The Next Day

An adult stories – The Next Day by tales_of_passion,tales_of_passion This is based on a true story. I only say ‘based on’ because everything that happened here took place more than fifteen years ago when I was in my mid-twenties (as are all of the other characters) and, to be honest, I simply can’t remember every detail, so I’ve used some artistic license to fill in the gaps wherever necessary. But the events, the emotions, the people and the places are true, reconstructed where necessary from my diary at the time, my messages, my emails and my photos, and have stuck with me like it was yesterday. My then boyfriend, now husband, doesn’t know about most of this, so here’s hoping he’s not a reader…

I hope you enjoy.

Morning. It must be morning. I was woken up by a shaft of sunlight falling across the bed, and for a blissful few minutes as a I slowly came around I didn’t know where I was or what I was doing. A faint headache suggested that some alcohol had been involved with the night before, and the noise of waves breaking in the sea suggested somewhere tropical.

Realisation slowly dawned that I wasn’t wearing any clothes except my necklace, god I must have been quite drunk the night before to get into my bed without putting any clothes on.

I opened my eyes with a start. Looking over next to me I could see a man asleep, naked too. My Partner in Crime.

The memories of the night before came flooding back.

FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! This wasn’t supposed to have happened. I went out for a friendly dinner last night having told my boyfriend that I loved him and not to worry, and ended up drunkenly hooking up with my dining mate, having the raunchiest sex imaginable. And to compound it I’d let him cum inside me twice, something I’d never allowed anyone to do ever.

I had to get out of there. I could rationalise cheating when drunk having been so desperate to be touched with my boyfriend so far away, but keeping it going in the cold, sober light of day would be entirely different – that would be a conscious choice to cheat, and something I would have to live with.

I crept out of bed and quietly took my dress and shoes to the guest bathroom for the suite. In my haste I forgot my underwear but that wouldn’t matter for the taxi ride home, I just needed to dress quickly and be gone. I could deal with the mess caused to my friendship later.

What did for me was the shoes. I’d put them back on and the noise of me walking out of the bathroom woke him up. As I headed across the living room and towards the door to the suite he appeared, naked as could be, at the door to the bedroom.

“Trying to sneak out without saying goodbye?” he asked with a smile.

Oh god, that smile. I felt my resolution start to waver a little.

“Er, no, not that at all… I just… have a thing I remembered…” I stuttered, my words trailing off.

He walked over to me, his semi-aroused cock swinging slightly as he did so. Oh god, that cock. It was perfect. It had given me so much pleasure last night. My resolution was definitely wavering now.

Putting his hand under my chin, he pulled my face to look at his and kissed me on the lips. I turned my head away, the last of my resolution pushing back, and he moved instead to kiss my neck while his hands held my hips.

“No, we can’t… I’ve got a boyfriend…” I whispered.

Oh god, my neck. I was wavering on the brink, my desire pushing all sensible thought out of my mind.

Between kisses he whispered back, “If you truly don’t want this, then you can walk away. Until then…” and resumed his kisses along my neck and jaw line.

I was rooted to the spot. My brain was screaming at me to walk away, but somewhere lower down was taking control and making me want more of what we’d done the night before. I could feel myself becoming very aroused, my body wanted him so much.

He moved so that he was stood behind me, his kisses continuing on my neck but with one hand now touching my breasts, stroking and lightly pinching my nipples through the material of my dress, while the other hand had reached up, through the slit of my dress to find my bare clitoris, stroking it gently. My senses were on fire.

I shifted position, parting my legs slightly and he took the opportunity to slide a finger into me, slowly moving it in and out. A soft moan escaped my lips, as I turned my head towards his and kissed him gently on the cheek.

“Can I fuck you?” he whispered.

I shook my head. “Please…”, and I moaned. “My boyfriend…”, and another, louder moan. “He can’t know…”, another moan. “Please don’t stop…” My head was all over the place, conflicting thoughts crashing against each other but all being consumed by the wave of my rapidly approaching orgasm. I wanted him so badly at that point, but I also knew I mustn’t have him.

I gave in. “Please… please fuck me…” I moaned, and he led me back to the bedroom, where I lay down on the bed and parted my legs, my dress hitched up to my waist. He climbed on to the bed, kissed me, and as I felt the tip of his cock at my entrance…

Suddenly the hotel room phone rang, loud against the tranquillity of the room. The noise served to snap my head back a little into reality, and I froze as my brain started to take over again. I reached my hand down to stop him sliding into me, although I didn’t make him move it away.

The phone stopped ringing as quickly as it started, before starting to ring again a few seconds later.

I put my hand to my face and smiled, saying to my Partner in Crime, “I think it’s for you.”

He smiled ruefully and climbed off me to answer it, and I could hear a hurried conversation. I’d taken the opportunity to get my dress back in place, straighten out my hair and in general try to look like someone who should be walking through a hotel lobby in the middle of the day and who isn’t a sex worker.

Coming back over, he said, “That was reception, apparently we’ve overstayed our check out and they’ve asked us to leave as soon as we can.”

I smiled, “Probably not bad timing… you’re naughty. Not a bad end to a very good dinner.”

“No, you’re right.” He smiled back. “Guess that scuppers what we were about to do. Are you leaving right now?”

“Yes, I think so. I need to process what happened here, I need some space to think. That phone ringing snapped me back to reality.”

“Can I see you later?”

“That depends on what you mean by see me later?”

“Well… I was thinking you could come over, I make you dinner…” and he smiled suggestively.

“I’ve got a boyfriend.” I replied. “As you well know… Last night was amazing, but… I need to process.”

“So, how about if seeing you later meant grabbing a relaxed drink? Seeing you later as friends.”

“It’s hard to think about that when you’re asking me while you’re naked, it’s very distracting, but I’d like that. I think. Text me where and when?”


And with that, I leaned over to give him a quick peck on the cheek, not quite resisting ‘accidentally’ brushing past his still hard cock, and left the room.

Leaving the hotel I felt a little overdressed, wearing my high heels and dress from the night before. But nobody batted an eyelid apart from one middle aged man who was waiting in the hotel lobby and quickly got a scolding from his wife.

Once I got home, my first priority was a shower. The hot water felt great, but even though I was still pretty aroused from my Partner in Crime’s attempts to get me to stay longer I resisted the temptation to touch myself. The previous night’s activities had, for once, satisfied my sex drive at least temporarily.

Having got out of the shower and put my running kit on, suddenly the enormity of the previous night hit me, and I felt sick to the stomach. I’d cheated. I’d crossed my red lines. I’d slept with someone other than my boyfriend. And I’d had four separate orgasms, all incredibly intimate in their own way. I felt like shit. Should I tell my boyfriend? What would he do?

But then… my boyfriend was thousands of miles away. How much worse was it really to sleep with someone, no strings attached, than to use a sex toy for example? And I’d been drunk, so it wasn’t the real me last night. Just a much more wanton, aroused version of me.

As I worked out in the gym I came to an accommodation in my head. A narrative that me cheating, while not ideal, was ok, that it scratched an itch that otherwise would have lingered on potentially much more harmfully throughout my time on this overseas rotation. That me cheating was a one off, never to be repeated. That it would be selfish to tell my boyfriend, that the kind thing to do was to keep it to myself. I knew deep down that I was kidding myself, that what I’d done was cheating plain and simple, but show me someone who doesn’t get by in life by lying to themselves and I’ll show you a liar.

When I finished my workout, I checked my phone and had two messages, one from my boyfriend, one from my Partner in Crime. It’s probably an indication of where my head was at that afternoon that I looked at the one from my Partner in Crime first.

Partner in Crime: Hey, really enjoyed last night. Still keen on a drink later?

Me: Yeah, sounds good. Think we need to discuss some things. How about that new place near my office?

Partner in Crime: Great, it’s a date. 7pm?

‘It’s a date’. Not ideal wording after the events of the last 24 hours.

Me: It’s a drink, that’s all. No repeat of last night. 7pm is good, see you there.

As far as I was concerned the drink later was an opportunity to clear the air and not let things fester after the night before. I wanted us still to be friends and the longer we left it the harder it would be to get past what had happened. But very definitely the drink later was only going to be a drink. There was no way I was getting into this any further than I had already.

I switched over to read the text from my boyfriend.

Boyfriend: Having a great time on the stag do. Hope your dinner last night was fun, sorry about me getting jealous – I just want it to be me having dinner with you. I miss you and I love you x

I replied quickly.

Me: Dinner was fun and don’t worry about jealousy, I miss you and love you too x

He must have been right on his phone though as he replied straight back:

Boyfriend: Glad it was fun and hope you managed to get tucked up in bed early. Plans for rest of weekend? x”

A tricky one. Probably best to keep as close to the truth without revealing too much.

Me: Chilled one really, just been to gym and not planning much later. x

I mean, strictly that was true. He didn’t need to know that I was meeting my Partner in Crime for a drink, as that was only going to be a quick thing.

Boyfriend: Great, I’ll give you a call tomorrow morning. Speak then x

Me: Great, speak then x

I felt pretty good about things at this point. Yes, last night hadn’t been ideal, but I was confident that I could keep it secret, that it wouldn’t impact on my friendship with my Partner in Crime, and that it wouldn’t impact on my relationship. Basically, that I could have my cake and eat it.

Evening came around quickly, and so did time to get ready for the drink. While I had no intention of it leading to anything, I still wanted to look good. The bar I’d chosen had opened recently and had a really relaxed vibe to it, you could go for a drink, some casual food, but it was generally pretty busy so had a good buzz to it. It was also very informal dress code which sounded perfect to me after dinner the night before.

I had a nice new pair of jeans that I’d bought recently, ones that fit tightly, showing of my toned legs and butt. I was definitely going to wear those (no harm in showing my Partner in Crime what he was missing out on), with a brown leather belt and a white vest top. Keeping it casual, on my feet I wore some strappy white sandals.

Having had to spend a reasonable part of the night before wearing the ugliest underwear that I owned, only for it to do absolutely no good at all, I resolved to go in completely the opposite direction that evening. Wearing really nice underwear not only felt good, it also gave me a lot of confidence and self-belief. I’d bought a matching pair of red lace thong and bra in anticipation of my boyfriend’s visit but decided to wear them that evening for the first time, knowing that I was dressed in a sexy way beneath my clothes was very empowering.

Overall, when I was dressed, I knew that I looked hot. But casual hot, rather than the classy hot from the night before. To finish the look, I applied only very light make-up and decided to wear my hair in a ponytail.

I decided to walk to the bar but got caught up waiting to cross the road at some traffic lights so ended up arriving a few minutes after 7. The bar was busy with a nice buzz to it, and my Partner in Crime was already there at a table. He had a beer, and offered to get me a drink which I gladly accepted.

“Champagne?” he said with a smile.

I laughed, “No, not tonight. A glass of white wine?”

We settled down with our drinks and made awkward small talk. It kept flashing through my head that this was the person that, not 12 hours ago, had been naked, touching me through my dress and damned near bringing me to an orgasm, let alone what we’d got up to the night before. I got the feeling similar thoughts were going through his head too.

I have to be honest he was looking good. Going with the casual vibe he was wearing long shorts and a t-shirt, with flip flops on his feet. The t-shirt accentuated his muscles underneath in all the right places, not that I was paying attention to that at the time.

The small talk died down and we sat there in slightly awkward silence for maybe 30 seconds.

He spoke first. “So… what was last night?”

I blushed. “I’ve been thinking the same. What do you think?” Put the ball back in his court.

“Well, I’ll put my cards on the table here. It was great. I had an amazing time. Not just in the hotel room, but everything before. I really, really enjoyed our time together.”

That got me thinking. I’d been fixating on what had happened after dinner and given no thought to earlier in the evening. It had been good, we’d really clicked over dinner and I’d not enjoyed spending time with someone like that in a long time. Dare I admit it, but there had been a very definite spark between us.

“Dinner was great, I think we get on brilliantly. And… later on… was also great.” I blushed again. “Really great. I mean really really great.”

“Ok, so we both thought it was great. Really great. That’s a start.”


“…and I’d really like it if last night wasn’t the only time that we were really great together.” He was looking deep into my eyes as he said this. “Maybe there could be more times that we’re really great together too?”

I sighed. “I’ve got a boyfriend. We agreed last night that it was for last night only.”

He took my hand in his across the table, interlocking his fingers with mine. I should have pulled my hand away but didn’t, his touch sending what felt like little jolts of electricity through me. His thumb started to gently stroke my fingers.

“What if last night meant something? We’ve got undeniably great chemistry, right?”

I looked at him and nodded reluctantly. Our legs were touching under the table by now, though I couldn’t say whether that was deliberate on his part of accident. But the body to body contact dialled things up another notch.

He continued, “And what harm would it do for us to explore that a bit more? He would never need to know, it could be our secret.”

I said and did nothing. Inside I was torn, between the part of me that valued fidelity and the part that was willing to acknowledge that yes, there was a huge attraction to my Partner in Crime that maybe could be explored in a harmless way.

“If you didn’t have a boyfriend, would we be dating by now?” he said.

I hesitated, “…yes.” I admitted. “I think so.”

“So why don’t we give this a chance. Explore this. See what happens.”

“I’ve got a boyfriend. I can’t be unfaithful to him, I can’t do that. Last night was… “, I searched for the right words. “… was a drunken one night stand, it wasn’t the start of something.”

“You regret last night?”

I paused for a long few seconds, thinking how to respond. Finally, I said, “No, I don’t. It was the best one night stand of my life.” I took his other hand in mine and looked into his eyes. “No regrets. But I have to be faithful to my boyfriend.” Trying to reassure him, I then said, “I’m going to be completely honest with you. My feelings right now, sitting here, looking at you, every fibre of my being wants to say yes, let’s explore some more, it could be great. But I can’t be that person that’s unfaithful, I just can’t.”

Quietly, looking away he replied, “How about being faithful to yourself?”

I looked at him quizzically. “How do you mean?”

He looked back at me. “You’re worrying about your boyfriend and ignoring your own feelings. But you owe it to yourself to explore this. What if this is it? What if you and me are meant to be? To fall head over heels in love? To grow old together? You have a chance to explore this, and if you don’t then you’ll always wonder what might have been. But if you do, you’ll always know that you tried it out, whoever you end up with in the long term. And it can be secret, we can make sure that no one gets hurt.” He paused. “That’s what I mean by being faithful to yourself.”

That resonated. It really did. Be faithful to myself. Try this out, and a win-win situation where I either confirm my love for my boyfriend or realise that I want to be with someone else.

I was wavering. “If we explored this… what would it look like?”

“You want it to be secret?” I bit my lip and nodded but said nothing. “Then we would keep it secret, even from your flatmate. We’re ok until she gets back tomorrow afternoon, but then after that we take our chances when we can. People already expect us to go to things together as Partners in Crime, so we just do a bit more of that and maybe rather than going for dinner together we go somewhere else more private. But if you want it kept secret, we’ll keep it secret.”

I realised that I wanted this, I really wanted it more than anything. Being faithful to myself, and in a perverse way by doing that also in the long run being more faithful to my boyfriend. But my brain was still functioning somewhere within this, and it was holding out for common sense to take over, even as images of that morning and the night before flashed through my memory.

“I… I don’t know… this is so much. I need to think.” I finished my glass of wine and stood up to go. I opened my mouth to say something further, but couldn’t think of the right words, so instead I leaned over, gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and walked out of the bar. My Partner in Crime sat there, looking deflated and resigned to spending his evening alone.

When I got outside my head was spinning with so many conflicting emotions rushing through it. Dominating them all though was the terrible thought that I’d just done something that couldn’t be undone, that there was no way back with my Partner in Crime having walked out on him. I realised that already, just a few minutes later, I was suffering from huge amounts of regret. What if he was the one? And was this going to be something that I regretted for the rest of my life?

I started walking down the street towards my building, then stopped and turned around, then turned around and started walking back to my flat again. I was so torn… turn around and that was it, I’d consciously, actively made the decision to cheat on my boyfriend. No excuse of alcohol. No excuse of getting caught up in the flow of things like the night before. I would be going back to another man and, without a doubt, I’d be doing things with him that I should only be doing with my boyfriend.

But… how could I forgive myself if I didn’t? Last night, even this morning, had been special. I hadn’t felt this feeling inside me, this longing, this desire for many years, maybe not since I’d first got together with my boyfriend. What if I was walking away from something truly special?

I hesitated, then made up my mind. Walking back towards the bar I saw him leaving just as I got close. Calling his name, he stopped and walked towards me with a quizzical look on his face, stopping a couple of metres short of me.

I stood there, trying to find the words to say, but despite my mouth moving nothing came out. I couldn’t think of a way to say it and ended up standing there exasperated.

He nodded in encouragement.

Finally, after maybe a minute, I said, “You… we…, ” then I took a deep breath and started again. “You can keep this secret?”

He nodded. “Yes, of course.”

I looked down for a couple of moments then looked back at him. “Well, are you coming then?”

We made it as far as an alleyway about 50 yards from the bar before we were all over each other, lips against lips, tongue against tongue, chest to chest and hands everywhere. The only thing that stopped us having sex right there and then was when a couple of kitchen staff from a nearby restaurant emerged for their cigarette break.

Laughing, we headed off down the street hand in hand and made it back to my flat before again climbing all over each other. Leading him by the hand into my bedroom, we fell onto the bed kissing and soon his hands were inside my top and mine were pulling off his t-shirt. Very quickly I then removed his shorts and underwear, leaving him naked with his hard cock desperately in need of attention.

“Lie down,” was my command. I knew that I looked good in my clothes and with my hair in a ponytail, and I was certainly not going to take any of it off yet.

I leaned down to kiss him gently but passionately, before moving to kiss his neck and ears. While doing this my hands stroked his chest before I kissed down his chest and his stomach. As I moved lower my breasts were now touching his cock which was twitching slightly in response to my caresses.

I moved down lower, kissing down towards his abdomen and around, but never on, his cock. This was my first real look at his cock and I liked what I saw. It must have been 7 inches long when hard, good girth but not too much. I was in between his legs and I could tell that he wanted me to go further, so I took his cock in my hands and slowly, very slowly started to move my hands up and down.

He looked at me with a look of pure lust on his face, I could tell he was hugely aroused, and I didn’t disappoint. Leaning forward I planted a kiss on the tip, then slowly licked the head before going down and up the shaft, all while keeping eye contact. He shuddered slightly as I did the same again.

After torturing him like this for a few minutes, I suddenly took him fully in my mouth while my hand moved to play with his balls. He let out a sigh and reached down his hands to the back of my head.

“No you don’t,” I said. “You keep your hands above you head, otherwise I’m going to need to do something about them.”

He did as he was told, and I returned his cock to my mouth. I wanted to give him the best, most inspired blowjob ever and started to work away, moving my head up and down and using my tongue to massage his cock.

I could tell that his excitement was building, little twitches moving through his body, and he started to moan as his orgasm built. A trick that I’d learned was to slow down at this point, which is exactly what I did. In fact, I went further than that, taking his cock out of my mouth and gently, slowly stroking his cock with my hand.

He was right on the edge now, and I could see him writhing as the orgasm built ever so slowly. All it needed was the smallest thing to push him over the edge, so after keeping him waiting I very slowly lowered my mouth back down and ran my tongue up and down his cock just once.

That was enough to push him over the edge and he came hard into my mouth, which I lapped up with my tongue. Ashamed as I am to say it, but god did it feel good to feel him cum in my mouth and to swallow it down. Even better than my fantasy a few nights before.

I continued to lick his cock as his orgasm subsided until he was too sensitive to take any more, then crawled back up the bed and lay down next to him, with my leg over his.

“How was that?”

“Incredible. Where did you learn to do that?”

“I was lucky enough to work with a couple of very gay colleagues a few years ago who one night told me drunkenly what works and what doesn’t. I take it they were right?”

“Definitely, that was amazing. You’re amazing.” And he kissed me again.

After a few minutes he leaned over and started to gently caress me through my clothes. He spent a lot of time on my breasts, and I could see my nipples harden through the fabric of my top and bra. He had a particular trick of gently pinching them, only momentarily, which gave me tiny little shoots of pain but felt good. “I feel like you’ve got too many clothes on,” he said, smiling.

“You’d better do something about that,” I smiled back.

“Gladly.” And he slowly lifted up my vest top, kissing down across my toned stomach as he did so. He then undid my belt, putting it to one side, before unbuttoning my jeans and sliding them down my legs. Sitting up, he took a long, appreciative look at my choice of lingerie. “It’s almost like you thought this might happen…” he smiled.

I blushed. “Of course not… what do you take me for?” But my own smile suggested otherwise.

He started to pull down my underwear, but I asked him to stop. “Keep them on for now. Please.”

“Ok, no complaints from me,” he said as he started to kiss across my abdomen and down to my inner thighs. By now I was on fire, the combination of my unfulfilled near orgasm that morning, the tension in the bar, the passion in the alleyway, and watching him cum from my slow blowjob leaving me incredibly aroused.

“I need you to go down on me. Now. Please.” I begged.

He pushed the fabric on my underwear to the side and moved his tongue to lick me. That first lick, the first time that he’d touched me like that, sent a shudder through me. “Please, more,” I whispered as he started to use his tongue expertly on me. Clearly while he’d only had one lover, he’d had a lot of experience doing this, and I silently thanked her for having trained him so well.

He was varying the pace, listening to my body and how it reacted, building me up so that I was close before letting me come down a little from the peak before building me up again. I’d already had several mini-orgasms when he slowed the pace right down, using a finger to gently stroke me while he asked, “Last night at dinner… when you shared your secret fantasy… would you like to be dominated now?”

I looked down at him, my mind befuddled by the pleasure he was giving me. At this point I would literally have done anything he asked, I was so turned on and so desperate for the orgasm to arrive, but also desperate for him to hold it at bay longer while I enjoyed the build-up.

“Yes…” I breathed. “Please… but don’t stop…”, and I moaned as if to emphasise my point.

“Ok,” he said, reaching for the belt I’d worn earlier. He shifted himself upwards, sliding his now hard again cock in to me which he used to very slowly keep up the pleasure. “Give me your hands.”

I held my hands up and he quickly, expertly tied them together with the belt before trying the belt to the bedframe. I was now bound to the bed, helpless to do anything with my arms.

“That should do for now,” he said as he thrust gently into me.

After a few minutes of gently making love to me in that position, kissing me as he did so, he pulled out again and moved his head back between my legs. He started the same pace as before, building me up and letting me back down again. I was in heaven, but desperate for release.

“Please…” I moaned. “Let me orgasm.”

He smiled at me. “I think it’s time,” he said. And he slowly increased the pace of his licking and stroking, so that when my next mini-orgasm started to build it kept on building. My breath started to become shallow, and involuntary moans escaped my lips. I could feel an orgasm for the ages building, and it suddenly hit my like a tidal wave, forcing a scream out of me as the spasms wracked my body. My legs locked around his head, trying to get him to stop as it became too much but at the same time trying to keep him going. Thankfully he did keep going, and the waves continued to hit me.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you…” was all I could whisper, again and again as he shifted up to kiss me while his hand gently stroked me through the last, dying waves of the orgasm.

With that he untied me, and as soon as he did I reached my arms around him, pulling him into me to kiss and stroke him. I had to admit that he was a great lover.

As we lay there afterwards, me almost too exhausted to move, I asked him if he could take off my lingerie now. He did so gently, slipping the underwear down and placing gentle kisses all around the area that he’d so expertly touched a few minutes before. He then moved to take off the bra, and spent a long time stroking and kissing my breasts as I lay there in a state of bliss.

Finally, when my strength returned, I sat up and asked him, “So, if we’re exploring… this.” And I gestured to encompass him, me, the bed, everything. “Is there any particular exploring you want to do?”

“Well… do you remember my secret fantasy from last night?”

“I do. Very clearly… you want to try that?”

“Yes… could we try that? I’ve never experienced it before and I’d love for you to be my first time.”

“How could I say no to that?” I paused and looked very obviously down at his cock. “You’ll need to take your time, be slow… there’s a lot to fit in there.”

He blushed. “I’ll take that as a compliment. Do we need lube?”

“Yes, absolutely. There’s no chance you’re going there without… I think my flatmate might have some, if we’re discrete she’ll never know.”

“Ok, how about you? Anything you’d like?”

I paused. “Two things… maybe linked? I need you to fuck me doggystyle like you did last night again, I don’t know what you did but you hit a spot that no one has hit before, I need to know if that was a fluke.”

“Ok, I’m not going to object to that. And the other thing?”

“I’m almost too shy to ask, but… the light bondage thing that you told me about with your ex. Could you do the same thing to me?”

He looked pleased. “Definitely… no objections there.”

“Sounds like we’ve got a plan for the evening. Before any of that though I’m starving, shall we order some food in?”

We ordered from a local sushi place and went to sit outside on the apartment’s balcony while we waited for the food to arrive. I’d got a bottle of wine out of the fridge along with two glasses and we settled in to drink. He’d put his shorts and t-shirt back on while I’d put on a light summer dress that I often wore during the weekends, straps over the shoulders and relatively short. I skipped on the underwear as it didn’t feel necessary and had let my hair down. I’d like to pretend that I’d just thrown that all together, but I’m pretty sure I was really trying to look as good as possible for him.

We spent the next while chatting, laughing together, and even recounting what had happened in the club the previous night and our detour down to the beach. It all seemed like a distant dream, but had happened less than 24 hours before.

By the time that the food had arrived and we’d eaten we’d managed to drink most of the bottle, and I was starting to feel pretty tipsy. As you’ll have guessed by now tipsy often equates to me losing my inhibitions, and this time was no different. I’d felt my arousal building while we talked, and by this point was very turned on.

Getting up, I walked over to the edge of the balcony and stood in front of him, pretending to admire the view with my legs slightly apart. As I did so though I stretched, knowing full well that that would pull my dress right up to halfway across my butt, giving him a view to die for.

Looking back over my shoulder at him, I saw that his eyes were fixated on the bottom of my dress and the partial view of my butt. He stood up, walking over behind me before gently pressing himself against me. His arms wrapped around me and he started to nuzzle my neck, while his hands started to stroke my body. I let out a quiet moan of satisfaction.

“Shall we move inside?” he asked.

I took him by the hand and led him into the living room and over to the sofa. With no flatmate around we had it all to ourselves and I wanted to make the most.

As we fell onto it, kissing passionately, I interrupted to whisper, “Shall we do your thing now?”

“My thing?”

“Yes, your thing. Let me get something.” And I hopped off the sofa, into my flatmates room, and emerged a couple of minutes later with some lube.

“You need to get my ready first,” I said, resuming our kissing. “Touch me.” And with that he slid two fingers into my wetness, leaving my ass alone for the minute. After we’d spent a couple of minutes like that, I said to him, “Now, try sliding one of those fingers into me. Behind.” He did so, gently placing pressure on my ass with one of the fingers until it yielded and he could slowly slide it into me.

I gasped at the sensation, the usual mixture of pleasure and pain, and told him to keep it there while I got used to him. “In the meantime, the least you can do is go down on me,” I joked.

He did as he was told though, and while he kept the one finger in my ass, he used his other hand to slide two fingers into the usual place and added his tongue to the mix. It felt good, and I soon felt an orgasm building. But the last thing that I wanted to do was orgasm before he was in me, as there would be nothing to look forward to for me.

“It’s time,” I whispered. “Pass me the lube.” With the bottle in hand I generously applied it to his cock, taking the opportunity to slide my hand up and down a few times at the same time. In my experience a bit of extra stimulation never hurt to speed things up at this point.

I rolled over onto my front, with my legs kneeling on the floor and my upper half supported by the sofa. I moved my legs as far apart as I could and pushed my ass outwards, giving him the best possible access as I pulled my dress up out of the way.

“Now you can,” I said, looking over my shoulder at him.

I felt the tip make contact with my ass, and gentle pressure being applied. He was being extra careful, which I appreciated, but as the pressure built and the lube did its job, he suddenly slid inside me by a few inches, which caused me to cry out.

“Are you ok?” he asked.

“Yeah… just give it a few seconds before going further.”

He waited until he felt me relax again, then slid further in until I’d taken his full length. He paused at that point, allowing us both to adjust, before starting to slide out again, building a slow, steady rhythm as he started to slide in and out of me. I reached a hand back to try to control the pace by placing it on his ass, but he took that as more encouragement and started to thrust harder. Thankfully I think he was enjoying it as I heard his breathing change, with the odd moan coming out, and he suddenly thrust hard into me four or five times and came inside me.

He stayed in that position for a few seconds, then slowly withdrew and leaned over to kiss me. I rolled over and kissed him back. “Thank you,” he whispered. “That felt fantastic. Was it ok for you?”

“It was ok,” I said. “I’m happy that you enjoyed it.”

He kissed me again, then said, “I owe you big time. Give me a minute to recover then I think we need to go through to your bedroom.”

“I’d like that. But do you think you could take a quick shower? I’d like you to be clean for what we do next.”

He looked confused, then understanding dawned as he thought about where his cock had just been. “Of course, I’ll shower now.”

While he showered, I took the opportunity to tidy myself up a bit before slipping off my dress and climbing into bed.

When he came out I was under the sheets, completely naked with my lower half covered up. He stood there in the doorway, also naked, staring at me with pure lust. “Wow… just when I think you couldn’t get more beautiful…” he said.

He walked over and climbed into bed with me, and we soon were locked in a passionate embrace, our legs entwined, our hands all over each other.

“Like I said earlier, I owe you big time. What would you like?”

I paused, then whispered into his ear, “Dominate me. Please.”

“You’re sure?”


“I’m going to tie you up, I might spank you, I might whip you, I might blindfold you, I will fuck you, and I might fuck you anally. Are you ok with all of those?” he asked, looking into my eyes.

I thought for a second, then replied, “Yes to all of those except for anal. It’s too soon after, and anal isn’t a regular thing, it’s more of a birthday and special event sort of thing.”

“That would be a happy birthday,” he laughed. “Is that a promise?”

I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment. “Yes, that’s a promise. I promise that on your birthday we can do anal, no strings attached.”

He smiled at that. “I’ll enjoy that. But yes, understood about not that tonight. Now, it’s not like I’m an expert in this or anything like that, but as I mentioned last night it’s something my ex and I got into. If you want me to stop at any point, just say. We don’t need a safe word as I’ll stop if you give any indication that you want me to.”

I gulped and nodded. This was getting interesting.

He stood up and went to my wardrobe, looking for items to use. I had a good collection of belts, so that was a good start, plus two dressing gown belts that were possibly a bit gentler for restraint. I also had an eye mask that was supposed to be a sleep aid but could clearly serve a purpose here as well.

“Put your lingerie back on, then come into the living room,” he commanded. As he left, I quickly found my lingerie from earlier and put it on, taking a moment to fix my hair in the bathroom mirror. I then followed him out into the living room with some trepidation. What did he have in store for me?

Along the ceiling of the living room was an exposed beam with various bolts on it. Very trendy, and also it turned out very useful right now. He had tied both of the dressing gown belts to the beam, around two metres apart. He had also from the look of it ‘borrowed’ a couple more from my flatmate’s room and tied these to one leg of the dining table and one leg of the sofa, a similar distance apart. I made a mental note to put those back once we’d done with them.

“Come over here.” I walked over to stand halfway between the belts hanging down from the beam.

He kissed me deeply, and as he did so reached for my right wrist, lifting it up and tying the first belt around it. He did the same with the left wrist so that I was stood in a Y-shape with both raised arms bound to the beam. It was comfortable, and I was relieved that if need be, I could rest my arms and rely on the belts to hold them up.

Standing behind me now, he leaned in to kiss my neck and shoulder, planting kisses all along. His hands meanwhile had both settled on my ass, one on each cheek, and were gently but firmly holding them. “Can I tie your legs too?” he asked quietly. I nodded.

He lowered himself to his knees, planting kisses down my back and on my ass as he did so before he reached down to tie first one, then the other ankle to the two belts lower down. He’d tied me tight, but my feet were around sixty or seventy centimetres apart so it was still easy to stand. I was now bound there, standing, unable to move my arms or legs.

Walking round in front of me I felt his hard cock brush against me as he looked me in the eyes. In his hands was the blindfold, which he placed on my head. “Trust me,” he said before he slipped the blindfold down over my eyes.

I couldn’t see a thing, but my other senses started to take over. I could hear him walking around, and a shuffling noise from the other side of the room. I could smell his deodorant, and could tell when he walked back over as the scent got stronger again. And my sense of touch was alive to everything, the light breeze playing across me through the open balcony door, cooling me down and building the anticipation.

SMACK! From nowhere, I felt a sharp crack on my butt. SMACK! SMACK! I tried to jump in surprise but instead think it was shown as a jerking motion in my restrained state.

“Was that ok for you?” he asked. “Softer? Harder?”

“Perfect,” I replied.

Two more smacks followed from his open hand, bringing a stinging sensation but also driving my arousal through the roof. I hated to think what effect this must be having, I was so wet that I was sure that it would be showing through my underwear.

After the smacks, he kissed me, heavily with tongues. He teased me, kissing me gently then making me chase him with my mouth blindly, until my tongue found his again. Then two more smacks, on the same spot.

I felt his hand sliding inside my underwear, his fingers sliding easily into me while his other hand played with my breasts through the bra. I could feel an orgasm building rapidly, but as I started to grind myself along his hand he withdrew, and three more smacks followed, and then more kissing but without the touching.

This cycle continued several times through until I was stood there, weak at the knees and desperate for release. I begged him to let me orgasm and this time he kept his hand there while I ground myself on it to my release, wantonly rubbing myself against him and moaning in pleasure as I did. It felt so dirty, so naughty, and so good. Now I understood why people did this sort of thing for fun.

As I gathered myself after I’d cum, I could feel a change in him. The blindfold was still on but now he focused much more on kissing and caressing me, I suspect to build myself again. After a few minutes I felt him kneel down, as he removed my underwear, sliding it down to my ankles. Once he’d done so I felt his tongue start to gently touch my clitoris, and he started to go down on me. My arousal had started to build again, and this was making me even more wet, so much so that I felt a trickle down my leg. Different to before this was tongue only, he kept his hands free to plant on my ass as he buried his face in me.

He then stood up, and I felt him reach behind me and undo my bra. With my arms tied he couldn’t remove it yet, but my breasts were freed, and he hungrily went for them with his mouth, licking and nibbling on both sides.

“I’m going to take off you blindfold now for a minute,” he said. I blinked in surprise at the sudden change in light, and as my eyes adapted I caught sight of myself in the mirror on the wall, all four limbs tied, my underwear round my ankles, my bra up over my shoulders, glistening between my legs and my nipples stood out like rocks. It was the sexiest thing I ever saw. I didn’t know it was possible, but that sight turned me on more than anything else.

“Now, we’re going to go over to the chair,” he whispered in my ear. He untied my ankles, removing my underwear completely, then untied my wrists and removed my bra before tying my wrists back together in front me.

Nude and bound he led me over to a dining chair, one with a cushioned seat and wooden frame. There he got me to kneel on the chair seat, facing it’s back, and he tied my wrists to the top of the back of the chair. He then replaced the blindfold before tying each of my ankles to one of the chair legs. This was interesting… in this position I had something to hold on to, but my ass was pushed back. I waited in anticipation.

I heard him leave the room then come back in again, then suddenly felt a sharp CRACK! on my ass. Followed by another, and a third. That didn’t feel like his hand, it felt like one of my belts. Shamefully it felt good. It hurt, but a good kind of hurt, not a bad one.

He massaged and kissed my ass gently for a few minutes after that, before three more CRACK!s. I let out a little whimper, of both pleasure and pain. He massaged my ass again, and I felt his tongue probe my ass crack, even licking at the place that I’d told him to keep clear of earlier – so long as it was just his tongue I could cope with that, even when he started to probe his tongue inside my rear a little.

I heard him stand up and walk round in front of me, then felt the tip of his hard cock brush along my cheek to my lips. Understanding what he wanted I opened my mouth and tried to take him in my mouth, but without my sight or hands to guide me it was harder than I though. I got the feeling that he was enjoying a little game too, moving his cock around as my mouth chased it until finally I was able to sink my mouth over it and start to lick and suck. The sheer depravity of being bent over the chair in this position, taking him in my mouth while my hands and feet were bound, chasing his cock, my ass pushed back and exposed for anyone to use, was overwhelming and a fire was raging between my legs by now.

He pulled his cock out of my mouth, and I felt him lean down to kiss me gently. “Can I fuck you now?” he asked.

I nodded. “Please do. Please.”

I heard him move around to behind me, and felt his cock rub along my ass before settling at my entrance. Slowly, exquisitely slowly, he slid inside me, then held himself inside while he slapped my ass a couple of times. He then started to slide steadily in and out, one hand on my hip and the other pulling my hair back into a ponytail again. I was in heaven, this was the most unbelievably submissive fuck of my life and I was loving it. In that position, spread open like that, tied in place, he filled me so deeply that I was glad he was no bigger. He was literally all I could possibly take.

He understood this and, rather than the frantic doggystyle of the previous night, he slowly, steadily, powerfully fucked me, building steadily. I came suddenly, the intensity and depth of his thrusts, the sheer naughtiness of the position I was in, everything conspiring to drive me over the edge. This time he didn’t stop, didn’t even slow down, but continued to fuck me through my orgasm, quickly building me towards a second one.

As I started to spasm and moan, he finally slowed right down, giving me time to enjoy, before picking up the pace again. The second orgasm crashed through me, and through him at the same time as he came deep in me. As my orgasm died away, I found myself grinding back on to his cock long after he’d finished, as he kept it still inside me.

Finally, when I’d come down from the heights, he untied me, starting with my ankles and then my wrists, and removed my blindfold. He helped me to stand up, then picked me up in his arms and carried me to my bed where he lay me down, stroking, kissing and caressing me.

“Thank you,” I moaned. “That was amazing. It was everything I hoped… your ex was very lucky to have that.”

“My pleasure,” he replied. “I think we’ve earned a rest.”

And with that we fell asleep in each other’s arms, a deep sleep that lasted all night.

Morning. I knew it was morning, and I woke up still cuddled in my Partner in Crime’s arms, naked and satisfied. I had none of the reaction of 24 hours ago where I’d tried to flee the scene, instead I simply cuddled in to him more, kissed him on neck, and drifted off back to sleep. It felt right.

He woke me up some time later, bringing me a cup of coffee in bed. Full marks for effort there.

“How are you doing this morning?” he asked. “Ok after last night?”

“Never better my handsome lover,” I joked. “That was an entirely new experience for me, and I loved it. Not do it every day loved it, but do it again soon loved it definitely.”

“I don’t know, your flatmate might get in the way if we tried it again tonight!”

I smiled, “If not that, then something similar.” I took a sip of the coffee, then set the breakfast on my bedside table. “Come here. We’ve never had morning sex before and it’s my favourite.”

And I pulled him towards me, opening my legs wide and inviting him between them. He eagerly accepted and kissed me passionately, our bodies writhing around together as we played with, but didn’t quite manage, pulling his cock inside me. Finally, I wanted him and, using my hand, positioned him at my entrance before moving my hips to slide him inside.

He set a slow, sensual pace, perfect for a lazy Sunday morning. For both of us the arousal was building steadily but not too quickly, and our kissing grew more frantic. Eventually I wanted more, and rolled him onto his back, straddling him and sliding myself down on to his cock again. Now I could set the pace, and I gradually increased it while his hands explored my ass and chest. As I got close, I leaned forward, my hair draped down on to his head and upper chest, and kissed him while my hands took his wrists and pinned them with my body weight against the bed. He tried to move his arms but couldn’t against my full weight, then I feel him give in and kiss me back. In that position we both orgasmed a minute or two apart from each other before collapsing on to the bed together.

I think, at that point, that we both drifted off back to sleep, but sometime later it was late morning and, unfortunately, my Partner In Crime needed to leave soon to avoid my flatmate discovering us. He went in to the bathroom to take a shower.

I took the chance to pull on a t-shirt that I often slept in, an XL-sized men’s grey t-shirt that belonged to my boyfriend previously with the name of some random American sports team on it. I counted it as clothing and wasn’t shy to walk around the flat in it (it went about a quarter of the way down my thigh) but certainly wouldn’t want to go outside anywhere in just that, particularly with no underwear on.

Walking out of my room to towards the kitchen I was disturbed by a sudden buzzing next to my bed. It was my phone ringing, with my boyfriend’s number come up. I answered it and walked through to my flatmate’s bedroom to be able to speak in private.

Ah, this was going to be tricky. I was (still am) a terrible liar so I really hoped this conversation would avoid me having to be outright untruthful.

“Hello?” I answered, trying to sound breezy.

“Hello! How are you doing?” It sounded like he was in a club somewhere, with loud music in the background.

“I’m great thanks, having a nice relaxed weekend. Very chilled today, going to spend some time in the pool.” Strictly true so I felt like I was on safe ground. “How about you? What have you been up to?”

“Oh, usual stag do stuff. Woke up late, have had a few drinks, enjoying the day really. I just wanted to check in quickly to see how you were.”

“Yeah, good thanks, like I say a relaxed weekend.”

“And Friday night?…”

“Dinner was great, food was fantastic. We should try eating there when you come to stay.”

“Did you go out after?”

“We went for a couple of drinks.” Again, strictly true. “After that I just needed to get to bed.” Also strictly true. “I was exhausted by the time I went to sleep.” Still true.

“Great, sounds like a good night. I’m sorry, I’d been so paranoid that he was going to make a move on you. He didn’t did he?”

“No, definitely not.” Still strictly true, I’d made the move.

“Brilliant.” We got to chatting about various things, talking for maybe the next five minutes about this and that.

Suddenly, my flatmate’s bedroom door swung open and a voice called, “Where’s my submissive fantasy woman?” I went bright red and frantically pointed at the phone, gesturing to my naked Partner in Crime to please, please be quiet. He smiled that smile back at me and mouthed the word sorry.

“Was that someone in the background?” my boyfriend asked.

“Er… er… no… I, er, don’t think so!” I stammered out much too quickly. Like I said, I’m a terrible liar.

“It really sounded like a man asking something,” he said. Rather than retreat from the room my weekend lover had walked up behind me, started placing small kisses on my neck, reached one hand inside my t-shirt to play with my nipple while the other stroked my butt before reaching around to the front and stroking there instead.

Shit, this was not what I’d planned. I tried to use my free hand to push him away from me, but he was persistent, pressing up against me. I could feel myself getting wet again as the kisses and strokes accumulated.

“No, I have the window open so it must have been someone outside.”

I tried with my free hand instead to pull his hands away from me but he held them there, looking into my eyes in the reflection on my flatmate’s bedroom mirror in front of us. He was smiling and clearly enjoying the game he was playing.

“Ah, ok, no problem. Look, it’s great to talk. I’m glad we’ve found some time. I just wanted to say sorry for being so paranoid when we last spoke, and that I love you very much and can’t wait to see you.” While he said this my companion had noticed my wetness and slid a finger in to me, and was sliding it in and out slowly, all while continuing to stroke and pinch my nipple. I could feel my arousal building and mouthed the word ‘no’ to him in the mirror. He kept on smiling and returned to kissing my neck.

I let out a small groan of pleasure. “What was that?” came the voice down the line.

“Oh, nothing.” I groaned again. “I just spilled some water on my bed. Tell me about what you did last night?” I managed to say steadily before stifling a moan. I could feel my lover’s erection pushing up against my ass, nestling into my ass crack.

This was out of control. I was trapped. My Partner in Crime thought that molesting me while I spoke to my boyfriend was an amusing game, and for me to make it clear to him that it wasn’t would give the whole game away – this was in the days before mobile phones had mute buttons and there was no way I could speak to him without risking my boyfriend hearing. But at the same time I couldn’t rush my boyfriend off the call, he’d been so worried about dinner on Friday that me acting weirdly today would have been a red flag for him. But while I’d been able to keep relatively quiet so far there was no way I could hide an orgasm from him as we spoke, and I could feel that starting to build as his finger, now joined by a second one, pumped in and out of me.

As my boyfriend talked, I was able to keep the conversation going with the odd noise that masked the involuntary moans coming out of me. By now my Partner in Crime had removed his two fingers, but very quickly I felt the tip of his cock moving into my ass crack. He paused at my rear hole, and gently started to push. I waved my arm at him and mouthed, fiercely, no. I didn’t care if it gave the game away, there was no way I was letting him fuck me anally while I spoke to my boyfriend. Thankfully he got the message this time, and instead move the tip to my pussy and slid inside. I didn’t want him in me but I was helpless at this point to do anything about it, not without letting on to my boyfriend.

The grunting noise I made must have been audible down the phone, though hopefully covered up by the music in the background at his end. I used my spare hand to point to the bed, and we staggered over to it, me bent over on my knees and my Partner in Crime stood to the side of the bed behind me, and still inside me. I pushed my ass out as I knew that getting this over quickly was the best way to end it.

Suddenly I hit on a great idea. “I want phone sex. Now.” I blurted out.

My boyfriend laughed, “Seriously? I’m in a bar.”

“Yes, I need it. I want it. Tell me your special fantasy, you know the one.”

“Ok, give me two minutes, I’ll find somewhere.”

Mercifully for those two minutes I didn’t have to keep up the pretence so much. My Partner in Crime had built up a rhythm and was fucking me slowly from behind, while his eyes met mine in the mirror. I could see his abs flexing with each thrust into me. I mouthed to him “Go faster” but at that he just smiled and kept up his slow pace. He was really enjoying whatever powerplay this was to him. What he did do was slowly slide his thumb into my ass, again I tried to say ‘no’, but he ignored me and I was helpless to resist with one hand holding the phone and the other bracing me in this position.

My boyfriend spoke back into the phone. “Ok, I’m in the disabled bathroom. I should be ok for a few minutes. What are you wearing?”

“It doesn’t matter, I’ve started touching myself already. I’m so turned on. Please talk to me.” And I let out a moan as one of the thrusts into me hit the sweet spot.

“I’ve never heard you like this. It’s great. Ok, so you’re dancing in a club when a beautiful woman your age with a stunning figure comes up to you…” And he went on to describe the fantasy sex that he imagines I once had with another woman.

I now had cover for what was really happening in the bedroom. To get it over quickly I needed to cum, so I started responding actively to my lover’s thrusts as I rode his cock hard, while his thumb also slid in and out of my ass. I could feel the orgasm building, and I started to moan loudly. I hadn’t realised but my boyfriend must also have been playing with himself while he talked as he also started to moan between words. This was getting ridiculous.

I could feel myself getting close when suddenly my Partner in Crime came, the depth of penetration too much for him. Mercifully he had the good sense to be silent while he did so. I fell forward off him so that I was on my front on the bed and quickly reached my hand down to touch myself, I needed to finish this quickly. My t-shirt had ridden up to my waist leaving my bare butt on display, and my Partner in Crime must have been able to see my fingers working away from his view behind. As I started to orgasm, I felt him slap me twice on my bare ass, but I barely noticed as I came loud and hard, triggering my boyfriend to do the same at the other end of the phone.

With my face half buried in my flatmate’s bedsheets I said down the phone, “That was amazing. I love you.”

“I love you too,” came the voice down the phone. “I miss you.”

“I miss you too. Enjoy your evening. I love you so much.” And with that I ended the call.

I took a second to catch my breath and process what the fuck had just happened. My lover had laid down on top of me and started to kiss my neck and back, and I was pinned there while I recovered.

“What the fuck were you doing?” I managed to say.

He stopped and looked at me in puzzlement, rolling off me in the process.

Turning over and quickly pulling my t-shirt back down, I climbed off the bed and to my feet. “Answer me. What the fuck were you doing?” I practically shouted this time.

He stood up opposite me and I slapped him in the face hard. He took a step back.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“What was that for?” I shouted. “What do you think it was for?”

“I don’t know. That was hot, you clearly enjoyed it, why are you turning on me?”

“That… was… not… ok.” I responded angrily. “I was talking to my boyfriend, and you recklessly came in here and risked everything for me. Everything. You might have enjoyed your little powerplay here, if you meet him at some point you’ll be able to brag in your head that you were fucking me while he was talking to me, but is this just a game to you?”

He paused. “I… I’m sorry. I thought you were into it. It seemed like a hot idea, and it seemed like a fun thing to do. It felt naughty.”

“It was not. You’ve humiliated my boyfriend in front of me. Any time now I have phone sex with him I’m going to be thinking about you fucking me while I do so. You’ve taken something that is special and private between me and him and you’ve ruined it.”

“I didn’t realise. But… you said we needed to have a lot of sex this weekend. I’m going with what you said.”

“It didn’t mean sex with me whenever you decide. You might have bought me dinner and paid for our room last night, but I’m not your prostitute or your sex toy. Or is that what you think?”

“No, not at all. I thought we had a special connection after the last two nights… I’ll be honest, I thought there was something more than just sex here. I thought there were feelings as well? Or was I wrong?”

Now I paused. Quietly I replied, “No, you weren’t wrong. The last two days have been incredible, and I’ve realised that I’ve had some strong feelings growing for you over the last few months.”

By now we’d gone back into my bedroom, and we both sat down on the bed as he said, “I love you”.

I hesitated, not sure what to say. “I… I think I could fall in love with you. But not yet. Don’t make this complicated. We talked about this at the bar last night. Exploring, that’s all.”

“I want this to be complicated. I love you. Leave your boyfriend.”

“I can’t. You don’t understand. I love him, I love him very much. I’m incredibly fond of you too, and I’m so happy that we’ve spent this time together, but I’m not leaving him. You’re not in love with me, you’re in lust. Right now, you’re imagining that if we were together then the sex would be like this always and it would be incredible. But it isn’t like that, that’s a fantasy. We’re wonderfully compatible, and you’ve given me more pleasure than I can remember, but if we were together it would be much more vanilla – I’m only open to some of the things we’ve tried because this is a one off and we’ve got no relationship baggage to carry with us.”

He looked deflated but nodded his understanding. “Where does that leave us now?”

“Look, what happened just now was not ok. I need some time to process. I told you no several times and you persisted, I tried to move your hands away several times and you forcefully kept on doing what you were doing. And I made it very clear that I did not want you to touch me, and you did. You’ve invaded me, and mentally there’s a lot that I need to work through there and what you’ve done to my boyfriend.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise – you didn’t tell me at any point to stop. It was how my ex and I used to do things often… I thought it was ok.”

“How could I tell you to stop? If I had then my boyfriend would have heard, and it would have been the end of everything. And to be clear, if that had happened there would be zero chance of you and me in the future…”

Realisation crossed his face, and he realised he’d messed up. “I’m sorry.”

“That’s a start. But the fact is you just touched me, you fucked me, without my consent. I know that you’re a good person, and I know that you’ve only got experience of one other person before me, and I accept that you thought I consented. But the fact is that I didn’t. A word of advice, you need to be really, really careful with acting like that. There’s a word that someone who didn’t know you and respect you could use for what you just did, and it ends people up in jail. Maybe that was ok in your last relationship… but maybe your ex wasn’t really ok with it and just played along. Please, please in future be so much more careful.”

He lay back on the bed and sighed in frustration. “I can’t believe I screwed up like that. I’m so sorry, if I’d realised I’d have stopped. But please don’t end this.”

“Look, I need to think. Can you just leave and we can meet for coffee in a couple of hours when I’ve got my thoughts together? Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything stupid. I know that you’re a good person and that you’re mortified at what happened. I just need some time.”

“Ok, I understand. Can you message me when you’re ready to meet?” He got up to get dressed.

“Wait,” I said. I walked over to him, embraced him, and kissed him. We stood there, him naked and me in my t-shirt, kissing slowly for a few seconds. “To reassure you…”

Then he got dressed and left.

After what had just happened I initially went into automatic mode, tidying my flatmate’s room, returning her belts, clearing up the living room, and basically moving all the detritus of two people having made love all over the flat for the last 12 or so hours.

In my bathroom I ran myself a bath and spent the next hour soaking in it as I ran the last few days through my head. I’d gone from arguing strongly that there was nothing to worry about, to convincing myself that going on a date was not technically cheating, to deciding that a bit of fooling around would be ok, to having a sexual marathon in a luxurious hotel suite, to deciding not to, to then doing it all again in my own apartment. I’d consciously and deliberately made the decision to, for all intents and purposes, start an affair and then, within 12 hours of that decision, it had come crashing down with what could be charitably described as reluctant anal sex at best.

Thoughts of what to do now ran through my head. I really had two choices in the short term, I could either continue this with my Partner in Crime. Or I could call it quits. After what had just happened it was hard to argue for anything other than the latter – my trust in his judgement was gone and it might never come back. But there was no halfway house there.

But then also the question came of what happens after? We had a lot of friends in common, we all went out together all the time, I couldn’t avoid him unless I also gave up my entire social life here. So, we’d need to see each other socially, and that meant that we’d need to agree where things stood between us. It would be awful if every time we went out as a group he expected to end the evening with me. But also, selfishly, maybe in the right situation… And I hoped we could, genuinely, still be friends.

I ran this all through my mind, and then sent the message:

“The last 48 hours have been incredible, but we need to talk. Coffee at the usual place in ten minutes? x”

Meeting for coffee I made much less effort about my appearance. I went to meet him in my gym kit, not the sexiest (although it did show a lot of leg and accentuated my chest and torso so maybe not all bad). He was dressed similarly, in fact I suspected that he’d just be in the gym working out some frustrations.

I got there first and ordered both our favourites. Regardless of anything else I knew him well enough to do that.

“Are you ok?” he asked, arriving and coming to sit down with me.

“Yes, I’m fine.” I smiled. “I’ve been thinking.”

“So have I. Do you want to go first?”

“Yes please. Look, what happened earlier was too much, I worry that you got so carried away and that that could happen again. The last 48 hours have been great. No not great, incredible. It’s been amazing. The sex has been wonderful, and I’ve loved every minute with you until what happened when I was on the phone. But, to be blunt, my boyfriend wouldn’t have done that to me. I just fear that we’re not compatible long term. I’m sorry, I really am, but I can’t do this.”

He took my hand in his. “I understand, and again I’m so, so sorry. You’re a wonderful person and I wish circumstances were different – I think we’d make a great couple.”

“What are we going to do when we see each other over the coming months? We’re always at the same social events.”

“I hope, I really really hope, that this isn’t the last time that we sleep together. But I understand that you have your boyfriend and… it’s probably too much to hope that we have something in the future as long as you’re with him?”

“After what happened this morning? Yes, I think it is.”

“Ok, I understand. We make a pretty good pairing though in bed, wouldn’t you agree?”

I smiled. “Yes, we do. I mean, never say never…”

He looked at me. “How do you mean?”

“Well, you need to move on. I’ll be so happy for you to see you dating other people. You deserve someone special. But if, at some point, you find yourself single and I find myself lonely well, we shouldn’t be shy to talk…”

He smiled, “That sounds good.”

We talked for a while longer, then I got up to go.

“I’ll see you soon?” I asked.

“I hope so,” he replied.

He stood up and we hugged, then I walked out of the door.

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