The Roommate Pt. 25

An adult stories – The Roommate Pt. 25 by taylorstorms,taylorstorms XXV: I Didn’t Fuck it Up!

Liam and Blake, Marie and Lexi


Liam sat back and grinned as he watched Blake wipe the floor with his friends. They’d started doing a bit better after a few rounds of playing against her, but even when they all teamed up on her, she still came out on top. They also did a bit better when Liam teased his girlfriend with the vibrator she wore. Liam was out this round, as he’d had the least kills and traded controllers with Eli, so he could tease Blake at will.

Initially, he’d thought the novelty of teasing Blake with a toy that didn’t actually involve him touching her would wear off pretty quickly. It teased him as much as it did her. Well, almost as much.

Watching her squirm and try to keep it from outwardly effecting her, though…Liam had needed to covertly adjust himself quite a few times. The way she would occasionally growl or poke at him was pretty cute, too.

As he reached for his phone to play with the vibrator’s settings and tease Blake again, his phone buzzed. He frowned, then blinked when he say that it was a text from Kiki. He glanced up at her legs that hung over the side of the bed, then read her text. His face was immediately on fire.

“Dude…I recognize that app. Does Blake have the other piece?”

Liam swalled the lump that had formed in his throat, glancing between Blake–she looked so adorable biting her lip like that as she virtually murdered his friends–and Kiki’s dangling legs as he searched for a response.

“How do you recognize that app?”

Liam swore he heard a groan come from above.

“Because I’m single and highschool repressed my sex drive so I’m making up for it. Don’t change the subject.”

Liam sighed, “Yes, she does.”

Kiki giggled, but everyone else was so focused on the game that it seemed Liam was the only one who noticed.

“Dude!!! That’s awesome. I’m so proud of you.”

“Uh, thanks?”

More giggling.

“That’s just super kinky. Even after you told me about what you did with Marie, I didn’t really expect that of you. I’m assuming that’s your temporary solution for not being able to just go over to her place and have sexytimes whenever you want?”

Liam cleared his throat, face growing even hotter.


More giggling.

“Kiki, what’s so funny?”

Liam nearly dropped his phone at Eli’s sudden interjection into the conversation.

“She’s just laughing at how bad you guys are,” Blake said, not taking her eyes off the screen.

Liam laughed at that, and Kiki laughed even louder, kicking her feet and shaking the lofted bed.

“Oh, I see how it is,” Matt said, “Now we’re trash talking?”

“Only if you guys can take it without getting butthurt,” Blake shot back.

Liam’s phone buzzed again as Blake and his friends continued egging each other on.

“She’s really awesome, Liam. I’m glad you guys are together.”

Liam grinned, “Thanks. Me, too.”

“You’ve gotta convince her to hang out with me or just you and me some time, though. So we can have some girl talk.”

“I’ll do what I can.”

Blake’s cackling and a few resigned groans from his friends made Liam look up from his phone to see that Blake had beaten them once again. Matt, who had the lowest score this time, handed his controller to Liam, “Good luck dude.”

Liam grinned, taking the controller, “Beat Blake at her own game?”


His friends laughed, “Let’s do it.”

Blake growled, then got up from her seat and plopped down on his lap, wiggling around a bit. She grinned over her shoulder at him, “If you’re playing dirty, so am I.”

Liam grinned and started the game, “You’re on.”



Lexi took a deep breath once Marie finished talking, trying to ignore how good it felt to just hold her hands like this. She wanted Marie. She’d known the girl wasn’t perfect from the start, but even after Marie had told her about seeing the other girl, she still wanted her. That was part of the issue. The thought of Marie being with someone else stung even though they really weren’t “together” yet and hadn’t established any rules or boundaries like that. She usually hated people that acted that way–so possessive. She didn’t want to be like that, but…

I want her.

And from what Marie said–the way her voice had wavered as she talked, pacing around, the desperate plea in her eyes–Marie wanted her, too. Probably just as much.


Lexi bit her lip. Marie didn’t seem to entirely trust herself.

I can help with that, though.

She knew that went against all conventional relationship advice, that you shouldn’t try to fix a person, but in some ways, she needed just as much fixing as Marie probably did.

And I want to help her.

And Marie wanted her. No one had ever said something like that to her before.

Fuck it.

“We’ll need to set some ground rules if this is going to work,” she told Marie, squeezing her hands.

The way Marie’s eyes lit up told Lexi she’d made the right choice.

“You mean–”

Lexi nodded, “I want you, too.”

Marie smiled, and Lexi had to shove down the sudden urge to pull Marie down onto the bed and kiss her.

“We do still need to talk first, though,” she forced out, then patted the bed next to her, “Sit down.”

Marie nodded and practically jumped onto the bed, “Of course.”

Lexi tried to maintain a serious expression, but couldn’t keep herself from smiling at that.

Marie returned the smile, “What are the rules?”

Lexi raised an eyebrow, but nodded, “I want to make sure both of us are safe rather than jumping into things head-on.”

Marie nodded, “Sounds smart.”

Lexi nodded, then took a deep breath, “You probably guessed that I like certain things in bed.”

Marie bit her lip, “Like telling me what to do?”

Lexi nodded, “I also like them out of bed.”

Marie blinked, eyes widening for a moment. Lexi thought the girl shivered.

“I–” Marie began, then swallowed, “I can agree to that. I think…I think that would be good for me.”

Lexi smiled, “Any idea how far you’d be willing to go?”

Marie swallowed, then bit her lip. Lexi shivered at the way Marie’s eyes grew a little glassy, “I might have some idea, but I really don’t know. I want to explore that, though. I want to see what you like, and hopefully I’ll like it, too.”

Lexi nodded, trying to restrain a dopey grin. It was a losing battle, “I’ll give you something later to help for that. For now…”

She didn’t want to say it, but she had to.

“For now, I want to date on a sort of trial basis,” she forced out, “I want to ease you into things and make sure you can deal with what being with me really means before we become too emotionally involved and start making excuses to be with each other.”

Though it might already be too late for that.

“My only rules for right now,” she continued, “Are that we only sleep with each other, and that we’re honest with each other.”

Marie nodded, smiling.

Lexi bit her lip, “And…that you can do whatever you want, but you need to ask my permission.”

Marie shivered, eyes burning with desire. Lexi’s pants started growing uncomfortable.

Fuck. I need her.

“Anything else?” Marie asked, voice breathy.

Lexi opened her mouth to say something, but it had been too long since she’d been with Marie.

“Kiss me and start taking off your clothes,” she said instead, voice hoarse.

Marie closed the distance between them, moaning as their lips met and their fingers tangled in each others’ hair.



Blake growled, eyes narrowed, biting her lip almost a bit too hard as she tried to focus on the game, and more importantly, beating Liam and his friends. She’d done consistently well, beating their asses even when they teamed up on her.

Her ploy of playing dirty, however, had backfired, as Liam knew how to play even dirtier. Instead of manually controlling the vibrator and its spikes in speed or pulse, he’d put it on some sort of random setting that was slowly making Blake’s brain fog over, chipping away at what willpower still kept her from fucking Liam right on this chair.

She’d also underestimated how much feeling his hard cock pressing against her needy pussy would affect her. She didn’t know if it was just twitching a lot or if he was doing that on purpose, but fireworks went off in her head every time.

Blake still won this round, but barely, and the guys had decided not to team up on her. That was bad.

Fuck it.

The second the game ended, Blake hopped off Liam’s lap and tossed her controller up onto his bed.

“Kiki, you play with the guys,” she said, taking Liam’s controller from him and handing it to Matt, who handed it to Eli, “Liam smells funny so he needs to shower, and I need to–uh, supervise.”

The others–mostly Kiki–started laughing as Blake yanked Liam off his chair, facing him away from everyone so the tent in his sweats wasn’t on full display for his friends. Liam yelped and stumbled after her as she dragged him toward his room’s bathroom.

Once inside, she pressed him up against the door and pulled his face down to hers. Her body felt like it was on fire, and the vibe continued to stoke that fire.

“I need you,” Blake whispered in ragged gasps between kisses. Her hands travelled down his body, torn between groping him and tearing his clothes off, “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, but I can’t wait any longer. I fucking need you inside me.”



Liam’s head grew foggy at Blake’s touch, both her lips and her hands. Some part of him realized he should probably be embarrassed or shy about having sex in the bathroom while his roommates and Kiki were outside, but the rest of him overruled that part. He’d gone too long without Blake. Even kissing her, feeling her hands grab at his clothing and grope his body felt too good to stop. He needed this just as much as Blake.

Though she would probably disagree.

Liam moaned when Blake’s fingers closed around his cock through his tented sweats, and she nipped at his bottom lip before grinning, “I missed this so fucking much. Did you and your big cock miss my tight little pussy?”

Liam cleared his throat as fire ripped through his body. He’d never really been one for dirty talk, but Blake always seemed to know exactly what to say, and it was always just so effortless.

The impulse to reply with something similar flared up, as it always did, but Liam always felt awkward trying to think of something like that. Instead, he just said what came to him.

“You know I do. I think it might be occupied right now, though.”

Blake moaned, giggling, “You mean by the toy I gave you that you’ve been using to relentlessly scramble my brains.”

Liam smirked, “That’s the one.”

Blake pulled back enough to meet his gaze. She bit her lip and raked her eyes over him, then shook herself, “Take off your clothes and turn it off. I’m going to turn on the shower so we only make your roommates slightly uncomfortable while we’re in here rather than giving them a show.”

Liam had already started stripping, throwing his clothes to the ground as Blake turned on the water in their dorm’s janky shower. It didn’t have the best water pressure–part of the reason he’d enjoyed staying over and showering at Blake and Marie’s–but it got hot, and the drain didn’t clog anymore, so it would work.

As he took his phone out of his pocket, however, placing it on the counter near the shower, Liam didn’t turn it off just yet. He did place it on a slightly lower and less erratic setting, however. He’d had something planned for when he and Blake say each other. The fact that his roommates were outside and knew that they intended on fucking made him a little hesitant, but…

No–you want to do this, so you’re going to do it.

“Blake?” he said, voice thick with arousal already.

She looked over at him, halfway through slipping out of her clothes, “Yeah?”

“Don’t take the vibrator out just yet. I–l want you to eat my ass.”

Blake’s face lit up, and the predatory grin that spread across her face made his cock jump.



I didn’t fuck it up.

Marie wanted to laugh as she kissed Lexi, hands roaming over the other girl’s body, unable to decide where to go. She couldn’t stop smiling. Even as Lexi nipped at her lower lip, even as Marie’s pulse raced and her head filled with a lusty red haze, she grinned like an idiot against Lexi’s lips. She couldn’t stop.

She still wants me. I didn’t fuck this up.

That didn’t mean she wasn’t still a screw-up, but the way Lexi smiled against Marie’s lips as they kissed filled her body with a warm, comforting feeling even aside from the way her pulse raced and her blood ran hot with every brush of their lips.

Lexi’s hands sent shivers through her, eliciting little gasps and moans against the Lexi’s lips that made her grin and kiss Marie with an eve deeper hunger. Everything about this just felt right.

As the fog in her head started to cloud her thinking and her body grew tingly, Marie managed to push herself back enough to meet Lexi’s gaze.

The way Lexi’s eyes burned as she looked Marie up and down, then met her eyes nearly made Marie moan. Her pussy twitched in anticipation.

“What–” Marie began, then paused to swallow the lump in her throat. Her voice remained thick when she spoke, “What do you want me to do?”

Lexi arched an eyebrow.

“Tell me what you want me to do. Please.”

Something flashed in Lexi’s eyes as she grinned. She raised a hand to cup Marie’s cheek. Marie shivered at the intimate touch, eyes fluttering closed for a moment as she nestled into Lexi’s hand.

“Kiss me again,” Lexi said. Her voice was barely more than a whisper, yet held the firmness of a command that sent shivers down Marie’s spine.

Marie swallowed, then leaned forward–the hand at her cheek gently pulling her along–and brushed her lips against Lexi’s. They barely touched. Then Lexi’s tongue darted out to taste Marie’s lips. Marie parted her lips, allowing Lexi’s tongue to slide between them as she deepened the kiss. Then Lexi took her face in her hands and kissed her even more thoroughly than before, nipping and sucking at her lips, exploring her with her tongue, stroking her cheeks with her thumbs. The sheer intimacy of it–and the way Lexi just took control–nearly overwhelmed Marie. She moaned into the kiss, holding onto Lexi by the nape of her neck, until Lexi finally pulled back, eyes just as hazy as Marie felt, but smoldering.

“Now, I want you to strip.”

Marie shivered, pussy twitching. Then her face went red, remembering what she’d worn beneath her clothing.

Lexi arched an eyebrow, “Embarrassed?”

Marie swallowed, shaking her head, “Not exactly.”

She rose to her knees, then stepped back off the bed, holding Lexi’s gaze, “Strip off everything? Or…?”

Lexi grinned, adjusting herself into what Marie guessed was a more comfortable position. It also displayed her incredible stomach to Marie, “I’ll tell you when to stop.”

Marie shivered again. She couldn’t help it.

Biting her lip as she held Lexi’s gaze, she reached down to the hem of her green sweater and lifted it over her head.

Goosebumps erupted all over her skin as she tossed it aside, and when Marie looked back to Lexi, she nearly moaned at the predatory grin on the other girl’s face.

Lexi looked back and forth between Marie’s eyes and the lacy emerald bra Marie had worn beneath her sweater, arching an eyebrow, “Expecting to get lucky tonight?”

Marie swallowed, face growing hot, “I…hoped things would go well.”

Lexi’s grin turned into a smile, and Marie couldn’t help but smile in return.

“Take the skirt off next.”

Marie swallowed, pulse running just a bit faster. She started unzipping the skirt, then grinned to herself and turned around, sticking her ass in the air and wiggling it a bit as she pulled the skirt down, presenting her uncovered ass and the tiny emerald scrap of lacy fabric that covered her pussy. Once the skirt fell down around her ankles, she kicked it to the side, then turned back to face Lexi.

Marie’s pussy quivered at the hunger in Lexi’s eyes as she rose from the bed and closed the distance between them. She took held Marie’s gaze as she took her nipple between her thumb and forefinger, then pinched just enough to send tendrils of pleasure through Marie and loose a gasp from her lips. Marie’s eyes fluttered, head growing even more hazy with lust.

“Good slut.”

The words nearly made Marie gasp again. Her pussy clenched in anticipation, and Lexi grinned.

“You like it when I call you that, don’t you?”

Marie nodded, a whimper escaping her throat.

Lexi’s grin morphed into a smirk.

“You strip me now,” she said, pulling Marie closer by her hardened nipple, “Everything but the body-chain.”

Marie swallowed, then nodded and knelt before Lexi. She hooked her fingers around the hem of Lexi’s jeans and brushed her nose and lips against Lexi’s insane abs. Lexi’s breath hitched, and Marie felt the muscle flutter beneath her touch. She rubbed her thighs together at how wet it made her to know she could make Lexi feel the same anticipation she felt.

She brushed her lips against Lexi’s smooth skin at first, reveling in the sculpted contours of the other girl’s stomach. Though Marie did as she was told, kissing the exposed skin at the hem as she undid the button-fly, she wanted so desperately to move her hands up and onto Lexi’s stomach. She wanted to feel those incredible muscles beneath her fingers, trace the lines of her body and feel the curve of her waist.

Do as you’re told. She’ll reward you later.

Marie had no doubt about that, but it was hard to remember that when every inch of skin she revealed as she pulled down Lexi’s jeans made her want the other girl even more. She whimpered when her wrist brushed Lexi’s bulge, pussy clenching and spasming in anticipation of finally getting Lexi’s big thick cock inside of her after so long.

When her lips reached the edge of the skin at Lexi’s waist she’d just revealed, Marie tugged on the jeans again, but Lexi turned, giving Marie more untouched skin to kiss.

Fuck, she knows exactly how hot she is.

Seeing the muscles of Lexi’s back, feeling them and the curve of her hips and ass under her fingers made Marie even more desperate for the girl. The way her back dimpled just above her ass, the swell of muscle as Marie’s lips brushed the skin at the edge of her jeans.

Ugh, I’ve barely even started. I’m going to be a mess by the time I get her naked.

With every inch of flesh she revealed, Marie grew more desperate, her pussy wetter, the haze in her mind thicker. When Lexi threaded her fingers through her hair, petting her head, Marie’s heart stopped for a moment. She couldn’t even begin to describe what it made her feel, but she wanted more of it. She wanted Lexi to do that again.

Marie continued her task with renewed vigor, licking and sucking at the skin she exposed instead of just kissing it. She treated every inch of Lexi like she would the girl’s neck, showing her just how much she wanted her, needed her. Lexi rewarded her by calling her a good girl, petting her head, and even digging her nails into her scalp when Marie nipped at her ass.

Marie fucking loved it.

By the time she got the jeans down past Lexi’s ass and cock, the latter standing at attention, round, hairless balls hanging beneath it, Marie was a mess. She could feel her wetness dripping down her inner thighs. Her pussy constantly quivered and clenched, yelling at her to put that perfect fucking cock inside it. Marie’s mouth watered every time she looked between Lexi’s legs. She wanted so badly to shove Lexi’s cock down her throat as she grabbed Lexi’s incredible ass, using the firm round cheeks as handholds while she fucked her face with Lexi’s cock.

At the very least, Marie wanted to speed up.

But she didn’t. She was a good girl. Lexi took care to remind her of that as she continued down Lexi’s muscular thighs, nuzzling the girl’s legs a few times. Marie had trouble deciding which she found more attractive–Lexi’s abs or her thighs. Both were so wonderfully muscular. Marie nipped at Lexi’s thighs a few times, prompting the girl to dig her nails into Marie’s scalp as she tightened her grip on Marie’s hair. Marie loved it. A part of her wished she’d worn a buttplug, that way she could have something filling her, at least. She didn’t know if Lexi would like that, however, and returned her focus to the task at hand.

Marie took note of how Lexi giggled when Marie licked the back of her knees, how she moaned when Marie held and kissed her calves.

When the jeans finally fell to the floor, Lexi stepped out of them and kicked them aside. Marie knelt down even lower to start taking off Lexi’s socks, but Lexi gently took a handful of her hair and pulled her back upright, then extended a hand and pulled Marie up by it.

She pulled Marie against her, and Marie gasped, tucking her head into the crook of Lexi’s neck as the girls rock hard cock pressed into her stomach. She could feel it twitching against her.

“Socks stay on,” Lexi whispered, voice sending shivers through Marie.

Marie clung to Lexi for a moment, so insanely horny that it took a bit of effort to get her brain working.

She pulled back enough to meet Lexi’s gaze, still holding onto her, then kissed her.

“That was so fucking hot,” she whimpered between kisses, “I need you so bad.”

Lexi grinned against her lips, then kissed Marie in a way that made her knees weak and her head fog up completely for a moment. When Marie pulled back to breath, her heart pounded in her chest, body on fire with need for Lexi.

Lexi smirked at her, “I know. But you’re not done yet.”

Marie whimpered, biting her lip.

Lexi raised her eyebrows, then lifted a hand between them and pointed down, “On your knees again.”

Marie shivered and did as she was told.

“Good girl.”

Her pussy twitched, “Fuck.”

Marie felt Lexi’s laugh as she started kissing the girl’s abs just below her crop top.

She tried teasing again at first, barely touching the contours of Lexi’s stomach as she brushed her lips over the girl’s muscles. That barely more than a minute.

Soon Marie found herself licking and sucking Lexi’s abs just as she’d done with her legs, lifting the hem of her crop top up inch by inch. Some of it was awkward, as she had to rise from her knees, but Lexi held her stead, fingers flexing on her scalp, her waist, the back of her neck…Marie took the opportunity to nuzzle Lexi’s stomach when her legs trembled.

When she finally reached Lexi’s breasts, Marie grinned at the lack of a bra. Her pussy quivered, growing even wetter than it already was. Her thighs were soaked.

She wanted this just as much as I did.

The thought sent shivers through Marie as she nipped and sucked at the tender flesh of Lexi’s chest. She still couldn’t get over how amazing every single part of Lexi was. When she’d uncovered Lexi’s breasts completely, Marie backtracked, giving the girl’s nipples some extra attention. Her head grew foggy when Lexi moaned. Shivers ran down her spine when Lexi’s breath hitched, fingers digging into Marie’s flesh.

Marie lost herself in Lexi’s breasts, and gasped when she felt a laugh rumble through Lexi’s chest just before Lexi took her face in both hands and lifted her so their eyes could meet.

“You’re very distractible,” Lexi said with a smirk.

Before Marie could respond, Lexi’s lips were on hers, tongue in her mouth, completely overpowering her, setting her heart pounding.

Marie whimpered, gasping ragged breaths when Lexi pulled back.

Lexi just smirked at her, “I still have clothes on. You’re not finished.”

Marie bit her lip, another whimper escaping, but she did as she was told.

She earned a gasp from Lexi as well as another “good girl” when she kissed up Lexi’s jaw, then down her neck to her collar, kissing the flesh there.

When Lexi raised her arms Marie took the top off and tossed it to the side, but she didn’t stop tasting and painting Lexi’s skin with her tongue. She kissed every inch of skin she’d uncovered and more, kissing Lexi’s back, the spot between her shoulder blades, all the way down her arms to her wrists and hands.

Marie couldn’t get enough. Kissing Lexi this way was just so intoxicating. It brought her pleasure even though she was the one touching Lexi.

Is this what it’s like to really “fit” with someone?

When Lexi cupped Marie’s face again, meeting her eyes, Marie thought she would have done anything the other girl asked of her.

Instead, Lexi asked her a question.

“What do you want to do?”

Marie blinked, and Lexi giggled.

“You were a good girl, if a distractible one. I told you as much. Good girls get rewarded. What do you want to do?”

Marie swallowed, looking Lexi up and down, drinking in her insane beauty.

She met her eyes again, “I want to suck your cock?”

Lexi arched an eyebrow.

Marie felt heat rise in her cheeks, “Can I suck your cock? Please?”

A/N: What do you think of Blake and Liam playing like this? Or Kiki knowing what they’re up to? What about Lexi’s answer? And her rules?


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