The Surrogate Ch. 01 by misstrust,misstrust

The interview

9 A.M. arrives and my flight has landed. Just a short 4-hour plane ride from me to California!

I exit the terminal and I am greeted by Dan. He’s holding a sign with my name on it. I walk up to him and extend my hand to shake his. He pulls me in for a hug.

“It’s so nice to meet you Jennifer!”

“Thanks. It’s nice to meet you as well. I know we have only spoken on the phone once but I already feel like I know you well.”

“Same here. Shall we go?”

I nod my head, and we make our way out to his truck. It’s a long peaceful drive to his farm. Almost as long as the flight. We talk the whole trip. I even showed him my tits during the drive to his place. Dan had picked the scenic route, pulling over to point out various sites. It was during one of these stops that he turned to me and asked to see my tits., With no traffic around I lifted my top, pulling my bra down so he could get a good look. My nipples were rock hard.

“Well Jennifer, I can see we’re going to enjoy those. Hopefully, they will soon be full of milk too.”

We pulled into the driveway and stopped to open a gate. Dan tells me the gate is for the cows. The farm sits on 6,000 acres. It has several wooded areas and a creek and a pretty good swimming hole. There are several clearings as well.

“On this farm, we have livestock and wild animals to be aware of. There are bears and occasionally mountain lions. There are coyotes as well, and once in a great while a wolf pack will come through.” The further we go down the driveway the more breathtaking the place becomes.

I see big beautiful shade trees lining the driveway, and rows of fields. Grapes to the left and corn on the right. We go a little deeper and I see what looks like pot. Giant pot plants on both sides of the driveway. I look at Dan and raise an eyebrow. He chuckles.

“Yes, little one. That is pot. I’m a pot farmer. How else do you think I could afford to pay you $10,000 a month? You’re not a pothead are you?”

“No, sir. Pot makes me nauseous.”

“Good. At least I don’t have to worry about that. Do you use any other drugs?”

“No sir. I like to be in my right mind.”

Dan drove past the house and pulled up in front of the shed to park. We arrived a little after 3pm. Briefly I followed Dan as we made our way back up to the house. He pointed out various sheds and other buildings along the way. I could see why they needed someone with farm experience. This place was definitely a lot of work.

We arrived in front of the house about an hour later. It was a three-story old Victorian-style house with a wrap-around porch. It was beautiful. There’s a balcony on the second floor, and a patio area on the third. I stand there staring. It was gorgeous.

“You have a beautiful home Dan.”

“I like to think so. Are you ready to go inside and meet my Pet?”

I take a big breath. “I am. Let’s go meet her.”

I heave my backpack over my shoulder and follow Dan inside. Inside, we stand in a beautiful entryway. The walls are wood. Giving the place an old farmhouse kind of vibe. There are three benches that double as coat racks and storage for shoes.

“Shoes off young lady. The only shoes worn inside are high heels when requested.”

I sit down on the nearest bench and remove my shoes, short black ankle boots. As I pull the last one off I hear Pet approach…

“Pet, my love, we’re here. Play nice. It’s only an interview.”

My interest is peaked. Does she not want me here? Is this only his idea? Be nice? Why did he tell her that? Is she a bitch? Maybe this wasn’t the best of ideas. My mind continues to spin as I sit there in the entryway and look around. I take a few breaths. Maybe she is just nervous. I know I am.

“Jennifer, this is my wife. You may call her Pet.”

I look up and see a fiery redhead standing by Dan’s side. Pet is beautiful. She has short, spiky hair, with soft subtle curves in all the right places. A solid B or maybe C cup sitting high on her chest. They look as if they will be nice and perky. Pet looks like she certainly takes care of herself.

“Well, are you going to introduce yourself, or do you expect Dan to do it for you?”

“I’m sorry Pet. I didn’t realize I had been staring. You are quite beautiful.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere with me.” She then turns on her heels and walks away from us.

“Come on in.” Says Dan with a smile, as if to say I am sorry or please pardon my wifes tone.

I followed him out of the entryway into the great room. To the left is a gorgeous kitchen. To the right is the living room with a giant fireplace. Straight ahead is a pool table and a dinner table. At some point, I stopped following. I ended up just standing there, mouth wide open looking around these wonderful rooms.

“I don’t know if she’s going to work out Dan, she can’t even follow simple directions. Look at her standing there with her fly trap wide open. If she keeps it up we won’t have to feed her. She will have enough flies to fill her up in no time.” Pet was sitting at the table, shaking her head.

“I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just amazed by your beautiful home. I love it. The setup is warm and inviting. I love the open space. You have a lovely home.” I say as I finally manage to join them at the table.

“Okay, maybe she is not completely offal.”

“That’s enough out of you, Pet. Let’s eat.”

Pet had prepared us juicy baked chicken breast, grilled brussel sprouts, and spaghetti squash for dinner. It was delicious. I ate everything on my plate and was instantly tired. Food coma…Pets cooking was good.

After dinner Dan walks me to the living room.

I’m settled on the couch, blanket across my legs, a glass of whiskey in my hands. Dan has built a fire. Sipping my drink I listen to him hum as he wittels a chunk of wood. Pet hasn’t been seen since dinner. I ponder everything that has happened so far. Should I do this? Should I go? Will it work out between me and Pet? Do I need to stay here for the whole pregnancy? What about if I’m pregnant and it doesn’t work, with me staying here? Over and over again I’m plagued with questions I don’t dare speak aloud.

“Sir, all of the kitchen chores are done.”

I look up startled by the sound of Pet’s voice. She stood next to Dan, said her piece, and is now kneeling on her hands and knees at his feet. I watch silently. I don’t dare move. I want to see how they flow naturally. I would give anything to disappear right now and just let this play out. Dan lifts his legs and sets his feet on Pet’s back. He uses her as his own personal footstool. That has to be extremely humiliating to her, being used like this in front of me.

“Are you sure, Pet? All of the kitchen chores are done? I would hate to have to punish you in front of company.”

“Yes Sir, I’m sure,” Pet said in a rushed breathy voice. “I hand washed and dried all of the dishes and put them away. Washed the table and chairs. Put the table cloth away and I washed down the counters. I swept and moped to sir. I put the leftovers away as well.”

Dan removes his feet from her back. Sits up and spreads his legs wide to where she is kneeling in-between them. He gently strokes her cheek.

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