The Trail was very Cold by Mr56543434,Mr56543434

The war ended and I headed home back to our little ranch in the middle of Missouri. I’d had a few letters from back there in the past few months so far as I knew things were alright. I had left June at home with my uncle Ben, his grandson Jason who had been just 16 when I left and a breed named Bright. We were hid back in the hills in a hollow not many knew of and I wanted it that way.

Anyway I’d headed that way soon as I could and rode into our place a few days later. I knew right away there had been trouble the place was abandoned and the stock all gone. I found Ben’s grave out on the hill behind the house. Anything of any good was gone. If anyone made it out alive and free it would have been Bright and I knew where he’d be.

It was 20 miles to the look out spot, but if he lived that was where he’d be camped. I found him there wounded but alive. He was surprised to see me.

“Con three years is a long time for a woman to be left alone It was the boy who done it. He turned 18 over a year ago and we could see he was after Junie. He’d follow her down to the crick and watch her bathe. She knew it but really how could she stop it? He got brazen and came right out and talked to her. She tried to cover herself at first but finally she gave up and let him see her. I think she knew living here all these years he’d seen her before. He began to bathe with her and then to fondle her and he stuck her and fucked her hard. She was hooked.”

“How long it been going on Bright?”

“Oh he’s been fucking her since right after he turned 18. I was worried the kid’s been going into town for several months now and drinkin hard. Junie tried to stop him but he was mean and he told her he’d bring his friends out here with him and they’d all fuck her. She shut up about it. and she did what ever he wanted.”

“How long she been gone Bright?”

“Near a month now, It was the kid again. He brought guys with him. Ben tried to stop it and they killed him. They got lead into me and they drug Junie out side stripped her and had their way with her.”

“How many were there Bright?”

“There was seven that I saw and the kid, Con. They were at Junie a long time. When they tired they were going to cut her throat but the kid talked them out of it. And they took her with them. I followed them near a hundred miles west and she was still with them then.”

“How long ago was that Bright?”

“It was near three weeks now.”

“Can you take me back to where you lost em Bright?”

“I didn’t loose em Con I was running out a blood so I had to leave off following them.”

Bright was much better and we cut across country to where he had left the trail. We found it right off and followed easily. When we found their next camp bright looked around it.

“Well they were still fucking her here.”

“That is good,Bright.”

“Con, the kid has been really working Junie’s pussy over for sometime now she’s given it up for him completely for sometime now. She just gets naked as he wants her. He brought her out for them and he’d already stripped her for them. She was completely naked for them when he led her out to them. He told her to get her little pussy working for them. She wasn’t raped Con. She gave it up for them everyone. She took them each like she was a saloon whore.”

“Her giving her pussy up to them may keep her alive Bright?”

“Well she give it up to each one of em Con. I saw her guide each cock right into her little hole.”

“As I said Bright that could be the factor that helps keep her alive.”

I knew the odds of being able to follow them was very slim, but we had to try. I knew how lonely life could be out there on the ranch and with a young man putting pressure on her every day I understood how he could have broken her down and made her submit to him.

I knew we were three weeks or more behind them so we pressed on after them. The trail held and I knew we had cut down the lead they had on us. Maybe by more than a week so we were behind them by less than two weeks now.

We rode into a small town in eastern Kansas late one afternoon and went into the saloon. After asking a few questions the old boy who ran the place told me what I needed to know.

“Oh, ya they was here. She was the sweetest piece of pussy you ever wanted. Ya he brought her in and had her on a table back in the back there. Prettiest little titties and little hips and pussy. She danced naked for an hour before she started going in the back with the boys and fuckin them. I had my old cock up in her twice that first night. And they was here a week so I fucked her 8 or 10 times. Most of the town fucked her that week. Yep hated to see em go.”

They had been gone just about a week now so we were catching them. A few days later we rode into another town further west in Kansas and we stopped at the first little saloon. A few questions later and we knew they had spent a few days there too. My wife has been naked for them there too and spent lots of time with the men of the town there too. They were just two days ahead of us now. So we pushed on.

They had split up four of them turned south and June and the rest went on west. I went on south after them and I sent Bright on west behind June and the rest. I caught up to the four I followed a day later. They were a rebel group of rabble raiders. I walked up on them in camp. They knew who I was and with there being four of them they were not scared.

“She went on west with the kid and them so you fucked up Boy. We hated to give her little pussy up, she uses it really well. And she’ll fuck anyone the kid tells her to she is hooked on his big cock. He took us right out there and gave her to us.”

“You killed the old man.”

“Hell the kid done that shot him right off and then stripped her for us to enjoy. And she went right along with it. Girl sure likes to fuck.”

“Had you left the old man alone you could a had her.”

“What you think you going to do about it, we got her anyway. We all had her and will again.”

He moved his hand down for his gun and I shot all four of them. Two dead, one dying and one who might make it. He looked at me with squinted eyes.

“Good God you that Conager? Con Murphy?”

I nodded my head slowly.

“The kid know that? Who you are?”

“No, his grandpa knew and the Breed knows, but not the kid.”

“Hell even the Breed was fuckin her.”

“She was a whore up in Montana when I met her. He was fucking her before I met her. I knew the kid would be fuckin her before I got back. Expected him to. Didn’t expect him to go crazy bad over it. Old man was a good man and friend long time. He even fucked her now and then.”

I patched him up best I could and rode out after Bright and their trail. I took the horses and their guns with me. Leaving him his horse. I caught up with Bright and the rest in two days in a little town on the western edge of Kansas. It was just after dark and their horses were tied in front of the saloon. I could hear loud music coming from the place.

I rode on down to the stable and sold their horses for very little, but without papers on them, they weren’t worth much. I walked back up the street to the saloon and before I entered I looked over the doors into the saloon.

Junie was naked up on a small stage at one end of the saloon. She was dancing for maybe 40 men all yelling for her. Jason climbed up on stage with her and he was naked too. He groped her bare tits and her ass. His good sized cock was erect and her turned her to face the crowd.

He pulled the upper half of her body back against him by her tits and he pushed her legs wide apart and came right up under her with his cock in perfect position to enter her. Then he slid smoothly right up inside her for everyone to see and he began to fuck her giving the crowd a perfect view of their union.

He began to yell how good her pussy felt and how they all would want to try her little pussy that night and they began to yell back that they did want her too. He was working them into a frenzy to fuck her. His display of the little whore was perfectly done by one so young.

I was in no hurry to kill the young man he had so enjoyed helping to raise. And he had known full well Jason would be doing just what he was with Junie before he returned from the war. Junie was a complete little whore and loved the attention of men.

I walked into the saloon and up to the bar. I ordered a drink and turned to watch as Jason fucked Junie up on the stage. As I watched as Jason finished his union with Junie with drew his cock from her and moved off stage to a back room. Junie ran off stage and right to me. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me hard on the mouth.

“Please Con, Jason didn’t shoot Ben. He fired very near him to get him to duck down. But before he did Malcom killed him. It wasn’t Jason Con, it really wasn’t.”

“Junie, If Jason comes out here and braces me I have no choice but to kill him.”

“He won’t Con, Please give him a chance, Please for me?”

“Where is this Malcom at, Junie?”

“He is the big guy at the end of the bar, Con. Jason is afraid of him Con, or he’d have killed him.”

“Is he that fast Junie?”

“He is mean, Con. He hurts me when he fucks me and Fast enough Jason isn’t sure about him.”

“Take some of the boys upstairs Junie and get out of here.”

As she moved out of the line of fire I stepped out away from the bar and turned toward the far end of the bar where he stood. As I did He stepped from the end of the bar gun in hand and I shot him right between his eyes. The men with him bolted for the door and I let them go.

I met Bright in the stable and he had our horses saddled. I noticed he had two more ready also. We mounted up and headed for home. A couple miles outside of town they caught up with us.

“The boys back there are some upset. They were all ready to fuck Junie the rest of the night when we run off.”

“I figured the three of you can take care of my needs at home.”

I smiled at them.

“Yep I reckon we can at that.”

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