The Salon, A CFNM Story Ch. 15 by cheesyguy,cheesyguy

***Writer’s note: Apologies for the long delay. Summer, work and a host of other excuses kept me from writing. Hopefully this story is worth the wait. Comments and criticisms are always welcome.***

I made my appointment with Dawn and was happy to see she was in today. Once the lab coat came off I could see it was her turn with the white blouse, to go along with the requisite black stretch pants and black flats. I could tell she was not wearing bra.

Once I had stripped and had a seat, Dawn put the smock on and got to work. She tried with the idle chit-chat, but I could tell she kind of had a devilish grin as she went about cutting my hair.

“You obviously have something planned,” I said, with just a little playful sarcasm in my voice. “What’s going on?”

“You’ll see,” was all she said with a lilt in her voice. Dawn was content to let the mystery hang in the air a bit. To be honest, I was, too!

I half-expected for there to be a rap on the glass from Kate, but so far nothing. So I sat in silence and slowly stroked myself. I figured the less interruptions, the faster we could get to her little “surprise.”

Once out of the cutting chair and into the wash chair, Dawn moved around me a playfully gave me a few kisses on my cock tip, which was it’s regular nice, solid six inches. “I love to watch it twitch. They say it has a mind of its own. Is that true?”

“Right now it’s doing all the thinking for me.” I said, which got a hearty laugh out of Dawn.

With the wash, dry and gel applied, it was back to her barber chair. She released the footrest so she could move in a little closer and lowered the seat as far as possible to the floor.

“Now, close your eyes and don’t open them until I say so,” she said. Naturally, I complied. I’d had nothing but good surprises on all my visits. Why would this one be different? Then I heard a little movement behind me, followed by a cabinet door opening and closing, the some more rustling.

“OK, open them.”

Dawn’s voice came from directly in front of me and when I opened her eyes, she exclaimed, “Ta-Da!”

Dawn had taken her bra and top off, exposing her luscious breasts. Scrunched in between her breasts was a can of chocolate whipped cream; the kind you get at an adult sex shop.

“I had an old can of this I just found underneath my closet,” Dawn explained as she removed the cap. “It was long expired, but I decided to pick up new can and have a little fun.”

The instructions obviously said to shake vigorously. Much to my delight, Dawn’s tits bounced this way and that as she prepped the can. She probably shook it a little more than necessary, but it was clear to her I was admiring the display. I was spell-bound by all the jiggling.

When she stopped, Dawn shot a little cream into her mouth. “Not bad,” she said.

Then she put a dollop of cream on each nipple and leaned into me.

“Here, you try it.” Dawn was very excited at this latest game.

I took the first nipple into my mouth. It was already very hard; Dawn was likely aroused at the thought of me sucking whipped cream off her tits. I licked and nibbled and sucked long past the point where I could taste anymore whip cream. After I was satisfied the first nipple was sufficiently cleared, I stopped for a moment.

“You look a little uncomfortable,” I said and took her by the hand. I got up and we walked a couple steps where Dawn could recline in the wash chair. Now she was comfortable and I could resume my feast. Her second nipple still had the whipped cream on it, so I wasted no time diving in. This nipple received the same treatment as the other; lots of licking and nibbling and sucking. The hardness, coupled with the moans and Dawn’s fingers running through my hair let me know she was enjoying this.

I kissed my way back over to the first nipple–resisting the temptation to “motorboat” her. I did a little nibbling and sucking on the first nipple and then the other before Dawn finally pushed my head away, likely because her nipples were now too sensitive.

Then it was back to the other chair, where I had a seat once again. Dawn kneeled in front of me and admitted, “it’s been years since I’ve done this.” But with the can of whipped cream in hand, she was determined to make her “boy toy” happy. She sprayed a line of whipped cream along the top of my cock and licked it clean. Then she repeated the process two more times before finally inserting my manhood into her mouth.

I let out a moan as the warm sensation of her mouth and tongue enveloping my cock overcame me. With her right hand on the base of my cock, I watched as her head began moving back and forth. Now it was my turn to run my fingers through her short, curly black hair. I could feel her tits slapping against my thighs as I she greedily sucked my cock. That old sensation I’d been feeling dozens of times in this building was now coming back to me. The orgasm seemed to start at my toes.

Dawn continued to suck with gusto and was now using her right hand more to help the stimulation. I couldn’t hold back any longer and cut my orgasm loose. Even though she said she hadn’t done it in a while, Dawn knew exactly how to handle a spewing cock. She stopped to let the first stream fly, then eased back on her motions and released the grip on her fingers, letting her mouth and tongue complete the orgasm. I had been leaning forward a bit to watch the action; now I laid back in the chair and panted to catch my breath.

Once done, I watched Dawn take a big swallow, then apply one more dollop of cream to my penis. She very gently sucked the head clean and made sure I was sufficiently milked.

Dawn looked up at me with a smile on her face, happy to have accomplished the feat.

“You really are adorable,” I told her. “And that was incredible!”

Dawn giggled one more time. I thought it was because of the compliment, but maybe it was because of my hair. When I was sucking on Dawn’s tits, she had messed it all up! With her still topless and me completely naked, I went back into the wash chair for a quick rinse and gel. I paid and got dressed. Dawn remained topless as we exchanged a hug.

“Now I see what you’ve been enjoying being naked, Dawn said, “Its kind of… freeing!”

“I certainly have enjoyed that part… as well as the other, um… stuff,” I said with a wink.

I gave her another hug and a deeper than normal kiss and was on my way a happy man. Again.


When I returned for another haircut, my mind ping-ponged between Dawn and Kate. Each was turning out to be a lot of fun individually an together, of course, was always special.

I tried to do the calculations in my head; how many times have I had an orgasm in this place? Fifteen? Twenty? I had lost track, but I didn’t care. The ladies were coming up with new and exciting ways for me to show off for them. It wasn’t getting old.

Once inside the building, I noticed almost immediately the lights were off in Dawn’s shop. I saw the note on her door and looked to up the hall to see Kate’s lights off, too. I only had access to Dawn’s schedule online. Kate had her schedule accessible as well, but was much more sporadic. And I noticed on several occasions that when Kate was supposedly “out,” it appeared she was really sneaking in to have a little fun with me.

The note showed the map to Georgene’s again. Not knowing when Dawn may return, I slowly meandered off to Georgene’s place.

Last time I was here, I had to wait a few minutes to enter Georgene’s salon. Today, I saw her chatting with another salon owner just outside the other ladies shop. Georgene was wearing a baby blue, sleeveless blouse and a black denim skirt cut at mid-thigh. She also wore black flats. Her slender figure looked good from a distance and even better up close. A blue headband kept her curly brown hair away from her forehead. She recognized me right away and ended the conversation.

“Hi Greg! Thanks for coming down. Follow me.” I was a few steps behind Georgene when she first entered the salon with me couple seconds behind her. She had moved off to the right as I entered the salon.

I surveyed the salon as I heard Georgene closing the sliding door behind me. Again, the set up was very similar to Dawn’s; just a slight rearrangement of the furniture.

I turned to tell her, “Thanks for seeing me on such short…” I cut myself off as I watched Georgene close the curtains.

“This is how it works, right? I lock the door and close the curtains?” Georgene said to me with a straight face.

“How do you know? I mean… are you sure?”

“It wasn’t easy. Dawn fessed up to me,” Georgene said. “The noises, the closed curtains, something was going on in there. But not to worry. She swore me to secrecy. And she told me she’d make my life a living hell if I blabbed. Dawn is a barrel of laughs She also said she’s enjoying having you around. So I’m not about to spoil it for her.”

“As long as you’re OK with it, we can give it a go,” I said. I tried to sound confident, but I was a little nervous. Who knows how she’ll truly react once the action starts? Guess I’ll find out soon enough.

Georgene continued, “I told her I wouldn’t mind trying it sometime myself. And if it wasn’t my thing, I’d still keep quiet. She had very, very nice things to say about you.”

I started trembling a bit, but I reasoned that I’d done pretty well so far, let’s give it a try.

“So what happens next? Oh wait…” Georgene held up a hand as she went to her cabinet on the side wall. I watched her bend over and reach into the cabinet. She ended up pulling out a pair of 4″ black high heel sandals with an ankle strap.

“I heard you’re into this, so I brought along one of my favorite pairs.”

She kicked off her shoes and was getting ready to have a seat in her office chair.

“Wait,” I told her. “Just watch me for right now.”

I was semi-erect and growing as my shoes and shirt came off. The shorts quickly followed. I stood there for a moment to let her look at me and my erection… as I took in her sexy body. My confidence was growing along with my erection. Her favorable reaction allowed me to relax a little and take charge.

“OK, have a seat there,” I pointed to the office chair for Dawn to sit in. Then I kneeled on my right knee and took the heels from her. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to have the pleasure of putting these on for you.”

I could see Georgene blushing at the request. I was hoping she didn’t find it too weird, but I was finding it a huge turn on to be putting these sexy sandals on her.

She put her right foot out and I slipped the first heel on. She then placed the heel on the floor, which made it easy for me to secure the strap around her ankle. As she switched legs, I briefly tried to look up her legs to see her panties, but she kept her thighs too close together for me to get a glimpse. And I was trying not to make it too obvious.

With the second heel secured, it was time for the haircut.

I had a seat in the chair and Georgene put on the smock. She had all sorts of questions for me; How did this all start? How long has this been going on? How did Dawn find out? What’s happening when she heard all those noises? Since there was no mention of Kate, I kept her out of the conversation. I told her how I got started, but not with who. I had no idea whether or not she had any contact with Andrea, so I felt like I was protecting her. I told her how Dawn found out–the same way; noises. And that it’s been going on for so long that I’ve lost count. All the while I watched Georgene’s reflection in the mirror. She was giggling and smiling and shaking her head and even blushing a little.

At one point, Georgene sarcastically scolded me. “Eyes up here, buddy.” But it wasn’t her breasts I was looking at. Whenever I could, I was sneaking peeks at her sexy legs and heels.

“Sorry, it’s just that your heels make your legs and feet look very attractive.”

“What is it about them that you find so compelling?” Georgene asked me.

“I don’t know. I guess the heels make your legs look even longer. I apologize if I embarrass you, but you have great looking legs already. And if you don’t mind me saying, the style you’re wearing I find very arousing. The open toes and the ankle strap… they just appeal to me.” I was stroking my cock underneath the smock a little faster just talking about my fetish and those heels. I was really getting aroused. I think Georgene could tell.

Georgene moved away from me just a bit so I could get a better look. She “modeled” the heels for me as she spoke. “I only wear these for special occasions–maybe twice a year. I like how they look on me, but I have to admit, they’re a little uncomfortable.”

“Well, thank you for wearing them for me,” I said in all sincerity, which was hard to do now that I was breathing a little heavier. “You look fantastic in them.”

Another blush, “Well, I can stand them for short periods. And after Dawn mentioned how much you liked the look, the devilish side of me decided to give it a try.”

“I’m glad you did. You look amazing in them.”

“Do I look fantastic or amazing? Make up your mind!” Georgene said, then broke into a wide grin.

I smiled back at her while she went back to work on my haircut.

After about a minute of silence, Georgene said, “Wow! I can’t believe this has been going on behind my back for so long. I had no clue. And no one else has been talking about it.” She was incredulous. “So, you didn’t answer my question about the noises I heard.”

“Well, what did Dawn tell you? I want to know how much she’s been telling you.” I made it sound like I was a little disappointed another person was now in the loop.

Georgene then got a little more serious, “Well, all she told me was that you’re happy to get naked for her and you always leave happy. Very happy.”

There was an implication that sex was involved, but Dawn didn’t tell her to what extent. So I told Georgene, “Yes, I’ve always been happy when I left. Very happy.”

I could see Georgene wasn’t sure what to make of what I said and was processing it all. She wasn’t saying the word ‘masturbation’, so I wasn’t saying it, either. She had no more questions and quietly finished the haircut.

Once the haircut was over, I felt like pressing my luck a little more. When we moved over to the wash chair, I asked to remove the smock.

“Sure! Whatever you’re comfortable with,” said Georgene.

With a quick tug, the smock unsnapped. My hard-on was pointing straight out as I sat in the chair; Georgene was next to the wash sink taking it all in.

As she washed my hair and massaged my scalp, I would peek up to see her paying a lot of attention to my cock, which was pointing right at her. I made it twitch on several occasions for my own amusement.

With the wash and dry done and gel applied, Georgene stepped back and waited to see what would happen next.

“Are you ready for the last step?” I asked her?

“That depends,” Georgene answered. “What is the ‘last step'”?

I stood near the wash sink. I’d gone this far, might as well see if I can finish up.

“Well, I’ll be honest. Now’s the time I usually masturbate for you.”

Her jaw dropped. Now she was blushing like never before. I was wondering if I had crossed a line.

“That explains the noises a little better, I guess. And why you leave happy–very happy–after each visit,” said Georgene.

I stood silently for a moment while Georgene took this new information in. I remained hard in hopes of a good finish.

“So what do I do?” asked Georgene.

“You may do whatever you like. You can stand there, you can stand here,” as I gestured to a spot on my right, “Whatever feels comfortable.”

I could see the wheels spinning for a moment, then Georgene went for her office chair. She slid it right in front of and facing her barber chair. It was a tight squeeze in between the mirrored wall and the chair, but it fit. Then Georgene sat in the barber chair and propped her heels onto the footrest. She turned back to me and patted her hand on the office chair. “Come have a seat,” she said through a sly smile.

I moved over her and had to step over her heels with my right leg to take my position on the seat. I was now basically straddling her feet, my hard cock less than a foot from those luscious heels.

“Go ahead,” Georgene instructed.

Without lubrication, I began to pleasure myself. I was in charge before, but now Georgene was taking control.

As I stroked, she would tilt the heels of her feet from side to side so I could get different views of her lovely heels and toes. She was leaning just a little to the right so she could get a better view of my throbbing cock. At one point, she lifted her right heel up and, very gently held the toe up to touch my cock. I stopped stroking for a moment so that I could rub the top of my cock on the base of her shoe. She smiled at this little “foot play.”

“Feeling good?” Georgene asked me?

“Oh yeah,” I said, my voice very husky as my orgasm gathered up energy inside me.

Georgene moved her knees apart ever so slightly. She could see my eyes get a little wider as I caught a glimpse of the white panties covering her pussy. If she minded, she didn’t let on. I continued my stroking, desperately wanting to caress her calves. I held off and told myself to just enjoy this moment.

As I quickened my pace, Georgene began rubbing the outsides of her own thighs, near the tops of her legs and down her skirt, which had crept up when seated to expose even more thigh. I looked up at her and she gave me a long look back through the stylish black-framed glasses she wore. Her hands would then go past the hemline and onto bare skin before stopping just above the knees and going back up. Another twinge inside me let me know my orgasm was closer.

With my breathing and my stroking accelerating, I was getting ready to pass the point of no return. When I broke my eyes off her heels and looked at Georgene, she looked back at me and in a voice nearly as husky as mine, said, “Go ahead.”

That was all I needed to hear. Georgene sat up a little more to catch the view as I erupted all over her right foot. I re-aimed my cock so that the second stream hit her left. Gobs of cum were now covering her feet… especially her toes. As I slowed, I took the liberty of wiping the remaining cum on my tip on the tops of her feet. Then, with cock in hand, I leaned back in the chair and gathered my breath, basking in the glow of what had just happened.

Georgene broke the silence, “Nice! I have to admit, that was kinda cool. I can see why Dawn said it was pretty fun having you around.”

I smiled at this. “Well, as you can probably tell, I’m having my fun, too.” Georgene returned the smile.

“Wait here, let me get some towels for you,” I told her.

“Actually, don’t bother. It kinda feels good between my toes. Makes me feel a little perverted. I like it!” she said, accentuating the last sentence. “Makes the heels a little more comfortable, too!”

I smiled at her and awkwardly got up first; Georgene then followed.

I fumbled to get my wallet out of my shorts. Once I grabbed my credit card, it was my turn to blush.

“I really hate to embarrass you, and it’s OK if you says so… but… do you want anything extra today?”

“No thanks,” Georgene said. ‘Dawn told me all about the arrangement. And I noticed from the last time you were in here, you’re a good tipper.”

“Oh, thank you,” I said, taking her remark as a compliment.

I paid and got dressed. Georgene watched me dress the entire time.

As I was getting ready to leave, I walked over to Georgene and gave her a nice, warm hug. She held me back just as tightly. “Thank you” I whispered in her ear, then I kissed her cheek and continued our hug.

“Thank you,” she said back to me.


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We broke off our hug. As I turned to leave, Georgene said, “Hey, I want in on the loop. And you’re secret is safe with me.”

“I never know what’s going to happen when I come in here,” I told her. “But I do know where to find you. And I appreciate your hospitality!” I got a grin out of her on that last sentence.

I winked at her, turned and left, wondering how long she was going to wait before cleaning up all the cum I had deposited all over her toes. Hopefully not for a while.

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