The King's Knight Ch. 02 by Danaeluv,Danaeluv

“It’s an Ai’llugh ring, isn’t it?”

She looked up at him with fascination as he gently withdrew his hand from hers and wrapped it around himself. He nodded his affirmation.

Ai’llugh rings, at least genuine ones, could change a person’s facial structure, hair and eye colour. Some of the better ones could alter the wearer’s height and sex. They were rare and a treasure. They were also highly sought after by criminals.

“You are running from something aren’t you?”

He looked scared now, golden eyes hazy with apprehension.

Matteo joined the monastery staff about 5 months ago. He did odd jobs around the grounds and helped take care of the children in the adjoining orphanage. He was a tall young man, disgustingly tall; Keela had to crane her neck to look into his eyes. A skinny frame which, once matured and if taken care of would become a powerful body. A mop of thick, curly brown hair framed what was a gentle face. Not remarkable, but kind. He was amiable and helpful and loved to be around when the knights visited to hear stories or render whatever aid he could. When asked where he came from, he never gave an answer and was never pressed. Some people need to feel safe before they could open up to others and everyone understood that and waited for him to feel safe enough.

Keela peered at him curiously.

“Is it stealing? Did you steal something?”

“No,” he answered, in a shivering whisper.

“Murder? I doubt that you would murder anyone though.”

“No, not at all.”

“I hope it’s not rape,” she said seriously, brows knitted.

With that one he jumped from his seat, his denial was vehement.

“No. Never. I would never force a woman. I have never even…” he stopped himself and covered his mouth with the back of his hand, looking away from her.

“Never even what?”

He shook his head, “nothing, it’s nothing.”

“Never what?” Her eyes lit up in understanding, then shone with mischief. “You’ve never bedded a woman huh.”

The blush that spread across his tawny skin, from his forehead to his throat gave him her answer before the slight shake of his head did.

She smiled, enjoying his reactions.

So cute.

She cocked her head and studied him for a moment.

“Would you like to?”

It took him several heartbeats before the question truly registered with him. He stared at her directly, eyes wide.


He still asked as if he was unsure.

“I am asking, Matteo,” she rose up and sauntered over to him then gazed up into his reddened face. Her voice was low and sensual. “Would you like to bed a woman, would you like to bed me Matteo?”

She thought his eyes could not get wider, he started to twist his fingers and stammer.

So, so cute.

“You can say no, you know.”


“Ok, no problem,” she backed away from him with a gentle smile.

“No,” he stepped forward and grabbed her shirt. “I mean no, I don’t want to say no.”

“So it’s a yes then,” her eyes squinted cunningly and that wicked curl of her lips.

He nodded jerkily as if mesmerized.

“Yes, I want you Keela. I want to bed you.”

She giggled and gently cuffed him on his shoulder.

“Ok,” she looked around the room, finger on her chin, thinking. “You go bathe, don’t rush too much, I will take care of here.”

He nodded firmly, gathered what he would need and stumbled off to the bathing chamber.

Keela planted her fists on her hips and laughed.

“Ok then,” she slapped her hands together and rubbed them, “time to get ready.”

When Matteo returned to the chamber the first thing he noticed was the candles, he didn’t know where she found them all but they surrounded the largest bed which she moved close to the fireplace. The room smelt different, like roses. His gaze then drifted down to the incense burner that released the sweet smoke. The fireplace was now a mass of glowing coals, softening the lighting.

He stared at Keela who stood looking at him, soaking in all of his reactions.

He stared back dumbly as she was now only clad in her linen shirt, having abandoned her trousers in her preparations. It barely came to the top of her thighs.

He felt his mouth dry and cock stir.

“So what do you think?” She gestured around the room, “do you like it?”

His gaze never left her, “Yes…..I like it.”

She strode over to him, held his hand and guided him to the bed, nudging him to sit down.

“Now, before we begin, a few rules.”

His eyes never left her face and he nodded slowly. She sat next to him and held his large hand in hers, rubbing it gently.

“Let me say this first, there is nothing wrong with being chaste. If you were saving it for your special person or after marriage rites or even if you plan to take certain vows in the priesthood, it doesn’t matter, it’s a gift for you to give to whomever you choose, if you choose to give it. If at any point in time you have second thoughts, please stop me, please let me know. I do not want you waking up tomorrow morning with pain and regret.”

He smiled, “I understand, thank you Keela.”

“We can even postpone this for another day.”

He squeezed her hand in response, lowering his gaze to her calloused fingers.

“No, I want this.”

“Alright. Next, if at any point in time I am doing something you don’t like or something that doesn’t feel good or you need me to stop, tell me. Let me know. Tap me twice anywhere on my body. I will cease my actions at once. Again I don’t want you waking up tomorrow with pain and regret.”

She paused for his answer.

“I understand.”

“Good,” she nodded. “Lastly, let it be known that the Knighthood is my life right now, I have no plans for courting or settling down with one person at the moment. Our bedding will be for pleasure and fun, nothing more. We are not bound to each other as lovers, just friends. It is not that I do not care for you, I do and will treat you with respect and courtesy. Please do not expect more.”

He seemed to think some more on these words with a bent head, she gave him some time and when he raised his head his eyes were clear.

“I understand and I accept your words.”

“Good!” she beamed. She then leaned in and cupped his cheek, she kissed him softly, guiding his inexperienced lips with her soft, unmarred ones. With a peck of his lower lip, she pulled away. “Very good.”

She made him take off his shirt and lay at the center of the bed. She didn’t straddle his body but was instead on her knees next to him, leaning over his torso.

She slipped her fingers through his curls and traced his cheek with her thumb. She lowered herself and planted a soft kiss on his forehead, then the tip of his nose and mouth. She ended with a gentle bite to his chin and grinned at him.

Moving back to his lips she slowly kissed him, one hand gingerly stroking his hair. She led him and he followed her rhythm, sucking, licking, nipping tenderly. She prodded his lips open with the tip of her tongue which slithered in and tangled with his. Between the kisses, the sound of rainfall in the background was being gradually blotted out by the sounds of rough breaths and pants.

She was getting wet, just with his kisses and the feel of his large hand gently rubbing her back. She proceeded to dot small kisses down his jaw, leading to his ear. A soft bite to his lobe and she started tracing the shell with her tongue. She felt his body jerk and then shudder when she gently blew a puff of warm air over the area she was teasing.

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