The Seventh Coven by Quinn_McMullen,Quinn_McMullen

A professor is invited to participate in a fertility rite on Halloween Story Contest 2022.

All characters and situations are complete fiction, a product of my fertile imaginations. Any similarity to actual people and situations is purely a coincidence. Any errors in the portrayal of Wiccan culture are mine and I apologize for any misrepresentation. All persons having sex are at least 18. All constructive criticism is welcome. This is also my entry to the Literotica 2022 Halloween Story Contest.


I was teaching a continuing education class that met on Wednesday evenings at the local community college. The course was Comparative World Religions. Since it was an undergraduate class, I treated it as a broad overview of the various faith traditions rather than an in-depth look at specific beliefs.

After the first class where I laid out the semester, I was approached by one of my students, Amy. She was a thin, short blonde. Very pretty.

“Professor, why aren’t we going to discuss Wiccan beliefs?”

“I suppose there are two reasons. First, it isn’t covered in the textbook and second, because I know very little about it.”

“Fair enough. Would you be open to learning more about it?”

“I am always open to learning.”

“Okay. Cool. I’ll be in touch.”


Although she was in class each week, I didn’t hear anything from Amy about her offer until early October.

Once again, she approached me after class, “Professor, are you still up for learning about our Wiccan sect?”

“Most certainly. I thought you might have forgotten about me.”

“Oh, no. I had to speak with my high priestess. She had one question for you: How well-endowed are you?”

I was taken aback, “As in the penis department?”

“Yes. I know. It is an awkward question.”

“Well, I suppose I am pretty average.”

“That’s great. My priestess said I could invite you to participate in our Halloween fertility rites just so long as you weren’t exceptionally small.”

“Fertility rites?”

“It is where we celebrate the sacred feminine.”

I remembered that the ‘sacred feminine’ was a movement that said that the feminine, through the power of reproduction was more sacred than the masculine. “And I assume I would be participating?”

“If you would like? I have to tell you that our ceremony does involve some sex. Actually, a lot of sex.”

“A lot of sex?”

“Actually, almost the entire rite is grounded in sex. Thus, the reason for my question. Because of that, we do not allow outside observers. Therefore, you are either part of the ritual or you can’t be there.”

As a widower, I hadn’t had much sex over the past ten years. This could be interesting. “Okay. I’ll take part.”

Amy clapped her hands, “Oh, that’s wonderful Professor. I’ll give you some written instructions on how to prepare for the ceremony next week.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Amy gave me a quick hug and was gone.


Over the next week, I started having doubts on the wisdom of participating in the fertility rites. There was certainly a chance I would have sexual contact with my student. Given the power differential, that was verboten. Nevertheless, I could also say that I was doing research. Also, if it was part of a ritual, I wouldn’t have much power, so the power differential problem would go away. I decided that I would need to discuss this with Amy. Faculty-student sex was to be avoided at all costs.


The following Wednesday, Amy met with me after class again. This time she had what appeared to be a paper of at least twenty pages.

“Professor, I brought you some information and instructions for the ceremony.”

“Before we go there, I need to ask – will you and I be having sex?”

“I have no idea Professor. The ceremony is controlled by my high priestess. There will be twelve women there and seven of us will be randomly selected to couple with you. Perhaps it would be helpful if you don’t think of it as sex, but rather as a celebration of the divine feminine, as a form of worship. The feminine is all about receiving and openness. As the masculine, you will be giving. The coupling of the feminine with the masculine brings heightened awareness, increased spirituality, and unity of body and mind. It brings us close to the spirit of the cosmos. Lao Tzu called it Tao.”

She sounded like a cross between an encyclopedia and a textbook. I’m a professor and I don’t talk like that. “Okay. I am very familiar with Tao. I suppose that is a good way to look at it.”

“You also need to know that our coven reveres the number seven. Our name is The Seventh Coven. For us, the number seven represents depth and wisdom. It is where the conscious and subconscious meet. By focusing on the number seven we enhance the quality of our fertility rite. For example, we will start promptly at 7 p.m. And as I said, you will couple seven times during the ceremony. This paper explains many of our beliefs. The last page contains very specific instructions that you must do to prepare for the ceremony.”

She flipped to the last page and started reading: “A critical measure for success of the fertility rite is for the high priest to have his lingam prepared for many yonis.” She stopped reading, “You will be fulfilling that role.” She continued, “Beginning on October 28th you will visited by a coven member to fellate you to orgasm twice a day. The first beginning at 7 a.m. and the second at 7 p.m. We request that a coven member provide this service to ensure proper preparation and care of your lingam.”

I held up my hand, “So one of your coven members will come to my home to orally bring me to orgasm twice a day?”

Amy nodded, “That is correct. Is that an issue, Professor?”

I was tempted to say something sarcastic, but I just shook my head.

Amy continued reading, “You will need to arrive at the address provided on the title page no later than 5:45 p.m. on Halloween, October 31st. At that time one of our coven members will prepare you for the ceremony.” Amy looked up at me, “Do you have any questions for me?”

“What if I change my mind?”

“If you do, please let us know by 7 p.m. on October 27th. That will give us enough time to find an alternate masculine person for our ceremony.”

“How many masculine persons will be at the ceremony?”

“Only one – you.”

“Then I will do my best to not let you down.”

“Thank you, Professor.”

Amy gave me a quick hug and left.

I began to look through the paper she left with me. Much of the theology dated back to pre-history. I was familiar with Merlin Stone’s groundbreaking work When God was a Woman from the Seventies. This paper drew on much of that. Nevertheless, it also drew on Eastern religions. For example, I knew the terms ‘yoni’ (vagina) and ‘lingam’ (penis) came from Sanskrit. In the Far East the terms were ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ respectively.

Here is one passage from the paper: The Sacred Feminine brings us the yin qualities of receiving, openness, restfulness, repose, and reflection. Combined with the yang (Sacred Masculine) qualities of giving, action, and accomplishment, a balance of give-and-take emerges and creates harmony within and without.

The paper talked about a creative life-force energy called Shakti and how to access it and develop it. A key method of accessing Shakti was through sexual healing. My mind immediately went to Marvin Gaye’s song of the same name.

I started singing, “Sexual healing, oh baby. Makes me feel so fine. Helps to relieve my mind.”

I put the paper in my satchel and headed home.


As Halloween approached, I decided to read the paper Amy had given me. It was very interesting to me as an academic. There were several concepts that I was familiar with. Amy’s coven believed that sex was an act of worship. I would be participating in “The Great Rite.” Many covens enacted this rite symbolically by placing a dagger point first into a chalice. This symbolized the union of male and female.

Throughout the text, I could see influences from the Kama Sutra (Hindu), The Perfumed Garden (Arab), and the Su Nu Ching (Chinese). Whoever had written it had done a lot of research. It sounded like the preferred Seventh Coven method of coupling was woman on top. This text provided a lot of instruction to coven members on how to stimulate their yoni to orgasm. I was getting excited to be the recipient of these techniques.

The paper went on to explain that The Seventh Coven rejected symbolism and instead carried out the Great Rite through the “Dance of Life” – essentially coven members (all were female) would be chosen at random to have sex with the guest high priest – me.

The idea of having sex with seven different women in the space of one evening seemed like a dream come true, but I kept thinking that perhaps there was a catch. They couldn’t do anything violent. Well, at least I didn’t think they could. I also didn’t think they would harm me physically. I also started doubting whether I could handle having sex with seven women in one evening.

I thought I had better work my way up to twice a day blow jobs. I decided that some pre-game masturbation would be in order so that I would be prepared for an unprecedented amount of sex. Well, unprecedented for me. Therefore, I decided to start my preparation well before the 28th. As a widower without many dating opportunities, I would typically masturbate once or twice a week. I would take a couple of different paths to stimulate my mind. One favorite was to get out old pictures of my wife and imagine being with her again. The downside to that was the sadness and depression that came afterward. Another way was to find a webcam and chat with a sexy, naked woman. At first, I tried some videos of women dressed as witches, but they seemed a bit contrived. I quickly fell back on webcams. By the evening of the 27th, I felt I was ready for my twice daily blow jobs.

I set my alarm for 6 a.m. so I could shower and be clean for my guest.


As planned, I woke up early and had a light breakfast after my shower. I stayed in my robe, assuming my visitor would need access to my body. At 6:50, my doorbell rang.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by a woman wearing a black veil. The veil hid her forehead, nose, and hair, but left her eyes and mouth exposed. She wore a knee length, double breasted, black trench coat.

“Good morning professor. Are you ready for me?”

“Good morning. I am ready. Please come in.”

The woman walked in, removed her coat, and handed it to me. She looked around, “I think that armchair would be best,” pointing to my favorite Lazy Boy in my study.

“Very well.”

As we walked into my study, I checked out my guest. She was of average height and build. Her knee-length black dress was tight enough to provide an idea of her figure, but certainly wasn’t sexy.

She walked over to the chair, “Professor, are you wearing anything beneath your robe?”


“Wonderful. If you could have a seat, we’ll get started at seven.”

“Do you have a name?”

“I do, but our high priestess insists on our anonymity.”

I took a seat, “Very well.”

She knelt before me and opened my robe, “Oh, very nice Professor. My sisters will be pleased.” She smiled at me, “I am pleased.”

She looked at her watch, “As you may know, we start everything precisely on time.”

I studied her face while we waited. She had full lips and striking green eyes. Her cheeks had just a touch of rouge.

Her watch vibrated and she looked up at me, “Time to begin.”

Green Eyes took my penis in hand and began licking the head, “Thank you for bathing for me.”

“You are welcome.”

She started sucking me in earnest. Soon I was erect and she used a combination of hand and mouth to stimulate me. “I hope you’ll forgive me. I am just learning about the masculine.” She continued sucking, “Our high priestess has been giving me lessons.”

“I think you are very good.”

“Thank you. Any tips you can provide would be appreciated.”

“I will be happy to help.”

My guest continued working my cock for several minutes. Then she got it just right.

“That’s it! What you are doing right now.”

Green Eyes giggled and continued.

After several more minutes, I felt my orgasm approaching, “I’m going to cum.”

She nodded, “In my mouth.”

After another minute I felt myself explode. She sucked me for all I was worth and didn’t lose a drop.

Green Eyes milked my shaft then leaned back on her heels, “You have a different taste than my training lingam. He tastes bitter. I’m not fond of him. You taste kind of nice. A musky kind of taste. Maybe a little salty.”

“Will you be visiting me all seven times?”

“Oh, no. A different sister will visit you each time.”

She stood up, then leaned over and softly kissed me, “That was very nice. Thank you for being so understanding and helpful.”

“Thank you for starting my day off on an enjoyable note.”

“I’ll let myself out.”

“Would you like to stay for breakfast?”

“Thank you, but I have some things to do.”


After a long day on campus, including an hour on the walking track, I got home around 6:15. I decided that being clean was the least I could do for the sister that would arrive soon. I jumped through the shower went down to the kitchen in my robe and slippers.

I made myself a sandwich and at 6:50 the doorbell rang again.

This time a tall, thin woman was standing there, “Good evening, Professor. It looks like you are expecting me.”

“I am. Please come in.”

“My sister briefed me on her experience this morning. I am so happy to be here.”

“Let me take your coat.”

I led her into my study, “Can I get you anything? A glass of water?” I was hoping to engage her and perhaps learn more about the coven.

“No thank you. If you will be seated, we can start on the hour.’

I sat down and noticed that this woman’s black dress was much tighter. She had a thin figure with average breasts. Her hips flared nicely. She had lovely blue eyes and blonde eyebrows.

Blondie knelt in front of me and placed her phone on the floor beside her, “Can I open your robe?”


She pulled my robe open, “Oh. She was right. You are nice.”

“I take it you talk amongst yourselves.”

“Oh sure. Everyone is looking forward to the big night. It will be so exciting and so much fun.”

“I, for one, can’t wait.”

“You won’t be disappointed.” Her phone began playing a song. She reached down and silenced it and immediately grabbed my penis. She stroked me several times then took the head into her mouth and sucked.

A slurp came from her mouth, “I hope you won’t be disappointed with me. I am part of the new class of novices and we have been studying the masculine.” She sucked for a moment or two, “Your lingam is the first circumcised lingam that I have experienced.”

“I hope I won’t disappoint.”

She smiled, “You won’t.”

Blondie’s technique was more mouth driven rather than using her hands. Once I was hard, she placed her hands on either side of my cock to hold it vertically and worked me using only her mouth.

She was able to take me about halfway into her mouth. She was not as vigorous as Green Eyes, choosing to go slow. She locked in on my eyes while sucking and slowly bobbing. Every so often she would smile at me or give an appreciative moan.

I reached out and touched her cheek and she leaned her face against my hand. Blondie was enjoying herself and I was enjoying Blondie. At one point she tried pressing me into her throat, but she gagged. She didn’t try again. She just kept up a constant motion, alternating between sucking, licking, and bobbing.

I was enchanted by this unknown woman. I wished I could get to know her better. It was hard to tell, but she couldn’t have been more than thirty. Given her sexual inexperience she was probably closer to twenty. Certainly, out of my league and I would most definitely be robbing the cradle.

Blondie began increasing her speed.

I groaned, “Something you are doing is perfect.”

She smiled and went even faster.

“I’m going to cum.”

Blondie nodded and just sucked the head. As I shot into her mouth, her eyes went wide. She made little grunting sounds as she tried to swallow all of it. A little bit came out of the corners of her mouth and ran down her chin.

She came off me, “I need to make sure I get all of your seed.” She milked me and continued sucking for quite a while.

Finally, she stood up, “I really enjoyed that Professor. Would you mind if I kissed you?”

“Not at all.”

I stood up and Blondie came over. I noticed some cum on her chin. “You missed some.” I licked it off her.

She whispered, “That’s so hot.” She placed her hand on my cheek and lightly kissed me. Her lips parted and our tongues entwined for a moment.

She broke the kiss, “That’s nice. I hope my number is chosen during the ceremony.”

“I hope so too. Can I offer you anything to eat or drink?”

“No thank you, Professor.”

I walked her to the door and held her trench coat as she slid her arms in. She reached up and gave me a peck on the lips, when was gone.

After the door closed, I had the idea to look for her car. I looked out the window, but didn’t see anything, not even Blondie. Mmmm.


I repeated my routine the next day, getting up early for a shower. This was a Saturday and I hoped I could entice my guest to share breakfast with me. I also decided to look for her as she approached my house.

I stood in the window and was surprised to see a woman in a black trench coat round the corner on foot.

As she came up the walk I opened the door, “Welcome to my home.”

“Thank you, Professor.”

“May I take your coat?”

I helped her with the trench coat and checked out her figure. Her black dress was tight and she seemed to be carrying some extra pounds. Her breasts were heavy and seemed to be unbounded, jiggling a bit under the black material. She has just the touch of an accent and coupled with her brown skin, I assumed she was Hispanic. I decided I would refer to her in my mind as ‘Maria’ in honor of West Side Story.

I hung up her coat and directed her to my study, “Can I get you anything before we begin?”

“Perhaps a glass of water.”

A quick trip to the kitchen solved that problem.

“Professor, if you have a seat, we can begin on time.”

I allowed my robe to fall open as I sat down.

Maria also used her phone as an alarm. She knelt between my legs and took a sip of water, “Ahh. Hits the spot.”

I thought I’d try to learn more about her, “My first two visitors said they were novices. How long have you been a member of Seventh Coven?”

“Oh, I’m not a novice. I’ve been a member for four years. I think you’ll find out I’m pretty good at this.”

“Your sisters were pretty good.”

She smiled, “I’m much better.” She took another sip as the alarm went off.

Maria immediately grabbed my cock and began sucking. Her mouth was cold and felt different.

“Your mouth is chilled from the water. It makes for a very nice sensation.”

“Mmmm. Good to know.”

She used a combination of hands and mouth to quickly get me hard. “You are really nice.” She sucked some more, “I love the coloring of you gingers.” More sucking, “I hope I am chosen on Monday.”

“I would love to get to know you more closely.”

She smiled up at me with her brown eyes, “Please tell me when you’re getting close Professor.”

“Will do.”

Maria was not kidding when she said she was good. Her technique was amazing and stimulated every inch of my shaft. She never took more than four or five inches of me into her mouth, but she didn’t need to. She stopped and took a drink of water and returned to my cock.

“Oh my god, that’s amazing.”

She chuckled into my cock. Now one hand was pulling gently on my balls.

I had never had a woman do that and the sensation started me toward an orgasm, “Getting close.”

Maria began pressing on my perineum with an external prostate massage, rubbing in circles.

“Oh god.”

She pushed me over the edge, sucking up every bit of semen. She looked up at me with those big brown eyes. Soon she was milking me, swallowing all my cum.

“Wow! That was fun Professor.” She took one last drink and placed her cold mouth on my cock.

“Oh, your cold mouth feels amazing.”

“I made a new discovery. Thanks for helping me learn that.”

“If I may say, you really are good at that.”

“You’re sweet.”

She stood, then leaned in and kissed me. I wanted to taste my cum so I probed with my tongue.

She responded and held my face, “Mmmm. That’s nice.”

“Can I offer you some breakfast?”

“No thank you. I have to be at Coven House. We have a lot of preparation.’

“Well, thank you for an exquisite start to my day.”

I walked her to the door, then held her coat.

“Thank you, Professor. It was wonderful for me too.”

Out the door and around the corner she went.


My Saturday was spent with a combination of grading, class prep, and an afternoon hike. Again, I made sure I was home in time to shower for my guest.

I was surprised when my doorbell rang at 6:45, a little early.

My visitor was a slight Asian woman of average height, “Good evening, Professor. My high priestess has asked me to come a little early for two reasons. First, she wants me to examine your lingam to ensure that my sisters have not irritated the skin.” She hesitated.

“What is the second reason?”

“She requests that you stop trying to find out about the sisterhood. We see that you have been looking to see how we arrive and depart. Because of the nature of our worship services, anonymity is very important. She wants me to explain, that other than Amy, if you think you recognize any of us in public, we respectfully request that you not approach us or speak to us.” She removed her trench coat and handed it to me.

“Okay. That makes sense. I will stop looking out my window.”

“Thank you, Professor. I believe that is your favorite chair?”

“It is. Shall I sit down?”

“Yes, please.”

As she approached me, I checked out her body. She seemed to be thin. The black dress just hung from her shoulders. She had small breasts and small hips. I decided I would refer to her as Joanie, an Asian girl I dated in college many years ago.

Joanie knelt between my legs and examined my penis closely, “Professor, I also need to tell you that all of the remaining preparers will be looking to simulate coupling with a yoni. We will be working to increase your endurance. As we stated in the literature we provided, you will be coupling with seven women. Your partners will couple with you until they have an orgasm. Even if all seven reach climax in as little as ten minutes, that is seventy minutes of sex. Most likely you will be having sex for ninety minutes, or even two hours.”

“That’s a lot of sex.”

“Yes. For that reason, the rest of us will be simulating a yoni.”

“How will you do that?”

“By taking you all the way into our throats and simulating coupling. The final preparers have been chosen by the high priestess for our skill and prowess.” She looked at her watch, “We have about one minute before I begin. Do you have any questions?”

“No. The Great Rite seems much more daunting than it did before.”

“That s the purpose of the preparation.”

I heard her watch vibrate.

“We begin.”

Joanie immediately grabbed my penis and began sucking. She was correct. Her technique was skilled. She rapidly had me hard and soon was deep throating me, essentially using a full stroke technique. One instant the head of my cock would be touching her lips, the next I would be buried to the hilt in her mouth. Unlike Blondie and Maria, Joanie seemed to take no pleasure from this. Her eyes were closed and she seemed to be intensely focused, doing a job.

I could see why the high priestess chose her. Her oral technique was very close to fucking a pussy. She applied the right amount of suction to simulate vaginal walls. Joanie set up a steady rhythm and I decided to stop analyzing everything and to just sit back and enjoy it.

Despite the quality of her blow job, I was surprised at my staying power. She must have had me fucking her face for at least fifteen minutes before I felt my orgasm approaching. I let her know and Joanie just nodded. I couldn’t see the quantity of my load, but it felt much more intense. Typically, my cum just dribbles out. My doctor said it was because my pelvic muscles were weak. I was pretty sure it didn’t dribble out this time.

Like her sisters, Joanie milked my shaft for every drop.

She checked her watch, “Twenty-one minutes. That’s good Professor. Certainly above average for our high priests at this stage of their preparation.”

“Oh. So, I should be feeling good about that.”

“Yes. You are well on your way. I will let myself out. Please stay seated. Good night, Professor.”

“Good night.”

I hoped the remaining sisters were not so formal. While the blow job was pleasurable, I felt like I was in a scientific laboratory.


The next morning a woman of average height rang my doorbell, “Good morning, Professor. How are you today?”

“Quite well thank you. It sounds like you are having a good day.”

“Oh, I am. I’m really glad to be here with you.”

As I took her trench coat, I noticed her curvy body. From her eyebrows, freckles, and skin coloring I concluded she was a fellow redhead.

Red was a talker, “I’ve heard wonderful things about you from my sisters. Plus, I feel like I have a spiritual bond with you since we’re both gingers.”

“And I understand that you are here to work on my sexual endurance.”

She smiled, “I am. This is the third time I have been given this assignment. I think it is the most enjoyable part of being a witch.”

“That’s interesting. You are the first member of your coven who has described herself as a witch.”

“Am I really? Well, I think we all call ourselves witches.” She looked at her watch, “We will need to get started.”

“We have been using my Lazy Boy.”

I led her into my study and sat down.

She knelt between my legs and examined my penis, then nodded, “Your skin is doing very well. Just an observation, but I think your size is just right. Too big, or too small causes problems for either the preparation or the rite.”

I smiled, “I am glad I am able to accommodate your coven.”

I heard an alarm. Red silenced it and immediately grabbed my cock. She took her time and spent a lot of time gazing into my eyes. Her blue eyes mesmerized me. She slowly got me hard with gentle licks and sucks. Every so often she would groan with pleasure. There was not going to be anything mechanical about this morning’s blow job.

She came off me, “Time for me to simulate a yoni.”

She pulled my erection forward and began a slow deep throat, working my full length like the last sister. The difference this time was I felt like I was connecting with her. Her constant eye contact brought us closer. Part of me wanted to pull her up and fuck her pussy. Oh my god this was heavenly.

Red did a very nice job with the pussy simulation, but she didn’t rush it. I wondered how long she would be able to keep going. Keeping her mouth and throat working must have been difficult. Still, she soldiered on. She gave me little groans of pleasure sending sparks down my spine. After quite a while she began working me in earnest, her body rocking back and forth sending my shaft down her throat.

“Oh Red, I’m coming.”

She stopped for a moment and giggled, then returned to the task at hand. I came when she was completely on me, sending my cum down her throat. She kept moving and I kept shooting. At least three times, maybe four.

Finally, she milked my shaft, sucking every drop from me.

She checked her watch, “The high priestess will be pleased. Forty-four minutes.”

“Forty-four minutes of pure bliss.”

“You gave me a nickname, Professor.”

“Actually, I gave all your sisters a name. I just never called it out in the throes of passion before.”

“Well, I’m honored. My teammates in high school called me Red, so you’re not far off.”

She stood up and cupped my face, kissing me. I probed with my tongue and she responded in kind. She straddled me in the chair and we kissed for several minutes. I slipped my hands up her thighs and cupped her naked ass cheeks. I received a groan in reply. Commando? Oh my god! I can’t believe this!

She broke the kiss, “Wow. That’s nice.” She climbed off me.

I stood up, “Can I offer you some breakfast?”

“I would love to stay, but I have some work to do. If it was up to me, I would have climbed on top of you and simulated a yoni with my own yoni.”

“I actually had the same thought.”

I walked her to the door and helped her on with her coat. She threw her arms around me and we kissed again, this time I pulled her tight. Her ample breasts pressed into my chest.

She spoke into my mouth, “It is strictly forbidden, but I think I would give up being a witch to be with you.” She ran her fingers through my chest hair.

“I wouldn’t mind that at all.”

Red leaned back and held my face, looking into my eyes. “I will pray that I am chosen to be with you. Perhaps, I will enroll in your courses at the college.”

“I would like that.”

Red gazed into my eyes. It felt like she was being torn. “Oh god this is hard.” She kissed me one last time, “You’re wonderful, Professor. Gotta go.”

She ran out the door.


Sunday evening, I opened my door to a Black woman, “Good evening, Professor.” She had what sounded like a British accent.

“Good evening. May I take your coat?”

She had an average figure with a shapely butt, “Thank you.”

“Can I infer from your accent that you are, or were one of King Charles’ subjects?”

“I was a subject of the Queen, but not Charles. As of this past summer, I now have full American citizenship.”


“Thank you. My sisters have told me that you are a very kind man.”

“That is nice to hear.”

“Your last visitor, you called her Red, was quite complimentary. I was wondering what name you will give to me.”

“Since I feel like I am in the presence of royalty, I think I will call you Elizabeth.”

“That is so nice. I approve. You are such a gentleman.” She glanced at her watch, “We don’t have much time.”

“This way then.”

I was afraid that by the sixth preparatory blow job, that it would feel like a chore. Instead, I felt like I had a rapport with Elizabeth as she knelt between my legs.

She quickly inspected my penis, “My sisters have told me of your lingam. I am glad that our high priestess selected me.”

“Do you have much experience in this preparation?”

“I have been preparing lingams for far too many years to count.”

“You don’t look that old.”

“Have you heard the phrase, ‘Black don’t crack’?”

I laughed, “I had a colleague from Senegal who said it a lot.”

She smiled, “Well, it’s true. I recently started my fifth decade on this Earth.’

So, she’s recently turned forty. “Well, your majesty, I would have thought you were much younger.”

Her watch rang, “Thank you, Professor. Time to make love to you with my mouth.”

Wow! She began licking around the head, smiling while she did. While she didn’t have the intense eye contact that Red had, she was constantly looking up at me. She was much more vocal though. A regular series of groans and moans came from her, sending vibrations up my spine. Once I was hard, she began the deep throating. Her mouth seemed so much tighter than the others. She used a combination of suction and tongue to stimulate my cock. I didn’t think I would last long.

I felt my orgasm approaching, “Here it comes Elizabeth.”

She slowed to a crawl and I felt my body ease away from the edge.

After a minute or so she asked, “Has the urge receded?”

“It has.”

She commenced the deep throat with renewed vigor. Three more times she edged me. Her stamina was phenomenal. As I approached an orgasm for the fifth time, she nodded and kept right on going.

When I came, Elizabeth held me all the way in her throat. I could feel her throat muscles churning my cock. I wondered how my cum didn’t go down the wrong pipe.

She pulled off and milked me for what was left. She checked her watch. “We went for fifty-five minutes Professor. That was very good.”

“You must be exhausted. I don’t know how you did that.”

“I am tired. I think you could have gone longer. I was the reason we stopped.”

“Can I get you anything?”

“A glass of water would be nice.”

“This way.” I led her to the kitchen and poured a glass. “Is there anything else I can get you. Something to eat?”

“You are very kind, but this is wonderful.” She downed the water, “I do have one request.”

“Name it.”

“I would like to kiss you as my sisters kissed you.”

I held out my arms and she wrapped her arms around my neck. Our tongues were quickly entwined. I held her tight, feeling her breasts against me. We kissed for what seemed like a long time.

She eased off and spoke into my mouth, “That was nice. I fear I won’t get to make love to you tomorrow evening.”

“Why not?”

“The odds are not in my favor. I shouldn’t say this, but I sometimes think our high priestess rigs the selection. For example, during four of the last six rites she has been the final lover. Mathematically, that is nearly impossible if it isn’t rigged. Additionally, I should have been chosen during at least four of those. I have only been chosen twice. I fear she has her favorites and she rigs the selection bowl.”

“I’m sorry. I know I cannot see you outside of the rite, but you should know you are always welcome here. It does not have to be sex related or coven related. You are welcome as a person, as my guest. You could be a friend. I would love to spend time with you.”

She smiled, “Thank you Professor. I must be going.”

She led me to the front door and I followed her, watching her hips sway. I held her coat as she put it on.

Elizabeth gently kissed me, “Thank you for a very pleasant evening.”

“You are welcome.”

She turned and left.


Halloween morning, I again kept my routine. At ten minutes to the hour my doorbell rang and I ushered in a short, older woman.

“Happy Halloween, Professor. I hope you are well.”

“I am. I have to say that the past seventy-two hours have been a unique experience.”

“This evening will surpass that. I understand you have been giving us names.”

“I have. May I take your jacket?”

I checked out her body as I helped her off with her trench coat. She was probably around five feet tall. She didn’t have much of a butt, but her large breasts hung down so that they were even with her elbows.

“I would guess you are much closer to my age than any of your sisters.”

She smiled, “That is a fair assessment.”

“You remind me of a friend from high school. Because we’d go hiding on the backstreets, I’ll call you Terry.”

“Love the Springsteen reference.” She looked at her watch, “Almost time for fun.”

I led her to the armchair. Terry knelt before me and spread my robe.

She quickly checked my lingam skin, “You’re in great shape.” She glanced at her watch. “Let’s go.”

She went right to work sucking, licking, and stroking. She too was big on eye contact. Her brown eyes twinkled as she got me hard.

She stopped for a moment, “I am going to fuck you with my mouth for at least an hour. If at any time, you feel an orgasm coming on, let me know and I will back off. This is the final prep for tonight.”

I nodded, “I’ll let you know.”

“You might want to sit up a little straighter.” Terry pulled my cock so that it was horizonal to the floor and began deep throating me. She rocked her body back and forth taking me all the way into her throat, then nearly completely off me. She had just the right amount of suction and she did a fine job simulating a pussy. The entire time her eyes were locked in on mine. They were beautiful, yet haunting. I wondered what kind of life she had led. How had she become so adept at sucking cock, at deep throating? Not that I minded at all.

I cast my mind back to the last time I had had any sustained sexual contact that lasted for an hour. I couldn’t remember anything like this.

After about a half hour, I felt an orgasm approach and I let her know. She slowed dramatically.

She broke contact, “Let me know when it passes.”


After a minute or so I was back to normal and I let her know. Terry returned to her previous speed and continued fucking me with her mouth. Two more times I approached the edge and she backed off both times.

On the last time she glanced at her watch, “This time is for keeps and for swallowing.”

I smiled, “Okay.”

I lasted about another five minutes and I came in her mouth. Terry milked me and licked me clean.

She smiled up at me, “That was nearly seventy minutes.”

“You must be exhausted.”

“Yes. Tired.”

“Can I get you something to eat?”

“It isn’t allowed, but I will gladly have a piece of toast. Do you have coffee?

“Toast and coffee coming up.”

I led Terry into the kitchen and plunked two pieces of bread into the toaster, “Help yourself to the coffee. Are you allowed to talk to me?”

“No. But that hasn’t ever stopped me before.”

“Can you tell me about the coven? About being a witch?”

“Our coven isn’t about magic. It’s about sisterhood, supporting one another, and raising awareness about women and women’s rights. We have a wonderful group of sisters. Our high priestess has been with us for about three years now. There is a lot of discontent about how she leads. For example, those who couple in the Great Rite are supposed to be selected at random. There is very little that is random. I will bet the proverbial dollar that she is your last partner tonight.”

The toast popped and I buttered it, “How do you feel about that?”

“I’m old and past my prime. It doesn’t bother me, but for the younger women, it is starting to bother them.”

I brought the toast to Terry, “How so?”

“Take your last visitor. You called her Elizabeth. She is convinced that the high priestess has favorites and thus excludes her.”

“Is it race related?”

“I don’t think so. But it is very unfair. There is also grumbling about not getting to know our high priests. You have enchanted many of my sisters and they would like to know you outside of the coven.”

“But that is forbidden.”

“Yes. The coming weeks will be interesting with our internal politics.”

“Do you have any suggestions for me for tonight?’

“No. Come with an open mind. I suspect that you have never had a sexual experience quite like you will have this evening.”

“I always try to keep an open mind.”

She finished her toast and downed the last gulp of coffee, “Thank you Professor. You have been most kind.”

“Thank you for visiting with me. Oh, plus the preparation.”

Terry smiled, “It is exhausting, but I absolutely love mouth fucking.”

I walked her to the door. As I helped her with her coat I said, “I’ll see you tonight.”

“You will. I should be easy to spot being the oldest and shortest.” She laughed, “I’ll be the one with boobs that touch the floor.”

“You’re not old. You’re like me, seasoned.”

She kissed me, “Thanks.”


On Halloween, I arrived at the address about five minutes early. The light was fading and there were already some preschoolers out with their parents trick-or-treating. The house was a two story, late-nineteenth century Victorian. It was painted dark blue with black trim. There were seven jack-o-lanterns on the steps. They seemed to have some kind of symbolism woven into the carving. I would have liked to stop and study them, but I didn’t want to be late. As I climbed the steps to the wrap-around porch, the front door opened, but I didn’t see anyone.

I peeked in, “Hello?”

A lovely female voice said, “Please come in Professor.”

The door shut behind me and I saw a woman wearing the same black veil as my preparatory team. The difference this time was that was all she wore. She was of average height and weight with youthful breasts, high on her chest. In the dim light I could make out her nipples and dark delta of pubic hair. This is an interesting start.

“May I take your hat and coat?”

I handed them over and she went to a closet where she hung them up. I looked around the house. The shades were drawn and only a bit of light came in from the outside. To the right looked like a parlor furnished in period pieces. To the left was a well-stocked library. A wide stairway on the right led to the second floor.

As my eyes adjusted, I examined my companion more closely. Her pubic hair appeared to be untrimmed. She had full breasts. Her nipples were erect and thick, topping quarter sized areolae.

She bowed deeply, “Welcome to the home of the Seventh Coven, Professor. If you would be so kind as to follow me.”

The woman, I decided I would call her The Butler, led me down a dimly lit hallway. Such a nice figure from this angle. I followed her sashaying ass.

She opened a door, “Watch your step Professor.”

We descended to the basement. There was a small room with a single armchair in the middle. To the side was small table. Off to the side I could see doors to rooms that I would have suspected contained a furnace and perhaps a laundry.

The woman handed me a glass, “Please drink this Professor. It is only meant to enhance your performance this evening.”

I smelled it first, then downed the liquid. It had a citrusy taste.

“I will leave you for now. If you would be so kind as to remove all your garments including socks and shoes. There are hooks on that wall that you can hang them on. When you are naked, please put that hood over your head and have a seat in the chair. One of my sisters will be with you shortly.”

“Thank you.”

The woman climbed the stairs and I heard the door shut behind her. I looked around to see if there might be some kind of surveillance system, but I didn’t see anything. There did seem to be a missing knothole, but on closer inspection there was nothing there. The floor had a large, braided rug, so at least I wouldn’t be walking around on bare concrete. I slowly stripped off my clothes and hung them up.

Before putting on the hood, I made one last inspection of the room. Two sides were exterior walls made of stone. The other two had ancient tongue-and-groove pine paneling. I decided that this was just an interim location. I was probably going to be taken to a more spacious room for the Great Rite. I sat down and pulled the hood over my head. I noticed that it had a drawstring so I closed off the bottom around my neck.

The temperature was quite pleasant and there wasn’t any dampness as one might expect in an old basement. Even though my hearing isn’t what it once was, that sense became more attuned to my surroundings. I thought I heard movement on the floor above me and also behind the paneled wall to my rear.

In an instant, my forearms were bound to the chair.

A different female voice said, “Please forgive me Professor. This is to ensure that you won’t interfere with what I have to do.”

“And what is it that you have to do?”

“I have to service you so that your lingam has a proper erection.”

“I don’t think I have any objections to that.” I tried to place the voice, but she didn’t sound familiar. Probably not one of my seven visitors.

“Thank you, Professor. We have one request throughout the rite. If you feel yourself approaching an orgasm you must say ‘edge’ immediately. You will only be allowed one orgasm and that will be on your final coupling. Do you understand?”

“Yes. I haven’t met you yet, have I?”

“No. This is the first time we’ve met.” I felt a naked breast touch my arm. The woman ran her hands through my chest hair. “The high priestess will be pleased with your body hair.”

The chair was reclined slightly. I felt her kneel between my legs. Soon I felt her elbows on my thighs and a hand on my cock.

“My sisters were right. You have a wonderful lingam.”

I felt her tongue on the head. Being unable to see heightened the sensations on my cock. She licked the length of my shaft, then returned to the head and circled it several times. Her mouth enveloped the entire head and began gently sucking. She teased me, flicking her tongue on my frenulum and tracing around my circumcision scar. Quiet slurping sounds emanated from my crotch as blood rushed to my penis. Twice I could feel her take my entire shaft into her mouth. I groaned my approval and she giggled. I felt myself growing and I was pretty sure I was at maximum hardness, but the woman continued licking and sucking. She took my balls into her mouth and hummed on them. A few more deep throats, then she stopped.

“I think you are ready Professor. There is one last thing that I must do. If at any time you are in pain, please let us know.”

“In pain?”


“What are you doing?”

“I will apply a control device to your lingam.”

I felt something akin to a thick elastic band tightened around the base of my penis. Cock ring? I felt her breasts on my thighs. She gently kissed my mouth. “Mmmm.”

Then I felt her breasts against my arms. It was difficult to judge their size, but they weren’t small. I sensed that she had moved to the paneled wall behind me.

Then I sensed several bodies in the room with me. Suddenly the armchair fully reclined and my forearms were released.

A sultry woman’s voice said, “Welcome to The Seventh Coven, Professor. I am the high priestess. I am called Boudica.”

“As in Queen Boudica?” I was thinking of the ancient Celtic queen who defeated the Romans.

“You are a learned man Professor. I have been given this name in honor of her majesty. I hope my sisters have been treating you with the utmost hospitality.”

“They have.”

“In a few moments, my sisters will move you into our Sacred Space. If I might say, you underestimated the size of your lingam. In its erect state, you are more than average.”

“I hope that meets with your approval.”

“It most certainly does. Your virility is evident in your toned musculature and copious body hair. Sister Amy has chosen well.

“My sisters will lift you and then carry you into the Sacred Space. I ask that you assist them by keeping your body as rigid as possible. Please keep your arms at your side. Once you are in position, we will remove your hood.”

I sensed movement on either side of me. Suddenly there were hands on me. Many hands. And breasts!

“Unus, duo, tres.” I was lifted up and I struggled to keep my body rigid. A British accent. That was Elizabeth counting in Latin. I tightened my stomach muscles. I felt soft breasts touching my body at several points. I counted the hands in my mind. It seemed like five sets on each side and a pair holding my head. Eleven. The high priestess is not doing any lifting.

I was placed on what felt like a padded, felt board, but then my arms were stretched out and once again my forearms were bound. Additionally, restraints were placed on my calves. A firm, thin pillow was placed under my head.

My hood was removed and I was shocked at what I saw. First, all of the women were out of sight. I arched my back to look behind me and I was alone in the room. It was quite large, perhaps as much as twenty-five feet square. The light came from seven green torches placed evenly around me. The flames cast flickering shadows across the dark walls. I lifted my head and I could see that I was bound on a cross-shaped table. On a side table were several containers and a leather-bound book.

How’s this going to work? I noticed that the ceiling was high, at least six feet above me. How high was this table? It looked to be about three feet high. Where did they go? I looked around, but could detect no doors or hiding places. I looked down at my penis and it was still as hard as could be. Yes, there was a thick rubber band around the base, a form of a cock ring. It must be adjustable. There must have been something like Viagra in that drink. Perhaps an aphrodisiac of some sort. I decided to just relax and several minutes passed.

I noticed that incense was burning. I wasn’t sure what it was. I looked around again, but couldn’t find the source.

Suddenly I heard, “Let us begin the dance of life!”

Seemingly out of nowhere, there were women all around me. All were veiled with the now familiar black head scarf. Like The Butler, all were naked. The women were dancing and circling me counterclockwise. Hands ran across my body, some touching my cock. They were singing a joyful song, but I didn’t recognize the language. I was mesmerized by the breasts of all sizes moving around me. I immediately picked out her majesty Queen Elizabeth. There was Red. There was Terry. I spotted Amy and Blondie. There others were unfamiliar. Some were youthful. Some were not. Looking to the side I could see that they all had a lot of pubic hair.

Suddenly, a woman in a red head scarf appeared at my feet. The women in black continued circling, but they stopped touching me. I assumed that Boudica wore the red scarf. She had a stunningly beautiful figure. Generous, full breasts topped with quarter-sized areolae and erect nipples like pencil erasers. Her dark pubic hair appeared to be untrimmed like her sisters.

The plank my legs were strapped to was split in two allowing access between my legs. They were some kind of moveable boards. Boudica moved all the way to my crotch and clapped seven times. Everyone stopped.

She sang in a high soprano voice, “Oh spirit of the cosmos. We give thanks for our high priest and his lingam.”

She raised a long dagger high in the air above me. What the fuck! Is she going to stab me!

Boudica continued, “Oh spirit, forgive our simple nature. Allow us to substitute this lingam for the ceremonial dagger.”

The women chanted, “Praise to the wise spirit.” Several times, probably seven, but I lost count. I was focused on that fucking dagger!

Boudica slowly brought it toward my chest, point first. I was relieved when she laid the dagger on my chest, pointing toward my face. Then she took my cock in her hand and brought it to the vertical. She sang, “Oh spirit allow the sacred giving force of this lingam to heal our wounded yonis and bring peace to our spirits.”

The women began dancing counterclockwise again. Their hands touching me. This time they sang in English. Here is their song as best I can remember:

”Spirit of the cosmos, light our fleshly fires.

Bring your stars to the flame, fill us with desire.

Spirit of the cosmos, find favor in this spell.

Unite the yin and yang, let peace, shakti dwell.

Within our burning hearts, draw close to this place.

Spirit free your powers, satisfy with your grace.”

It was a haunting melody, one that still lingers in my mind. About halfway through the song, Boudica bent over and took my cock into her mouth, sucking and churning it. After a half a minute or so she exclaimed, “Thank you Spirit!” Then the one of the women dressed in black took her place, repeating the act. I realized that each witch was going to give me a suck. So much for no sex with Amy. The things I must suffer for research. Some just took part of my shaft into their mouth. Others swallowed me whole. All made me feel great. I recognized the others – Green Eyes, Maria, The Butler, Joanie.

Throughout this time, I had a chance to observe the women dancing around me. Boudica wasn’t dancing. All of them had ample pubic hair. When the last woman had sucked on my cock, Boudica brought a tall bar stool type of table between my legs. There was a smoking black pot.

She began to chant, “Please use this sage to keep evil from us.” She tossed something, presumably sage into the pot. Smoke started curling upward. “Please use this patchouli to increase our lust. … Please use these poppy seeds to increase our fertility. … Please use this ambergris to increase our lust. … Please use this carnation to increase our love. … Please use this mint to increase our desire. … Please use this cinnamon to increase our lust.”

I got the feeling that things were going to get lusty. A haze of smoke settled a couple inches from the ceiling. The dagger was removed from my chest.

Boudica clapped seven times again. All singing and motion stopped. A woman brought a bowl to the high priestess and she drew out an object. “Unis has been chosen to couple.”

Latin again. Number one. My legs were pushed together and a large woman with ample, sagging breasts and brown skin stepped forward. She gave my cock a long, deep suck and chanted, “Spirit of the cosmos heal my yoni.”

She climbed up and straddled my chest. I decided I would call her Puerto Rican Jane. She leaned forward and placed a breast into my mouth. I sucked on it for several seconds and she moved her other breast for a suck. She kissed me deeply, then she settled back and placed my penis at her opening, her hands on either side of my torso.

As soon as Jane pressed me into her vagina, the witches began dancing and singing again. Oh, what a tight, wet pussy! Her hips churned. Her vagina gripped and pulled my cock. I wanted to reach up and grab those large, swaying breasts, but remembered my arms were bound. She leaned forward and kissed me, leading with her tongue. I probed into her mouth and then she was back up. Her body bouncing on my cock, her breasts setting up a slightly delayed rhythm to her bouncing. Now her feet were on either side of me and she had my cock pistoning her pussy, striking the front of her vagina. That’s got to be getting her g-spot. Sure enough, within a minute or so, I felt her pussy contracting on my penis. She flung herself forward again, panting for breath, her orgasm taking control. She kissed me hard, thrusting with her tongue.

Finally, Jane broke the kiss and spoke into my mouth, “Thank you, Professor.”

“You’re welcome.”

The singing and dancing stopped. Two women came over and helped her down.

A buxom woman appeared next to my head, “Drink some water Professor.”

The liquid had some kind of fruity taste. My legs were spread again and Boudica appeared at my crotch. She eased the rubber band cock ring and took my cock completely into her mouth. It felt like she was licking me clean. Meanwhile, Buxom Water Girl was wiping my head with a damp cloth. Occasionally she leaned over me, pressing her breasts into my head.

Boudica tightened the cock ring, stood up, and clapped seven times. The bowl was brought over. “Ter has been chosen to couple.”

Number three. My legs were pushed together and a tall thin woman with average breasts climbed on top of me. It was Blondie, my second preparation visitor. She had very nice hips. First, she kissed me and gave me a sweet smile. She straddled my face, placing her blonde pussy at my mouth. I hungrily started licking. Oh, so tasty! Please let this last a while. Her hands gripped my hair for a few moments. Then she reached back and pulled on my cock a few times. I greedily lapped the length of her yoni from her opening to her clit. Finally, she moved her hips over my penis. She chanted, “Spirit of the cosmos fill my yoni.”

So, it sounded like each woman had a different request for the spirit. Blondie pressed me into her vagina. Once again, a heavenly feeling with that initial penetration of her pussy. The dancing and singing began again. It felt like she hooked her feet over my thighs. Her hip movement was mostly vertical, my cock penetrating the length of her womanhood. Blondie leaned forward and placed her hands on my chest. I was supporting all her weight. Good thing she was a thin woman. She began a twerking motion that felt amazing. How am I going to make it through six more women without cumming? Up, down, back, and forth. She reached down and started rubbing her clit. Soon I felt her yoni contracting on me as her orgasm began. Blondie’s head fell forward while she kept her hips moving. Finally, she collapsed on me.

She reached up and took my face in her hands. She gently kissed me, “Thank you so much Professor. It was all I ever imagined.”

The post-coitus routine began again. Women helped Blondie down. Buxom Water Girl offered me drink. Boudica relaxed my cock ring and sucked me clean. She retightened it, stood up, clapped and the bowl was brought over. “Undecim has been chosen to couple.”

Number eleven. My legs were pushed together and a short, thin blonde who could only be Amy mounted the table. First, she leaned forward and gently kissed me, “I am so excited Professor.”

Yup, it was Amy. Like Blondie, Amy chose to straddle my face. She had some delicate inner labia extending past her labia majora. What a wonderful tasting pussy. I could eat pussy all night long. I licked for all I was worth, probing her slit with my tongue. Her hands held my head and I locked eyes with her. She had a joyful smile. Finally, she moved her hips to begin the coupling, “Spirit of the cosmos exalt my yoni.”

I admired her small, pert breasts and her pink, puffy nipples. Amy slowly pressed me into her vagina. Oh my god! She was so tight. Her eyes locked in on mine. I could see how this kind of sex was a form of worship. For me, rather than worshiping the spirit of the cosmos, I felt as though I was worshiping my partner. Amy and I became spiritually and bodily one.

Her hips churned on my cock, the warmth and wetness enveloping me. Her vaginal walls pulling and gripping. She finished herself off by placing her feet on either side of me and vertically pounding my cock. As she came, her fingers gripped my chest hair. Amy’s eyes were wild, her mouth open, panting. Finally, she collapsed onto me. She reached up and touched my face, then brought her lips to mine and gentle kissed me, lingering.

As she was helped down the women came in and serviced me. It was like I was an Indy car coming into the pit.

My next partner was quattuor, number four. I was pretty sure this was The Butler. Once she mounted me, she chose to spend a lot of time kissing me, her tongue probing and wrestling with mine. I could feel her bush on my stomach and those lovely breasts on my chest. Up close she had a very youthful face to match her youthful breasts.

She placed me at her opening and prayed, “Spirit of the cosmos, fill my yoni for the first time.”

First time! The Butler is a virgin? She looked quite nervous and hesitated.

Terry came over, touched her arm, and nodded. She whispered, “Just relax.”

The Butler smiled and closed her eyes. She slowly lowered herself onto my cock. I felt resistance, then I slid in. She came off, then lowered herself further onto me. Up, then further down. Finally, she bottomed out, opened her eyes, and smiled.

The sisters cheered and began their dancing and singing again. Oh my god! The Butler’s virgin pussy was so tight. She cautiously moved her hips, slowly finding a rhythm. She leaned forward and placed her hands on either side of my head. Her straight fucking motion had her breasts swinging. She intensely looked at me, as if she was memorizing every second.

Suddenly, I could feel my orgasm approaching, “Edge! Edge!”

My partner immediately stopped moving. Boudica and Terry came over and assessed the situation.

After a minute, Terry nodded to Boudica.

Boudica whispered, “You may continue.”

The Butler began again, but moved to a vertical thrusting motion. She placed her feet on both sides of me and used Blondie’s fucking technique.

She cried out, “Oh! Oh!”

I felt her pussy begin to contract, she threw her head back and continued to ride me. Her thighs began to tremble and she felt forward, kissing me with all her soul.

When she was done, she looked into my eyes, “That was all I ever dreamed it would be. I’m so grateful.”

“You’re most welcome.”

Again, my body’s pit crew came in. This time Boudica had some kind of wet wipe that she used to clean me. I imagine there might have been some virgin blood. Then she swallowed me whole, replaced the cock ring, then clapped her hands.

“Decem has been chosen to couple.” Number ten. Buxom Water Girl climbed on top of me. She kissed me, then placed each breast into my mouth for a suck. She placed her brunette pussy over mouth. She had a lovely outie pussy, much like a Georgia O’Keefe painting. I licked for all I was worth, savoring her tangy juices. She moved her hips over my tongue. I couldn’t see her face, but those breasts were mesmerizing. I wanted so much to knead those nipples.

Water Girl moved to place my cock at her opening, “Spirit of the cosmos, pleasure my yoni.” She slowly pressed herself onto me. Here was my fifth sex partner of the evening and the initial penetration was still magical. She set up a nice motion with her breasts rubbing on my chest on the upstroke. Every so often she gave me a quick kiss, never stopping. Her vagina seemed to grip me and pull. I would have thought that would have me coming, but it didn’t. It just felt so good.

Water Girl stopped and sat up. Then she reached back and pulled on my balls. Oh my god! It felt so good. She placed her feet on either side of me and began the now familiar squats, pogoing her pussy on my cock. In a few moments, I felt her cumming. She let out an extended, “Aaaaaaahhhhh.”

When all contractions had stopped, she kissed me, “Thank you, Professor.”

In came the pit crew.

Amy replaced the Water Girl. She wiped my sweaty head, “You’re amazing, Professor.”

Five down, two to go. I was becoming exhausted. When will this be over? This was no longer fun. Something I don’t think I ever imagined me thinking – sex not being fun.

Boudica clapped her hands, “Octo has been chosen to couple.”

Number eight. Suddenly, I wasn’t bored. Red climbed on top of me. She cupped my face and whispered, “Oh my god. I get to be with you.” She gently kissed me and then opened her mouth, probing with her tongue.

She spoke into my mouth, “You have no idea what this means to me.”

“Me too.”

She straddled my face, placing her fire bush at my mouth. Her nectar was flowing, so sweet. I parted her slit with my tongue and she began moving her hips. Red was looking down at me, her blue eyes locked in. I licked up and down her slit, flicking her clit, eliciting the occasional groan. Finally, she moved her hips over my cock.

With my cock at her opening, she cried, “Spirit of the cosmos! Exalt my yoni, my soul, and my spirit!”

Red watched me as she slowly pressed my penis into her. She smiled and deliberately ground her hips. What an amazing body! Full breasts with a nice sag. Pink nipples on pink areolae. Freckles on her chest and cheeks. Lovely, flared hips. Powerful thighs. Red was a goddess.

She took her time, leisurely moving her hips. Our eyes never left one another. Even more than with Amy, I felt I was worshiping the Sacred Feminine. Red was my chalice and I was her dagger. We were dancing the dance of life. I was utterly enchanted.

She leaned forward and whispered, “I’m cumming, Professor. I’m cumming.”

As her vagina began contracting, she kissed me, entwining our tongues. Her breasts were pressed against me.

As her contractions eased, she just looked into my eyes, her hands holding my face.

The pit crew came in and practically pealed her off me. Just like all the other times, Boudica came over and sucked my cock to clean me off.

Buxom Water Girl whispered in my ear, “Professor, this is your last coupling. We now want you to come.”

One last time, Boudica tightened the cock ring, stood up, and clapped seven times. The bowl was brought over. “Septem has been chosen to couple.”

How appropriate. Number seven. Two women brought a white veil over to Boudica and placed it on her head. What’s with the white veil?

My legs were pushed together and Boudica climbed up and straddled my chest, “Release his bonds.” Terry and Elizabeth were correct. The fix was in.

My arms and legs were freed and Boudica placed my hands on her breasts. Oh, so fine. I kneaded her nipples.

Then she leaned forward and kissed me. She whispered, “We shall become one. One flesh. One spirit. Have your way with me. Make love to me.”

Boudica began kissing me again, probing with her tongue. I placed my hands on her ass and she groaned into my mouth. She reached back and tested the state of my erection, then moved backward.

She placed my cock at her opening, “Spirit of the cosmos fertilize my yoni.”

Fertilize? My face must have shown my shock because she placed a finger on my lips. She slowly pressed down on me, my penis being enveloped in her warmth and wetness.

I suddenly didn’t care if the fix was in. I had an amazing woman riding my cock. I placed my hands on her ass. She rolled her hips forward, her breasts brushing against my chest. My cock was pulled and squeezed by her pussy. Her body was amazing. Breasts swaying with her motion. Her hips forming an hourglass with her torso. I was lost in a haze of pleasure and we seemed to fuck forever. Then I felt Boudica’s orgasm begin. I felt her pussy contracting on my cock. She kept her hips moving; her pussy pulling, gripping me. I thrust even harder up into her yoni.

I whispered to her, “I’m cumming.”

She grasped my face and our mouths and tongues became one. I thrust up into her with an orgasm that was the most intense of my long life. Her hips kept moving. Her tongue kept probing. I seemed to shoot my cum forever. Her vagina milking my cock for every drop of seed.

Finally, she collapsed on me. There were hands on us; petting, soothing us. Boudica was helped down.

Elizabeth was next to me, “Please do not move Professor. The rite is almost over.” She placed a straw in my mouth and I drank.

Boudica was helped to her familiar position at my feet, “Spirit of the cosmos, we pray that our rite has given you pleasure. That you smile upon us and bless us.”

She clapped seven times and I was surrounded by the women. Elizabeth was at my head and whispered, “We will carry you out of the Sacred Space. Please keep yourself rigid.”

They leaned forward, breasts touching me. Their hands went under me and Elizabeth chanted, “Unus, duo, tres.” They lifted me and the wall to my right began moving. They set me down in the original chair. Each woman kissed me and walked away. The wall slid back into place and I was left alone with The Butler.

“Professor, I have some balm to apply to your lingam. Then I will help you get dressed.”

She lovingly rubbed the ointment onto my cock, smiling up at me. She wiped her hands on a towel and handed me my boxers. Soon I was dressed.

I asked, “Was tonight really your first time?”

The Butler smiled, “It was. I just turned eighteen last week. Thank you. Please come this way Professor.” She led me up the stairs, that fine ass swaying before my eyes.

As I stepped into the hallway, the entranceway was candlelit. The sisters had formed two lines like sideboys with five on each side. Unlike naval sideboys, these presented me with their bare breasts. Boudica stood at the far end. I followed The Butler to the head of the cordon and she stepped aside. The high priestess held out her hand. As I walked to her, the women touched my hands.

When I reached her, Boudica took my hands in hers, “We thank you for the service you have provided to our coven, Professor. We are most grateful. We hope you will respect our anonymity. We have laid bare our secrets to you. We pray that you will hold them in your heart as we hold them in ours.”

“I shall.”

“May the spirit of the cosmos go with you. Happy Halloween.”

“And to you as well.”

The Butler was at the door. Boudica turned and walked past me down the hall. All the other women had disappeared.

The Butler smiled at me, “Happy Halloween, Professor and thank you.”

She opened the door and I passed out into the night air.

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