The Tale of Ugly and Christmas by Bazzza,Bazzza

“Hi.” he said approaching her from behind.

It was only when she turned and smiled that she was topless and was wearing only a thong below.

“Oh shit, I’m sorry.” he muttered while trying to avert eyes from her lovely breasts.

To make matters worse, Joanna stood up and took a sip from her glass from the table. Her body was toned and voluptuous, her breasts full and little paler than her arms and belly. Her legs were long, her brown thighs round and full.

“I think you’d better put some clothes on.”

She grinned knowingly, “Its okay, I’m not embarrassed. I don’t mind if you look at my ugly body.”

“No, you’d better put something on, other wise I’ll have a heart attack. I’m too old for this sort of thing.”

“Spoilsport.” she whispered before heading towards the house.

She retuned wearing a tee shirt which just covered her buttocks; he shook his head in despair. Trouble was that it hid just enough to be erotic. This was going to be hard, very hard he told himself. Benny suffered the next few days with Joanna, the warm weather encouraging her into skimpy clothes, shorts and halter tops mostly. The banter picked up between them as they got reacquainted. Joanna had a sharp mind with a quick tongue and made fun of him at every opportunity. While she had a bedroom with an ensuite at the far end of the house, she still managed to find his supply of condoms and lubricants in his bathroom. Looking for shampoo she replied cheekily when he asked what she was doing there. Didn’t know they made extra small size she jokingly added making him feel more uncomfortable than he already was.

On Christmas Eve, the band did an extra gig which ended early around eleven for a change. After listening to Joanna complaining of hunger pains, he headed for a little café that he considered his favourite. For the first time since Joanna’s arrival, they sat quietly and talked in some depth. He asked her about boarding and then finishing school. Joanna shrugged her shoulders and replied that she worked hard because her parents had high expectations and had paid out substantial cost for her education. But she had reached her limit and it was now time to spread her wings.

“So how’s your love life?” she asked. “Judging from the supply of condoms, you’re either doing okay or living in hope.”

Benny laughed at her directness, “I do okay. Nothing serious.”

“Why didn’t you ever get married again?”

“After two failures, it’s not on my agenda.”

She looked into his eyes, “I still think you’re the nicest man in the world. There should be a queue of women lining up to wed you.”

Benny grinned and looked around the café, “Can’t see them.”

“Don’t you ever get lonely?”

“He shook his head, “Nope, I quite like my own company and I’ve got plenty of friends.”

“But no girlfriend?”

“No, not at the moment.”

“So when did you last get laid?” she asked.

Benny was surprised at the question, “Don’t you think that’s a little too personal?”

“No, I’m just trying to understand you. So answer the question. When did you last get laid?”

“The day before you arrived if you must know. And what about you, how’s your love life?” he asked with the hope of embarrassing her enough to change the subject.

He failed dismally.

She grinned, “Still a virgin unfortunately. Any males were within a hundred mile radius of the boarding school were shot on sight. There were a few opportunities when at finishing school but I didn’t go all the way. I was waiting for someone special to come along, but it never happened.”

“It’ll happen one day; you’ll just have to be patient.” Benny replied.

“I don’t think so.” Joanna replied without hesitation. “I’m not going to be a twenty year old virgin.”

“When are you twenty?” Benny asked trying to think back when her birthday was.

“In nine days.”

He grinned, “That doesn’t give you much time. Anyone in mind?”

Joanna grinned mischievously, “Yep, you.”

Benny just about choked on a piece of chocolate he’d put in his mouth. Joanna watched with sadistic interest as he tried to swallow it. She waited for a few seconds until he regained a little composure.

“I thought that I’d seduce you tonight when we got back. If we got back after midnight, it could be my special Christmas present to you.” she suggested.

“Jesus, don’t joke like that.”

Joanna leaned closer across the small table, “I’ve never been more serious in my life. I’ve been waiting for someone I care about and who’ll make a good job of it. It came to me the other day, why not you?”

Benny leaned back away from her tormenting eyes, “No Joanna, it won’t happen. I just couldn’t do it.”

She smiled again, “What makes you think you’ve got a choice? Remember I said seduction.”

“No, it won’t happen.”

“Out of all of the men I’ve ever met, besides family, you’re the one I care most about in the whole world. I want it to be you, I want it to be the one person I care about and who cares about me.”

“Shit, I’m old enough to be your father for god’s sake.”

“True, but I kinda like older guys. I’m sure you’ll do just fine. And if you don’t mind me saying, you won’t get me pregnant either. No condoms required, I’m kind of looking forward to feeling what a pussy full of cum feels like.”

Benny put his hands up between them, “Woo, too much information.”

“I agree.” she replied. Why don’t we wait till we get back home?”

There hadn’t been too many times in Benny’s life when stuck for words, but this was surely one of them. They left the café an hour later and headed home; at first there was only silence between them but suddenly Joanna leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“Don’t be scared, I want this to happen more than anything in the world. And I know that you’ll be gentle and teach me to be a good lover.”

Benny didn’t reply, he had decided that it wasn’t right and he’d have to put a stop to her nonsense. After all, she was the daughter of her best friends and he just couldn’t do it. He unfortunately underestimated the persistence of youth.

Joanna disappeared into the house when they arrived. After placing his keys on the kitchen bench, Benny walked up to his bedroom. The lights had been dimmed and Joanna stood near the end of the bed. She waited until she’d had captured his eyes and then let her dress fall to the floor. Matching dark coloured bra and panties hugged her voluptuous figure. She held her arm out towards him.

“Come here.” she whispered.

When he didn’t, she unclipped her bra and let it drop in front of her. Her beautiful breasts were pert and stood waiting for his touch. Benny knew that his resolve was fast waning.

“Benny, please don’t make me beg. I want you to do this for me more than anything in the world.”

With all his resolve, Benny turned and walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind him, a cold shower was the order of the day. He turned the water on and stripped before sliding under the warm jets. But Joanna had no intention to fail, she slipped off her wrist watch and used the buckle of the leather strap to turn and unlock the simple door mechanism from the outside. She entered the bathroom and smirked at Benny’s surprised face, then slipped off her panties and opened the shower door to get in. She cuddled into Benny’s chest and held him tight.

“Don’t push me away again, I want you to do this for me.” she implored.

Joanna reached up and took his head in her hands; she thrust her tongue into his mouth and kissed him. Waiting until he relented, she then slipped her hand downwards and cupped his growing erection. Breaking the kiss, she smiled while gazing into his eyes.

“See, you do want to play.” she said placing his erection between her thighs and gripping it tightly.

Benny then knew that all was lost.

They quickly dried themselves with warm towels; he was surprised when Joanna put her panties back on again before returning to the bedroom.

“I want you to remove them.” she said pulling the covers back and getting into his bed.

Benny knelt on the bed and took in her magnificent body; he ran his hand over her smooth golden skin. Her breasts now looked a little smaller as they slipped sideways a little. His hand travelled downwards over her flat stomach and down her thighs, she opened them a little as his hand slipped up the insides and glided over her panties. Joanna smiled and pulled his face to hers, their tongues searching and finding each other. Her hand sought and found his cock and stroked it slowly. They kissed passionately for a while before Benny began running his tongue down her neck and to her breasts. He felt her tense and sigh as he suckled on each large nipple in turn. His tongue then carried on downwards over her navel causing her to wriggle, Benny then slipped downwards and knelt between her open thighs. He admired the sight for a few seconds, her perfect thighs, the flimsy material covering her pelvic mound and the delights beneath. Benny kissed his way up each thigh; he could sense her warm arousal as he teased her skin around the panty line, then ran his tongue over the material covering her pussy. She moved against him for a second and then waited impatiently for him to slide the material aside.

His tongue slipped inside her wet pink lips searching and finding her clitoris. Joanna squirmed and groaned with pleasure as her clitoris was sucked into his mouth, his tongue dancing over the tip sending little shocks of ecstasy through her body. She eagerly raised her hips seconds later as her panties were removed. For the first time in her life, Joanna opened her thighs wide so that she could be ravaged, but felt no remorse in giving her private place to someone she cared about. Benny placed a line of kisses around the perimeter of dark curls which had been trimmed into a bikini line below her pale navel. Her wet lips were full and beautifully shaped; her inner lips only slightly pinker than her outer, a large clitoris sat erect just waiting to be tormented. Below, her opening was slightly agape displaying her pink insides.

Benny lowered his face and slipped his tongue up and down her lips before settling back on her clitoris. Again, Joanna squirmed and pushed her pussy back into his face.

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