The Pickup by Christy2Cum,Christy2Cum

My now ex-husband, who I will refer to as Dwayne as usual, used to love to do role playing with me.

One day we were watching one of our favourite TV shows where one of the married couples did a role playing of a bar scene and the husband was to go in and pick up the wife. It was Valentine’s Day and they even came up with fake names/characters for themselves.

This intrigued me, thoughts were running through my head, wow that would be so hot! Even without realising it I began to think of my own character that I would play. Hold on, I stopped myself, would Dwayne even go for this?

“What do you think about that?” A voice from across the room interrupted my thoughts.

Trying to downplay my excitement, I responded with “Yeah, that could be fun,” what the hell was that, he’s going to see right through that, “what would your character be?” Did I save it and not let him know that I was pretty much already at the bar in my mind?

“I’m not going to tell you, I think it may be better for your character to find out first hand.”

My heart started to beat faster and I felt myself get a little wet, he was into it just as much if not more than I was, this was going to happen!

We agreed to meet at a bar not too far from the airport where mature individuals were known to hang out and get away from work. It was quiet and very low key, just the type of place that would be perfect for this and great to have a conversation.

The day finally came, I could not concentrate at work at all. What would I wear, how would I do my makeup, wait who am I going to be?

I logged off early and went to my closet to begin the search. So many options here, how did I want to play it, hmm, maybe if I knew who I was going to be that would help find an outfit that “she” would wear.

I’ve always really liked the name Susan, if I ever had a daughter I would name her Susan. Okay I’m Susan!

Who the fuck is Susan? A travelling saleswoman? No, too bland and overdone. A lawyer who needs some time away from the busy caseload and has a dark, dirty side? Oh yeah, I could pull that off!

What would Susan wear? Probably something conservative on top, but underneath her true naughty side would be displayed. Got it, pushing hanger after hanger around in my closet, where is it, where is it, ah got it! A black knee length skirt that I bought to go to one of the niece’s birthday party, perfect! Now for a blouse, nothing comes to mind, then I spot a mauve top with lace on the shoulders, not low cut at all, very much Susan would be seen in!

I am now getting quite excited and reach for my thigh high boots to go with the outfit and then I stop myself, can’t wear those that’s what Christy would wear not Susan!

“Damn sorry guys,” I put them back in my closet and instead take a black glossy pair of heels, not too high but perfect for Susan!

Susan’s outfit is ready, but what would she wear underneath? Would Christy’s standard combination of a push up bra and thong also work for Susan? Maybe, but this calls for something a little more raunchy!

I open the “other” drawer and look at what lingerie I have available, red sparkly corset, hmm good choice but doesn’t match the outfit, purple strapless corset, definitely a possibility, but wait…I forgot I had a black teddy with garters on it, bought it for an erotic photoshoot and haven’t worn it since because it is full back rather than the thong style I prefer. I prefer thongs, but Susan doesn’t, at least not tonight!

I find a new pair of thigh high stockings, would Susan wear these? Yes she would with that teddy, probably not to her office or court, but this is a different story.

I get in the shower and use the shower head to clean my nether regions really well. Dressing Susan got me very wet, I adjusted the output of the shower head to a pulsing, heavy pressure setting and aimed it right at my clit, closer and closer, then towards my hole. I alternate between the 2 targets and orgasm a couple of times. What the hell, I think to myself, Susan may get laid tonight but poor Christy isn’t.

Smoothness check, knowing I just epilated within the last week I am not surprised to find my armpits still very smooth and hair free, check! Legs, same deal, all the way! Pubes? Good on top where I epilated but around my pussy, not so much. Lifting a leg I steady a hand and shave the stubble away, hoping that someone’s mouth appreciates the effort I am making. A little shaky from cumming a couple of times thinking please don’t cut myself!

Finally, I got out of the shower and put on my makeup, not the usual method but just a nice base of foundation, blush and eyeliner, no eye shadow or anything like that. I choose a duller red lipstick than my usual bright coloured one that I like to use to draw attention to my lips. Christy’s lips, not Susan’s, holy shit I’m talking about myself in the third person, really getting into this!

Now the hair, I was a brunette at the time, and long half way down my back. Well a conservative lawyer would probably wear her hair straight. I brush it out and have it fall on my back. I take the sides and pull them together on the back of my head and clip them in place.

I find a bottle of perfume that is brand new, I received as a gift, not something Christy would wear, so perfect for Susan, a couple of squirts and time to get dressed!

Driving to the bar, trying not to think too much about what the night has in store and concentrate on the road. I didn’t want to get myself wet but this was so exciting, it’s been a long time since I was this nervous with anticipation about having a romantic evening with my husband, wait no not married, shit I forgot Christy is married not Susan. At the next red light I slip off my engagement and wedding ring and tuck them safely in my purse. When was the last time I took them off? Been quite a while, even left them on when I went on dates with other guys, but again that was Christy!

Pull up to the bar around 8:00, not surprising not a lot of cars, it is Thursday evening and most of the clients taxi from the airport or maybe simply walk.

I walk into the bar and survey the scene. About a dozen or so other people there, mostly men, a few couples and a few single women, it is dimly lit and soft instrumental music is playing, this place is perfect!

I sit down at the bar and order a white wine, nothing too serious just something to sip on until Dwayne shows up and who knows when that will be. Then I remember I’m not here to meet “Dwayne”, I’m here to meet his character. How is he going to play it up? Hmm, 20 bucks says he is a professional poker player in town for a tournament, I think to myself as that was always his dream to make a living playing poker, the only problem with that is he’s not a very good player!

I take a sip of my wine and start to get fully immersed in the Susan character. Okay, I’m a lawyer, had a shit day, need to unwind. I exhale deeply and pull out my phone pretending to surf something important.

My legs are crossed and my right leg starts to swing, a nervous habit I’ve had and I consciously try to stop it. I don’t want my skirt to ride up and reveal my garters and stockings, not something Susan would do! I sit in the most lady like position I can and make small talk with a bartender.

Not long after that someone sits down next to me and orders a beer, I look over at him, nobody I know. A tall balding guy with a stubble beard, dress shirt unbuttoned revealing a very hairy chest, not my type at all.

“Are you meeting someone dear?” He finally says to me after getting a beer.

I glance up at him and trying to be polite I say “No, I just come here to get away from things and have some alone time.”

“Are you sure you want to be alone? Let me buy you a drink and you can talk to me about what things you are trying to get away from,” well it is a better line, but not interested.

“Thanks but I have a drink and just wanting to be by myself.”

“Okay, if you change your mind, I’ll be here for a while”

I smile and think: great, a creepy guy is going to be staring at me the whole night.

Been here about half an hour and my glass is almost empty, no sign of “him”, is he doing this on purpose to make me wait? Maybe he got in an accident, no he would have texted.

I drink down the last bit of wine in my glass and decide I will have one more then right on cue someone from besides me says “how about another?”

I look over and am taken back, sitting beside me is a tall individual, very well groomed, turtleneck and black dress pants, really takes good care of himself as that shirt doesn’t leave much to the imagination. A slight scent of a cologne that is enticing, this is a really sexy guy.

I smile and nod to him and he turns to the bartender and says “Can I get a Jamieson and another glass of wine for the lady?”

Excellent manners, and refers to me as a lady, I’m really starting to like him!

“Sorry if this is a little forward, I’m Jason”

“It’s fine, I’m Chr-, Susan, sorry was thinking about a case,” I try and cover up my blunder of breaking character.

“A case? Are you a doctor or lawyer?”

“A lawyer.”

“Oh, what sort of law do you practice?”

Shit, I don’t know I didn’t think about it. “Family law, a mother is having issues with the father of her children and he’s a real jerk,” quick thinking using one of my friend’s real life stories as the basis of Susan’s case.

“I bet that can be tough. I’m here on business, trying to start a web design business of my own rather than working for someone and they get all the profit.”

“That sounds quite interesting, are you trying to find clients?”

“No, there is a trade show in town, I come in every year for it, I like this place because it is off the beaten track. I always stay at the hotel here too because the rooms are great and now I have to be very conscious of the cost.”

“I also like to be off the beaten track, not too far of a drive from my house but far enough from work it’s a great escape.”

“That sounds great, want to move to a table?”

Do I ever, these bar stools are killer, “Sure that sounds nice.”

We sit at a table away from the other patrons and have a conversation to get to know each other. I tell him that I am single, never married and have no kids, my career has always been very important to me mainly because my father just wanted me to be a housewife and squeeze out some grandkids. Not who I am at all. He is married, but no kids themselves because his wife can’t conceive and she is an accountant.

A few drinks later I am feeling a bit buzzed and have the courage to ask “what would your wife say if she knew you were sitting here talking to me?”

Without hesitation he says “I texted her when you were in the washroom what I was doing and she said have a nice night.”

I was a little taken back, totally not the answer I was expecting, “so she is okay with you talking to other women, having drinks with them away from home?”

“Funny enough, she has actually encouraged it. I think she feels a little guilty because she hasn’t been able to fulfil her wifely duties.”

Does that mean not having kids or not having sex or what? I don’t want to pry too much and kill the mood, but this is starting to get really interesting.

The bartender comes over and asks if we want another round. I’m 2 ahead of him as he is sipping his scotch much slower than my wine is going down. “I’ll have one more” knowing that there is no way I can drive home.

“I’ve had enough, just the check please”

A man with manners, so refreshing and he isn’t drunk, in fact after 3 or 4 scotches he doesn’t even appear to be tipsy!

The bartender comes back a short time later and puts a fresh glass of wine in front of me and the check on the table. Jason immediately puts down his credit card.

“We should split the bill, I had more to drink”

“No dear, my pleasure, this is a much better night than I expected, it’s been great talking to you, I’ve never actually approached a lady before in a bar.”

“Thank you, it has been very nice, I usually ignore everyone else when I come here,” again I am a lady, I could get used to that.

The small talk is dwindling, I am wondering what he is thinking, is he going to invite me upstairs soon?

“Do you have an early morning in court?”

“No, I actually decided to use some personal time and take tomorrow off.”

“That’s great to have that flexibility.”

Come on Jason, that was an opening that I can stay out all night, looks like I need to make the first move, Susan may need to channel a bit of Christy here.

“I’m pretty sure we are thinking the same thing here.”

“We are? How nice the evening is going?”

Damn, is he that naive or just wants me to spell it out for him, time to play it cool Susan.

“Sure, that too. I’ve always wondered what the rooms are like here, would you show me?”

He looks at me a little surprised at my suggestion and says “Of course, I didn’t want to assume you would come upstairs, but yes definitely.”

He is really good looking and still smells amazing but what a shitty actor, he was waiting for this as long as I was.

We finish our drinks and get up and head to the elevator, I’m a little light-headed but he puts his arm around me to help balance, I lean into him. God it feels good to be in his arms, so secure and arousing all at the same time.

We get to the elevator and he presses 8, as soon as the doors shut I look up at him and he leans down and his mouth meets mine, a great kiss until the doors open and he leads me by the hand down the hall to room 814. He swipes his keycard and we enter the dark room.

“So this is it.” I think about what he is referring to and then remember I asked to see what the rooms look like and he is just playing along.

“It’s very nice, bigger than I thought it would be.” I hope that he doesn’t think I am referring to something else.

“I’m glad you like it, I feel like I should offer you something but all I have is bottles of water.”

“I’m good, just like to sit here for a minute if that is okay?”

“Definitely” he sits down on the king size bed and motions for me to join him.

I cuddle up next to him and we kiss again, more passionately now than in the elevator, his tongue is in my mouth and his hands are all over my back and ass.

I kneel beside him on the bed and start rubbing his chest enjoying his well defined body. He reaches behind me and undoes the clasp on my skirt and then the zipper. The skirt falls to my knees, I know he is dying to look and see what he just revealed but I am too caught up in this passionate kiss to let him break free.

Eventually I get up and remove the skirt and stand in front of him revealing the bottom of my teddy and stockings, he is like a kid in a toy store just looking at my semi-naked body. I pull his turtleneck up and am amazed at his athletic build, little bit of chest hair, but nothing covering the nipples, he is a fabulous site. I stand in front of him rubbing his bare chest and pinching his nipples as our mouths lock again. His hand starts caressing my ass and then he slips it under my teddy on my bare ass, I feel myself get wet as soon as his big strong hand makes contact without any impediments.

He stands up and pulls my shirt over my head, revealing the rest of my teddy, by his reaction he is completely shock by my choice of undergarments.

“Very sexy, you sure you weren’t planning to meet someone with this on?”

“I have my naughty secrets, Jason,” I reply, completely avoiding the question but not lying at the same time.

I move my mouth down to his nipples and undo his belt, button and zipper. To the floor goes his pants, his hands all over my back, what a turnon his firm touch is. He has boxer briefs on but his cock seems to be fully erect and trying to escape, I’m more than happy to oblige that and release his cock from his underwear. It’s staring right at me, fully erect and I see precum on the tip, I instinctively reach between my legs to rub my clit, the crotch of my teddy is soaked, holy shit I am so wet already.

He removes his underwear, socks and shoes and is standing in front of me naked. I can’t take my eyes off that cock and the precum, I want it, I need it, it’s mine.

I’m on my knees and I put the tip in my mouth and suck that precum, so yummy! I go underneath his shaft, he is moaning and his hands are now on my breasts. I start to massage his balls, they are big, like really big, he must be a heavy cummer I think to myself.

I tease his cock by licking and sucking the outside and all around it, enjoying the fact it is completely hairfree and then doing deep sucks every so often. At this point I am trying to decide if I want to finish him with my mouth or wait and have him finish inside me, shooting a massive load in my pussy.

Then he makes the decision for me “I want to taste you now, will you sit on the bed?”

I get up and sit on the bed with my legs spread apart, he is rubbing my pussy, feels so good.

“You are really wet Susan!”

“MM-hmm, feels great.” Then I feel him unsnap my teddy and the cold air of the room hits my pussy. His fingers are on my clit, he knows his way around a woman that’s for sure. I cum shortly after, he senses it and slides 2 fingers into me, slides so easily as I am probably dripping wet. I hold his shoulders as he starts to finger fuck me harder, I cum again, he continues, I cum more, I never want it to end. Then I feel something else on my clit, he has bent over and is licking me while finger fucking me. It doesn’t take me long to cum on his face, holy shit is that 5 O’s already?

I undo the garters holding my stockings on and his hands are now going up and down my legs while continuing his oral pleasuring on my pussy.

I pull down the straps of my teddy off my shoulders and free my breasts from their confines. My teddy now around my midsection, I start to lick and bite my own nipples, so stimulated, I cum again.

Jason comes up for air, I am a bit saddened but so satisfied already. He sees my exposed breasts and pulls my teddy off and catches a glimpse of my belly button piercing for the first time and smiles. He climbs on top and is all over my breasts with his hands and his mouth, alternating pinching, biting, sucking, fondling while his rock hard cock is sitting just above my pussy and his massive balls keep hitting my pussy, so turned out by this.

“I want to ride that cock and cum on top”

He immediately lies down on his back on the bed, I climb on top of him and kiss him deep, tasting my pussy in his mouth is such a turn on and I am sure he can taste his own precum on me. Then I work my way down to his neck, sucking on it but careful not to leave a mark. Then to his nipples that are as hard as mine and he moans with every pinch and with every bite. I drag my tongue down his abs and over his cock. I suck his balls, they are hard, must be full of cum, need to release this into me I think to myself.

I get on top and line up his cock with my pussy and slide down on it, so deep, so wet, so hard, so hot. I rock myself back and forth feeling his hands on my ass helping with my movement, I feel my next orgasm build and I lift one leg up and start to go up and down on his cock, in and out I feel it and then his hand finds my clit and starts to rub it. I can’t hold it any more, why would I want to, I cum and cum and cum, that was one of the biggest orgasms of my life, my clit is so sensitive now, I lay down on top of him, out of breath.

“So good, but now I want you to fuck me, and fuck me hard!”

“Oh Susan, I thought you would never ask, gotta get a condom and I will finish you.”

“I’m on the pill, I want you to cum in me, empty your balls in my pussy,” wait Susan may be on the pill, but Christy sure as hell isn’t! A little period math, let’s see probably 4 days from ovulation, should be okay, but cutting it close, fuck it!

I lie on my back and Jason is between my legs, he licks my slit torturing me as it is still so sensitive from my early massive climax. I feel him enter my pussy very slowly, oh the penetration almost makes me cum on its own, so slow and sensual.

He stops and looks at me with his cock half in me “God you are sexy Susan, you make me want to cum right now!”

“Not before you fuck me really good!”

He starts slowly pulling out and sliding it back in me, driving me nuts and he knows it, I’ve told him in as many words I want to get a hard fucking but he is torturing me and I am loving it!

He adjusts my position and my ass is almost crushing his balls against him, I don’t care at this point as his cock is even deeper. He continues with his slow fuck, his hands teasing my breasts as if to pay me back for what I did to his nipples earlier. He lifts my arms over my head and bends down and licks my armpits, fuck that felt good, then he sucks it over and over, I tense up. Did he just make me cum by stimulating my armpits? He sure did, I don’t have time to even respond as he does the same to the other side, just when I didn’t think I could get any more turned on.

I am moaning from this so loud now I’m sure the people in the next room must hear me but I don’t care. Then Jason leans down, his hands are under my armpits and my breasts are resting against his arm, very strategically placed! He gives me a nice passionate kiss.

Without warning, I feel a hard thrust, I groan and moan, another hard thrust my pussy is in pain, but it’s a good pain. More thrusting, he quickens the pace fucking me so hard, but it isn’t enough for me, I wrap my legs around his and dig my heels into his legs to push him deeper, at that point realizing my stockings and shoes are still on, not nearly in their originally position but moot at this point.

The slapping sound when our skin connects is as loud as my moans, his breathing is getting louder, I am holding onto his back for fear of where I will end up if I don’t. A short time later he holds deep inside me, oh so deep and then I feel his throbbing, another throb, a moan from me as I know his cum is so deep inside me, more throbs, more moans, it seems like hours he is holding inside me and shooting his cum, I don’t want it to end. Eventually I feel his cock soften and it slinks out of my pussy taking with it some of the cum that was just shot into me.

He rolls off of me and I look at his cock glistening with my pussy juice and covered in his own cum that must have rebounded when it was in my pussy.

We lie there in silence, holy shit that was good, so good, great even.

I turn over to him “That was absolutely amazing Jason”

“You are so hot, you got me so aroused I couldn’t help myself, was it too hard?”

“No, it was perfect!”

His phone buzzes, he gets up to check it and I get mine from my purse. Text message from Dwayne from early in the evening “Running Late”, yeah no shit almost gave up waiting and went home.

I am lying on my side trying to think of a witty response when I feel Jason snuggle me from behind and says “Bad news have to go to work”

“Right away?”

“Not right away,” his hand is back on my clit, I lift my leg to give him full access, he’s hard again and I feel him slide his cock along my ass and slit, getting it even harder.

No more torture I think and guide his cock back into my pussy. His hand is now on my upper thigh with the thumb outstretched to contact my clit as he starts to fuck me from behind. I stimulate my own nipples again, I cum, how many is that, I’ve lost count, he increases his speed, I cum again, I move a hand down to my clit more or less pushing his thumb out of the way and I’m rubbing myself frantically.

He hooks my leg now and his cock is so deep, feels so good a different angle of penetration, he bites down on the back of my neck, god I loved that. I am moaning as loud as before, loving how aroused I am, “Fuck me more Jason!” The slapping sound is getting louder, I know he is getting close to cumming, “That’s it keep going, I’ve going to cum,” I don’t even finish the sentence when I orgasm again!

I am coming down off the high when I feel him pin me against him, his cock even deeper which I didn’t think was possible and he is cumming in me again. No way it stays in me, so much cum, so little room. Who cares, it feels so good and I don’t need it anyway.

“Sorry dear, have to get going”

“You were amazing Jason, such a great fuck or 2!”

He gets up and heads to the shower. As soon as I hear the water running, I take that as my cue and pull up my stockings and get my shirt and skirt on and put my teddy in my purse and head out the door.

I am hurrying through the hotel lobby, cum pretty much streaming down my leg, my hair is all over the place and my makeup must be completely smeared at this point. I avoid eye contact with everyone, even though it is pretty obvious what I was doing last night and into this morning.

I stop as I approach the exit and see a familiar face, shit.

“What happened to you last night?” a concerned voice asks me taking a look at my appearance.

“Um, I had a bit of an adventure,” was all I could think of saying.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine, more than fine, it was incredible, let’s go home and I will tell you all about it and what you missed out on.”


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