An adult stories – The Unlucky Superheroine Ch. 01 by Mr_Night,Mr_Night It was a sunny and ordinary afternoon in the great Meta City. The warm and pleasant city continued to give its visitors a splendid view of its large, gleaming buildings and its city, which was as fascinating as it was dangerous. And in this typical scenario of a romance book, there was a young and ordinary blonde girl, Like many others she was resting from her intense routine of studying at the university in the library, where she was constantly looking for a calm and peaceful place to do your duties and relax a little from the busy life. Her name was Alice.
She was sitting in a quiet corner of the university library, a book open in her hands, a novel as usual, something like a medieval kingdom ruled by evil magical forces, not too strange for a romantic literature enthusiast.
Alice kept her head down, hiding behind her long, silky blonde hair, which fell gently over her beautiful, smooth face. The soft light that illuminated the room was enough for her to read without difficulty, even with her attractive blue eyes covered by relatively old-fashioned glasses, but it wasn’t strong enough to reveal the details of her timid and fragile appearance.
She preferred to be alone, avoiding the attention of the other students, whenever a more pleasant looking boy looked at her, she would sink into her book, blushing a little and hoping she would pass by. After all, she was always a shy and naive girl, who preferred to live in her private world of books and dreams, although even underneath her fuzzy scarlet sweater, a gift from her grandmother, her old and well-heeled jeans and black shoes almost without grease, the young woman was still very pretty and that way of hers always attracted looks, which made her friend Grace very irritated.
And talking about her, Alice’s stillness and peace was suddenly interrupted when she heard Grace’s high-pitched voice, along with other voices of her friends, with Grace were John, Troy, Bob and Rose, they entered the place excitedly. They seemed to be arguing loudly, completely unaware of the other students in the library. Alice huddled in her seat, trying to make herself invisible to her friends. However, their loud and energetic voices drew the attention of everyone in the library.
“Come on, the Nightwatchman is the baddest of heroes!” Said Bob, a tall boy with brown hair.
“Don’t even come with that” Another young man said, his name was Troy, he was shorter and a little muscular “He doesn’t even have powers, Star Man is the most powerful, he beats everyone else up if he wants to”
“Oh, but what about the Valkyrie Queen? She’s a millennium old warrior and she sure could kick a lot of these guys’ asses” Grace spoke with a proud tone, she was a huge fan of the heroine.
“True” Rose agreed “And she still has that super hot apprentice Scarlet Spartan. Did you know that she ran naked in the streets?”
“Serious?” The others said “How did that happen?”
“Looks like she took on a bit of a perverted villain out there, a Leprechaun. Apparently the Spartan lost not only the fight, but also respect and modesty, hahahahaha”
“But what about that new hero girl that appeared recently, the Silver Raven?” John questioned innocently.
“Well, I think…Oh, look at her over there” Grace said, interrupting the subject and pointing in the direction of Alice, who had her plans of staying quiet and hidden going down the drain.
“There you are!” Grace said, approaching her friend “Always with your face in books, aren’t you? Bookworm, hahaha. But don’t worry, I’m with the guys and we’re going to a coffee shop and you’re going with us.”
“Oh no Grace, I appreciate you coming to get me, thank you very much, but no.” Alice replied in a small, shy voice, almost frightened that her friend was staring at her.
“What do you mean not?” Grace asked with a killer look.
“It’s just…I don’t know, I don’t want to go out today.”
“You do! Don’t worry, I know what’s best for you. Now get up and come with me, now!” Grace said in an authoritative tone and Alice reluctantly complied, she was never able to say no to her friend, which already got her into some uncomfortable situations.
They then exited the library all together, being met with the angry gazes of people trying to read around them. Alice was a little shy and withdrawn when she joined them, mostly because of the presence of John, the young man she had been secretly in love with for some time. Grace knew this and orchestrated this meeting precisely to see if this platonic romance finally took off.
After walking a bit they chose a coffee shop a few blocks away from the library. The place was very nice and cozy, with small orange lights, several tables with people drinking and eating happily, and a counter with attendants who seemed to be very attentive and friendly with customers.
Grace and the boys sat down and she told Alice to go get the coffees. The girl dutifully ordered, but John offered to help her with the drinks. Alice’s heart beat faster when she saw her beloved approaching to help her, she got nervous and almost dropped a donut she had bought. But she didn’t want to waste this unique opportunity, so she took a deep breath and turned to him, determined to thank him for his help, but the calm and relaxed atmosphere was quickly interrupted by desperate screams and shoving, when a group of armed assailants invaded the place..
The bandits announced the robbery, knocking and pushing people from tables and demanding that everyone line up close to a wall, to make it easier for them to steal their belongings.
The hostages then complied, walking slowly to the wall. Grace reached out scared and nervous to Alice to pull her along, but Alice simply froze, petrified with fear, and her friends panicked. She then suddenly woke up and out of nowhere ran towards the bathroom, locking the door behind her.
Alice then ran awkwardly and desperately, dropping her donut on the floor, towards the cafeteria’s restrooms. Grace tried to stop her, so as not to put herself at risk, but was stopped when she heard the assailant’s gruff and unpleasant voice.
“Stop right there, pretty girl. I told nobody to move, better stay quiet right there or things are going to get ugly for you!” He spoke irritably, and Grace sat down on the floor a little nervously. She was a little happy that Alice wasn’t seen running, but she was very angry at her friend for being a coward and leaving her behind.
Meanwhile Alice ran towards the restrooms, not bothering to look at the sign to see if she had entered the men’s or women’s restroom, and immediately stopped in the middle of it.
The blonde girl then touched her face, with her trembling and nervous hands, removing her glasses and placing them on the bathroom sink. She stared at the reflection of her beautiful, smooth face in the mirror for a second, taking a breath and preparing to do what she was supposed to.
The blonde then proceeded to take off her fuzzy sweater, second her white shirt and her jeans, not forgetting to take off her black shoes, leaving her bare feet. Now reflected in the mirror was the beautiful and attractive shapely and athletic body of the young woman, with her large and upturned breasts, with soft and firm skin now tingling and the nipples lit by her nervousness, not to mention her light and thick in addition to her nice and juicy ass. All this framed by her sensual and slightly suggestive heroine costume, which she wore hidden under her clothes.
This one was a white and gold swimsuit, tight and tight, which expressed her large breasts and her delicious ass, in addition to lightly marking the lips of her vagina.
Alice blushed and blushed with embarrassment to see herself in that totally inappropriate outfit, but she still needed to stop the assailants, so she took a deep breath, trying to ignore her almost naked body, and focused on her responsibility.
Alice then reached down to her bag and from it pulled out a small gold ring, with letters and symbols inlaid around it. The young woman stared at the object for a second before placing it on her finger and as she did so she felt an explosion of energy run through her body. Suddenly a chill ran down her spine and her body shivered. She felt the magical energy seep into her cells, empowering her,
Suddenly her straight golden hair began to change color, taking on a silvery hue, almost white. Furthermore, her beautiful blue eyes began to emanate a golden glow. She then took her small black mask, which only covered her eyes, and placed it on her face. Now reflected in the mirror was no longer the naive and shy young Alice, in her place was the imposing and attractive heroine Silver Raven and she would now follow his motto is to beat up evil.
Meanwhile, the burglars were threatening the cafeteria’s customers. One of them, a tall man with a green cap covering his face, pointed a pistol at the cashier, forcing him to put all the money in the register in a bag.
“Don’t fucking move!” The other assailant, a shorter man with brown hair and a black mask, yelled, pointing a knife at an elderly woman sitting on the floor.
“Stop right there, Malefactors!” A strong, intimidating female voice spoke, drawing the assailants’ nervous glances.
The thugs then looked up at the beauty who was standing with her arms crossed on top of the counter. They admired perplexed for a second the woman wearing a super tight outfit, which was nothing more than two lines going from her crotch, passing through her huge breasts, these that threatened to come out of the clothes, until they went around the neck. It was a pretty salacious outfit, even by heroine standards.
The thugs looked at each other and gave a wry smile with a nasty perverted tone. “Ah, whore, better not be a heroine, if you haven’t noticed, we’re armed.”
The heroine Silver Raven burst out laughing as she put her arms around her waist, assuming the position of strength but making her luscious breasts sway in the process. “Your little guns don’t scare me, you thugs!”
“That’s not the gun I’m talking about, you bitch!” The bigger thug spoke with a nasty tone touching his erect penis outside his pants. “This gun right here that’s pointing straight at you”
“Oh hottie, why don’t you shake that bitch ass of yours a little and show us your tits, Huh? The shorter thug spoke, with a sarcastic laugh.
Silver Raven clenched her fists in irritation at the assailant’s sexual innuendos. She then lifted her face and began to speak.
“The only thing I will show you two bad guys is the painful punch of justice!” The heroine said this by jumping straight to the bigger bandit. The latter tried to punch her, but the heroine dodged it easily, with her big breasts swaying and her nice ass putting on a nice show for the people around her. She then after dodging the punch hooked the thug’s punch that threw the thug against the wall, fainting him instantly.
“You damn bitch!” The other bandit roared, pointing his gun in Silver Raven’s direction. The heroine then raised her hand, and her palm began to emanate an intense golden glow. It was then that a gust of energy came out of her hand towards the bandit. The power was strong and it hit him in the chest, throwing it hard into the wall and making the bandit fall face down on the ground, completely knocked out.
The hostages, when watching the great super heroine finishing off the villains, practically jumped for joy, they applauded and thanked her, some even took their cell phones to take some pictures. Silver Raven was even a little embarrassed by all that attention, especially when she saw Bob and Troy taking pictures with their cell phones, the problem was that they weren’t taking pictures of her masked face, but of her beautiful ass practically naked by the costume.
“Congratulations busty, that was impressive. Surely those incredible powers must all be concentrated in those cow tits and that bitch ass.” A thin, irritating voice spoke in an unpleasant manner.
Silver Raven turned to discover the source of the insults and was met with a peculiar figure. It was a very short man, he must have been around one and a half meters, he had light skin and straight copper-colored hair, in addition to wearing a green suit and a bowler hat. She immediately concluded that this was no ordinary man, but the villainous Leprechaun that her friends were talking about in the library. And if it was him it was Silver Raven’s duty to arrest him.
“What it was? You’re looking at me with that piercing gaze, did you fall in love with me by any chance? The Leprechaun questioned with his petulant tone.
Silver Raven didn’t think twice about wasting time by replying, the voluptuous heroine stepped forward and threw a full-throated punch in the Leprechaun’s direction. However, the villain, besides being smart, was powerful, and the moment he was about to take the blow, the little man disappeared, causing Silver Raven to lose her balance with his blow and fall face down on the ground, landing in a humiliating position with her sensual ass pointed. up and offering a privileged view for everyone around.
“Wow, I didn’t know it was already dark, because I can already see the full moon hahaha” The Leprechaun teased while Silver Raven got up from her humiliating position with her face flushed with embarrassment.
“Oh, don’t be like that, sweetie, don’t get me wrong I just like to play with little beginner heroines, they are much more naughty” The Leprechaun teased, licking his lips staring.
Silver Raven was irritated by those taunts and immediately grabbed a chair and threw it towards the villain. The Leprechaun, however, again disappeared teleporting and dodged the blow, but in that the chair ended up hitting a gentleman who was behind him right in the face, knocking the poor man unconscious to the ground.
“Oh my!” Silver Raven exclaimed nervously and regretfully “I’m so sorry, sir.” She spoke a little shy with her inexperience and being so clumsy. “I really didn’t mean to..AHHHHHHHHHH!!!” She was apologizing when she cried out as she felt a painful sting in her ass.
The heroine turned around to see the Leprechaun nipping her hot ass. “Sorry for that, it was totally my fault. I just can’t resist giving such a hot, naked ass a good pinch when I see one.”
Silver Raven’s blood boiled with rage. The heroine again raised her powerful fist, ready to smash this arrogant little leprechaun’s face, but the Leprechaun raised her hand and immediately the heroine’s blow was stopped. Silver Raven watched as her own body was paralyzed, unable to move a muscle. The leprechaun just smiled when he saw the confusion in Silver Raven’s eyes and admired the heroine’s sensual body completely helpless. He then reached up with his other hand, pulling her suit over her ass, as if he were giving her a wedgie, and levitating her into the air.
The suit being pulled up ended up being even tighter than it was before, exposing the contour of her vagina lips being pressed, and if that wasn’t enough the Leprechaun moved his hand from side to side, consequently making the heroine that it was also floating and swaying from right to left, giving an excellent view of her beautiful, large breasts being swayed and almost escaping her tight suit, as she was lifted almost as if she were a puppet on invisible strings.
Silver Raven blew her long silky silver hair out of her face, very annoyed at being treated like a toy by the villain. The heroine then glared at him, with a killer look from her bright yellow eyes, and suddenly spat in the little man’s face.
“Yuck! You disgusting bitch!” The Leprechaun roared as he lost his balance and staggered a little until he stumbled over a table full of cutlery. One of them, however, a silver spoon, touched his skin and generated an unusual reaction in the goblin, who gave a small cry of pain and quickly pulled his hand covering it. He then returned his gaze to the heroine floating above him. “You’re a mannerless slut, aren’t you? Apparently I’ll have to teach you how to behave!” He said this, moving his hands sharply and with that causing Silver Raven to be suddenly thrown against the coffee machines.
She was then thrown with force towards them, breaking the machines with her powerful and robust body, falling to the ground completely soaked in coffee. She then stood up getting into her position of power, with her hands around her waist, staring at the villain with her beautiful blue eyes while her straight and wet golden hair stuck to it dripping a few drops of coffee. But she was surprised to see the Leprechaun staring at her with wide eyes and then giving a nasty chuckle of satisfaction.
“Apparently the little heroine is equipped with a nice pair of missiles! ahahaha” He said delighting in the sight.
Silver Raven was confused by the comment, she looked down at her own coffee-soaked body and was shocked by what she saw. Her large, luscious breasts had escaped the fine lines of her tight, now almost transparent gown, thus showing off her full, glorious breasts and her small, sensitive pink nipples.
“AH, yes I would like hot milk in my coffee hahaha” The Leprechaun teased as Silver Raven fell to her knees quickly covering her breasts, she was red and flushed with embarrassment, her skin was covered in goosebumps and she didn’t even dare to face his eyes. hungry gazes from the people around. She tucked her bare breasts back inside her costume and stood up, her confidence slightly shaken, but with an even greater conviction and rage for the villain.
“That’s enough playing around you little leprechaun, it’s time for me to finish you off once and for all!”
Silver Raven then went after the goblin, she kicked a table towards her, making the Leprechaun jump over her to dodge. He however didn’t notice that this was just a distraction and in a second the heroine was in front of her preparing a punch with all her strength to finally hit him. The Leprechaun, however, had an unusual reaction. Upon seeing the blow, he just smiled and showed no intention of dodging. Silver Raven took the opportunity to land a punch with all her strength in the goblin’s face, finally hitting him squarely.
However, to everyone’s surprise, the heroine staggered back with her sore hand. She stared at her injured hand and was red as if she’d hit a concrete wall, while the Leprechaun cackled in a sadistic manner.
“What is it, princess, did your magic run out?” Silver Raven upon hearing these words finally noticed that her hair was no longer silver as before, but with its natural blonde tone. She then looked trembling with apprehension at her hand only to finally realize that her magic ring was gone. It must have fallen off when she was thrown into the cafe makeups.
The heroine now faced the sadistic villain with a terrified look, without her magic ring granting her super powers the powerful heroine SIlver Raven no longer existed, in her place was only the small and scared Alice, wearing an outfit that left her practically naked and totally defenseless in the hands of the Leprechaun in front of her, and at the mercy of his perverted wills and desires.
Alice’s heart was pounding with apprehension with that unfavorable situation. The masked young woman then decided to do the only thing she could, desperately run towards the broken coffee machines, hoping to find her magic ring. However, the villain would not let the young and helpless heroine simply turn her back on him and run.
When she was running Alice felt her body stop again without her consent, her hands started to levitate and were suddenly pulled back, now her arms were trapped behind her back by the Leprechaun’s telekinesis.
The villain watched with desire as the blonde heroine squirmed trying to get away, making her barely covered breasts sway seductively, making the Leprechaun lick his own lips with desire.
“I thought you were going to finish me off once and for all hahaha” The Leprechaun teased while keeping his eyes on the heroine’s plentiful cleavage “You know, I was hurt when you spat on me and called me “little leprechaun”, it was very impolite of you part, so I think I deserve compensation for being insulted, don’t you? ” He said approaching her ” And I already know exactly what I’m going to want, and it’s going to be a good look at those nice tits you pretend to hide with those bitch clothes”
Alice widened her eyes under her mask. “No, wait, don’t do that, don’t expose my breasts again!”
“Come on. Don’t be shy now, I couldn’t see it well the first time, and after all this is your apology to me for hurting me and I gladly accept it!” He spoke with a macabre tone and a grin from ear to ear as he moved his hands and pulled the strings of the heroine’s neckline, freeing and displaying her beautiful breasts and her deliciously sensitive nipples.
The Leprechaun admired with a gleam in his eye the beautiful and full breasts now bare of the beautiful heroine, these that were white on soft and smooth skin, practically glowing with her beauty, decorated with small pink nipples, these that were hard and sensitive.
“Damn it! These wonders are even more beautiful up close, and look at that.” He spoke approaching her breasts “Your nipples are hard. But what a naughty thing, huh? I think they’re wanting to be squeezed.” The Leprechaun spoke bringing his lusty hands closer to Alice’s poor, helpless nipples.
“Hang on! Don’t do that, please don’t squeeze my nipples!” Alice humiliatingly begged, much to the villain’s amusement.
“Oh, my dear, with this request so dear I will do what you ask. I give you my elf word I didn’t squeeze your beautiful breasts” Alice sighed in relief for a second, only to have her temporary peace taken away ” After all, with cow breasts so delicious like these one squeeze isn’t enough, I’m going to bite those of yours whore nipples!”
Alice despaired when she saw the Leprechaun’s hungry mouth ready to nibble on her helpless nipples, she struggled, but she couldn’t escape the leprechaun’s magical powers, so she did the only thing she had left, she pulled her own neck away and then pushed him back. forward, butting his head as hard as he could into the goblin’s wicked face.
Alice staggered a little with her sore forehead, the blow didn’t hurt the goblin, it just left the road girl’s forehead red and drew some laughs from the villain.
“You got guts girl, I admit it.” He said in a surprisingly respectful way to her “Okay, for your effort I won’t enjoy those big tits for now, after all there are other parts even more fun to play with, and I promised to teach you a lesson for being so impertinent, so let’s get to it!” He said moving his hand in a quick movement to the left and causing Alice to be thrown against a wall, being thrown with her face being pressed into it, leaving her immobile as if she was kept there.
The Leprechaun then walked skipping towards the girl, only to see her humiliating position, but not only that, he was also admiring the costumed girl’s big and sensual ass.
Upon seeing the sensual monument in front of her, he gave a corner of his mouth smile, immediately gathered a leather whip in the palm of his hand and with a perverted look saw Alice’s look of fear on her face pressed against the wall.
“Well, let’s see if this will teach you good manners…