The King's Knight Ch. 02 by Danaeluv,Danaeluv

The King glanced over her wordlessly, again no emotion on his face. He nodded once then proffered his gloved hand, she stared at it for a short time before placing hers over it. The herald announced their entrance and they strode into the room, greeted by raucous cheers and applause. Some blessings and jokes added to the cacophony of noise. The King led her to their seats over all and then gave a note of thanks and welcome. After the brief greeting, the food was blessed and the feast began.

Keela smiled the gentle smile she taught herself throughout, the one that she reserved for wounded animals and small children. She was not required to say any words and blessed the Saints for it. Instead she sipped sweet wine from a ridiculously ornate goblet and sampled the decadent fare.

One of the serving maids placed a wooden mug before her, emanating a warm, comforting and familiar scent. She glanced up to see the server gently incline her head to her left. The head-maid was there, discrete behind one of the entrances for the kitchen staff, she smiled with gentle encouragement. Keela smiled back, feeling her mood improve even further and picked up the mug in both hands.

She sipped and couldn’t help a low sigh of pleasure from escaping her pursed lips.

Spiced xoco, as it slipped down her gullet, warmth unfurled soothing tendrils that spread from her chest to the tips of her fingers. her lips curled against the rim of the mug and she sipped again.

“What’s that?”

The sudden question to her right brought her out of her comforting reverie, she glanced across to the King, his head leaned against his seat, he was watching her from under lowered lids.

“Spiced xoco.” she husked. He glimpsed at her lips again. She was about to place the mug down when he reached across and covered her hand with his. He leaned forward and brought the mug to his mouth. A tentative sip then, “Oh”.

He settled back into his seat, his tongue flicked over his bottom lip.

“It’s good.”

Keela nodded slightly and placed the mug down, she turned to her meal and felt a penetrative stare shoot right through her.

By the Piteous Saint. She squeezed her eyes shut then peeked in the direction of the stare out of the corner of one eye. The hulking fifth Prince of Cartine stood at the guest entrance to the hall, clenching and unclenching his meaty fists. Eyes burning with a myriad of emotion, all directed towards her. She almost cursed out loud as her newly gained calm felt the first ripples of unwanted disturbance.

I do NOT need this.

“My Queen?”

The King leaned forward, studying her darkened features.

“Is everything alright?”

A gloved hand covered hers, for the wisp of a moment she fell into the illusion that he actually cared. She slipped her hand from under his touch.

“Pardon me, O King. I feel a bit lightheaded and need to slip away.”

His eyes roved about her face and he nodded, pulling away. She rose swiftly and exited the Great Hall, the feeling of being tracked by a predatory animal burning between her shoulder blades and making her neck prickle.

By The Goddess. She was almost jogging when he hit the corridor leading back to her chambers. She asked not to be followed and slipped behind one of the heavy tapestries that led to a balcony. She noticed how overcast the sky was and inhaled deeply, savoring the cool, clean air.

“It’s going to rain, plenty and soon.”

A much younger Keela glanced off into the distance, the rumbling of thunder confirming the incoming deluge. She and the young lad from the monastery who asked to accompany her on this short mission trip sat silently on their horses, pondering their next move. Caught in the forest during what was shaping up to be quite a rainstorm was not an attractive prospect.

The young knight huffed, ruffling her shoulder-length locks. The nearest town was at least two hours away and putting together an adequate shelter would take more time than they had. She glanced down and her eyes lit up with an idea.


She turned towards the lanky young man behind her and winked at him.

“Follow me.”

She turned her mount and headed back in the direction from whence they came, but part-way they branched off into a faint track that led deeper into the wilder parts of the wood.

“Where…..where are we going?”

Keela chuckled, so cute.

“To shelter of course my good man.”


“Yes, yes, yes. Apart from good hunting, this wood is also known for rare, quality mushrooms. During the gathering season, the men and women who come out here stay in Jakobo Trees. Remembered passing a couple markers higher up in the trail, once we follow them we will be able to find shelter.”

Jakobo trees were large, hollowed trees that grew in a circle in certain parts of the wood. Individual trunks were connected to each other by large, horizontal roots. Older trees could be fashioned into living spaces even when alive.

The wind became more aggressive, causing both travelers to pick up their pace. The thunder which initially sounded afar off, felt as if it were coming from overhead and the sky became a boiling, dark grey mass of heavy clouds. Soon enough their place of refuge came into sight. Keela led the lad through a gap in the trees. There were several of them, each trunk served a specific purpose, be it for sleeping, cooking, even for storing livestock. They were able to strip and settle their mounts and scamper over to the closest living area, open the rough door and enter the gloomy interior before the rain poured down in seemingly endless sheets of cold water.

The room had a faint herbaceous smell and contained three beds, a fireplace and a small table with two chairs. Shelves lined the walls, holding miscellaneous material for everyday life. They were able to acquire a few candles and started tidying up by their light. The beds were already stripped of linens, so they lay the material that they would have used to sleep out in the open over the lumpy mattresses. After getting a fire going and locating the bathing chamber, Keela headed off to clean herself as her companion, Matteo decided to start a stew.

She announced her return to the room with a loud sigh.

“That was good, I feel like a brand new woman.” She smirked and hung up the cloth she used to dry herself over a chair which she pulled over to Matteo who was near the fireplace, watching over their dinner.

“There’s an earthen tub, it’s draining now and should be ready in a bit. Once you plug the drain with the stone, turn the wooden spout. Seems that there is a hot spring nearby, not sure how they diverted the water but it is nice and blazing. May just need to cool off a bit before you take a dip. I like my bathwater boiling though.”

Matteo grunted slightly in response and gave his stew a stir. It was by the firelight that she saw a glint on his finger.

“Hey!” She held his hand and pulled it towards her, she never really noticed or bothered to notice his jewelry before, but the make of the ring was simple yet familiar.

She studied it with a cocked head, “is this what I think it is?”

Matteo looked nervous and she heard him swallow.

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