To Protect and Serve

An adult stories – To Protect and Serve by Stories4you4me,Stories4you4me Sam couldn’t sleep, so she got up, threw on a sweater and went to her car. She drove around for a little bit on a quiet road, not really going anywhere, just driving and thinking. She noticed her headlights start flickering, along with the speedometer display, “Oh shit, here we go again.” She remarked, pulling over to the side of the tree lined road.

This had happened multiple times before, and she knew it meant the fuse was about to go out. It was an easy fix, just had to open her door, get the cover off of the fuse panel and replace the blown out fuse. She kept a little container of new ones in the center counsel for her to be back on her way quickly. She pressed on her hazard lights, opened her door and stepped out into the cool night air. She was wearing her black sleep shorts with the matching oversized t-shirt and covered up with a long knitted cardigan. It was dark with few lampposts around, but she had a little flashlight that she used to illuminate the fuse cover. She tugged at the cover, trying to pry it off but it was stuck. “Dammit, Dave.” She cursed her husband’s name. He must have had to replace the fuse last, and snapped the cover back on too tight, or wrong or something.

She tried fighting with it again but it wouldn’t budge. “Great. What am I going to do now?” She wondered out loud. A moment later she saw lights coming down the road behind her, followed by the sound of gravel as the car pulled over behind her. She turned around, putting a hand above her eyes to try to block out some of the light and noticed a familiar looking vehicle.

A man got out of the drivers seat and made his way towards her, walking with confidence. “What happened Sam, you break down?” The man asked her as he walked.

She smiled, recognizing the voice, “Hey Officer Jordan.” She greeted, “Wait, officer or Sheriff? I can never remember, what are you again?”

He stood in front of her with his hands holding onto each side of his vest and chuckled, “I’m Evan, your brother in law. That’s who I am.”

She shook her head and laughed, “Yea thanks for that, smart ass.”

“It’s Deputy Sheriff, just so you know for next time.” He finally answered.

“To answer your question, sherrif, the stupid fuse went out again and I can’t get the panel cover off to change it.”

He tisked and shook his head, “Dave put it on too tight again?” He asked.

“Yea, apparently. It’s probably clipped in wrong somewhere making it stuck.” She explained.

He adjusted his utility belt and she heard the little clinking sounds of the metal pieces hitting, “I can take a crack at it if you’d like?” He offered.

“Yes, please. Otherwise I’ll be stuck out here until the sun comes up.” She replied, leading him back to the open drivers side door. She pointed at the stubborn cover, “That’s the culprit.”

He smirked, “10-4, going in to apprehend.” He replied, playing along. She moved out of his way and let him have at it. He tossed hit hat onto the drivers seat and went down on one knee, trying to leverage his strength into pulling off the cover. His uniform had short sleeves today that showcased his muscles as he struggled with the cover. “Well shit, this sucker’s on tight. I have an idea, how do you push back the drivers seat?” He asked, turning his body slightly to look at her.

“Here, I can do it.” She replied, walking up behind him and hitting the lever, making the seat go all the way back.

When she was done, she stayed close by to see what his idea was, “I think there’s a little give if I can pull it this way more…” he started explaining, leaning part of his body into the drivers area where the seat just was. His face was tense, putting all of his strength into it without trying to break it.

With success, one of the clips popped open, “Yay!” Sam cheered from behind him, “You did it! Now just rip it off. I dont care if it breaks.”

He huffed and stood up, facing her, “Well if I would have known I could have snapped it, I would have done that already.” He said with a chuckle. “No. I’ve got it out this far without it breaking, I’m going to finish the job. I think I have a flat head in my squad. I’ll be right back.” She watched him walk away to his police car and rummage around in the trunk. She hopped up into the drivers seat, tossing his hat to the passenger’s side, to wait for him to come back, “Found it!” He called out, walking back to the drivers side of her car.

“Great! Here, I’ll get out of your way.” She offered, started to shift out of the seat.

He shook his head, “No, no, you’re good there. Stay put.” He assured her. She smiled and scooted back into the seat, leaning over to see him try to pry at the cover. As he worked, he asked her, “So what are you doing driving around this late at night? Everything okay?”

She should have figured this question was coming, being that it was 1 in the morning. She sighed, “Just driving around. I uh, couldn’t sleep and wanted to clear my head, I guess.”

He was able to pop another clip out on the cover when he responded, “Ah. Anything you’d like to talk about? I’m a really good listener. It’s part of my job description.” He looked up at her and flashed a caring smile.

She laughed, having heard some complaints from his wife, Natalie, about his lack of listening. Samantha, aka Sam, is married to Dave, whose sister is Natalie. Natalie is married to Evan, aka Sherrif Jordan. “That’s okay, I don’t want to waste your time.” She told him.

He shrugged, “I mean, this could take me a while to get off. We have time.”

She sat back into her seat, still watching him try to work on the cover without breaking it, “Things have just been weird for a while between me and Dave. I know we’ve been married for less than you and Nat, but it seems like we’re not interested in each other anymore.” She vented to him.

He stopped working and turned his body to face her, “I’m sorry to hear that, Sam. I know that’s a rough patch in any relationship to have to go through, but it’s normal and happens after being together for a while.” He told her, trying to sound sincere.

She chuckled, “How normal is it to not have sex for 8 months and counting?”

Evan had a pained look on his face, “Ouch. Now that’s a really rough patch.” He replied, turning back to the cover. “Although, we’re not far behind you guys.” He added.

She looked down at him with a confused look, “What do you mean?” She asked.

He was able to pop off another clip, “Yes! Now I should be able to shimmy this a bit…” he started saying, moving the cover around until the last clip released.

“Nice job!” Sam complimented, still waiting for him to explain his last comment.

He stood up, handing her the cover, “Nat and I haven’t been intimate in almost 6 months.” He finally told her.

“Oh!” Sam reacted, not expecting to hear that. Nat had told her things about her and Evan’s sex life, great things, and she didnt expect them to be going through something like this.

She reached into the center counsel and pulled out a new fuse. Evan held out his hand, “Let me.” He offered. She dropped the fuse in his hand and let him replace the broken one.

While he searched for the correct fuse, she brought up a suggestion, “Have you tried initiating it while wearing your uniform? I’m sure it couldn’t hurt.”

He laughed at what she had to say, “That’s right, you have a cop fetish.” Is all he responded.

She sat up quickly, “What?! How’d you know about that?” She demanded from him.

He was still laughing, “Natalie gets chatty when she drinks.” He replied, finally finding the right fuse and pulled it out. She remembered that she told her that one night when they were at Evan and Natalie’s house having a bon fire. The kids were all sleeping and the adults were drinking, when the guys left to go get more wood when it came up in conversation.

“Damn, Natalie.” Sam muttered out loud.

Evan had put in the new fuse and held his hand out for Sam to give him the cover. “Unfortunately, even the uniform doesn’t work after so many years in a relationship.” Evan continued, replying to her suggestion.

She gave him the cover and he started carefully snapping it in place. “I’ve begged Dave to role play and get a uniform but he refuses.” Sam shared with him, sounding frustrated.

He stood back up, “Well that should do it. Can you switch on the lights to make sure they work?” He requested from her.

“Mhm.” She replied, leaning forward to turn on the headlights. They flipped on without an issue, “Aye, look at that.” Sam remarked, “Thanks so much for helping me… and for listening.”

He nodded, “It’s been my pleasure, Sam.” He said with a little smile, “Are you heading back home?”

She shrugged, “I don’t know. I dont really want to.” She spun her body, feet facing out of the car to face him. “Any suggestions on where I can go to clear my head?” She asked, looking up at him from her seated position on the drivers seat.

He looked back down at her, “Are you needing somewhere ‘private’ to ‘clear your head’?” He asked her, using air quotes.

Her eyes widened as she blushed, “How did you… oh. Nat?” He smirked and nodded his head.

The night around the campfire, she had told Natalie about the time she was pulled over for speeding. The officer was really attractive and she was able to flirt her way into just getting a warning. She was so turned on by her interaction with the cop, she had to pull off the road to a secluded spot and get herself off before she could continue driving.

Sam buried her face in her hands, “I can’t tell your wife anything anymore.”

He laughed, “Dont worry about it. It’s kind of fun knowing all of these secrets about you.” He replied with a quick wink. “I do know of an area you can go that is dead during this time of night. It’s on my route, if you’d like, you can follow me there. That’ll be easier than trying to give you directions.”

She looked back up at him, trying to decide what she wanted to do. “Sure, that’d be great. Thanks.” She replied, adjusting her seat back closer to the steering wheel. He gave her a polite smile, then shut the door for her. She waited for him to get back to his car and pull out onto the road.

She followed him to a location a few minutes away where she had never been to before. His taillights led the way down a dark road until it opened up to a private boat launching pad. She had found a spot for her to park off in the corner, in a darker section of the parking lot, and turned off her car. She saw him turn his car around and head back towards the exit, so she knew she was alone. ‘Oh my god he knows more than he should about me. Maybe that’s kind of hot though… or is it?’ She wrestled with herself for a bit, knowing he was technically her brother in law and that she shouldn’t think about him like that… then turned to look at the passenger’s seat, “Uh oh, he forgot his hat.” She said, reaching over to grab it.

It was a brown ballcap that read ‘Sheriff’ on it, that she knew all too well being that all of the cops in her area wore a similar hat. As she looked at it, she felt a little stirring, thinking about how good Evan looked in his uniform. She knew he didn’t have toned abs, from the last time they all went to the beach together. He was more muscular with a broad chest, and since he was on the taller side, his weight was distributed evenly. She contemplated if she wanted to go down this thought path of being hot for how he looked tonight, but then figured fuck it. He’s not actually related to her, and he’s not really her type anyways, from what she knows with his parenting technique and hobbies, so it’s not like she was wanting to marry him or anything. Sam put his hat on her head, but it dipped down onto her face a little bit since it was too big.

“Mmm…” she could smell his hair pomade from the hat. It was a sweet, rustic scent that helped keep his short hair styled all through his shift. She leaned her seat back slightly, keeping the hat covering part of her face, and let her hand start wandering over her breasts, lightly pinching her nipples.

He usually had some kind of facial scruff too, she couldn’t even remember the last time she saw him clean shaven, but she liked guys with beards. Tonight he had it trimmed close to his face, like a 5 o’clock shadow. The more she thought about him, in his uniform, and how much he knows about her cop fetish, the wetter she became. Her fingers traveled down her stomach, where they started touching herself over her pj shorts, at first. Then she slid her hand under the waistband, gliding down to feel how wet she was. She moaned lightly, starting to get into a little rhythm when she heard her door quickly open.

“Sam,” an urgent voice spoke. Her hand flew out of her shorts and she sat up, fixing the hat on her head so she could see who interrupted her.

“Evan?! Wha, how… what you are doing here? I thought you left?” She asked in a panic.

“I was, then I had a thought and needed to talk to you.” He answered, walking closer, leaning in the crevice where the door connected to the vehicle. He paused and looked at her, “Is that my hat?” He asked, pointing to her head.

Her heart was racing as she cleared her throat, “Oh, yea, you left it in here from ealier.” She answered, hoping he wasn’t mad.

He smirked, “Was that helping you get off?” He asked.

“How did you know what I was doing?” She quickly retorted back to him.

“I watched you for a moment before I opened your door.” He admitted, then tried gauging her reaction.

She squeezed her eyes close for a second and pressed her lips together, then asked, “So uh, what do you need to talk to me about?” She noticed he looked a little nervous, watching his vest move as he breathed heavily.

“I was thinking, with both of us being in a similar ‘place’, that has no end in sight… I mean, we have needs, right? What if, just for tonight, we help eachother out?” He presented to her.

She stared at him, not expecting to hear him make that kind of suggestion, when her eyes glanced down his body. She saw he had his thumbs clipped onto his utility belt, but under that, she noticed a decent sized bulge starting to form. ‘He had to have gotten turned on from watching me touch myself.’ She thought to herself.

“If you don’t want to and say no, can we pretend this never happened?” He asked, his voice a little shaky, after a few moments too long of silence.

She looked back up to his eyes and breifly bit her lower lip, “Under one condition…” she said, reaching out to hold onto his utility belt. He looked surprised, not knowing what she was going to say next. She sat forward, leaning closer to him, “I want the full cop-on-duty experience. I want to be handcuffed, taken advantage of, the whole nine yards.” She requested, letting go of her grip on his belt and sliding her hand down to rub the growing bulge. “Do we have a deal?” She asked, then bit her lip again, waiting for his reply.

A voice came in over his shoulder radio that she couldn’t understand, “Deputy Sheriff Jordan, 10-7B, I’m heading on break.” he said back into the radio, having accepted her offer, then switched it off. He abruptly grabbed onto her wrist, stopping her from continuing to tease him, catching her off guard. “Ma’am I’m going to need you to exit the vehicle.” He said in his best Deputy voice.

Hearing him say something like that sent tingles throughout her body, “What did I do, officer?” She replied, slowly revealing a grin.

He tugged at her arm, “Distracted driving. I saw you were swirving all over the road back there.” He replied, then added, “And it’s Deputy Sheriff, ma’am.” He moved his grip up to her upper arm and gave her a firm pull, causing her to slip out of her seat.

“Whoa! You’re quite the man handler, Deputy.” She commented after she got her footing on the ground.

“I dont like to be kept waiting.” He replied flatly. He started leading her to his squad, “Up against the car, now.” He demanded, pushing her into the side of his squad car. “Hands up, legs spread, facing the vehicle.” He instructed.

“Like this?” She asked in a raspy voice, following his instructions.

He grabbed onto her hips from behind, then used his foot to push each of her legs out further, “I said legs spread.” He repeated. He pressed himself up against her as she was flat against the side of his car, patting his hands down each of her arms over the sweater sleeves. “Push away from vehicle so I can pat your front.” He instructed next, right next to her face.

She did just that, but he wasn’t pleased with the distance, so he grabbed onto her low messy bun and pulled her head back. She whimpered, having not expected that. Then he placed his mouth right next to her ear and said one word. “More.” She gulped, and pushed out a little more from the vehicle, waiting to see if he approved. He let go of her hair, “Good girl.” He remarked and started patting down the front of her.

She could feel the small pokes from his facial hair in the nook of her neck, breathing onto her skin, giving her goosebumps. He ran his hands down over her shirt, then brought them under, “I need further inspection to make sure you’re not hiding anything illegal under your sweater.” He informed her, raising his hands to her breasts. He paused for a moment when he felt the bottom of her breast, letting the reality set in of what he was about to feel.

He continued, roughly cupping a breast in each hand and giving them a feel, pressing his crotch harder on her ass. Sam let out a little moan, feeling her knees buckle for a moment. Evan had to check himself, remembering the deal they had to give her a full cop experience. He couldn’t let himself get carried away already so he brought his hands out from under her shirt and took a step back.

“Everything okay, Deputy?” She asked, looking behind her shoulder.

He took some deep breaths, collecting himself, then made his way back, “Keep facing forward.” He told her. Kneeling on one knee, he brought himself to finish her pat down on her legs, barely touching her by doing a quick skim. She felt a little disappointed he went so fast on her legs as she was hoping he would have found out she was going commando right then and there.

He cleared his throat, “Turn to face me with your arms held out in front of you.” He instructed, then stood up. She did as he said while he brought out his cuffs, “I’m placing you under arrest for reckless driving.” He informed her while securing the cuffs on her wrists.

She played along with it, “No, Deputy, please. I can’t go to jail, please. I’ll do anything.” She begged.

He huffed, pretending to think about it, “I could get in a lot of trouble for even considering this.” He tsked at her, then grabbed her head and started kissing her.

She grabbed onto his uniform, twisting him around so his back was resting against the car, then pulled away. “You won’t regret it, Deputy.” She told him seductively.

She tried to go back to kissing him but he dodged her lips, “Naw, uh uh.” He scolded. She looked at him confused, not knowing what was happening. He unbuckeld his belt and pants, letting them drop, “Down. Now.” He told her, abruptly pulling down on her arm.

She stumbled down to her knees, and came face to face with his bulging boxer- briefs. She brought her hands up then paused for a moment, knowing she was about to bring out his growing solider. “Staring at it isn’t going to get you out of jail, ma’am.” He told her, then slid down his underwear. She watched as his cock strained down with the waistband of his underwear, then flop straight out, almost hitting her in the face. It looked to be above average, probably 7 inches long, and had a nice girth to it.

She closed her eyes, took a breath, then looked up at Evan; she saw his pained face, waiting for her to do something. He was wondering if she was second guessing the deal they had made and if she was going to put a stop to things before they got too far.

While keeping eye contact, she raised her cuffed hands and wrapped her fingers around his rock hard shaft. She watched his expression change, as he tensed up from her touch, and she started slowly stroking. He groaned and leaned back against his car, closing his eyes, “Ugh, this is the most action I’ve had in so long…” he muttered.

She chuckled to herself and thought, ‘Me too.’ She wanted to take it to the next level and started licking up and down his shaft, twirling her tongue around the head.

“Ohh my goddd!” He moaned as she started sucking his dick. He brought his hand to the back of her head, and held her hair as she sucked him off. His hips started lightly thrusting into her mouth, inching himself further into her mouth each time. “Holy shit, Sam… I mean…” he started saying, realizing he isn’t supposed to know her, “You’re trying hard to get out of going to jail.” He said breathing hard. She hummed ‘mhmm’, still sucking on his cock, letting him feel the vibrations.

He could feel he was about to come but he wasn’t done with her yet so he wrapped his fingers through her hair and pulled her head back. He popped out of her mouth with a strong *pop* sound and she looked up at him. “On your feet.” He said to her, reaching down and pulling his own pants up.

She stood up and he unexpectedly picked her up by the ass and carried her to the front of his car, slamming her down on the hood. She squealed from the abrupt roughness, “My GOD, Evan! You could have dented your car!” She yelled at him, feeling a little pain from the impact.

“Shut up.” He said to her, still in character. That sent shivers down her body and she no longer felt anything except incredibly aroused.

He growled as he pulled her pj shorts off and threw her legs over his shoulders, “Holy fuck…” she remarked as she watched him dip his face down in between her legs. He didn’t waste any time and dug his tongue right into her lips, licking up her wetness that was dripping down her ass.

She gasped when she felt him slip a couple fingers inside, curling them up and pressing against her g- spot. She continued moaning and squirming as he stroked her insides; replacing his tongue with his thumb on her clit. He lifted his head up and watched her eyes close and her face contort into pure pleasure as he pushed her buttons.

A little grin spread on his face, seeing how good he was making her feel. ‘Man, Dave’s an idiot. Not taking more advantage of having sex with his own wife. Fuck, this is hot!’ Evan thought to himself. He snapped out of his thoughts when he noticed her back staring to arch and her legs twitching, realizing she was going to come soon.

“Oh my God, oh my god…” she panted, starting to feel her head buzz.

He leaned forward and told her in a low voice, “Come.”

Hearing that, paired with the movement he was doing on her clit, made her start moaning and breathing louder, “Almost… almost there…” she breathlessly replied.

In a louder voice than before, he added, “That was a fucking order!” and started grinding his fingers harder on her g-spot.

Her body had complied to his demand and she felt it finally hit, “Ahhh! Fuckkkkk!” She screamed out, nearly passing out. He slowed down his fingers, letting her catch her breath until she rode the waves out. “Holy shit, that was amazing. I dont think I’ve ever had an orgasm like that before.” She told him, still feeling a little light headed.

By this time he had already pulled his pants down, then pulled her by her ass, closer to the edge. “Shhh, this isn’t about how great I am at getting you off.” He told her, then broke character to give her a wink. She felt her cheeks blush a little, not knowing why that make her feel a little embarrassed, and gave him a shy smile. He then grabbed onto her cuffs, pulling her up to a sitting position and grabbed onto her chin. “Now it’s time for you to shut up and keep earning that get out of jail card.” He said through gritted teeth, back in character. He kissed her roughly, then pushed her back down.

He grabbed his cock and rubbed it all over her soaking wet pussy, coating his tip with her wetness. Then he latched his grip onto her hips and aligned his tip in between her spread legs. She waited in anticipation for him to make the next move, holding her breath, when he finally thrust himself all the way in. Sam let out a cry as he bottomed out, stretching her out to fit his cock. It had been so long since she had sex, she felt like she was damn near close to a virgin tightness, even after having a couple kids.

Evan pulled back, then pushed in again, and again, getting her accustomed to his size. He reached down and wrapped a hand around her neck, applying light pressure, while holding himself up with his other hand on the hood. As he kept that hand on her, he started pumping deeper and faster, listening to her respond favorably to his dominant hold on her. “Fuck… yes…” he grunted as he watched himself drill into Sam’s pussy.

He looked back up at her, wanting to kiss her but couldn’t in that position, so he pulled on the cuffs once again to bring her off the hood. He slipped his head through her arms so the cuffs were behind his neck, then picked her up in his arms while still inside of her.

“Woo, Deputy.” She remarked, “Wow, you’re fucking strong.” She could see his sweaty muscles shimmer in the moonlight as he held onto her ass, helping her bounce on his dick.

“Kiss me!” He demanded, and she complied, biting down on his bottom lip. He growled into her mouth as they continued kissing, and broke free from her lips. He pushed her back up against the side of her vehicle to help hold her in place as he brought his mouth down to suck on her neck.

“Ohhh, my god… Sheriff. That feels amazing!” She moaned, grinding her hips into him to keep the friction going. “Bite me.” She said, then felt his teeth on her skin, “Harder!” She told him and immediately felt him clamp down into her skin. “Ahhh!” She cried out and threw her head back, getting more turned on from the pain.

“Fuck! I love the way you sound right now!” He told her, then lifted her off of his cock.

He caught Sam off gaurd, “Whoa, what’s happening?” She asked him and watched as he opened the drivers side door. “Wha-” she was about to ask when he abruptly pulled her over and pushed her face down onto the drivers seat. He took no time to slip back inside of her from behind as she was bent over. She arched her back while he held onto her hips, pushing himself inside of her, deep and hard. Her hands were still cuffed but she wanted to rub herself, so she laid her head on the seat and brought her hands down to play with her clit. He was angled just right, his tip brushing against some sensitive spots inside of her and she wanted to get herself to come a second time.

As she rubbed, and he thrusted, her muscles started tightening around his cock, giving him a tigher sensation. “Fuck, I’m about to come.” He warned her.

“Me too.” Sam panted, partially talking into the leather seat. Her hands started moving faster on herself, which got her to climax a moment later, “Oh shittt!” She moaned, moving her head to scream into the seat. Feeling her muscles tighten and pulse around his cock pushed him over the edge and with a final thrust, he let out a grunt and started coming inside of her. He slowly thrusted a couple more times as each stream came out until his balls were empty.

“Holy shit.” Sam remarked, still breathing hard.

“Holy shit!” Evan exclaimed, still coming down from his high. He slowly slid out of her and stumbled backwards to lean against the open driver’s door, pulling his pants back up. He saw Sam still bent over, missing her shorts so he looked around and found them, bringing them back to Sam. She was leaning against the side of the drivers side seat, hands still cuffed, quietly waiting for him.

“Oh shit! Sorry, I’ll get those off.” He started patting around for his utility belt but remembered he left it on the ground, “Uhhh, key… key… key… here it is!” He said, finally finding the key in his utility belt. He walked over and uncuffed her hands, seeing they started digging into her wrists a little, making them bleed. “Oh man, I didn’t realize they were that tight. Shit, I’m sorry, Sam.” He apologized, not making eye contact with her.

“I’m not.” She replied, making him finally look her in the eyes, “That was seriously, amazing. I’m okay with a little pain.” She said as she slid her shorts back on. Sam fixed her hair while Evan secured his utility belt and switched his radio back on. “So uh, what now?” Sam asked him.

He took a deep breath, then they heard a voice come through over his radio, “904, need help on scene.”

He looked at Sam and she smiled at him, “Dispatch- this is Deputy Jordan, responding to the 904.” He said back into the radio.

“Deputy Jordan, sending the address your way.” The voice replied.

“Now, I have to go help with a fire.” He finally answered her. They both smiled at ecahother with the mutual understanding that neither of them would tell a soul what happened.

Evan helped Sam back into the drivers seat, “Better start heading home, Sam. You never know what kind of weirdos are out here at night.” He joked with her. “But hey, see you this weekend for the barbecue!” He added, closing the door for her.

As he started walking back to his cruiser, she started her car and rolled down her window, “Thanks again for your help fixing my car, Deputy!” She called out with a smirk.

He turned to her and gave her a little nod, “To protect and serve, ma’am. That’s our motto. Drive safe!” He replied, returning the flirty smirk, then hopped into his vehicle, turning on the sirens and left.

Sam started her car and sat there, replaying what just happened. She looked down on the passenger’s side floor, leaned over and picked up his hat that he forgot, again. She chuckled and shook her head, “This seems like a good new spot for me to come clear my head for now on.”


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