The Sex Crystals Pt. 07

An adult stories – The Sex Crystals Pt. 07 by NottaMerican,NottaMerican This follows on from the previous chapter. The mysterious, Lesser-Spotted Josh, who appeared out of nowhere in the last chapter, continues to make his presence felt. It seems that he is here for the duration. Who knew?

This chapter contains some incest as well as sex between people who are not related. I know this is not what many people are looking for. If this really is not your thing, please feel free to click on the Back button and look elsewhere for something more to your taste.

Unlike the previous chapter, the build up doesn’t take hours to go through. I hope you enjoy it.

Aimee stared at the young man in her front room. Not her brother, who had so recently fucked her silly, but the stranger who was standing a few feet away holding, what looked like a laptop in one hand and pushing his hair off his face with the other, and who was standing just a few feet away from her with his mouth open in shock.

Some young women, having been caught in a compromising position, would attempt to find a way to get out of it. Running away, screaming was a common solution, according to the movies, whereas standing there with a blank look on your face (often crying out “oh my god, what are you doing?” over and over until the scene cut to them having come to terms with the situation and fucking the newcomer a few moments later), was the common resolution in most porn films she had seen.

Aimee kind of liked the porn resolution. For a start, the guy was fit as fuck! He had a somewhat gormless, helpless look about him, but that was probably because he had just walked in on her fucking her brother. Still, take that look off his face and he was fucking gorgeous!

Or, perhaps not, she reconsidered after a few moments. He was not rugged. He was not built like some Greek Adonis. His cheekbones were not chiselled. He didn’t have that carefree sexual look of a film star. In fact, he was relatively plain. But something about him stirred something inside her and she liked it.

“Hi,” she said, smiling at the stranger. “Josh, is it? I assume you’re one of my brother’s friends?”

The gormless look didn’t leave the stranger’s face. Words did not leave his mouth, although his mouth moved in an apparent attempt to make them do so. Dumbly, the stranger nodded. “Yes,” he mouthed, silently. He coughed and wiped his mouth with the back of the hand holding the laptop, almost causing him to drop it. He nodded again and, with a small level of conviction returning, managed to utter; “yes.”

“Lovely to meet you,” Aimee said, glancing at her brother who was still half-lying on top of her with the look of a frightened rabbit on his face. It was a cute look on him – if somewhat unhelpful at this precise moment. “I’d get up,” she continued, looking pointedly at her brother, “but I seem to be somewhat stuck by a heavy object on top of me. Could you be a darling and help me with it, please?”

Josh had recovered from the shock of what he had witnessed enough to figure out that the best, most common, most correct thing he could do now was to run the fuck away as fast as his legs would carry him. Probably screaming. Preferably screaming. And plunging sharp objects into his eyes in an attempt to convince them that they had not seen his new friend and what seemed to be his new friend’s sister doing….that!

As these thoughts crashed through his brain with the force of a speeding freight train, he heard a voice in his head. It was one he had heard before. Back before his new friend had… well, let’s not beat about the bush here – he had sucked Josh off like a lollipop. That voice had convinced him that being sucked off was going to be good (and, by god, it had been!) and so, because it had been right before, Josh was more inclined to listen to it now.

The voice was tempered. Quiet. Less insistent than before, as if it was coming from further away, but the message was loud and clear: She has a pussy. She is naked. You have a cock. You get naked. Stick your cock in her pussy. Fuck her! She wants you to. She’s a fucking slut! She’s just been fucking her own brother! What a fucking slut, huh? So go on – fuck her! Do it! Do it now!

Aimee could see that Josh had gone a bit blank. He seemed to lose focus (something which, as a naked eighteen year old girl in front of a young guy maybe a year or two older than her, she would normally have found quite insulting) and his eyes glazed over for a few moments. In the back of her mind, she could feel something and recognised it as the feeling she got when one of the crystals was talking to someone who was not her.

Inwardly, she smiled. She didn’t know what the crystal was saying, but the implication was that Josh was being convinced about sex and that was likely to be a good thing.

Slowly, Josh came back to himself. He was fighting the voice in his head and it was making the backs of his eyes hurt for some unknown reason. With a force of will that was quite impressive (and, Robbie considered as he watched him, much greater than Josh had managed a short while ago in the Games room), Josh brought his focus to the two naked people in front of him.

“I… I went to the loo,” he said, as if that explained everything (which, it kind of did). “I… yeah. Then, you know, I come back and…um… sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you….. Um…”

“Oh, no,” Aimee said. “You didn’t disturb us. Actually, Robbie had just finished. Much quicker than usual, to be honest,” she continued as if discussing her sex life with a stranger was the most natural thing in the world. “Something must have gotten him all riled up and I can only assume that that was you,” she finished, smiling at Josh.

Josh went crimson from the collar of his shirt to the above the hairline and he broke out in a light sweat. Aimee smiled wider.

“I see,” she said. “You and my big brother have been having a bit of fun, have you? Playing a little game of ‘where’s the sausage’?”

“Your…your… brother?” Josh asked and the look of horror on his face was so serious as to be almost comical.

“Yes, of course,” Aimee said. “Surely you heard me say so before when he was giving me the nicest fuck I’ve had since… well, since he fucked me this morning, actually.”

“Yeah,” Josh muttered. “Yeah, I did. But I thought that was…you know?”

“Some sort of incest kink,” Aimee finished for him. “Yes and no. It is kinky, of that there is no doubt. But that’s because it’s also true. Robbie is my big brother. And we fuck. So there. I’ve said it.”

“But…but…but…” Josh stammered.

“Oh, definitely, that too,” Aimee said, smiling inwardly at her own joke. “I like it in the butt.”

Her straightforward attitude was too much. Her deadpan delivery made the whole thing seem surreal. Josh snorted and then giggled. When he recovered himself, he continued: “but that’s…you know, incest? That’s illegal!”

Aimee stared at Josh as if he was some strange new creature that had never seen before and had just been found in a zoo. “Seriously?”

“Yes,” replied Josh, completely misunderstanding the question. “You could go to jail! For years!”

“That’s not what I meant,” Aimee replied. “I meant that, I know it’s illegal. I mean, seriously, how fucking thick do you think I am? Do you think we are,” she continued, indicating Robbie and herself.

She looked Josh straight in the eye. “We know! We know and we don’t care! Robbie is… he’s more than my brother. He’s my best friend and he’s my best lover and he loves me more than pretty much any brother loves his sister. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for me, Josh – do you understand? Nothing! He adores me! He worships me! And he does this with me because he knows I feel the same about him! He could ask me to do anything; not just sex, anything! And I would do it! Without hesitation!

“That’s our love! That is what we are. Who we are. He and I… we’re like perfect for each other. Our parents…they love each other. So much. We know. We’ve heard them. We’ve seen them!” At this, Josh’s mouth opened in shock once more.

“Yes, we’ve seen them,” Aimee continued, thinking to herself; one thing at a time, Ames. Don’t push him too far. Not yet. He’ll come around – the crystals will make sure of it. Just don’t scare him off!

“But no matter how much they love each other, my parents don’t love each other as much as Robbie and I do. Because they’re different people. Robbie and I – we share so much in common. Even our DNA. The only thing we don’t have in common is our gender. Yet, when we fuck, we’re not just fucking! We’re making love. We’re expressing our commitment to each other. It’s a closeness only siblings know and maybe only twins can be closer, I don’t know. I don’t know any twins.”

“She completes me,” Robbie joined in, moving back on top of his sister and looking into her eyes. He stroked an errant hair from her face and kissed her nose. He turned to face Josh again. “She’s right,” he continued. “She and I…we’re one and the same. Two sides of the same coin. No matter who we meet in the future, who we love, who we live with, who we have children with…nothing…no love will be as deep as what we have for each other.” He kissed her nose again. Aimee stroked his cheek and smiled at him.

Josh didn’t want to understand. What they were…he didn’t want to think about it. It was disgusting! It was horrific! It was illegal! It was immoral! It was to be hated and despised and these two sick fuckers should be strung up because…

Because, what?

And that was the question Josh could not answer. He saw it in them. He saw the looks of warmth and love that they were giving each other. If those looks were fake, these two were the best actors the world had ever seen! Hollywood studios would be clamouring for the two of them to star in every romantic film they ever created, knowing that the acting Oscars were a given every year. Assuming no-one ever found out about the whole sibling incest thing, of course.

And it wasn’t disgusting. Not really, Josh came to realise. If there was abuse, assault, rape, even obvious reluctance, well – then it might be. If had Josh gotten the impression that one of them was forcing the other into something they didn’t want to do, that would be disgusting. That would be a reason for arrest and imprisonment. But not this. This was a true love, Josh understood, now. Yes, it was still illegal and it was probably still immoral, but disgusting? No. Absolutely not.

As this realisation hit him, Josh found himself nodding with understanding. He smiled at the two of them. “It’s OK, guys,” he said. “I get it. I really do. I don’t understand it – not properly, anyway. But I get it. And… I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? For what?” Robbie was genuinely shocked at the question, but this was heavily tempered by the relief he felt that Josh wasn’t going to run off, screaming, and getting the two of them arrested.

“For disturbing you, like I said,” Josh answered. “I…” he tailed off and went red again before continuing. “I knew what you were doing – it wasn’t fucking difficult! You scream loud enough, it’s a wonder the whole town didn’t know you were at it,” here he nodded at Aimee who blushed a little but smiled, secretly pleased. “So, yeah – I knew you were fuck…making love. And…” he went even redder as he stopped talking.

“You wanted to watch. Didn’t you?” Aimee smiled at him again. “It’s good to watch. I like watching, too. Not as much as doing, obviously. But it’s good to watch. It makes me horny. Did we make you horny, Josh? Did my big brother fucking me to a screaming orgasm make Little Joshie get all big and hard?”

Josh stared at the carpet, unable to look at the young woman and her brother before him. His head now resembled an over-ripe tomato and he felt so hot it was almost unbearable. But what was happening – and clearly happening – in the crotch area was the most embarrassing of all. He was getting very hard, very quickly. Noticeably so, but also quite uncomfortably so, with his dick trapped by his jeans and boxers.

Yet, even that wasn’t the worst, he knew. The worst was that the idea of these two siblings fucking, incest, was the biggest fucking turn on he’d ever known! When Aimee had mentioned about the ‘Big Brother’ and the ‘Little Sister’, Little Joshie had started doing somersaults!

“It did,” Robbie replied to his sister’s question. “It did, little sis.” This got a twitch out of Little Joshie that was easy to spot as he strained against the clothes hampering him. “Josh got hard thinking about us fucking and now he’s doing it again! Look!”

“Oh, I can see, big brother,” Aimee said. Again, the whole sibling reference made Little Joshie wiggle and grind and Aimee giggled for a moment. “Little Joshie is getting so hard again, isn’t he?”

Josh still couldn’t look at them, but he also could not deny what was so completely obvious to everyone in the room. He nodded.

“Come here, Josh,” Robbie called.

“Yes, Josh,” Aimee agreed. “Come over here.”

Josh shook his head, but it wasn’t very convincing.

“Come over here, Josh,” Aimee repeated. “Come and stand next to my big brother” (twitch) “and his little sister” (twitch) “and let us make you feel more comfortable.”

A voice slammed into Josh’s head with such force it almost knocked him over. DO IT! GO OVER! GET NAKED WITH THEM! FUCK THEM!

The voice calmed down a little now. They want it! Both of them! Give it to them! Do whatever you want to them – they will let you! You have the power! You do what you want and they will beg you for more! DO IT! The voice was screaming at the end once more.

There was no ignoring that voice now. Josh had managed to overcome it before, but not any longer. Nodding, slightly to acknowledge the commands from both Aimee and whatever that loud voice had been in his head, Josh stepped forwards towards the two teenagers before him.

A moment of clarity hit him as he made his way across the room and he turned away for a moment. Aimee was worried that, even at this late stage, he might still be about to make a run for it, but she relaxed again as she watched Josh carefully find somewhere safe for his laptop and then turn back to them.

“Say it again,” Josh whispered to her. “Say it again. Please.”

Aimee didn’t understand for a moment, but Robbie did. “Come here, next to my little sister and her big brother. Come and join us. My baby sister wants you to come and see her being fucked by her big brother. My baby sister wants you to see her big brother fucking her hard and fast and coming in her baby sister pussy. And that’s what you want too, isn’t it? To watch her big brother fucking his little sister?”

Josh was completely enthralled now. He nodded. God forgive him, but that’s exactly what he did want! To watch these two disgusting, immoral, beautiful people before him fucking and making love and them being big brother and little sister was disgusting and immoral and beautiful, too. It was kinky. It was wrong. And he wanted to watch. And maybe, if they would let him, he wanted to join in.

“You can,” Aimee said as if reading his mind. “You can and you will. Whatever you want – we’ll do it.” She looked to Robbie as if asking for permission or confirmation. Robbie nodded in agreement.

“You’re in charge here, Josh,” Robbie said and kissed his sister’s cheek. “Whatever you want us to do – we’ll make your every dream come true.”

Josh was lost. He knew it and he didn’t care. He was lost…but these two had found him, so maybe he wasn’t lost any more. He stood next to them.

“What happens now,” he asked.

“Whatever you want, like we said,” Aimee replied.

“I… I want… I want you to undress me. Both of you.”

Robbie climbed off his sister and stood up next to his friend. As Robbie worked the shirt, Aimee sat up and undid the jeans and began to roll them down Josh’s legs. Josh stepped out of them and removed his socks at the same time. Clad now only in his boxers he looked at the two of them. “I don’t think you’re quite finished,” he said, smiling.

The siblings said nothing, but both grinned. Then, each grabbed one side of the boxers and slid them down over his hips to where gravity could take over and pull them down the rest of the way. Josh stepped out of these, as well.

“Much better,” Aimee breathed.

“It is,” Robbie agreed. “Little Joshie and Big Bad Josh both seem a lot happier now!”

It was true – Little Joshie was now not so little. He stood to attention, unwavering, like those guards who spend all day standing outside Buckingham Palace.

“Nice,” Aimee said.

“It is. Tasty, too,” Robbie agreed.

“You’ve had a taste, have you?”

“Oh, yes,” Robbie smiled at his friend. “Nothing like a blowjob to really get to know a guy.”

“I’ll remember that,” Josh replied, smirking. “Next person I meet, I won’t say I know them until they blow me.”

“Then you don’t know me,” Aimee said, kneeling down now. “But we’ll soon sort that out.” So saying, she licked the outside of Josh’s hard cock from balls to tip in much the same way as her brother had started out not long before. Josh gasped. “Oh, fuck,” he whispered. “Oh, fuck!”

“Soon, baby,” Aimee agreed. “But first, I really want to get to know you.” She licked him again, across the head this time. Josh gasped and his knees bucked, involuntarily.

“Fuck,” he gasped again.

Aimee didn’t bother with replying. Instead, she leaned forwards and swallowed the beautiful hard cock in front of her. Josh gasped once more and threw his head back. “So… so good! Oh, shit! Oh, fuck,” he gasped as Aimee slid her practised mouth back and forth over his dick.

“Oh, yeah! That’s good! So good! You’re good at that, baby,” he said and stopped. He had had precisely three blow jobs before today and had never called anyone “baby” before. Aimee didn’t seem to mind and continued to suck him.

Josh placed his hands in her hair and held them there. He didn’t force anything – he didn’t want to, but he also didn’t need to. She was doing incredibly. Although he didn’t really want to, he couldn’t help comparing Aimee to her big brother. She was, he thought, slightly better, if not as intense as Robbie had been.

Robbie, meanwhile, had stepped around to behind Josh. He leaned his chin on Josh’s shoulder and slid his arms around him, holding him close. Robbie kissed the join of his neck in a way that, before today, Josh would have found uncomfortably creepy. Now, it was perfect. He turned his head to face Robbie. “What the fuck have you two done to me,” he whispered.

“Not enough,” Robbie replied. “But we will.” Robbie raised his head a little and waited, the invitation clear as day.

Josh accepted the invitation. He leaned forwards slightly, and kissed Robbie. He groaned, inwardly, and Robbie groaned with him. Now, Robbie moved his hands across Josh’s torso, sliding them across the lightly defined pectoral muscles, the not-quite-washboard abs and the hips. He moved one hand to Josh’s arse and kneaded the cheeks. His other snaked up, around Josh’s head and pulled him in for another, deeper, kiss.

“I… I don’t know what to do,” Josh said, when they broke apart again.

“What do you want to do?”

“This,” Josh said, kissing Robbie lightly once again. “This, and everything else.”

“Then we will,” Robbie said. “But not until you cum inside the mouth of…” he paused to increase the effect he knew it would have. “My baby sister,” he whispered.

“Oh, fuck,” Josh said as his cock jumped again. Quite how Aimee didn’t end up being smacked in the face with it none of them ever knew, but she somehow managed to hold on.

“Yes,” Robbie said, quietly. “That’s it, isn’t it? You want to, don’t you? You’ve cum inside her big brother’s mouth, now you want to feed my little sister, too, don’t you?”

Josh, eyes closed, head back, mouth half open, simply nodded, slowly.

“You want to do that because you want to watch big brother fuck his baby sister, don’t you? You want to watch big brother shoot his cum into his baby sister’s pussy? Then you want to fuck my baby sister after that, don’t you? Stick your big cock into my baby sister and get it covered in her pussy juices and her big brothers sticky cum? And then, maybe, watch my baby sister suck all of our cum off your big cock? Isn’t that right?”

“Oh, fuck,” Josh whispered again. “Fucking, fuck, yeah. Wanna watch you fuck your sister. Wanna fuck her as well. Oh, shit! I do! I fucking want it!”

“You can have it,” Robbie whispered, his lips almost brushing Josh’s ear. “All of it. But first, you’ve got to cum for my baby sister. Give her what she wants. Give her what she needs. Give her your cum!”

Whilst he whispered this, Robbie moved the hand on Josh’s arse around to the rosebud and lingered a finger on Josh’s arsehole. He didn’t push in this time as his finger was too dry and he knew that might hurt, but the teasing was causing Josh to hitch for breath a little.

“Gonna cum,” Josh whispered. “Gonna cum!”

“Do it,” Robbie whispered back. “Cum for my baby sister!”

Aimee slid a hand under Josh’s balls and tickled his perineum. That was it for Josh.

“Oh, shit! Oh, fuck! Cumming! Cumming, now! Oh FUCK!!!”

Robbie didn’t think that Josh could throw his head back any further, but found he was wrong. Josh thrust his head backwards so far that the skin on his neck stretched almost to breaking point. His mouth opened as wide as it could go and he simply screamed through his orgasm. “Ahhh! Ahh! Ahhh! Oh! Oh! Ahh!”

Josh tried to say “fuck” but he couldn’t bring his mouth together close enough to make the sound of the F. Instead, what came out sounded more like “huck! Hucking hell! Shit! Huck! Oh, huck! Oh, god! Huck!”

Slowly, after what felt like ages, Josh began to come down from his high and he was able to move his head forwards enough to formulate proper words again. “Fuck,” he cried out, still gasping a little. “Fucking hell! Shit! Fuck, man! Fuck! Oh my god! Oh, my god! Fucking hell! Fuck!” He was gabbling and he couldn’t seem to stop. It was almost funny.

He turned his attention to Aimee who had swallowed everything Josh had had to give her and was now finishing cleaning up Josh’s cock and making sure there was nothing left to dribble out. Josh’s cum tasted slightly sweeter than her brother’s (and her father’s) did for some reason and she loved it just as much and was determined not to let the carpet have any of it.

“Oh, fuck,” Josh gasped one last time as Aimee stood up. She was slightly shorter than he was, but the difference was negligible. She held out her hand and Josh took it, dumbly. “Nice to get to know you,” she said and shook his hand.

Josh said nothing, he just nodded, not one hundred percent sure where he was or if he was even awake. Surely, this had to be a dream?

He was stunned out of his reverie as Aimee leaned forward to kiss him. Josh had never kissed a girl as beautiful as Aimee before. He considered himself to be fairly plain and uninteresting to girls, a thought that was only partially true. As a guy who wasn’t massively sporty or athletic or rugged or particularly ripped, he felt most pretty girls wouldn’t give him the time of day and so he didn’t bother trying with them.

Instead, he had dated the less attractive girls – or, at least, the ones that society would classify as such. The girls who were a little plumper, plainer of face, often those that wore glasses or who needed to visit the dentist more often than they did. These girls, Josh had discovered, enjoyed being with him and it didn’t occur to him that this might only be because they weren’t getting any attention from the more handsome boys, who generally went after the picture perfect cheerleader blonde bimbo types who appeared to be all big tits and little brains.

Whatever the truth of the matter, Josh was no virgin – although his sexual experiences were quite limited. He tried to be the perfect boyfriend, giving out little presents (often of the cheap and cheerful variety because he didn’t have a lot of money), going for walks, holding hands and not pressurising his girlfriends into anything sexual that they didn’t want to do.

Sadly, this just seemed to enhance the impression that he was a bit dull and the girls would start to go off him too quickly and he would be single and unsure whether he wanted to mingle again.

This was the first kiss with any girl that would rate more than about a seven, although Aimee was not a seven – she was closer to an eleven! Josh wouldn’t have missed this kiss for anything and he ignored any slight distaste he might otherwise have felt about kissing a mouth that had so recently been filled with cum.

He could, he realised, taste his cum – just a little – on the edges, so to speak. Yet, this simply made the kiss better in some intangible way and he carried on. He suddenly realised that his hands were by his sides and he risked wrapping them around her. Aimee didn’t pull away, so he assumed that this was OK and pulled her closer to him if that was possible.

Eventually, the two of them came up for breath. Josh looked at Aimee and smiled in the awkward way he had. He didn’t know what to say and so his mind settled on “thank you,” which was probably the dumbest thing anyone had ever said after a blowjob.

Aimee smiled back and Josh was delighted to realise that this wasn’t just a simple grin. The smile lit up her whole face and she moved up from an eleven to a twenty. “You’re welcome,” she replied. “I really quite enjoyed that!”

“So did I,” Josh grinned back.

“Really? I hadn’t noticed,” Aimee laughed.

“I did,” Robbie smirked and it was the first time in the last thirty seconds or so that either Aimee or Josh had remembered that Robbie was even in the room.

“I’m sure you did, big brother,” Aimee said, looking at her brother. Josh’s cock, which had been going limp, remembered that it had big plans for the rest of the afternoon and began to wake up again.

Josh looked at Robbie now. Suddenly, all of his newly found confidence was draining away again. A few minutes ago, Robbie had seemed to reach into Josh’s mind and pull out every single fantasy he’d ever had and promised to make them come true. Now, however, he wasn’t sure what to do and whether Robbie had meant it and whether Aimee would be in agreement and whether he, himself, really wanted it and…

Calm the fuck down, came the voice in the back of his mind. You know what you want. These two will give you what you want. Just take it!

I don’t know how! I don’t know what to say!

The voice spoke to him again. It explained things. Detailed things. Clarified things. Josh understood.

Imbibed with a confidence he didn’t know he had, Josh asked “so, when are you going to fuck your baby sister so that I can have the sloppy seconds?”

“Ooh, that sounds nasty,” Aimee said, grinning. “And fun!”

“It does,” Robbie agreed quietly pleased both that Josh was apparently going to join them for a bit (or a lot) of fun and that his baby sister seemed as up for it as the two guys were. “Whenever,” he answered Josh. “But not here, eh? The sofa is nice, but it’s not as comfortable as the bedroom.”

“Lead on, then,” Josh said, revelling in his new position of power.

Aimee took his hand and led them all upstairs. “My room,” she said. “My bed’s softer that Rob’s.”

Robbie laughed from behind them. “I like it hard,” he replied. “The mattress, I mean,” he continued, hurriedly. His eyes glanced to his sister’s butt, but kept roving over Josh’s arse as well. Nice, he thought to himself. Very cute! I wonder if I can convince him?

Convince him, came a voice in his mind. Robbie nodded. An idea began to formulate in his head.

Aimee led the two guys into her room and over to the bed. Since the night at the farmhouse, she and Robbie had both gotten new King sized beds, since everyone knew they would probably need the room on occasion.

Aimee crawled over the mattress and lay in the middle of the bed. She patted the two sides and the guys got on, one on either side of her. “Do whatever you want to do,” she said to them and closed her eyes. “I surrender myself to the two of you. Just, don’t hurt me, okay?” The two guys nodded, although with her eyes closed she didn’t see them. She felt the mattress move, however and assumed they were in agreement. She sighed, contentedly and said: “I await your ministrations.”

What followed was so close together that it could have been choreographed. Each of the boys leaned over and took the nearest nipple into their mouths, sucking on it and gently nibbling on it. They both put one hand on her legs and began to stroke the inside of her thighs, moving, slowly, up towards her pussy that was already starting to tingle. The other hands went into her hair and began wrapping it around their fingers or stroking her scalp.

Robbie moved his lower hand to her stomach and held her across the belly, tickling her belly-button. Josh, meanwhile, moved his hand to the folds of her pussy and began to slide inside the lips, causing more wetness to flow from her.

Aimee bit her bottom lip a little in a way that sent Josh’s heart leaping into his chest. He was, he realised with a shock, completely smitten with her. He took his mouth off her breast and moved up to kiss her on the lips. She reciprocated and, for the first time since she’d submitted herself to them, she moved her hand. It snaked up, behind Josh’s neck and pulled him into her.

The kiss lasted for some time before Josh pulled away, slightly. His heart was beating so fast he worried he might do it some damage. He had to tell her. She had to know.

It was a risk, Josh knew. She might reject him and then his heart really would be broken – probably beyond repair. But he had to let her know and fuck the risk!

“I…” He swallowed. This was harder than he had anticipated. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, screwed up all of his courage and went for it.

“I love you,” he said.


No-one spoke.

Oh, fuck! You’ve fucked that up, royally, you complete twat, Josh thought to himself.

He opened his eyes.

Aimee was crying.

“Oh, shit,” Josh gasped. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean…”

“I fucking hope you did,” Aimee said, laughing and crying at the same time. “That was so cute, Josh! So beautiful! Don’t you dare say you didn’t mean it!”

“No, I didn’t,” Josh said and the look of hurt that crossed Aimee’s face nearly killed him. “I mean, I did… I do. I just meant that I didn’t mean to…make you cry. That’s what I didn’t mean. You know?”

Aimee laughed through the tears once more. “I know,” she said.

“Well then, can someone please explain it to me,” Robbie asked, once again smashing his presence into a moment where it really wasn’t wanted.

“He loves me,” Aimee said. “And not just because I was lying here, naked, with his mouth on my tit.”

“Well,” Josh said, smiling at her, “that may have been part of it!”

“I’m sure it was you gormless fucking tosser,” Aimee smiled back at him. “But you’re a beautiful, gormless, fucking tosser!”

Josh smiled back at her again. “You say the nicest things,” he grinned. “Such a polite mouth!”

“You know precisely how polite my mouth is,” Aimee said. “Or at least, I hope you’ve not forgotten already.”

“Maybe,” Josh said. “You’ll have to remind me.”

“As often as I can,” Aimee replied.

“Promises, promises,” Josh came back. He leaned forwards and kissed her again.

“There is one problem,” Aimee said when the kiss was over.

“What’s that?”

“Robbie,” Aimee said. “And the rest of my family. I’m not giving them up.”

“The…rest of your family?”

“Yes,” Aimee said, matter-of-factly. “Mum and dad. We all have fun together. I’m not stopping that. Not for you. Not for anyone!”

Josh couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing…and yet, in some strange way, he realised that he already knew. It didn’t bother him as much as he had thought it might.

Robbie, unusually sensitive to the moment, thought that this was a good time to push Josh’s buttons again. He had responded quite obviously to the idea of Aimee having sex with her brother. Maybe the idea of Aimee having sex with her parents would do the same thing and seal the deal.

Robbie wanted to seal the deal for his little sister. She was in love with Josh, he could see that – even though they’d only met a few minutes ago. Love at first sight was not the myth people seemed to think it was and here was proof, right before his eyes. Josh just needed that little push to bring him completely into the fold.

“Mum would love you,” Robbie said. “She likes a young man with a thick, hard cock, ploughing her.” Little Joshie reacted in the best possible way and Robbie knew that Big Josh was going to follow him like a lost puppy. “And dad,” Robbie continued. “Dad loves giving head almost as much as Aimee and I do.” Little Joshie jumped for joy again.

“And dad’s got the tightest arse Robbie’s ever fucked,” Aimee said, risking a lot more than she had planned. This could go one of two ways; either Josh would stay or he would go and if he chose to go, they could all be in some serious shit.

She needn’t have worried, though and she quickly found herself smiling as Little Joshie stood so far to attention it was almost painful. “Tighter than mum’s,” she continued. “Tighter than mine. Robbie and dad love to fuck my arse almost as much as they love to fuck my pussy. Same with mum. Same with each other! We’re just one big happy, fucking, family!”

“Oh, fuck,” Josh breathed – it was the first sound he had made in almost two minutes. His eyes were glassy and he barely heard the words, but he did hear his sickest fantasies given voice. He wanted to fuck a girl in the arse – none of his girlfriends had let him get that far. He had watched a lot of porn – often incest based – and imagined one of his girlfriends’ mothers joining the two of them for a session or two.

Josh had also stumbled on bisexual porn, completely by accident one day and had become obsessed with it. Guys fucking guys who were fucking girls. The video of the bisexual orgy that he had bookmarked on his tablet just the day before came flooding into his mind. “Oh, fuck, yeah,” he whispered.

“So,” Aimee interrupted his thoughts. “Will that be OK? Can I keep having fun with my family?”

“Only if I can join in,” Josh said without a moment of hesitation.

“As often as you like,” Robbie said and put his arm over Josh’s shoulder. The two smiled at each other and then looked at Aimee who grinned back at them.

“Sounds like fun,” she said. “Speaking of which, I believe you have first go, Rob?”

Robbie nodded and looked at Josh. “Josh, my man,” he said in a mocking imitation of a posh English gentleman, “may I please have your permission to have the pleasure of fucking your girlfriend?”

“Why, sir,” Aimee said also mocking the thick, simple, poor little girl type that usually ended up as a servant in a rich house in classic English drama. She even went as far as to press her hand against her chest in that daft way that is supposed to indicate naivety, but actually just makes them look like a dork. “I do declare! Such language before an innocent young lady!” She pressed the back of her other hand to her forehead in an imitation of indignation and shock.

“An innocent young lady who also happens to be your little sister,” Josh said not quite managing the upper-class English accent he was going for. “But yes, sir, thou hast mine permission for to fucketh mine girlfriend.”

“Good,” Aimee said and Robbie nodded his agreement. Robbie climbed on top of his little sister. Little Robbie was already ready for action. He had witnessed Little Joshie getting a lot of attention and – whilst he had had a bit of fun himself not so long ago, he was feeling desperate to get back in the saddle.

“Ready, little sis?”

“For you, always, big brother.”

Robbie nodded and slid himself inside her hot, wet tunnel of love.

“Oh, fuck,” Aimee gasped. “I love it when you do that!”

Robbie smiled. “I know,” he said and began to slide in and out of her.

“Oh, fuck! Oh, god! Oh, yes! That’s it, big brother,” Aimee cried out. “That’s right! Right there! Fuck your baby sister! Fuck me in front of my boyfriend! Cum in me! Cum in your little sister! Fuck! You’re going to make your little sister cum! Cum so fucking hard! Oh, shit! Oh, fuck! Oh, god! Fuck! Fuck, yeah! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oooh!”

Aimee felt the orgasm building inside her. Her toes stretched out and she stiffened. “Oh, SHIT! FUCK! I’m fucking cumming! You bastard! You’re making your little sister fucking cum! FUCK!” She reached out and gripped Josh’s hand as tightly as she could, almost leaving a bruise.

“FUCK!” She was screaming now. “Fuck, baby! He’s making me cum so hard! My big brother is making me cum! Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Can you see, baby? Watch him! Watch my big brother make his little sister cum! I’m cumming! Cumming for both of you! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, FUCK!”

Her orgasm ripped through her like a whirlwind. Josh stared at Aimee, feelings of jealousy and love mixed inside him. The love won out. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “That’s it, baby,” he whispered to her. “Cum for him. Cum for me. Cum for your big brother and for me.”

“I. Fucking. Am!” Aimee was gasping for every word. “FUCK!” A second orgasm slipped through her. Josh kissed her breasts and bit her nipple and a third slammed through her. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! Shit! Yes, baby! Yes! Do that! Fucking bite me! I fucking love it!” Another orgasm, swiftly followed by another. She cried out. “My big brother and my boyfriend are making me cum over and over! Shit! Fuck! YES!”

She had lost count now. Big ones. Small ones. How many was that? Six? Seven? Twenty? She really didn’t know.

Now Robbie reached close to his own moment. “Gonna cum, sis,” he gasped. “Your big brother is gonna cum inside you!”

“Oh, shit, fuck, shit, yes! Do it! Cum in me, big brother!” She gripped Josh’s hand tighter and looked at him. “My big brother is going to fucking cum in me,” she said.

“I know,” Josh smiled at her. “I want him to. I need him to. You need him to.”

“Yes,” Aimee agreed and in her mind she was deliriously happy. The impossible had happened. She had met a guy who would happily share her with her family. Who seemed happy to be shared with her family, too. They had only known each other less than an hour, but they would be together forever. She knew this to be true, and the look of love he was giving her – mirrored on her own face – told her that he knew it as well.

Aimee turned her attention to her brother. “Do it, big brother,” she whispered to him. “Fuck your baby sister and cum for her.”

“I will,” Robbie said. “Gonna cum, soon, baby sister. Oh, fuck, yeah.”

She gripped him with her pussy as tightly as she could. The two of them gasped and groaned as he fucked her. “Soon, baby sis. Soon,” Robbie half-whispered. “Fuck! I’m going to cum for you!”

“Do it,” Aimee said. “We both want you to,” and she showed him her hand linked with Josh.

Robbie looked at Josh. “Gonna cum in my little sister, man,” he said. “Gonna cum in your girlfriend. Is that alright?”

“Yes,” Josh breathed. “She’s right – we both want you to.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Robbie said as he plunged in and out. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

A look of alarm began to cross his face. “I…I can’t! I can’t get there! What the fuck? Why? Fuck! I want to cum for you, baby sis! Want to! But I can’t!”

Only now did Josh hear the voice from the games room. Do it! Do what you need to! He needs you to, or he will never finish!

Why? Why can’t he finish?

Because we won’t let him, the voice replied. No! You must help him! Then we will let him finish! Take the step! Fall! Become ours!

Josh didn’t know what the fuck that meant, but he knew what was needed. The look of pain, anguish and horror on Robbie’s face was almost too much to bear. God help me, I love him too, he thought to himself. Not like Aimee, but close! I’ve got to help him!

Aimee was starting to fret now, too. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“I don’t fucking know,” Robbie said. “I can’t cum! And I can’t stop! Shit! Fuck! Oh, fuck! I want to cum! I want to stop! Fuck! Fuck! Shit! Ahh!” He grimaced in pain.

That last cry finally moved Josh into action. Without a thought, he stuck two fingers in his mouth to get them wet and then leaned over and – with no preamble – shoved them into Robbie’s arsehole. He plunged in once, twice, three times and then…

“FUCK! SHIT! CUMMING!” Robbie was both elated and relieved in equal measure. Finally, his orgasm tore through him and he blasted rope after rope of cum into his little sister’s pussy. “Fuck! Fuck! Yeah! Shit! Fuck! Cumming for you, baby sis! Cumming for both of you!”

Josh plunged his fingers in and out of Robbie’s arse again. “Do it,” he cried out. “Cum for your little sister! Cum in her! That’s right! That’s it!”

“Yes,” Aimee cried out as well. “Fuck! Shit! I can feel it! I can feel you cumming in me, big brother! Fuck! Yes! Shit! Fuck! Oh, fuck! I’m fucking cumming again!” She opened her mouth and screamed almost silently.

“So. Fucking. Hot,” Josh grunted, and suddenly he realised that he was on the brink as well. He looked down at Little Joshie and was stunned to see him wrapped up in Aimee’s hand. He didn’t know when that had happened or when it had begun and now wasn’t the time to ask. Instead, he also let himself go. “Fuck! Cumming! Cumming all over you!”

And he did. Cum leapt from his cock and coated Aimee and Robbie on the sides, her front and his back. “Oh, shit! Fuck! Yeah!”

Now, just as quickly as it had started, it was all over for all three of them. They collapsed onto each other and simply gasped for breath together.

After a few moments, the kissing started. Who was kissing who didn’t matter as much as the fact that they were kissing and being kissed. Lips, faces, hands, necks. Anywhere each of them could reach was showered in kisses. Then they simply held each other and smiled.

Twenty minutes had passed. Each of them had, briefly, passed out from exhaustion on Aimee’s mattress and had dozed, happily, in a tangle of naked bodies, arms, legs, heads and… other bits.

Now they had all come around and agreed that they were all really rather hungry. They made their way downstairs. Josh looked, quickly, at his clothes still strewn across the living room floor, debated whether he could be arsed putting them on, realised he couldn’t and, still happily naked, followed the equally happily naked siblings into the kitchen.

Aimee and Robbie would have been the first to admit that they couldn’t cook worth a damn. They had, between them, just about enough culinary skills to heat up a frozen pizza, although even this was something that Aimee had managed to get spectacularly wrong a few months ago, forgetting – somehow – to actually turn the oven on!

This being the case, the siblings briefly debated ordering in until Josh stepped up to the fore. He pulled together a bunch of odds and sods from around the kitchen cupboards and the fridge and knocked up a meal that might not have had Gordon Ramsay begging him to take over as Head Chef at a new Hell’s Kitchen, but was more than impressive enough for the two siblings.

“I can’t believe I picked a boyfriend who can even cook,” Aimee said, giving Josh’s arse a squeeze and kissing him on the neck whilst Josh was doing something she couldn’t describe to some seemingly random ingredients in a pan. “Josh, baby, will you marry me?” She grinned to show it was a joke.

“Maybe next week,” Josh replied, also grinning. “I can’t go marrying a girl who’s never met my mother.”

“Next week it is,” Aimee agreed. “I’m not busy Thursday. Can you manage Thursday?”

“Sorry, babe,” Josh replied and kissed her on the nose. “I’ve got yoga class on Thursday. I can’t miss it. All those women and girls bending in mysterious ways in tight Lycra. Mmm. Makes me hard just to think about it.” He was getting hard, too, although Aimee lightly rubbing her naked tits against his back may have had something to do with it.

“Fuck you, then,” Aimee said and laughed.

“I will,” Josh replied. “You promised. But not until we’ve eaten, huh? I don’t think it would do much for my manly ego if you fell asleep whilst I was getting down!”

Aimee put her head on his shoulder, closed her eyes and made loud snoring sounds. Josh fell about, laughing. “I swear – if you do that in real life, I’ll be smothering you with your own pillow after we’ve fucked!” This set the siblings off laughing as well.

“Seriously, though,” Josh said when the three of them calmed down again. “You’ve got to explain things to me. I know what you said about your mum and dad and the two of you – and I’ve seen that, obviously. But… I mean, come on – what the fuck, guys? How? Why? When? Where? I mean… fuck!”

Aimee nodded at Robbie. The two of them pointed their minds to the crystals in the Games room. They asked what to do. After a moment, they got the answer.

“Okay,” Robbie agreed. “We’ll tell you over dinner. Cos I gotta say, man, whatever you’re making – it smells fantastic!” Aimee nodded her agreement.

Josh looked at the two of them and nodded his assent. “I guess I can wait a few minutes,” he agreed.

Finally, Josh finished doing whatever magic he was putting together with whatever crap he had managed to find to cook and the three of them ate, standing, naked in the kitchen. As they did so, Aimee and Robbie explained about the farmhouse and the blowout which felt, to them, already like half a lifetime ago, when it was, in fact, only a couple of weeks.

They mentioned about how the crystals seemed to guide them to whatever debauchery they truly wanted. When it became clear that Josh didn’t quite understand, they explained about how the crystals had convinced the whole family to do things that they knew they really shouldn’t. How Sarah had given herself to Will for no obvious reason. How Aimee had given Will her anal cherry despite having had no intention of ever letting anything go up there before.

As part of this explanation, it came to the story of Robbie and Tim. Robbie was, initially, nervous to explain about Tim’s fucking his arse and tried to gloss over it, but Aimee dropped her two penn’orth in and dragged the story out of him. Josh, to his surprise, found this part of the story quite fascinating – and oddly intriguing.

They carried on, explaining about how the whole family had fallen into a debauched lifestyle of incest and incessant sex that they didn’t truly understand but now couldn’t live without. How they’d gotten their own crystals (Aimee nipped off to the Games room and brought them in to show them off) and the evening spent with poor old Bill.

They also felt they had to mention how poor old Bill had died the following morning and how the whole family (and, they suspected, Bill himself) had known it was going to happen. Josh was mildly concerned by this fact, but decided to let it slide.

The two siblings rushed through the mad, sex-filled days of the past couple of weeks, briefly explaining about Mike’s day of heavy inflection and flirting at work when he’d taken his crystal in and the time Aimee and Sarah had taken their crystals into the supermarket and how they had eventually had to hide them in the car to avoid being ravished in the aisles.

Finally, Robbie explained that it was because of the crystals that he and Josh (and later he and Aimee and Josh) had had such fun together that day. It was at this point that Aimee stopped talking, looked down at her hands and started to bite her nails; an ugly habit she’d had all her life and that wasn’t going to fucking stop now!

Josh finally understood. “I thought…when we were in the Games room. I thought I heard… a voice?”

“That’s it,” Robbie agreed. Aimee, not looking up, simply nodded. She hoped the two guys couldn’t see the tears on her face. They couldn’t. Not yet, anyway.

“It was telling me… things. Things I didn’t know. Things I didn’t want to know. Things about… fucking.”

“Yeah – they like people fucking,” Robbie agreed with him. “They get more power, or more intense or something. It’s… like food to them, I guess. They feed on it.”

“And that doesn’t bother you?” Josh wasn’t entirely sure it bothered him.

“No,” Robbie said. “Everything is consensual. No-one is forced into it. I didn’t force you, did I? I didn’t pull your pants down and swallow your dick. I didn’t wait for you to fall asleep and assault you whilst you couldn’t stop me. You could have said ‘no’ at any time. But you didn’t. Because you wanted it. And so did I. So why should I care what some crystals want of me? They want me to do it and I want to do it and there are no holds barred. As long as everyone agrees, that’s all that matters.”

“I guess,” Josh said, sounding uncertain when, in fact, he had never been more certain in his life. He’d only been part of this whole thing for a couple of hours, but it was already like a drug to him. Now that everyone had finished eating, he just wanted to go back upstairs and do all sorts of depraved things to the two of them and have them do all sorts of depraved things to each other and to him. Of course, it helped that Robbie was quite good looking for a guy (an admission wild horses and a firing squad wouldn’t have dragged out of him twenty four hours ago) and that Aimee was fucking gorgeous, but he doubted that was it.

Aimee! Suddenly, Josh noticed the wetness on her cheek. She was crying. What the fuck? “Aimee,” he asked, concerned. He stepped over to her and put his arm around her shoulders and lightly kissed the top of her head.

Aimee didn’t speak her reply. Instead, she shook Josh away from her so violently that he was forced to step backwards. She glared at him.

“Aimee? What the fuck?”

“FUCK OFF,” she screamed at him and the vitriol in her voice was so strong, the look of hatred on her face so intense, that he was convinced she was about to strike him.

“Aimee?” Josh had no idea what the hell was happening here.

“I said fuck OFF,” Aimee shouted and stepped forward, menacingly. Josh stepped back again and looked, desperately, over at Robbie.

Robbie knew. He knew what the issue was. And he didn’t like it. It would be part of it, he knew. And not a nice part. But, once it was over, things would be better, or so he truly believed. He said nothing and avoided eye contact with Josh, staring, instead, at his little sister.

“Aimee, seriously, what’s up?” Josh realised he was getting absolutely zero assistance from Robbie, here.

“YOU!” Aimee pointed at him and prodded him, hard, in the chest. Josh was tempted to take another step away (that prod bloody hurt!) Yet, in the end, he stood his ground. “You,” Aimee repeated. “You and your words of bullshit.”

“What? What words of bullshit?”

“That bullshit about loving me! That complete bullshit about how you cared about me! You don’t fucking care about me! You wanted to get your fucking end off! That was all! Stick it in me, cum in me, fuck me and leave me! That’s all you wanted! You don’t fucking give a fucking shit about me!”

“What? Of course I do!”

“NO! You don’t! Don’t you see? It’s those fucking crystals!” She pointed at the sideboard, where they had been put down after Josh had looked at them. “They make you do things. Say things! Say anything to get you to do what they want! Robbie’s right – they feed! But it’s not like eating – it’s like a vampire! They suck you right out!”

“But… I don’t get…”

“You said you loved me,” Aimee said. She had calmed down now, and was no longer shouting, but the tears were streaming down her face, which was red and puffy. “But you don’t! You’d say anything to get me to fuck you because they want you to.” She pointed at the crystals again. “They make you lie! They make you lie to get what they want!”

“Who said… who said I was lying?” Josh was utterly bewildered.

“You. Don’t. Fucking. Love. Me.” Aimee punctuated every word with another prod. “You said that to get me to fuck you.”

“And, if that was the case – which it isn’t – it’s not worked, has it?”

Aimee stopped, stunned. “What?”

“We’ve not fucked – not yet,” Josh said. “You fucked Robbie – twice, in fact. But not me. Not yet, anyway.”

“Well… no. I’ve not. But, regardless, you only said you loved me because they wanted you to fuck me,” she pointed, once more, at the crystals.

Of the three of them, only Robbie noticed that the crystals were now the horrible, deep, glowing red that they could turn when things were not going the way that they planned. He bit his lower lip, nervously, but said nothing.

“They. Made. You. Lie.” She prodded him again.

Without warning, Josh grabbed the hand that was doing a reasonable job of prodding a hole right through his sternum and held it. Then, he kissed it.

“I said I loved you because I did. And I do.”

“But…” Aimee wanted, so much, to believe him. But she knew the power of the crystals. How they would do anything to get their own way. “But,” she said again.

“I don’t know what the crystals have done to you. Or to Robbie. Or to that old guy, Will or Bill or whatever it was. I don’t know what they’ve done to me. But I do know that I have never, ever, felt like this about anyone before.” Josh kissed Aimee on the nose.

“I love you,” he said again. “And I don’t need some crystal to try and make me lie about it, because I’m not lying about it! If there were no crystals. No naked brother. No naked you. No naked me. No blowjob. Nothing. If there was just you and me, I would still say that I love you. Because I love you.” He kissed her hair.

Aimee burst into tears once more. “You don’t mean that,” she blubbered. She looked, in fact, ugly as all hell with her red, puffy eyes and her red cheeks, her hair a mess, tears streaming down her face, her mouth twisted in a weird half-snarl. She had never looked worse and Josh still loved her and that, if nothing else, truly convinced him. Now it was time to convince her.

“I do,” he said, simply. “And one day, maybe one day soon, I will say that in front of some vicar, or priest, or guru, or whatever religious shit you’re into, and make you all mine forever. Because I love you, baby. And I promise, I always will.” He leaned forward to kiss her hair again.

Fuck that, Aimee thought to herself. You wanna kiss me? Fucking kiss me! She turned her head and, instead of her hair, he kissed her mouth. That kiss – was that the moment he convinced her? Maybe. She didn’t know. She didn’t care. She finally began to really believe him now, though. She threw her arms around him and he threw his arms around her and, for a few moments, there was just the two of them.

Slowly, they came apart.

“Thank you,” Aimee whispered.

“For what?”

“For being you,” she replied. “For telling me what I needed to hear. For…” she paused, “for loving me.”

“You’re welcome, I guess,” Josh grinned at her. “Thursday, was it?”

“Thursday was what?”

“The wedding,” Josh replied, still grinning. “That gives me a few days to introduce you to my mother and my sister. They’ll both need hats, of course,” Josh was grinning, inanely now. “And new dresses – that could take them both hours to come up with and they’re both likely to get half a dozen and take them all back to the shops and get something else. Those two could win an Olympic medal for shopping!” Aimee, despite herself, began to giggle.

“I’ve got a decent enough suit,” Josh continued, “but I need new shoes – the ones I have are a bit scuffed. I know a guy down the road who owns a Rolls – nice, purple, leather seats, very posh. And there’s a decent flower shop on High Street who can probably knock up a bouquet in time. We’d need to get you a dress, of course. White? Perhaps not, quite, eh? Ivory. Lots of lace, lots of pearls. Fake pearls, obviously, I’m not fucking made of money.”

Aimee was doubled over in laughter. “Stop! Stop, you fucking dork,” she said between guffaws.

“What,” Josh said, mock-seriously. “There’s a lot to arrange before Thursday!”

“We’re…” she giggled again. “We’re not getting married on fucking Thursday,” she laughed.

“Oh, but you said…” Josh grinned once more. She punched him, lightly, on the arm.

“Fuck you, dickhead,” she laughed at him.

“You keep promising that and not delivering,” Josh replied. “You’re like the world’s worst courier service.”

“UPS at your service,” Aimee laughed at him.

“Really? You’re going to deliver, this time,” he replied, mocking her a little.

“Oh, sir,” she replied in that mock-posh accent she really wasn’t very good at. “I think it is you who will be delivering. I’m sure you have a nice package you can post in my slot.”

He shook his head at her. “You’re fucking disgusting, you know that? If that’s your idea of flirting, you’ve got a long way to go!” He smiled at her again.

“I’m not flirting,” she pouted. “I’m being a croquette!”

Josh stared at her for a moment and then burst out laughing. “A what,” he asked, still laughing.

“A croquette,” Aimee replied, looking puzzled. “It means being cute and sexy.”

“Actually,” Josh said, recovering himself, “a croquette is something you make from potatoes and breadcrumbs. Or other stuff, I guess.”

“No,” Aimee said. “It means…”

“It doesn’t,” Josh insisted. “That’s a coquette!”

Aimee gaped at him. “Oh,” she said, a little downcast.

“Cute and sexy, huh,” Josh said after a moment. “Well, miss cute and sexy, the delivery guy has a package for you. I’m just not sure it’ll fit in your mailbox.”

“Oh, it’ll fit,” Aimee said and took his hand. “I’ll fucking make sure of it!” So saying, she practically hauled him up the stairs and into her room again.

Robbie, once again long forgotten, wiped a drip of whatever had been for dinner off his chin, licked it off his fingers, and followed them up the stairs.


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