The Sweet Taste of Forbidden Fruit Ch. 02 by KaraSweet

The Sweet Taste of Forbidden Fruit Ch. 02 by KaraSweet

Read Part 1 first, it’s a long one but worth it.


The throbbing between Melissa’s legs wasn’t going to go away overnight and no matter how long of a shower she took, soap could never wash away the memory of what she had done. Her husband was going to be gone for several more days and I wasn’t finished with her yet.


I did it. Oh I admit I cheated a little. It wasn’t like she really didn’t know what was happening. She was still able to make choices, I just steered her to the choices that I wanted and she followed me like a puppy. So what if I used a little “incense” in the air to make her a bit more pliable. What did I do? I committed one of the worst sins in the history of man, coveting another man’s wife.

Believe me, when my cock took the first full plunge inside of Melissa’s pussy, I almost shot my load right there. It was a miracle that I was able to hold off for as long as I did. Coming in another man’s wife? Holy hell that is the hottest thing ever, knowing that my DNA was swimming inside of her most private parts that had only been given to her husband barely eleven months ago.

I can still smell her odor of arousal and the feel of her tight almost virginal canal wrapped around my painfully hard shaft along with every curve and contour of her inner being.

A little background before we get back to the story. My favorite past time is seducing other men’s newly married almost virginal wives by befriending them enough so they feel comfortable telling me their deepest desires. Lots of women, no matter how happy they are in their marriage, don’t have everything they want or need, especially in the bedroom. Most of the time, they just don’t realize it. Even if they do, they have nobody to tell and for some reason, a male friend whom they consider “safe” is the perfect outlet, until it’s not.

My hobby, if you will, is using the information against their own libido until they somehow find themselves with their arms and legs wrapped around me while I drive my rock hard cock deep into their barely deflowered and married pussy while screaming for more. To top it off, I usually leave them with my sperm still deep inside of them or running out of their well used pussy.

My wife knows what I do and has only a few requirements that I must follow. After seducing the woman, I must prove my conquest by taking a picture of her discarded panties on the bedroom floor and another with her lying naked and freshly fucked. Extra points are given if I was able to soil her in her own marriage bed. You’ll have to read previous stories to figure out how that developed.


Here is PART II, enjoy.

My plans had been to wait two days after Melissa and I fucked before contacting her again. It was enough time to get her mind straight and to realize what we had done, but not enough time to forget the feeling of another man who wasn’t her husband thrusting between her legs. I wanted Melissa to dwell on the fact that she had been unfaithful and had cheated on her loving husband in a moment of an intense, heated lust.

Before I had a chance to contact her, she texted me, “We have to talk.” Melissa, being unworldly, therefore gullible, wanted to meet at her place to air things out. Apparently, she felt safer and in control while in her own surroundings. Displays of her wedding and her love for her husband adorned the walls and tables. This time she figured she had Kevin to protect her, even if it was just his pictures. Unfortunately for Melissa, letting the wolf into the sheep den has always been a bad idea.

The newly soiled, Melissa, insisted in her mind that giving into her body’s desires was a mistake that she intended not to let happen again. Her body could still feel the sensation of my hands and lips roaming over her skin, making her nipples tingle at the thought. Of course, the feel of her pussy being pried opened and stretched by someone other than her husband was also fresh in her mind, highlighted by the occasional “twitch” between her legs. In the end, I was planning on her newly exposed sexual desires winning out.

This time there would be no smoke, lightly laced with mind altering drugs filling the air like there was the first time she gave herself to me. Before I left Melissa’s home, I intended on her being spread eagle in her own marriage bed. My naked body, not Kevin’s, will be the one between her thighs while she screams in orgasm as she pulls me inside of her, begging me to fill her married pussy with my cum.

As I’ve said before, through casual conversation, a woman will pretty much tell you anything if you listen well enough, even if not directly. Melissa had mentioned that around 8 p.m. she was usually getting ready to settle in for the night with a good book or some T.V. Hoping to catch her at a “bad time,” I knocked on her door. After a long wait, she answered in a red, silky robe that showed off her delicious curves. Melissa looked unprepared and confused at my arrival.

“It’s kind of late for you to be coming over, isn’t it? You can’t be seen here after what we…, especially at this hour!”

“You said you wanted to talk and this was the first chance I had to stop by. I wanted to make sure you were alright.”

“I’m fine. I didn’t mean for you to come over this late, I’m not exactly dressed to have a serious conversation.”

Melissa was trying to act like the proper lady by covering herself with her arms. It was obvious that she was also embarrassed at being caught barely dressed by the man she cheated on her husband with. I was also sure that the memory of what we had done had Melissa’s pussy lubricating itself for any pending penetration it might endure. Isn’t the woman’s body a wonderful thing?

“I didn’t want you to have to wait. Can I come in so your neighbors don’t wonder why another man is at your door?”

She stared at me for a moment before stepping aside and allowing me to come in. Hurriedly, she closed the door behind me and locked it.

“Fine,” she said, obviously talking to herself more than me, “I can do this…”

“Look, I… I’m still not sure what exactly happened the other day or how it happened, but it should not have. What we did was unforgivable. I’m sorry if you feel that I’m that kind of girl, I’m not. I am still confused as to how it all came about, I’ve never felt that way before.”

“What I know for sure, Mike, is that I cheated on my husband for the first time. I feel so awful. I haven’t been able to sleep at all and I was useless at work today. Making love twice in a row with another man certainly didn’t help my focus any.” Melissa was looking down while she spoke, no doubt trying not to picture our bodies, intertwined together in the throes of passion.

“Mike, we even did things together that I’ve never even done with…him. The way I threw myself at you, oh my god I feel like such a whore.” I could see her eyes well up in tears and her voice crackle as she relived her first marital indiscretions.

“Melissa, I’m the one who should be sorry. I took advantage of you when you had your guard down. It’s just, being alone with you brought out desires in me that I couldn’t resist. I’m sorry if I hurt you. To be totally honest though, I would do it again in a second.”


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