU DON’T KNOW SHIT JAQUAN!! Make her believe you’re that dense. It’s not that hard, believe me. I already believe it, negro.”

“You ain’t gotta threaten me, bruh.” He was almost whimpering, making me even angrier.

“Did you hear what the fuck I said, Jaquan?”


“You don’t know shit; now get me a large deep dish stuffed with pepperoni and tomatoes. Get some sides and make sure you hook me up with a damn salad. Andre can have a fucking kid’s meal or something. Oh yeah, bring my fucking change back with a receipt, nigga.” I slammed in his face or the approximation of it with an android phone.

I bent over faceplanting in front of my editing bay silently sobbing for a while thinking of my mother’s face that first time I got exposed. Jaquan’s infamous baby mamma number two was looking to deal me a knockout blow by sending Porsha Simms to my front door. I wasn’t home for the initial blowback especially since Porsha had degenerated into an out and out crackhead. The result was all the same as I was evicted and had to speak with my mother through a proxy, her boyfriend Gene.

“Oh well, time is money.” I leaned back resolved to avoid my inevitable excoriation by any means necessary and get on with my life.

The one positive was there would undoubtedly be no contact with my father whatsoever as I’d already been tangentially disowned. Of course, fate stepped in when I hooked up with his live-in “sugar baby” Erica Walton and his girlfriend, her mother Babbs Walton. Both ended up switching places and I’d been coerced with blackmail into banging the mature so that Erica could get back into the home after catching a case and an eviction from my dad.

“Aw shit.” I trudged across the suite to the main bathroom to get some water on my face. Auntie Esther was curled up in the tub sobbing. There was this sort of echo in the room that made it sound hoarse and masculine to the ear. Maybe her thick syrupy accent had something to do with it as she looked up finding me there.

“Guess I messed it all up, huh?” I just gave her a half smirk and sat down on the closed toilet.

“I’m over it.”

“I’ll make it up to you anyway I can.”

“I know baby.” I felt like I had to present a strong front as she dipped her head sobbing uncontrollably with her knees drawn up and her arms folded across them hiding her face.

I got down beside the tub turning on the water making it warm while I caressed her back with my other hand. My invasion of her phone yielded more information in the form of a texted picture from said uncle revealing her quote-unquote “replacement” as a last emotional jab to my auntie’s ego. The pic revealed this shady looking sister with a youthful curvy frame highlighted by some wide hips over a nicely cinched waist. She had a conventional look facially with a shock of dingy highlight brown hair that may have been an outright wig.

“I’m sorry boy.” The thing that stuck out was that woman sort of grayish skin tone and this big ass gap in her teeth. She was wearing a cheap looking pink t-shirt and some oversized gym shorts that formerly belonged to my Auntie Esther. Her ass was big enough to make them look honest. She wore flip flops.

“Stop crying auntie; only a fool would cry about a dumb ass nigga trading a steak served up on fine china for a turd on a paper plate. Esther peered up from the fort created by her folded arms. Her weathered narrow face was full of creases and her eyes were puffy.

“Thanks, but I’m no better than that hoochie, he got over there now.”

“Oh yeah; tell me auntie; how’d your sugar daddy arrive here in town when he wants to clap those big ass cheeks of yours?”

“Huh?” She sniffled.

“You heard me.”

“Uhm, he’s got one of them private planes like all the important people. Told me he flew in and took a helicopter here to some of me. I think he just says that to impress me, though.” She was starting to cry again, but I wiped her tears forcing a reassuring smile.

“Well, tell him to send you a pic of him in or in front of that plane and forward that shit to my uncle.”

“Aw, that’s kiddie shit, boy.”

“So what; you’d better do it or else.” I threatened.

“Or else, what?”

“You’re going to make us both look like fools on everybody else’s level when we know that shit ain’t true. He went dumpster diving while you can fly to Dubai or anywhere else in the world, on your guy’s dime. How does that compare, auntie?”

“You just wanna start some mess.” I understood her wisdom but didn’t care as the water started to rise while I rubbed the outside of the thigh facing me.

“No, I want everyone to know exactly who we are.” I had to position her legs straight in the tub starting to wash them and her snatch until she took over with a hand towel offered. I stayed there with her as she washed up intermittently breaking into muted crying. Her tears were wiped away each time they appeared.

“Uhm, you got me some real nice fellas to mess around with for the last two days. That new one today is your friend, right?”

“Cousin, on my mother’s side with everything to lose too. You ain’t gotta worry about him, auntie.” She paused for a moment looking at my face, then resumed washing up as I turned off the running water.

“For some reason, I feel like you got a handle on thangs; I feel like it’s gonna be alright.”

“I hope so auntie.”

I pulled the door up leaving her to clean up walking back to my editing bay setup at the desk. My heart started pounding when I noticed several messages flashing on the face of my phone. I chucked it into my camera bag having a seat in front of my laptop. The fake tinder account and others had come alive in the time I’d been talking with Esther. I dismissed all of them except for the one I was looking for. Dayna had blown up my DMs with messages and a pic which I opened.

“Got you.” It was a pic of her own diminutive butt, ghetto tattoos and all.

She was seriously interested in “Harry Balls” probably finding humor in the fact I used “The Real King Ding-A-Ling” as a subtitle under Jaquan’s pic as a personal inside joke aimed at her shitty online exploitation of her husband, Andre. We had a lively ten-minute conversation before I cut it short as Esther reappeared wrapped in a towel. It was obvious what was on her mind.

“You sing those papers?” Her expression changed.

“Why do you wanna know?”

“I ain’t trying to stop you; but sit on it for a minute or two and don’t talk to your husband.”

“I’m good with it being over.”

“I know but I want you to send that text we were talking about earlier.”

“You were serious about that?”

“Fuck yeah, I was auntie; at this very moment a shitload of gossip is running through both sides of my family probably about us having some kind of affair behind my uncle’s back, no doubt. I’m gonna have to be cool with that but it still doesn’t change the fact that he replaced you with a hood booger.”

“Hey now, you wanna meddle with my husband?”

“Ex husband.” I corrected watching her shoulders slump as she retrieved her phone texting almost on command. She looked like she’d been hit in the gut with a cinderblock at the revelation that her husband was two or three steps ahead of her. My mind was a few months backward in the past at the picnic in his backyard the day I first hooked up with his trophy wife. His disparaging words about my girlfriend Vickie Stone sight unseen lingered in my mind sporadically making me want to dent his chin.

“Alright I sent it, but I don’t know how long it will take to get a response.”

“Don’t worry about that shit right now; how’re you doing?”

“I feel like uh, God done blew up my skirt with a hurricane and I ain’t wearing no panties while everybody looking.” I leaned an elbow on the desk resting my chin on it, chuckling earnestly.

“You aren’t wearing any panties, auntie.”

We both chuckled as she walked over, putting a hand on my shoulder. My hand slid up under the large bath towel which was only enough to cover her huge butt halfway leaving her front exposed down the middle. I settled for cupping the deep undercuff in the middle of both cheeks. My middle fingers teased her slit enough for her to plant both palms on top of the desk.

“This been one hell of a weekend with all the screwing and everything; I think it’s helped me not go ham and drive back home. No matter how you slice it, we’re kind of the bad guys here.”

“Why do you think I want you to send that pic?”

“Oh, so you’re embracing it now.”

“What choice do I have? It’s time to stop getting carried along by the current; my parents know. That means everybody else knows some version of the truth. Me, I’ve just been holding water for various reasons and the more I do it, the more it seems like bullshit. I got into this shit by happenstance and I’m good at it, real good. If my father wasn’t a cheap skate, I wouldn’t have hooked up with his girlfriend’s daughter who encouraged me to make a sex tape. If my mother hadn’t left a nineteen year old me with my dog ass cousin to babysit while she was on vacation with her boyfriend, I never would have met infamous baby mamma number two, at length. If Renee had never taken me…yadda, yadda, yadda; get what I’m saying, auntie?”

“Damn, I’m sorry.”

“For what, now?” She’d been rubbing and massaging my left shoulder.

“All those times I called you a boy.”


“You’re a man.” Esther nudged my knee squeezing between me and the desk planting her huge naked butt down in my lap. My crotch was hidden from view, but I knew she felt my business well up on demand pressing against her slit. The only thing stopping us was my jeans. I half turned positioning her on my left knee as I reached just under the towel cupping and sucking her right breast. The thick rubbery nipple inflated in my mouth providing a chewy treat.

“Aw yeah, you been spoiling me all weekend.” Esther cupped my cheek with her opposite hand faux nursing me as I played, and vacuum sucked that nipple until she yowled. I fondled the other, flicking the nipple.

She peppered my temple with wet kisses until my lips met hers, then parted.

“Guess we should’ve done it in the tub, huh boy?”

I chuckled then undid the lazy knot holding the towel unconvincingly to her body. Her energy was warm and inviting while she read overtly demure as I captured her wrist prodding her lightly to stand up. My hands framed her small waist giving the soft flesh there an encouraging squeeze as I planted my lips on her perfect bikini navel parting them unseen letting my tongue dart back and forth. Her scent was there assailing my nostrils as she moaned rubbing the back of my head.

“I wish I was your age right now; we’d be running off to the chapel.”

“Shotgun wedding?” I asked after running the flat of my tongue up her abdomen towards her breasts.

“Heck no; after all the good loving you’ve been giving me, I couldn’t harm a hair on your head. I’d at least be one of them there side women waiting in my bed with the night light on hoping you’d slip between the sheets. If I was younger, would you make me a side lady?”

All ten of my fingers were outstretched pressed into her crotch, thumbs touching. They approximated the look of a butterfly for an instant before I slid them to the abundant rounded curve of her hips. Esther had the pure definition of baby making hips with a powerful frame born out of nature and hard work in her youth. I planted a plethora of light kisses on her shaved mound, tickling her clit a bit. Esther’s hand appeared framing her sex spreading it as much as she could vertically until that button appeared.

“I don’t care if you wouldn’t make me one of your side ladies; I give you a key to the house and my fucking car. You’re so good and there ain’t nobody can take it away from you. Hey, I’m not just talking about your loving; and I ain’t saying that because of what happened, either.” She cupped my chin directing my gaze up at her face.

“That never crossed my mind.” I drew her in close pressing my face into her tummy secretly rattled at my situation afraid to look at the face of my phone sequestered away in my camera bag. My hands cupped big handfuls of her buttocks.

I slipped a finger inside her honeypot getting an acute flinch as she reacted squinting with one raised brow.

“Guess them boys done bombed out my baby bucket for sure, huh?”

Esther shrieked when I stood up fluidly taking her into my arms like a newlywed. The shocked look on her face was priceless as I planted her on the bed gingerly. My eyes roamed over her body taking in everything settling on the stocking cap still on her head. It was sheer enough that I could see her salt and peppered naps, sort of naturally in these odd little twisty shapes. The southern girl was laid bare underneath my eyes looking unsure of the future despite not having a care in the world economically. She’d already landed on her feet but felt otherwise after losing decades of familiarity.

“Uhm, when you feel better; can I have sex with you before you go?” Her eyes flashed a bit of emotion.

“Sure, we can do it anytime you want; and even after I go to my new place. That sheik fella kind of weird wanting me to tell him about my uh, physical situations on that facetime while he jerks off. That movie you made with me, and that Andre boy got him excited. Said he wants some more, and he’s willing to pay top dollar too. He ain’t gonna mind me still working on stuff with you; and that’s a fact…aw, sorry about telling too much of my shady dealings.”

“Esther. ”

“You’re better than both of them boys you bought over here to fuck me; and on the lord’s honest truth. I was just uh, punch drunk…dick happy when I said what I said the other day.” She backpedaled verbally wringing her hands randomly tugging on a pointer finger.

“Hey.” I offered both hands pulling her into a sitting position on the edge of the mattress.

We exchanged glances, then hugged deeply as she started quietly sobbing with her face hidden in my chest. I didn’t say anything because I knew she needed it as someone started knocking on the door.

“Housekeeping.” I was thankful for the interruption, leading her back to the bathroom to make herself presentable before I left the duo of cleaners inside to service the room. I stuck my head inside the main bathroom finding her there looking at herself in the mirror.

“Hey.” She flinched looking at me with a hand pressed to her bosom.


“Cut that shit out; can you do me a favor, auntie?” Esther was already shaking her head with a heartened smile wide enough to make these deep-set dimples appear at the corner of her mouth.

“Sure can.”


“Huh?” She raised a brow.


It took her a minute to make the connection.

“Oh, yeah; alright I’ll let him hang out tonight.” Just like that we were back to some semblance of normality. I didn’t mind the blue balls collecting my pizza from Jaquan before we went our separate ways without much of a word between us. We both knew I’d punked him throughout the day and I decided not to push things further as we went our separate ways. Andre was left behind with Esther.

I packed up and hit the freeway happy to be returning home to edit all the footage, drama free. Once I was on the freeway, the weight of the world came crashing in on me as I made sense of my situation. It started out shady, but playful with my former auntie. Now, I was indelibly cast as the black sheep for all time to come. I decided not to speak with my mother and my father wasn’t an issue anymore. I had an angry chortle realizing he might catch hell from my uncle because he couldn’t get his hands on me.

Esther’s behavior had been overlooked by me for most of the shoot but came into play once I had a second to look her in the eye. It was the look of quiet realization that you’ve hit a dead end. It was a look we shared and part of a bubble that was becoming more visible with each passing moment. My thoughts drifted to that first incidental hookup with Erica Walton. I remembered the rebel spirit of it more than the sex itself which was decidedly subpar. She’d become much better later, perhaps out of pharmaceutical happiness. I’d missed the fact that she was positively sociopathic.

“No rest for the weary; shit, I must have angered the fucking gods or something.”

A familiar Bentley was sitting with its front end up on the curve further than the last time. I had my driver’s side window down with an arm propped up as I glared across the front lawn at the woman sitting on my front porch. I missed the good old days when I was blink, and you’ll miss it invisible to women. I was so far away from the assumed blank state personality assigned to me formerly, that I might as well have gone to another planet. I decided to be a dick, turning up my radio…loud.

Mrs. Gilbert was suddenly serenaded by The System’s “Don’t Disturb This Groove” as I had a slice.

I relaxed my seat leaning back as I finished off the slice watching her from my driver’s side window noticing that she was glaring at me intensely. There was no doubt in my mind that I was supposed to be some collateral damage in whatever she had going on with her adult daughter at the moment. Part of me wondered if she regretted releasing her daughter’s trust fund now realizing it was the only means of keeping the wayward sometimes villain under heel. I could tell by the pointed, malicious expression on her face that both mother and daughter were cut from the same cloth.

I cut the music snatching up my box of pizza underarm like a library book as I got out of my car strolling across the lawn to the edge of the hedges. Her eyes were following me while her head didn’t move. It felt like a lioness was eyeing me right before she pounced. It felt like a Mexican standoff as I looked at her face, then away chortling to myself before raising a palm.

“Ma’am, Mrs. Gilbert…Angela I’d like a moment to decompress before you do whatever it is you’ve come here to do.”

It looked like she’d come from the gym wearing a light pink cropped long sleeved hoodie that left her abdomen exposed. There was a narrow horizontal oval cutout that exposed the cleavage underneath. Her lower half was covered in some skintight gray leggings that stopped at her calves. I glanced down at the ankle socks and Nike Air Max sneakers on her feet. My gaze drifted up to her stern-looking face which made me crack a half smile as I took a seat beside her on my porch facing the street.

“What’s so funny?”

“Ah, counselor I take the fifth.” I deferred the question.

“I insist.”

I glanced over, noticing a bottle of Crown Royale on the outside of her right hip. Its royal purple cloth sack was half drawn down and the upper half of the liquor inside was gone. I placed the box of pizza across my lap opening it exposing the pie inside.

“Peace offering?”

She looked at my face for a moment as she took a slice.

“I still insist.”

“Oh, you’ll be mad; I’d rather not.” I shot back as she munched on the slice while I placed the box on my opposite side. The outline of her bust in profile indicated she wore nothing underneath. When she looked at me pointedly then down at her bust, I motioned towards the bottle. Angela smirked angrily, favoring the bottle before handing it to me. Her narrow eyes became slits when I flinched momentarily.

“Now tell me.”

“Well, uh, I used to tell your daughter that she looked like a certain celebrity. She already knew this because it happened a few times before, but now as I’m looking at your face, well…uh, you’ll be mad.”

“Samira Wiley?”

“You know already?”

“I got that down at the firm because of that “Orange is the New Black” show and the fact that I’m an attorney; shit got old real quick, but it lingers. I heard from one of my few remaining acquaintances the comparison was made at the party where my nude was displayed prominently. Heck, my first year there everyone kept calling me Cecily after that actress, even had my business cards printed with the name.”


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